April 25, 2016 [redacted] [redacted] Chicago, IL 60652 Re: Revdex.com case #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We have received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern. You express concern regarding a $96.51...
transaction processed from your TCF checking account. The $96.51 payment appears to be a recurring check card transaction to a merchant that you previously authorized payments to. This is a type of a transaction in which our customer enters into an agreement with a vendor by providing their check card number and agrees that the vendor will use the number as a means of payment as often and at what intervals they agree upon. TCF National Bank is not part of this agreement. We encourage you to contact Norton directly to review your agreement and/or end the service. In regard to the $96.51 payment, when a claim such as yours, is not covered under Regulation E due to the merchant contract agreement, generally, we are allowed through our VISA affiliation to seek reimbursement of funds from the merchant for you. You were sent a letter from TCF Recovery Specialist requesting additional information, so we might assist you in this way. We have enclosed a copy of this letter for your review and reply. Finally, if after attempts to resolve the payment issue with Norton it is not resolved, you may want to place a stop payment on the recurring check card transactions. The stop payment requires a signature acknowledging that you have revoked you membership or agreement with Norton and there is a $35 stop payment fee. Ms. [redacted], we appreciate you communicating your concern with us and trust this clarifies steps to be taken toward its resolution. Sincerely, Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc [redacted] Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/06/12) */
June 12, 2015
Ms. [redacted]
Roselle IL 60172
Revdex.com Case # [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern. ...
You express concern regarding your overdraft elections.
Review of your account agreement (copy enclosed) shows that you asked TCF to pay ATM, everyday debit card transactions, checks, ACH transactions, and electronic transfers that exceed your account's available balance at the time of the authorization request. We are sorry for any misunderstanding there may have been when you were making your elections. It is TCF's goal to ensure our customers have a full understanding of the account at the time it is opened. Further review indicates that on September 12, 2014 you asked TCF to decline ATM and everyday debit card transactions that exceed your account's available balance at the time of the authorization request. You will not be charged a fee for declined ATM and everyday debit card transactions.
We do not, however, have a record of you electing to opt-out of TCF's payment of overdrafts due to checks, ACH transactions, and transfers. When you opt-out of TCF's payment overdrafts on your checks, ACH and electronic transfers, TCF will return the transactions without paying them if they exceed your available balance. Please note that TCF may charge you a fee anytime we return items unpaid.
Per your request, we have updated your overdraft elections to decline checks, ACH transactions and electronic transfers that exceed your account's available balance at the time of the authorization request.
Please keep in mind that recurring debit card transactions are not covered under either election and may post to your account even if you have insufficient funds in the account, resulting in overdraft fees.
Ms. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to submit your inquiry.
Pamela M.
Customer Response Representative
Cc: [redacted], Operations Manager, Revdex.com
August 1, 2016 Mr. [redacted] Saint Paul, MN 55102-3314 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] CFPB Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiries...
you submitted to the Revdex.com and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You express concern regarding the resolution of your electronic transaction fraud dispute. TCF Bank (“TCF”) records indicate that on July 21, 2016 you filed a dispute regarding an unauthorized debit card transaction that posted to your TCF checking account ending in [redacted]. TCF completed research and paid your dispute. The $82.14 claim credit and an overdraft fee reversal in the amount of $148.00 were processed to your account on August 1, 2016. The process for investigating electronic transaction fraud disputes allows financial institutions up to 10 business days from the date of notification to determine whether an error occurred. If the dispute requires additional research, this timeframe will extend to 45 calendar days from the date of notification. We regret any misunderstanding there may have been regarding the timeframe for resolving a dispute. You also express concern regarding the manner in which overdraft fees were processed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the fees were incurred. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. The overdraft notice dated July 19, 2016 (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was negative $63.96. This is why your account was assessed overdraft fees. In arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a check card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”). Between July 20, 2016 and July 21, 2016 your account incurred $148.00 in overdraft fees. These fees were reversed by TCF on July 28, 2016 in connection with your electronic transaction fraud dispute. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to share your concerns. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: Laura [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com Consumer Response, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Enclosure: July 19, 2016 Overdraft Notice
June 30, 2017 [redacted] Denver, CO 802497 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We apologize for the previous miscommunication dated June 28, 2017. We have requested to reduce your balance owing by $222 and you may pay the remaining balance of $79.62 to TCF directly. Ms. [redacted], we hope this addresses your concerns. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
December 23, 2016 Ms. [redacted]
[redacted] New Brighton, MN 55112-6867 RE: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to...
