The College Network, Inc. Reviews (1065)
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Address: 3815 River Crossing Parkway #260, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 46240-7746
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The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your...
email dated January 22, 2014, pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
[redacted] signed her purchase agreement for her Bachelor of Science degree program according to its terms on August 20, 2012. At the time she signed her purchase agreement, the program that Ms. [redacted] purchased was approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (the “CBRN”). In December, 2012, the CBRN changed its position and determined that its prior approval was erroneous. TCN is working on solutions to this issue.
TCN believes it has fulfilled its obligations under the contract and that Ms. [redacted] is obligated to fulfill its obligations under the contract, specifically to pay TCN for the educational materials and services provided. It should be noted that Ms. [redacted]’ contract with TCN under the heading Customer Acknowledgment clearly states that TCN customers understand that “TCN is not responsible for changes to state board of nursing or other regulatory requirements, nor is it responsible for changes to state board of nursing or other regulatory requirements, nor is it responsible for the approval of various programs by any boards or agencies.”
However, as a good corporate citizen, and without any admission and without any waiver, at this time TCN is willing to grant Ms. [redacted]s’ request for cancellation under the following conditions:
1. Ms. [redacted] execute TCN’s Release and Settlement Agreement; and
2. Upon that execution:
(a) TCN will refund Ms. [redacted] a total of $2,500.00 of monies paid to date.
(b) Monies paid to date by Ms. [redacted] under her contract with TCN will be treated as an “Educational Credit” which can be used by her at any time in the future to complete her advanced non-Certificate TCN educational program using TCN materials.
Please have Ms. [redacted] call me and I will make arrangements to forward to her TCN’s Release and Settlement Agreement for her review and approval.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taKerekes the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
*The College Network, Inc. is not affiliated, formally or informally, with ExcelsiorCollege.
I have reviewed your email dated March 24, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
font-family: Times New Roman;">
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 3-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within three business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on March 08, 2011 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Associate of Science in Nursing degree program offered by Excelsior College*.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCNResourceCenter. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCNResourceCenter is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so [redacted] can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
*The College Network, Inc. is not affiliated with ExcelsiorCollege.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Mr. [redacted],
As stated in the the previous message, I requested the exam fee on May 8, 2014, not September 5, 2014, and every time I have called to inquire about the exam fee, it was the same response, "the accounting department is backed up," "the accounting department is being revamped," "there are customers waiting longer than you," "there has been an influx of new customers." Had I know that the exam fees would take so long to get to me, 18 weeks most recently, I would have cancelled my contract. To date, the least amount of time I have had to wait for an exam fee is 10 weeks. I have been in this program for a year and a half now and have only completed 3 courses due to exam fees being delayed. Once again, it was stated to me that exam fees would be mailed out 4-6 weeks after being requested. This is considered a contract when something is expressed or stated. "An express contract is a contract in which the terms of the agreement are stated in words." TCN is not fulfilling their end of the contract and therefore I would like out of my contract immediately. I have paid to date, $3,316.40 in payments to [redacted] Federal Credit Union and have only received $1,090.00 for exam fees from TCN. I understand that I need to pay for what I have used, 3 courses. With that being said, a refund of $2,226.40 should be made to me immediately and am requesting that TCN pay in full the remainder of my loan with [redacted] Credit Union.
In your previous message, you state that the exam fee for the LPN-RN transition course was mailed on September 5, 2014, 6 business days later and I am still waiting for the exam fee. TCN claims to have mailed the exam fees in the past and I continue to receive nothing in a timely manner. To date, I have requested 4 exam fees and 1 has made it to my mailbox without a follow up call when an e-mail has been sent. I have called numerous times to ensure that my address is correct and they are addressing the envelope correctly. Once again, TCN failed to have the correct city on my account due to the fact that we share a zip code with another city, hence exam fee lost in mail and me, the customer, waiting longer for exam fees. This is unacceptable and can no longer wait. This program has delayed my education rather than help further my career. I could have my RN complete by now in another program and can no longer waste my time waiting for exam fees.
