I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
No offer was made in the response. I paid September's payment on the Seneca website of 2114.87 on 9/12/14. which is what the "due amount" was. On Sept 24 I received a call about a late fee, again I was not aware of. I'm paying this mortgage and keep getting assessed late fees without my knowledge or any reason. In August I never received a phone call about this phantom late fee, which is what hit my credit. The only resolution acceptable is to remove the 30 day late from my credit report and stop charging me late fees when I am making my payments on time. Seneca's processing of payments is very slow. Paying via Bank of America's bill pay and Seneca not accepting electronic payments caused the initial issues.
If my mortgage payment is $1941.55 and on September 12, through Seneca's website, I paid 2114.87, how could I possibly still have a late fee assessed on Sept 24? This company is unscrupulous, impossible to work with, has the worst customer service and payment servicing of all 5 of my mortgage companies. All of whom I pay using Bank of America bill pay and have never once had a problem. Seneca Mortgage wrecked my credit, and continues to charge me hidden fees.
Seneca needs to get their act together and take the 30 day late off my credit report or I will contact the NY Attorney General and the RI Attorney General. Because of that late payment I cannot refinance away from Seneca to a better mortgage servicing company. It is not, nor was ever my choice to use Seneca mortgage and now, because of their horrible financial practices, I am stuck with them.
We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint dated10/7/15. Please be advised that an insurance claim disbursement check for $40,000.00 was...
mailed to Mr.[redacted] on 10/12/15 via FedEx, and a second insurance disbursement check for $12,779.82 was mailedto Mr. [redacted] on 10/21/15. All insurance claim funds received by Seneca have been forwarded to Mr.[redacted].The delay in the funds being released was due to multiple claims being filed and waiting for receipt ofthe required documentation. When the original claim was filed, an adjusters report was not receiveduntil 6/15/15, despite the first loss-draft check being received on 5/19/15. Once the adjusters report wasreceived the first loss-draft check was mailed to Mr. [redacted] on 6/16/15 in the amount of $3,715.49.The second claim was opened on 9/4/15 when we received the adjusters report for the additional claim.We advised Mr. [redacted] that in order to release more than $20,000.00 we would need a generalcontractor’s estimate, which was not received until 10/5/15. Once that was received the documents wereprocessed and the $40,000.00 check was mailed Mr. [redacted] on 10/12/15.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
To Whom It May Concern :
September 3, 2014
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC acquired the servicing of Ms. [redacted] 's loan on May I, 2014. The loan
was boarded onto the Seneca system with the information provided to us from her prior servicer,
Guaranteed Rate. At the time, her prior servicer was making...
two tax disbursements of $5,631.99 a year
for a total of $11,263.98. After the transfer, Seneca made the first disbursement from escrow on May 30,
2014 in the amount of $5,632. It was at that time that Ms. [redacted] called to notify Seneca that the incorrect
tax disbursement had been made. After contacting the county to confirm the total amount due for the 1st
payment, an additional $3,8 19. 18 was paid to the county to complete the 1st tax installment.
As of the date of this letter, the taxes on this loan are paid current. Another disbursement of $9,451.20
will not be made until May 2015. Due to the large shortage, Seneca will collect the amount over a 24-
month period rather than 12-months. The payment will change to $3,945.95 effective October 1, 2014.
Ms. [redacted] 's loan is currently due for the October 1, 2014 payment.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience she may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to
provide excellent customer service and we do value our new relationship with her, and trust that her
future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive.
If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15
AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my...
complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.It is correct that the servicing transferred to Nationstar; HOWEVER, the payment was sent 2 months prior to it being transferred. It never had anything to do with Nationstar as the refund occurred while they were the servicer. That being said, I reached out to Nationstar and told them what was happening. They agreed to take up my torch and were able to reach them. Seneca unfortunately seent the funds to Nationstar INSTEAD of to me. I now have to go through the process of getting a refund from Nationstar. Although this is technically resolved, this company is incredibly shady and the fact that one cannot speak to a live representative in any way is unacceptable.
