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T-Mobile Usa Inc

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Reviews T-Mobile Usa Inc

T-Mobile Usa Inc Reviews (4844)
I am happy that the issue was resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:If service is not   guaranteed in my area why bill me for services? I was told that I was in a good coverage area when I signed up for the service.   One of the sales representative told me that they live close by in my area and they do not have any trouble. But I have since the first week of having T-Mobile service.  I have paid for two months of phone service and my service has not worked for the full time that I have had T-Mobile. Also both of my devices are not working properly.  I have contacted the person who is handling this complaint with T-Mobile and left two voice messages and left two emails and I have not heard from this individual. Sincerely,[redacted]

April 18, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May...

T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated April 6, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
Please be assured that T-Mobile strives to provide exceptional service to our customers on each and every contact. We also make every effort to provide complete and accurate information to our customers. We apologize if any T-Mobile employee failed in any way to display that during Mr. [redacted]’s recent contact with our Customer Care team. Likewise, we regret any concerns experienced by Mr. [redacted] associated to the Free Add-A-Line: This One’s On Us! promotion.
Please be advised that from March 1, 2017, through March 5, 2017, T-Mobile offered the Free Add-A-Line: This One’s On Us! promotion whereby customers on an eligible rate plan who had a minimum of two voice lines could activate one additional line for free via promotional monthly bill credits. Our records confirm that on March 4, 2017, the line of service ending in [redacted] completed a Change of Responsibility (“COR”), under which this line was transferred from a separate account to Mr. [redacted]’s account. Therefore, the mobile number ending in [redacted] was not a newly activated line of service, and regrettably, the account was not eligible for the above mentioned promotion. It is important to mention that on April 5, 2017, Mr. [redacted] activated the mobile number ending in [redacted] which at this time became the third line of service.
As a gesture of goodwill and in an effort to amicably resolve this matter, on April 10, 2017, T-Mobile approved the account in the Free Add-A-Line: This One’s On Us! promotion. As such, the line ending in [redacted] will receive a promotional monthly bill credit of $40.00, reducing the overall monthly charge to $100.00 per month before any applicable taxes and fees. Please allow up to two billing cycles for the promotional monthly bill credits to post to the account.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Aika A[redacted]
Executive Response have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is partially satisfactory to me. I have a functional phone again, but the problem with T-Mobile's customer support being constantly unable to do much of anything still stands. It took someone in the President's office to resolve this issue after dozens of hours of trying to get any kind of solution for nearly two years. The whole ordeal makes me hate to call on their support for any problems, as I have no faith they will be able to do anything, will follow up on the things they say they will, or will make the account changes that are claimed to have been made. They are perfectly willing to take my money every month for a service, but are of little help when I have an problem with that service. They made it sound like honoring the conditions that I signed up for and was promised was a huge favor for me, after admitting that they were wrong on a number of occasions. I am actively looking for alternative providers, but I will not follow through with any further legal actions for this issue. I still remain a dissatisfied customer from my treatment, but I'm tired of dealing with them about my account or this phone.Sincerely, [redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  I hope that in Q1 of 2017, the issue resolved as I was told through my phone conversation with Emilio. 
Sincerely, [redacted]

March 27, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May...

T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated March 15, 207, regarding the above-referenced account. We are pleased to report that upon speaking with Mr. [redacted], he confirmed that this matter was resolved to his satisfaction.
T-Mobile regrets Mr. [redacted]’s concern regarding the status of his return and the recently assessed non-return fee. Our records confirm that on December 13, 2016, replacement equipment was ordered for Mr. [redacted]’s non-working Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge device. Please be advised that in the replacement box, a set of instructions was provided to inform Mr. [redacted] on how to return his non-working equipment and avoid being charged a non-return fee. Regretfully, our records indicated that we did not receive the non-working equipment. As such; Mr. [redacted] was charged $730.64 for the non-return fee and applicable taxes.
On March 16, 2017, we received the non-working equipment. Although this was not within the allotted seven days, as a courtesy, T-Mobile applied a credit of $730.67 for the non-return fee and the applicable taxes. As of the date of this letter, Mr. [redacted]’s account reflects a $102.96 balance for monthly access charges for the billing period of March 11, 2017, through April 10, 2017, and applicable taxes and fees.
Review of the account confirms that Mr. [redacted]’s two lines of service are on the Simple Choice Family Match 6GB Unlimited Talk, Text, and Data rate plan for $80.00 monthly. Additionally, both lines of service are subscribed to a $10.00 device protection feature. As such, Mr. [redacted]’s estimated monthly access charges are $100.00 plus applicable taxes and fees. Review of the account confirms that Mr. [redacted] has been billed in accordance with his rate plan. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Alberto V[redacted]
Executive Response

