We are writing in response to the complaint filed by [redacted] J [redacted] on January 28, 2016.After review of Mr [redacted] ’s account, it has been determined that his loan was paid in full on 1/20/16.He then made a payment to Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC in the amount of $2,on 1/25/16.However, as there was no longer any outstanding interest or principal balance to which the payment couldhave been applied due to the payoff of the loan, the payment was rejectedOnce a payment is rejected bySeneca, the funds are then returned to the issuer of the fundsSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC did notaccept the payment to which Mr [redacted] is referring, nor are we in possession of the fundsOur recordsindicate that the payment in question was rejected and returned on the same day it was received, whichwas 1/25/If the funds have not yet posted back to Mr [redacted] ’s bank account, we would advise himto contact his bill pay service, as that is to whom the rejected payment was returned.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Pawning the problem off onto their subcontractor when the poor business practices was with that company The mortgage was not sold to NationStar,; [redacted] was hired to manage Seneca's mortgage loans.This solution is wholly unacceptable and while I do find NationStar a touch above Seneca's best practices, they are still the subcontractor [To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] Regards, [redacted] ***
Revdex.com: My experience with Seneca gave me an impression of a small time agency that does not know how to run their business and involved in unethical behaviorThe mortgage payment checks were send directly from US TierBank using US Mail Postal services, so this constitute a shipping contract I am not surprise that Seneca is using the tactics of "lost checks in mail" on other customer to defraud others of bogus late fees, but in my case all checks are accounted for as they are send directly from the bank I am concerned about Seneca claims of the balance on the account because it might be the case of "lost checks in mail" all over againWhile I would not expect Seneca to admit wrong doing of their actions, the next time Seneca attempts to defraud me of any fund, such matters will be handled in courtI am prepared to handle the case viciously in court and seek full compensation including punitive damages I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
Property Address: [redacted] Knoxville, TN 37917Dear ***:We are writing in response to Revdex.com inquiry [redacted] regarding the above referencedloan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaint dated2/16/Mr [redacted] first contacted Seneca regarding a payoff statement for his loan on Thursday,12/31/The written request was received from him on the next business day, Monday, 1/4/and Mr[redacted] ’s request was processed that same daySince he had selected the “Web” option for receipt ofthe statement on his form, the statement was made available to him via secure access to his Senecaaccount online through the website listed on the payoff form, [redacted] On Tuesday,1/12/16, Seneca received an additional payoff request from Mr [redacted] which was processed and thestatement made available on Wednesday, 1/13/16, again through online access to his Seneca account ashe selected the “Web” option on his formCopies of both payoff requests received have been attachedfor your reference.Payoff statements made available online at Seneca are available to view until the “Effective PayoffDate” has passedThe payoff request received on 1/4/had a requested effective date of 12/31/15,however the payoff was processed for the effective date of 1/8/since the requested date had passed.When Mr [redacted] attempted to view the payoff statement on 1/12/16, the payoff had expired, and wasno longer viewable onlineThe payoff request received on 1/12/had a requested effective date of1/13/16, however the statement was processed with the effective date of 2/1/in order to provideadequate time for Mr [redacted] to make the final payoff.We apologize for any miscommunications throughout Mr [redacted] ’s attempt to pay off his loan and forany inconvenience this may have caused him.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
October 8, After review of [redacted] and [redacted] loan, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC recognizes that taxes were not paid in a timely mannerSeneca has since corrected thi s elTor, and the taxes were disbursed from Mrand Mrs [redacted] escrow account, in the amount of $3,on / Additionally, please be advised that Mrand Mrs [redacted] will not be held liable for any penalties or interestEnclosed please find a copy of Mrand Mrs [redacted] Seneca payment hi story We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience Mrand Mrs [redacted] may have experienced thus far Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with you, and trust that your future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time Sincerely, Customer Service Department Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint As I have stated times already, my complaint is NOT ABOUT THE SHORT SALE OFFER My complaint is that no one will return my phone calls that I leave My complaint is that I have sent faxes asking someone to call me back and have received return letter telling me they will "reply under separate cover" in business days and I have yet to get a call, fax or e-mail from ANYONE at Seneca How can I work with them if I can't communicate with them? I have left over dozen voicemail messages and my previous realtor has left over a dozen messages as well and neither of us has gotten a return response.I have questions and I need answers - now Seneca's customer service is deplorable Regards, [redacted]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.It is correct that the servicing transferred to Nationstar; HOWEVER, the payment was sent months prior to it being transferred It never had anything to do with Nationstar as the refund occurred while they were the servicer That being said, I reached out to Nationstar and told them what was happening They agreed to take up my torch and were able to reach them Seneca unfortunately seent the funds to Nationstar INSTEAD of to me I now have to go through the process of getting a refund from NationstarAlthough this is technically resolved, this company is incredibly shady and the fact that one cannot speak to a live representative in any way is unacceptable Regards, [redacted]
