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WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone

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Reviews WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone

WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone Reviews (1390)

We charged a late fee's on a past due balance for months before sending it to collectionsWe didn't charge for additional services just a charge for the remaining balance being late

This is very concerning to me that WOW would fight back so hard over $when their team did not do their due diligence even to keep me as a customerI also find it ironic that I do not recall being offered to have someone verify and come out to the neighborhood to validate that WOW was not out here as they offer online (see attachment)All I recall was being explained that it did not look like it, but not really a definitive answer which is why I moved onOn the other end of the spectrum *** *** immediately offered to have someone come out to my house and validate whether I was able to get service or notDue to this we found out I could and that the main line hook up was in my front yearSo again as stated before WOW did not do everything at that time to keep me as a guest that they should haveStill to this day no one has come and verified to my knowledge whether or not WOW services the areaI also typed in an address yards away in the same neighborhood online and amazingly enough it was allowing me to order serviceThe person who responded last to the complaint stated otherwiseSo they can review the call again and also see that the above issues are true and correctAt the end of the day WOW did not do their job to truly validate whether or not I had coverage, now they may have since then; however they DID NOT do it that day by offering to have someone come out

We were able to review the accountThe customer has the equipment charge removed and there is no longer a balance on the account for the equipment

We have reviewed the initial sales call, and found that it was explained that there was a $promotional discount that would expire after monthsPrice is valid & was agreed to by the customerNo changes will be made to the initial agreement

The consumer was unable to make payments through our automated system or over the phone due to repeat returned paymentsThese options are no longer available for the consumerThe only valid method of payment for the consumer is to make a payment in cash

Complaint: ***
I did receive a call from Wow, stating they would correct the bill (as they have for the past year and half) I do NOT want this issue closed because we need time to ensure their billing has been truly corrected As I have stated in my original claim, Wow will "correct" the bill one time, then in a month or two we will be overcharged again This complaint needs to remain in pending status until at least additional billing cycles are completed correctly
*** ***

The consumer's payment for the 12/01/date was rejected on 12/05/The rejection was not the fault of us as the account was not able to be locatedAn interruption took place due to the unsuccessful completion of the paymentThe online balance reflects the months that have not been paidThe
online balance is not a live or most update balance for the account, as the consumer must call our customer service phone number to gain access to the most update balance information that is available

Services cannot be deactivated electronically, this requires account holder authorization either over the phone or at a local office during business hours. The customer care center is available 24/to assist with deactivating at ***. Once a call to deactivate is made
deactivation can be pro rated to the day the modem was returned. The $charge mentioned refers to the modem rental, which is $a month
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
WOW stepped up and addressed the issue I had professionally
*** ***Still a WOW customer

We have made multiple attempts to reach this customer by phone and email and have been unable to reach this customerWe would need to speak with this customer directly to process any credits on the account

We are still waiting on a reply from the warehouse to see if we have the equipment in inventory

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The bill received was for Dec 23rd - Jan 22ndI do have a copy of that bill and will upload it to this siteThe service was cancelled Dec 12th, modem dropped off the following week on the 18thWe NEVER had ANY service from 12/- 01/We were not living in the home, we moved on Dec 12thIf you didn't shut the internet off until January, that should not be my responsibilityI eventually paid the bill because I was just so sick of fighting over it and yet you still turn this bill over to collectionsOne more reason to never use WOW again
*** ***

We received a complaint about this customer's bury drop not being completed in a satisfactory amount of timeWe have completed the bury drop and we are assuming this case closed

All service charges for the time services were out, 12/through 1/3/18, have been waived

We have issued a credit for the early termination fee and will be sending the customer a refund checkWe apologize for this going unresolved for as long as we have however this issue should be closed now

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I was told moving out of the serviceable area would be reasonable enough to not payThe company says they’ll get rid of 50% of the fee but I still find that in acceptable when I was told such.
*** ***

We were able to review the account and understand the situation the consumer was presented withCurrently, as of 01/03/the consumer no longer has a balance on the account and this is at a zero balanceAs an option, the consumer, can return for services again as a new consumer

The consumer verbally agreed to a year service agreementThe consumer closed the account prior to the month agreement

After having a conversation with the customer we have been unable to resolve the issueThe customer had an outstanding balance with us when he wanted to come back to WOW! so before we started the process to restore service we had to get a payment for that amountHowever when he reconnected we
noticed an outstanding balance on his brothers account at the same location and it appeared they both resided in that location about the same times so it became a shared debtHis account was interrupted the same day it was installed and he was not billed for that time and currently has a $balance

This customer has also filed complaints with the ***We will handle her concerns through the ***

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Address: P.O. Box 24363, Speedway, Indiana, United States, 46224


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