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United Advisors Group

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Reviews United Advisors Group

United Advisors Group Reviews (575)

A refund was sent to this client in the amount of $472.48. The client did not pay any more than that to UAG. Proof is below from the escrow company GTX.5/12/2015UAG Credit For Released Funds ACH$472.48 Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC

This client account was closed with a refunded. She has FFEL consolidated loans with ACS and doesn't qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. UAG has been trying to contact this client back and forth since March. The agreements clearly have a...

fair cancellation and refund policy to protect clients that don't qualify. There is no reason for this complaint as UAG closed the account and refunded the money paid for the service. She has had plenty of opportunity to respond to an email or a phone call over the last couple month and this complaint is uncalled for. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC

Thank you for forwarding UAG this complaint. To start UAG is a document preparation service. Processing the consolidation application on behalf of the client for a service fee. The signed contract clearly state the client is responsible for the current Student Loans until...

the consolidation goes through and once the consolidation is approved the client will pay a service fee to UAG and their own new payment for the Federal Student Loan Payment with the new Servicer. This client signed up for the Income based program with a $0 dollar qualifying payment to the Department of Education. The client was approved for the program stated int he signed contracts. This Income based program must be applied through annually as the Department of Education needs to update the clients income to re approve. This client renewed on 11/14/14 for a new one year contract starting on 2/10/15. One payment has been made for this contract. This client is claiming UAG did not do what was promised and that is false. Everything has been done according to the contract and the client is on tract with her student loans forgiveness program. this client is requesting all service fees back when all services were provided. The Client said she needs the money. The client is being refunded the 1 payment made from the renewal contract and wished the best as it is not a good fit. The client wont listen and is trying to tarnish the name of UAG. If you need a copy of the contracts or further information please let me know. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Thank you for intervening on my behalf.  Regardless of what they said, they were not responding to me until I contacted you.  Furthermore, they continued to email and call me and text me asking me to renew even after I told them No and asked them to leave me alone.  It was not until I threatened to file another complaint with you that they stopped doing this.  
My contract is over now.  Lesson learned.  Again, thank you.

United Advisors Group has closed out this client. The company has done [redacted]rything as promised but the client wished not to continue. The account is closed and United Advisors Group is no longer assisting with the consolidation. If you need further information please contact us. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group

That information is incorrect the contract clearly states the service fee does not go towards the balance of your student loans. The rating is low because UAG gets people complaining that have not read the agreements and complain about incorrect items likes this. The agreements signed to begin services clearly state the process and breakdown the fees. By signing the agreements a client is acknowledging they haveread and understand the terms and conditions.  There is even a 14 day full refund and cancellation policy to give clients plenty of time to review. United Advisors Group LLC

This client has been communicating with an employee by the name of [redacted] emailed the client today that she is in process still. Her program placement phase was processed on 2/14/15. This process can take 15-45 days. It is just at 30 day so will be done any day. This file is on track just a little longer. As soon as the program placement is complete [redacted] or [redacted] will give the client a call to confirm. If you need any further information at this time please contact UAG.
Kind Regards,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I am submitting the rebuttal due to the fact that Nelnet is that when I contacted uag my loans were paid to the student loan service after contacting uag the loans were turned over to Nelnet.  I payed them for awhile then I turned in papers for disability forbearance they told me I would not have to make any payments while this was in forbearance, I was at the understanding that while it was in forbearance that the payments would drop from almost $200 a month to $51 a month for 3 years and then the loans would be forgotten. after contacting Nelnet they informed me that there were no payments due or been paid at that time in till they were done with there investigation. It was my understanding that the $51 was toward the loans then they would be forgotten after 3 years, then Nelnet contacted me and told me if I didn't turn in proper paper work for disability forbearance  then the payments would got to the original amount. I hope this is what you need from me.After I sent last correspondence to you I checked in to a few things, it states in there letter and contract that UAG would handle all correspondence on the student loans but they did nothing I was never contacted by them and I to send everything to Nelnet, As of 1/6/16 UAG says they will close my case and no longer take care of this matter but on 1/21/16 they still tried to take the money from our account and also in there letter to you they keep referring to me as she/her that tells you they don't know what is going on cause I am a man not a woman. during the time UAG was suppose to be working on this I never heard from them once so I feel they were not doing there job.

A refund was sent to this client in the amount of $472.48. The client did not pay any more than that to UAG. Proof is below from the escrow company GTX.
5/12/2015UAG Credit For Released Funds ACH$472.48 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC

UAG has done everything they promised. The consolidation was submitted and approved, the program placement was done and approved and the client was renewed. This client wrote to the because she did not want to pay UAG service fees. It was the clients choice to call UAG and...

sign up for UAG's service. She could have done this on her own in the first place, UAG did not force her to pay a fee. THE UAG contract, compliance script and welcome call all tell the client they can do this on their own or hire UAG service to assist them.  This client thinks the can stop service or fees which is ridiculous. This clients file has been cancelled with no refund as everything was done correctly and the client can continue on her own.  All she had to do was submit a request in writing to end the service as the contract stats very clearly. It is so important that every client reads the contract through thoroughly before proceeding which would eliminate a majority of the notification UAG receives. If you need any further information please let UAG know. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

Thank you for bringing this complaint to our attention. We called and spoke with the client to find out the issues today 1/6/15. At this this time the client would not like to move forward with United Advisors Group Services. United Advisors Group has closed the account and refunded the clients...

money. If the clients has any questions moving forward she can contact us during business hours. 
Thank you for your time. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
My issue is not expecting this company to pay bills. They did not pay my bill. They put me into a forbearance that I was not aware of. Then I was 125 days past due that I was not aware of. I find their reasoning unacceptable. I found this info from my lender. I don't know how they lost access to my account. I get a phone call from someone blasting me about two parent loans I had to take out for my son who is college. I am very unhappy. I was told they were going to give me some money back, and I am looking to see if they actually will.

