July 20, 2016 [redacted] [redacted] Mesa, AZ 85204 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. ...
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why overdraft fees were incurred in this instance. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. If your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. Our records for your account ending in 3143 indicate that between July 12, 2016 and July 13, 2016 you incurred $296 in overdraft fees. On July 14, 2016, TCF reversed $74 in overdraft fees. Our records further indicate that on July 18, 2016 TCF reversed the remaining $222 in overdraft fees. We apologize if the service you received from our Customer Service Line did not meet your expectations. It is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteous. TCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction. You also state that TCF should not have allowed overdrafts on your account. You state to have used our online banking service to Opt-Out of overdrafts on the account. When you opened the account on May 12, 2015, you asked TCF to pay ATM, everyday debit card transactions, checks, and ACH transactions that exceed your account’s available balance at the time of the authorization request. TCF does not have record of a request to change your overdraft election(s) date. You may change your election(s) at any time by calling us at ###-###-####, visiting a TCF branch, using TCF’s online banking service, or using TCF’s ATMs (for ATM and everyday debit card transactions). Changing your election(s) may help you avoid overdraft fees in the future. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for sharing your concerns with us. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
Mr. [redacted]
MN 55417-2924
Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted]
Dear Mr.
received the inquiry you...
submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate
the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
sincerely apologize if your experience with TCF Bank (“TCF”) digital banking
and our team members when you requested assistance did not meet your
expectations. It is our goal to provide services that are efficient, convenient
and valuable.
While we
are committed to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer
interaction, we understand that we may not have delivered on that promise and your
experience may have been less than positive when you attempted to access your
accounts using our new digital platform.
Review of
our records indicates that you have successfully accessed your digital banking
profile on September 10, 2017. If you require additional assistance, please
contact our Customer Service Line directly at 800-TCF-BANK (###-###-####).
[redacted], we truly appreciate that you have voiced your concerns. We value your
relationship with TCF Bank.
received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and...
the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
You express concern regarding the availability of cash deposits that you
make to your TCF Bank (“TCF”) checking account.
Cash deposits made with a teller and at ATMs that accept cash deposits
will be available funds on the day of deposit.
If your
balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing,
overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. In
reference to the activity you mention in your inquiry, TCF records indicate
that the cash and ATM deposits were made on December 2, January 11, and January
13. In each instance, these deposits were made the day after the insufficient
funds activity occurred.
December 2, 2016 and January 13, 2017 your account incurred $222 in overdraft
fees. On January 13, 2017, TCF reversed $74 of these fees. To further assist
you, we have reversed an additional $74 in fees.
You also express concern regarding non-TCF ATM fees
that were assessed to your account.
The fee
for using a non-TCF ATM is $3.00 per withdrawal. These fees are accessed at the
end of each statement period.
On December
26, 2016 your account incurred $6.00 in non-TCF ATM fees. This fee was assessed
due to the two ATM withdrawals that were made at 467 St Peter Street in St.
Paul, MN on December 9, 2016. To assist
you, we have reversed these fees.
You also express concern regarding the balance information that is shown
in your profile on TCF’s online banking website.
When checking your account balance online, you should refer to your
available balance. This generally represents your available balance as of the
date and time displayed, as it reflects pending debit card transactions and
other electronic deposits and payments.
Also included in available balance are: any portion of check deposits
that are not yet available for withdrawal, and other holds that may affect the
account. Available balance may change
throughout the day as the account is used and as TCF processes transactions.
note that available balance does not reflect checks you have written or other
transactions that you have authorized but that have not yet been presented to
TCF for payment and posted to your account. TCF has no control of when a
merchant or recipient of your check will submit the item to us for payment.
Once a check is submitted to TCF for payment, it is processed the same business
day it is received. We regret any misunderstanding there may have been
regarding this processes.
Ms. [redacted],
we hope this clarifies TCF’s policies more fully.