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has been working with [redacted] Lending, LLC ( [redacted] , LLC) withregards to Ms. [redacted] 's inquiries. As a result of the situation, [redacted] has provided the refund of theescrow shortage in the amount of $3,478.27. This amount was deposited into Ms. [redacted] 's escrowaccount... on 0311 111 6. The account has been updated to reflect the payment amount of $1,26 1 SO, effectivewith the 0310 111 6 payment. Presently, Ms. [redacted] has $1,03 8.25 in her suspense account, and she wouldneed to submit the difference of $223.25 to complete the 03/01/16 payment. We have enclosed a copy ofthe payment history for her records.Seneca would like to thank Ms. [redacted] for her continued patience in this matter. We sincerely apologizefor any inconvenience she may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customerservice. We value our relationship with her and trust that her future dealings with Seneca MortgageServicing will be more positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Case Number: [redacted] ***Dear ***:We are writing in response to the Revdex.com complaint number [redacted] , filed by [redacted] I [redacted] on March 11, 2016.After a review of Mr***’s loan, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has determined that the $1,incorporate advance fees on Mr***’s account were assessed in connection with his previous default whilehis loan was with his prior servicer, [redacted] BankOn June 1, 2012, Mr [redacted] submitted the required fundsin the amount of $40,to reinstate his loan from its default statusAs part of the reinstatement of theloan, the corporate advance fees that were incurred as a result of the default of the loan were required tobe repaidHowever when the reinstatement funds were received, the portion that should have been usedto eliminate the existing corporate advance balance were not properly applied to the loanAs such, thecorporate advance balance still showed on Mr***’s account as outstanding.The servicing of Mr***’s loan transferred to Seneca from [redacted] , effective June 16, Because thecorporate advance balance was not properly eliminated upon the reinstatement of the loan, the fee balancewas transferred along with the loan to SenecaWhen Mr [redacted] paid his loan in full on March 11, 2016, thecorporate advance balance was included in the payoff totalHowever, as Mr [redacted] previously paid thecorporate advance balance as part of his loan reinstatement in June 2012, the payoff of the loan resultedin a double payment of that fee balance.Please be advised that Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has been in contact with [redacted] regarding thisissueWe have received the funds in the amount of $1,that should have paid off the corporateadvance balance at the time of the reinstatement in June We will be disbursing a check in thisamount to Mr [redacted] as a refund for the double paymentAdditionally, a check in the amount of $484.16was sent to Mr [redacted] on April 4, as a refund for the remaining funds in his escrow account after thepayoff of his loanWe apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
January 9, 2015Re: Loan Number: [redacted] Case Number: [redacted] To Whom It May Concern:After review of Mr [redacted] loan, it has been determined that when his loan transferred to SenecaMortgage Servicing LLC effective 6/16/it boarded our system due for 7/01/with a totalmonthly payment amount of $1,Please be advised that the escrow accounts on all newlytransferred loans are required to be analyzed within days of acquisitionOn 8/15/Mr [redacted] escrow account was analyzed and an escrow analysis statement was generated and sent to himPer the8/15/escrow analysis it was determined that effective November 1, his new monthly paymentamount was $2,The reason for the increase in payment was due to an increase in the hazardinsurance premium to $1,788.91, which increased monthly hazard collection from $to $permonthAdditionally, there was also a projected escrow shortage of $which was spread over 12months at $per month.On 11/17/Seneca received a payment in the amount of $1,which was placed into suspenseas it was not enough to satisfy the full November 1, monthly paymentOn 12/12/anotherpayment in the amount of $1,was received and subsequently combined with $fromsuspense funds and applied as the full November 1, payment in the amount of $2,At thispoint there was a total of $1,left in suspense which was combined with the $received on12/15/and applied as the December 1, payment in the amount of $2,on 12/16/2014.Please be aware that Mr [redacted] regularly scheduled escrow analysis was conducted on 11/24/2014.Per the new analysis his monthly payment is set to increase to $2,effective with the February 1,paymentThe increase in payment is the result of an increase in taxes, from $2,to $2,588.46annually, an increase in the hazard premium, from $1,to $1,918.78, as well as a projected escrowshortage amount of $1,The breakdown of his monthly payment beginning February 1, is asfollows: $1,for principal and interest, $for taxes, $for hazard as well as $99.62which is the shortage amount spread over months.Based on a thorough review of Mr [redacted] loan Seneca has determined that at this time we will notmake any credit correctionsWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr [redacted] As of the date of this letter Mr [redacted] loan is due for the January 1, payment in the amount of$2,Enclosed please find copies of Mr [redacted] LoanDepot payment history, Seneca paymenthistory, the 8/15/escrow analysis, the 11/24/escrow analysis as well as your most recentbilling statement dated 12/16/2014.