I did receive the refund of the last payment of $approxWhat I have is a paid fine to the [redacted] State DMV - for over $from a fine based on me not having insurance for that time
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated November 14, 2017, addressed to [redacted] , regarding the above noted file and MrP [redacted] request to make adjustments to his [redacted] policy coverages.Upon receipt of your inquiry we contacted the vendor we use to service our [redacted] policyholder accountsA representative, Bethany, made a call out to MrP [redacted] today and left a voice message explaining that in order to make changes to Earthquake policy coverages they will need something in writing from himShe provided a mailing address as well as the email in her message, along with giving him the phone number to call back if he would like to quote out any changes.For assistance with questions or changes to his Earthquake policy at any time, MrP [redacted] should contact the [redacted] Service Center at ###-###-#### or email [redacted] .Thank you for bringing our member’s concerns to our attentionIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice Kleinhans, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Shauna T [redacted] Nationwide [redacted] Account Manager
Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to Ms [redacted] ’s complaint regarding her homeowner policy written through Nationwide Insurance effective October 23, 2014.The basis of her complaint is the increased premium on the policy since released by the agencyThe policy when bound had a coverage amount of $168,with a premium of $Nationwide uses a vendor inspection company to review the premises in an effort to determine if a premise is free of hazardous situations and the components of the home and other structures on premises are in good repairThe reviews are also completed to make sure that the insured has adequate coverage to reconstruct the dwelling if destroyedThis is done through taking measurements of the residence and making observations of the construction features of the homeOnce obtained, the features of the home and measurements are placed into a reconstruction cost calculator for determination of the cost to reconstruct.Upon completion of the inspection, the calculated reconstruction cost on the home was $277,The review was completed on November 19, which was within the first days of the policy contractThe first days of a policy has a provision called the discovery periodThe discovery period is used to complete the underwriting processThe insured was notified of the coverage discrepancy on December 19, The letter mailed to the insured advised that the coverage would be increased from $168,to $272,effective October 23, 2014, the inception date of the policyI can see no response from the insured until early July Since that time, there have been multiple changes to the reconstruction costI have reviewed the vendor inspector’s measurements which are largely correct with the exception of the insured attached guest suiteThe reconstruction estimate has been corrected, coverage lowered and premium amendedEach time a change is made to the amount of coverage a new declarations page was mailed to the insured showing the change was effective October 23, On July 28, the policy deductible was changed from $to $The change in deductible will reduce the premium amount for the coverage amountThis change was effective July 28, The first days of the contract had a $deductible which would mean the premium was higher than the $which the insured is making her calculations in the complaint fromFrom July 28, through the present date, the premium is based upon a $deductible which is where the difference in the refunds to the premium appears to be.We hope the response is beneficial in explaining the insured’s concernsIf anything additional is needed, please contact Sharon W [redacted] at [redacted] or via phone at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Thomas P [redacted]
All good and well only the agent who sold me your piece of crap,self-consuming policy never told me I would have to pay more than the $per month which you withdrew on automatic debit from my checking account monthlyAlso,prior to selling me this piece -of-crap policy that never once increased in value over the lifetime of said policy,had me transfer the funds from a guaranteed life policy to open this oneThe previous policy had a $50,death benefit and you had automatically debited my checking account for that policy for $25/month for some yearsSo, your agent sold me a policy that had a $50,death benefit and always went up in value to a piece-of-crap policy that had a $75,death benefit but always went down in value until it was completely lapsed and had $value and now I have no life insurance despite having paid Nationwide $25/month for some yearsFurthermore the guaranteed fund you reference was not available in your piece-of-crap policy that benefits noone except Nationwide & [redacted] ,now retired, as near as I can tell.I'm sure it is not illegal for you to sell such policies,although it probably should be, but it's certainly unethicalJust another rip-off job by big insurance to the average working man.Congratulations Nationwide and you should be ashamed of yourselves Regards, [redacted]
This letter is in response to the complaint filed with your agency by [redacted] regarding her automobile policyOur records indicate the policy was written with an effective date of January 1, The policy was cancelled at the request of Ms [redacted] effective March 15, 2016, with a balance due of $Nationwide issued two separate bills to the name and address on file following the cancellation of the policy.Due to the lack of receipt of payment Nationwide sent the balance due to a third party for collectionAttached please find copies of the bills mailed by Nationwide prior to the balance being turned over to collectionsThe balance due reflects premium owed up until the time of cancellation.If you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Janice K [redacted] direct at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Colleen F [redacted]
I did not walk in to [redacted] on June 30th I did not receive any email from nationwide that was dated July 1st The lien holder, [redacted] Dealer Services, for the Honda Civic LX does not have proof of insurance for June 30th to August 18th with policy number [redacted] I never received a new business policy packet that included the declarations of an insurance policy for the Honda Civic LXI never received an amendment policy stating that a multi-policy discount was removed from my policyI did not authorize [redacted] or Nationwide insurance company to draft funds from my bank accountI did not received a letter stating that I signed up for recurring electronic fund transfer from my bank account or when my first payment was going to be draftedI did not understand the service representatives that I spoke to on August 29th and September 5th and were unable to resolve my issueI did not receive any email from a customer service representative to my email