July 20, 2016 [redacted] Dolton, IL 60419 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You...
express concern regarding the resolution of your unauthorized transaction claim. Our records indicate that you filed a claim for $627.28 in debit card and ATM transactions that were processed from your account on July 3, 2016. TCF completed an investigation and denied your claim because the information provided to the merchants from one or more of the disputed transactions matched your address and zip code on file for your account. Our investigation also found that your card was used for a transaction that was undisputed during the same time period you stated your card to be lost or stolen. Ms. [redacted], we trust that we have clarified the actions that were taken with regard to your transaction error claim and regret that we are not able to assist you further. If you can provide additional information we will be willing to reconsider your claim. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
Mr. [redacted] Zimmerman, MN 55398-8882 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You...
express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred. If your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. TCF records indicate that your web transfer from account ending in [redacted] was initiated at 10:22 PM on June 14, 2017, which was the day after the insufficient funds activity on June 13, 2017. We are sorry for any misunderstanding there may have been regarding this practice. TCF records also indicate that on June 13, 2017 and June 14, 2017 your account incurred $148 in overdraft fees. To assist you, we have reversed these fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. SATISFACTORY... Not above and beyond, but satisfactory. Above and beyond would be if all of my fees and charges since I became a member were reversed. Am I right or wrong? Thank you, [redacted]
April 18, 2017 Mr. [redacted] [redacted] Wauwatosa, WI 53213-2801 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your...
concerns. You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain how the overdraft fees were incurred in this situation. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds the available balance at the time it is processed. In arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize the purchases, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”). TCF records indicate that between April 10, 2017 and April 11, 2017, your account incurred $148 in overdraft fees when transactions were presented for payment from your account when there were insufficient funds. To assist you, we have reversed these fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for taking the opportunity to communicate your concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
November 9, 2017 Mr. [redacted] Chicago, IL 60647-6357 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: We received the inquiries you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We sincerely apologize for the internal error that resulted in you not receiving the correct response from us on November 6, 2017. We take the safeguarding of customer information very seriously and want to assure you that your personal or account information was not compromised following this error. You expressed concern regarding the delivery of the promotional credit into your TCF Bank (“TCF”) account ending in [redacted]. Our records indicate that your account was opened on September 20, 2017 and met the qualifying debit card purchase requirement effective October 2, 2017. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced when you did not receive a credit. As a courtesy, we have credited $100 to your account. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for banking with TCF and for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
February 1, 2017 [redacted] St Pau MN 55126 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We apologize if...
the service you received at our Brooklyn Park branch did not meet your expectations. It is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful and courteous. TCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction. You can be assured that we are looking into the encounter you describe in your letter and will be addressing it appropriately. You express concern regarding a stop payment request that was unsuccessful. TCF records indicate that on October 19, 2016, you spoke with a team member at our Brooklyn Park branch and requested stop payment of $245 recurring automated clearing house (ACH) transactions to Veolia. The stop payment was processed as requested. TCF was not able to honor the stop payment because Veolia debited your account as one-time check card transactions; our system is unable to stop these types of transactions using our stop payment process. When TCF was not able to honor the request, the transactions were debited from your account on November 25, 2017 and November 28, 2017. To assist you, we have reimbursed you for the two transactions of $245 each ($490 total). This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for communicating with us and trust this resolves your concern. Sincerely Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Better Business Bure
I am rejecting this response because: My Husband and I told them everything we know as soon as we saw the activities. We last used our account on 10/17 for gas in the amount of $6.00. I had no money in the account after that so I did not pay attention to my account until around 7am 10/28 which is the day I got paid from work. I noticed my money gone and checks trying to be deposited. My husband realized his card was missing as well. He immediately called to file a report, we found out that it happened at an atm in a city that we don't stay in. They advised us to make a police report so that we can start our case. We called our local police department but was told since it happened in another city we would have to go there to do it. So I had to call off work and my son had to miss school so that we could go out to South Holland and get a police report. After getting the report done we went to the tcf branch near my job in Chicago to file the claim. They showed us the checks that was used to deposit which we never saw before because we never ordered checks and don't handle them either. Someone forged his signature so he had to file a claim for that also. We don't know how they got his pin but it was really simple in the first place because he forgets things and the easiest pin for him was his birthday and accidents happen as far as loosing things with him. If They could just review my statements and the times and locations it was mainly used at they would notice that I wouldn't have been aware of what was being done. My family got robbed, I'm now behind on multiple bills, My car is down so I'm struggling to get me and my son to and from work and school. We would appreciate if they reviewed Chase bank atm pictures and also the times and locations of the deposits if need be we can fax over our id's for comparison but TCF should a copy of ours already, Also I can send a copy of the police report number. I just want to resolve this issue I've had this account for a long time and don't appreciate not having strong security for when customers such as my husband misplace things and smart criminals get away with destroying my family livelihood without any repercussions. Now I have other relatives suggesting I get a lawyer but all We want is for what was taken to be returned in full please. Sincerely,[redacted] and [redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/25) */
August 25, 2015
Mr. [redacted]
XXXX Xth [redacted] XXXXX
Revdex.com Case # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr. [redacted],
We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your...
