Dear [redacted],
October 30, 2014
After review of [redacted] loan, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC recognizes that taxes were not
paid in a timely manner. Seneca has since corrected this error, and the taxes were disbursed from Mr.
[redacted] escrow account, in the amount of $1,767.68 on...
10/09/2014. Additionally, please be advised
that Mr. [redacted] will not be held liable for any penalties or interest. The next installment of quarterly
taxes, due October 2014 in the amount of $1,767.68, was disbursed on 10/27/2014.
On 10/15/2014 an analysis was completed on Mr. [redacted] escrow account. Per that escrow analysis
Mr. [redacted] new monthly mortgage payment will be $1,658.10 effective with the 1/01/2015
payment. Enclosed please find a copy of Mr. [redacted] Seneca payment history as well as the
10/15/2014 escrow analysis.
Seneca sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] may have experienced thus far. Seneca
strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with you, and trust that
your future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive
If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15
AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Service Department
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:April 27, 2015We are writing in response to the recent complaint submitted to the regardingcomplaint ID [redacted]Our records indicate Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC acquired [redacted] and [redacted]loan on February 2, 2015 from [redacted] Lending LLC...
([redacted], LLC). A property claim was reported onMarch 3, 2015, which is required to be partially monitored per Fannie Mae guidelines. Therefore, Senecacan release 10% of the unpaid principal balance or $40,000.00, whichever is greater without contractordocuments. On April 10, 2015, Seneca forwarded under separate cover, a property claim check in theamount of$11,597.91 to [redacted] and [redacted] at the above address. Please be advisedSeneca witheld $100.00 from the $11,697.91 in [redacted] and [redacted] restricted escrowaccount, within their mortgage account, until repairs are completed and confirmed by a propertyinspection.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] and [redacted] may haveexperienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our newrelationship with [redacted] and [redacted], and trust that their future dealings with SenecaMortgage Servicing LLC will be more positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage
We are writing in response to the rebuttal to complaint number [redacted]Please be aware the $1,120.83 escrow shortage was based on the projected amount of the next payment owed to the tax office by Mr. and Ms. [redacted]. Because this amount was provided to Seneca by the tax office prior to the receipt of the totality of the refund owed, we based the shortage amount and calculation of Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]'s new payment on the information available to us. When the final refund was received from the taxing authority, the final sum of the refunds was 89 cents higher than the amount they previously provided to Seneca. Please be advised that this does not have any effect on Mr: and Mrs. [redacted]'s monthly payment amount. If there are any excess funds in escrow when the shortage is repaid in full, the monthly payment amount will revert back to the principal and interest only amount of $2,865.96, .and the excessfunds will be credited back to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]. As explained in our previous response, when an outstanding tax bill is received, Seneca will pay that bill as soon as is practical in order to avoid penalties and interest. In accordance with the terms of the Mortgage, the Lender may establish an escrow account at any time in order to ensure payment of taxes, insurance, and any other escrowed items, in order to protect our interest in the property. Furthermore, although Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] were sent a letter dated 3/21/16 requesting updated tax information, Seneca was obligated to disburse payment based on the information that we had received, and did so on 3/23116. Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC apologizes if Mr. [redacted] experienced difficulties navigating our phone system. Please be advised however, that the necessary steps for reaching a live customer service representative are detailed in the automated menus. Furthermore, while no email address is listed on our monthly billing statements, Seneca can be contacted electronically by visiting our website, and clicking on the 'Contact Us' tab. If we can be of further assistance, please call us at [redacted], Monday through Thursday from 8:15 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15AM to 5:00PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
To Whom It May Concern:February 11,2015After a careful review of Mr. [redacted] five separate accounts, ending in numbers [redacted] and [redacted], it has been determined that payments were being receivedwithin the 15 day grace period on loans [redacted] and [redacted]. Further...
research has revealed that thechecks received and posted to Mr. [redacted] other three accounts, [redacted] and [redacted], wereaddressed to HAMS Servicing 3374 Walden Ave Ste 120 Depew, NY 14043". Seneca MortgageServicing LLC was formerly known as AMS Servicing, LLC until the name change became effective inApril of 2014. Additionally, Seneca's physical location has changed to 611 Jamison Rd Elma, NY14059 Howeyer, pl eas.e...b.e aware that lhe correc1 address 10 mmil payments is ' po Box 454, Depew,NY 14043" and has remained as such throughout the name change and physical relocation processes. On1120/2015 automatic drafting was setup on each ofMr. [redacted] five loans. Payments will be drafted foreach of the 5 loans on the 8th of each month beginning in February 2015. The late charges assessed inJanuary 2015 on loans [redacted] and [redacted] have all been waived as a courtesy.Enclosed please find a copy of the Seneca name change letter, copies of checks received and Mr.[redacted] most recent billing statement for loan [redacted] which displays the correct address to forwardpayments. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of your complaint dated 6/24/15. Please be advised that aftercontacting Mr. [redacted] County Tax office, it was determined that all amounts...
