Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/02/18) */
February 18,
Dear Mr***,
We received the complaint you made to the Revdex.comYou expressed concern about your opt-out request from overdrafts, claiming that we refuse to put you in opt-out status and
manipulate the posting order
Posting Order
TCF does not "reorder" transactionsIn your account contract, we explain that our current practice for processing transactions on your account is as follows:
First, we process deposits made before the cutoff time before we process withdrawals
Second, we process certain "priority" withdrawals before othersThese include, for example, teller withdrawals, returned deposits, check printing fees, automated TCF loan payments, wire transfers, account transfers, electronic (ACH) bill payments using the TCF bill pay service, checks you write that are deposited into a TCF account or cashed in a TCF branch, and account fees (except those included in item below)We generally process these transactions in groups in chronological order within each group based on the date and time of the transaction
Third, we generally process ATM withdrawals and debit card transactions in chronological order based on the date and time associated with the transaction that are provided to us by the processor
Fourth, we generally process checks in lowest-to-highest order based on check number
Fifth, we generally process automated (ACH) withdrawals scheduled for payment on a Business Day in chronological order based on when we receive the electronic file for the withdrawals
Sixth, we process other account fees, such as monthly maintenance fees, ATM withdrawal fees, paper statement fees and overdraft fees on daily overdraft fee accounts
Overdraft Services
TCF gives you a choice for overdraft servicesYou can ask TCF, at its discretion, to authorize and pay overdrafts on your ATM and everyday debit card transactionsOptidoes not guarantee authorization of every transactionIf TCF authorizes your overdraft transaction, you will pay an overdraft feeBy choosing to not to opt-in, TCF will decline your ATM and debit card transactions that exceed your available Account balance at the time of the transactionYou will not be charged a fee for declined transactions
A review of your account shows that you have changed your overdraft selection multiple times since last September through the branch, contact center, and ATMYou have optto overdrafts at the ATM on September 18, 2015, October 8, 2015, November 9, 2015, and most recently on February 15, When you change your selection from opt-out to oat the ATM, you are presented with six screens that make sure you want to oand complete the withdrawal transaction
First Screen: "Your account does not have enough available funds for this transactionIt will be denied unless you Oto TCF Overdraft ServiceIf you Opt-In, TCF's usual policy for approving overdrafts will applyDo you want to Opt-In?" You selected the "Yes, Continue To Opt-In."
Second Screen: "If you Oto TCF Overdraft Service, TCF may, in its discretion, authorize and pay ATM and everyday debit card transactions when your account does not have enough available funds to cover themOverdraft fees will apply." You selected the "Continue To Opt-In."
Third Screen: "TCF has previously provided you with a notice called "What you need to know about overdrafts and overdraft fees," which further describes our overdraft policiesPlease contact us if you need a copy." You selected the "Continue To Opt-In."
Fourth Screen: "By selecting "I Agree," you are agreeing that you want TCF to authorize and pay overdrafts on your ATM and everyday debit card transactions for the checking account associated with this card." You selected "I Agree."
Fifth Screen: "We will process your request by the next business dayYour current transaction will be approved." You selected "Continue To Opt-In."
Sixth Screen: "You have the right to revoke your consent at any timeCall X-XXX-XXXX or visit TCFBANK.COM for more information." You selected "Continue Withdrawal."
We have no control over your actions in the ATM self-service channels where you repeatedly change your overdraft selection to opt-inYour current overdraft election is oand it authorizes TCF to pay overdrafts for ATM and everyday debit card transactionsChanging your overdraft choice(s) may help you avoid future overdraft fees, and you may do so at any time by calling us at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX, visiting a TCF branch, using TCF's online banking service, or using TCF's ATMs (for ATM and everyday debit card transactions)Based on your complaint, we have changed your overdraft selection to opt-out for ATM and everyday debit card transactions
TCF Bank also offers two lower cost alternatives to cover overdrafts:
You can borrow money from us when you qualify for and open a TCF Overdraft Protection Line of Credit; or
You can use your own money by setting up an Overdraft Protection Transfer Service from your TCF savings account
TCF Overdraft Protection Transfer Service links your savings account to your checking account to cover overdraftsWe will automatically transfer funds from your savings account to cover transactions that exceed the balance in your checking accountIf transactions in your checking account then exceed the amount available in your savings account, they are subject to TCF's overdraft services and fees
TCF Overdraft Protection Line of Credit is an emergency line of credit to cover overdraftsWe will automatically advance funds from your line of credit to cover transactions that exceed the balance in your checking accountIf transactions in your checking account then exceed the amount available on your line of credit, they are subject to TCF's overdraft services and fees
To further assist you, we have enclosed our brochure "What You Need to Know about Bank Service Charges and Overdrafts" for your reviewThis is a great resource for our customers to assist them in avoiding or reducing deposit service fees
Mr***, we trust this clarifies the actions that were taken with regard to your TCF account
Courtney **
Customer Response Representative
Cc: Taylor Keate, Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2016/02/18) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I am rejecting this response because:The issue that I have is with the statement:While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”)We are sorry for any misunderstanding there may have been when you were making your elections. The issue that I am having a problem with is when you deduct the money from the account balance on a debit card purchase you can NOT later charge an overdraft fee for those funds; because the funds have already been deducted for that purchase which is being subtracted from the present balance This is why I am requesting the full refund from all debit card purchases that NSF fee was charged from the time that my account was opened until this present time
February 1, *** *** *** *** ** Denver CO Re: file # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns You express concern regarding
a returned deposited item Our records show that on January 10, 2017, a $2,deposit was made into TCF account ending in ***On January 11, 2017, this check was returned to TCF unpaid due to insufficient available funds and $2,was debited from your accountA $returned deposited item fee was assessed to your account as a result of the returned checkWe regret any inconvenience this may have caused you As a courtesy, we have waived the returned deposited item feeThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statementWhile we sympathize with your situation, we are unable to honor your request for compensation Further account review shows that we sent a legal copy of the deposited check to youTo obtain additional information regarding your available balance at Chase when the check was presented for payment, we recommend taking the legal copy to Chase directly Mr***, we thank you for bringing your concern to our attention and trust we have clarified the activity on your account Sincerely Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