We have reviewed the inquiry from [redacted] regarding his homeowners policy.Mr [redacted] has inquired about the rate increase on his homeowners policyHomeowner’s policy premiums are calculated using several approved factors including, but not limited to: loss history of the insured, existence of multiple policies, deductible levels, dwelling amount, insurance score, construction type, fire protection class rating, age of home, additional endorsements/coverages requested, territory in which the home is located, etcThe territory base rate does take into account the loss history of the territory as a wholeThis base rate is then adjusted by the aforementioned rating factors: age of home, protection class, type of construction, losses of the insured, etcThe premium calculation methods/rating structure and our base rates are filed with and approved by the South Carolina Department of Insurance.Home renewal premium2015-premium $5,167.002016-premium $6,(increase of $1,from prior renewal)Mr [redacted] ’s premium was affected by the following factor changes per our most recent filed rate (SERFF Filing NWPC- [redacted] , effective 12/12/for renewals):- Filed base rate change caused an increase in premium- Protection Class factor change caused an increase in premium- Deductible factor change caused an increase in premium- Increase in the Extended Replacement Cost caused an increase in premiumWe understand that insurance cost concerns are important to all consumers and encourage insureds to reach out to their agents to discuss options to manage their insurance premiumsWe appreciate the opportunity to provide information on Mr [redacted] ’s home policy.If you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Debra C [redacted] at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Michael G***
I am writing in response to the above referenced file number The member’s premiums are deducted from his paycheck and remitted by his employer The member was also sending in checks for partial paymentsOur records indicate that we spoke with this member on May 2, and advised him that we would work with his employer and conduct a complete review of his premium payments An initial overpayment was identified and a refund in the amount of $was issued on April 21, A subsequent refund was issued in the amount of $on May 20, The member has been refunded the full amount identified in his correspondence Our records show that both refund checks have been cashed by the memberIf I can be of any further assistance in resolving this matter you may contact me directly at ###-###-####Sincerely, Tom L***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond regarding policy number [redacted] for [redacted] and to address his concerns about the policy Each of Mr***’s installment bills that have been issued have contained a $installment fee that is listed on installment bill itself Each installment bill also advises that if he wishes to avoid future installment fees he is able to pay his policy term in full On 6/3/2016, contact was made to Mr [redacted] to discuss his concerns regarding the policy installment fees and how to avoid them He was advised that he could pay his policy in full or could pay ahead by paying his bill before it would issue Mr [redacted] was advised that the current installment fee was waived as a courtesy to him, but we would not be able to provide a refund for prior fees paid If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Charity W [redacted] ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Evan H [redacted]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find the resolution is partially satisfactory to me However, no one has confirmed if the policy was replacement value versus actual cash value This obviously makes a big difference [redacted] Insurance Rules state I have a right to know about coverage types & limits to find out why my personal property that was inside the vehicle was not added in any of the other value estimates I sent in receipts, pictures and serial numbers of equipment from speakers, amps, radar detector, and tools in saddle bag that are still inside the right rear burnt saddle bag we used to identify the truck Understand we are in a Rental car for $35/day since this has been drug out for over days! Regards, [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the concerns of [redacted] regarding the above referenced policy withNationwide Mutual Fire Insurance CompanyThe home/car discount was removed from Ms***’s policy as herstandard auto policy with Nationwide was cancelled.Ms [redacted] was offered and accepted a policy with our non-standard company, Titan InsuranceOnce her standard autopolicy cancelled, the homeowner policy was no longer eligible for the home/car discountNationwide does not offer ahome/car discount for Titan policies at this time.We appreciate the opportunity to review Ms***’s business, and hope that this information will satisfy her concerns.If you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Cathy D [redacted] , at ###-###-#### orby email at [redacted] Sincerely,Patricia J [redacted] ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the complaint filed by Mr [redacted] regarding his concerns with the above referenced policy with Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company (***)We have reviewed the concerns expressed by Mr [redacted] and will attempt to address them in this letter.Homeowner Policy ######## On August 13, notification of non-renewal was mailed to Mr [redacted] advising that his homeowner policy would be non-renewed effective September 30, as a result of him no longer meeting our eligibility requirements for our homeowner programMr [redacted] had more than one weather related and one non-weather related loss within the past three yearsThere was no remaining balance due on the homeowner policyDwelling Fire Policy######## On September 7, a billing statement was mailed to Mr [redacted] to the last known address on file, requesting payment of $ Payment needed to be received by our Company by October 1, in order to prevent cancellation of the dwelling fire policyPayment was not received by the requested due dateOn October 7, Notice of Cancellation was mailed to Mr [redacted] to the last known address on file, informing Mr [redacted] *hat payment of $be received by October 18, Payment was not received and as a result his dwelling fire policy cancelled effective October 19, A copy of the notification of cancellation is attached for your referenceCoverage was provided under policy 6341Tfor Mr [redacted] from December 30, until it cancelled effective October 19, Unfortunately, the premiums paid did not completely cover the entire time coverage was provided, resulting in an outstanding balance of $ On October 25, a billing statement was mailed to Mr [redacted] requesting payment of $by November 13, for the remaining outstanding balanceA copy of the billing statement is attached for your referencePayment was not received by the requested due date and sent to collections on December 13, We appreciate the opportunity to review Mr [redacted] ’s business, and hope that this information will help to address his concernsIf you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Jose L***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Jennifer F*
