We are in receipt of your request for additional information posted February 11, 2016, regarding the above referenced file.As we explained in our original response, we have not received any premium from the Third Party Administrator working with Ms [redacted] ’s employerWe are not disputing money has been taken from Ms [redacted] ’s paycheck; we simply have not received any premium payments from the Third Party Administrator.Policies, like Ms [redacted] ’s policy, that are set up as group payroll deduction to collect premium payments are different from policies set up to receive premium directly from the policyholderMs [redacted] ’s employer is ADTADT contracts with a Third Party Administrator, [redacted] , to administer premium deductions and remit to Nationwide.We want to assure Ms [redacted] that her premium has not been applied to an incorrect policy [redacted] has very strict guidelines for confirming the accuracy of premium deductions from ADTAll premium submitted to Nationwide is sent by policy number.We are sorry for any confusion caused by emails/letters showing different pet names linked to Ms [redacted] This was an isolated error and has been resolved.Upon receipt of this request for information, we again reached out to [redacted] and confirmed they have received two $payments from ADT for Ms [redacted] ’s policyBased on [redacted] ’s cut off times for processing, we may not receive this money until the week of February 22, 2016.Underwritten by National Casualty CompanyOnce the premium is received from [redacted] , we will process the refund within twenty four hours and return the funds to Ms [redacted] via check.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our [redacted] , Janice K [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or via email at [redacted] Sincerely,Lynne CH [redacted] ***
We are in receipt of your communication dated February 12, Thank you for the opportunity to respond[redacted] is provided coverage under policy number [redacted] for the policy period 4/1/to 4/1/2018, a standard ISO trucking form written with a $900k self-insured retention limit Until the retention limit is exhausted, all claims are handled directly by [redacted] or their third-party administrator, [redacted] Claims Service.Upon receiving this notice, an investigation was undertaken on our part to identify who, in fact, had the claim in questions [redacted] of [redacted] Claims Service, claim number ***, telephone ###-###-####[redacted] Claims Service has completed their investigation and denied the claim to Mr***The insured driver denies being involved, as the police report states, and the narrative of the police report does not correspond to diagram provided on that reportThis is a word vs word liability case.We are sorry Mr [redacted] is unhappy with the liability decision on his claimWe hope the above explanation brings him a better understanding of how we came to our decision.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Patty G [redacted] at ###-###-#### or via email at ***@nationwide.com.Thank you.Very Truly yours,Luke L***Claims ManagerE&S/Specialty
September 24, Revdex.com File #: [redacted] Complainant: [redacted] *** Insured: [redacted] *** Policy #: [redacted] Company Name: Nationwide General Insurance Company [redacted] Inception date: May 7, Dear [redacted] We regret that our rates were not competitive enough to keep [redacted] auto policy insured with us [redacted] policy increases were a direct result of a rate increase in her area at each renewal The May 7, renewal generated with the term premium of $This was an overall increase of $from the previous renewalThis increase was due to a general rate increaseThe November 7, renewal generated with the term premium of $This was an overall increase of $from the previous renewalThis increase was due to a general rate increase The May 7, renewal generated with the term premium of $ This was an overall increase of $from the previous renewalThis increase was due to a general rate increase [redacted] agent, Albert G [redacted] , is sorry that the member is unhappy with her rates He believes he took good care of her as a customer over the yearsUnfortunately, [redacted] expressed to the agent that she does not wish to speak with him and advised him not to call her On August 6, 2015, [redacted] request cancelled her auto policy effective August 3, A refund was sent to her in the amount of $ Our records indicate that she cashed the refund check on August 26, We would like to personally express our regrets in losing [redacted] as a member and ask that should her situation change in the future, she will consider Nationwide to be “On Your Side” again If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Cathy D [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Tiffany C [redacted] SrAnalyst Member Solutions - Shared Services Customer Resolution & Response Nationwide ###-###-#### Enclosures: Policy Declarations
We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced file.According to our records the checks for the two claims referenced above were returned to our office on October 21, as “ return to sender/insufficient address/unable to forward".Further review of the file found
claim *** *** was received on September 23,and Claim *** was received on September 29, Both claims were processed in accordance with the terms of the policy contractReimbursement checks and Explanation of Benefits for both claims were mailed to Ms*** on October 5, At the time the checks were processed the address on file was:*** *** *** *** *** ** ***We found record that on September 23, 2015, October 17, and October 19, the policyholder accessed her policy through the Policyholder Portal and attempted to update the addressWe show during those attempts the address was amended several times and the apartmetit number added and then dropped.On October 19, Ms*** called and spoke with a representative regarding the status of the claim checks Upon policyholder verification, the representative recognized the apartment number was missing from the address and processed an update to add apartment number “***” to the address.During the call Ms*** advised the representative that she had attempted several times to update her addressShe also advised the representative that the missing apartment number should not have stopped the check from being deliveredAs stated above, the United States Postal Service returned the checks to us as undeliverable.On October 29, the two claim checks identified above were voided and sent to be reprocessed Ms*** will receive payment and Explanation of Benefit's for both under separate cover.It is our business process to allow thirty days from the date of check issuance before we will process a stop pay on the check and reissue if payment is not received by the policyholder During the October 19th call this was explained to Ms***.We would like to address Ms***'s comment that we have access to her account and can easily cancel the checks and refund to her accountThis statement is not accurateOur policy administration system deducts and refunds premium payments only from credit cards or checking accounts All claim payments are made via check.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or via email at ***Sincerely,Ben W*** *** *** *** *** ***
I am writing in response to the complaint referenced aboveIn her complaint, Ms*** states that she hasprovided everything that was requested with regard to her automobile loan with Nationwide Bank.In researching her concerns, I find that, although the loan is in the name of Ms*** alone, the
vehicle used tosecure the loan is titled in her husband's nameWith that, Nationwide Bank is unable to secure a lien on thevehicle as it standsWe have requested multiple times that Mrand Mrs*** visit their local DMV to transfer thetitle into Mrs***'s name, so that a lien can be attached to the vehicle.Following is a portion of the verbiage contained within the CONSUMER LOAN AGREEMENT:On page 2, under the heading INTEREST RATE AND SCHEDULED PAYMENT CHANGES, paragraphtwo: "The unpaid balance of this loan shall, after an Event of Default exists under this Note or anvother agreement related to the loan, be subiect to a default rate of interest equal to 24.990% perannum."On page 2, under the heading COLLATERALISECURITY AGREEMENT, paragraph two: "I agree that Iwill fully cooperate with you in placing and maintaining your security interest or lien in theCollateralI authorize you to file a conforming Financing Agreement or other similar document toperfect your security interest in the CollateralI agree that I will execute any documentsnecessary for you to perfect your security interest or lien, and grant you a power of attorney to fileor execute any document on my behalf that is necessary to obtain or maintain your securityinterest in the Collateral."One page 3, under the heading DEFAULT, item (a): "I do not keep any promise or perform anyobligation under this Note or any other Agreement that I may have with you".The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on Mrs***'s loan was adjusted to 24.99% on October 16, Pleaseknow that, as a courtesy to Mrs***, we changed her (APR) back to the originally approved rate of 4.68% onNovember 2, A check is being mailed to Mrs*** today via two-day delivery in the amount of $75.10.This amount represents the difference between the temporarily increased payment of $and the normalpayment of $We have also extended the due date for Mrs*** to provide Nationwide Bank with a titleshowing the vehicle in her name to December 1, In the absence of our receipt of that title, the APR will besubject to changing to 24.990% on December 1, 2017.Additionally, this circumstance will not have any direct impact to Mrs***'s credit reportingNegative reportingto credit reporting agencies would only take place in the event of latelmissing payments to the loan.Please feel free to reach out to me directly, using the contact information shown below if I may be of furtherassistance.Thank you,Anne LC***SrAnalystlMember Experience Team
