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T-Mobile Usa Inc

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Reviews T-Mobile Usa Inc

T-Mobile Usa Inc Reviews (4844)

July 25, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
T-Mobile Account Holder: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated July 20, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any ongoing concerns Mr. [redacted] has experienced regarding identity theft and allegations of fraud. In Mr. [redacted]’s correspondence, he indicates that T-Mobile has not attempted to contact him via phone. Additionally, Mr. [redacted] also expresses concerns with disclosing Personal Identifying Information (“PII”) via email communication.
Please be advised that upon receiving Mr. [redacted] initial correspondence dated July 3, 2017, T-Mobile made the following attempts to contact Mr. [redacted]:
• July 6, 2017, T-Mobile attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] at the number ending in [redacted]. We were unable to leave a voicemail, as Mr. [redacted]’s voicemail was full.
• July 7, 2017, T-Mobile attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] at the number ending in [redacted]. We were unable to leave a voicemail, as Mr. [redacted]’s voicemail was full.
• July 7, 2017, T-Mobile contacted Mr. [redacted] via email. In our email, we advised Mr. [redacted] to contact us via his choice of phone or email so that we may address his concerns.
• July 10, 2017, T-Mobile attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] at the number ending in [redacted]. We were unable to leave a voicemail, as Mr. [redacted]’s voicemail was full.
• July 10, 2017, T-Mobile contacted Mr. [redacted] via email. In our email we advised Mr. [redacted] to contact us via his choice of phone or email so that we may address his concerns.
Upon receiving your correspondence dated July 20, 2017, we attempted to reach Mr. [redacted] once again at the number ending in [redacted]. Once again, we were unable to leave a voicemail, as Mr. [redacted]’s voicemail was full. As we were unable to reach Mr. [redacted] via phone, an email was sent to Mr. [redacted] advising Mr. [redacted] that he may contact me at the number below to provide the account number in question or his social security number as a means of locating his account. Upon receiving our email, Mr. [redacted] contacted us via phone and provided the necessary information to locate the account in question as T-Mobile account number [redacted].
As our fraud team is currently reviewing Mr. [redacted]’s concerns we will continue to work with him toward an amicable resolution. Once information is received from our fraud team we will contact Mr. [redacted] and apprise him of our findings.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Anthony M[redacted]
Executive Response

April 12, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:

USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated April 1, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. We are glad to report that upon speaking with Mr. [redacted] he confirmed that his concerns have been resolved to his satisfaction.
T-Mobile is delighted that Mr. [redacted] chose T-Mobile to be his wireless service provider. Please be assured that we make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers. We apologize if Mr. [redacted] feels that this was not his experience when recently discussing the activation of service and cost of our SIM Card Starter Kits.
On April 7, 2017, T-Mobile contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns. At this time Mr. [redacted] let us know that he had not activated a T-Mobile account yet. In an effort to amicably resolve this matter, on April 9, 2017, T-Mobile completed Mr. [redacted]’s account activation and mailed Mr. [redacted] two SIM Cards Starter Kits directly from our office at no cost to him.
Mr. [redacted]’s newly activated account number [redacted] was placed under military suspension on April 9, 2017, pursuant to Mr. [redacted]’s request. T-Mobile appreciates the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted] and we regret any inconvenience he may have experienced.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Maggie R[redacted]
Executive Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]

June 26, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:

USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated June 13, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. Please be advised that after several attempts via phone and email, we have been unsuccessful in gaining contact with Mr. [redacted]. As such, we will make every effort attempt to address and resolve Ms. [redacted]’ concerns within this letter.
T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] has experienced with the billing on his T-Mobile account and we appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns. T-Mobile records confirm that Mr. [redacted] billing cycle runs from the 29th of the month to the 28th of the following month, with payment due on the 21st of the following month. Pursuant to T-Mobile policy, customers may be suspended when payment in full is not received by the payment due date. Customers can make a payment via electronic check or credit card, online, over the phone either through the Interactive Voice Response (“IVR”) or with Customer Care or in person at one of our local retail store locations or by mailing it to the payment lockbox address on their billing statement remittance slip.
A review of the account confirms that Mr. [redacted] payment due on May 21, 2017, was not received on time. However, T-Mobile’s records indicate that Mr. [redacted] had a payment arrangement on his account to pay $65.00 on June 9, 2017. On June 9, 2017, T-Mobile attempted to withdraw Mr. [redacted] payment of $65.00 and the payment was declined from his financial institution for insufficient funds. Therefore, T-Mobile suspended the account’s ability to place outbound calls.
As stated in our Terms and Conditions, if we suspend a customer’s service and then later reinstate it, a fee may be assessed. Therefore, when Mr. [redacted] made a payment on June 12, 2017, the account was reactivated, the account was assessed a $20.00 restore from suspension fee per line of service.
T-Mobile records confirm that on the May 2017 billing statement, Mr. [redacted] was assessed a late fee in the amount of $5.00 because payment for the previous billing cycle was not received by the due date. It is T-Mobile’s position that the late fee assessed to Mr. [redacted] account is valid and owed. However, on June 13, 2017, Mr. [redacted] was provided a courtesy credit of $137.60, which was for the late fee and reconnection fees leaving a revised balance of $393.33.
Please be assured that T-Mobile takes allegations of employee misconduct very seriously. We make every effort to be professional and courteous to our customers. We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’ recent calls to our Customer Care.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Nicole C[redacted] Executive Response
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:Please be aware that complaint ID: [redacted] which I filed on 8/9/16 has been resolved by T-Mobile USA and myself. They called me and we came to an agreement.Thank you for your help in resolving this matter. Please consider this complaint withdrawn and/or resolved.Signed, [redacted]
Miami, FL 33174
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thanks T Mobile for unlockingmy cardevice, and thanks for helping with the issue. 
[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.Sincerely, [redacted]

June 16, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
T-Mobile Account Holder: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No....

To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated June 3, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. Please be advised that T-Mobile records indicate the account holder of record is [redacted]., and that they have designated Mr. [redacted] as an authorized user of the account. T-Mobile is pleased to inform you that upon speaking with Mr. [redacted], he confirmed that his concern has been resolved to his satisfaction.
T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] may have experienced in regards to his billing concerns regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile records confirm that on August 2, 2014, Mr. [redacted] activated said account and is subscribed to the Simple Choice & North America Voice plans: Business rate plan which for $80.00 per month plus applicable taxes and fees includes two voice lines, unlimited minutes, messaging, plus 1GB of data at up to 4G/LTE speeds depending on device capability. It is important to note that each additional voice line is $10.00 per month plus applicable taxes and fees. Please be advised Mr. [redacted] has activated and cancelled several lines since the activation of the aforementioned account and currently has five voice lines active.
T-Mobile records confirm that the voice line with mobile number ending in [redacted] was activated on August 2, 2014, at a cost of $10.00 per month plus applicable taxes and fees. Additionally, on March 20, 2016, T-Mobile records confirm Mr. [redacted] activated the mobile number ending in [redacted] on our T-Mobile Simple Choice Wearable rate plan at a cost of $15.00 plus applicable taxes and fees. Simple Choice Wearable plans provide unlimited talk and text plus 500MBs of high-speed data to specific wearable devices.
Regrettably, on June 2, 2017, Mr. [redacted] elected to cancel the mobile numbers ending in [redacted] and [redacted]. It is important to note that T-Mobile does not have any record of receiving any communications from Mr. [redacted] in regards to cancelling the aforementioned lines prior to the cancellation on the date stated above. However, T-Mobile applied an account credit totaling $144.00 at the time of cancellation as a courtesy to Mr. [redacted], which resulted in a balance due of $46.49 on June 21, 2017.
Additionally, upon speaking with Mr. [redacted] on June 6, 2017, as a gesture of goodwill and in an effort to resolve his concerns, T-Mobile applied an account credit in the amount of $250.00 which resulted in a credit balance of $203.51.
Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide world-class service to all of our customers on each and every contact. We also make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers. We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’s recent contact with our Customer Care. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Carlos T[redacted] Executive Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]

Tell us why here...
July 3, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May...