Yes, it's true that we received an initial payment, the day after this complaint was filedBut this response does nothing to address the poor communication/response that we received from our adjuster Also, it was my husband, not myself that filed the claim...they never called him with a claim number as he was promisedWe had to call in days later to get that information We had no proactive communication from our adjuster It took multiple calls/emails to get communication with her, and most of the time we had to have our Agent's office call her or her supervisor to even return a phone call Regards, [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Better Business Bureau regarding policy number [redacted] for Ms [redacted] and to address her concerns about the policy On 08/19/2015, Ms [redacted] purchased a six month insurance policy from the Nationwide Sales Solutions with a bill plan of 16.7% down and installments Ms [redacted] made a payment of $to start the policy on 08/19/Ms [redacted] was advised that it was a partial paymentThe full down payment amount required was $ On 09/04/2015, a Notice of Installment Due was mailed to Ms [redacted] advising an amount due of $This amount included the outstanding $remaining from the down paymentMs [redacted] ’s installments were $ as agreed upon during the quoting process On 10/04/2015, no payment was received and the policy cancelledThere is an outstanding balance in the amount of $ If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Charity W [redacted] at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Alexandria C***
This letter is in response to the complaint filed with your agency by [redacted] s regarding her homeowner policyOur records indicate the policy was written with an effective date of January 27, The policy was cancelled on January 28, 2016, with an effective date of January 27, 2016, at the request of the Member One payment of $was received on December 23, On February 1, 2016, Nationwide issued a refund to the address listed on the policyThe refund was mailed to [redacted] Rd., Winchester, VA 22603-On March 7, 2016, the refund was stop paid and a new check in the amount of $was mailed to the Member at [redacted] CtWinchester, VA If you should have any other requests or questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me
Once again, the personnel of Nationwide are exhibiting the very unprofessionalism and incompetence that we have stated from the very begining We advised them numerous times of our new official address that being: [redacted] Drive, apt***, McLean, VA 22102.Do you think for a single second, that we are in the least surprised that they would intentionally send our cheque for monies owed to a non-existant address?Nationwide has been a disgrace from the very beginning Our address is and always has been [redacted] Driveapt [redacted] in McLean Virginia We believe Nationwide has deliberately sent our monies owed to a non existant address because perhaps they do not have the funds in which to refund us our monies We DEMAND AN OFFICIAL LETTER OF APOLOGY FROM NATIONAWIDE for their INCOMPETENCE AND THEIR DELIBERATE ACTIONS IN DELAYING PAYING US OUR MONIES OWED.ALSO, NATIONWIDE SHOULD BE EMBARASSED FOR WRITING US AN ABRUPT LETTER ADVISING US THAT THEIR HANDLING OF OUR CLAIM FROM JUNE 8, CANNOT BE RESOLVED BY THEM, AGAINST OUR FORMER LANDLORD, AND THAT NOW, THEY ARE FILING WITH A COLLECTION AGENCY APPARENTLY, NATIONWIDE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE AND RESOLVE LEGAL CLAIMS FILED WITH THEM INSTEAD THEY PASS THE BUCK TO A COLLECTION AGENCY AFTER MONTHS OF NO RESOLUTION AGAINST OUR FORMER LANDLORD.WE DEMAND NOT ONLY AN OFFICIAL APOLOGY FROM THEIR HEAD OFFICE WITH RESPECT TO THIS OBVIOUS DELAY IN RETURNING OUR MONIES OWED AND WE DEMAND INTEREST ON SAID MONIES OWED DUE TO THEIR DELIBERATE ACTIONS IN SENDING OUR MONIES OWED TO A NON ADDRESS WE ADVISED THEM IN WRITING AT LEAST SIX TIMES OF OUR NEW ADDRESS BEING [redacted] ***, apt***, in McLean, VA and after receiving written confirmation of this new address they STILL SENT OUR MONIES OWED SOMEWHERE ELSE HOW DOES THIS NATIONWIDE STAY IN BUSINESS AFTER OVER TEN YEARS OF PAYING THIS UNPROFESSIONAL COMPANY OUR MONTHLY PREMIUMS, THIS IS HOW THEY TREAT US
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the complaint filed by [redacted] s regarding the above referenced policies with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (NAIC ***) We have reviewed the concerns expressed by Ms [redacted] , and will attempt to address them in this letter Auto Policy [redacted] A change request was received from the United States Postal Service by our Company in September of to update the mailing address on the auto policy, [redacted] , to [redacted] St., Stone Mountain, GA 30083- A revised policy declarations was mailed on September 29, confirming the mailing address changeA copy of the revised policy declarations is attached for your reference The November 28, thru May 28, auto policy renewal was mailed to Ms [redacted] on October 28, The six month policy term premium was $A copy of the renewal declarations is attached for your reference On October 28, a billing statement was mailed to Ms [redacted] requesting payment of $be received by November 28, for the auto policy The statement was mailed to the address listed on file which was: [redacted] St., Stone Mountain, GA 30083- A copy of the billing statement is attached for your reference On November 3, [redacted] s called in asking about the Easy Pay sign up(Automatic withdraw form her checking account) In review of the phone call, Ms [redacted] discussed her account with one of our Member Care Representatives (MCR) During this call Ms [redacted] wanted to make sure that she wasn’t on an automatic withdraw She was advised that she was not and she could sign up and it would start in December The automatic draft would not be effective for the November 28, payment due to the bill already being mailed for that paymentMs [redacted] obliged and advised she would manually make her payment on November 28, She reiterated that she wanted to make sure she wasn’t set up on an automatic withdraw because she was going to manually make the November 28, payment The MCR emailed her the automatic withdraw form and confirmed that [redacted] received it on the call She was told again that it would not take effect until the December 28, bill Payment was not received by November 28, As a result a Notice of Expiration was mailed to Ms [redacted] on December 4, to the following address: [redacted] St., Stone Mountain, GA 30083- This notice stated