Nationwide has not addressed my concern, which is that they are using contractors who are not bonded and insured because they are unwilling to pay for qualified contractors The first contractor they provided from their preferred providers list uses subcontractors to do the work I was not able to find any information on the Internet about the subcontractor he chose to do the work except that he was not bonded or insured I found that information on *** ***, but *** *** did not provide any other information about him I even called *** *** to ask for more information I told the contractor about this and he said the subcontractor was bonded and insured and that he would email documents to me to prove it The document he eventually sent to me was for himself, not for the subcontractor who would be doing the work and it was only for liability insurance, which wouldn't help with worksite medical claims I asked him again about the subcontractor, and he sent me documents to show that some other subcontractor had insurance but no information about bonding I don't know why he sent me information about a different subcontractor He had never said the new one would be doing the work and the new contractor's name did not indicate any connection with the siding industry In any case, the new subcontractor was not bonded I complained to Nationwide and they said they did not have any other preferred contractors, but not long afterwards, they called and had a new contractor on the phone This time, it was a company that does crime scene cleaning It was apparent at this point that Nationwide was dealing with unqualified contractors to save money, so I said I would find a contractor on my own On March 21, 2016, I got a letter with a new estimate, this time for metal siding, which is what I need to match the other three sides of my house The previous estimate had been for plastic siding even though the insurance estimator knew that I had metal siding on my house In any case, the new estimate includes this comment, "The payment is for the actual cash value of property covered by your policy less the deductible The actual cash value is the amount the actual property items are worth now less the depreciation You may be eligible for additional payment because your policy includes replacement cost coverage." First, there was no payment with this estimate Second, why wouldn't the payment based on my coverage? In fact, the letter says I "may" be eligible for more money, not that I am It is apparent that I am going to have trouble getting Nationwide to pay what it actually costs to have a bonded and insured contractor repair my siding I have an appointment with a contractor I selected next Monday I shouldn't have this kind of aggravation over an insurance claim Nationwide would have no difficulty selecting a bonded and insured contractor for their preferred provider list There are a number of them available in this area If they used such contractors, the siding that was blown off by the storm would have been replaced two months ago
Regards, *** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me Nationwide, as my pets insurance company, followed through and resolved my situation.I am satisfied!
*** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the follow up response from the Revdex.com regarding policy for *** ***. Ms*** spoke with Charity W*** on June concerning our oringnal response dated June 19th 2017. Ms*** faxed over a copy of *** Registration Renewal ApplicationCharity W*** advised that the document would be sent to underwriting for review to see if the policy could be back dated to October A business decision was made that the *** Registration Renewal Application was not acceptable proof to back date the policy past days unless the customer could show that they were not in possession of the vechile at that timeAn example of proof would be a bill of saleAn option was given to Ms*** that the policy could be back dated back to March 8th along with a signed cancel requestThe offer is still available for Ms*** and she would need to contact our service center at to intiate that reqeuest. If you require further assistance, please contact me, Charity W***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Jillian J***
This letter is in response to the complaint received by the Company from your office regarding a collection amount owed for Mr***.In reviewing our files, we were not able to identify a policy starting effective June 13, or a collection amount owed for the exact amount of $as
referenced by Mr***The information provided is for the only previously active policy found for Mr***, Auto policy *** ***The Auto policy referenced above was written with an original inception effective date of June 30, by a local agency, *** *** * *** ***, on June 30, The policy had effective dates of June 30, to June 30, and included a Honda Civic with mailing and garaging address location of *** * *** *** *** ** ***, and a full-term premium of $2,The policy originally included a multi-policy discount to indicate that Mr*** had a Homeowner and Auto policy with the CompanyAn initial down payment was received by Mr*** for $on June 30, to bind coverage for the policyA new business policy packet, including declarations, was sent to Mr*** on July 1, to the address on file with the CompanyThis referenced the coverage in place for the insured vehicle effective June 30, 2015.On August 3, 2015, the Company identified that Mr*** did not actually have a Homeowner policy to qualify the Auto policy for a multi-policy discountAs a result, the multi-policy discount was removed on that date, using the effective date of June 30, This increased the full-term premium on the policy by $to a total of $3,An amended policy, including updated declarations, was sent to the address on file on August 4, to advise of the change made and the new full-term premium for the policy.The billing account for the policy was setup to have payments drafted from a checking account provided by Mr*** using the recurring electronic funds transfer (REFT) payment methodA notice was sent by mail to Mr*** using the address on file on July 1, to confirm enrollment of REFT payment method and advising of a monthly payment of $beginning on July 30, (or the next business day)A bill was sent by mail to the address on file on July 7, to advising of the first payment to be draftedThis payment attempt was returned by the financial institution on August 4, advising that the bank account had insufficient fundsA notice of cancellation was sent by mail on August 6, to advise the payment attempt from July 30, had been returned and that a payment of at least $279.50, including a $non-sufficient funds (NSF) fee, needed to be received by the Company by August 17, The notice advised that the policy would cancel effective at 12:AM on August 18, if payment was not received by that dateNo payment was received, so the policy cancelled as advised on the notice of cancellation.When the policy cancellation processed, a remaining balance of $was owed to pay the policyup to the cancellation effective date of August 18, The total amount owed, including the $30.00NSF fee, for coverage from June 30, to August 18, was $vs total paymentsreceived of $A final bill for $and a due date of September 14, was sent to theaddress on file on August 25, to advise of the remaining balance owed.Mr*** called the Company’s customer service department on August 29, and spoke totwo different service representativesHe provided the policy number of *** *** when hecalled the CompanyMr*** called the Company again on September 5, and spoke toanother service representativeIn reviewing these calls, Mr*** stated that he had a problemwith his account and asked what amount was dueMr*** was notified that the policy wascancelled effective August 18, for non-payment and of the remaining balance owed of $283.82.It was also advised that the policy could be reinstated with a lapse with a payment of $Mr.*** requested to have proof of insurance sent to him by e-mail, which the servicerepresentative agreed to sendThe service representative noted that the policy was still cancelledeffective August 18, 2015, and Mr*** stated he understoodIt was advised that Mr.*** had approximately days from August 18, to pay the amount of $before itwould be referred to a collection agencyThere was no mention of the Auto policy beingunauthorized or any dispute regarding the amount owed during these calls, and no other calls to theCompany were locatedThe account balance was referred to Credit Collection Services (CCS) dueto payment of $not being received by the Company as requested.The Company was notified of payments received by CCS for $on October 25, and $94.61on January 24, This left a remaining balance owed of $as of January 24, 2017.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, JaniceK***, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Joel F*
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** *** Below is the information we gathered regarding this case. If I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let us know
Regarding Mr***’s statement that he was not given several coverage options:
After speaking with his agent regarding adding comprehensive and collision to his vehicle, Mr*** was given two options to which he stated he could not afford eitherHe then advised his agent that he would like to have liability only on his vehicleHis agent complied with his request
Regarding Mr***’s statement to his agent that he would have to sell his car if they didn’t have a collision deductible he could afford:
The number of coverage options offered to a member does not constitute an agency errorThe *** *** agency has no way of knowing what each of their clients consider “affordable”, therefore they offered Mr*** the $and $deductible amounts they customarily offer their clientsWe did not find the *** *** agency was in any way responsible for Mr***s choice of coverageUltimately, it was Mr***’s decision to have liability only for his vehicle
Again, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We trust this will resolve all pending concerns
If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Cathy D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***
Derrick H***
*** *** *** *** *** ***
letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on February 8,
",sans-serif>Regarding the claim Ms*** reported to her auto policy,
we have reviewed with her in detail the coverage provisions as stated in her
policy. Specifically, Ms*** asked
to be placed in a rental vehicle during the claim process. A review of her policy finds that Ms***
did not elect rental car coverage when she initiated the policy. Mr*** has also voiced concern for her
safety and that she wants to have the door locks replaced to the vehicle. Because a direct loss or damage did not occur
to her vehicle, coverage is not extended under the terms of the policy.