You express concern regarding the resolution of your ATM error claim.
TCF records indicate you filed an ATM error claim on June 30, 2015 in the amount of $300.00. The claim was initially denied; however, after an additional review was conducted, the decision was made to pay the claim. A credit in the amount of $300.00 has been made to your account.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience you may have experienced as a result of the reported transaction error and appreciate your patience during this process.
Mr. [redacted], we value your relationship with TCF and will strive to renew your confidence.
Pamela M
Customer Response Representative
Cc: [redacted] Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
February 24, 2017 Ms. [redacted] Steger, IL 60475 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. ...
You express concern regarding a former TCF account that was held by your father, [redacted]. Due to TCF’s privacy policy, we cannot provide account information related to any actions that TCF has taken on an account and will respond to Mr. [redacted] directly. We understand from your inquiry that you are acting as attorney in fact for Mr. [redacted] under a power of attorney. If you wish to communicate with TCF regarding Mr. [redacted]’s account, you must provide us with a copy of the power of attorney. We have enclosed a postage paid envelope for the return of this documentation. Ms. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
April 27, 2016 [redacted] Minneapolis, MN 55406 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. Based on the information...
you provided, we are unable to locate an account in the name of [redacted]. Please forward the TCF account number you are referencing or the name and Social Security number for the account, in order that we may access the account information. We have enclosed a postage paid envelope for the return of this documentation. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to write and look forward to receiving the information needed to research your concerns. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I still think that they should have given me the money back right away. They gave away 9k of my money and wouldn't give it back for 10 days.
I am rejecting this response because:I checked my bank account. There are still 3 overdraft fees on my account. Which is $111 more then what was expecting to pay. Looks like those were charged after the initial letter from TCF. I can deposit the money and get...
my account to zero if we can come to an agreement to wave all overdraft fees and stop any other charges that may come through before I have a chance to cancel the account. Thank you,[redacted]
June 23, 2016 Ms. [redacted] Clear Lake, MN 55319 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. ...
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your checking account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. For example, the overdraft notice dated June 13, 2016 (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn $121.73. This is why your account was assessed overdraft fees. In arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”). Our records indicate that between June 14 and June 17, 2016 your account incurred $259 in overdraft fees. To assist you, we have reversed those fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. We have also enclosed a copy of our brochure “What You Need to Know About Bank Service Charges and Overdraft Fees” for your review. This is a great resource to assist customers with avoiding or reducing overdraft fees in the future. Ms. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to bring your concern to our attention. Sincerely, Erik M. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
June 16, 2016 Mr. [redacted] Minneapolis, MN 55432 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiries you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your...
concerns. You express concern regarding the fees associated with a garnishment that was debited from your checking account. Our records indicate that on April 1, 2016 TCF received a Notice of Garnishment and withdrew $3,394.29 from your account. TCF is required by law to comply with the garnishment and as TCF does not know ahead of time that an account is to be levied, advance notice cannot be sent to our customers. A $125 levy garnishment fee was assessed to your account in accordance with TCF’s Deposit Account Services and Prices Schedule. On May 2, 2016, the withdrawal and levy garnishment fee were both credited back to your account when TCF was notified of your bankruptcy. Further review of our records indicates that between April 1, 2016 and May 2, 2016, your account incurred $592 in overdraft fees and $185 in returned item NSF fees because of transactions that were presented to your account for payment when you had insufficient available funds. TCF reversed $74 of these fees. To assist you, we have reversed the remaining $703 in fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to bring your concern to our attention. Sincerely, Erik M. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/14) */
October 13, 2015
Minneapolis MN 55422
Re: Revdex.com case #[redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted],
We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to...
your concerns.