October 24, Mr*** *** *** ** *** *** Chicago, IL Re: Case # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your checking accountWe would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedFor example, the overdraft notice dated October 12, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn by $This is why your account was assessed overdraft feesIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawalWhile there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”) Our records indicate that between October and October 14, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTCF previously reversed $of those feesTo assist you, we have reversed the remaining $in overdraft feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement We have also enclosed a copy of our brochure “What You Need to Know About Bank Service Charges and Overdraft Fees” for your reviewThis is a great resource to assist customers with avoiding or reducing overdraft fees in the future Mr***, thank you for taking the time to bring your concern to our attention Sincerely, Erik MCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/03) */
June 3,
Ms*** ***
Chicago, IL 60649-
Re: Case # ***
Dear Ms***,
We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to
respond to your concerns
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account
The overdraft notice dated May 28, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was negative $This is why your account was assessed an overdraft feeOverdraft fees are calculated the morning after your account is overdrawn and display as pending fees in the "Transactions pending" section of the Account Register page in online bankingIn mobile banking pending fees are indicated by an asterisk (*)Pending fees appear in online and mobile banking by 12:p.mCentral Time
Between May 29, and June 1, 2015, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTo assist you, we have reversed $of these feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement
Ms***, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention
Customer Response Representative
Cc: ***, Operations Manager, Better Business Bure
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/05) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I will accept the reimbursement but this reply is not trueMy balance as of May 8, was $Unfortunately I am unable to print this out and forward due this online banking statements
Final Consumer Response /* (3000, 10, 2015/06/05) */
***Document Attached***
I am able to submit a statement that shows my account was $postive balance as of 05/28/
April 19, Ms*** *** *** * *** *** Apache Junction, AZ 85120-Re: Case # *** Dear Ms***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concernsYou
express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your TCF Bank (“TCF”) checking accountWe would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurredYour account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedFor example, the overdraft notice dated April 12, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn $This is why your account was assessed overdraft feesIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawalWhile there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”)Additionally, funds that are transferred to your account by direct deposit are available upon their receipt by TCF and at the direction of the depositorTCF records indicate that on April 13, 2016, an automated deposit was processed to your accountIf your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. The fees that you incurred on April 13, were because of transactions that were processed on April We apologize for any misunderstanding you may have experienced regarding these mattersOn April 13, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTCF reversed $of these fees on April 14, To further assist you, we have reversed the remaining $in feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statementMs***, we hope this explains TCF’s policies more fullySincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** *** Mediation Coordinator,
I am rejecting this response because:
I appreciate TCF taking these unnecessary/ unfair fees out of collections and waiving them however I need to have all the information stated in their response sent to me in writingI also need to see solid proof that these fees are waived and the collection agency was contactedIn addition to this I need TCF to correct any errors that may appear on my credit report as they stated in the attached letter that they have reported thisTCF needs to get in touch with the credit reporting agencies they contacted in regards to my account and straighten this out as I do not need this affecting my credit, I will need written proof of this as well. My address to send all requested documents/correspondence from TCF can be sent to:*** ** *** *** *** **Oak Park IL, 60304Thank You for your help in this matterBest Regards,*** ***
July 6, *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** ** *** * Phoenix AZ 85009- case # *** Dear Mr***, Thank you for contacting us
regarding an international wire transfer. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern It is our goal to provide services that are efficient, convenient and valuable, and it is disappointing to learn of any instance in which we have failed to deliver at the level our customers expectWe assure you that TCF Bank (“TCF”) has a commitment to provide a positive experience for each and every customer and we truly appreciate that you have voiced your concerns Our records show that on May 25, 2016, you initiated an international wire transfer from a TCF branch in Phoenix, Arizona, to a beneficiary in ChinaThe wire transfer was returned by the receiving bank on May 31, 2016, as “Unable to Apply”No other explanation was provided, but by working with the receiving bank, TCF was able successfully complete the wire transfer request on June 2, We believe that our wire procedures conform to industry standards and it appears that the delay in this case was due to the receiving bank Further account review shows that between May 25, and June 2, 2016, your account incurred $in wire transfer feesTCF has already reversed $of these feesTo further assist you, we have reversed the remaining $in fees Mr***, we thank you for communicating your concern Sincerely, Deborah Z Customer Response Representative ** *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
July 6, Ms*** *** *** * *** *** Milwaukee, WI Re: Case # *** Dear Ms***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your
concerns You express concern regarding the resolution of your transaction error claim TCF Bank (“TCF”) records indicate that you filed a claim for a $3,debit card transaction to *** *** *** that was processed from your account on February 24, TCF issued you a temporary credit in the amount of $3,while the claim was being investigated and contacted the merchant directly on your behalf to request a charge backThe chargeback was unsuccessful because of the agreement that you have with the merchantUpon receipt of the chargeback denial, TCF debited your account for the amount of the temporary credit on April 11, TCF’s investigation is complete, and your claim is denied because it involves a satisfaction issue with the merchant While we sympathize with your situation, TCF does not have any further recovery rightsPlease pursue the matter with the merchant directlyWe have enclosed the signed agreement and supporting documentation received from the merchant for your review Ms***, we trust that we have clarified the actions that were taken with regard to your transaction error claim and regret that we are not able to assist you further Sincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/07/02) */
July 2,
Ms*** ***
Chicago, IL Case # ***
Dear Ms***,
We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
You expressed concern over the way that TCF processes transactions on your account and the amount of overdraft fees that were assessed to your account
Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedIn arriving at your available balance, we deduct check deposits (or portions of those deposits) that are not yet available for withdrawalWe also deduct outstanding check card authorizations until those transactions are presented to TCF for payment and processed against your accountIt generally takes up to three business days following authorization for a check card transaction to be presented to TCF for payment, although it can take as little as one business day depending on the type of transactions
The overdraft notice you received dated June 22, 2015(copy enclosed) shows that your available balance was overdrawn by $as of the end of the day on June 18, Overdraft fees are calculated the following business day and are shown as pending fees in the "Transactions pending" section of the Account Register page in TCF's online banking sitePending fees are indicated in TCF's mobile banking site by an asterisk (*)Pending fees appear in online and mobile banking by 12:p.mCentral Time
