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WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone

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Reviews WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone

WOW! Internet - Cable - Phone Reviews (1390)

The consumer's pricing was subject to change after the year service agreement completedThe consumer started the agreement on 11/08/and completed the agreement on 11/08/The consumer has a rate increased per our terms of service

We have repaired the damage done to this lawn and are now assuming this case closed

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: (1) the business is plainly lying as to have given full refund for the subscription and that there were no fees or taxes charged -- once again blatant lie even to Revdex.comA review of any statement will clear that lie(2) the business again lied that there was "condition" for the $credit -- that was a refund for PREVIOUS overcharges, and was based on $per month (difference between what I had been charged $per month and what they should have charged $per month) for months which equals $overchargedNote, this $per month charge was a negotiated middle ground with the retention rep, and NOT what I accepted initiallyOnce again, this $was a refund for past overcharge but NOT an incentive to stay with WOWWhat was an incentive to stay to me was the lower price ($per month), but there was NO contracts or any conditions attachedOnce again, I clearly and explicitly rejected another offer by the same rep at $a month with a one-year termTherefore, my leave for a much lower price after giving the business a chance to match the price should NOT be the ground to revoke the $credit as they are entirely irrelevantDoing so is clearly retaliatory and unethical(3) I have never got a refund to my credit card or a check in the amount of $150, NOR did I receive any refund for the agreed upon subscription fee; at the same time, I have auto-paid all monthly charges up till cancelling the serviceIn other words, I paid whatever WOW SAID I should pay (~$a month up till termination) and received ZERO dollar back for any over-payment whether it is the acknowledged or disputedYet after termination, the business continue to claim I owe another $100+ billHow can you make it more ridiculous?! (4) The business has terminated my account and I can not (again) access any of the bills to justify any charges. I reject the business's responseI do NOT owe any money to the businessRather, the business owes me the amount specified in my first complaintThat amount was estimated to my best effort as no access to the account was givenNo refunds have been yet received so that same amount stands as of nowI hope can get hold of the recording of the conversation I had with the reps (make sure it's the entire recordings and not edited or selected), which will clear all the liesBut in the case cannot help, I will seek my deserved remedy other ways including court filings.Sincerely,
*** **

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I was told by the billing department that WOW automatically discount when they have equipment problems; it's built into there billing softwareSo I do not believe WOW will not change my bill when they have equipment problemsI know that the design of their software billing systems are beyond the billing representative's pay gradeAnother reason I don't believe WOW is because this has been going on/off for more than a yearIf it aint the bogus "Valued Customer Discount", it's "the equipment adjustment"Both are designed into the company wide billing software
*** ***

Thank you for contacting WOW! My name is ***I apologize for the inconvenience that you are currently experiencing. We escalated this account to our team that buries lines for us and this was completed today, 6/8/Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to
assist you

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: At the time of my install (my first visit from WOW) I was told by the technician who completed my install the original agreement would be changedThis is because of the equipment and pricing was changed at the time of the installHe stated the price would go downI was also told by a WOW representative when I called after receiving my first bill, that my monthly rate would be $per month for months.Again, I was told by another WOW representative (*** ID #***) on 10/28/at 1:10pm EST that my monthly rate is $per month for monthsSo as you can see I have been told by multiple WOW representatives my rate is $per month for monthsI expect the business to honor the deal their representative extended to me the customerI expect this rate since these statements were all legitimate contracts made by WOWI believe the business must stand behind what the representatives tell the customer. WOW is attempting to state NOW everything is changedI did not agree to any new changesI and WOW agreed upon the rate of $per month for months.
*** ***

