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Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC

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Reviews Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC

Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC Reviews (909)

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: the issue hasn't been resolved. You can't stand behind your terms and agreements on one end stating that all sales are final and there are no refunds when its simply not true. The bottom line is if someone pays you for something out of error that they have no intent on using return their money or give them a credit. Had I been using features of the subscription I would gladly drop my quarrel but its not right. Therefore I reject their responseSincerely,Brandon [redacted]

Looking for reimbursement for the games we cannot play multi-player on that had been advertised that way, here are the games we have had trouble with and they don't allow or haven't been properly fixed due to bugs in the game. [redacted] (still seems to be finicky with multiplayer-games) have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]

June 8, 2017
Re: Case No. [redacted]
Consumer:  [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Interactive Entertainment America, LLC (SIEA) regarding the above-reference case# [redacted].
I spoke to [redacted] and explained our service policy and declined her...

request for a service refund.  I offered her an accommodation voucher.  She has yet to accept my offer.
Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SIEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
[redacted]Consumer ServicesSony Interactive Entertainment America, LLC

April 20, 2017
Re:      Case No. [redacted]
Consumer: [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Interactive Entertainment of America, LLC (SIEA) regarding the above-reference case# [redacted].
SIEA has contacted the...

consumer and provided a resolution.
SIEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.
Please note that this response is not an admission or a waiver of any rights that SIEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services
Sony Interactive Entertainment of America, LLC

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 11, 2016/02/14) */
January 11, 2016


Consumer: [redacted]

Thank you for contacting Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC (SCEA) regarding the above-reference case# XXXXXXXX.

I provided the...

consumer with a reasonable replacement for his proof of purchase that would satisfy the service requirement. As long as he can show proof his controllers were purchased less than a year ago, they would qualify for service.

SCEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.

Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SCEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.

Consumer Services
Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 13, 2016/02/16) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I bought my system when it first released November 2013 and my controllers began malfunctioning the following summer. I contacted Sony to discuss the issue amd was told I NEEDED receipt for a code that shows I purchased the products, let alone use the manufacturer warrenty. I understand keeping a receipt for item bought but not for proof for warrenty. And if thats the case it should be stated by either the store or by PLAYSTATION. I have called for over 2 years trying to get this problem solved and its seems Playstation is not wanting to resolve the issue, insisting I need proof. I paid for it I have had it since day one but thats not good enough. I am done trying, as a loyal customer of Playstation since the 90's this is a joke to be treated this way over controllers and greed.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 15, 2016/02/17) */
February 17, 2016
Consumer: [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC (SCEA) regarding the above-reference case# XXXXXXXX.
The service policy clearly states a proof of purchase is required for in warranty service.
The PlayStation Warranty and service policy is located here: /> We do not service peripherals out of warranty. If the consumer provide an acceptable proof of purchase he is disqualified for service.
We do not have a discount program for peripherals.
SCEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.
Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SCEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services
Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC

April 12, 2018
Re:      Case No. [redacted]
Consumer: Grace [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Interactive Entertainment of America, LLC (SIEA) regarding the above-reference case# [redacted]
SIEA contacted the...

consumer and are working on a resolution.
Please note that this response is not an admission or a waiver of any rights that SIEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services                                   
Sony Interactive Entertainment of America, LLC

May 15, 2017
Re: Case No. [redacted]
Consumer:  [redacted]Thank you for contacting Sony Interactive Entertainment America, LLC (SIEA) regarding the above-reference case# [redacted].
Unfortunately, when infestation is identified, the system is...

automatically returned without service to prevent service facility contamination.  We cannot send him a system replacement.
Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SIEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
[redacted]Consumer ServicesSony Interactive Entertainment America, LLC

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:thelse responses are very unprofessional.   Looks like they found my purchases.  But I still don't have anyone contacting ME!  I need avis to email me and a time for me to call him.  Plus it is sonys responsibility to find out what numbers they me NOT ME THE CUSTOMER!   I had their customer service located my purchases already so we're past this point.  I want [redacted] or something for my purchases since sony won't let me download what I already bought!!  Sony needs to stop contacting you and talk directly to Me!  I need a time to call them and for them to compensate me for purchases that they said and admitted I already made!  I'm not getting anything I need back to that I well deserve! Sincerely,[redacted]

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/05/27) */
May 27, 2015
Consumer: [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC (SCEA) regarding the above-reference case# XXXXXXXX.
SCEA, LLC contacted the...

consumer and was able to provide a solution.
SCEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.

Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SCEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services
Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC

Complaint:[redacted]I am rejecting this response because: Sony doesn’t care to back their initial correspondence with me that there is security measures in place to assure the issue won’t happen again! They are still continuing to claim since it happened twice they did all they could and that just simply isn’t the case at all! When you tell the consumer there is security set up to make sure something won’t happen again and then they don’t follow their own protocol and it does happen again, thattwll me they can’t follow through or stand by their word! In addition they charged me 4 times the amount of what was attempted to be purchased! All without my verification! My son is not authorized to use my bank account and he does not have the proper password or information to complete a transaction and somehow Sony still allowed an 8 year old to use a bank card that he didn’t have all the information for and was not authorized to use!Sincerely,Dani[redacted]

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/09/30) */
September 30, 2015
Consumer: [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC (SCEA) regarding the above-reference case# XXXXXXXX.
SCEA, LLC contacted the...

consumer and provided a solution.
SCEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.

Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SCEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services
Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/03) */
June 3, 2015
Consumer: [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC (SCEA) regarding the above-reference case# XXXXXXXX.
SCEA, LLC contacted the...

consumer and explained we would not be able to fulfill his request.
SCEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.

Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SCEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services
Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: 1) I was unable to watch an event I paid $100 to view.2) PlayStation openly admits that there were major streaming problems across platforms.3) If I did not receive the content I paid for, they should not get my money — that would be like ordering $100 worth of pizza that never arrives only to have the pizzeria claim it never arrived because of traffic issues and is therefore not their fault, but they're keeping your money anyway, and you're getting nothing. It's absurd. 4) I demand a refund because this is essentially theft. 

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: The company says they are meeting me half way and I feel they are not. They are just doing a pity offer, but as a valued customer I would think they would actually go above and beyond. I have been in customer service for many years and there is always that extra mile you can go for the customer. I feel that I am not asking too much, I just want the extra 3 months I was assured, but unable to process due to the code offered to me. I followed the instructions and applied the code correctly, even received confirmation the code was redeemed, but it never showed on my PS4. I have no reason to lie, I would not go through all of this trouble for nothing. A company's goal is to keep happy customers and once I feel the company actually trying, then I will be satisfied. Sincerely,[redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: For a "severe violation" I still have no actual reason nor can I think of anything I did that would be considered one. I feel I am owed an actual explanation not continued evasiveness.Sincerely,[redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
Sony is not making a good faith effort to acknowledge the issue I encountered using their shop. They don't indicate add-ons that are limited to just the purchasing account. Since I had purchased the base game (Garden Warfare 2) and it had successfully been available under my kid's sub account, I had an expectation that an upgrade pack for the same game would also appear under my kid's account. Since Sony did not indicate anywhere in the store page for the upgrade that it would be limited to only my account, I feel they should refund the purchase. I have even already RE-PURCHASED the add-on under my kid's account so that he can play with his friends. So I have paid for the add-on TWICE when my intention was to simply buy it for my kid to use. I am unlikely to accept their response UNTIL the response comes from an actual sentient human being who displays a clear understanding of my complaint. This is so stupid on their part, since I will be afraid of purchasing any other add-on packs for my kid out of the fear that I will just be ripped off all over again. You would think they would want me to trust them again as a vendor, but all I get back from them is these robotic, canned responses. As a consequence, they are going to lose hundreds of dollars in sales over the next 7 years of my kid's childhood because I have no way of knowing if something I purchase from them will be delivered as expected. If you steal from me and don't make amends, then I won't be able to trust them as a vendor or recommend their suspicious services to others.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/11/17) */
November 17, 2015
Consumer: [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC (SCEA) regarding the above-reference case# XXXXXXXX.
Mr. [redacted]'s...

PlayStation is currently being serviced at our facility and should be completed in three to five business days. We appreciate his feedback regarding Sony Rewards consumer experience; we will forward his feedback to Sony Electronics to review.
SCEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.
Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SCEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services
Sony Computer Entertainment America, LLC

November 4, 2016
Re:      Case No. [redacted]
Consumer: [redacted]
Thank you for contacting Sony Interactive Entertainment of America, LLC (SIEA) regarding the above-reference case# [redacted].
SIEA will not be able to fulfill the consumer’s request.  The ban will remain.
November 7, 2016:  SIEA, LLC stands behind the original statement.
SIEA appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.
Please note that this response is not an admission or a waiver of any rights that SIEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.
Consumer Services
Sony Interactive Entertainment of America, LLC

October 18, 2016
Re: Case No. [redacted]
Consumer:   [redacted]Thank you for contacting Sony Interactive Entertainment America, LLC (SIEA) regarding the above-reference case# [redacted].
SIEA cannot service an out of region PlayStation.  I spoke to...

Richard and emailed him the Sony UAE support site to provide contact information for Accredited Service Centers located in UAE.
Please note that this response is not an admission, or a waiver of any rights that SIEA may have at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved. [redacted]Consumer ServicesSony Interactive Entertainment America, LLC

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