Ms*** had her vehicle towed to a
dealership in order to have keys made for it.
Under the provisions of her policy, the tow was covered at no cost to
her. In addition, because the keys were
stolen, her policy will reimburse to have her keys replaced. Ms*** carries a $1,deductible on her
auto policy. Because she carries the
Allied Extra Coverage endorsement, only one deductible will apply between her
Homeowner and Auto policies. Therefore,
Ms*** will be reimbursed for the set of keys she already had replaced as
well as the cost to replace the spare set without the application of a
regard to the time delays of her homeowner policy claim, there are several
factors. At the time her claim was
reported, we offered to send out one of our preferred vendors to assist in
emergency repairs to her home for immediate security, and completing an
estimate of damage for permanent repairs.
Ms*** accepted this offer initially, and temporary board up was
completed. Later, she stated she would
gather estimates from other contractors prior to making a decision on who she
would use for the permanent repairs. On
January 29, 2016, she became frustrated when her new door had not been ordered
for replacement. We advised her that
since she had not signed a contract with a contractor, no replacement door
could be ordered.
February 9, 2016, we had a field adjuster inspect her property to determine the
total extent of damage to her home from the break in. The inspection results would help us move the
claim along quickly when she presented her contractor estimates for review. On February 12, 2016, Ms*** advised she
would like to use our preferred vendor for the repairs after all. She had too much going on to gather other
bids. Now that she has made a decision,
we should be able to move forward with her claim in a timelier manner
If you
require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Gerrie H***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
L*** Selena
Good afternoon MsMcLaughlin.Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the claim involving *** ***. Attached is our response to your inquiry. Please let me know if you have any additional questionsThank you,Claire S***, *** Thank you for
giving us an opportunity to review and respond to Ms*** concerns as submitted to your office. We received notice of Mrand Ms*** loss on May 27, and Claims Specialist, Dan Z*** inspected and settled the loss on June 12, 2016, which is just over two weeks after we were notified of the loss. We contacted the member again on May 31, June and June to notify them of de***ed inspection time. While this time to inspect is longer than we would desire for any of our members, we understood that the member had temporary repairs completed to prevent further damage until an assessment could be made. On June 24, 2016, our member’s agent contacted Claims Manager, Mike C*** to inform us that the member had a higher estimate of repair. Upon review of the bid, it was determined that the bid allowed for replacement of the entire metal roof for which there was no wind damage observed during our June 12, inspection. MrZ*** informed the agent of this on June 29, and that no adjustment would be made. On July 12, the member’s agent, Sherri Linton contacted MrC*** again. MrC*** contacted our member’s contractor and the contractor agreed to itemize the estimate so that we could better understand why the bid was higher than what we had estimated for. On July 28, MrC*** received invoices from the member’s contractor which confirmed that the entire metal roof was replaced. MrC*** inquired if any additional photos were taken prior to the repair to support there was wind damage beyond what was observed by MrZ*** in which the contractor indicated there were not. MrC*** spoke with the member and offered to consider an engineer to evaluate wind damage to the metal roof though the roof had been replaced at this time, however discussion with the engineer determined that the report would be inconclusive if metal is no longer on shed. Upon contact with our member to notify of the same, the member stated that non-damaged panels were replaced to prevent leaking. On August 16, 2016, MrC*** updated the Nationwide estimate to include for Removing and Replacing the area above the damaged insulation, labor for the temporary repairs and allowance for the crane equipment. The total of the estimate before the $1,deductible was applied was $2,which is more then half of the contractor’s bid of $4,423.00. While a new adjuster did not complete a subsequent inspection as the member may have requested, we did make another review of the loss and make appropriate adjustments. We regret that we’ve fallen short of Mrand Ms*** expectations; however our review of the file supports that the member has been compensated for the covered wind damages to their property that occurred on this date of loss and that the remaining out of pocket expenses were incurred for repairs that went beyond the extent of damages If you require any additional information on this complaint please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Claire S***, at ###-###-#### or *** Sincerely, Erin M***Associate Director, ClaimsAllied Property & Casualty Insurance Company ###-###-####***
This is in response to the complaint filed by *** *** dated March 3,2017.Ms*** indicated she is getting insurance quotes and was informed that Nationwide reportedshe had at fault claimsOur records indicate these we not at fault accidents.Enclosed you will find Letters of Experience for
each claimThey show she was not at-fault andshould assist her with her insurance quotes.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator,Dawn H***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Erica C***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr***’s inquiry.With respect to a motor vehicle diminution in market value claim, Nationwide’s understanding is that the law is as follows:The plaintiff’s actual property damages are equal to the difference between the fair market value of the property
immediately before it was damaged and its fair market value immediately after it was damagedThe fair market value of any property is the amount which would be agreed upon as a fair price by an owner who wishes to sell, but is not compelled to do so, and a buyer who wishes to buy, but is not compelled to do soEvidence of estimates of the cost to repair and the actual cost of repairing the damage to the plaintiff’s property may be considered in determining the difference in fair market value immediately before and immediately after the damage occurred.Nationwide tendered full payment for returning Mr***’s vehicle to its pre-accident appearance and functionalityThe vehicle was inspected by a Nationwide employee after the repairs were completed to Mr***’s satisfactionIt is also of Nationwide's opinion, based on our re-inspection; that the vehicle was repaired in accordance with industry accepted standards.Nationwide evaluates all requests for diminution of value in a consistent mannerWe consider all factors including year, make, model, mileage, vehicle condition, market conditions and vehicle desirability in the marketplace when evaluating any diminution of value claimBased on the information we have at this time, we feel that Mr***’s Ford Mustang has sustained $in diminution of value.We trust this will resolve all pending concernsHowever, if you have any further questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Paul G*** *** *** *** ***
Not everything that was ruined from the water damage is being taken care of by Nationwide I have let companies into my home to do their tests as requested by Nationwide One was a mold inspector, one was an engineer, one was a contractor all of Nationwides choosing I have not gotten any of the reports back.I will be sending pictures via email so you can look at them Nationwide is only wanting to replace the bottom kitchen cabinets, when the floors need to be replaced and new dry wall and new base board, along with the cabinets In the bathroom, the cabinet is completely ruined, it needs to be replaced, along with the flooring, tub, all dry wall, and tiles, in the living room, new dry wall needs to be put up, and new base boards need to be put up.In Nationwides proposal, they are only going to replace the bottom kitchen cabinets, my home was built in 1970, I don't think I am going to be able to replace them with something like what I have in there now They also said the floor in the kitchen does not need to be taken care of, there was so much water on the floor in the kitchen, the blue tiles have bleed onto the white and where the water has sat on the grout, it has made holes in the grout and water has gotten under them.As I said in my previous email, I just want what was damaged from the water replaced, I have paid my homeowners insurance for over years just as they requested Now that I am trying to use the homeowners insurance, they do not want to pay for what needs to be fixed.Pictures will be sent from my cell phone
