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Weather Safe Exteriors LLC

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Reviews Weather Safe Exteriors LLC

Weather Safe Exteriors LLC Reviews (54)

Horrible service! Horrible sales rep! Horrible Office Manager! Horrible receptionist! ZERO communication between the bulkSales guy showed up in SANDALS and Slacks with a T-Shirt!
No Ladder!
Cheap $tarp
Dont even bother!
Even their contractors try and steal the business!!
Over a month and no progress do NOT bother!
100% Promises
100% legit customer

We refunded Mr*** his money to hopefully resolve this complaint

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I have not received any correspondence of any kind form the business. Every time that I have talked to them, I have had to call them. Yes they said that they were putting me on the schedule but I had to press them for an estimate to that date. They gave me and estimated start on the week of January 23rd. Yet I have heard nothing more from them
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Per our conversation on Feb and then again Mar The patio cover at *** *** *** has not
been replacedThe contractor tells me the insurance company has not approved the funds and the insurance company said they haveWeather Safe then tells me they can't find the materials to replace the cover Every time I call to speak with *** *** (rep) *** (office staff)or Mark(ops manger) they aren't available The contract was signed in April 2016.This has gone on long enough I'd appreciate your assistance in getting this matter closed*** *** also owes me $for a referring my neighbor who has had work completed. *** ** ***(###-###-####

I have had two different roofing companies to give their analysis of the roof, both companies were surprised that the roof was installed recently..Both companies said the roof was done "sloppy.....upon inspection it was brought to my attention multiple flaws with the roof...WeatherSafe stated that mile an hour winds were present in the area but the shingles installed are rated for 130mph wind......All this back and forth needs to come to an end and Weathersafe needs to honor their work.....I have never had a single shingle fly off prior to the installation...I am STILL trying to get in contact with Weathersafe and still no luck, maybe I need to take other measures.....Regards,*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

This has been resolved with *** as we have now made contact with the Insurance Company and they are expediting a re-inspect for her homeI am personally handling this with her and we will be in direct contact with herThanks and if any additional information is needed just let us

I think this is handles I have spoken with her the last three days and we are going to re-order the patio cover and make it where she is happy

We have been in contact with you throughout this with your patio cover, your insurance is not wanting to give you the same quality of patio cover that is existing,We have requested several attempts to get this patio cover resolved with your insurance Your insurance company is sending an adjuster to reinspect this patio cover We have been trying to get your insurance to cover your existing patio cover, however your insurance wants to give you poor quality patio cover which you have a higher quality patio cover

We met with [redacted] yesterday to try and explain why the Insurance Company is not agreeing to pay for her Patio Cover. We are try to finalize this with the Insurance Company and come to terms this week. Mark


Thank you for taking the time to communicate to us why our services did not meet the client’s expectations.  We have every desire to address their needs and provide the best solution available to resolve issues as soon as possible.  We have met with Mr [redacted] to address his issues and have...

contacted him regarding a good time to have all work completed. We have scheduled a time to have work completed with the Mr [redacted]. Again we appreciate your feedback as it will assist us in becoming better at what we do.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I was...

contacted by a Representative of Weathersafe Exterior ([redacted]) who also went to to the property to inspect the damage. He told me that the damage was not due to weather and that he would have the roof fixed the following Monday because he was not pleased with the workmanship of his local crew ....I am getting two conflicting assessments by the company WeatherSafe Exterior. I have voice mails from [redacted] and E-mail from now informing me otherwise....I just need my roof repaired which is under warranty ....I informed Mr Miller that there is interior damage now and this cannot go on any longer, he agreed. There is also still a pre existing leak from a bathroom skylight. Weathersafe Exterior has been to the property twice with two different contractors or repair immediately after installation. The issue still persists. More than one issue still ...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The final payment was received.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  Why has it taken 11 months for this to come up now?  I've been told since Oct that his was taken care of with the insurance company.  

We have been trying to reach out to Ms [redacted] regarding a her insurance claim.  We have reached out to the insurance company to get this claim finalized so that we can move forward with this.  We have spoken with Ms [redacted] regarding these issues. We have put her in our schedule, however...

we cannot began her work until the insurance finalizes her claim.   As soon as we have completed all phase with the insurance company we have every desire to address the needs and provide the best solution available to resolve issues as soon as possible. We will be in contact with the Ms [redacted] and you  in the coming days to make our best attempt in resolving this issue.  In addition we will further evaluate how we can jprevent this  problem from occurring again in the future.  Again we appreciate your feedback as it will assist us in becoming better at what we do.  When all issues are resolved, we will respond when all work has been completed.

WE will be refunding her money this week.  Our bookkeeper comes in once a week....

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because payment sent is not payment received.  If mailed on 7 April 2017 and it has still has not showed up in the mail as of today 14 April 2017,  after 7 days (5 business days) then I have low confidence it will show up. In previous correspondence I recommended to send refund check via certified mail or with a tracking number to see where it's actually at so the post office couldn't be to blame.

We have been working with Ms [redacted] , I have someone going over there this week to take care of this .. we should be done by Friday.

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Address: 3107 Broadway St, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78209-6718


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