your concerns. You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred in this instance. TCF may decide to either pay or not pay any item submitted to us for payment from your account if the item exceeds your available balance at the time of posting. We will charge you a fee, called a “returned item NSF fee,” each time an item is submitted (or resubmitted) to us for payment from your account and we return the item without paying it. We apologize for any misunderstanding there may have been regarding this practice. Your account may also incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. If your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. Between November 23, 2016 and December 20, 2016 your account incurred $814 in overdraft fees. Because you are a valued customer, we have reversed $271 of these fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Ms. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and hope this explains TCF’s policies more fully. Sincerely, Melody J. Customer Response Representative Cc [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
April 15, 2016 Ms. [redacted] [redacted] Chicago, IL 60644 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You express...
concern regarding the status of the unauthorized transaction claims that you filed with TCF Bank (“TCF”). Our records indicate that you filed a claim for an unauthorized debit card transaction on April 6, 2016. TCF completed an investigation and credited $200.00 to your account on April 13, 2016 for the disputed transaction. On April 6, 2016, you also filed a claim for unauthorized PIN-based transactions. TCF completed an investigation and denied your claim because the transactions appear to be consistent with the pattern of use associated with your account. You also express concern regarding TCF’s processing of checks and debit card transactions when your available balance is insufficient. Our records show that you Opted-Out of TCF’s authorization and payment of overdrafts on your ATM and everyday debit card transactions that exceed your account’s available balance at the time of the authorization request. Because the merchant did not submit an authorization request prior to submitting the $200 Walmart Grocery debit card transaction for payment, it was not compared to your balance available for posting prior to being processed on April 4, 2016. Our records further indicate that you initiated a $100 web transfer deposit from account ending in 5103 on April 2, 2016. This made your available sufficient for the subsequent Walmart PIN-based transactions that were also initiated on April 2, 2016. We apologize for any misunderstanding there may have been regarding your overdraft election for ATM and everyday debit card transactions. Ms. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
April 25, 2016 [redacted] [redacted] Chicago, IL 60652 Re: Revdex.com case #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We have received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern. You express concern regarding a $96.51...
transaction processed from your TCF checking account. The $96.51 payment appears to be a recurring check card transaction to a merchant that you previously authorized payments to. This is a type of a transaction in which our customer enters into an agreement with a vendor by providing their check card number and agrees that the vendor will use the number as a means of payment as often and at what intervals they agree upon. TCF National Bank is not part of this agreement. We encourage you to contact Norton directly to review your agreement and/or end the service. In regard to the $96.51 payment, when a claim such as yours, is not covered under Regulation E due to the merchant contract agreement, generally, we are allowed through our VISA affiliation to seek reimbursement of funds from the merchant for you. You were sent a letter from TCF Recovery Specialist requesting additional information, so we might assist you in this way. We have enclosed a copy of this letter for your review and reply. Finally, if after attempts to resolve the payment issue with Norton it is not resolved, you may want to place a stop payment on the recurring check card transactions. The stop payment requires a signature acknowledging that you have revoked you membership or agreement with Norton and there is a $35 stop payment fee. Ms. [redacted], we appreciate you communicating your concern with us and trust this clarifies steps to be taken toward its resolution. Sincerely, Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc [redacted] Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 10, 2015/06/12) */
June 12, 2015
Ms. [redacted]
Roselle IL 60172
Revdex.com Case # [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern. ...
You express concern regarding your overdraft elections.
Review of your account agreement (copy enclosed) shows that you asked TCF to pay ATM, everyday debit card transactions, checks, ACH transactions, and electronic transfers that exceed your account's available balance at the time of the authorization request. We are sorry for any misunderstanding there may have been when you were making your elections. It is TCF's goal to ensure our customers have a full understanding of the account at the time it is opened. Further review indicates that on September 12, 2014 you asked TCF to decline ATM and everyday debit card transactions that exceed your account's available balance at the time of the authorization request. You will not be charged a fee for declined ATM and everyday debit card transactions.
We do not, however, have a record of you electing to opt-out of TCF's payment of overdrafts due to checks, ACH transactions, and transfers. When you opt-out of TCF's payment overdrafts on your checks, ACH and electronic transfers, TCF will return the transactions without paying them if they exceed your available balance. Please note that TCF may charge you a fee anytime we return items unpaid.