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has completed our research
attached is our response letter. Thank you 7.23.2015 July 23,2015Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to the recent complaint submitted to the regardingcomplaint ID [redacted]Upon review of [redacted]'s...
account it has been determined that Seneca received only 1monthly mortgage payment on July 10, 2015 in the amount of $1 ,004.00. Please be advised our systemonly allows 1 payment to be made daily. As of the date of this letter Ms. [redacted]'s account is showing duefor August 1, 2015. Enclosed is a copy of Seneca payment history for your reference.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC, sincerely apologize for any inconvenience Ms. [redacted] may haveexperienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value ourrelationship with her, and trust that their future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC will bemore positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM EasternTime and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. They did accept the money but I received a refund in my account today, 2/1/16. Although they are still not telling the truth, I have received the money so I am content. Thank you so much for the help getting this resolved!
Good Afternoon – This loan was transferred to [redacted] as of 9/1/16. The tax lines were updated prior to transfer, however, since we are no longer the servicer, an analysis will have to be completed by [redacted].
January 9, 2015Re: Loan Number: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]To Whom It May Concern:After review of Mr. [redacted] loan, it has been determined that when his loan transferred to SenecaMortgage Servicing LLC effective 6/16/2014 it boarded our system due for 7/01/2014 with a totalmonthly...
payment amount of $1,999.10. Please be advised that the escrow accounts on all newlytransferred loans are required to be analyzed within 60 days of acquisition. On 8/15/2014 Mr. [redacted]escrow account was analyzed and an escrow analysis statement was generated and sent to him. Per the8/15/2014 escrow analysis it was determined that effective November 1, 2014 his new monthly paymentamount was $2,138.49. The reason for the increase in payment was due to an increase in the hazardinsurance premium to $1,788.91, which increased monthly hazard collection from $88.20 to $149.08 permonth. Additionally, there was also a projected escrow shortage of $942.13 which was spread over 12months at $78.51 per month.On 11/17/2014 Seneca received a payment in the amount of $1,999.10 which was placed into suspenseas it was not enough to satisfy the full November 1, 2014 monthly payment. On 12/12/2014 anotherpayment in the amount of $1,999.10 was received and subsequently combined with $139.39 fromsuspense funds and applied as the full November 1, 2014 payment in the amount of $2,138.49. At thispoint there was a total of $1,859.71 left in suspense which was combined with the $278.78 received on12/15/2014 and applied as the December 1, 2014 payment in the amount of $2,138.49 on 12/16/2014.Please be aware that Mr. [redacted] regularly scheduled escrow analysis was conducted on 11/24/2014.Per the new analysis his monthly payment is set to increase to $2,190.15 effective with the February 1,2015 payment. The increase in payment is the result of an increase in taxes, from $2,351.70 to $2,588.46annually, an increase in the hazard premium, from $1,788.91 to $1,918.78, as well as a projected escrowshortage amount of $1,195.46. The breakdown of his monthly payment beginning February 1, 2015 is asfollows: $1,714.92 for principal and interest, $215.71 for taxes, $159.90 for hazard as well as $99.62which is the shortage amount spread over 12 months.Based on a thorough review of Mr. [redacted] loan Seneca has determined that at this time we will notmake any credit corrections. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted]As of the date of this letter Mr. [redacted] loan is due for the January 1, 2015 payment in the amount of$2,138.49. Enclosed please find copies of Mr. [redacted] LoanDepot payment history, Seneca paymenthistory, the 8/15/2014 escrow analysis, the 11/24/2014 escrow analysis as well as your most recentbilling statement dated 12/16/2014.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC spoke with the consumer today and he stated that he has sent the requested information on 3 separate occasions (proof of insurance and proof of tax payments) which he has emailed to[redacted] to the attention of [redacted], because they stated that previous faxes were not received. The consumer would like an answer as soon as possible. The consumer stated that Seneca is stating that he is behind in his mortgage payments, due to the escrow errors made by Seneca which is also affecting his credit rating. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
We are writing in response to inquiry [redacted] regarding the above referencedloan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of your inquiry dated 1/4/16. Aftercareful review, our systems have been properly updated to enable Mr. [redacted] to make payments...