Deneen Crutcher
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** *** I have reviewed this claim file and would like to address Ms*** concernsIf I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let me know.Our insured, *** ***, has
a personal lines auto policy.On May 10, 2017, *** *** was driving the insured’s ***, when she changed lanes and struck a *** Sentra, driven by *** ***The damage was extensive enough to consider the *** to be a total loss.A referral was made with Mr*** to have his vehicle inspected at an On Your Side Shop for NationwideOnce there, it was determined to be a total loss and Mr*** drove it homeCesar G***, a Diverse Market Team Claims Representative, received the claim to handle the total loss with Mr***.Nationwide’s procedure on inspection is once it’s determined to be a total loss at an On Your Side Shop, a referral is then made for a local representative with Nationwide to re inspect the vehicle to verify the determination and run the valuation for settlementIt was found that the vehicle was no longer at the shop and was located at Mr*** addressIt is then customary to move the vehicle to *** *** ***, to have photos uploaded and sent to a representative at Nationwide to finish the total loss process and run the valuation.On May 24, MrG*** called Mr*** and advised of moving the vehicle to *** *** ***, so the inspection and valuation could be completedMr*** agreed to the release and the vehicle was then moved.On May 25, Melanie *** called MrG*** and asked why the vehicle had been picked up with out her consentMrG*** explained the prior conversation to her in which permission was given to him to move the vehicleMs*** requested the vehicle to be returned to her when the valuation is completedMrG*** agreed to deliver the vehicle back to her, and cancelled the inspection request for *** and arranged for a local representative to come to their residence to complete this inspection.On May 31, Ms*** called *** ***, Claims Representative, upset with MrG*** andthe handling of her vehicle and requested to deal with a new adjuster.The vehicle inspection was completed and a valuation was runThe claim was then re assigned toVictoria D***, Claims Representative to handle the total loss settlementOn June 5, settlement wasreached with Ms*** to owner retain the vehicle, along with paying days of loss of use beingdown the vehicle for inspections and suchPayment will be made upon receipt of a copy of the title.Based on my review, no errors were made on this claimHowever, I am sorry that the outcome wasnot satisfactory to Ms***We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand thatsometimes we are unable to do soWe apologize for any confusion or frustration that may have beencaused in the handling of the claimIf you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matterfurther, please feel free to call me.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, ChristineG***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,Nan Q***Claims Specialist III
This letter is in response to the concerns of Mr*** in regards to his final bill after the cancellation of his Nationwide Auto policy.In review of the account, the remaining balance was caused by the backdated removal of the Smartride discountThis discount removal occurred in error, and the
discount was therefore re-addedHowever, when it was re-added the discount did so as if the trial needed to be redone, as opposed to the earned discount when the insured completed the trialThe participation discount is less than the completed trial discount, which meant the credit that hit the account was less than it should have beenWe sincerely apologize for this errorWe are writing off the remainder of the increase that occurred when the discount was removedThis will clear Mr***’s balanceTo assist in further explaining the billing actions on Mr***’s account, attached please find a billing account breakdown.All balances get turned over to collections after days, and the policy was cancelled December 31, Because of this, we have contacted the collection company we use, ***, and had them clear the balance from their endThis has not been reported against Mr***’s credit and will have no impact to his credit scoring as the balance is now cleared.In regards to other insurers contacting the member, we cannot effect other companies and their marketingHowever, in regards to Nationwide, we have updated our marketing department and had Mr***’s information removed along with having him placed on our Do Not Contact listHe will receive no marketing material or calls from Nationwide.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,Jeremy B***
Mrs***’s issue deals with the damages surrounding an auto accident, which occurred on 3/9/15, in which her vehicle was struck in the rear by a Nationwide insured. Mrs*** is also a Nationwide policyholder, but in relation to this accident we addressed her damages
from a third party perspective. Shortly after the date of loss, a property damage estimate was established and Mrs*** was compensated based on that estimate. The damages which were isolated to the rear of her vehicle totaled $586.85. Several weeks afterward, she contacted the MD Specialist, Chris S***, and advised him that her vehicle now had engine damage, which she felt was related to the loss. MrS*** met with the claimant and her mechanic to reinspect the vehicle on April 14th. At that time, she was advised that in order to determine whether or not the damages were related to the loss, she would have to authorize, at her expense, a tear down of the vehicle to determine the actual cause of the damage. She was also advised that if it was determined the damages were the result of the impact Nationwide would address the additional damages. On May 8th, Mrs*** contacted us to advise that she had spoken to her mechanic and that he said there was no way to determine what the nature of the damages was and that the engine needed to be replaced. At that point we advised Mrs*** again that in order to address the issue, she would have to authorize the tear down to determine the cause and allow us to reinspect the vehicle. She refused to do so stating that there was "no question that it was related and we should pay for the damage". In subsequent conversations with Mrs***, we've reiterated our position, but she has yet to authorize a tear down of the vehicle or provide any additional or new information to substantiate her claim. I contacted Mrs*** again today to confirm if she has taken any additional steps to diagnose the damage to her vehicle and she confirmed that she has not. She still feels that the additional damages, although the cause or severity is not documented, are related to the rear end impact and, as such, the responsibility of Nationwide. At that point, I again reiterated our previous position and invited her to provide documentation to substantiate her loss. Unfortunately, she still refuses to do so. Regarding the allegation of lack of follow up, she stated that she has followed up with her agent requesting a refund of premium under her personal auto policy and they have yet to follow through. She could provide no specific detail regarding claims associates who have failed to respond. It appears her perception of the delay deals with the fact that we have not agreed, at this point, to compensate her for the additional damagesI advised her during our call today that the issue regarding her premium should be addressed directly with her agent. We have personally called the agent and advised *** ***, agent, of Mrs***’s concerns. She ended the phone call by stating that she would not let the issue drop and that she would consider pursuing legal action against Nationwide.
We have clearly and concisely advised Mrs*** that there is no indication that our insured would be legally liable for the damages to her vehicle’s engine. We have compensated her in the amount of $586.85, for the property damage to the rear of her vehicle, but have also advised her that if/when she chooses to allow a qualified mechanic to tear down and assess the cause of the damage to her engine, we will be willing to reinspect the vehicle and address any additional accident related damages. However, at this point we can not honor her request to consider her vehicle a total loss or to pay her an additional sum of $4000.00. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information or have questions.