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted] :We are writing in response to your Revdex.com Complaint ID [redacted] .March 26, 2015We are in receipt of your letter dated 3/17/Please be advised that all funds received have beenapplied to the Borrower's loanPer the terms of the Borrower's repayment plan, all money not appliedto the regular monthly payments are placed in suspense and are applied once a full monthly paymentamount is collectedWe have attached a copy of the Borrower's repayment plan and payment history foryour reference.We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
We are writing in response to your recent customer service inquiry regarding the above referenced loanSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has completed a careful review of yourloan and your request for additional information regarding your loan.As per your request, Seneca has paid the back taxes for your propertyand will include them in your escrow account going forwardBeginning with your December 1, monthly payment, your regular monthly payment amount will be $3,An updated escrow analysis will be sent to you under separate cover.Please find enclosed a copy of the requested insurance and corporate advance invoices which detail the fees listed on the reinstatement letterWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
October 8,
After review of *** J *** and *** J *** account, on September 24, Seneca
Mortgage Servicing LLC has forward the summer/fall tax installment in the amount of $2,
to Lake County Tax Assessor*** J *** and *** J *** will not be held liable
any penalties or interestEnclosed is a copy of the ***'s payment history
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience you may have
experienced thus farSeneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our
relationship with you, and trust that your future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
will be more positive
If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday
from 8: AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: AM to 5:PM
Eastern Standard Time
Customer Service Department
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Re: Loan Number: * ***Case Number: *** ***Dear ***:We are writing in response to the Revdex.com complaint number ***, filed on March1,by *** ***.After review of Ms***'s loan, it has been determined that the servicing of the loan transferred
toSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC from Academy Mortgage, effective 4/1/When the loan originatedwith Academy Mortgage in May 14, it closed with the estimated yearly taxes at $1,This amountis reflected in the HUD-Settlement Statement that Ms*** signed at the closing of her loan on5/28/Additionally, per the First Payment Letter, which Ms*** also signed on 5/28/14, taxes wereto be escrowed at a rate of $per monthCopies of both of these documents are enclosed.When Ms***'s taxes came due in November 2014, the actual amount of the bill was $1,716.41.Academy then disbursed this amount from escrow on 11/6/to pay that billWhen Academy conductedan analysis of Ms***'s escrow account on 2/20/15, it was determined that due to the actual tax billbeing higher than was projected, there was a shortage in her escrow account in the amount of $593.26.This amount was divided up, to be collected over the course of a month period at a rate of $permonthAs a result of the shortage and the increase in taxes, Ms***'s monthly payment amount wasscheduled to increase from $1,to $1,effective with her paymentAs the servicing ofyour loan transferred effective 4/1/15, this was the first payment for which Ms*** was due withSeneca.After the transfer of her loan to Seneca, Ms*** submitted short payments, each in the amount of$1,for her April through August monthly paymentsThe difference in the amount Ms***was required to pay, $1,862.86, and the amount Ms*** actually paid, $1,813.42, was the $permonth for the recollection of the escrow shortageSince Ms*** was not submitting the requiredamount of her monthly payment, no funds could be applied towards the repayment of the escrow shortage.The first payment that Ms*** submitted to Seneca in the correct amount of $1,was receivedon 1/15, and was applied to her loan as the September monthly payment.When Seneca received Ms***'s November tax bill, the actual amount of the bill was $2,1.The previously projected tax amount of $1,was based on the prior year's tax bill, and the collectionfor this amount was determined by the escrow analysis conducted by Academy on The $2,1was disbursed from escrow on to pay that bill.Seneca conducted a new analysis of Ms***'s escrow account on 1/As a result of the increasein taxes, along with Ms*** not paying towards her previous escrow shortage during the months ofApril through August 2015, it was determined that the shortage in her escrow account now stood at$1,This amount was divided up, to be collected over the course a month period at a rate of$per monthTherefore, due to these factors, the total amount of Ms***'s monthly paymentwould be increasing to $2,effective with the March paymentEnclosed, please find a copy ofthis escrow analysis statement, along with a copy of Ms***'s complete payment history, which willillustrate all transactions on the loan from origination to the date of this letter.