viaaccess to his Seneca account online. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to the complaint filed by [redacted] J [redacted] on January 28, 2016.After review of Mr. [redacted]’s account, it has been determined that his loan was paid in full on 1/20/16.He then made a payment to Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC in the amount of $2,159.98 on 1/25/16.However, as...
there was no longer any outstanding interest or principal balance to which the payment couldhave been applied due to the payoff of the loan, the payment was rejected. Once a payment is rejected bySeneca, the funds are then returned to the issuer of the funds. Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC did notaccept the payment to which Mr. [redacted] is referring, nor are we in possession of the funds. Our recordsindicate that the payment in question was rejected and returned on the same day it was received, whichwas 1/25/16. If the funds have not yet posted back to Mr. [redacted]’s bank account, we would advise himto contact his bill pay service, as that is to whom the rejected payment was returned.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
LLC �...⇄ April 6, 2015611 Jamison RoadElma, NY 14059Re: Loan Number: [redacted] Case Number: [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] Street Denver, CO 80220 Dear [redacted]: Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC confirms that the package containing [redacted] and [redacted]s Loss draft claim information and check was received to our Loss Draft Claims vendor on 02/20/15. We apologize for the delay in the processing of the package. The $14,006.77 check was deposited into their restricted escrow account on 03/23/15 and the first disbursement in the amount of $7,003.39 was sent via Fedex on 03/25/15 (tracking number [redacted]). Presently Ms. [redacted] is working with our Loss Draft Claims vendor regarding the remaining balance. Seneca would like to thank Ms. [redacted] and Mr. [redacted] for their continued patience in this matter. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience they may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service. We value our relationship with them and trust that their future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive. If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Seneca has provided 4 different responses to my request for a partial release of the mortgage. We need the release to complete an a land swap (of equally sized small pieces of land) with our neighbor to resolve encroachments of driveways on each other's property. The land swap has been approved by the city and our neighbors mortgage servicer has approved the partial release of their land. In addition, our real estate attorney has said that Seneca's explanation is "absurd."I need Seneca to provide a path to complete the partial release. If they must work with the owners of the mortgage, then they must do so. I do not understand how they keep giving different answers and why they cannot facilitate a path to complete this transaction. I am certainly not satisfied with their response to my complaint.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The documents provided do not show a clear picture as to what happened to my $1,500. My February statement/bill reminder for the March 1st payment indicated my escrow balance was $1,538. There is nothing here that shows a detailed account as to why this balance is $0. My taxes for 2015 were paid at closing so there should not be any disbursements from this account. It is my belief and fear that Seneca Mortgage is keeping this money illegally. There are many numerous complaints regarding their escrow practices and a full investigation into this company needs to take place ASAP. I do NOT accept this response and I do NOT consider this complaint resolved. This company owes me $1,538 and I strongly urge the to consider removing Seneca Mortgage from the
We are writing in response to your recent customer service inquiryregarding the above referenced loan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has completed a careful review of yourloan and your request for additional information regarding the escrowaccount for your loan. On May 24, 2016, Seneca sent check #...
[redacted]in the amount of $693.25 for a refund in your escrow account. As thischeck was not cashed in the required 90 days, the escrow refund checkwas stopped and the funds were deposited into your escrow accounton September 15, 2016. The servicing of your loan transferred to yournew servicer, Nationstar Mortgage LLC, on September 16, 2016. Pleasedirect any further requests to your new servicer. Nationstar MortgageLLC should be able to assist with any escrow refund requests. Weapologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Thank you,Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLCJanuary 30, 2017
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
No offer was made in the response. I paid September's payment on the Seneca website of 2114.87 on 9/12/14. which is what the "due amount" was. On Sept 24 I received a call about a late fee, again I was not aware of. I'm paying this mortgage and keep getting assessed late fees without my knowledge or any reason. In August I never received a phone call about this phantom late fee, which is what hit my credit. The only resolution acceptable is to remove the 30 day late from my credit report and stop charging me late fees when I am making my payments on time. Seneca's processing of payments is very slow. Paying via Bank of America's bill pay and Seneca not accepting electronic payments caused the initial issues.