T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated June 19, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. Please be advised that we have made several attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] which have proven unsuccessful. As such, T-Mobile will make every effort to address his concerns within this letter and will forward a copy to Mr. [redacted].
In Mr. [redacted] letter to your office he outlined concerns regarding an account that was opened in his name without his consent. T-Mobile records confirm that on November 21, 2016, Mr. [redacted] visited a T-Mobile retail store and during this visit mobile numbers ending in [redacted] and [redacted] were activated on the above T-Mobile account. Please note that in order to activate T-Mobile postpaid services, customers must provide their SSN and agree to a credit evaluation. In reviewing Mr. [redacted]’s account, our records confirm that he provided all of the required information to activate an account and that he agreed to a credit evaluation. As such, the activation of service was completed for Mr. [redacted].
On January 14, 2017, Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled for non-payment. As such, on January 23, 2017, his final billing statement was mailed to him at his billing address showing an outstanding balance of $217.80, which included monthly access charges and taxes for services from November 21, 2016, the date of activation, through January 14, 2017, the date of cancellation. Since payment was not received for the final balance, on February 26, 2017, Mr. [redacted]’s account was referred to a third party agency, [redacted]., for collection purposes.
T-Mobile has completed its investigation of this matter and unfortunately, we have been unable to substantiate the allegation of fraud. A review of the account indicates that billing statements were sent to the address Mr. [redacted] supplied in his correspondence to your office.
Nevertheless, in an effort to amicably resolve this issue, on June 20, 2017, T-Mobile applied a credit of $217.80 to Mr. [redacted]’s account to bring the outstanding balance to zero. In addition, T-Mobile has removed the account from third-party collections and instructed the collection agency to delete any negative information reported to the credit bureaus relating to this account. Please note that it may take up to 90 days for the credit report to be updated. Mr. [redacted]’s account remains closed with a zero balance. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
James H[redacted]
Executive Response

August 28, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
T-Mobile Account Holder: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No....

To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated August 15, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. Our records indicate the account holder of record is [redacted] and that [redacted] has been designated as an authorized user.
T-Mobile regrets any concerns Mr. [redacted] experienced regarding equipment returns. Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide complete and accurate information to our customers. We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’s contact with our Customer Care department and Executive Response Team.
T-Mobile records indicate on June 14, 2017, Mr. [redacted] started a JUMP! On Demand (“JOD”) lease for a Samsung Galaxy S8 device. On June 27, 2017, the Samsung Galaxy S8 device was received at our warehouse. Unfortunately, the JOD lease was not ended upon return and Mr. [redacted] continued to receive monthly lease charges. On August 14, 2017, the JOD lease was ended and an adjustment in the amount of $265.31 was issued for the billed lease charges and for the inconvenience. On August 15, 2017, T-Mobile issued an additional adjustment in the amount of $81.91 for third party download charges.
In regards to Mr. [redacted]’s concerns about an Apple iPad Pro tablet; T-Mobile records indicate on June 21, 2017, Mr. [redacted] started a JOD lease for an Apple iPad Pro tablet. On August 20, 2017, T-Mobile received the return of the Apple iPad Pro tablet and the JOD lease was ended and Mr. [redacted] will no longer be billed for the tablet. T-Mobile issued an adjustment in the amount of $11.70 for return shipping costs. Please note T-Mobile does not have record we offered a credit in the amount of $13.60. On August 22, 2017, T-Mobile issued an adjustment in the amount of $100.00 for the inconvenience. The above credits impacted the account balance in the amount of $500.74 which updated the balance to $41.82. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]-xxxx.
Very truly yours,
Jennifer G[redacted]
Executive Response

September 7, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May...

T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated August 26, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any concerns that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced regarding his services. On November 19, 2015, T-Mobile launched Binge On, our answer to address customers’ growing demand for mobile video. Video streaming has become the #1 way many people use data. Binge On is powered by technology built into our network that optimizes all detectable streaming video for mobile screens at DVD quality (480p or better), including YouTube, so it is more reliable and consistent, provides a satisfying viewing experience, and uses up less data. That said, Binge On is an automatic enabled feature that our customers can control at all times. It can be deactivated and reactivated anytime for each line on an account via My, either with the application or the online website.
As can be expected, there are requirements to qualify for Binge-On. Please be advised that in order to qualify for Binge-On, customers must have a 3GB or higher data package. Our records confirm that Mr. [redacted] has the 2GB data feature for all of his lines that is included with his rate plan therefore is not eligible for Binge-On.
Based on Mr. [redacted]’s history with us, on September 5, 2017, T-Mobile offered 3GB web package for all 3 of his lines at no cost for the next 6 months. Mr. [redacted] is welcome to contact me at the number below to take advantage of this offer.
Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide world-class service to all of our customers on each and every contact. We also make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers. We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’s recent contact with our Customer Care.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Chris L[redacted]
Executive Response