that a payment of $ was due by December 16, If no payment was received the policy would cancel for non payment of premium effective the November 28, A copy of the Notice of Expiration is attached for your reference No payment was received by the requested due date As a result the automobile policy cancelled for non payment of premium effective November 28, There is no balance due or refund owed because the policy cancelled effective November 28, Property Policy [redacted] Notification of Cancellation was mailed on November 16, informing [redacted] s that her property policy would cancel effective December 21, The property policy was set to cancel because of the following reasons, which would increase the chance for injury and damage to Ms [redacted] property: · We found there were safety hazards on the property, including: miscellaneous debris and appliances which were not in the traditional locations · We found the following structures on the property were damaged and severely weathered and warped: Shed · We found the roof had the following damage: curling shingles and warping · We found trees that were touching the roof of the home · We found the porch had wood rot Within the notification [redacted] s was advised that we may be able to reinstate coverage if the following actions were taken and evidence was provided to our Company prior to the cancellation date of December 21, 2015: · Move the appliances to a traditional location within your home · Remove the outbuilding and send us documentation showing that this has been completed · Repair the damaged area of your roof or replace it completely and send us documentation showing this has been completed · Trim the trees so they are no longer touching the roof and send us documentation showing this has happened · Repair damaged area of the porch In review of the information provided by Ms [redacted] on December 10, 2015, underwriting advised that adequate proof was received, but that our Company still needed evidence showing the trees had been trimmed, and that the appliances had been removed A request for an extension was made by Ms [redacted] on December 16, in efforts of being able to obtain the contracts needed for remedy Our Company informed Ms [redacted] at that time that the contracts would need to be obtained and provided by December 21, The evidence of repair was not received by December 21, and as a result the property policy cancelled A copy of the Notice of Cancellation is attached for your reference We appreciate the opportunity to review [redacted] s’s auto and property policies and hope the information will help to address her concerns If you have any questions after reviewing the information, please feel free to contact me / [redacted] Style Definitions */
The reason for rejecting the response is I have to send in the paperwork I have since they do not have " documentation they state they have" this is a bad faith claim in which I was hope to not have to run a year process of court in the case of neglect to concur with the contract I paid in full the only changes I made was removal of a driver that was put on my policy without MY consentThe employee Tonya will not speak with me about blatant lieThis is a true example of bullying and timestamping alteration, so I am assuming I need to involve attorneys and media, I refuse to accept less than I deserve from this "multi billion dollar industry per Jason G [redacted] quote to me, this vehicl was my sentimental compensation for giving a child to a couple to adopt in as I was yrs old , and they are strong arming me out of everythingI have been neglected in so many ways where is my car who has it where is my stuff what do they cover..I am sending written letter with my reciept of payment to usual amount I paid for years and money order copy I just called for documents to email Revdex.com they have noneHow is this justiceI would not be so adimant if I was not deserving of what rightfully I was paying forIf this isn't a reason like I said I will have my own documents sent since theirs has disappeared, I assume they want me to go ahead with legal action and media per investigation is that what this has came to? For a company so confident this is a true example of breach of contractPlease just tell me to get it in the system instead of having a little benefit of the doubt that they would settle out of courtObviously what I see is they are a growing business from doing things to unjustly to people Regards [redacted]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find the resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
First;y: Concerning the Vehicle : It is not safe for me to be driving the same vehicle The thieves from an organized crime group have all information of the vehicle, keys and remotes and additional information.The have the same keys that I haveMs Little mentioned that I do not have to pay car insurance deductible since it is covered in my home insurance Earlier Ms Tara said, I have to pay the deductibleWhy is there a conflict among both the statements? Please note that the vehicle is my personal propertyI have upto 400,coverage as per my agentwhy am I being denied to use my coverage????Secondly on the House Invasion: Today is Feb 17th It is almost one month since the burglary happenedThe first adjuster (Mr Ernie) that came to the house was yesterday., Feb Ms Melanie G [redacted] has officially rejected damages that happened to the houseThere were a broken pipe causing water leak, sprinkler damages, walls being torn with some kind of tool, doors being pushed around causing damage The patio glass door which was a double glazed door shattered causing the ceiling and perpendicular wall to crack There was a glass door that was brokenThat area had to be secured Insurance did not send anyone immediatelyI had to ask [redacted] company to secure the door, so that rodents, rain, garbage may not enter the houseI had to stay at a cousins place until the bare minimum was fixed for me to move backThere were emergency contractors that I had to initiate to bring the house to the state that I could live inNow I am being told Nationwide will not cover for the damagesShe is claiming that if items were not stolen from the garage then the garage wall will not be fixed ( Photos of the whole house have been emailed to her) There are witness that have claimed rummages all over the house including garage, restrooms, bedroomsThe whole house was gone through by the robbers [redacted] , Officer [redacted] , [redacted] husband are witnesses that items were rummaged in garage and rest of the house IMG _is of the closet in the master suite, IMG : picture of bags taken from garage thrown in family and rummaged( cheque books missing) IMG : Downstairs room rummaged ( watches stolen) IMG 1646: picture of empty watch boxes upstairs)I do not have any paperwork from the assigned contracted who is supposed to do the workI have an estimateA police report was filed immediatelyReport number [redacted] Regards, [redacted]