being collected on histaxes are correct. If Mr. [redacted] believes he is entitled to any tax exemptions, he must apply for thesedirectly on an annual basis, they do not carry over from year-to-year. Seneca Mortgage Servicing, LLCcannot apply for property tax exemptions on his behalf.Additionally, we have reviewed Mr. [redacted] insurance documents and have removed HazardInsurance from his escrow account. At the time of this letter his account is due for 8/1/15 in the amountof $806.19.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of your complaint dated 6/15/15. We have updated Mr. andMrs. [redacted]'s insurance information and a disbursement was sent to their insurance company...
on6/15/15 in the amount of $599.30.Please be advised that the payment breakdown showing on Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]'s billing statementdated 6/5/15 is accurate. The Irregular Non-Coupon Payment line is referring to their June, 2015payment received on 6/5/15. On 6/8/15 we received a check for $579.54 which was applied to theirprincipal balance. On 6/12/15 we received a check for $733.81 that was applied to their escrow account.Those amounts will be reflected on their next billing statement. We have attached a copy of Mr. andMrs. [redacted]'s payment history for your reference.We apologize for any issues regarding our call center and inconvenience this may have caused Mr. andMrs. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at (866) 919-5608, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of Mr. [redacted] complaint dated 5/8/15. The escrow analysiscompleted 4/27/15 would have increased Mr. [redacted] monthly payment due to...
$1,517.01, beginning withthe 7/1/15 payment. This analysis was based on a projected yearly insurance premium of $1,073.00 andprojected yearly tax payments totaling $3,695.78.After reviewing Mr. [redacted] tax information it has been confirmed that his yearly tax bill is $3,628.90.However, each semi-annual installment has an additional $33.44 special assessment fee which brings hisyearly tax payment to $3,695.78, paid in 2 semi-annual installments of $1,847.89.We have updated Mr. [redacted] insurance premium from the projected $1,073.00 to $941.00. Based on thischange we have reanalyzed Mr. [redacted] escrow account, correcting his payment from the $1,517.01 to$1,492.97 beginning with the 7/1/15 payment. This analysis has been forwarded to Mr. [redacted] underseparate cover.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:December 2, 2014Our records indicate that Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC received your initial complaint regarding theerroneous mark on your credit in October 2014. It was at that time that Seneca removed the derogatorymark from all 3 credit reporting agencies, showing you current from...
December 2013-0ctober 2014.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives toprovide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with you, and trust that your futuredealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive.I f we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday fi·om 8: 15AM 10 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has spoken with the business and has stated that they have advised a third party that is authorized by the customer to speak with Seneca Mortgage and advised that approval is needed from the bank and financials are required from the customer.On 4/3/15, Seneca attempted contact to both phone numbers provided and one was an unidentified business that did not know the borrower, the other number we were told told was a wrong number. We then emailed the customer at [redacted].[redacted] to contact the customer have been made.
We are writing in response to your inquiry [redacted], dated 9/8/15, regardingthe above referenced loan.Please be advised that we have responded to your previous inquiries and have confirmed that your loanwas accurately reported to the credit bureaus while serviced by Seneca...
Mortgage Servicing LLC. Foryour reference we have attached a copy of your credit history with Seneca, along with copies of ourprevious responses to your credit inquiries.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The buisness responded that they have waved late fees and there was no negative credit report. They said this as if that was enough correction. There willingness to correct that was an omissions of wrong doing. That is only part of the damages. I want to be made whole by also paying me the money back that I payed for the companies misinformation given to me by there representatives, which threw my bi-weekly payments off.