Initial Business Response /* *** *** *** */
The month rate for your service was adjusted to $a month + taxes by *** on 02/18/with the discounts you provided that are good for monthsThe late charges and reactivation fees are valid charges with the full balance not
being paidI *** make a time adjustment to the account this time to bring the account balance to $69.72, but going forward these charges *** be valid and no credit *** be given for a late charge or reactivation fee for the account being past dueIf you have any further questions please give customer care a call at XXX-XXX-XXXX
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* *** *** *** */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Thank you for your replyUnfortunately continued lack of accountability resonates through WOW! as I found the business' response providing lack of professionalism (no apology provided for the tremendous inconvenience) nor did the representative identify their name/position within the companyMost importantly, however, is the dismissive "The late charges and reactivation charges are valid charges ." without providing the REQUESTED evidence/information
Furthermore, upon reading that my balance was dropped to a balance of $I was interested in finding out when my next due date was (considering I had made my standard/continuing "good faith" agreed upon amount of $on 4/9/2015)In contact customer care, I was notified this "outstanding" balance would need to be paid by 4/23/It is currently 4/17/and NO *** has been receivedClearly WOW! is attempting to "nickel and dime" me by being secretive (as no mention of a due date for this balance was in the company's response)
Please accept this sentence as authorization for WOW! to disconnect my services/terminate my relationship with them effective immediatelyIf possible, I would also like this reply to be provided to the following sources: The CEO/Senior Management of WOW! to be used as a training tool to prevent future relationship terminationsIn the most respectful yet truthful manner possible, please post my reply in the applicable manners/forums in which potential WOW! customers who value positive customer service make their cable provider decisions on this basis
I appreciate the's efforts in resolution
*** ***
Final Business Response /* *** *** *** */
*** *** as of you request from our phone call today your services have been disconnected as of 04/23/I'm sorry that we could not come to an agreement to the billing on your accountWe made the best effort e could on adjusting some of the late charges and reactivation that occurred from the full balance not being paid on the previous months *** statementsWe *** mail out a final *** statement to you on 04/30/adjusting all you charges to stop the billing as of 04/23/if you have any further questions please give customer care a call at XXX-XXX-XXXX
Final Consumer Response /* *** *** *** */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Thank you for your replyI agree that it is regrettable that our business/customer relationship has come to such a bitter/unprofessional endingWith due respect, and if the could kindly note, I respectfully disagree with the comment "We made the best effort (w)e could on adjusting some of the late charges ." If this statement were true, WOW! would have recognized its erroneous billing many months ago and I would not have had to exercise the assistance of the
I'm unsure if the uses resolutions in which the customer chooses to "part ways" with a company as a tool in deciding if said company has its membership revoked/disqualifiedIf it does, I strongly recommend the review any and all memberships/affiliations it may have with Wide Open West Inc
Very truly yours,
*** ***

We have made options available to this customer like moving it to a different service location or finding another business to take ownership of this contractHowever past that we are unable to assist this customer as they signed and agreed to the terms for the contract

I expect to be compensated for my lost time, whether it's in the form of a rate reduction, increase in internet speed, an additional premium channel, etc

Thank you for contacting WOW via this applicationI apologize for the inconvenience that you have experiencedThe install fee has been waived and after the payment that was made, the account has a $balanceWe also apologize for the poor experience that you have had and hope you consider
returning to WOW in the future

Our technician went to the home over the weekend and found a bad line, which has now been replacedThe customer confirmed with our field supervisor that the service issues appear to have been resolved. We do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused

We have reached out to this customer and reached an agreement on a new discount for the next months

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/05/21) */
We advised you if you had the equipment taken to a repairman and the damage was caused by the cable service, we would cover the cost of the repairsThe repairman stated that the damage was from a power surge, and said that it did not come
from the cable feedWe verified our line was properly groundedI recommend you contact you insurance company and make a claim with them for the damaged electronicsThis was not caused by WOW! and we will not take any responsibility for the equipment

After reviewing this complaint, we have notes on the account that the customer was aware the account would go to collections if the payment was not receivedThese comments are from 12/04/and 12/31/The customer was calling to get information to make payments to prevent the account from
going to collectionsFrom everything we can see on the account she was very aware of the fact it would go to collections if unpaid
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11110049, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/14) */
Spoke with customer agreed to credit reaming bill back to the date she requestedEducated her company she want with never called on her behalf
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/07/23) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT
accept the response from the business.)
I received a new bill on July 22, for $and we're not satisfied with the updated chargesWe should've only been charged for days of service
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/07/24) */
After speaking with the customer we came to an agreement that WOW! would credit there bill back to the date of 05/07/This has been done and the customer was agreeable to this arrangement

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/09/08) */
We have been unable to reach the customer to resolve this issueWe will need a valid phone number to reach the customer in order to go any further with this matter
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/09/09) */
(The consumer
indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have contacted them several times via email and phoneThey refuse to help me in either caseMy phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXXMy office number is XXX-XXX-XXXXMy email is ***@1917ins.comI am best reached via email or office phoneAll this information is readily available and published on the webThis is a sorry excuse for not wanting to correct this problem they have caused!
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/09/28) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have emailed and contacted you numerous times with the receiptI have now been contacted via email by your office saying it wasn't an issue with unreturned equipment but a balance on an account that was paid monthly on EFTThe service was disconnected 05/07/It appears I was billed into the month of August for serviceI would appreciate a breakdown of the charges as requested which should include showing the credit for the returned equipmentI have been unable to obtain the informationWhat I am getting are phone calls stating that I now owe Which is a different amount than the original amountHow is any of this possible?
Final Business Response /* (4000, 16, 2015/10/27) */
The balance on the account has been waived and removed from collections

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***I returned the equipment on 9/14/2016, enclosed is a
copy of my receipt. I returned cable boxes, one modem and three remote controls. The equipment was taken by customer service rep: ***This is just a ploy that cable companies do so that they keep your money

We have spoken with the customer and made an adjustment to his rate to resolve this issueThe customer has our email contact if he needs further assistance

Thank you for contacting WOW! My name is ***I apologize for the inconvenience that you have experiencedAccording to our local management team, a technician came out today 6/3/and corrected the issues from the previous technicianPlease let us know if there is anything else that we
can do to assist you

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Address: P.O. Box 24363, Speedway, Indiana, United States, 46224


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