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: This is not accurate I see a credit for $41 and $62 not $87On the  bill close date 1/24 I am still owed a credit of $19.38 ..there was 2 charges for the line ending in [redacted] on that bill.$62.02 and on the last page of the bill they charged me again $19.38 even after they stated the line was supposed to be cancelled I did not want to change my plan the rep I spoke to on 1/17/17 after I told her the bill seemed too high she said I can give you a better plan.Per her email dated 1/17/17 she outlined the plan and the total amount per month $110.90It did not give me unlimited data which I had before but she said you and your mother lines do not use that much datashe offered the additional gb of data for a small chargeThis rep also said that if there was any problems I could reach out to her and her supervisor, this is in emailWhen I received bill and I tried to contact both of them neither one returned my call or email..This was before I filed with Revdex.comThis email also states my bill will be $110.09 with taxes ..which it was notIn addition a call was left for me on my vm from t mobile from the executive office I could not make out the womens name, phone number or ext. She spoke so quick and fast I could not understand any of her message.I have been a customer over 10 years ..I was hung up on , transferred numerous times left on hold, promised the line would be cancelled This is not the way to treat people Thank you [redacted]   

October 30, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon, & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May...

T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated October 18, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any billing concerns Mr. [redacted] has experienced and appreciates the opportunity to respond. Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide world-class service to all of our customers on each and every contact. We also make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers. We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’s contact with our Customer Care.
T-Mobile has completed its investigation of this matter and unfortunately, we have been unable to substantiate the allegation of fraud. Further upon speaking with Mr. [redacted] on October 24, 2017, he confirmed that it is a domestic matter within his family.
T-Mobile records confirm on August 11, 2015, Mr. [redacted] activated one line of service and subscribed to the Simple Choice North America Unlimited rate plan for $50.00 per month plus applicable taxes and fees, which provided unlimited minutes and unlimited text messages and up to 2GBs of high speed data at up to 4GB speeds depending on device capability. T-Mobile records confirm Mr. [redacted] subscribed the Premium Handset Protection for $12.00 per month. Additionally, T-Mobile records confirm that on February 25, 2016, Mr. [redacted] added the Simple Choice 6GB data feature, which provided high speed data at up to 4G/LTE speeds and 5GBs of Smartphone Hotspot (“SMHS”) for $15.00 per month.
T-Mobile records indicate that Mr. [redacted] qualified for and took advantage of our Equipment Installment Plan (“EIP”) offering while in a T-Mobile retail location. It is important to note, if a customer has an open EIP and the account is canceled, any remaining open EIP balance on the canceled account is accelerated and becomes due with the final billing statement. This information is disclosed within the EIP agreement provided at the time of purchase. T-Mobile records indicate that on August 11, 2015, Mr. [redacted] purchased an Apple iPhone 6 16GB handset in gold at a total price of $649.92 plus applicable tax. Mr. [redacted] was not required to remit a down payment; however, he agreed to pay the remaining balance in 24 installments of $27.08.
Please note that Mr. [redacted]’s account had carried a rolling past due balance for over five months prior to cancelation. The final balance owed on the account of $772.41 includes the following:
• The billing statement dated February 13, 2016, reflected a balance due in the amount of $266.10. Please note that $134.44 was considered past due. Mr. [redacted] was assessed $131.66 in monthly access charges, EIP, a restore from suspend fee, as well as applicable taxes and fees for services from February 14, 2016, and March 13, 2016, which was due in full by March 6, 2016. T-Mobile received a payment on February 18, 2016, in the amount of $45.09 which reduced the past due amount to amount due to $221.01.
• The billing statement dated March 13, 2016, reflected a balance due in the amount of $354.66. Please note that $221.01 was considered past due. Mr. [redacted] was assessed $133.65 in monthly access charges, EIP, a restore from suspend fee, as well as applicable taxes and fees for services from March 14, 2016, and April 13, 2016, which was due in full by April 6, 2016. T-Mobile received a payment on March 18, 2016, in the amount of $150.72, which reduced the past due amount to $203.94; however, on April 5, 2017, the payment was returned as unpaid from Mr. [redacted]’s financial institution. As such, the balance was updated to reflect a past due of $354.66.
As a result of continued non-payment, the account was fully suspended, and ceased being charged monthly service charges, on April 9, 2017.
• The billing statement dated April 13, 2016, reflected a balance due in the amount of $412.44. Please note that $354.66 was considered past due. Mr. [redacted] was assessed $57.78 for EIP, a restore from suspend fee, late fee, as well as applicable taxes and fees for services from April 14, 2016, and May 13, 2016, which was due in full by May 6, 2016. On May 4, 2017, a credit in the amount of $2.00 was applied to the account reducing the past due amount to $410.44.
Due to continued non-payment, on May 3, 2017, the account was cancelled.
• The final billing statement dated May 13, 2017, reflected a balance due of $811.79, of which $410.44 was past due. Mr. [redacted] was assessed $401.35 for the accelerated final EIP balance, which was due in full by June 6, 2016. On June 9, 2016, Mr. [redacted] remitted a payment in the amount of $111.79, reducing the balance due to $700.00. T-Mobile received a payment on June 2, 2016, in the amount of $200.00, which reduced the past due amount to $600.00; however, on June 7, 2017, this payment was returned to T-Mobile as unpaid by Mr. [redacted]’s financial institution. As such, Mr. [redacted]’s balance was update to reflect a past due of $700.00. Please note that the account was assessed a $10.00 return payment fee. Additionally, on July 18, 2016, a collection fee was assessed to the account in the amount of $62.41, making the total balance due $772.41.
After unsuccessful attempts to collect on the outstanding balance, on July 14, 2016, Mr. [redacted]’s account was referred to Convergent Outsourcing Inc., a third party collection agency. Mr. [redacted]’s account currently resides with Enhanced Resource Centers. Mr. [redacted] may contact Enhanced Resource Centers, at 1-800-501-7454 to make further arrangements for payments. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 844-213-3926 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Melyssa G[redacted]
Executive Response