Timothy BB***
*** *** ***
I never recieved any bills from nationwide on a balance due until they saw it fit to give the bill over to a collections agency Regards, [redacted]
We are in receipt of your request for additional information posted February 11, 2016, regarding the above referenced file.As we explained in our original response, we have not received any premium from the Third Party Administrator working with Ms [redacted] ’s employerWe are not disputing money has been taken from Ms [redacted] ’s paycheck; we simply have not received any premium payments from the Third Party Administrator.Policies, like Ms [redacted] ’s policy, that are set up as group payroll deduction to collect premium payments are different from policies set up to receive premium directly from the policyholderMs [redacted] ’s employer is ADTADT contracts with a Third Party Administrator, [redacted] , to administer premium deductions and remit to Nationwide.We want to assure Ms [redacted] that her premium has not been applied to an incorrect policy [redacted] has very strict guidelines for confirming the accuracy of premium deductions from ADTAll premium submitted to Nationwide is sent by policy number.We are sorry for any confusion caused by emails/letters showing different pet names linked to Ms [redacted] This was an isolated error and has been resolved.Upon receipt of this request for information, we again reached out to [redacted] and confirmed they have received two $payments from ADT for Ms [redacted] ’s policyBased on [redacted] ’s cut off times for processing, we may not receive this money until the week of February 22, 2016.Underwritten by National Casualty CompanyOnce the premium is received from [redacted] , we will process the refund within twenty four hours and return the funds to Ms [redacted] via check.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our [redacted] , Janice K [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or via email at [redacted] Sincerely,Lynne CH [redacted] ***
We are in receipt of your communication dated February 12, Thank you for the opportunity to respond[redacted] is provided coverage under policy number [redacted] for the policy period 4/1/to 4/1/2018, a standard ISO trucking form written with a $900k self-insured retention limit Until the retention limit is exhausted, all claims are handled directly by [redacted] or their third-party administrator, [redacted] Claims Service.Upon receiving this notice, an investigation was undertaken on our part to identify who, in fact, had the claim in questions [redacted] of [redacted] Claims Service, claim number ***, telephone ###-###-####[redacted] Claims Service has completed their investigation and denied the claim to Mr***The insured driver denies being involved, as the police report states, and the narrative of the police report does not correspond to diagram provided on that reportThis is a word vs word liability case.We are sorry Mr [redacted] is unhappy with the liability decision on his claimWe hope the above explanation brings him a better understanding of how we came to our decision.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Patty G [redacted] at ###-###-#### or via email at ***@nationwide.com.Thank you.Very Truly yours,Luke L***Claims ManagerE&S/Specialty
September 24, Revdex.com File #: [redacted] Complainant: [redacted] *** Insured: [redacted] *** Policy #: [redacted] Company Name: Nationwide General Insurance Company [redacted] Inception date: May 7, Dear [redacted] We regret that our rates were not competitive enough to keep [redacted] auto policy insured with us [redacted] policy increases were a direct result of a rate increase in her area at each renewal The May 7, renewal generated with the term premium of $This was an overall increase of $from the previous renewalThis increase was due to a general rate increaseThe November 7, renewal generated with the term premium of $This was an overall increase of $from the previous renewalThis increase was due to a general rate increase The May 7, renewal generated with the term premium of $ This was an overall increase of $from the previous renewalThis increase was due to a general rate increase [redacted] agent, Albert G [redacted] , is sorry that the member is unhappy with her rates He believes he took good care of her as a customer over the yearsUnfortunately, [redacted] expressed to the agent that she does not wish to speak with him and advised him not to call her On August 6, 2015, [redacted] request cancelled her auto policy effective August 3, A refund was sent to her in the amount of $ Our records indicate that she cashed the refund check on August 26, We would like to personally express our regrets in losing [redacted] as a member and ask that should her situation change in the future, she will consider Nationwide to be “On Your Side” again If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Cathy D [redacted] , at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Tiffany C [redacted] SrAnalyst Member Solutions - Shared Services Customer Resolution & Response Nationwide ###-###-#### Enclosures: Policy Declarations
We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced file.According to our records the checks for the two claims referenced above were returned to our office on October 21, as “ return to sender/insufficient address/unable to forward".Further review of the file found
claim *** *** was received on September 23,and Claim *** was received on September 29, Both claims were processed in accordance with the terms of the policy contractReimbursement checks and Explanation of Benefits for both claims were mailed to Ms*** on October 5, At the time the checks were processed the address on file was:*** *** *** *** *** ** ***We found record that on September 23, 2015, October 17, and October 19, the policyholder accessed her policy through the Policyholder Portal and attempted to update the addressWe show during those attempts the address was amended several times and the apartmetit number added and then dropped.On October 19, Ms*** called and spoke with a representative regarding the status of the claim checks Upon policyholder verification, the representative recognized the apartment number was missing from the address and processed an update to add apartment number “***” to the address.During the call Ms*** advised the representative that she had attempted several times to update her addressShe also advised the representative that the missing apartment number should not have stopped the check from being deliveredAs stated above, the United States Postal Service returned the checks to us as undeliverable.On October 29, the two claim checks identified above were voided and sent to be reprocessed Ms*** will receive payment and Explanation of Benefit's for both under separate cover.It is our business process to allow thirty days from the date of check issuance before we will process a stop pay on the check and reissue if payment is not received by the policyholder During the October 19th call this was explained to Ms***.We would like to address Ms***'s comment that we have access to her account and can easily cancel the checks and refund to her accountThis statement is not accurateOur policy administration system deducts and refunds premium payments only from credit cards or checking accounts All claim payments are made via check.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or via email at ***Sincerely,Ben W*** *** *** *** *** ***
I am writing in response to the complaint referenced aboveIn her complaint, Ms*** states that she hasprovided everything that was requested with regard to her automobile loan with Nationwide Bank.In researching her concerns, I find that, although the loan is in the name of Ms*** alone, the
vehicle used tosecure the loan is titled in her husband's nameWith that, Nationwide Bank is unable to secure a lien on thevehicle as it standsWe have requested multiple times that Mrand Mrs*** visit their local DMV to transfer thetitle into Mrs***'s name, so that a lien can be attached to the vehicle.Following is a portion of the verbiage contained within the CONSUMER LOAN AGREEMENT:On page 2, under the heading INTEREST RATE AND SCHEDULED PAYMENT CHANGES, paragraphtwo: "The unpaid balance of this loan shall, after an Event of Default exists under this Note or anvother agreement related to the loan, be subiect to a default rate of interest equal to 24.990% perannum."On page 2, under the heading COLLATERALISECURITY AGREEMENT, paragraph two: "I agree that Iwill fully cooperate with you in placing and maintaining your security interest or lien in theCollateralI authorize you to file a conforming Financing Agreement or other similar document toperfect your security interest in the CollateralI agree that I will execute any documentsnecessary for you to perfect your security interest or lien, and grant you a power of attorney to fileor execute any document on my behalf that is necessary to obtain or maintain your securityinterest in the Collateral."One page 3, under the heading DEFAULT, item (a): "I do not keep any promise or perform anyobligation under this Note or any other Agreement that I may have with you".The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on Mrs***'s loan was adjusted to 24.99% on October 16, Pleaseknow that, as a courtesy to Mrs***, we changed her (APR) back to the originally approved rate of 4.68% onNovember 2, A check is being mailed to Mrs*** today via two-day delivery in the amount of $75.10.This amount represents the difference between the temporarily increased payment of $and the normalpayment of $We have also extended the due date for Mrs*** to provide Nationwide Bank with a titleshowing the vehicle in her name to December 1, In the absence of our receipt of that title, the APR will besubject to changing to 24.990% on December 1, 2017.Additionally, this circumstance will not have any direct impact to Mrs***'s credit reportingNegative reportingto credit reporting agencies would only take place in the event of latelmissing payments to the loan.Please feel free to reach out to me directly, using the contact information shown below if I may be of furtherassistance.Thank you,Anne LC***SrAnalystlMember Experience Team