Between June and 24, 2015, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTo assist you, we have reversed $of these feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement
We have enclosed our brochure What You Need to Know about Bank Service Charges and Overdrafts for your reviewThis is a great resource for our customers to assist them in avoiding or reducing deposit service fees
Ms***, thank you for bringing this matter to our attentionWe trust this information will assist you in reconciling your account
Holly S
Customer Response Representative
Cc: ***, Operations Manager,
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 8, 2015/07/02) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
The charges that I asked to be reversed were in fact, reversed
I am rejecting this response because: I called the Treasury Department about the automatic deposits and automatic deposits continued as the Treasury Department has statedWhat am I supposed to do about giving you proof that I did call the Treasury Department and IT TOLD
ME THAT DEPOSITS WERE BEING DONE? Should the Treasury Department give some kind of proof by Congress? I know the January deposit did transfer as far as I can tell, so the February deposit didn't make it in? Did you check the balance from one month to month? Or do you automatically believe that the IBM machines do all the work so well that you depend on machines to do your job? You started this fiasco and you are telling me to fix it? I depend on TCF but I cannot depend on IT to fix its own mistakes? Or will you tell me that I should not have started up a new account even though my order of new check vouchers was never received but sent to another address? Just because an answer about this mistake was given doesn't make it right that TCF should get a good ratingWhat to do? OKYou say I should make a trip to a branch and fix it myselfI resent all the trouble TCF has put me through and the time wasted by all thisWhen my branch closed at Jewel-Osco it hasn't been easyIt is more work and troublesome for me to get to another branch since I don't drive!
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/09/16) */
September 16,
Mr*** ***
XXXXX XXth *** N ***
*** ** XXXXX
Dear Mr***,
We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to
respond to your concerns
You expressed concern regarding the overdraft fees incurred on your account
We would like to take this opportunity to explain how the overdraft fees were incurred in this situationYour account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds the available balance at the time it is processedIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal
For example, in the notice dated August 31, (copy enclosed), the beginning available balance was $From this balance we subtracted the transactions that were pending; in this case there were three transactions totaling $The available balance was then overdrawn by -$Then we subtracted the transactions that were posting; in this case the eight transactions totaling -$The available balance after pending and posted transactions was therefore overdrawn by -$230.39, which is why your account was assessed overdraft fees
While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a check card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment ("settlement")
Overdraft fees are calculated the morning after your account is overdrawn and display as pending fees in the "Transactions pending" section of the Account Register page in online bankingIn mobile banking pending fees are indicated by an asterisk (*)Pending fees appear in online and mobile banking by 12:p.mCentral Time
TCF records indicate that between September 1, and September 2, you incurred $in overdraft feesOn September 11, TCF reversed $of those feesAs a courtesy, we have reversed the remaining $You will see this as a credit on your next statement
To assist you, we have enclosed our brochure "What You Need to Know about Bank *** Charges and Overdrafts" This brochure explains how overdraft fees are assessed, how you may avoid them, and how your transactions affect your available balance
You also express concern regarding the *** you received from TCF's *** *** department
We apologize if the *** you received did not meet your expectationsIt is our goal to provide *** that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteousTCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every *** interaction
Mr***, thank you for banking with TCFWe truly value you as a TCF *** and consider it a privilege to serve your banking needsWe trust this explains why overdrafts were assessed in this case
Erik M
Retail Correspondence Representative
Cc: *** *** Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/09/17) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Thank You for making this situation rightI really appreciate it and it will retain me as a customer long term
June 8, Mr*** *** *** ** *** *** River Forest, IL Re: Case # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
Your inquiry s*s that TCF Bank (“TCF”) should not have allowed overdrafts on your account When you opened the account on October 5, 2012, you asked TCF to not pay ATM, everyday debit card transactions, checks, and ACH transactions that exceed your account’s available balance at the time of the authorization request The Your Overdraft Selection section of the Account Agreement stated: “By choosing to not opt-in, your checks, ACH transactions, and automatic transfers that exceed your available account balance will not be paidYou will pay a returned item NSF feeYou may also be charged fees by the merchant or person you were trying to pay.” TCF’s Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts further explain that TCF may decide to either pay or not pay any item submitted to us for payment from your account if the item exceeds your available balance at the time of postingWe will charge you a fee, called a “returned item NSF fee,” each time an item is submitted (or resubmitted) to us for payment from your account, and we return the item without paying it TCF records indicate that electronic payments were authorized to be made to Paypal from your account. Your account had insufficient funds when the account debits were attemptedWe followed your direction and did not pay overdrafts on your accountThis resulted in $in returned item NSF fees charged to your account between February 29, and April 19, TCF mails a system generated Notice of Overdraft or Adjustment when an account is overdrawn, our records indicate that these notices were mailed to the address on file on February 26, 2016, March 4, 2016, April 5, 2016, April 11, 2016, April 12, and April 18, When your account remained overdrawn, TCF closed the account and sent a notification letter to the address on file on April 18, (copy enclosed)The balance owing of $was sent to Millennium Credit Consultants (MCC) for collection, and the account was reported to ChexSystems for insufficient funds activity To assist you, we have directed MCC to stop collection and are waiving the balance owedPlease note that the account record will remain on file with ChexSystems per their requirements Mr***, we trust this clarifies the actions that were taken with regard to your former TCF account Sincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
I am rejecting this response because:
TCF has made statements in the past were the missed deposit fund for a different account where I used their money order checks and proven that items was paid they refused to release where they misdespoist funds in I will have to locate the account and those this this issue and former employee of *** *** ***, as auditor and researcher for all major banks, I know the processing including of check deposit and the check deposits, the copies clearing shows the information, this account show the stamp information by their system, date the account and branch informationTCF is clearly lying again.*** ***i have the person information as who commit this act and by rule and regulation the bank, TCF wasnt suppose to cash this because I was not on the account in the first placeperson name is *** ***, SS#*** and currently working at *** corp in bataviathis is not the only fraud action by her as there is also fraud case with Department of human services and one with IRS and also for using my identity here are sample of my signature which clear see that I did not authorize or signed it and it does not match my to my id and IT IS MISSING MY MIDDLE NAME!