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at *** ** ***, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear ***:July 8, 2015Since our last response to the Revdex.com we have made several attempts to reach the client via email andtelephoneThe phone now goes directly to vo ice mail which the associate calling does leave a messagewith no response from MrIkedaWe have also sent emails to him requesting him to call in without anyresponse.At this point our response is as follows:The loan service transferred to us on November 14, and the previous servicer *** ***is no longer forwarding checks to this loanThe li st of checks returned to the borrower isidentified on the Revdex.com response letter dated June 11, 2015.The borrower is currently due for his June payment.We have unsuccessfully attempted to contact the borrower at his cell phone number, his emailaddress and have left messages on his answering machine to contact us regarding his past duepaymentsWe have updated the address for the property on our system, but mail has been returnedWe have no other means to contact the borrowerIf we can be of further assistance, please call us at (*** ***, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to the Revdex.com complaint #*** that was filed by *** ***.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC commenced servicing Ms***'s loan on 02/01/Ms***'sloan has been escrowed for taxes and insurance from the inception of her loanEnclosed
please find thesigned copies of her HUD-1, Initial Escrow Disclosure statement and Truth in Lending, disclosure all ofwhich reflect the collection for taxes and insurance.At the time this loan originated, Ms***'s last name was ***We received the copy of Ms.***'s divorce decree which advised of the change of her last name from *** to ***Our systemshave been updated to reflect the correct name, however the insurance policy remains in the name of ***Due to her name on the insurance policy not matching her name in our system, we sent Ms*** severalletters advising that the name on the insurance documents needs to match the name on our system in orderto be acceptedAs of the date of this letter, we have yet to receive the corrected insurance documents .Asa result, the lender placed insurance is still in effect.Additionally, the escrow account cannot be removed from the loanThe only way to have it removedwould be to refinance the loanThe letter that stated there was a year period from the time of originationthat escrow can't be removed only applies to loans in California-and IllinoisWe apologize if this optionwas erroneously marked.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to Revdex.com complaint number ***, filed on December22, 2015.Please be advised that per terms of the borrower’s Note, which was signed at the origination of the loan,the payment due date is the 1st of each monthThere is a day payment grace period
from the due datein which payment may be made without incurring a late feeAny payments received outside that graceperiod are subject to the assessment of a late charge equal to 5.00% of the overdue payment of principaland interestUnfortunately, Ms*** and Mr***’s December payment was not receiveduntil December 22, and thus they were assessed a late fee in the amount of $It is the borrower’sresponsibility to ensure that they submit their payment in a timely enough manner to guarantee that thepayment will arrive prior to the imposition of late chargesPlease be aware that the borrowers havemultiple avenues available to them to submit paymentsPayments may be submitted via regular mail, overthe phone, or online at our website www.***.com.In order to protect the privacy of our borrowers’ personal information, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLChas instituted a more robust security protection, with enhanced security questions for online accessOncea borrower has completed the security questions, only a single question will need to be answered forsubsequent online access.As Ms*** and Mr*** have not previously had a late fee waived from their account since theservicing of their loan transferred to Seneca, we are waiving the $late charge in question from theiraccount as a one-time courtesyPlease be advised that should any further late charges be assessed to them,we will be unable to waive the charges.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service Department, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC-Important Message for Colorado Residents Only-You also have the option of contacting an in-state representative working on behalf of Seneca Mortgage ServicingLLC:*** *** *** ** *** *** *** ** ***, CO Phone number: ###-###-####-Important Message for Homeownership Counseling Only-The U.SDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsors housing counseling agencies designedto help homeowners avoid losing their homesTo obtain a list of HUD-approved counseling agencies, please call###-###-#### or visit www.hud.gov.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for thatpurposeWe may report information about your account to credit bureausLate payments, missed payments, orother defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit reportIf you have received a discharge from thebankruptcy court, you are not personally liable for payment of the loan and this notice is for compliance andinformational purposes onlyHowever, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC still has the right under the mortgage toforeclose on the property
