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Reviews Wholesale Shoes Reviews (1134)
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 
Shoebuy response to my complaint defies reason.  They say they did not release any of my information to third parties.  [redacted] and [redacted] are THIRD PARTIES.  It makes me wonder if the author of the response knows the meaning of third parties.  I checked the holding company's website there are no publishers listed as related entities.  [redacted] magazines are published by [redacted].  I can't find who currently publishes [redacted].  It was [redacted] Publishing.  None of these are clearly connected to IAC the owner of Shoebuy.  If they are connected to IAC the company has failed a reasonable transparency test to give consumers adequate knowledge to make an informed decision regarding their privacy policy.  The privacy policy is rendered useless if IAC is not transparent about which companies are in "the group".   I want my $30.  I want a plan of action to remove my information from these THIRD PARTIES, whether the author of the response thinks they are third parties or not.   Who have the contacted to remove my information?  What information did they give these THIRD PARTIES?  
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does satisfy my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint #[redacted]. I understand that by choosing to accept the business response that my complaint will be closed as resolved. 

Our previous response still stands. We apologize again to the customer.

We are sorry for any confusion the customer had about our exchange policy.  The customer can exchange an item for anything on our site and will not be charged a fee.  When the customer contacted us on 7/4/2017 we agreed to waive one of the restocking fees as an one time exception....

 We also are in no way affiliated with [redacted] so there services are not applicable to this order.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does satisfy my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint #[redacted]. I understand that by choosing to accept the business response that my complaint will be closed as resolved. 

We appreciate the customer’s suggestions about our website. Unfortunately
we are unable to list our entire return policy during checkout. Our return
policy, as well as all of our other polices and legal information can be found
under the “HELP” tab at the top of our website. We sincerely apologize for any disappointment our return
policy has caused. If the customer does decide to process an exchange for any
of our over 130,000 items, we would be happy to help her with this. Again, any straight
returns are subject to a $6.95 restocking fee.

We issued a refund for the returned shoes today, 12/21/17. Customer can expect to see these refunds posted on her method of payment in the next 3-5 business days.

Our offer for the customer to place a new order within the next 10 days is still valid.  If a new order is placed we will be happy to credit back the restocking fee.

We are sorry to hear of the experience this customer hadwith us and apologize for the inconvenience caused.  [redacted] and their secured service does notallow us to perform straight exchanges and the customer should have been advisedif a new order was placed we would consider this an exchange and...

would havewaived the restocking fee on the item returned.We understand that this customer is disappointed with themisinformation given, and we do apologize for the disappointment. If thecustomer would like to place a new order for the correct size we will creditthe restocking fee back to the original payment method.  We appreciate this customer's business andhope to be able to work with them again in the future.

We are very sorry the customer is experiencing trouble exchanging. We would be happy to help her with that. We can send labels for the items she needs to return and then the customer is free to place the exchange order(s) online. We just need to know which items the customer is returning so that we can send the return labels. We also need to know what the customers new order number(s) are so we can mark them as exchanges and waive the restocking fees.

We are very sorry this customer is upset.  When an order is placed with us we transmit the order to the warehouse.  Once an order is at the warehouse we cannot cancel the order, we must reach out to the warehouse for them to decide if an order can be canceled.  Since the warehouses we work with ship hundreds if not thousands of packages a day they look at where the package is on the shipping "line" and will determine what impact pulling one order will have on all orders ahead and behind this order.  This includes but not limited to has the order been pulled, has the shipping box ad label been prepared, is the package ready to ship and waiting for [redacted].We understand the frustration this customer has as they feel it is only 1 package and should be easily canceled and removed from the shipping line however doing this can delay all other items that are supposed to ship.  For this reason we do not guarantee an order can be canceled once it is placed and our website specifically states to call our customer service department as soon as possible. ( we have told this customer we will be happy to accept the shoes back however there will be a $6.95 restocking fee charged if the shoes are returned without an exchange being done.  Again we are sorry for this unfortunate situation as the customer does not want to keep the shoes and we want the customer to know we are available to help find another item as an exchange if they choose.

records and the [redacted] tracking number shows that the item was shipped on the 15th which is the same day we emailed the customer with the shipping information and
the same day that we received our first call about the customer stating that
the size was wrong. Unfortunately it was too late to stop the shipment at that
time. We
apologize again for any confusion regarding the size. However, this order was
placed online for a size 12. After every order, a confirmation email is sent
out automatically. We advise that the customer check their spam or junk folder
for this confirmation email. If the customer did not receive their confirmation
email, then we sincerely apologize and would be happy to send a new one. We are
more than happy to help the customer with a free exchange or a return.

We have connected with the manufacturer of these shoes, [redacted]. They informed us that they do not use synthetics and the shoes are leather. As the customer is dissatisfied with the product they would be glad to accept the shoes back for return. Therefore, as we offered previously, we have gone ahead and reversed this customer's exchange order back to the sender. For your reference, this item shipped directly from the manufacturer. Once the item is received we will issue a refund to this customer. Again, we do regret the disappointing experience she has had.

Please apologize to customer for any inconvenience. We have released all preauthorizations from the customers method of payment. A new order will have to be placed on the website. We apologize again for any inconvenience.

We want to apologize to this customer for any inconvenience and frustration over her experience with us on the order in question.  Unfortunately, after reviewing the attached pictures we are unable to accept these shoes back for return credit. Our return policy...

( clearly indicates that shoes must be returned in the condition that they were received in.  As the attached pictures show, these shoes show signs of wear on both the outside and inside as well as a substance stuck to the bottom. Since we are unable to accept the shoes back for return we have shipped them back to the customer.  Again, we do apologize as we understand this is not the resolution the customer was hoping for.

I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 

We are sorry this customer has had a frustrating experience with their missing shoes.  We have been trying to contact the customer however have not heard back from them.  [redacted] must speak with the customer before we can complete the investigation.  [redacted] will not close or issue...

a claim without speaking to the customer.  We as the customer contact us with a updated phone number that will be answered when [redacted] calls as they do not leave messages.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. . 
I bought from - not this  Why send me a link to some other website?
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 

We would like to thank this customer for shopping with us and we appreciate their feedback about the return policy.  Our policy now focuses on free exchanges because we’re certain we can find the right match for our customers – whether that’s a different size, color or completely different item...

altogether. On July 16th, 2015 our site was updated to show the policy to make sure customers would know in advance. Our homepage says “free shipping + free exchanges” and the entire policy was announced and listed under the Returns section of our Help page. As we understand that for some customers, this option might not be a fit for them, we’ve also worked to make returns as easy as possible – though if no item is being exchanged then there would be restocking fee. In accordance with our guidelines we are unable to waive any restocking fees. We understand that this customer is disappointed with our policy, and we do sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Should they opt to exchange, we’re happy to help them find new styles or items to try.

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Address: Returns, 1882336743, Groveport, Ohio, United States, 43125


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