As stated above, I would like out of my contract immediately and request a refund check of $2,226.40 mailed to me and TCN to pay the remaining balance with [redacted] Federal Credit Union.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The response provided was very generic and did not address any of the claims made against The College Network. In fact, my friend who signed up at the same time as I did is also filing a claim and her response was the exact same generic rebuttal to different complaints. I understand that you are now claiming you are a publishing company but the salesman you employ to represent your company made no such claim. He repeatedly stated there was a close affiliation with Excelsior College. There is no such association or affiliation whatsoever. The bottom line is you are solely a publishing company with sales representatives pushing a product to make a commission. The College Network is not an educational institution and the people you employ are not qualified to advise potential students towards a college in which you have no affiliation. This includes the "transcript evaluation" TCN's salesman performed. It was later discovered that his transcript evaluation was completely invalid because they are not qualified to perform transcript evaluations for a college they are not associated with or educational counselors that don't have experience with course equivalancies or standards. I was advised by my salesmen that I met all of the course requirements for the Excelsior College program, this was not the case when I was admitted to Excelsior College.
Not only has there been fraudulant misrepresentation in this case, the product you are pushing does not live up to the testing standards of Excelsior College. As previously stated in my original claim, I have had to purchase additional study materials to meet the expectations of Excelsior College. The $5000+ loan I am making payments toward is absolutely absurd if I am obtaining a product that does not meet the testing requirements I was led to believe it would.
I still firmly believe that due to this misrepresentation as an educational institution affiliated with Excelsior College and lack of product standards described above and in my original claim I deserve the money made towards the loan to date returned, cancellation of the contract between myself and The College Network and cancellation of the loan with Southeast Financial Credit Union.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.
Although this is not actually a SCAM, it IS. They use high pressure sales tactics. They claim that there will always be someone to help you with your "education" and that they offer all these resources. This is actually just a "clep" type system and you have to teach yourself. I have been waiting for an course and exam refund for over 12 weeks now. Not only do I want my money back but I borrowed this money so I want back the interest that I have been paying. I do not recommend this company. I does not follow through with what they say they offer.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated April 07, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN accounting department will be sending [redacted] requested Exam Fee check(s) out soon.
Please feel free to call me in the event you have any additional questions.
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated May 26, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN is an educational services and eLearning company...
which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
[redacted] signed her Purchase Agreement and all applicable documentation for her degree program on April 5, 2010.
However, as a good corporate citizen TCN is willing to grant [redacted] request for cancellation under the following conditions.
TCN requests that [redacted] execute TCN’s Release and Settlement Agreement.
TCN will recall and close [redacted] loan in the approximate amount of $4,200.00 with American Credit Exchange, Inc.
Monies retained by TCN will be treated as an “Educational Credit” which can be utilized by [redacted] at any time in the future to complete her non Certificate TCN educational program using TCN materials.
Please have [redacted] call me at her convenience and I will send her TCN’s Release and Settlement Agreement for her review and signature.
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
To whom it may concern:I can not seem to get through by phone, so I am emailing you in regards to ID: [redacted]. This case has been closed but needs to be re-opened as the college network has failed to follow through with the agreed upon solution to my problem. I have received one check for $325.00 on 3/13.25 since our "resolution" of this case. I was supposed to receive a total of $975. I have called Mr Bernard [redacted], Director of Customer Relations at TCN three times and left messages inquiring as to these checks as the timeframe for receiving these checks has passed. Our agreement stated the money would be paid to me within 10-15 business days of March 12, 2015. I have yet to receive a call back. I would like this matter resolved. I also want to inquire as to where the other $1410.00 that they have owed me for over a year is, and I would like it immediately at this point. I feel strongly that I am going to have to take TCN to court over my loan and being reimbursed for the money they owe to me. I also am in turmoil as to if I should stop paying on my loan to them as I don't want to lose more money, but I also don't wish to harm my credit.
If someone could please get back to me as soon as possible I would appreciate it.
Sincerely, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. When I met with the counselor I was never told that this is a testing only course and that I would then have attend another online school to complete the curriculum I was attempting to finish. Which would cost me even more money. I gave the counselor the voided check to my bank account which I received a phone call from the college network that the account information was delivered to them wrong (which is not my fault, if I gave their representative the voided check), second I did attempt to cancel the loan due to the fact I found out I was misinformed about what the program was by both the agent on the phone and the agent I met with in person as well as the fact they couldn't get my banking information correct. I was made to believe that this was the program to obtain my LPN to RN. Now the College network claims that I only had three days to cancel the program but then they say I didn't cancel in 5 days. Which one is it 3 or 5 and I signed on a Friday and canceled in the middle of the next week. I will never use the program I am currently enrolled in the local college in my town and will be attending that. I would like my money back that already been paid to them. They do not have anything I need in their programs and I will never use them. No one in my family will ever use the program ether. I am very unhappy and finding more and more people with the same story. I would never recommend this program to anyone.