February 13, 2018FILED ELECTRONICALLYBureau Service of Alaska, Oregon, & Western Washington1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222DuPont, WA  98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]To Whom It May Concern:T-Mobile USA, Inc....

(“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence February 5, 2018, regarding the above-referenced account.  T-Mobile regrets any handset concerns Mr. [redacted] has experienced.  T-Mobile records indicate Mr. [redacted] initiated a JUMP! On Demand (“JOD”) lease for a ZTE Zmax Pro handset on August 29, 2017, for mobile number ending [redacted].  At the time of Mr. [redacted]’s lease signing, he was not required to remit a capital cost reduction payment, agreed to 18 monthly payments of $8.00 plus applicable taxes, and a purchase option price of $35.99.  Additionally, Mr. [redacted] subscribed to our Premium Device Protection (“PDP”) feature for $7.00 per month for mobile number ending [redacted], which provided insurance for damage, as well as extended warranty coverage for the handset in use with the subscribed mobile number. By purchasing or leasing T-Mobile equipment, Mr. [redacted] received a one-year Limited Warranty provided by the manufacturer of his device.  During the Limited Warranty period, Mr. [redacted] was eligible to receive an advanced replacement of his device via T-Mobile’s Handset Exchange Program.  Alternatively, customers can replace their device through a post-exchange program by contacting the manufacturer directly to discuss repair or replacement options.  Under the Handset Exchange Program, T-Mobile will provide a replacement handset of the same or equivalent model, with a Service Warranty Processing Fee, provided that the non-working handset is in good physical condition with no modifications or damage, such as broken or cracked plastics, LCD or internal parts, or liquid damage.  Please be advised that with each handset purchase a set of Terms and Conditions including the Limited Warranty policy is provided.  This Limited Warranty states the following: “…If your Device is replaced, T-Mobile or the Device manufacturer may choose to replace it with a functionally equivalent reconditioned, refurbished or pre-owned device.”  T-Mobile records reflect that Mr. [redacted] participated in the Limited Warranty Exchange process on August 18, 2017.  However, upon inspection of the non-working Zmax Pro handset, it was determined that the handset had sustained physical damage, and Mr. [redacted] completed an insurance claim for the handset on October 25, 2017.  Further, our records indicate Mr. [redacted] participated in the Warranty Exchange program a second time on February 4, 2018, and a replacement Zmax Pro handset was sent to a T-Mobile retail location to complete the exchange.  As of the date of this letter, the warranty exchange has not been completed by Mr. [redacted].After speaking with Mr. [redacted], on February 9, 2018, in an effort to amicably resolve his concerns, T-Mobile offered to accept the return of the Zmax Pro handset in like new condition for credit of the remaining balance owed on the JOD lease.  T-Mobile also provided instructions to return the handset should Mr. [redacted] choose to accept the offer.  Additionally, T-Mobile offered a discount of $100.00 off the purchase of the handset of Mr. [redacted]’s choosing, and offered to bill the associated down payment of the handset purchase to his account.  To accept this offer, we ask that Mr. [redacted] return the Zmax Pro handset, and contact our office at the number listed below by February 28, 2018.  T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted] and we appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].Very truly yours,T-MOBILE USA, INC.Ronnie A[redacted]Executive Response

September 21, 2017   FILED ELECTRONICALLY   Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA  98327               Re:     ...

