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Reviews Wholesale Shoes Reviews (1134)
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does satisfy my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint #[redacted]. I understand that by choosing to accept the business response that my complaint will be closed as resolved. 

We would like to apologize to Mr. [redacted] for the poor experience he has had with us. Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us and we want to make this right. While the supplier warehouse did provide us with a tracking number for this order, per the cancelation request...

the item never shipped. We regret that this was not properly communicated. We issued Mr. [redacted] refund today to the [redacted] account used on this order. We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused and hope Mr. [redacted] will find this resolution acceptable.

We thank the customer for their feedback regarding ourreturn policy and thank them for giving us the chance to look into the rejectedreturn. Our return policy states that returns must be made in new orunworn condition, as that is the condition they should be received in. When thecustomer...

contacted us regarding their return, they had stated that the shoe wastoo big. During processing, we found the shoe to show signs of wear. We haveincluded pictures of the shoes to show this and we are unable to accept thereturn back due to the condition of the shoes. We want to assure this customerthat our decision to reject this return was made carefully and in accordancewith our guidelines. On July 16th, 2015 our site was updated to show the newpolicy to make sure customers would know in advance. Our homepage says “freeshipping + free exchanges” and the entire policy is listed under the Returnssection of our Help page. The new policy went into effect on August 1, 2015,and all purchases made on August 1, 2015 or after are subject to our new returnpolicy. Our policy enables our customers to choose from any items in ourinventory until we find an item they’ll love – more than 130,000 items –whether that’s a different shoe or perhaps a bag or coat. In the event theyprefer not to exchange for a new item, there is a restocking fee. We understand that this customer is disappointed with ourpolicy, and we do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.Should she opt to exchange, we’re happy to help her find new styles or items totry.

Again, we sincerely apologize that the customer is not satisfied with the resolution. If the customer changes her mind and would like us to try to process an exchange we would be happy to do that. Otherwise the customer would need to contact the card issuer for information about receiving a refund.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 
Shoe buy claims they had an option to reject these magazines offer.  I never saw any such option. If it is in the checkout process it is hidden or below a button to continue.  And I had no reason to scour each page of the checkout process as their privacy policy is clear about not sharing information.  The boiler plate apology does not offer any reassurance that they have stopped all the magazine subscriptions or opted me out of the avalanche of catalogs and other junk mail both in email and snail mail.  Nor does the apology make it clear what information they did share.  Did they also give out my credit card information?   I want $30.  Not a store credit. 30 dollars.  I want to know what information they shared and to whom.  I want to see the plan action they have to opt me out of these subscriptions and other mailing lists. 

We apologize to the customer for any confusion regarding this exchange.   The customers original order was for 2 items which totaled $107.90. The customer then applied a special [redacted] promotion for $50 off $100 or more. The customer checked out using the [redacted]  program and...

paid $57.90 on his order due to the discount.   When the customer contacted us about an exchange for a different size shoe, we advised him to place the new order using the [redacted] program and to not use any promotions on his new order and we would be able to honor the same price.   The customer placed his new order but did not use the [redacted] program. We did try to apply the promotion for him but it did not work. The original promotion only works on orders placed through the [redacted] program. For this reason we are unable to honor the promotion.   We have offered for the customer to return this item and replace the order using the [redacted] program. Unfortunately we have no other way to provide this discount to the customer.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. I understand shoebuy's return policy.  However, this was a Christmas gift and most retailers have an extended exchange/return policy for the holidays.  I contacted shoebuy just after the 60 days was up to make an exchange.  I didn't care to get the money back, I simply wanted to exchange but no one and I mean NO ONE, including the supervisor was willing to help me out.  So at this point, I want a complete refund.  Having worked and managed in the retail world myself, I know first hand that exceptions to a policy can and need to be made, so a refund is what I seek at this point.  I could maybe understand if the item was no longer available or discontinued.  However, it's still available on the website and at full price, so I really don't understand why I'm being fought on this.  I never again will do business with shoebuy given the fact they aren't willing to take care of their customers.  Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. . 
I have already escalated this to my bank who will (or already has) contacted you. It is unacceptable that you are pushing this off on the customer. I have never worked with a company that basically placed blame on the customer and did not have some sort of insurance in place to take care of an event like this. I first contacted the company on October 7 and I am still waiting for it to be resolved. Thankfully, my bank agreed with me that this was all very unacceptable and is helping me get my money back. I will never do business with again and will warn everyone I know about their shady business practices.  Regards,

We sincerely apologize for any confusion regarding the customer’s orders. We have double checked, and the customer should have no issues placing her exchange for a new size and color.   The way exchanges are normally done online, is that the customer would be charged immediately for the new...

item so that we could process and ship that out to her as soon as possible. Then, once we received the original item that she is returning, we would issue a full refund back to her.   If the customer is unhappy with that option, we would be happy to process a manual exchange. In this case, we would receive the returning boots first, issue a full refund for those, and then place the new order and charge her for the new item.   In both cases the customer would still receive the same discount that she initially received.   Our normal exchanges can be done by the customer online or by our customer service department. For a manual exchange, the customer would need to let us know what size and color she wants.