If my mortgage payment is $1941.55 and on September 12, through Seneca's website, I paid 2114.87, how could I possibly still have a late fee assessed on Sept 24? This company is unscrupulous, impossible to work with, has the worst customer service and payment servicing of all 5 of my mortgage companies. All of whom I pay using Bank of America bill pay and have never once had a problem. Seneca Mortgage wrecked my credit, and continues to charge me hidden fees.
Seneca needs to get their act together and take the 30 day late off my credit report or I will contact the NY Attorney General and the RI Attorney General. Because of that late payment I cannot refinance away from Seneca to a better mortgage servicing company. It is not, nor was ever my choice to use Seneca mortgage and now, because of their horrible financial practices, I am stuck with them.
We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint dated10/7/15. Please be advised that an insurance claim disbursement check for $40,000.00 was...
mailed to Mr.[redacted] on 10/12/15 via FedEx, and a second insurance disbursement check for $12,779.82 was mailedto Mr. [redacted] on 10/21/15. All insurance claim funds received by Seneca have been forwarded to Mr.[redacted].The delay in the funds being released was due to multiple claims being filed and waiting for receipt ofthe required documentation. When the original claim was filed, an adjusters report was not receiveduntil 6/15/15, despite the first loss-draft check being received on 5/19/15. Once the adjusters report wasreceived the first loss-draft check was mailed to Mr. [redacted] on 6/16/15 in the amount of $3,715.49.The second claim was opened on 9/4/15 when we received the adjusters report for the additional claim.We advised Mr. [redacted] that in order to release more than $20,000.00 we would need a generalcontractor’s estimate, which was not received until 10/5/15. Once that was received the documents wereprocessed and the $40,000.00 check was mailed Mr. [redacted] on 10/12/15.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
To Whom It May Concern :
September 3, 2014
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC acquired the servicing of Ms. [redacted] 's loan on May I, 2014. The loan
was boarded onto the Seneca system with the information provided to us from her prior servicer,
Guaranteed Rate. At the time, her prior servicer was making...
two tax disbursements of $5,631.99 a year
for a total of $11,263.98. After the transfer, Seneca made the first disbursement from escrow on May 30,
2014 in the amount of $5,632. It was at that time that Ms. [redacted] called to notify Seneca that the incorrect
tax disbursement had been made. After contacting the county to confirm the total amount due for the 1st
payment, an additional $3,8 19. 18 was paid to the county to complete the 1st tax installment.
As of the date of this letter, the taxes on this loan are paid current. Another disbursement of $9,451.20
will not be made until May 2015. Due to the large shortage, Seneca will collect the amount over a 24-
month period rather than 12-months. The payment will change to $3,945.95 effective October 1, 2014.
Ms. [redacted] 's loan is currently due for the October 1, 2014 payment.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience she may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to
provide excellent customer service and we do value our new relationship with her, and trust that her
future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive.
If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15
AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my...
complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.It is correct that the servicing transferred to Nationstar; HOWEVER, the payment was sent 2 months prior to it being transferred. It never had anything to do with Nationstar as the refund occurred while they were the servicer. That being said, I reached out to Nationstar and told them what was happening. They agreed to take up my torch and were able to reach them. Seneca unfortunately seent the funds to Nationstar INSTEAD of to me. I now have to go through the process of getting a refund from Nationstar. Although this is technically resolved, this company is incredibly shady and the fact that one cannot speak to a live representative in any way is unacceptable.