I did receive the refund of the last payment of $approxWhat I have is a paid fine to the [redacted] State DMV - for over $from a fine based on me not having insurance for that time
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated November 14, 2017, addressed to [redacted] , regarding the above noted file and MrP [redacted] request to make adjustments to his [redacted] policy coverages.Upon receipt of your inquiry we contacted the vendor we use to service our [redacted] policyholder accountsA representative, Bethany, made a call out to MrP [redacted] today and left a voice message explaining that in order to make changes to Earthquake policy coverages they will need something in writing from himShe provided a mailing address as well as the email in her message, along with giving him the phone number to call back if he would like to quote out any changes.For assistance with questions or changes to his Earthquake policy at any time, MrP [redacted] should contact the [redacted] Service Center at ###-###-#### or email [redacted] .Thank you for bringing our member’s concerns to our attentionIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice Kleinhans, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Shauna T [redacted] Nationwide [redacted] Account Manager
Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to Ms [redacted] ’s complaint regarding her homeowner policy written through Nationwide Insurance effective October 23, 2014.The basis of her complaint is the increased premium on the policy since released by the agencyThe policy when bound had a coverage amount of $168,with a premium of $Nationwide uses a vendor inspection company to review the premises in an effort to determine if a premise is free of hazardous situations and the components of the home and other structures on premises are in good repairThe reviews are also completed to make sure that the insured has adequate coverage to reconstruct the dwelling if destroyedThis is done through taking measurements of the residence and making observations of the construction features of the homeOnce obtained, the features of the home and measurements are placed into a reconstruction cost calculator for determination of the cost to reconstruct.Upon completion of the inspection, the calculated reconstruction cost on the home was $277,The review was completed on November 19, which was within the first days of the policy contractThe first days of a policy has a provision called the discovery periodThe discovery period is used to complete the underwriting processThe insured was notified of the coverage discrepancy on December 19, The letter mailed to the insured advised that the coverage would be increased from $168,to $272,effective October 23, 2014, the inception date of the policyI can see no response from the insured until early July Since that time, there have been multiple changes to the reconstruction costI have reviewed the vendor inspector’s measurements which are largely correct with the exception of the insured attached guest suiteThe reconstruction estimate has been corrected, coverage lowered and premium amendedEach time a change is made to the amount of coverage a new declarations page was mailed to the insured showing the change was effective October 23, On July 28, the policy deductible was changed from $to $The change in deductible will reduce the premium amount for the coverage amountThis change was effective July 28, The first days of the contract had a $deductible which would mean the premium was higher than the $which the insured is making her calculations in the complaint fromFrom July 28, through the present date, the premium is based upon a $deductible which is where the difference in the refunds to the premium appears to be.We hope the response is beneficial in explaining the insured’s concernsIf anything additional is needed, please contact Sharon W [redacted] at [redacted] or via phone at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Thomas P [redacted]
All good and well only the agent who sold me your piece of crap,self-consuming policy never told me I would have to pay more than the $per month which you withdrew on automatic debit from my checking account monthlyAlso,prior to selling me this piece -of-crap policy that never once increased in value over the lifetime of said policy,had me transfer the funds from a guaranteed life policy to open this oneThe previous policy had a $50,death benefit and you had automatically debited my checking account for that policy for $25/month for some yearsSo, your agent sold me a policy that had a $50,death benefit and always went up in value to a piece-of-crap policy that had a $75,death benefit but always went down in value until it was completely lapsed and had $value and now I have no life insurance despite having paid Nationwide $25/month for some yearsFurthermore the guaranteed fund you reference was not available in your piece-of-crap policy that benefits noone except Nationwide & [redacted] ,now retired, as near as I can tell.I'm sure it is not illegal for you to sell such policies,although it probably should be, but it's certainly unethicalJust another rip-off job by big insurance to the average working man.Congratulations Nationwide and you should be ashamed of yourselves Regards, [redacted]
This letter is in response to the complaint filed with your agency by [redacted] regarding her automobile policyOur records indicate the policy was written with an effective date of January 1, The policy was cancelled at the request of Ms [redacted] effective March 15, 2016, with a balance due of $Nationwide issued two separate bills to the name and address on file following the cancellation of the policy.Due to the lack of receipt of payment Nationwide sent the balance due to a third party for collectionAttached please find copies of the bills mailed by Nationwide prior to the balance being turned over to collectionsThe balance due reflects premium owed up until the time of cancellation.If you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Janice K [redacted] direct at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Colleen F [redacted]
I did not walk in to [redacted] on June 30th I did not receive any email from nationwide that was dated July 1st The lien holder, [redacted] Dealer Services, for the Honda Civic LX does not have proof of insurance for June 30th to August 18th with policy number [redacted] I never received a new business policy packet that included the declarations of an insurance policy for the Honda Civic LXI never received an amendment policy stating that a multi-policy discount was removed from my policyI did not authorize [redacted] or Nationwide insurance company to draft funds from my bank accountI did not received a letter stating that I signed up for recurring electronic fund transfer from my bank account or when my first payment was going to be draftedI did not understand the service representatives that I spoke to on August 29th and September 5th and were unable to resolve my issueI did not receive any email from a customer service representative to my email