Nationwide has not addressed my concern, which is that they are using contractors who are not bonded and insured because they are unwilling to pay for qualified contractors The first contractor they provided from their preferred providers list uses subcontractors to do the work I was not able to find any information on the Internet about the subcontractor he chose to do the work except that he was not bonded or insured I found that information on *** ***, but *** *** did not provide any other information about him I even called *** *** to ask for more information I told the contractor about this and he said the subcontractor was bonded and insured and that he would email documents to me to prove it The document he eventually sent to me was for himself, not for the subcontractor who would be doing the work and it was only for liability insurance, which wouldn't help with worksite medical claims I asked him again about the subcontractor, and he sent me documents to show that some other subcontractor had insurance but no information about bonding I don't know why he sent me information about a different subcontractor He had never said the new one would be doing the work and the new contractor's name did not indicate any connection with the siding industry In any case, the new subcontractor was not bonded I complained to Nationwide and they said they did not have any other preferred contractors, but not long afterwards, they called and had a new contractor on the phone This time, it was a company that does crime scene cleaning It was apparent at this point that Nationwide was dealing with unqualified contractors to save money, so I said I would find a contractor on my own On March 21, 2016, I got a letter with a new estimate, this time for metal siding, which is what I need to match the other three sides of my house The previous estimate had been for plastic siding even though the insurance estimator knew that I had metal siding on my house In any case, the new estimate includes this comment, "The payment is for the actual cash value of property covered by your policy less the deductible The actual cash value is the amount the actual property items are worth now less the depreciation You may be eligible for additional payment because your policy includes replacement cost coverage." First, there was no payment with this estimate Second, why wouldn't the payment based on my coverage? In fact, the letter says I "may" be eligible for more money, not that I am It is apparent that I am going to have trouble getting Nationwide to pay what it actually costs to have a bonded and insured contractor repair my siding I have an appointment with a contractor I selected next Monday I shouldn't have this kind of aggravation over an insurance claim Nationwide would have no difficulty selecting a bonded and insured contractor for their preferred provider list There are a number of them available in this area If they used such contractors, the siding that was blown off by the storm would have been replaced two months ago
Regards, *** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me Nationwide, as my pets insurance company, followed through and resolved my situation.I am satisfied!
*** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the follow up response from the Revdex.com regarding policy for *** ***. Ms*** spoke with Charity W*** on June concerning our oringnal response dated June 19th 2017. Ms*** faxed over a copy of *** Registration Renewal ApplicationCharity W*** advised that the document would be sent to underwriting for review to see if the policy could be back dated to October A business decision was made that the *** Registration Renewal Application was not acceptable proof to back date the policy past days unless the customer could show that they were not in possession of the vechile at that timeAn example of proof would be a bill of saleAn option was given to Ms*** that the policy could be back dated back to March 8th along with a signed cancel requestThe offer is still available for Ms*** and she would need to contact our service center at to intiate that reqeuest. If you require further assistance, please contact me, Charity W***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Jillian J***
This letter is in response to the complaint received by the Company from your office regarding a collection amount owed for Mr***.In reviewing our files, we were not able to identify a policy starting effective June 13, or a collection amount owed for the exact amount of $as
referenced by Mr***The information provided is for the only previously active policy found for Mr***, Auto policy *** ***The Auto policy referenced above was written with an original inception effective date of June 30, by a local agency, *** *** * *** ***, on June 30, The policy had effective dates of June 30, to June 30, and included a Honda Civic with mailing and garaging address location of *** * *** *** *** ** ***, and a full-term premium of $2,The policy originally included a multi-policy discount to indicate that Mr*** had a Homeowner and Auto policy with the CompanyAn initial down payment was received by Mr*** for $on June 30, to bind coverage for the policyA new business policy packet, including declarations, was sent to Mr*** on July 1, to the address on file with the CompanyThis referenced the coverage in place for the insured vehicle effective June 30, 2015.On August 3, 2015, the Company identified that Mr*** did not actually have a Homeowner policy to qualify the Auto policy for a multi-policy discountAs a result, the multi-policy discount was removed on that date, using the effective date of June 30, This increased the full-term premium on the policy by $to a total of $3,An amended policy, including updated declarations, was sent to the address on file on August 4, to advise of the change made and the new full-term premium for the policy.The billing account for the policy was setup to have payments drafted from a checking account provided by Mr*** using the recurring electronic funds transfer (REFT) payment methodA notice was sent by mail to Mr*** using the address on file on July 1, to confirm enrollment of REFT payment method and advising of a monthly payment of $beginning on July 30, (or the next business day)A bill was sent by mail to the address on file on July 7, to advising of the first payment to be draftedThis payment attempt was returned by the financial institution on August 4, advising that the bank account had insufficient fundsA notice of cancellation was sent by mail on August 6, to advise the payment attempt from July 30, had been returned and that a payment of at least $279.50, including a $non-sufficient funds (NSF) fee, needed to be received by the Company by August 17, The notice advised that the policy would cancel effective at 12:AM on August 18, if payment was not received by that dateNo payment was received, so the policy cancelled as advised on the notice of cancellation.When the policy cancellation processed, a remaining balance of $was owed to pay the policyup to the cancellation effective date of August 18, The total amount owed, including the $30.00NSF fee, for coverage from June 30, to August 18, was $vs total paymentsreceived of $A final bill for $and a due date of September 14, was sent to theaddress on file on August 25, to advise of the remaining balance owed.Mr*** called the Company’s customer service department on August 29, and spoke totwo different service representativesHe provided the policy number of *** *** when hecalled the CompanyMr*** called the Company again on September 5, and spoke toanother service representativeIn reviewing these calls, Mr*** stated that he had a problemwith his account and asked what amount was dueMr*** was notified that the policy wascancelled effective August 18, for non-payment and of the remaining balance owed of $283.82.It was also advised that the policy could be reinstated with a lapse with a payment of $Mr.*** requested to have proof of insurance sent to him by e-mail, which the servicerepresentative agreed to sendThe service representative noted that the policy was still cancelledeffective August 18, 2015, and Mr*** stated he understoodIt was advised that Mr.*** had approximately days from August 18, to pay the amount of $before itwould be referred to a collection agencyThere was no mention of the Auto policy beingunauthorized or any dispute regarding the amount owed during these calls, and no other calls to theCompany were locatedThe account balance was referred to Credit Collection Services (CCS) dueto payment of $not being received by the Company as requested.The Company was notified of payments received by CCS for $on October 25, and $94.61on January 24, This left a remaining balance owed of $as of January 24, 2017.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, JaniceK***, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Joel F
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** *** Below is the information we gathered regarding this case. If I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let us know
Regarding Mr***’s statement that he was not given several coverage options:
After speaking with his agent regarding adding comprehensive and collision to his vehicle, Mr*** was given two options to which he stated he could not afford eitherHe then advised his agent that he would like to have liability only on his vehicleHis agent complied with his request
Regarding Mr***’s statement to his agent that he would have to sell his car if they didn’t have a collision deductible he could afford:
The number of coverage options offered to a member does not constitute an agency errorThe *** *** agency has no way of knowing what each of their clients consider “affordable”, therefore they offered Mr*** the $and $deductible amounts they customarily offer their clientsWe did not find the *** *** agency was in any way responsible for Mr***s choice of coverageUltimately, it was Mr***’s decision to have liability only for his vehicle
Again, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We trust this will resolve all pending concerns
If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Cathy D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***
Derrick H***
*** *** *** *** *** ***
letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on February 8,
",sans-serif>Regarding the claim Ms*** reported to her auto policy,
we have reviewed with her in detail the coverage provisions as stated in her
policy. Specifically, Ms*** asked
to be placed in a rental vehicle during the claim process. A review of her policy finds that Ms***
did not elect rental car coverage when she initiated the policy. Mr*** has also voiced concern for her
safety and that she wants to have the door locks replaced to the vehicle. Because a direct loss or damage did not occur
to her vehicle, coverage is not extended under the terms of the policy.