June 6, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:

USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated May 25, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any concerns that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced regarding her service. In Ms. [redacted]’s letter to your office, she indicates that she is not able to use service with her handset in or around her home. We regret any coverage issues Ms. [redacted] has experienced. Unfortunately, T-Mobile is unable to guarantee coverage in all areas. There are several factors and conditions that may interfere with actual service, quality, and availability.
Please note that T-Mobile records confirm that in Ms. [redacted]’s area, there are currently modernizations efforts underway with known outages. T-Mobile appreciates Ms. [redacted]’s patience as these updates to enhance the network are taking place.
As a one-time courtesy and in an effort to amicably resolve this matter, on June 5, 2017, T-Mobile issued a credit equal to one month of service in the amount of $60.00 leaving the account with a credit balance of $60.00. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Ms. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Chris L[redacted]
Executive Response

November 9, 2015 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted]. [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in...

receipt of your correspondence dated November 3, 2015, regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile is sorry to lose Ms. [redacted] as a customer, and regret that her final billing statement is not as she expected. We further regret any misunderstanding regarding her final Equipment Installment Plan (“EIP”) balance. T-Mobile records confirm that Ms. [redacted] canceled her account on August 25, 2015, when she ported her mobile number to another service provider. Ms. [redacted]’s billing cycle ran from the 19th of one month to the 18thof the following month. Pursuant to T-Mobile policy, customers may be billed through the end of their current billing cycle if they cancel their service mid-cycle. Please be advised that Mr. [redacted]’s account was billed a month in advance on T-Mobile’s billing system known as bill current. Accordingly, Ms. [redacted] was billed through September 18, 2015. T-Mobile records indicate that Ms. [redacted] agreed to an EIP for the mobile number ending in [redacted] on December 15, 2013, with the purchase of an [redacted] 5S device. Records confirm that on August 25, 2015, Ms. [redacted] requested to pay off her remaining EIP balance in the amount of $58.00. It is important to note that at the time Ms. [redacted] requested to pay off her EIP her account reflected a balance in the amount of $306.53, which consisted of past due service charges in the amount of $124.42 for the periods of July 19, 2015, through August 18, 2015, and as she is billed one month in advance, this balance also consisted of new monthly service charges in the amount of $182.11 for the periods of August 19, 2015, through September 18, 2015, due by September 11, 2015. Records confirm that on August 25, 2015, Ms. [redacted] made a payment in the amount of $182.42 which covered her $124.42 past due balance plus an additional $58.00. It is important to note that as Ms. [redacted] had an outstanding balance on the account, the $58.00 she intended to use towards her final EIP balance covered a partial amount of her balance due by September 11, 2015, leaving her with a remaining balance in the amount of $124.11. In addition, at the time Ms. [redacted] canceled her account on August 25, 2015, pursuant to T-Mobile’s policy, her security deposit in the amount of $50.00 was released to the open balance leaving a remaining balance of $74.11. Ms. [redacted]’s final billing statement dated September 19, 2015, reflected a balance in the amount of $143.83 which consisted of a past due balance in the amount of $74.11, plus new charges in the amount of $69.72 which consisted of the $58.00 remaining EIP balance, a late fee, a payment processing fee, applicable taxes and fees. It is T-Mobile’s position that Ms. [redacted]’s account was billed correctly for her monthly service charges and equipment charges. On November 3, 2015, Ms. [redacted] contacted T-Mobile to discuss her account balance concerns, as a courtesy, T-Mobile issued a $58.00 credit to the account updating the account balance to $85.83. On November 5, 2015, T-Mobile contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns. In an effort to amicably resolve this matter, T-Mobile issued a credit in the amount of $85.83 to Ms. [redacted]’s account. Ms. [redacted]’s account remains canceled and it reflects a zero balance. We are glad to let your office know that Mr. [redacted] accepted this offer as resolution to her concerns. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Ms. [redacted]. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted] Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Maggie R[redacted] Executive Response

July 7, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA,...

Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated June 23, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Ms. [redacted]. T-Mobile has completed its investigation of this matter and unfortunately, we have been unable to substantiate the allegation of fraud. A review of the account indicates that billing statements were sent to an address associated with Ms. [redacted].
T-Mobile records indicate an account was created on February 24, 2014, with a Simple Choice Value Unlimited Talk and Text for lines ending in [redacted] and [redacted] for $80.00 per month plus applicable taxes. The line ending in [redacted] and [redacted] were also subscribed to the 2.5 GB data services for $10.00 each per month. Additionally, both lines of service were enrolled in the $10.00 insurance bundle. Based on credit criteria a deposit of $75.00 was collected for the line ending in [redacted] and a deposit of $65.00 was collected for the line ending in [redacted]. Also on February 24, 2014, an Equipment Installment Plan (“EIP”) was initiated for two LG Nexus 4 devices with a monthly payment of $10.87 for each device.
The billing statement for the billing period from May 2, 2014, through June 1, 2014, generated with a balance in the amount of $425.41 and included monthly service charges and applicable taxes as well as a non-return fee in the amount of $239.97 for an insurance claim filed March 27, 2014. The billing statement for the billing period from June 2, 2014, through July 1, 2014, generated with a balance of $620.69, which included the past due of $425.41. T-Mobile records indicate the last date of use for the account was June 29, 2014, as the account was suspended for non-payment. The billing statement for the billing period from July 2, 2014, through August 1, 2014, was adjusted $74.22 for the period of non-usage and updated the balance to $546.47.
On August 28, 2014, the account was cancelled for non-payment as no further payments were received on the account. The final billing statement for the billing period of August 2, 2014, through September 1, 2014, generated with the past due balance of $546.47 and included accelerated charges for the two LG Nexus 4 devices at $206.53 for each, totaling $413.06. On September 5, 2014, the account deposits of $140.00 were released and impacted the balance owed. The final billing statement which was due on September 22, 2014, reflected a balance of $819.53.
As payment was not received the account was forwarded to a third party collection agency on September 28, 2014, with a balance of $819.53. As of June 6, 2015, the account was assigned to Enhanced Resource Center.
In an effort to offer an amicable resolution upon speaking with Ms. [redacted] the account was adjusted $819.53. The account currently reflects a zero balance. Should Ms. [redacted] have any further questions in regards to the collections information she may contact Enhanced Resource Center at 800-501-7454. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Ms. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Jessica G[redacted] Executive Response

January 5, 2016 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted]-[redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”)...

is in receipt of your correspondence dated December 25, 2015 regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile regrets any difficulties Mr. [redacted]-[redacted] experienced after processing a Limited-Warranty Exchange. On October 6, 2015, replacement equipment was ordered for Mr. [redacted]-[redacted] non-working equipment, and it was shipped to him on October 8, 2015. Please be advised that in each replacement box, a set of instructions is provided to inform the customer how to return their non-working equipment so as to avoid being charged a non-return fee. Our records indicate that we did not receive the non-working equipment. As such; Mr. [redacted]-[redacted] was charged $849.92 for the non-return fee and applicable taxes. It is important to note that the possibility of a non-return fee was disclosed to Mr. [redacted]-[redacted] at the time the exchange was processed. As of the date of this correspondence our records do not indicate that we have received the non-working equipment. As such, the non-return fee of $849.92 assessed on November 25, 2015 is valid. However, as a courtesy and in an effort to amicably resolve this matter T-Mobile applied a credit of $212.48 on December 6, 2015 and an additional credit of $637.44 on December 31, 2015 for the Non-Return fee and applicable taxes. In addition, T-Mobile has blocked the IMEI number from being used on T-Mobile’s and most other wireless carriers’ networks. As the date of this letter Mr. [redacted]-[redacted] account reflects a credit balance of $5.73. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted] Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Luv V[redacted] Executive Response

April 25, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May...