I have reviewed your email dated March 09, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides...
study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 5-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within five business days to cancel his contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on October 31, 2013 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Associate of Science in Nursing degree program offered by Excelsior College*.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that his TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCN Resource Center. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCN Resource Center is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so he can study when he is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining his degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help him obtain his dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
Bernard [redacted]
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Though I was informed that a check was mailed out to me July 10, 2015, as of this date, July 17, 2015 I have not received any check. As I said in my previous response the only resolution to this complaint is when I have received and cashed the check.Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I look forward to receiving payment from The College Network in the next 10-15 days, as stated in their response. I will contact you if I fail to receive payment.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated August 26, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint rebuttal.
If [redacted] elects to not cancel her contract she will remain responsible for her loan with Southeast Financial Credit Union. TCN is dedicated to helping [redacted] earn her college degree.
Please feel free to call me if you have any additional questions.
Bernard [redacted]
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated June 29, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
I sent a follow up email to TCN’s Accounting Department today and requested that your pending check request be expedited and sent to you as soon as possible.
Please feel free to call me in the event you have any additional questions.
Bernard [redacted]
Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
I have reviewed your email dated June 10, 2014 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
The College Network, Inc. (“TCN”) is an educational services and eLearning company which provides study material and support to help its customers pass college equivalency examinations. TCN has assisted many customers in obtaining their degrees at the Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s level.
TCN had a 3-Day Cancellation Policy. [redacted] did not contact TCN within three business days to cancel her contract.
[redacted] enrolled with TCN on July 20, 2010 for the purchase of Comprehensive Learning Modules related to the Associate of Science in Nursing degree program offered by Excelsior College*.
TCN would like to take this opportunity to remind [redacted] that her TCN program has a “Lifetime Guarantee”, including a testing guarantee**. In addition, TCN has developed the Academic Guidance Planner and TCNResourceCenter. Those features were designed to assist TCN customers in reaching their educational goals. The Academic Guidance Planner offers resources to help TCN customers determine what type of learner they are and the best way for them to study, organize their studies, and have a point of reference for their degree program progression. The TCNResourceCenter is a learning environment that allows TCN customers to access their Comprehensive Learning Module program in an online, interactive format. TCN also offers customers online practice testing and the ability to take examinations in the comfort of your home.
[redacted] program was designed so [redacted] can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
TCN hopes that [redacted] will decide to allow us to help her obtain her dream of achieving an advanced degree. TCN’s mission is to make quality education as accessible and affordable as possible for working adults.
If I can be of further service, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Director of Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.
** The following is a copy of TCN’s testing guarantee, which is a part of TCN’s contract that customers receive on the day they sign up for their degree program.
“The College Network, Inc. agrees to provide to all customers in good standing the following support for the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased as long as I have taken at least one of the tests related to the Comprehensive Learning Modules purchased every twelve months from the purchase date forward: Free updated versions of the Comprehensive Learning Modules (shipping and handling may apply) for the duration of my testing program with The College Network, Inc. and assistance in obtaining information and identifying test site locations.
If I have not passed the CLEP, DANTES or Excelsior College* Exam for a particular TCN Comprehensive Learning Module after two attempts, TCN will pay the future cost of re-taking the exam in question, up to the maximum attempts allowed (if any) by CLEP, DANTES, or Excelsior College*. Additionally, TCN will provide me with specific study plans with one of its Academic Advisors and/or the use of an approved tutor in my local area. Approval and assignment of a special tutor is solely at the discretion of The College Network, Inc.”
*The College Network, Inc. is not affiliated with ExcelsiorCollege. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I have waited over the 10-12 week timeframe for my testing fees financed through the company. I want a full refund of my testing fees or I will have no choice but to seek legal action on this matter.Regards,[redacted]
The College Network Inc. (“TCN”) has received and reviewed your email dated February 10, 2015 pertaining to [redacted] complaint.
TCN sent out [redacted] requested exam fees on Friday...
February 13, 2015.
[redacted] program was designed so she can study when she is ready to study; the TCN staff is here to assist in obtaining her degree Monday-Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Eastern Time).
Please feel free to call me if you have any additional questions.
[redacted]Director Customer Relations
The College Network, Inc.