October 6, 2016 Ms*** *** *** ***Afton, MN 55001 Re: Case # *** Dear Ms***, We received the additional inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern regarding the closure of the account that you hold jointly with *** *** In our response dated October 3, 2016, we explained that your TCF Bank (“TCF”) checking accounts ending in *** and *** were closed on September 27, due to an incomplete response to our request for information TCF’s Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts explain that customers agree to give us current information about themselves and their current financial situation when they apply for an account and whenever TCF asks for this information while they have a banking relationship with us. Our records further indicate that we received all the required information and reopened your accounts on September 30, We consider the request complete at this time and apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced When an account is closed, online banking services such as bill pay are also disabledIf you or Ms*** require assistance with online banking services, you may contact TCF’s Customer Service Line at 612-TCF Bank (###-###-####) to speak with an online banking specialist. Ms***, we appreciate you sharing your additional concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L.Customer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
November 22, *** *** *** *** *** * Minneapolis, MN Re: case #***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns We apologize if your recent experience at TCF
was less than positiveIt is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteousBecause we have a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction, we sincerely regret any inconvenience a deposit error may be causing you You express concern regarding a deposit that was processed to your account for the wrong amount Our records show that on November 10, 2016, the $deposit that you presented to your checking account ending in *** was keyed as $5,When you notified the branch of the error, a $4,debit adjustment was processed from your account to correct the deposit amount. The deposited check, however, had already been electronically processed and submitted to Wells Fargo, the bank on which it was drawn, for $5,Based on your letter, we understand that the transaction error caused your Wells Fargo account to become overdrawn, which activated your overdraft protectionWe sincerely apologize for this situation When this type of processing error happens, especially for larger dollar amounts, the general practice between banks is for the bank of deposit to hold a credit until the paying bank charges the debit. While holding this $4,credit, we instructed Wells Fargo to charge us for the debit. We are now waiting for their reply While we sympathize with your situation, the quickest way to resolve this matter is for you to contact Wells Fargo directlySince we cannot access information about your Wells Fargo account, we recommend that you inquire with them about the status of the debit Mr***, we thank you for bringing your concern to our attention and hope this provides steps towards its resolution Sincerely, Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc Laura ***, Mediation Coordinator,
I am rejecting this response because:
I did not authorize any transactions from my accountLike I stated previously, I was at work at the time that I got a call from TCF fraud prevention and called TCF immediatelyI also did everything that I was told to do such as filing a police report and submitting the proper documentationsAfter doing all of that nothing was resolvedI don't understand how it was an authorized transaction when I didn't authorize my card being stolen in usedThis needs to be removed from my credit immediately
April 12, Mr*** *** *** * *** *** Glendale, AZ 85302-Re: Case # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
We apologize if the service from a team member of TCF Bank’s (“TCF”) Customer Service Line did not meet your expectationsIt is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteousWe assure you that TCF’s commitment to a positive experience for each and every customer is unwavering and we truly appreciate that you have voiced your concernsYou express concern over the way that TCF processes transactions on your accountOur current practice for processing transactions on your account is as follows: First, we process deposits made before the cutoff time before we process withdrawals.Second, we process certain “priority” withdrawals before othersThese include, for example, teller withdrawals, returned deposits, check printing fees, automated TCF loan payments, wire transfers, account transfers, electronic (ACH) bill payments using the TCF bill pay service, checks you write that are deposited into a TCF account or cashed in a TCF branch, and account fees (except those included in item below)We process these transactions in groups in chronological order within each group based on the date and time of the transaction.Third, we process ATM withdrawals and debit card transactions in chronological order based on a date and time associated with the transaction that are provided to us by the processor.Fourth, we process checks in lowest-to-highest order based on check number.Fifth, we process automated (ACH) withdrawals scheduled for payment on a Business Day in chronological order based on when we receive the electronic file for the withdrawals.Sixth, we process other account fees, such as monthly maintenance fees, ATM withdrawal fees, paper statement fees and overdraft fees on daily overdraft fee accounts.You may review TCF’s Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts for additional information.You also express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your checking accountWe would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred.Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedFor example, the overdraft notice dated April 1, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn $This is why your account was assessed overdraft feesIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawalWhile there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”)Between April 4, and April 5, your account incurred $in feesTo assist you, we have reversed these feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statementMr***, we hope this explains TCF’s policies more fullySincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/02/18) */
February 18,
Dear Mr***,
We received the complaint you made to the Revdex.comYou expressed concern about your opt-out request from overdrafts, claiming that we refuse to put you in opt-out status and
manipulate the posting order
Posting Order
TCF does not "reorder" transactionsIn your account contract, we explain that our current practice for processing transactions on your account is as follows:
First, we process deposits made before the cutoff time before we process withdrawals
Second, we process certain "priority" withdrawals before othersThese include, for example, teller withdrawals, returned deposits, check printing fees, automated TCF loan payments, wire transfers, account transfers, electronic (ACH) bill payments using the TCF bill pay service, checks you write that are deposited into a TCF account or cashed in a TCF branch, and account fees (except those included in item below)We generally process these transactions in groups in chronological order within each group based on the date and time of the transaction
Third, we generally process ATM withdrawals and debit card transactions in chronological order based on the date and time associated with the transaction that are provided to us by the processor
Fourth, we generally process checks in lowest-to-highest order based on check number
Fifth, we generally process automated (ACH) withdrawals scheduled for payment on a Business Day in chronological order based on when we receive the electronic file for the withdrawals
Sixth, we process other account fees, such as monthly maintenance fees, ATM withdrawal fees, paper statement fees and overdraft fees on daily overdraft fee accounts