We are writing in response to the complaint filed by [redacted] J [redacted] on January 28, 2016.After review of Mr [redacted] ’s account, it has been determined that his loan was paid in full on 1/20/16.He then made a payment to Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC in the amount of $2,on 1/25/16.However, as there was no longer any outstanding interest or principal balance to which the payment couldhave been applied due to the payoff of the loan, the payment was rejectedOnce a payment is rejected bySeneca, the funds are then returned to the issuer of the fundsSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC did notaccept the payment to which Mr [redacted] is referring, nor are we in possession of the fundsOur recordsindicate that the payment in question was rejected and returned on the same day it was received, whichwas 1/25/If the funds have not yet posted back to Mr [redacted] ’s bank account, we would advise himto contact his bill pay service, as that is to whom the rejected payment was returned.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Pawning the problem off onto their subcontractor when the poor business practices was with that company The mortgage was not sold to NationStar,; [redacted] was hired to manage Seneca's mortgage loans.This solution is wholly unacceptable and while I do find NationStar a touch above Seneca's best practices, they are still the subcontractor [To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] Regards, [redacted] ***
Revdex.com: My experience with Seneca gave me an impression of a small time agency that does not know how to run their business and involved in unethical behaviorThe mortgage payment checks were send directly from US TierBank using US Mail Postal services, so this constitute a shipping contract I am not surprise that Seneca is using the tactics of "lost checks in mail" on other customer to defraud others of bogus late fees, but in my case all checks are accounted for as they are send directly from the bank I am concerned about Seneca claims of the balance on the account because it might be the case of "lost checks in mail" all over againWhile I would not expect Seneca to admit wrong doing of their actions, the next time Seneca attempts to defraud me of any fund, such matters will be handled in courtI am prepared to handle the case viciously in court and seek full compensation including punitive damages I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
Property Address: [redacted] Knoxville, TN 37917Dear ***:We are writing in response to Revdex.com inquiry [redacted] regarding the above referencedloan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of Mr [redacted] ’s Revdex.com complaint dated2/16/Mr [redacted] first contacted Seneca regarding a payoff statement for his loan on Thursday,12/31/The written request was received from him on the next business day, Monday, 1/4/and Mr[redacted] ’s request was processed that same daySince he had selected the “Web” option for receipt ofthe statement on his form, the statement was made available to him via secure access to his Senecaaccount online through the website listed on the payoff form, [redacted] On Tuesday,1/12/16, Seneca received an additional payoff request from Mr [redacted] which was processed and thestatement made available on Wednesday, 1/13/16, again through online access to his Seneca account ashe selected the “Web” option on his formCopies of both payoff requests received have been attachedfor your reference.Payoff statements made available online at Seneca are available to view until the “Effective PayoffDate” has passedThe payoff request received on 1/4/had a requested effective date of 12/31/15,however the payoff was processed for the effective date of 1/8/since the requested date had passed.When Mr [redacted] attempted to view the payoff statement on 1/12/16, the payoff had expired, and wasno longer viewable onlineThe payoff request received on 1/12/had a requested effective date of1/13/16, however the statement was processed with the effective date of 2/1/in order to provideadequate time for Mr [redacted] to make the final payoff.We apologize for any miscommunications throughout Mr [redacted] ’s attempt to pay off his loan and forany inconvenience this may have caused him.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
October 8, After review of [redacted] and [redacted] loan, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC recognizes that taxes were not paid in a timely mannerSeneca has since corrected thi s elTor, and the taxes were disbursed from Mrand Mrs [redacted] escrow account, in the amount of $3,on / Additionally, please be advised that Mrand Mrs [redacted] will not be held liable for any penalties or interestEnclosed please find a copy of Mrand Mrs [redacted] Seneca payment hi story We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience Mrand Mrs [redacted] may have experienced thus far Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with you, and trust that your future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time Sincerely, Customer Service Department Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint As I have stated times already, my complaint is NOT ABOUT THE SHORT SALE OFFER My complaint is that no one will return my phone calls that I leave My complaint is that I have sent faxes asking someone to call me back and have received return letter telling me they will "reply under separate cover" in business days and I have yet to get a call, fax or e-mail from ANYONE at Seneca How can I work with them if I can't communicate with them? I have left over dozen voicemail messages and my previous realtor has left over a dozen messages as well and neither of us has gotten a return response.I have questions and I need answers - now Seneca's customer service is deplorable Regards, [redacted]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.It is correct that the servicing transferred to Nationstar; HOWEVER, the payment was sent months prior to it being transferred It never had anything to do with Nationstar as the refund occurred while they were the servicer That being said, I reached out to Nationstar and told them what was happening They agreed to take up my torch and were able to reach them Seneca unfortunately seent the funds to Nationstar INSTEAD of to me I now have to go through the process of getting a refund from NationstarAlthough this is technically resolved, this company is incredibly shady and the fact that one cannot speak to a live representative in any way is unacceptable Regards, [redacted]