We apologize if the service you received at our Robbinsdale and Crystal TCF branches did not meet your expectations. It is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteous. TCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction. You can be assured that we are looking into the encounter you describe in your letter and will be addressing it appropriately.
You express concern that your account recently incurred an overdraft fee when there were sufficient funds in the account to cover the transactions. We would like to explain why an overdraft fee was assessed in this instance.
Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed.
TCF's Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts states we reduce your available balance immediately when we authorize a transaction and before the item is submitted to us for payment. . Some merchants, such as gas stations, may request an authorization amount and then submit a different transaction amount to TCF for payment. An authorization may be for more or less than the actual amount of the transaction ultimately submitted to us for payment by the merchant or other party. In some cases, we may authorize a transaction, but it may never be submitted to us for payment.
Your available balance generally represents your account balance as of the end of the previous business day minus any check card transactions we have authorized within the past 3 days. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a check card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment ("settlement").
For example, our records show that your available account balance at the beginning of nightly processing on June 26, 2015 was $146.37. Five pending authorized transactions in the combined amount of $54.02 reduced the available balance to $92.35. This balance was insufficient for the transactions that posted that night in the combined amount of $121.87, resulting in a $37.00 in overdraft fee. We have enclosed your Notice of Overdraft for your review of this process. As a courtesy, we have waived the $37.00 overdraft fee. This will appear as a credit on your next statement.
Mr. [redacted], we value your relationship with TCF and the feedback you have provided.
Deborah Z
Customer Response Representative
Cc: [redacted], Data Quality Specialist, Revdex.com
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/10/23) */
I am rejecting this response because:
It does not provide answers to the problems
July 20, 2016 [redacted] [redacted] Mesa, AZ 85204 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. ...
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why overdraft fees were incurred in this instance. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. If your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. Our records for your account ending in 3143 indicate that between July 12, 2016 and July 13, 2016 you incurred $296 in overdraft fees. On July 14, 2016, TCF reversed $74 in overdraft fees. Our records further indicate that on July 18, 2016 TCF reversed the remaining $222 in overdraft fees. We apologize if the service you received from our Customer Service Line did not meet your expectations. It is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteous. TCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction. You also state that TCF should not have allowed overdrafts on your account. You state to have used our online banking service to Opt-Out of overdrafts on the account. When you opened the account on May 12, 2015, you asked TCF to pay ATM, everyday debit card transactions, checks, and ACH transactions that exceed your account’s available balance at the time of the authorization request. TCF does not have record of a request to change your overdraft election(s) date. You may change your election(s) at any time by calling us at ###-###-####, visiting a TCF branch, using TCF’s online banking service, or using TCF’s ATMs (for ATM and everyday debit card transactions). Changing your election(s) may help you avoid overdraft fees in the future. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for sharing your concerns with us. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
13, 2017
Mr. [redacted]
MN 55417-2924
Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted]
Dear Mr.
received the inquiry you...
submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate
the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
sincerely apologize if your experience with TCF Bank (“TCF”) digital banking
and our team members when you requested assistance did not meet your
expectations. It is our goal to provide services that are efficient, convenient
and valuable.
While we
are committed to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer
interaction, we understand that we may not have delivered on that promise and your
experience may have been less than positive when you attempted to access your
accounts using our new digital platform.
Review of
our records indicates that you have successfully accessed your digital banking
profile on September 10, 2017. If you require additional assistance, please
contact our Customer Service Line directly at 800-TCF-BANK (###-###-####).
[redacted], we truly appreciate that you have voiced your concerns. We value your
relationship with TCF Bank.
Response Representative
Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator,
24, 2017
Park, MN
Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted]
Dear Ms.
received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and...
the opportunity to respond to your concerns.