Overdraft Services
TCF gives you a choice for overdraft servicesYou can ask TCF, at its discretion, to authorize and pay overdrafts on your ATM and everyday debit card transactionsOptidoes not guarantee authorization of every transactionIf TCF authorizes your overdraft transaction, you will pay an overdraft feeBy choosing to not to opt-in, TCF will decline your ATM and debit card transactions that exceed your available Account balance at the time of the transactionYou will not be charged a fee for declined transactions
A review of your account shows that you have changed your overdraft selection multiple times since last September through the branch, contact center, and ATMYou have optto overdrafts at the ATM on September 18, 2015, October 8, 2015, November 9, 2015, and most recently on February 15, When you change your selection from opt-out to oat the ATM, you are presented with six screens that make sure you want to oand complete the withdrawal transaction
First Screen: "Your account does not have enough available funds for this transactionIt will be denied unless you Oto TCF Overdraft ServiceIf you Opt-In, TCF's usual policy for approving overdrafts will applyDo you want to Opt-In?" You selected the "Yes, Continue To Opt-In."
Second Screen: "If you Oto TCF Overdraft Service, TCF may, in its discretion, authorize and pay ATM and everyday debit card transactions when your account does not have enough available funds to cover themOverdraft fees will apply." You selected the "Continue To Opt-In."
Third Screen: "TCF has previously provided you with a notice called "What you need to know about overdrafts and overdraft fees," which further describes our overdraft policiesPlease contact us if you need a copy." You selected the "Continue To Opt-In."
Fourth Screen: "By selecting "I Agree," you are agreeing that you want TCF to authorize and pay overdrafts on your ATM and everyday debit card transactions for the checking account associated with this card." You selected "I Agree."
Fifth Screen: "We will process your request by the next business dayYour current transaction will be approved." You selected "Continue To Opt-In."
Sixth Screen: "You have the right to revoke your consent at any timeCall X-XXX-XXXX or visit TCFBANK.COM for more information." You selected "Continue Withdrawal."
We have no control over your actions in the ATM self-service channels where you repeatedly change your overdraft selection to opt-inYour current overdraft election is oand it authorizes TCF to pay overdrafts for ATM and everyday debit card transactionsChanging your overdraft choice(s) may help you avoid future overdraft fees, and you may do so at any time by calling us at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX, visiting a TCF branch, using TCF's online banking service, or using TCF's ATMs (for ATM and everyday debit card transactions)Based on your complaint, we have changed your overdraft selection to opt-out for ATM and everyday debit card transactions
TCF Bank also offers two lower cost alternatives to cover overdrafts:
You can borrow money from us when you qualify for and open a TCF Overdraft Protection Line of Credit; or
You can use your own money by setting up an Overdraft Protection Transfer Service from your TCF savings account
TCF Overdraft Protection Transfer Service links your savings account to your checking account to cover overdraftsWe will automatically transfer funds from your savings account to cover transactions that exceed the balance in your checking accountIf transactions in your checking account then exceed the amount available in your savings account, they are subject to TCF's overdraft services and fees
TCF Overdraft Protection Line of Credit is an emergency line of credit to cover overdraftsWe will automatically advance funds from your line of credit to cover transactions that exceed the balance in your checking accountIf transactions in your checking account then exceed the amount available on your line of credit, they are subject to TCF's overdraft services and fees
To further assist you, we have enclosed our brochure "What You Need to Know about Bank Service Charges and Overdrafts" for your reviewThis is a great resource for our customers to assist them in avoiding or reducing deposit service fees
Mr***, we trust this clarifies the actions that were taken with regard to your TCF account
Courtney **
Customer Response Representative
Cc: Taylor Keate, Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2016/02/18) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I am rejecting this response because:The issue that I have is with the statement:While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”)We are sorry for any misunderstanding there may have been when you were making your elections. The issue that I am having a problem with is when you deduct the money from the account balance on a debit card purchase you can NOT later charge an overdraft fee for those funds; because the funds have already been deducted for that purchase which is being subtracted from the present balance This is why I am requesting the full refund from all debit card purchases that NSF fee was charged from the time that my account was opened until this present time
February 1, *** *** *** *** ** Denver CO Re: file # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns You express concern regarding
a returned deposited item Our records show that on January 10, 2017, a $2,deposit was made into TCF account ending in ***On January 11, 2017, this check was returned to TCF unpaid due to insufficient available funds and $2,was debited from your accountA $returned deposited item fee was assessed to your account as a result of the returned checkWe regret any inconvenience this may have caused you As a courtesy, we have waived the returned deposited item feeThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statementWhile we sympathize with your situation, we are unable to honor your request for compensation Further account review shows that we sent a legal copy of the deposited check to youTo obtain additional information regarding your available balance at Chase when the check was presented for payment, we recommend taking the legal copy to Chase directly Mr***, we thank you for bringing your concern to our attention and trust we have clarified the activity on your account Sincerely Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
Please see attached
October 24, Mr*** *** *** ** *** *** Chicago, IL Re: Case # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your checking accountWe would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedFor example, the overdraft notice dated October 12, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn by $This is why your account was assessed overdraft feesIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawalWhile there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”) Our records indicate that between October and October 14, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTCF previously reversed $of those feesTo assist you, we have reversed the remaining $in overdraft feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement We have also enclosed a copy of our brochure “What You Need to Know About Bank Service Charges and Overdraft Fees” for your reviewThis is a great resource to assist customers with avoiding or reducing overdraft fees in the future Mr***, thank you for taking the time to bring your concern to our attention Sincerely, Erik MCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/03) */
June 3,
Ms*** ***
Chicago, IL 60649-
Re: Case # ***
Dear Ms***,
We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to
respond to your concerns
You express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your account