Per your request, we have updated your overdraft elections to decline checks, ACH transactions and electronic transfers that exceed your account's available balance at the time of the authorization request.
Please keep in mind that recurring debit card transactions are not covered under either election and may post to your account even if you have insufficient funds in the account, resulting in overdraft fees.
Ms. [redacted], thank you for taking the time to submit your inquiry.
Pamela M.
Customer Response Representative
Cc: [redacted], Operations Manager, Revdex.com
August 1, 2016 Mr. [redacted] Saint Paul, MN 55102-3314 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] CFPB Case # [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted], We received the inquiries...
you submitted to the Revdex.com and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You express concern regarding the resolution of your electronic transaction fraud dispute. TCF Bank (“TCF”) records indicate that on July 21, 2016 you filed a dispute regarding an unauthorized debit card transaction that posted to your TCF checking account ending in [redacted]. TCF completed research and paid your dispute. The $82.14 claim credit and an overdraft fee reversal in the amount of $148.00 were processed to your account on August 1, 2016. The process for investigating electronic transaction fraud disputes allows financial institutions up to 10 business days from the date of notification to determine whether an error occurred. If the dispute requires additional research, this timeframe will extend to 45 calendar days from the date of notification. We regret any misunderstanding there may have been regarding the timeframe for resolving a dispute. You also express concern regarding the manner in which overdraft fees were processed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the fees were incurred. Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. The overdraft notice dated July 19, 2016 (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was negative $63.96. This is why your account was assessed overdraft fees. In arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal. While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a check card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”). Between July 20, 2016 and July 21, 2016 your account incurred $148.00 in overdraft fees. These fees were reversed by TCF on July 28, 2016 in connection with your electronic transaction fraud dispute. Mr. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to share your concerns. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: Laura [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com Consumer Response, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Enclosure: July 19, 2016 Overdraft Notice
June 30, 2017 [redacted] Denver, CO 802497 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. We apologize for the previous miscommunication dated June 28, 2017. We have requested to reduce your balance owing by $222 and you may pay the remaining balance of $79.62 to TCF directly. Ms. [redacted], we hope this addresses your concerns. Sincerely, Nash J. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
December 23, 2016 Ms. [redacted]
[redacted] New Brighton, MN 55112-6867 RE: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to...
your concerns. You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account. We would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred in this instance. TCF may decide to either pay or not pay any item submitted to us for payment from your account if the item exceeds your available balance at the time of posting. We will charge you a fee, called a “returned item NSF fee,” each time an item is submitted (or resubmitted) to us for payment from your account and we return the item without paying it. We apologize for any misunderstanding there may have been regarding this practice. Your account may also incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processed. If your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. Between November 23, 2016 and December 20, 2016 your account incurred $814 in overdraft fees. Because you are a valued customer, we have reversed $271 of these fees. This transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement. Ms. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to share your concerns and hope this explains TCF’s policies more fully. Sincerely, Melody J. Customer Response Representative Cc [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com
April 15, 2016 Ms. [redacted] [redacted] Chicago, IL 60644 Re: Revdex.com Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], We received the inquiry you submitted to the Revdex.com and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns. You express...
concern regarding the status of the unauthorized transaction claims that you filed with TCF Bank (“TCF”). Our records indicate that you filed a claim for an unauthorized debit card transaction on April 6, 2016. TCF completed an investigation and credited $200.00 to your account on April 13, 2016 for the disputed transaction. On April 6, 2016, you also filed a claim for unauthorized PIN-based transactions. TCF completed an investigation and denied your claim because the transactions appear to be consistent with the pattern of use associated with your account. You also express concern regarding TCF’s processing of checks and debit card transactions when your available balance is insufficient. Our records show that you Opted-Out of TCF’s authorization and payment of overdrafts on your ATM and everyday debit card transactions that exceed your account’s available balance at the time of the authorization request. Because the merchant did not submit an authorization request prior to submitting the $200 Walmart Grocery debit card transaction for payment, it was not compared to your balance available for posting prior to being processed on April 4, 2016. Our records further indicate that you initiated a $100 web transfer deposit from account ending in 5103 on April 2, 2016. This made your available sufficient for the subsequent Walmart PIN-based transactions that were also initiated on April 2, 2016. We apologize for any misunderstanding there may have been regarding your overdraft election for ATM and everyday debit card transactions. Ms. [redacted], we thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L. Customer Response Representative Cc: [redacted], Mediation Coordinator, Revdex.com