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has completed our research
attached is our response letter. Thank you 7.23.2015 July 23,2015Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to the recent complaint submitted to the regardingcomplaint ID [redacted]Upon review of [redacted]'s...
account it has been determined that Seneca received only 1monthly mortgage payment on July 10, 2015 in the amount of $1 ,004.00. Please be advised our systemonly allows 1 payment to be made daily. As of the date of this letter Ms. [redacted]'s account is showing duefor August 1, 2015. Enclosed is a copy of Seneca payment history for your reference.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC, sincerely apologize for any inconvenience Ms. [redacted] may haveexperienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value ourrelationship with her, and trust that their future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC will bemore positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM EasternTime and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. They did accept the money but I received a refund in my account today, 2/1/16. Although they are still not telling the truth, I have received the money so I am content. Thank you so much for the help getting this resolved!
Good Afternoon – This loan was transferred to [redacted] as of 9/1/16. The tax lines were updated prior to transfer, however, since we are no longer the servicer, an analysis will have to be completed by [redacted].
January 9, 2015Re: Loan Number: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]To Whom It May Concern:After review of Mr. [redacted] loan, it has been determined that when his loan transferred to SenecaMortgage Servicing LLC effective 6/16/2014 it boarded our system due for 7/01/2014 with a totalmonthly...
payment amount of $1,999.10. Please be advised that the escrow accounts on all newlytransferred loans are required to be analyzed within 60 days of acquisition. On 8/15/2014 Mr. [redacted]escrow account was analyzed and an escrow analysis statement was generated and sent to him. Per the8/15/2014 escrow analysis it was determined that effective November 1, 2014 his new monthly paymentamount was $2,138.49. The reason for the increase in payment was due to an increase in the hazardinsurance premium to $1,788.91, which increased monthly hazard collection from $88.20 to $149.08 permonth. Additionally, there was also a projected escrow shortage of $942.13 which was spread over 12months at $78.51 per month.On 11/17/2014 Seneca received a payment in the amount of $1,999.10 which was placed into suspenseas it was not enough to satisfy the full November 1, 2014 monthly payment. On 12/12/2014 anotherpayment in the amount of $1,999.10 was received and subsequently combined with $139.39 fromsuspense funds and applied as the full November 1, 2014 payment in the amount of $2,138.49. At thispoint there was a total of $1,859.71 left in suspense which was combined with the $278.78 received on12/15/2014 and applied as the December 1, 2014 payment in the amount of $2,138.49 on 12/16/2014.Please be aware that Mr. [redacted] regularly scheduled escrow analysis was conducted on 11/24/2014.Per the new analysis his monthly payment is set to increase to $2,190.15 effective with the February 1,2015 payment. The increase in payment is the result of an increase in taxes, from $2,351.70 to $2,588.46annually, an increase in the hazard premium, from $1,788.91 to $1,918.78, as well as a projected escrowshortage amount of $1,195.46. The breakdown of his monthly payment beginning February 1, 2015 is asfollows: $1,714.92 for principal and interest, $215.71 for taxes, $159.90 for hazard as well as $99.62which is the shortage amount spread over 12 months.Based on a thorough review of Mr. [redacted] loan Seneca has determined that at this time we will notmake any credit corrections. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted]As of the date of this letter Mr. [redacted] loan is due for the January 1, 2015 payment in the amount of$2,138.49. Enclosed please find copies of Mr. [redacted] LoanDepot payment history, Seneca paymenthistory, the 8/15/2014 escrow analysis, the 11/24/2014 escrow analysis as well as your most recentbilling statement dated 12/16/2014.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC spoke with the consumer today and he stated that he has sent the requested information on 3 separate occasions (proof of insurance and proof of tax payments) which he has emailed to[redacted] to the attention of [redacted], because they stated that previous faxes were not received. The consumer would like an answer as soon as possible. The consumer stated that Seneca is stating that he is behind in his mortgage payments, due to the escrow errors made by Seneca which is also affecting his credit rating. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
We are writing in response to inquiry [redacted] regarding the above referencedloan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of your inquiry dated 1/4/16. Aftercareful review, our systems have been properly updated to enable Mr. [redacted] to make payments...