Ms*** had her vehicle towed to a
dealership in order to have keys made for it.
Under the provisions of her policy, the tow was covered at no cost to
her. In addition, because the keys were
stolen, her policy will reimburse to have her keys replaced. Ms*** carries a $1,deductible on her
auto policy. Because she carries the
Allied Extra Coverage endorsement, only one deductible will apply between her
Homeowner and Auto policies. Therefore,
Ms*** will be reimbursed for the set of keys she already had replaced as
well as the cost to replace the spare set without the application of a
regard to the time delays of her homeowner policy claim, there are several
factors. At the time her claim was
reported, we offered to send out one of our preferred vendors to assist in
emergency repairs to her home for immediate security, and completing an
estimate of damage for permanent repairs.
Ms*** accepted this offer initially, and temporary board up was
completed. Later, she stated she would
gather estimates from other contractors prior to making a decision on who she
would use for the permanent repairs. On
January 29, 2016, she became frustrated when her new door had not been ordered
for replacement. We advised her that
since she had not signed a contract with a contractor, no replacement door
could be ordered.
February 9, 2016, we had a field adjuster inspect her property to determine the
total extent of damage to her home from the break in. The inspection results would help us move the
claim along quickly when she presented her contractor estimates for review. On February 12, 2016, Ms*** advised she
would like to use our preferred vendor for the repairs after all. She had too much going on to gather other
bids. Now that she has made a decision,
we should be able to move forward with her claim in a timelier manner
If you
require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Gerrie H***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
L*** Selena
Good afternoon MsMcLaughlin.Thank you for your recent correspondence regarding the claim involving *** ***. Attached is our response to your inquiry. Please let me know if you have any additional questionsThank you,Claire S***, *** Thank you for
giving us an opportunity to review and respond to Ms*** concerns as submitted to your office. We received notice of Mrand Ms*** loss on May 27, and Claims Specialist, Dan Z*** inspected and settled the loss on June 12, 2016, which is just over two weeks after we were notified of the loss. We contacted the member again on May 31, June and June to notify them of de***ed inspection time. While this time to inspect is longer than we would desire for any of our members, we understood that the member had temporary repairs completed to prevent further damage until an assessment could be made. On June 24, 2016, our member’s agent contacted Claims Manager, Mike C*** to inform us that the member had a higher estimate of repair. Upon review of the bid, it was determined that the bid allowed for replacement of the entire metal roof for which there was no wind damage observed during our June 12, inspection. MrZ*** informed the agent of this on June 29, and that no adjustment would be made. On July 12, the member’s agent, Sherri Linton contacted MrC*** again. MrC*** contacted our member’s contractor and the contractor agreed to itemize the estimate so that we could better understand why the bid was higher than what we had estimated for. On July 28, MrC*** received invoices from the member’s contractor which confirmed that the entire metal roof was replaced. MrC*** inquired if any additional photos were taken prior to the repair to support there was wind damage beyond what was observed by MrZ*** in which the contractor indicated there were not. MrC*** spoke with the member and offered to consider an engineer to evaluate wind damage to the metal roof though the roof had been replaced at this time, however discussion with the engineer determined that the report would be inconclusive if metal is no longer on shed. Upon contact with our member to notify of the same, the member stated that non-damaged panels were replaced to prevent leaking. On August 16, 2016, MrC*** updated the Nationwide estimate to include for Removing and Replacing the area above the damaged insulation, labor for the temporary repairs and allowance for the crane equipment. The total of the estimate before the $1,deductible was applied was $2,which is more then half of the contractor’s bid of $4,423.00. While a new adjuster did not complete a subsequent inspection as the member may have requested, we did make another review of the loss and make appropriate adjustments. We regret that we’ve fallen short of Mrand Ms*** expectations; however our review of the file supports that the member has been compensated for the covered wind damages to their property that occurred on this date of loss and that the remaining out of pocket expenses were incurred for repairs that went beyond the extent of damages If you require any additional information on this complaint please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Claire S***, at ###-###-#### or *** Sincerely, Erin M***Associate Director, ClaimsAllied Property & Casualty Insurance Company ###-###-####***
This is in response to the complaint filed by *** *** dated March 3,2017.Ms*** indicated she is getting insurance quotes and was informed that Nationwide reportedshe had at fault claimsOur records indicate these we not at fault accidents.Enclosed you will find Letters of Experience for
each claimThey show she was not at-fault andshould assist her with her insurance quotes.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator,Dawn H***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Erica C***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr***’s inquiry.With respect to a motor vehicle diminution in market value claim, Nationwide’s understanding is that the law is as follows:The plaintiff’s actual property damages are equal to the difference between the fair market value of the property
immediately before it was damaged and its fair market value immediately after it was damagedThe fair market value of any property is the amount which would be agreed upon as a fair price by an owner who wishes to sell, but is not compelled to do so, and a buyer who wishes to buy, but is not compelled to do soEvidence of estimates of the cost to repair and the actual cost of repairing the damage to the plaintiff’s property may be considered in determining the difference in fair market value immediately before and immediately after the damage occurred.Nationwide tendered full payment for returning Mr***’s vehicle to its pre-accident appearance and functionalityThe vehicle was inspected by a Nationwide employee after the repairs were completed to Mr***’s satisfactionIt is also of Nationwide's opinion, based on our re-inspection; that the vehicle was repaired in accordance with industry accepted standards.Nationwide evaluates all requests for diminution of value in a consistent mannerWe consider all factors including year, make, model, mileage, vehicle condition, market conditions and vehicle desirability in the marketplace when evaluating any diminution of value claimBased on the information we have at this time, we feel that Mr***’s Ford Mustang has sustained $in diminution of value.We trust this will resolve all pending concernsHowever, if you have any further questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Paul G*** *** *** *** ***
Not everything that was ruined from the water damage is being taken care of by Nationwide I have let companies into my home to do their tests as requested by Nationwide One was a mold inspector, one was an engineer, one was a contractor all of Nationwides choosing I have not gotten any of the reports back.I will be sending pictures via email so you can look at them Nationwide is only wanting to replace the bottom kitchen cabinets, when the floors need to be replaced and new dry wall and new base board, along with the cabinets In the bathroom, the cabinet is completely ruined, it needs to be replaced, along with the flooring, tub, all dry wall, and tiles, in the living room, new dry wall needs to be put up, and new base boards need to be put up.In Nationwides proposal, they are only going to replace the bottom kitchen cabinets, my home was built in 1970, I don't think I am going to be able to replace them with something like what I have in there now They also said the floor in the kitchen does not need to be taken care of, there was so much water on the floor in the kitchen, the blue tiles have bleed onto the white and where the water has sat on the grout, it has made holes in the grout and water has gotten under them.As I said in my previous email, I just want what was damaged from the water replaced, I have paid my homeowners insurance for over years just as they requested Now that I am trying to use the homeowners insurance, they do not want to pay for what needs to be fixed.Pictures will be sent from my cell phone