The overdraft notice dated May 28, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was negative $This is why your account was assessed an overdraft feeOverdraft fees are calculated the morning after your account is overdrawn and display as pending fees in the "Transactions pending" section of the Account Register page in online bankingIn mobile banking pending fees are indicated by an asterisk (*)Pending fees appear in online and mobile banking by 12:p.mCentral Time
Between May 29, and June 1, 2015, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTo assist you, we have reversed $of these feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement
Ms***, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention
Customer Response Representative
Cc: ***, Operations Manager, Better Business Bure
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/05) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I will accept the reimbursement but this reply is not trueMy balance as of May 8, was $Unfortunately I am unable to print this out and forward due this online banking statements
Final Consumer Response /* (3000, 10, 2015/06/05) */
***Document Attached***
I am able to submit a statement that shows my account was $postive balance as of 05/28/
April 19, Ms*** *** *** * *** *** Apache Junction, AZ 85120-Re: Case # *** Dear Ms***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concernsYou
express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your TCF Bank (“TCF”) checking accountWe would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurredYour account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedFor example, the overdraft notice dated April 12, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn $This is why your account was assessed overdraft feesIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawalWhile there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”)Additionally, funds that are transferred to your account by direct deposit are available upon their receipt by TCF and at the direction of the depositorTCF records indicate that on April 13, 2016, an automated deposit was processed to your accountIf your balance is insufficient for transactions that post during nightly processing, overdraft fees will be applied to your account the next business day. The fees that you incurred on April 13, were because of transactions that were processed on April We apologize for any misunderstanding you may have experienced regarding these mattersOn April 13, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTCF reversed $of these fees on April 14, To further assist you, we have reversed the remaining $in feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statementMs***, we hope this explains TCF’s policies more fullySincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** *** Mediation Coordinator,
I am rejecting this response because:
I appreciate TCF taking these unnecessary/ unfair fees out of collections and waiving them however I need to have all the information stated in their response sent to me in writingI also need to see solid proof that these fees are waived and the collection agency was contactedIn addition to this I need TCF to correct any errors that may appear on my credit report as they stated in the attached letter that they have reported thisTCF needs to get in touch with the credit reporting agencies they contacted in regards to my account and straighten this out as I do not need this affecting my credit, I will need written proof of this as well. My address to send all requested documents/correspondence from TCF can be sent to:*** ** *** *** *** **Oak Park IL, 60304Thank You for your help in this matterBest Regards,*** ***
July 6, *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** ** *** * Phoenix AZ 85009- case # *** Dear Mr***, Thank you for contacting us
regarding an international wire transfer. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern It is our goal to provide services that are efficient, convenient and valuable, and it is disappointing to learn of any instance in which we have failed to deliver at the level our customers expectWe assure you that TCF Bank (“TCF”) has a commitment to provide a positive experience for each and every customer and we truly appreciate that you have voiced your concerns Our records show that on May 25, 2016, you initiated an international wire transfer from a TCF branch in Phoenix, Arizona, to a beneficiary in ChinaThe wire transfer was returned by the receiving bank on May 31, 2016, as “Unable to Apply”No other explanation was provided, but by working with the receiving bank, TCF was able successfully complete the wire transfer request on June 2, We believe that our wire procedures conform to industry standards and it appears that the delay in this case was due to the receiving bank Further account review shows that between May 25, and June 2, 2016, your account incurred $in wire transfer feesTCF has already reversed $of these feesTo further assist you, we have reversed the remaining $in fees Mr***, we thank you for communicating your concern Sincerely, Deborah Z Customer Response Representative ** *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
July 6, Ms*** *** *** * *** *** Milwaukee, WI Re: Case # *** Dear Ms***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your
concerns You express concern regarding the resolution of your transaction error claim TCF Bank (“TCF”) records indicate that you filed a claim for a $3,debit card transaction to *** *** *** that was processed from your account on February 24, TCF issued you a temporary credit in the amount of $3,while the claim was being investigated and contacted the merchant directly on your behalf to request a charge backThe chargeback was unsuccessful because of the agreement that you have with the merchantUpon receipt of the chargeback denial, TCF debited your account for the amount of the temporary credit on April 11, TCF’s investigation is complete, and your claim is denied because it involves a satisfaction issue with the merchant While we sympathize with your situation, TCF does not have any further recovery rightsPlease pursue the matter with the merchant directlyWe have enclosed the signed agreement and supporting documentation received from the merchant for your review Ms***, we trust that we have clarified the actions that were taken with regard to your transaction error claim and regret that we are not able to assist you further Sincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/07/02) */
July 2,
Ms*** ***
Chicago, IL Case # ***
Dear Ms***,
We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
You expressed concern over the way that TCF processes transactions on your account and the amount of overdraft fees that were assessed to your account
Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedIn arriving at your available balance, we deduct check deposits (or portions of those deposits) that are not yet available for withdrawalWe also deduct outstanding check card authorizations until those transactions are presented to TCF for payment and processed against your accountIt generally takes up to three business days following authorization for a check card transaction to be presented to TCF for payment, although it can take as little as one business day depending on the type of transactions
The overdraft notice you received dated June 22, 2015(copy enclosed) shows that your available balance was overdrawn by $as of the end of the day on June 18, Overdraft fees are calculated the following business day and are shown as pending fees in the "Transactions pending" section of the Account Register page in TCF's online banking sitePending fees are indicated in TCF's mobile banking site by an asterisk (*)Pending fees appear in online and mobile banking by 12:p.mCentral Time
Between June and 24, 2015, your account incurred $in overdraft feesTo assist you, we have reversed $of these feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statement
We have enclosed our brochure What You Need to Know about Bank Service Charges and Overdrafts for your reviewThis is a great resource for our customers to assist them in avoiding or reducing deposit service fees
Ms***, thank you for bringing this matter to our attentionWe trust this information will assist you in reconciling your account