We have reviewed the inquiry from [redacted] regarding his homeowners policy.Mr [redacted] has inquired about the rate increase on his homeowners policyHomeowner’s policy premiums are calculated using several approved factors including, but not limited to: loss history of the insured, existence of multiple policies, deductible levels, dwelling amount, insurance score, construction type, fire protection class rating, age of home, additional endorsements/coverages requested, territory in which the home is located, etcThe territory base rate does take into account the loss history of the territory as a wholeThis base rate is then adjusted by the aforementioned rating factors: age of home, protection class, type of construction, losses of the insured, etcThe premium calculation methods/rating structure and our base rates are filed with and approved by the South Carolina Department of Insurance.Home renewal premium2015-premium $5,167.002016-premium $6,(increase of $1,from prior renewal)Mr [redacted] ’s premium was affected by the following factor changes per our most recent filed rate (SERFF Filing NWPC- [redacted] , effective 12/12/for renewals):- Filed base rate change caused an increase in premium- Protection Class factor change caused an increase in premium- Deductible factor change caused an increase in premium- Increase in the Extended Replacement Cost caused an increase in premiumWe understand that insurance cost concerns are important to all consumers and encourage insureds to reach out to their agents to discuss options to manage their insurance premiumsWe appreciate the opportunity to provide information on Mr [redacted] ’s home policy.If you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Debra C [redacted] at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely,Michael G***
I am writing in response to the above referenced file number The member’s premiums are deducted from his paycheck and remitted by his employer The member was also sending in checks for partial paymentsOur records indicate that we spoke with this member on May 2, and advised him that we would work with his employer and conduct a complete review of his premium payments An initial overpayment was identified and a refund in the amount of $was issued on April 21, A subsequent refund was issued in the amount of $on May 20, The member has been refunded the full amount identified in his correspondence Our records show that both refund checks have been cashed by the memberIf I can be of any further assistance in resolving this matter you may contact me directly at ###-###-####Sincerely, Tom L***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond regarding policy number [redacted] for [redacted] and to address his concerns about the policy Each of Mr***’s installment bills that have been issued have contained a $installment fee that is listed on installment bill itself Each installment bill also advises that if he wishes to avoid future installment fees he is able to pay his policy term in full On 6/3/2016, contact was made to Mr [redacted] to discuss his concerns regarding the policy installment fees and how to avoid them He was advised that he could pay his policy in full or could pay ahead by paying his bill before it would issue Mr [redacted] was advised that the current installment fee was waived as a courtesy to him, but we would not be able to provide a refund for prior fees paid If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Charity W [redacted] ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Evan H [redacted]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find the resolution is partially satisfactory to me However, no one has confirmed if the policy was replacement value versus actual cash value This obviously makes a big difference [redacted] Insurance Rules state I have a right to know about coverage types & limits to find out why my personal property that was inside the vehicle was not added in any of the other value estimates I sent in receipts, pictures and serial numbers of equipment from speakers, amps, radar detector, and tools in saddle bag that are still inside the right rear burnt saddle bag we used to identify the truck Understand we are in a Rental car for $35/day since this has been drug out for over days! Regards, [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the concerns of [redacted] regarding the above referenced policy withNationwide Mutual Fire Insurance CompanyThe home/car discount was removed from Ms***’s policy as herstandard auto policy with Nationwide was cancelled.Ms [redacted] was offered and accepted a policy with our non-standard company, Titan InsuranceOnce her standard autopolicy cancelled, the homeowner policy was no longer eligible for the home/car discountNationwide does not offer ahome/car discount for Titan policies at this time.We appreciate the opportunity to review Ms***’s business, and hope that this information will satisfy her concerns.If you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Cathy D [redacted] , at ###-###-#### orby email at [redacted] Sincerely,Patricia J [redacted] ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the complaint filed by Mr [redacted] regarding his concerns with the above referenced policy with Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company (***)We have reviewed the concerns expressed by Mr [redacted] and will attempt to address them in this letter.Homeowner Policy ######## On August 13, notification of non-renewal was mailed to Mr [redacted] advising that his homeowner policy would be non-renewed effective September 30, as a result of him no longer meeting our eligibility requirements for our homeowner programMr [redacted] had more than one weather related and one non-weather related loss within the past three yearsThere was no remaining balance due on the homeowner policyDwelling Fire Policy######## On September 7, a billing statement was mailed to Mr [redacted] to the last known address on file, requesting payment of $ Payment needed to be received by our Company by October 1, in order to prevent cancellation of the dwelling fire policyPayment was not received by the requested due dateOn October 7, Notice of Cancellation was mailed to Mr [redacted] to the last known address on file, informing Mr [redacted] *hat payment of $be received by October 18, Payment was not received and as a result his dwelling fire policy cancelled effective October 19, A copy of the notification of cancellation is attached for your referenceCoverage was provided under policy 6341Tfor Mr [redacted] from December 30, until it cancelled effective October 19, Unfortunately, the premiums paid did not completely cover the entire time coverage was provided, resulting in an outstanding balance of $ On October 25, a billing statement was mailed to Mr [redacted] requesting payment of $by November 13, for the remaining outstanding balanceA copy of the billing statement is attached for your referencePayment was not received by the requested due date and sent to collections on December 13, We appreciate the opportunity to review Mr [redacted] ’s business, and hope that this information will help to address his concernsIf you require further assistance, please contact our [redacted] , Jose L***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Jennifer F