viaaccess to his Seneca account online. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to the complaint filed by [redacted] J [redacted] on January 28, 2016.After review of Mr. [redacted]’s account, it has been determined that his loan was paid in full on 1/20/16.He then made a payment to Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC in the amount of $2,159.98 on 1/25/16.However, as...
there was no longer any outstanding interest or principal balance to which the payment couldhave been applied due to the payoff of the loan, the payment was rejected. Once a payment is rejected bySeneca, the funds are then returned to the issuer of the funds. Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC did notaccept the payment to which Mr. [redacted] is referring, nor are we in possession of the funds. Our recordsindicate that the payment in question was rejected and returned on the same day it was received, whichwas 1/25/16. If the funds have not yet posted back to Mr. [redacted]’s bank account, we would advise himto contact his bill pay service, as that is to whom the rejected payment was returned.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
This loan was transferred to Nationstar effective 9/01/2016, the complaint has been forwarded to [redacted]. Thank you.
Seneca Mortgage Servicing...
LLC �...⇄ April 6, 2015611 Jamison RoadElma, NY 14059Re: Loan Number: [redacted] Case Number: [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] Street Denver, CO 80220 Dear [redacted]: Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC confirms that the package containing [redacted] and [redacted]s Loss draft claim information and check was received to our Loss Draft Claims vendor on 02/20/15. We apologize for the delay in the processing of the package. The $14,006.77 check was deposited into their restricted escrow account on 03/23/15 and the first disbursement in the amount of $7,003.39 was sent via Fedex on 03/25/15 (tracking number [redacted]). Presently Ms. [redacted] is working with our Loss Draft Claims vendor regarding the remaining balance. Seneca would like to thank Ms. [redacted] and Mr. [redacted] for their continued patience in this matter. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience they may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service. We value our relationship with them and trust that their future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive. If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Seneca has provided 4 different responses to my request for a partial release of the mortgage. We need the release to complete an a land swap (of equally sized small pieces of land) with our neighbor to resolve encroachments of driveways on each other's property. The land swap has been approved by the city and our neighbors mortgage servicer has approved the partial release of their land. In addition, our real estate attorney has said that Seneca's explanation is "absurd."I need Seneca to provide a path to complete the partial release. If they must work with the owners of the mortgage, then they must do so. I do not understand how they keep giving different answers and why they cannot facilitate a path to complete this transaction. I am certainly not satisfied with their response to my complaint.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The documents provided do not show a clear picture as to what happened to my $1,500. My February statement/bill reminder for the March 1st payment indicated my escrow balance was $1,538. There is nothing here that shows a detailed account as to why this balance is $0. My taxes for 2015 were paid at closing so there should not be any disbursements from this account. It is my belief and fear that Seneca Mortgage is keeping this money illegally. There are many numerous complaints regarding their escrow practices and a full investigation into this company needs to take place ASAP. I do NOT accept this response and I do NOT consider this complaint resolved. This company owes me $1,538 and I strongly urge the to consider removing Seneca Mortgage from the
We are writing in response to your recent customer service inquiryregarding the above referenced loan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has completed a careful review of yourloan and your request for additional information regarding the escrowaccount for your loan. On May 24, 2016, Seneca sent check #...
[redacted]in the amount of $693.25 for a refund in your escrow account. As thischeck was not cashed in the required 90 days, the escrow refund checkwas stopped and the funds were deposited into your escrow accounton September 15, 2016. The servicing of your loan transferred to yournew servicer, Nationstar Mortgage LLC, on September 16, 2016. Pleasedirect any further requests to your new servicer. Nationstar MortgageLLC should be able to assist with any escrow refund requests. Weapologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.Thank you,Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLCJanuary 30, 2017