The College Network, Inc. Reviews (1065)
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Address: 3815 River Crossing Parkway #260, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 46240-7746
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The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated February 06, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN has recently sent out the two Test Fees requested by [redacted].
Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions.
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated March 02, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint rebuttal.
I have sent an email reminder to the TCN accounting department regarding sending out [redacted] partial refund check in the amount of $2,142.00. I will contact [redacted] as soon as I receive the specific details the from accounting.
[redacted] program was designed so she can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
Please feel free to call me if you have any additional questions.
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated December 23, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint rebuttal.
[redacted] signed her Purchase Agreement and all applicable documentation for her degree program on May 22, 2014. While TCN is willing to cancel the balance of the loan [redacted] owes TCN will not refund [redacted] monies paid to date as TCN is allowing [redacted] to cancel her contract early.
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
I have reviewed your email dated April 28, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
font-family: Times New Roman;">
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 5-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within five business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on February 28, 2013 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Associate of Science in Nursing degree program offered by Excelsior College*.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCNResourceCenter. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCNResourceCenter is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so [redacted] can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
*The College Network, Inc. is not affiliated with ExcelsiorCollege.
I have reviewed your email dated September 02, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 3-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within three business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on May 01, 2008 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program offered by IndianaStateUniversity.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCNResourceCenter. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCNResourceCenter is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
program was designed so [redacted] can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.” have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I am not satisfied with the resolution because no resolution was offered. TCN only stated facts that are known. I know that I had 5 days to cancel, I know about the testing gauntee, and I am also aware of the support they provide. TCN did not adress any of my concerns or questions. Infact TCN did what I refer to as "beating around the bush" The sent a nice response restating parts of their policies and contract. This is the same thing they tried to do every time I contacted them via phone. I got excuse after excuse. They told me they were updating systems, they told me I could not talk to the person in charge (I think his name is [redacted]) they told me they couldn't do anything....etc.... I did some research of my own, and found out from other people that have posted complaints that they have been "updating systems" for well over a year. I would like to try to get some honest straight forward answers to my questions and concerns. I don't want a response that is full of policy and contract statements, I want the truth. Being that I paid TCN thousands of dollars for there services I think I deserve the truth. Therefore, I am going to make this a little more simple for them to interpret. I paid TNC up front CASH MONEY the day that I signed the contract. I not only paid for the learning modules but I also paid for my [redacted] exams. TNC told me that I had to pay them for those exams it was part of the "deal". They also told me that when I was ready to test I would let them known and they would send me my exam money. 1. Where is my exam money? 2. Did you spend my money? 3. Do you even have my money?4. ?What does your system update that has been taking place for a loooong time have to do with sending me my exam fee?5. Why do you tell people that TCN will support and help them when all you do is hinder their success?6. Why should I have to pay for my exam via credit card and pay intrest ontop of that when I have already paid for my exam?7 . Why should I have to pay my [redacted] tuition every year when the reason I can't take my exam is because TCN will not send me my exam money.I have no desire to give up on finishing my goals, I would like to complete my degree. I can not, however pay for the exams again. TCN is doing the opposite of what they advertise they do. They are not assising me or supporting me in obtaining my degree. TCN is hindering me. Not only do I suffer, in many ways because of this, but also my family suffers. Regards,[redacted]
I have been using College Network to continue my education. I requested a check from them for testing in November and have not received it as of yet. I was told it take up to 12 weeks to receive a testing check, but it been approximately 18 weeks now. Every time I request a check for testing, I have to wait beyond the 12 week time frame.
I would like to receive all requested testing checks within the 12 week time frame that they allow. The services that I have requested from College Network have been paid for already, and I would just like to attempt to continue my education without delay. It's not fair to pay for a service and not be able to get what you paid for without a hassle.Regards,[redacted] %3
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated June 19, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN sent [redacted] a check for $451.25 on June 23, 2015 for the Algebra module and exam fee.
Please feel free to call me in the event you have any additional questions.
Bernard [redacted]
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
I have reviewed your email dated March 25, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides...
study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 5-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within five business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on October 07, 2013 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Associate of Science in Nursing degree program offered by Excelsior College*.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCN Resource Center. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCN Resource Center is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so she can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
I attempted to get ahold of [redacted] multiple times with zero response. After weighing the pros and cons of hiring a lawyer versus taking the 1/3 loss. I guess I will accept their claim. The representative at TCN says it's notated how many times I called and he was sorry that mr Schrader hadn't called me back and [redacted] will not be back in the office till the 8th. I attempted to accept the offer but then the website shut down. I called and spoke with [redacted] who said I should shoot you an email, so that you know. Thank you for all your help
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
I am writing to you in hopes that I WILL get an immediate response. I started corresponding in January 2015 for an exam fee that was needed following taking an exam. It is now eleven months later and College Network has not responded to numerous attempts to rectify this situation and produce exam fees from my contract.