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has been working with [redacted] Lending, LLC ( [redacted] , LLC) withregards to Ms. [redacted] 's inquiries. As a result of the situation, [redacted] has provided the refund of theescrow shortage in the amount of $3,478.27. This amount was deposited into Ms. [redacted] 's escrowaccount... on 0311 111 6. The account has been updated to reflect the payment amount of $1,26 1 SO, effectivewith the 0310 111 6 payment. Presently, Ms. [redacted] has $1,03 8.25 in her suspense account, and she wouldneed to submit the difference of $223.25 to complete the 03/01/16 payment. We have enclosed a copy ofthe payment history for her records.Seneca would like to thank Ms. [redacted] for her continued patience in this matter. We sincerely apologizefor any inconvenience she may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customerservice. We value our relationship with her and trust that her future dealings with Seneca MortgageServicing will be more positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Case Number: [redacted] ***Dear ***:We are writing in response to the Revdex.com complaint number [redacted] , filed by [redacted] I [redacted] on March 11, 2016.After a review of Mr***’s loan, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has determined that the $1,incorporate advance fees on Mr***’s account were assessed in connection with his previous default whilehis loan was with his prior servicer, [redacted] BankOn June 1, 2012, Mr [redacted] submitted the required fundsin the amount of $40,to reinstate his loan from its default statusAs part of the reinstatement of theloan, the corporate advance fees that were incurred as a result of the default of the loan were required tobe repaidHowever when the reinstatement funds were received, the portion that should have been usedto eliminate the existing corporate advance balance were not properly applied to the loanAs such, thecorporate advance balance still showed on Mr***’s account as outstanding.The servicing of Mr***’s loan transferred to Seneca from [redacted] , effective June 16, Because thecorporate advance balance was not properly eliminated upon the reinstatement of the loan, the fee balancewas transferred along with the loan to SenecaWhen Mr [redacted] paid his loan in full on March 11, 2016, thecorporate advance balance was included in the payoff totalHowever, as Mr [redacted] previously paid thecorporate advance balance as part of his loan reinstatement in June 2012, the payoff of the loan resultedin a double payment of that fee balance.Please be advised that Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has been in contact with [redacted] regarding thisissueWe have received the funds in the amount of $1,that should have paid off the corporateadvance balance at the time of the reinstatement in June We will be disbursing a check in thisamount to Mr [redacted] as a refund for the double paymentAdditionally, a check in the amount of $484.16was sent to Mr [redacted] on April 4, as a refund for the remaining funds in his escrow account after thepayoff of his loanWe apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
January 9, 2015Re: Loan Number: [redacted] Case Number: [redacted] To Whom It May Concern:After review of Mr [redacted] loan, it has been determined that when his loan transferred to SenecaMortgage Servicing LLC effective 6/16/it boarded our system due for 7/01/with a totalmonthly payment amount of $1,Please be advised that the escrow accounts on all newlytransferred loans are required to be analyzed within days of acquisitionOn 8/15/Mr [redacted] escrow account was analyzed and an escrow analysis statement was generated and sent to himPer the8/15/escrow analysis it was determined that effective November 1, his new monthly paymentamount was $2,The reason for the increase in payment was due to an increase in the hazardinsurance premium to $1,788.91, which increased monthly hazard collection from $to $permonthAdditionally, there was also a projected escrow shortage of $which was spread over 12months at $per month.On 11/17/Seneca received a payment in the amount of $1,which was placed into suspenseas it was not enough to satisfy the full November 1, monthly paymentOn 12/12/anotherpayment in the amount of $1,was received and subsequently combined with $fromsuspense funds and applied as the full November 1, payment in the amount of $2,At thispoint there was a total of $1,left in suspense which was combined with the $received on12/15/and applied as the December 1, payment in the amount of $2,on 12/16/2014.Please be aware that Mr [redacted] regularly scheduled escrow analysis was conducted on 11/24/2014.Per the new analysis his monthly payment is set to increase to $2,effective with the February 1,paymentThe increase in payment is the result of an increase in taxes, from $2,to $2,588.46annually, an increase in the hazard premium, from $1,to $1,918.78, as well as a projected escrowshortage amount of $1,The breakdown of his monthly payment beginning February 1, is asfollows: $1,for principal and interest, $for taxes, $for hazard as well as $99.62which is the shortage amount spread over months.Based on a thorough review of Mr [redacted] loan Seneca has determined that at this time we will notmake any credit correctionsWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr [redacted] As of the date of this letter Mr [redacted] loan is due for the January 1, payment in the amount of$2,Enclosed please find copies of Mr [redacted] LoanDepot payment history, Seneca paymenthistory, the 8/15/escrow analysis, the 11/24/escrow analysis as well as your most recentbilling statement dated 12/16/2014.