T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated April 12, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account. Please be advised that we have made attempts to contact Ms. [redacted] on April 13, 2017, April 14, 2017, April 18, 2017, April 19, 2017, and April 20, 2017, which have proven unsuccessful. As such T-Mobile will make every effort to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns within this letter
T-Mobile sincerely regrets any inconvenience Ms. [redacted] experienced while upgrading her device utilizing the JUMP! feature. T-Mobile records show that on April 10, 2017, Ms. [redacted] contacted Customer Care and purchased an iPhone 7 Plus Silver 128 GB device on Equipment Installment Plan through our JUMP! Upgrade program. Customers enrolled in JUMP! are offered the ability to upgrade to a new device up to two times per 12 month period beginning six months after enrollment.
T-Mobile records further reflected that Ms. [redacted] contacted Customer Care on April 11, 2017, to advise the order placed on April 10, 2017, was for the wrong color device. T-Mobile records indicate that on April 12, 2017, a new order was placed for Ms. [redacted] for an iPhone 7 Plus Red 128GB device. T-Mobile records further show this device was delivered on April 13, 2017.
T-Mobile records further confirm that the original order for the iPhone 7 Plus Silver device is currently being held at a UPS access point and if the equipment is not picked up by April 25, 2017, the order will cancel and the device will be returned to T-Mobile. There is no further action needed by Ms. [redacted] to return the original order and the new order placed on April 12, 2017, will not impact Ms. [redacted]’s ability to use the JUMP! upgrade feature in the future. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience caused to Ms. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Jamen F[redacted]
Executive Response

September 20, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]  Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated September 7, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any continued concerns that Mr. ** has regarding the Samsung Galaxy S 8 BOGO offer and appreciates the opportunity to respond. As previously stated in our letter to your office dated September 7, 2017, between May 12, 2017, and May 24, 2017, T-Mobile offered new and existing customers who had either the T-Mobile ONE or Simple Choice with Unlimited Data rate plans, purchased a qualifying Samsung S8 or S8 Plus, and added a new line of service, the opportunity to receive a second Samsung S8 or S8 Plus for free after mail in rebate provided that the aforementioned qualifications were met for the 2017 Samsung Galaxy S8 BOGO promotion.
Please note that while Mr. ** purchased two Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus devices on EIP and paid a down payment of $130.00 each, he did not qualify for the 2017 Samsung Galaxy S8 BOGO promotion as his current price plan does not meet eligibility requirements. Nevertheless, on August 28, 2017, T-Mobile absolved the remaining EIP associated with the line ending in [redacted] in the amount of $630.00, and applied a one-time credit in the amount of $120.00 that included four monthly installment plan charges of $30.00 since the EIP began in May 2017.
Additionally, T-Mobile confirmed that the website,, that Mr. ** provided is for a separate promotion, the June 2017 Samsung Galaxy S8 BOGO offer, which ran from June 16, 2017, to July 13, 2017. As Mr. ** activated and purchased the Samsung Galaxy S8 on May 16, 2017, he does not qualify for the terms of the June 2017 Samsung Galaxy S8 BOGO promotion.
It is T-Mobile’s position that we have fulfilled the 2017 Samsung Galaxy S8 BOGO promotion and we respectfully decline Mr. **’s request for additional credit for the June 2017 Samsung Galaxy S8 BOGO promotion. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. **.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 844-231-3926 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Melyssa G[redacted]
Executive Response

March 13, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in...

receipt of your correspondence dated March 2, 2017, regarding the above-referenced file number. T-Mobile is pleased to report that we have resolved Mr. [redacted]’s concerns to his satisfaction.
T-Mobile regrets any concerns Mr. [redacted] encountered with moving to T-Mobile. We are delighted that Mr. [redacted] would like to join the T-Mobile family. T-Mobile ran the 2017 Tax Time Switcher Offer from January 5, 2017, through February 28, 2017. Customers who’d activate a new line of service on a T-Mobile ONE rate plan or Simple Choice with Unlimited data rate plan and port-in their number would receive a mail-in-rebate of $150.00 per line. Please be advised that customers who’d activate their service after the promotion dates are not eligible to receive the mail-in-rebate.
Furthermore, in an effort to amicably resolve this matter, T-Mobile has offered to match the total value of the original offer. Mr. [redacted] may activate service with T-Mobile within the next ten business days from the date of this letter. At the time that we confirm that the lines of service are fully activated and mobile numbers are ported in, T-Mobile will send Mr. [redacted] a Prepaid MasterCard with a value of $150.00 per line activated. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted].
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]
Very truly yours,
Mercedes V[redacted]
Executive Response

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:The stament is not valid I try to port my numbers and tehynhavent allow it to gontrue!i have try to set payments but due the fact that they only willing to take cash neither credit cards or debit cards online made it hard for me to made a payment 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  I appreciate the credit and removal of the lease from my account. However, there are charges that have been incurred that are greater than the $336.00 offered.  I am seeking an additional credit of $120.00

August 17, 2017
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted]
Your File No. [redacted]
T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:

USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated August 6, 2017, regarding the above-referenced account.
T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience Ms. [redacted] experienced in regards to his payments. T-Mobile records indicate that on July 29, 2017, Ms. [redacted] remitted a payment for $100.00, the second installment for the payment arrangement on the account. On the same date a second payment of $100.00 was requested from Ms. [redacted]’s financial institution. This payment was not submitted by Ms. [redacted]. As of August 7, 2017, the second payment of $100.00 was returned to Ms. [redacted]’s bank account.
Upon speaking with Ms. [redacted] on August 9, 2017, she confirmed the funds were returned to her bank account. In an effort of good faith, T-Mobile credited the account $25.00. The account currently reflects a balance of $198.01.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Jessica G[redacted]
Executive Response

February 6, 2017 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Prepaid No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in...

receipt of your correspondence dated January 25, 2017, regarding the above-referenced prepaid number. We regret to heart of any concerns Mr. [redacted] has experienced regarding the transfer of his prepaid mobile number. Please note that, on May 26, 2012, Mr. [redacted] transferred his mobile number ending in [redacted] to T-Mobile Pay In Advance service. On July 29, 2016, T-Mobile sent Mr. [redacted] an SMS notification advising him that his prepaid refill balance was low. Furthermore, on September 18, 2016, T-Mobile sent Mr. [redacted] a second SMS notification advising him that if payment was not received by September 20, 2016, that his unused minutes would not be extended to the new service period and that his prepaid service would be deactivated. Please be advised that if a T-Mobile Pay In Advance customer does not submit a refill payment within a period of 90 days, then their prepaid service is deactivated. As payment was not received, on December 20, 2016, Mr. [redacted]’s prepaid service was deactivated. Our records confirm that Mr. [redacted]’s mobile number ending in [redacted] was originally transferred to T-Mobile from another service provider. Therefore, at the time of deactivation the mobile number ending in [redacted] was transferred back to Mr. [redacted]’s previous provider, AT&T Mobility, for assignment to a new user. As T-Mobile no longer has possession of this mobile number we are regretfully unable to assist with completing Mr. [redacted]’s request. However, Mr. [redacted] may contact AT&T Mobility for further assistance regarding his request to retain his previous mobile number. We regret any inconvenience to Mr. [redacted]. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]. Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Brandon M[redacted] Executive Response

September 15, 2016
Bureau Service of
Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington
1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222
DuPont, WA  98327

Re:      [redacted]
                        Your File No. [redacted]
                        T-Mobile Account No. [redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:
T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated September 10, 2016, regarding the above-referenced account. 
T-Mobile regrets that Ms. [redacted]’s rebates were delayed.  On August 19, 2016, Ms. [redacted]’s rebate request was approved.  Please be advised that the rebates are processed by Citibank, a third party vendor.  Unfortunately, there was a delay with Citibank processing the rebates and the rebate may take up to three weeks for delivery.  At this time, T-Mobile is not able to expedite the shipping as it is not being shipped directly from T-Mobile. We regret any inconvenience that this may cause.  Ms. [redacted]’s rebate has been shipped and should arrive no later than September 20, 2016.
T-Mobile appreciates Ms. [redacted]’s business and we regret any inconvenience that she may have experienced with the processing of her rebate.  As a gesture of goodwill, on September 15, 2016, T-Mobile issued a $200.00 credit to Ms. [redacted]’s account, which leaves a $200.00 credit balance.  Please be advised that Ms. [redacted]’s billing statement that will be dated September 13, 2016 will not reflect this credit as the credit was issued to the account after the billing cycle closed on September 13, 2016 and her account is currently in the process of producing the billing statement.  However; the $200.00 credit impacted Ms. [redacted]’s balance and her account currently reflects a $200.00 credit balance.
Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.  Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted].
Very truly yours,
Ally Y[redacted]
Executive Response

August 15, 2016 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in...