[redacted]                         Your File No. [redacted]                         T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]   To Whom It May Concern:   T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated September 11, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.  We are pleased to report that we have resolved Ms. [redacted]’s concerns to her satisfaction.                   T-Mobile regrets any concerns Ms. [redacted] experienced with her billing and we appreciate the opportunity to review and address her concerns.  Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide world-class service to all of our customers on each and every contact.  We also make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers.  We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Ms. [redacted]’s recent contact with our Customer Care.   Please be advised that our Simple Global feature provides customers like Ms. [redacted] discounted calling at a rate of $0.20 per minute to eligible Simple Global countries and free unlimited text and data when Ms. [redacted] travels to a Simple Global country.  In reviewing the records for the account, it appears that Ms. [redacted] was able to utilize the service in a country that is covered under Simple Global; therefore she incurred international long distance charges for text messages initiated directly from her T-Mobile handsets and was billed accordingly.   T-Mobile record also indicates that date that Ms. [redacted] utilized her handset while on a cruise ship.  Please be advised that roaming charges are based on the customers' location, not the destination of the call.  As Ms. [redacted] was no longer roaming in a Simple Global country, she incurred maritime charges for the mobile numbers ending in 9559 and 1694 in the amount of $0.50 per text.  A review of Ms. [redacted]’s account confirms that she incurred international roaming charges totaling $77.01 for the text messages along with applicable taxes.   Upon speaking to Ms. [redacted], in an effort to amicably resolve the matter, and as a gesture of goodwill, T-Mobile issued credits totaling $77.01, updating her account balance to $396.62.  Ms. [redacted] accepted this as a full resolution and did not have any additional concerns.   Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.   Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].     Very truly yours,   T-MOBILE USA, INC.   Robert R[redacted] Executive Response

March 8, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted] and [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]

To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is...

in receipt of your correspondence dated February 22, 2017 regarding the above-referenced account.
Please be advised that T-Mobile takes account security very seriously, therefore in order to protect our customer's privacy and personal information, T-Mobile restricts how customers can obtain information or make changes to accounts. Investigation of this issue has confirmed that [redacted] and [redacted] is not an authorized user on the account which is associated with the mobile number they have provided.
Please note that T-Mobile spoke with the account holder of record on February 27, 2017 and resolved their concerns to their satisfaction. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to [redacted] and [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Amor M[redacted] Executive Response

August 12, 2016 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is...