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted] :We are writing in response to your Revdex.com Complaint ID [redacted] .March 26, 2015We are in receipt of your letter dated 3/17/Please be advised that all funds received have beenapplied to the Borrower's loanPer the terms of the Borrower's repayment plan, all money not appliedto the regular monthly payments are placed in suspense and are applied once a full monthly paymentamount is collectedWe have attached a copy of the Borrower's repayment plan and payment history foryour reference.We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
We are writing in response to your recent customer service inquiry regarding the above referenced loanSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has completed a careful review of yourloan and your request for additional information regarding your loan.As per your request, Seneca has paid the back taxes for your propertyand will include them in your escrow account going forwardBeginning with your December 1, monthly payment, your regular monthly payment amount will be $3,An updated escrow analysis will be sent to you under separate cover.Please find enclosed a copy of the requested insurance and corporate advance invoices which detail the fees listed on the reinstatement letterWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
Good afternoon, This loan has been transferred to [redacted] Mortgage Please contact them for assistanceThank you
October 8,
After review of *** J *** and *** J *** account, on September 24, Seneca
Mortgage Servicing LLC has forward the summer/fall tax installment in the amount of $2,
to Lake County Tax Assessor*** J *** and *** J *** will not be held liable
any penalties or interestEnclosed is a copy of the ***'s payment history
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience you may have
experienced thus farSeneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our
relationship with you, and trust that your future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
will be more positive
If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday
from 8: AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: AM to 5:PM
Eastern Standard Time
Customer Service Department
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Re: Loan Number: * ***Case Number: *** ***Dear ***:We are writing in response to the Revdex.com complaint number ***, filed on March1,by *** ***.After review of Ms***'s loan, it has been determined that the servicing of the loan transferred
toSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC from Academy Mortgage, effective 4/1/When the loan originatedwith Academy Mortgage in May 14, it closed with the estimated yearly taxes at $1,This amountis reflected in the HUD-Settlement Statement that Ms*** signed at the closing of her loan on5/28/Additionally, per the First Payment Letter, which Ms*** also signed on 5/28/14, taxes wereto be escrowed at a rate of $per monthCopies of both of these documents are enclosed.When Ms***'s taxes came due in November 2014, the actual amount of the bill was $1,716.41.Academy then disbursed this amount from escrow on 11/6/to pay that billWhen Academy conductedan analysis of Ms***'s escrow account on 2/20/15, it was determined that due to the actual tax billbeing higher than was projected, there was a shortage in her escrow account in the amount of $593.26.This amount was divided up, to be collected over the course of a month period at a rate of $permonthAs a result of the shortage and the increase in taxes, Ms***'s monthly payment amount wasscheduled to increase from $1,to $1,effective with her paymentAs the servicing ofyour loan transferred effective 4/1/15, this was the first payment for which Ms*** was due withSeneca.After the transfer of her loan to Seneca, Ms*** submitted short payments, each in the amount of$1,for her April through August monthly paymentsThe difference in the amount Ms***was required to pay, $1,862.86, and the amount Ms*** actually paid, $1,813.42, was the $permonth for the recollection of the escrow shortageSince Ms*** was not submitting the requiredamount of her monthly payment, no funds could be applied towards the repayment of the escrow shortage.The first payment that Ms*** submitted to Seneca in the correct amount of $1,was receivedon 1/15, and was applied to her loan as the September monthly payment.When Seneca received Ms***'s November tax bill, the actual amount of the bill was $2,1.The previously projected tax amount of $1,was based on the prior year's tax bill, and the collectionfor this amount was determined by the escrow analysis conducted by Academy on The $2,1was disbursed from escrow on to pay that bill.Seneca conducted a new analysis of Ms***'s escrow account on 1/As a result of the increasein taxes, along with Ms*** not paying towards her previous escrow shortage during the months ofApril through August 2015, it was determined that the shortage in her escrow account now stood at$1,This amount was divided up, to be collected over the course a month period at a rate of$per monthTherefore, due to these factors, the total amount of Ms***'s monthly paymentwould be increasing to $2,effective with the March paymentEnclosed, please find a copy ofthis escrow analysis statement, along with a copy of Ms***'s complete payment history, which willillustrate all transactions on the loan from origination to the date of this letter.