Good afternoon, Attached is Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC's response to the borrower's complaint.Thank youDear [redacted]:December 17, 2014While Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC recognizes that an escrow account was not established at thetime of origination of this loan, certain verbiage contained within Mr. [redacted]'s originating documentsallow for the creation of an escrow account should his tax or insurance payments become delinquent.Enclosed is a copy of the escrow waiver Mr. [redacted] signed at closing. Within the document it states,"failure to pay such items when due or to make mortgage payments as agreed shall give Lender the rightto reinstate the requirement that these items be paid to Lender to be placed in escrow and paid monthlyfor the remaining term of the loan." Mr. [redacted] was notified on April 7, 2014, via writtencorrespondence, that the 2013 County taxes were delinquent. Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC providedMr. [redacted] with 30 days in which to bring the delinquent taxes current and provide proof of payment.On June 3, 2014, a representative from Seneca called Emanuel County and verified that the 2013 countytaxes had not yet been paid. As Seneca did not receive proof of payment from Mr. [redacted], we paid thetaxes and established an escrow account. Additionally, enclosed is a copy of Mr. [redacted]'s Mortgagewhich also includes verbiage relating to the formation of an escrow account.On December 5, 2014, another representative from Seneca contacted the county to confirm that taxeswere paid. As per the Emanuel county tax collector, a check from Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC wasreceived on 12/1/14 in the amount of $2,143.57 for payment of the 2014 taxes. If Mr. [redacted] has paidthese taxes separately, we have requested that he please provide proof of payment, in the form of thefront and back copy of the canceled check used to pay the county, in order to receive a full refund of the2014 taxes. At this time, Seneca will continue to collect for the County taxes and the shortage createdby the escrow advances. Currently, Mr. [redacted]'s account is due for the October 1,2014 payment in theamount of $2,923.22.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] may have experienced thus far. Seneca strivesto provide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with him, and trust that his futuredealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
To Whom It May Concern:
August 26, 2014
After review of [redacted] loan, and per the response letter dated 8/4/20 14, it has been determined
that Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC received funds in the amount of $30.98 on June 16, 2014 which
were subsequently misapplied. On July 30, 2014 the...
full amount of $30.98 was applied to Ms. [redacted]
loan to pay the escrow shortage in full . As of the date of this letter, the adjusted monthly payment
amount is $ 1,194.41, which reflects the shortage as paid in full.
We sincerely apologize for the delay in the application of Ms. [redacted] payment and for any
inconvenience she may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service.
We value our relationship with Ms. [redacted] and trust that her future dealings with Seneca Mortgage
Servicing will be more positive.
A copy of the response letter referenced above is included for your reference as well as a Seneca
Mortgage Servicing LLC payment history.
If we can be of further assistance, please callus at ###-###-#### , Monday through Thursday from 8: 15
AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Service Department
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Additional information in attachment
Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of your complaint dated 7/6/15. Please be advised that theDeed of Release and Full Reconveyance was recorded with the Pima County Recorder on April 24,2015. Due to an internal delay, the recorded document was not sent to the borrower until 7/6/15. Wehave attached a copy of the document for your reference.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. and Mrs. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Yes my mom is elderly and it is actually in regards to myself as myself and my partner [redacted])were only ones who applied for loan and loan is only in both of our names and social security numbers. Account number is also only assigned to ourselves. This company some how must have added my moms...
We are writing in response to inquiry [redacted] regarding the above referencedloan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of the complaint dated 12/22/15.We have reviewed Ms. [redacted]'s account and provide the following information. The payment Ms....
[redacted]made on 9/25/15 in the amount of $1,300.00 was received and applied as a regular monthly payment byher prior servicer, [redacted], on 912911 5. However, prior to that date Ms. [redacted] made multiple shortpayments that were held in suspense, since she was not on a biweekly payment schedule and thepayments did not total a complete monthly payment. We have now updated the application of the fundsas Ms. [redacted] had intended. Additionally, as a courtesy we have waived Ms. [redacted]'s late fee balance andupdated the negative credit mark to report her payments as current. Ms. [redacted] was sent a letter on1211 811 5 containing all of this information, a copy is attached for your reference. As of the date of thisletter Ms. [redacted] is due for 1/1/16 in the amount of $1,273.28.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Ms. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at [redacted], Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Thank you for your assistance in getting this matter resolved!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. My complaint was not completely about my payment status (i.e., that the payment was accepted only once). My complaint was also the fact that their website showed to me acceptance of two payments with different confirmation numbers and then the inability the next day to get a human being on the phone. This company needs to address their phone system and their website issues. I tried multiple times to reach them via phone and I only ended up in a recorded loop each time....that is NOT acceptable. Has anyone addressed this? Regards, [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
October 30, 2014
After review of [redacted] loan, Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC recognizes that taxes were not
paid in a timely manner. Seneca has since corrected this error, and the taxes were disbursed from Mr.
[redacted] escrow account, in the amount of $1,767.68 on...
10/09/2014. Additionally, please be advised
that Mr. [redacted] will not be held liable for any penalties or interest. The next installment of quarterly
taxes, due October 2014 in the amount of $1,767.68, was disbursed on 10/27/2014.
On 10/15/2014 an analysis was completed on Mr. [redacted] escrow account. Per that escrow analysis
Mr. [redacted] new monthly mortgage payment will be $1,658.10 effective with the 1/01/2015
payment. Enclosed please find a copy of Mr. [redacted] Seneca payment history as well as the
10/15/2014 escrow analysis.