You express concern regarding the availability of cash deposits that you
make to your TCF Bank (“TCF”) checking account.
Cash deposits made with a teller and at ATMs that accept cash deposits
will be available funds on the day of deposit.
If your
balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing,
overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. In
reference to the activity you mention in your inquiry, TCF records indicate
that the cash and ATM deposits were made on December 2, January 11, and January
13. In each instance, these deposits were made the day after the insufficient
funds activity occurred.
December 2, 2016 and January 13, 2017 your account incurred $222 in overdraft
fees. On January 13, 2017, TCF reversed $74 of these fees. To further assist
you, we have reversed an additional $74 in fees.
You also express concern regarding non-TCF ATM fees
that were assessed to your account.
The fee
for using a non-TCF ATM is $3.00 per withdrawal. These fees are accessed at the
end of each statement period.
On December
26, 2016 your account incurred $6.00 in non-TCF ATM fees. This fee was assessed
due to the two ATM withdrawals that were made at 467 St Peter Street in St.
Paul, MN on December 9, 2016. To assist
you, we have reversed these fees.
You also express concern regarding the balance information that is shown
in your profile on TCF’s online banking website.
When checking your account balance online, you should refer to your
available balance. This generally represents your available balance as of the
date and time displayed, as it reflects pending debit card transactions and
other electronic deposits and payments.
Also included in available balance are: any portion of check deposits
that are not yet available for withdrawal, and other holds that may affect the
account. Available balance may change
throughout the day as the account is used and as TCF processes transactions.
note that available balance does not reflect checks you have written or other
transactions that you have authorized but that have not yet been presented to
TCF for payment and posted to your account. TCF has no control of when a
merchant or recipient of your check will submit the item to us for payment.
Once a check is submitted to TCF for payment, it is processed the same business
day it is received. We regret any misunderstanding there may have been
regarding this processes.
Ms. [redacted],
we hope this clarifies TCF’s policies more fully.
Response Representative
Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator,
July 20, 2016 [redacted] Dolton, IL 60419 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You...
express concern regarding the resolution of your unauthorized transaction claim. Our records indicate that you filed a claim for $627.28 in debit card and ATM transactions that were processed from your account on July 3, 2016. TCF completed an investigation and denied your claim because the information provided to the merchants from one or more of the disputed transactions matched your address and zip code on file for your account. Our investigation also found that your card was used for a transaction that was undisputed during the same time period you stated your card to be lost or stolen. Ms. [redacted], we trust that we have clarified the actions that were taken with regard to your transaction error claim and regret that we are not able to assist you further. If you can provide additional information we will be willing to reconsider your claim. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
Mr. [redacted] Zimmerman, MN 55398-8882 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You...
express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred. If your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. TCF records indicate that your web transfer from account ending in [redacted] was initiated at 10:22 PM on June 14, 2017, which was the day after the insufficient funds activity on June 13, 2017. We are sorry for any misunderstanding there may have been regarding this practice. TCF records also indicate that on June 13, 2017 and June 14, 2017 your account incurred $148 in overdraft fees. To assist you, we have reversed these fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. SATISFACTORY... Not above and beyond, but satisfactory. Above and beyond would be if all of my fees and charges since I became a member were reversed. Am I right or wrong? Thank you, [redacted]
Please see attached for response.
April 18, 2017 Mr. [redacted] [redacted] Wauwatosa, WI 53213-2801 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your...
concerns. You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain how the overdraft fees were incurred in this situation. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds the available balance at the time it is processed. In arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize the purchases, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”). TCF records indicate that between April 10, 2017 and April 11, 2017, your account incurred $148 in overdraft fees when transactions were presented for payment from your account when there were insufficient funds. To assist you, we have reversed these fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for taking the opportunity to communicate your concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
November 9, 2017 Mr. [redacted] Chicago, IL 60647-6357 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: We received the inquiries you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We sincerely apologize for the internal error that resulted in you not receiving the correct response from us on November 6, 2017. We take the safeguarding of customer information very seriously and want to assure you that your personal or account information was not compromised following this error. You expressed concern regarding the delivery of the promotional credit into your TCF Bank (“TCF”) account ending in [redacted]. Our records indicate that your account was opened on September 20, 2017 and met the qualifying debit card purchase requirement effective October 2, 2017. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced when you did not receive a credit. As a courtesy, we have credited $100 to your account. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for banking with TCF and for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
February 1, 2017 [redacted] St Pau MN 55126 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We apologize if...