Deneen Crutcher
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** *** I have reviewed this claim file and would like to address Ms*** concernsIf I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let me know.Our insured, *** ***, has
a personal lines auto policy.On May 10, 2017, *** *** was driving the insured’s ***, when she changed lanes and struck a *** Sentra, driven by *** ***The damage was extensive enough to consider the *** to be a total loss.A referral was made with Mr*** to have his vehicle inspected at an On Your Side Shop for NationwideOnce there, it was determined to be a total loss and Mr*** drove it homeCesar G***, a Diverse Market Team Claims Representative, received the claim to handle the total loss with Mr***.Nationwide’s procedure on inspection is once it’s determined to be a total loss at an On Your Side Shop, a referral is then made for a local representative with Nationwide to re inspect the vehicle to verify the determination and run the valuation for settlementIt was found that the vehicle was no longer at the shop and was located at Mr*** addressIt is then customary to move the vehicle to *** *** ***, to have photos uploaded and sent to a representative at Nationwide to finish the total loss process and run the valuation.On May 24, MrG*** called Mr*** and advised of moving the vehicle to *** *** ***, so the inspection and valuation could be completedMr*** agreed to the release and the vehicle was then moved.On May 25, Melanie *** called MrG*** and asked why the vehicle had been picked up with out her consentMrG*** explained the prior conversation to her in which permission was given to him to move the vehicleMs*** requested the vehicle to be returned to her when the valuation is completedMrG*** agreed to deliver the vehicle back to her, and cancelled the inspection request for *** and arranged for a local representative to come to their residence to complete this inspection.On May 31, Ms*** called *** ***, Claims Representative, upset with MrG*** andthe handling of her vehicle and requested to deal with a new adjuster.The vehicle inspection was completed and a valuation was runThe claim was then re assigned toVictoria D***, Claims Representative to handle the total loss settlementOn June 5, settlement wasreached with Ms*** to owner retain the vehicle, along with paying days of loss of use beingdown the vehicle for inspections and suchPayment will be made upon receipt of a copy of the title.Based on my review, no errors were made on this claimHowever, I am sorry that the outcome wasnot satisfactory to Ms***We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand thatsometimes we are unable to do soWe apologize for any confusion or frustration that may have beencaused in the handling of the claimIf you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matterfurther, please feel free to call me.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, ChristineG***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,Nan Q***Claims Specialist III
This letter is in response to the concerns of Mr*** in regards to his final bill after the cancellation of his Nationwide Auto policy.In review of the account, the remaining balance was caused by the backdated removal of the Smartride discountThis discount removal occurred in error, and the
discount was therefore re-addedHowever, when it was re-added the discount did so as if the trial needed to be redone, as opposed to the earned discount when the insured completed the trialThe participation discount is less than the completed trial discount, which meant the credit that hit the account was less than it should have beenWe sincerely apologize for this errorWe are writing off the remainder of the increase that occurred when the discount was removedThis will clear Mr***’s balanceTo assist in further explaining the billing actions on Mr***’s account, attached please find a billing account breakdown.All balances get turned over to collections after days, and the policy was cancelled December 31, Because of this, we have contacted the collection company we use, ***, and had them clear the balance from their endThis has not been reported against Mr***’s credit and will have no impact to his credit scoring as the balance is now cleared.In regards to other insurers contacting the member, we cannot effect other companies and their marketingHowever, in regards to Nationwide, we have updated our marketing department and had Mr***’s information removed along with having him placed on our Do Not Contact listHe will receive no marketing material or calls from Nationwide.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,Jeremy B***
Mrs***’s issue deals with the damages surrounding an auto accident, which occurred on 3/9/15, in which her vehicle was struck in the rear by a Nationwide insured. Mrs*** is also a Nationwide policyholder, but in relation to this accident we addressed her damages
from a third party perspective. Shortly after the date of loss, a property damage estimate was established and Mrs*** was compensated based on that estimate. The damages which were isolated to the rear of her vehicle totaled $586.85. Several weeks afterward, she contacted the MD Specialist, Chris S***, and advised him that her vehicle now had engine damage, which she felt was related to the loss. MrS*** met with the claimant and her mechanic to reinspect the vehicle on April 14th. At that time, she was advised that in order to determine whether or not the damages were related to the loss, she would have to authorize, at her expense, a tear down of the vehicle to determine the actual cause of the damage. She was also advised that if it was determined the damages were the result of the impact Nationwide would address the additional damages. On May 8th, Mrs*** contacted us to advise that she had spoken to her mechanic and that he said there was no way to determine what the nature of the damages was and that the engine needed to be replaced. At that point we advised Mrs*** again that in order to address the issue, she would have to authorize the tear down to determine the cause and allow us to reinspect the vehicle. She refused to do so stating that there was "no question that it was related and we should pay for the damage". In subsequent conversations with Mrs***, we've reiterated our position, but she has yet to authorize a tear down of the vehicle or provide any additional or new information to substantiate her claim. I contacted Mrs*** again today to confirm if she has taken any additional steps to diagnose the damage to her vehicle and she confirmed that she has not. She still feels that the additional damages, although the cause or severity is not documented, are related to the rear end impact and, as such, the responsibility of Nationwide. At that point, I again reiterated our previous position and invited her to provide documentation to substantiate her loss. Unfortunately, she still refuses to do so. Regarding the allegation of lack of follow up, she stated that she has followed up with her agent requesting a refund of premium under her personal auto policy and they have yet to follow through. She could provide no specific detail regarding claims associates who have failed to respond. It appears her perception of the delay deals with the fact that we have not agreed, at this point, to compensate her for the additional damagesI advised her during our call today that the issue regarding her premium should be addressed directly with her agent. We have personally called the agent and advised *** ***, agent, of Mrs***’s concerns. She ended the phone call by stating that she would not let the issue drop and that she would consider pursuing legal action against Nationwide.
We have clearly and concisely advised Mrs*** that there is no indication that our insured would be legally liable for the damages to her vehicle’s engine. We have compensated her in the amount of $586.85, for the property damage to the rear of her vehicle, but have also advised her that if/when she chooses to allow a qualified mechanic to tear down and assess the cause of the damage to her engine, we will be willing to reinspect the vehicle and address any additional accident related damages. However, at this point we can not honor her request to consider her vehicle a total loss or to pay her an additional sum of $4000.00. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information or have questions.
Timothy BB***
*** *** ***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ** *** and find the resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***