Yes, it's true that we received an initial payment, the day after this complaint was filedBut this response does nothing to address the poor communication/response that we received from our adjuster Also, it was my husband, not myself that filed the claim...they never called him with a claim number as he was promisedWe had to call in days later to get that information We had no proactive communication from our adjuster It took multiple calls/emails to get communication with her, and most of the time we had to have our Agent's office call her or her supervisor to even return a phone call Regards, [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Better Business Bureau regarding policy number [redacted] for Ms [redacted] and to address her concerns about the policy On 08/19/2015, Ms [redacted] purchased a six month insurance policy from the Nationwide Sales Solutions with a bill plan of 16.7% down and installments Ms [redacted] made a payment of $to start the policy on 08/19/Ms [redacted] was advised that it was a partial paymentThe full down payment amount required was $ On 09/04/2015, a Notice of Installment Due was mailed to Ms [redacted] advising an amount due of $This amount included the outstanding $remaining from the down paymentMs [redacted] ’s installments were $ as agreed upon during the quoting process On 10/04/2015, no payment was received and the policy cancelledThere is an outstanding balance in the amount of $ If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Charity W [redacted] at ###-###-#### or by email at [redacted] Sincerely, Alexandria C***
This letter is in response to the complaint filed with your agency by [redacted] s regarding her homeowner policyOur records indicate the policy was written with an effective date of January 27, The policy was cancelled on January 28, 2016, with an effective date of January 27, 2016, at the request of the Member One payment of $was received on December 23, On February 1, 2016, Nationwide issued a refund to the address listed on the policyThe refund was mailed to [redacted] Rd., Winchester, VA 22603-On March 7, 2016, the refund was stop paid and a new check in the amount of $was mailed to the Member at [redacted] CtWinchester, VA If you should have any other requests or questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me
Once again, the personnel of Nationwide are exhibiting the very unprofessionalism and incompetence that we have stated from the very begining We advised them numerous times of our new official address that being: [redacted] Drive, apt***, McLean, VA 22102.Do you think for a single second, that we are in the least surprised that they would intentionally send our cheque for monies owed to a non-existant address?Nationwide has been a disgrace from the very beginning Our address is and always has been [redacted] Driveapt [redacted] in McLean Virginia We believe Nationwide has deliberately sent our monies owed to a non existant address because perhaps they do not have the funds in which to refund us our monies We DEMAND AN OFFICIAL LETTER OF APOLOGY FROM NATIONAWIDE for their INCOMPETENCE AND THEIR DELIBERATE ACTIONS IN DELAYING PAYING US OUR MONIES OWED.ALSO, NATIONWIDE SHOULD BE EMBARASSED FOR WRITING US AN ABRUPT LETTER ADVISING US THAT THEIR HANDLING OF OUR CLAIM FROM JUNE 8, CANNOT BE RESOLVED BY THEM, AGAINST OUR FORMER LANDLORD, AND THAT NOW, THEY ARE FILING WITH A COLLECTION AGENCY APPARENTLY, NATIONWIDE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE AND RESOLVE LEGAL CLAIMS FILED WITH THEM INSTEAD THEY PASS THE BUCK TO A COLLECTION AGENCY AFTER MONTHS OF NO RESOLUTION AGAINST OUR FORMER LANDLORD.WE DEMAND NOT ONLY AN OFFICIAL APOLOGY FROM THEIR HEAD OFFICE WITH RESPECT TO THIS OBVIOUS DELAY IN RETURNING OUR MONIES OWED AND WE DEMAND INTEREST ON SAID MONIES OWED DUE TO THEIR DELIBERATE ACTIONS IN SENDING OUR MONIES OWED TO A NON ADDRESS WE ADVISED THEM IN WRITING AT LEAST SIX TIMES OF OUR NEW ADDRESS BEING [redacted] ***, apt***, in McLean, VA and after receiving written confirmation of this new address they STILL SENT OUR MONIES OWED SOMEWHERE ELSE HOW DOES THIS NATIONWIDE STAY IN BUSINESS AFTER OVER TEN YEARS OF PAYING THIS UNPROFESSIONAL COMPANY OUR MONTHLY PREMIUMS, THIS IS HOW THEY TREAT US
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the complaint filed by [redacted] s regarding the above referenced policies with Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company (NAIC ***) We have reviewed the concerns expressed by Ms [redacted] , and will attempt to address them in this letter Auto Policy [redacted] A change request was received from the United States Postal Service by our Company in September of to update the mailing address on the auto policy, [redacted] , to [redacted] St., Stone Mountain, GA 30083- A revised policy declarations was mailed on September 29, confirming the mailing address changeA copy of the revised policy declarations is attached for your reference The November 28, thru May 28, auto policy renewal was mailed to Ms [redacted] on October 28, The six month policy term premium was $A copy of the renewal declarations is attached for your reference On October 28, a billing statement was mailed to Ms [redacted] requesting payment of $be received by November 28, for the auto policy The statement was mailed to the address listed on file which was: [redacted] St., Stone Mountain, GA 30083- A copy of the billing statement is attached for your reference On November 3, [redacted] s called in asking about the Easy Pay sign up(Automatic withdraw form her checking account) In review of the phone call, Ms [redacted] discussed her account with one of our Member Care Representatives (MCR) During this call Ms [redacted] wanted to make sure that she wasn’t on an automatic withdraw She was advised that she was not and she could sign up and it would start in December The automatic draft would not be effective for the November 28, payment due to the bill already being mailed for that paymentMs [redacted] obliged and advised she would manually make her payment on November 28, She reiterated that she wanted to make sure she wasn’t set up on an automatic withdraw because she was going to manually make the November 28, payment The MCR emailed her the automatic withdraw form and confirmed that [redacted] received it on the call She was told again that it would not take effect until the December 28, bill Payment was not received by November 28, As a result a Notice of Expiration was mailed to Ms [redacted] on December 4, to the following address: [redacted] St., Stone Mountain, GA 30083- This notice