I signed up for College Network with a contract that included exam fee costs and that they would be mailed when requested. At first it took about a month to receive these funds when needed, then it increased to three months, and now College Network is not fulfilling their obligation stated in the contract eight months later.
In these past eleven months the following has occurred:
1. I initially requested an exam fee in January. This did not arrive. Therefore the below correspondence occurred on four separate occasions 3/12, 3/30, 4/21, and 4/23.
2. I filed a complaint with the on 6/23/15 to which I received a response that a check would be satisfied.
3. I filed a complaint again with the on 7/30/15 to which again I received a response that the commitment would be satisfied and supplied me with the name of Bernard J. S[redacted] to contact at 1-800-634-1443.
4. My mother, [redacted]. [redacted], is paying for my College Network fees. She contacted Lifeway Way Credit Union, who holds the payment plan and corresponded with them. They informed her they would contact College Network in her behalf. They responded by email to my mother and provided the names of Diana C[redacted] of Financial Services and Bernard S[redacted] of Customer Relations as well. My mother called College Network and left two messages being told she would receive a response in 48 hours. SHE HAS HEARD NOTHING.
5. Today, eleven months later, no check has been received. There are three exam fees remaining as part of my contract. The balance with Lifeway Credit Union as of today is $1285.17 with a payment of $156 due on 11/11/15 and will be paid. The three exam fees total $1125.00 ($375 each). We would be perfectly happy if the College Network would communicate with Lifeway Credit Union that the contract has been fulfilled and it has been paid in full as of 11/12/15 so that I may sever my relationship with the College Network.
6. If no response has been received from this correspondence to discuss the matter in full, I will have no other option other than to contact the a third time, contact the local TV station consumer advocate, as well as the Wisconsin State’s Attorney.
We would like to settle this matter amicably but we cannot do so when our requests are being ignored and no civil communication is occurring.
Once again, we would like to receive a check for the three exam fees totaling $1125 at $375 each OR the Lifeway Credit balance marked as paid in full.
We expect to hear from you with an answer to our request within 10 days.
Thank you,
I have reviewed your email dated February 12, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
font-family: Times New Roman;">
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 5-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within five business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on May 29, 2013 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree program offered by IndianaStateUniversity.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCNResourceCenter. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCNResourceCenter is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so [redacted] can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sunday 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
*The College Network, Inc. is not affiliated with ExcelsiorCollege.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated November 03, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint rebuttal.
TCN is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
[redacted] signed her Purchase Agreement and all applicable documentation for her degree program on May 01, 2009.
However, as a good corporate citizen TCN is willing to grant [redacted] request for cancellation under the following conditions.
TCN requests that [redacted] execute TCN’s Release and Settlement Agreement.
TCN will pay off and close [redacted] loan in the approximate amount of $2,800.00 with [redacted] Credit Union.
Monies retained by TCN will be treated as an “Educational Credit” which can be utilized by [redacted] at any time in the future to complete her non Certificate TCN educational program using TCN materials.
Please have [redacted] call me at her convenience and I will send her TCN’s Release and Settlement Agreement for her review and signature.
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated March 04, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint rebuttal.
TCN will be sending [redacted] her requested Exam Fee shortly.
Please feel free to call me in the event you have any additional questions.
Bernard [redacted]
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated June 5, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN will send out the Exam Fee checks that were requested by...
[redacted] soon.
Please feel free to call me in the event you have any additional questions.
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
I have reviewed your email dated March 04, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
font-family: Times New Roman;">
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 3-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within three business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on February 23, 2010 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Asssociate of Science in Nursing degree program offered by Excelsior College*.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCNResourceCenter. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCNResourceCenter is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so [redacted] can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sunday 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
*The College Network, Inc. is not affiliated with ExcelsiorCollege.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated April 20, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN will send out the Exam Fee Check requested by...
[redacted] within the next 10-15 business days.
Please feel free to call me in the event you have any additional questions.
Bernard [redacted]
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
I have reviewed your email dated June 17, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides...
study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 3-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within five business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] signed her contract with TCN on June 24, 2010 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Associate Degree in Nursing degree program offered by Excelsior College*.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCN Resource Center. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCN Resource Center is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so she can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist her in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Bernard [redacted]
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
*The College Network, Inc. is not affiliated, formally or informally, with Excelsior College.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated April 1, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
I have sent the TCN accounting department a...
follow up email regarding [redacted] Exam Fee check to ensure it is sent shortly.
Please feel free to call me in the event you have any additional questions.
Bernard [redacted]
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.