receipt of your correspondence dated August 5, 2016, regarding the above-referenced account. T-Mobile is pleased to report that we have resolved this matter to Mr. [redacted] satisfaction. T-Mobile is delighted that Mr. [redacted] chose T-Mobile as his wireless service provider, and we welcome him to the Un-carrier family. We regret hearing of Mr. [redacted] concerns with our Carrier Freedom promotion and the status of his submission. As Mr. [redacted] is aware, in early 2014, T-Mobile announced Contract Freedom for consumers looking to switch from any U.S. carrier to T-Mobile. In March 2015, we went a step further and added reimbursement of equipment financing charges, up to $650.00 per device, to our original offer. These promotions, collectively known as Carrier Freedom have been overwhelmingly successful. For new customers who seek reimbursement of equipment installment plans from their prior carrier, the reimbursement is paid in two separate payments. The first payment is paid at the time of activation when a handset is traded-in. The second payment is paid once the handset is received and the trade-in paperwork has been submitted with the final bill showing the accelerated equipment balance. The amount of the second payment is calculated by taking the final balance owed to the prior carrier and subtracting the amount already paid for the trade-in. It is important to note that not all locations are able to directly accept trade-in devices. Some locations, like the one at which Mr. [redacted] processed his upgrade, require that the customer mail the eligible device being traded-in to a return center. In these instances, the retail representative inspects the device and provides information as to the amount of the potential trade-in value of the device based upon its condition at the time of inspection. The customer is then presented with the terms and conditions of the trade-in and if the customer is agreeable, the retail location then provides a mailing label and shipping envelope for the device, which must be returned within 30 days in the same condition as when presented for inspection. T-Mobile records reflect that on June 11, 2016, Mr. [redacted] was issues a pre-paid mailing label to mail his trade-in handsets to our warehouse. T-Mobile records further confirm that on June 16, 2016, both handsets were received by our warehouse. It should be noted that a trade-in credit in the amount of $398.00 was applied to Mr. [redacted] account for the two handset’s received leaving the account in an active state with a revised credit balance $412.22. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted] Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. James H[redacted] Executive Response

June 1, 2016 FILED ELECTRONICALLY Bureau Service of Alaska, Oregon & Western Washington 1000 Station Drive, Ste. 222 DuPont, WA 98327 Re: [redacted] T-Mobile Account Holder: [redacted] Your File No. [redacted] T-Mobile Account No. [redacted] To Whom It May...

Concern: T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) is in receipt of your correspondence dated May 22, 2016, regarding the above-referenced account. We are sorry to hear that Ms. [redacted] is having issues with her Apple iPhone handset. By purchasing T-Mobile equipment, Ms. [redacted] received a one-year Limited Warranty provided by the manufacturer of her device. Under the Handset Exchange Program, T-Mobile will provide a replacement handset of the same or equivalent model, with a Service Warranty Processing Fee, provided that the non-working handset is in good physical condition with no modifications or damage, such as broken or cracked plastics, LCD or internal parts, or liquid damage. Ms. [redacted] also pays $12.00 for an additional equipment protection feature on her mobile number ending in 7263, which provides her with a warranty on her Apple iPhone after the one year purchase date. T-Mobile records confirm that on May 19, 2016, Ms. [redacted] contacted Customer Care to troubleshoot her device. After further troubleshooting and research, T-Mobile notated that her iPhone serial number [redacted] was not a T-Mobile device and would be ineligible for an exchange through our Limited Warranty Exchange program. On May 21, 2015, Ms. [redacted] contacted T-Mobile Customer Care to advise us that she was advised she would receive a handset exchange for her Apple iPhone. We are sorry for any misinformation regarding Ms. [redacted]’s handset order. Regretfully, on this day Ms. [redacted] was unable to verify the account and she was advised that per account memos, no handset exchange was processed. On the same day, Ms. Sandra Luz [redacted], another authorized user on the account who verified, called and completed troubleshooting for Ms. [redacted]’s Apple iPhone. T-Mobile was unable to fix Ms. [redacted]’s phone and T-Mobile offered a $100.00 credit off a new handset purchase or a $60.00 credit off data services which she declined. Lastly, Ms. [redacted]’s exchange was processed for the correct T-Mobile Apple iPhone serial number [redacted] and a $10.00 credit was applied to her account for her handset issues. In an effort to amicably resolve this matter, on May 27, 2016, T-Mobile applied a courtesy credit of $100.00 to Mr. [redacted]’s account for any inconvenience or misinformation. Ms. [redacted] accepted this credit as a resolution to this matter. As of May 31, 2016, Mr. [redacted]’s account reflects a credit balance of $110.00. T-Mobile regrets any inconvenience to Ms. [redacted] regarding this matter. Based on the foregoing, we respectfully request that this complaint against T-Mobile be closed. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 877-290-6323 ext. [redacted]. Very truly yours, T-MOBILE USA, INC. Ligia M[redacted] Executive Response

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Address: 1580 Montgomery Hwy, Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 35216


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