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at *** ** ***, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear ***:July 8, 2015Since our last response to the Revdex.com we have made several attempts to reach the client via email andtelephoneThe phone now goes directly to vo ice mail which the associate calling does leave a messagewith no response from MrIkedaWe have also sent emails to him requesting him to call in without anyresponse.At this point our response is as follows:The loan service transferred to us on November 14, and the previous servicer *** ***is no longer forwarding checks to this loanThe li st of checks returned to the borrower isidentified on the Revdex.com response letter dated June 11, 2015.The borrower is currently due for his June payment.We have unsuccessfully attempted to contact the borrower at his cell phone number, his emailaddress and have left messages on his answering machine to contact us regarding his past duepaymentsWe have updated the address for the property on our system, but mail has been returnedWe have no other means to contact the borrowerIf we can be of further assistance, please call us at (*** ***, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to the Revdex.com complaint #*** that was filed by *** ***.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC commenced servicing Ms***'s loan on 02/01/Ms***'sloan has been escrowed for taxes and insurance from the inception of her loanEnclosed
please find thesigned copies of her HUD-1, Initial Escrow Disclosure statement and Truth in Lending, disclosure all ofwhich reflect the collection for taxes and insurance.At the time this loan originated, Ms***'s last name was ***We received the copy of Ms.***'s divorce decree which advised of the change of her last name from *** to ***Our systemshave been updated to reflect the correct name, however the insurance policy remains in the name of ***Due to her name on the insurance policy not matching her name in our system, we sent Ms*** severalletters advising that the name on the insurance documents needs to match the name on our system in orderto be acceptedAs of the date of this letter, we have yet to receive the corrected insurance documents .Asa result, the lender placed insurance is still in effect.Additionally, the escrow account cannot be removed from the loanThe only way to have it removedwould be to refinance the loanThe letter that stated there was a year period from the time of originationthat escrow can't be removed only applies to loans in California-and IllinoisWe apologize if this optionwas erroneously marked.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: AM to 5:PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to Revdex.com complaint number ***, filed on December22, 2015.Please be advised that per terms of the borrower’s Note, which was signed at the origination of the loan,the payment due date is the 1st of each monthThere is a day payment grace period
from the due datein which payment may be made without incurring a late feeAny payments received outside that graceperiod are subject to the assessment of a late charge equal to 5.00% of the overdue payment of principaland interestUnfortunately, Ms*** and Mr***’s December payment was not receiveduntil December 22, and thus they were assessed a late fee in the amount of $It is the borrower’sresponsibility to ensure that they submit their payment in a timely enough manner to guarantee that thepayment will arrive prior to the imposition of late chargesPlease be aware that the borrowers havemultiple avenues available to them to submit paymentsPayments may be submitted via regular mail, overthe phone, or online at our website www.***.com.In order to protect the privacy of our borrowers’ personal information, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLChas instituted a more robust security protection, with enhanced security questions for online accessOncea borrower has completed the security questions, only a single question will need to be answered forsubsequent online access.As Ms*** and Mr*** have not previously had a late fee waived from their account since theservicing of their loan transferred to Seneca, we are waiving the $late charge in question from theiraccount as a one-time courtesyPlease be advised that should any further late charges be assessed to them,we will be unable to waive the charges.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:AM to 5:PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service Department, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC-Important Message for Colorado Residents Only-You also have the option of contacting an in-state representative working on behalf of Seneca Mortgage ServicingLLC:*** *** *** ** *** *** *** ** ***, CO Phone number: ###-###-####-Important Message for Homeownership Counseling Only-The U.SDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsors housing counseling agencies designedto help homeowners avoid losing their homesTo obtain a list of HUD-approved counseling agencies, please call###-###-#### or visit www.hud.gov.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for thatpurposeWe may report information about your account to credit bureausLate payments, missed payments, orother defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit reportIf you have received a discharge from thebankruptcy court, you are not personally liable for payment of the loan and this notice is for compliance andinformational purposes onlyHowever, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC still has the right under the mortgage toforeclose on the property