Holly S
Customer Response Representative
Cc: ***, Operations Manager,
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 8, 2015/07/02) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
The charges that I asked to be reversed were in fact, reversed
I am rejecting this response because: I called the Treasury Department about the automatic deposits and automatic deposits continued as the Treasury Department has statedWhat am I supposed to do about giving you proof that I did call the Treasury Department and IT TOLD
ME THAT DEPOSITS WERE BEING DONE? Should the Treasury Department give some kind of proof by Congress? I know the January deposit did transfer as far as I can tell, so the February deposit didn't make it in? Did you check the balance from one month to month? Or do you automatically believe that the IBM machines do all the work so well that you depend on machines to do your job? You started this fiasco and you are telling me to fix it? I depend on TCF but I cannot depend on IT to fix its own mistakes? Or will you tell me that I should not have started up a new account even though my order of new check vouchers was never received but sent to another address? Just because an answer about this mistake was given doesn't make it right that TCF should get a good ratingWhat to do? OKYou say I should make a trip to a branch and fix it myselfI resent all the trouble TCF has put me through and the time wasted by all thisWhen my branch closed at Jewel-Osco it hasn't been easyIt is more work and troublesome for me to get to another branch since I don't drive!
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/09/16) */
September 16,
Mr*** ***
XXXXX XXth *** N ***
*** ** XXXXX
Dear Mr***,
We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to
respond to your concerns
You expressed concern regarding the overdraft fees incurred on your account
We would like to take this opportunity to explain how the overdraft fees were incurred in this situationYour account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds the available balance at the time it is processedIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawal
For example, in the notice dated August 31, (copy enclosed), the beginning available balance was $From this balance we subtracted the transactions that were pending; in this case there were three transactions totaling $The available balance was then overdrawn by -$Then we subtracted the transactions that were posting; in this case the eight transactions totaling -$The available balance after pending and posted transactions was therefore overdrawn by -$230.39, which is why your account was assessed overdraft fees
While there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a check card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment ("settlement")
Overdraft fees are calculated the morning after your account is overdrawn and display as pending fees in the "Transactions pending" section of the Account Register page in online bankingIn mobile banking pending fees are indicated by an asterisk (*)Pending fees appear in online and mobile banking by 12:p.mCentral Time
TCF records indicate that between September 1, and September 2, you incurred $in overdraft feesOn September 11, TCF reversed $of those feesAs a courtesy, we have reversed the remaining $You will see this as a credit on your next statement
To assist you, we have enclosed our brochure "What You Need to Know about Bank *** Charges and Overdrafts" This brochure explains how overdraft fees are assessed, how you may avoid them, and how your transactions affect your available balance
You also express concern regarding the *** you received from TCF's *** *** department
We apologize if the *** you received did not meet your expectationsIt is our goal to provide *** that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteousTCF has a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every *** interaction
Mr***, thank you for banking with TCFWe truly value you as a TCF *** and consider it a privilege to serve your banking needsWe trust this explains why overdrafts were assessed in this case
Erik M
Retail Correspondence Representative
Cc: *** *** Mediation Coordinator,
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/09/17) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Thank You for making this situation rightI really appreciate it and it will retain me as a customer long term
June 8, Mr*** *** *** ** *** *** River Forest, IL Re: Case # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
*s that TCF Bank (“TCF”) should not have allowed overdrafts on your account When you opened the account on October 5, 2012, you asked TCF to not pay ATM, everyday debit card transactions, checks, and ACH transactions that exceed your account’s available balance at the time of the authorization request The Your Overdraft Selection section of the Account Agreement stated: “By choosing to not opt-in, your checks, ACH transactions, and automatic transfers that exceed your available account balance will not be paidYou will pay a returned item NSF feeYou may also be charged fees by the merchant or person you were trying to pay.” TCF’s Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts further explain that TCF may decide to either pay or not pay any item submitted to us for payment from your account if the item exceeds your available balance at the time of postingWe will charge you a fee, called a “returned item NSF fee,” each time an item is submitted (or resubmitted) to us for payment from your account, and we return the item without paying it TCF records indicate that electronic payments were authorized to be made to Paypal from your account. Your account had insufficient funds when the account debits were attemptedWe followed your direction and did not pay overdrafts on your accountThis resulted in $in returned item NSF fees charged to your account between February 29, and April 19, TCF mails a system generated Notice of Overdraft or Adjustment when an account is overdrawn, our records indicate that these notices were mailed to the address on file on February 26, 2016, March 4, 2016, April 5, 2016, April 11, 2016, April 12, and April 18, When your account remained overdrawn, TCF closed the account and sent a notification letter to the address on file on April 18, (copy enclosed)The balance owing of $was sent to Millennium Credit Consultants (MCC) for collection, and the account was reported to ChexSystems for insufficient funds activity To assist you, we have directed MCC to stop collection and are waiving the balance owedPlease note that the account record will remain on file with ChexSystems per their requirements Mr***, we trust this clarifies the actions that were taken with regard to your former TCF account Sincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
Your inquiry s
See Attached
I am rejecting this response because:
TCF has made statements in the past were the missed deposit fund for a different account where I used their money order checks and proven that items was paid they refused to release where they misdespoist funds in I will have to locate the account and those this this issue and former employee of *** *** ***, as auditor and researcher for all major banks, I know the processing including of check deposit and the check deposits, the copies clearing shows the information, this account show the stamp information by their system, date the account and branch informationTCF is clearly lying again.*** ***i have the person information as who commit this act and by rule and regulation the bank, TCF wasnt suppose to cash this because I was not on the account in the first placeperson name is *** ***, SS#*** and currently working at *** corp in bataviathis is not the only fraud action by her as there is also fraud case with Department of human services and one with IRS and also for using my identity here are sample of my signature which clear see that I did not authorize or signed it and it does not match my to my id and IT IS MISSING MY MIDDLE NAME!