This client has one FFEL loan with Navient. To consolidate and get into a repayment program she must complete the PSLF (public service loan forgiveness) application. The application was was mailed to the client for her current employer to complete. The client called the...

Department of Education and they told her she can do this on her own. So at this time the client mailed the application to the DOE on her own awaiting approval. UAG informs the client they can do this process on their own int he contract and compliance script read to them when they sign up. This is not new news she hired UAG for a service to assist her. UAG has a money back guarantee if they don't successfully get the consolidation done or it does not get approved. The client did not allow UAG to finish the process now demanding a refund as UAG was still waiting for the PLSF form from the client. Anyone can do the process on their own but this client hire UAG for the assistance it the service. That was her choice as she contacted UAG. The account has been closed and the working relationship is done. If you need any further information please let us know. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC

Thank you for sending UAG this complaint. This complaint is ridiculous as the client caused herself to get garnished by the Department of Education. When this client signed up on 8/9/14 she was in default on her current student loans for not making payments...

for at least a year. When you are in default you must call the collection agency the Department of Education uses and getting into a rehabilitation program to get out of default to submit the consolidation to enter a income based repayment plan. UAG cant negotiate a payment for the client with the collections agency. The client was instructed to call and get into a rehab program as soon as possible. The client wrote tot he and wants a refund because she did not get into a rehabilitation program and did not make payments on her student loans for more than 1 year. That is no fault of UAG as UAG can only coach not pay bills for the client. The $275 the client paid is being refund and UAG will no longer assist this client moving forward as she is trying to tarnish UAG's name for her own fault of not paying her bills in a timely manner.  If you pay your bills you wont get garnished simple as that. UAG has done nothing wrong at this time and has closed this account. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC

This account has been cancelled and refund ed $390. The refund takes 10 business days give or take. Please let us know if you need any further information. Kind regards,United Advisors Group LLC

To whom it may concern, 
We are defiantly not dishonest and made a calculation mistake on when responding the client is correct she has made more than 5 payments. She has made 7 payments total. $524.75. $10 from each payment is a non refundable payment processing fee which is written int he disclosures. Our company cant go back and remove you past due payments from your current lender. We are not a credit repair company. What we can do is if you the client has forbearance time available with their current lender we can place them in temporary forbearance while waiting for the consolidation to get approved through the Department of Education if online access is provided.  On 5/2/14 the client called Nel Net and placed herself in a 4 month forbearance. You can submit the consolidation to any of the lenders available with the Department of Education to get it started and then submit the TPD to [redacted] once approved.  [redacted] seems t cause the most problems and take longer so this way can sometimes save time not always. You can call the Department of Education to confirm. We take this same step with many clients and it is successful. It is very important to us that our clients are taken care of and processed the best possible way to put them in a better situation. If we can get the PSLF form right away from our clients we can submit that right away and it takes 30 days. Once they have been approved for TPD (total and permanent disability) discharge the loans are transferred to Nel Net for the 3 year monitoring period. At this time we still have not received the paper work back from the client to submit. 
It does not seem like we will come to a resolution at this time. I will submit a refund of $412.25 through the processor today. Keep in mind it takes 3 business days to process and it will populate in the clients bank on the 4th day. The client can submit her paperwork and receive her approval on her own moving forward as she is not happy with the service. there seems to be some confusion so we are available to answer questions if need be. 
I thank you for your time, please let us know if you need any further information.
United Advisors Group LLC

To whom it may concern,  thank you for letting us know we have a client with concerns. 
Client [redacted] signed up 10/4/14 with a first payment of $140 on 10/16/20014 and 12 monthly payments of $67.08 on 1st of each month. 
This client...

elected to be consolidated I the the forbearance deferment program.  Once the application is submitted with the Department of Education (DOE) it can take 60-120 days for an approval. 
The client has called into request proof of the program that she has consolidated into but we cant provide this proof until we receive the approval fro the DOE. This has now been explained several time with the client still not understanding. [redacted] the processing manager provided the client with a letter that the consolidation is in process . The client responded to [redacted] on 10/22/14 that she still needs a letter showing forbearance. As soon as the repayment term and summary is send from the DOE we would be happy to get [redacted] exactly what she needs but until then we must wait on the DOE. 
Everything has been done correctly and efficiently on this file and now we wait on the DOE. If the client has any further questions at this time she is urged to call UAG during 8:30-5:30 pst for further assistance. 
There are two options at this time UAG can stop working on this file an the client can take over with a refund of $130 dollars or UAG can continue to assist the client. Please let us know what the client prefers. 
Our disclosures state that we are not affiliated with the Government only provide a service as you would hire an accountant to process your taxes. The time frame is very clearly states in the disclosure as well that the clients can do this on their own. 
If you need any further information please let us know. Thank you for you time. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisros Group LLC

This clients program placement was denied in September for being out dated. The client was made aware on 11/6/15 that UAG needed income verification less than 30 days old. The client then changes the online access for Fed Loans Servicing. This client has stopped payments...

several times through out the process. UAg has done everything they can at this time and have been waiting on the client. UAG will close out her account and she can finish the process on her own since she is not doing her part in order for UAG to complete their service. 
Thank you for your time if you need further information please reach out. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC

This file has been closed and a refund has been issued. The refund will take 5 days as it is sent back via ACH. GTX has been closed as well (trust company). If you have any further questions please reach out. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC

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Description: Credit - Debt Consolidation Services, Credit & Debt Counseling, Financial Consultants - No License Required, Financial Planning Consultants

Address: 1621 Alton Pkwy #170, Irvine, California, United States, 92606


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