stated that a payment of $ was due by December 16, If no payment was received the policy would cancel for non payment of premium effective the November 28, A copy of the Notice of Expiration is attached for your reference No payment was received by the requested due date As a result the automobile policy cancelled for non payment of premium effective November 28, There is no balance due or refund owed because the policy cancelled effective November 28, Property Policy [redacted] Notification of Cancellation was mailed on November 16, informing [redacted] s that her property policy would cancel effective December 21, The property policy was set to cancel because of the following reasons, which would increase the chance for injury and damage to Ms [redacted] property: · We found there were safety hazards on the property, including: miscellaneous debris and appliances which were not in the traditional locations · We found the following structures on the property were damaged and severely weathered and warped: Shed · We found the roof had the following damage: curling shingles and warping · We found trees that were touching the roof of the home · We found the porch had wood rot Within the notification [redacted] s was advised that we may be able to reinstate coverage if the following actions were taken and evidence was provided to our Company prior to the cancellation date of December 21, 2015: · Move the appliances to a traditional location within your home · Remove the outbuilding and send us documentation showing that this has been completed · Repair the damaged area of your roof or replace it completely and send us documentation showing this has been completed · Trim the trees so they are no longer touching the roof and send us documentation showing this has happened · Repair damaged area of the porch In review of the information provided by Ms [redacted] on December 10, 2015, underwriting advised that adequate proof was received, but that our Company still needed evidence showing the trees had been trimmed, and that the appliances had been removed A request for an extension was made by Ms [redacted] on December 16, in efforts of being able to obtain the contracts needed for remedy Our Company informed Ms [redacted] at that time that the contracts would need to be obtained and provided by December 21, The evidence of repair was not received by December 21, and as a result the property policy cancelled A copy of the Notice of Cancellation is attached for your reference We appreciate the opportunity to review [redacted] s’s auto and property policies and hope the information will help to address her concerns If you have any questions after reviewing the information, please feel free to contact me / [redacted] Style Definitions */
The reason for rejecting the response is I have to send in the paperwork I have since they do not have " documentation they state they have" this is a bad faith claim in which I was hope to not have to run a year process of court in the case of neglect to concur with the contract I paid in full the only changes I made was removal of a driver that was put on my policy without MY consentThe employee Tonya will not speak with me about blatant lieThis is a true example of bullying and timestamping alteration, so I am assuming I need to involve attorneys and media, I refuse to accept less than I deserve from this "multi billion dollar industry per Jason G [redacted] quote to me, this vehicl was my sentimental compensation for giving a child to a couple to adopt in as I was yrs old , and they are strong arming me out of everythingI have been neglected in so many ways where is my car who has it where is my stuff what do they cover..I am sending written letter with my reciept of payment to usual amount I paid for years and money order copy I just called for documents to email Revdex.com they have noneHow is this justiceI would not be so adimant if I was not deserving of what rightfully I was paying forIf this isn't a reason like I said I will have my own documents sent since theirs has disappeared, I assume they want me to go ahead with legal action and media per investigation is that what this has came to? For a company so confident this is a true example of breach of contractPlease just tell me to get it in the system instead of having a little benefit of the doubt that they would settle out of courtObviously what I see is they are a growing business from doing things to unjustly to people Regards [redacted]
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find the resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
First;y: Concerning the Vehicle : It is not safe for me to be driving the same vehicle The thieves from an organized crime group have all information of the vehicle, keys and remotes and additional information.The have the same keys that I haveMs Little mentioned that I do not have to pay car insurance deductible since it is covered in my home insurance Earlier Ms Tara said, I have to pay the deductibleWhy is there a conflict among both the statements? Please note that the vehicle is my personal propertyI have upto 400,coverage as per my agentwhy am I being denied to use my coverage????Secondly on the House Invasion: Today is Feb 17th It is almost one month since the burglary happenedThe first adjuster (Mr Ernie) that came to the house was yesterday., Feb Ms Melanie G [redacted] has officially rejected damages that happened to the houseThere were a broken pipe causing water leak, sprinkler damages, walls being torn with some kind of tool, doors being pushed around causing damage The patio glass door which was a double glazed door shattered causing the ceiling and perpendicular wall to crack There was a glass door that was brokenThat area had to be secured Insurance did not send anyone immediatelyI had to ask [redacted] company to secure the door, so that rodents, rain, garbage may not enter the houseI had to stay at a cousins place until the bare minimum was fixed for me to move backThere were emergency contractors that I had to initiate to bring the house to the state that I could live inNow I am being told Nationwide will not cover for the damagesShe is claiming that if items were not stolen from the garage then the garage wall will not be fixed ( Photos of the whole house have been emailed to her) There are witness that have claimed rummages all over the house including garage, restrooms, bedroomsThe whole house was gone through by the robbers [redacted] , Officer [redacted] , [redacted] husband are witnesses that items were rummaged in garage and rest of the house IMG _is of the closet in the master suite, IMG : picture of bags taken from garage thrown in family and rummaged( cheque books missing) IMG : Downstairs room rummaged ( watches stolen) IMG 1646: picture of empty watch boxes upstairs)I do not have any paperwork from the assigned contracted who is supposed to do the workI have an estimateA police report was filed immediatelyReport number [redacted] Regards, [redacted]