the service you received at our Brooklyn Park branch did not meet your expectations. It is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful and courteous. TCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction. You can be assured that we are looking into the encounter you describe in your letter and will be addressing it appropriately. You express concern regarding a stop payment request that was unsuccessful. TCF records indicate that on October 19, 2016, you spoke with a team member at our Brooklyn Park branch and requested stop payment of $245 recurring automated clearing house (ACH) transactions to Veolia. The stop payment was processed as requested. TCF was not able to honor the stop payment because Veolia debited your account as one-time check card transactions; our system is unable to stop these types of transactions using our stop payment process. When TCF was not able to honor the request, the transactions were debited from your account on November 25, 2017 and November 28, 2017. To assist you, we have reimbursed you for the two transactions of $245 each ($490 total). This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for communicating with us and trust this resolves your concern. Sincerely Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Better Business Bure
I am rejecting this response because: My Husband and I told them everything we know as soon as we saw the activities. We last used our account on 10/17 for gas in the amount of $6.00. I had no money in the account after that so I did not pay attention to my account until around 7am 10/28 which is the day I got paid from work. I noticed my money gone and checks trying to be deposited. My husband realized his card was missing as well. He immediately called to file a report, we found out that it happened at an atm in a city that we don't stay in. They advised us to make a police report so that we can start our case. We called our local police department but was told since it happened in another city we would have to go there to do it. So I had to call off work and my son had to miss school so that we could go out to South Holland and get a police report. After getting the report done we went to the tcf branch near my job in Chicago to file the claim. They showed us the checks that was used to deposit which we never saw before because we never ordered checks and don't handle them either. Someone forged his signature so he had to file a claim for that also. We don't know how they got his pin but it was really simple in the first place because he forgets things and the easiest pin for him was his birthday and accidents happen as far as loosing things with him. If They could just review my statements and the times and locations it was mainly used at they would notice that I wouldn't have been aware of what was being done. My family got robbed, I'm now behind on multiple bills, My car is down so I'm struggling to get me and my son to and from work and school. We would appreciate if they reviewed Chase bank atm pictures and also the times and locations of the deposits if need be we can fax over our id's for comparison but TCF should a copy of ours already, Also I can send a copy of the police report number. I just want to resolve this issue I've had this account for a long time and don't appreciate not having strong security for when customers such as my husband misplace things and smart criminals get away with destroying my family livelihood without any repercussions. Now I have other relatives suggesting I get a lawyer but all We want is for what was taken to be returned in full please. Sincerely,[redacted] and [redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/25) */
August 25, 2015
Mr. [redacted]
XXXX Xth [redacted] XXXXX
Revdex.com Case # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr. [redacted],
We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your...
You express concern regarding the resolution of your ATM error claim.
TCF records indicate you filed an ATM error claim on June 30, 2015 in the amount of $300.00. The claim was initially denied; however, after an additional review was conducted, the decision was made to pay the claim. A credit in the amount of $300.00 has been made to your account.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience you may have experienced as a result of the reported transaction error and appreciate your patience during this process.
Mr. [redacted], we value your relationship with TCF and will strive to renew your confidence.
Pamela M
Customer Response Representative
Cc: [redacted] Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
February 24, 2017 Ms. [redacted] Steger, IL 60475 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. ...
You express concern regarding a former TCF account that was held by your father, [redacted]. Due to TCF’s privacy policy, we cannot provide account information related to any actions that TCF has taken on an account and will respond to Mr. [redacted] directly. We understand from your inquiry that you are acting as attorney in fact for Mr. [redacted] under a power of attorney. If you wish to communicate with TCF regarding Mr. [redacted]’s account, you must provide us with a copy of the power of attorney. We have enclosed a postage paid envelope for the return of this documentation. Ms. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
April 27, 2016 [redacted] Minneapolis, MN 55406 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. Based on the information...
you provided, we are unable to locate an account in the name of [redacted]. Please forward the TCF account number you are referencing or the name and Social Security number for the account, in order that we may access the account information. We have enclosed a postage paid envelope for the return of this documentation. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to write and look forward to receiving the information needed to research your concerns. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I still think that they should have given me the money back right away. They gave away 9k of my money and wouldn't give it back for 10 days.