in receipt of your correspondence dated August 5, 2016, regarding the above-referenced account. Please be advised that T-Mobile records indicate the account holder of record is Mr. [redacted], and that he has designated his mother Ms. [redacted] as an authorized user of the account. Please note that as an authorized user Ms. [redacted] is able to make account changes and perform upgrades on Mr. [redacted]’ account. T-Mobile regrets any concerns Mr. [redacted] has experienced regarding our Apple iPhone 6S introductory offer and we appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns. JUMP! On Demand offers customers a great way to upgrade their devices without having to purchase a new phone off contract. JUMP! On Demand is a lease program that breaks a phone’s cost down into 18 equal monthly payments with zero down upfront. Once a customer is in JUMP! On Demand, they can swap out for a new phone up to three times per year without having to pay to upgrade. If the customer does not upgrade, at 18 months they will have the choice to either trade-in or buy the phone for the remaining balance of what it would cost at full retail. The best part is, there is not an extra mark-up at the end – the customer pays the difference between the phone at full retail and however much they paid during those 18 months. T-Mobile records indicate that on October 10, 2015, an upgrade was performed with our JUMP! On Demand lease offering for an iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold for the mobile number ending in 0504 and an iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gray for the mobile number ending in 4510. A capital cost reduction payment was not required however; Mr. [redacted] agreed to 18 monthly lease payments in the amount of $27.00 for each handset with the option to purchase after 18 months for one payment of $163.99 for each device. On October 11, 2015, an upgrade was performed with our JUMP! On Demand lease offering for an iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Grey for the mobile number ending in 5402 and an iPhone 6 16GB Silver for the mobile number ending in 6237. A capital cost reduction payment was not required however, Mr. [redacted] agreed to 18 monthly lease payments in the amount of $23.00 for each handset with the option to purchase after 18 months for one payment of $135.99 for each device. Please note that from September 25, 2015, until October 6, 2015, T-Mobile offered customers who signed up for our JUMP! On Demand offering with either an iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus handset and who traded-in an eligible device that they owned would receive an additional credit to reduce their monthly payment to as low as $5.00 per month for the iPhone 6S. On October 15, 2015, an iPhone 6 Plus gray 16GB for the mobile number ending in 4510 was swapped for an iPhone 6S Plus 16 GB Grey. As such, the existing lease was closed and a new lease was initiated on Mr. [redacted]’ account. A capital cost reduction payment was not required however, Mr. [redacted] agreed to 18 monthly lease payments in the amount of $31.00 with the option to purchase after 18 months for one payment of $191.99 for the handset. Then on October 16, 2015, an iPhone 6 16GB Silver for the mobile number ending in 6237 was swapped for an iPhone 6 16 GB Silver. As such, the existing lease was closed and a new lease was initiated on Mr. [redacted] account. A capital cost reduction payment was not required however, Mr. [redacted] agreed to 18 monthly lease payments in the amount of $27.00 with the option to purchase after 18 months for one payment of $163.99 for the handset. Again on October 21, 2015, an iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Grey for the mobile number ending in 5402 was swapped for an iPhone 6S Plus 16GB Gold. As such, the existing lease was closed and a new lease was initiated on Mr. [redacted] account. A capital cost reduction payment was not required however, Mr. [redacted] agreed to 18 monthly lease payments in the amount of $31.00 with the option to purchase after 18 months for one payment of $191.99 for the handset. Finally on November 2, 2015, an iPhone 6 Plus 16GB Gold for the mobile number ending in 0504 was swapped for an iPhone 6S Plus 16GB Silver. As such, the existing lease was closed and a new lease was initiated on Mr. [redacted] account. A capital cost reduction payment was not required however, Mr. [redacted] agreed to 18 monthly lease payments in the amount of $31.00 with the option to purchase after 18 months for one payment of $191.99 for the handset. As mentioned above, the handsets were acquired after the promotional period ended and in addition the handsets were swapped and not traded in. As such, Mr. [redacted] was not eligible for the promotion credits. On August 10, 2016, upon speaking with Mr. [redacted] T-Mobile advised of the above, however in an effort to amicably resolve the matter and as a gesture of goodwill, T-Mobile issued a one-time credit in the amount of $451.02 to Mr. [redacted]’ account. As such, Mr. [redacted]’ account reflects a zero balance. Mr. [redacted] was satisfied with the resolution and had no additional concerns. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]. Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Robert R[redacted] Executive Response

January 17, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA  98327

Re:      Mr. [redacted]
                        T-Mobile Account Holder: [redacted]
                        Your File No. [redacted]
                        T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated January 7, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.  T-Mobile is pleased to report that we resolved this matter to Mr. [redacted]’s satisfaction.  In addition, our records confirm that the account holder designated Mr. [redacted] as an authorized user on the account.
T-Mobile regrets that Mr. [redacted] was a victim of handset fraud.  Please be advised that T-Mobile takes the privacy and security of our customer’s accounts very serious.  T-Mobile has completed its investigation of this matter and determined that the allegation of handset fraud has been substantiated.  Therefore, Mr. [redacted] has been absolved of all financial responsibility for the equipment purchases that took place on December 7, 2016.  On January 12, 2017, T-Mobile closed all of the Equipment Installment Plans (“EIP”) that were open on December 7, 2016 and all charges associated with the disputed equipment have been credited in full.  T-Mobile confirmed that the Google Pixel promotion that Mr. [redacted] qualified for has not been removed from the account and he will continue to receive the monthly credits offered with this promotion. 
As of January 17, 2017, Mr. [redacted]’s revised balance is $78.04 and payment is due by today. 
T-Mobile appreciates Mr. [redacted]’s business and we regret any inconvenience that he may have experienced.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. 
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Ally Y[redacted]
Executive Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]

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Address: 1580 Montgomery Hwy, Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 35216


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