October 6, 2016 Ms*** *** *** ***Afton, MN 55001 Re: Case # *** Dear Ms***, We received the additional inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern regarding the closure of the account that you hold jointly with *** *** In our response dated October 3, 2016, we explained that your TCF Bank (“TCF”) checking accounts ending in *** and *** were closed on September 27, due to an incomplete response to our request for information TCF’s Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts explain that customers agree to give us current information about themselves and their current financial situation when they apply for an account and whenever TCF asks for this information while they have a banking relationship with us. Our records further indicate that we received all the required information and reopened your accounts on September 30, We consider the request complete at this time and apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced When an account is closed, online banking services such as bill pay are also disabledIf you or Ms*** require assistance with online banking services, you may contact TCF’s Customer Service Line at 612-TCF Bank (###-###-####) to speak with an online banking specialist. Ms***, we appreciate you sharing your additional concerns with us. Sincerely, Courtney L.Customer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,
November 22, *** *** *** *** *** * Minneapolis, MN Re: case #***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns We apologize if your recent experience at TCF
was less than positiveIt is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteousBecause we have a commitment to delivering a positive experience with each and every customer interaction, we sincerely regret any inconvenience a deposit error may be causing you You express concern regarding a deposit that was processed to your account for the wrong amount Our records show that on November 10, 2016, the $deposit that you presented to your checking account ending in *** was keyed as $5,When you notified the branch of the error, a $4,debit adjustment was processed from your account to correct the deposit amount. The deposited check, however, had already been electronically processed and submitted to Wells Fargo, the bank on which it was drawn, for $5,Based on your letter, we understand that the transaction error caused your Wells Fargo account to become overdrawn, which activated your overdraft protectionWe sincerely apologize for this situation When this type of processing error happens, especially for larger dollar amounts, the general practice between banks is for the bank of deposit to hold a credit until the paying bank charges the debit. While holding this $4,credit, we instructed Wells Fargo to charge us for the debit. We are now waiting for their reply While we sympathize with your situation, the quickest way to resolve this matter is for you to contact Wells Fargo directlySince we cannot access information about your Wells Fargo account, we recommend that you inquire with them about the status of the debit Mr***, we thank you for bringing your concern to our attention and hope this provides steps towards its resolution Sincerely, Deborah Z Customer Response Representative Cc Laura ***, Mediation Coordinator,
I am rejecting this response because:
I did not authorize any transactions from my accountLike I stated previously, I was at work at the time that I got a call from TCF fraud prevention and called TCF immediatelyI also did everything that I was told to do such as filing a police report and submitting the proper documentationsAfter doing all of that nothing was resolvedI don't understand how it was an authorized transaction when I didn't authorize my card being stolen in usedThis needs to be removed from my credit immediately
April 12, Mr*** *** *** * *** *** Glendale, AZ 85302-Re: Case # *** Dear Mr***, We received the inquiry you submitted to the and appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concerns
We apologize if the service from a team member of TCF Bank’s (“TCF”) Customer Service Line did not meet your expectationsIt is our goal to provide service that is respectful, knowledgeable, helpful, and courteousWe assure you that TCF’s commitment to a positive experience for each and every customer is unwavering and we truly appreciate that you have voiced your concernsYou express concern over the way that TCF processes transactions on your accountOur current practice for processing transactions on your account is as follows: First, we process deposits made before the cutoff time before we process withdrawals.Second, we process certain “priority” withdrawals before othersThese include, for example, teller withdrawals, returned deposits, check printing fees, automated TCF loan payments, wire transfers, account transfers, electronic (ACH) bill payments using the TCF bill pay service, checks you write that are deposited into a TCF account or cashed in a TCF branch, and account fees (except those included in item below)We process these transactions in groups in chronological order within each group based on the date and time of the transaction.Third, we process ATM withdrawals and debit card transactions in chronological order based on a date and time associated with the transaction that are provided to us by the processor.Fourth, we process checks in lowest-to-highest order based on check number.Fifth, we process automated (ACH) withdrawals scheduled for payment on a Business Day in chronological order based on when we receive the electronic file for the withdrawals.Sixth, we process other account fees, such as monthly maintenance fees, ATM withdrawal fees, paper statement fees and overdraft fees on daily overdraft fee accounts.You may review TCF’s Terms and Conditions for Checking and Savings Accounts for additional information.You also express concern regarding overdraft fees that were assessed to your checking accountWe would like to take this opportunity to explain why the overdraft fees were incurred.Your account may incur an overdraft fee for any transaction that exceeds your available balance at the time it is processedFor example, the overdraft notice dated April 1, (copy enclosed) shows that your available balance after pending and posted transactions was overdrawn $This is why your account was assessed overdraft feesIn arriving at the available balance, we deduct outstanding check card authorizations and check deposits that are not yet available for withdrawalWhile there may be sufficient funds in your account at the time we authorize a debit card purchase, later transactions may cause the purchase to overdraw your account once it arrives at TCF for payment (“settlement”)Between April 4, and April 5, your account incurred $in feesTo assist you, we have reversed these feesThis transaction will appear as a credit on your next statementMr***, we hope this explains TCF’s policies more fullySincerely, Courtney LCustomer Response Representative Cc: *** ***, Mediation Coordinator,