I am rejecting this response because:I checked my bank account. There are still 3 overdraft fees on my account. Which is $111 more then what was expecting to pay. Looks like those were charged after the initial letter from TCF. I can deposit the money and get...
my account to zero if we can come to an agreement to wave all overdraft fees and stop any other charges that may come through before I have a chance to cancel the account. Thank you,[redacted]
June 23, 2016 Ms. [redacted] Clear Lake, MN 55319 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. ...
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your checking account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. For example, the overdraft notice dated June 13, 2016 (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn $121.73. This is why your account was assessed overdraft fees. In arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”). Our records indicate that between June 14 and June 17, 2016 your account incurred $259 in overdraft fees. To assist you, we have reversed those fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. We have also enclosed a copy of our brochure “What You Need to Know About Bank Service Charges and Overdraft Fees” for your review. This is a great resource to assist customers with avoiding or reducing overdraft fees in the future. Ms. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to bring your concern to our attention. Sincerely, Erik M. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
June 16, 2016 Mr. [redacted] Minneapolis, MN 55432 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiries you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your...
concerns. You express concern regarding the fees associated with a garnishment that was debited from your checking account. Our records indicate that on April 1, 2016 TCF received a Notice of Garnishment and withdrew $3,394.29 from your account. TCF is required by law to comply with the garnishment and as TCF does not know ahead of time that an account is to be levied, advance notice cannot be sent to our customers. A $125 levy garnishment fee was assessed to your account in accordance with TCF’s Deposit Account Services and Prices Schedule. On May 2, 2016, the withdrawal and levy garnishment fee were both credited back to your account when TCF was notified of your bankruptcy. Further review of our records indicates that between April 1, 2016 and May 2, 2016, your account incurred $592 in overdraft fees and $185 in returned item NSF fees because of transactions that were presented to your account for payment when you had insufficient available funds. TCF reversed $74 of these fees. To assist you, we have reversed the remaining $703 in fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Mr. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to bring your concern to our attention. Sincerely, Erik M. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/14) */
October 13, 2015
Minneapolis MN 55422
Re: Revdex.com case #[redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted],
We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to...
your concerns.
We apologize if the service you received at our Robbinsdale and Crystal TCF branches did not meet your expectations. It is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteous. TCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction. You can be assured that we are looking into the encounter you describe in your letter and will be addressing it appropriately.
You express concern that your account recently incurred an overdraft fee when there were sufficient funds in the account to cover the transactions. We would like to explain why an overdraft fee was assessed in this instance.
Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed.
TCF's Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts states we reduce your available balance immediately when we authorize a transaction and before the item is submitted to us for payment. . Some merchants, such as gas stations, may request an authorization amount and then submit a different transaction amount to TCF for payment. An authorization may be for more or less than the actual amount of the transaction ultimately submitted to us for payment by the merchant or other party. In some cases, we may authorize a transaction, but it may never be submitted to us for payment.
Your available balance generally represents your account balance as of the end of the previous business day minus any check card transactions we have authorized within the past 3 days. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a check card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment ("settlement").
For example, our records show that your available account balance at the beginning of nightly processing on June 26, 2015 was $146.37. Five pending authorized transactions in the combined amount of $54.02 reduced the available balance to $92.35. This balance was insufficient for the transactions that posted that night in the combined amount of $121.87, resulting in a $37.00 in overdraft fee. We have enclosed your Notice of Overdraft for your review of this process. As a courtesy, we have waived the $37.00 overdraft fee. This will appear as a credit on your next statement.
Mr. [redacted], we value your relationship with TCF and the feedback you have provided.
Deborah Z
Customer Response Representative
Cc: [redacted], Data Quality Specialist, Revdex.com
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/10/23) */