We appreciate the customers feedback about our new policy and also thank the customer for shopping with us. On July 16th, 2015 our site was updated to show the new policy to make sure customers would know in advance. Our homepage says “free shipping + free exchanges” and the entire policy is listed...

under the Returns section of our Help page. The new policy went into effect on August 1, 2015, and all purchases made on August 1, 2015 or after are subject to our new return policy. The customer is welcome to place an exchange for any of our over 130,000+ items on our website and would not be charged a restocking fee. We do sincerely apologize for any disappointment cause by our policy.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does satisfy my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint #[redacted]. I understand that by choosing to accept the business response that my complaint will be closed as resolved. 
Thank you sincerely,

We would like to thank the customer for shopping with us and appreciate their feedback about the return policy. On July 16th, 2015 our site was updated to show the new policy to make sure customers would know in advance. Our homepage says“free shipping + free exchanges” and the entire...

policy is listed under the Returns section of our Help page. We do not hide the restocking fee, and list it in bold at the top of our returns page.  The new policy went into effect on August 1, 2015, and all purchases made on August 1, 2015 or after are subject to our new return policy. Our policy enables customers to choose from any items in our inventory until we find an item they will love – more than a million items - whether that’s a different shoe or perhaps a bag or coat. In the event the customer prefers not to exchange for a new item, there is a restocking fee.We want to assure the customer that our decision to not waive the restocking fees on their order was made carefully and in accordance with our guidelines.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 
The company has not reached out to me at all and is not working with me on a "full refund". They refunded my shipping charge, which is only right, and we'll see if they waive any additional fees when it's actually time to return the item.  We won't know that for another two to three weeks. Furthermore, I will be out of town when the delayed shipment is delivered. I'm hoping the package will be there when I return to town!  In reading their other complaints, this is not the first time this has happened and is clearly a common pattern, contrary to what they stated in their response. I won't be able to close the issue until I return to town and start the return process with my order.  Thank you. 

We apologize to the customer for any inconvenience experienced. We issued a refund for the missing Crocs yesterday, 4/2/18, in the amount of $20.87. This refund was placed on the customers [redacted] account ending in [redacted]. The customer can expect to see this refund posted in the next 3-5...

business days.

We do apologize for the customers frustration however we are showing a manager has been working with this customer and has credited the customer back including the shipping charges.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 
Firstly, this policy is excessive and appears to be a bizarre punitive effort made by ShoeBuy (which has been extensively documented by a tremendous number of [redacted]et customers in a basic internet search of the Company.)  To charge $7 per shoe to restock each item in a single order is unnecessarily costly to a consumer and is simply revenue generating at the expense of the customers... Secondly, I tried to 'play by the Company's rules'  and  make exchanges for each of the 6 items.  The process to exchange has been extremely burdensome.  I went through the exchange system and a banner appeared stating that my order would be counted as the exchange transaction.  At checkout, the company requires you to pay in full (beyond the money already laid out, i.e. not net the return) and once the item is returned they will reimburse . Then they send an email confirming the order and stating a separate email will be sent with the exchange label.  Across three separate exchange orders, not once was such a label sent.  I contacted customer service, who blamed me for ordering without exchanging - though my screen and receipt indicate exchanges!  They never sent the labels for 4 of the items even after stating they would correct the issue.  So I am still stuck with all of these shoes and restocking fees and now potentially more charges for new shoes!  The Company said that for the two that they emailed exchange labels, I should not use those labels until I send the order numbers for the new orders, otherwise they would charge restocking fees.  I sent these order numbers days ago and the Shoebuy is NON RESPONSIVE.   NOT ONLY IS THEIR STATED POLICY ROBBERY AND A SCAM, BUT WHEN ONE FOLLOWS THEIR SYSTEM TO EXCHANGE YOU ARE LED INTO A FURTHER SCAM OF CHARGING FOR MORE MERCHANDISE WITHOUT ENABLING THE EXCHANGE.    
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does satisfy my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint #[redacted]. I understand that by choosing to accept the business response that my complaint will be closed as resolved. 
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted].
I still can not accept  that.  I have seen these shoes too.  They are not worn or damaged.  I will send you pictures of them also.  Let me know. 

Shoebuy continues to refuse to explain their behavior of deceiving customers while refusing any type of compensation. They may say they care about their customers but clearly their actions show that they don't.

Please advise customer that we never received the size 7 shoes in our warehouse. We did issue a refund for the other three pairs of shoes returned.

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Address: Returns, 1882336743, Groveport, Ohio, United States, 43125


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