Seneca sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] may have experienced thus far. Seneca
strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with you, and trust that
your future dealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive
If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15
AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Service Department
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:April 27, 2015We are writing in response to the recent complaint submitted to the regardingcomplaint ID [redacted]Our records indicate Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC acquired [redacted] and [redacted]loan on February 2, 2015 from [redacted] Lending LLC...
([redacted], LLC). A property claim was reported onMarch 3, 2015, which is required to be partially monitored per Fannie Mae guidelines. Therefore, Senecacan release 10% of the unpaid principal balance or $40,000.00, whichever is greater without contractordocuments. On April 10, 2015, Seneca forwarded under separate cover, a property claim check in theamount of$11,597.91 to [redacted] and [redacted] at the above address. Please be advisedSeneca witheld $100.00 from the $11,697.91 in [redacted] and [redacted] restricted escrowaccount, within their mortgage account, until repairs are completed and confirmed by a propertyinspection.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] and [redacted] may haveexperienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service and we do value our newrelationship with [redacted] and [redacted], and trust that their future dealings with SenecaMortgage Servicing LLC will be more positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage
We are writing in response to the rebuttal to complaint number [redacted]Please be aware the $1,120.83 escrow shortage was based on the projected amount of the next payment owed to the tax office by Mr. and Ms. [redacted]. Because this amount was provided to Seneca by the tax office prior to the receipt of the totality of the refund owed, we based the shortage amount and calculation of Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]'s new payment on the information available to us. When the final refund was received from the taxing authority, the final sum of the refunds was 89 cents higher than the amount they previously provided to Seneca. Please be advised that this does not have any effect on Mr: and Mrs. [redacted]'s monthly payment amount. If there are any excess funds in escrow when the shortage is repaid in full, the monthly payment amount will revert back to the principal and interest only amount of $2,865.96, .and the excessfunds will be credited back to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]. As explained in our previous response, when an outstanding tax bill is received, Seneca will pay that bill as soon as is practical in order to avoid penalties and interest. In accordance with the terms of the Mortgage, the Lender may establish an escrow account at any time in order to ensure payment of taxes, insurance, and any other escrowed items, in order to protect our interest in the property. Furthermore, although Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] were sent a letter dated 3/21/16 requesting updated tax information, Seneca was obligated to disburse payment based on the information that we had received, and did so on 3/23116. Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC apologizes if Mr. [redacted] experienced difficulties navigating our phone system. Please be advised however, that the necessary steps for reaching a live customer service representative are detailed in the automated menus. Furthermore, while no email address is listed on our monthly billing statements, Seneca can be contacted electronically by visiting our website, and clicking on the 'Contact Us' tab. If we can be of further assistance, please call us at [redacted], Monday through Thursday from 8:15 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15AM to 5:00PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
To Whom It May Concern:February 11,2015After a careful review of Mr. [redacted] five separate accounts, ending in numbers [redacted] and [redacted], it has been determined that payments were being receivedwithin the 15 day grace period on loans [redacted] and [redacted]. Further...
research has revealed that thechecks received and posted to Mr. [redacted] other three accounts, [redacted] and [redacted], wereaddressed to HAMS Servicing 3374 Walden Ave Ste 120 Depew, NY 14043". Seneca MortgageServicing LLC was formerly known as AMS Servicing, LLC until the name change became effective inApril of 2014. Additionally, Seneca's physical location has changed to 611 Jamison Rd Elma, NY14059 Howeyer, pl eas.e...b.e aware that lhe correc1 address 10 mmil payments is ' po Box 454, Depew,NY 14043" and has remained as such throughout the name change and physical relocation processes. On1120/2015 automatic drafting was setup on each ofMr. [redacted] five loans. Payments will be drafted foreach of the 5 loans on the 8th of each month beginning in February 2015. The late charges assessed inJanuary 2015 on loans [redacted] and [redacted] have all been waived as a courtesy.Enclosed please find a copy of the Seneca name change letter, copies of checks received and Mr.[redacted] most recent billing statement for loan [redacted] which displays the correct address to forwardpayments. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of your complaint dated 6/24/15. Please be advised that aftercontacting Mr. [redacted] County Tax office, it was determined that all amounts...
being collected on histaxes are correct. If Mr. [redacted] believes he is entitled to any tax exemptions, he must apply for thesedirectly on an annual basis, they do not carry over from year-to-year. Seneca Mortgage Servicing, LLCcannot apply for property tax exemptions on his behalf.Additionally, we have reviewed Mr. [redacted] insurance documents and have removed HazardInsurance from his escrow account. At the time of this letter his account is due for 8/1/15 in the amountof $806.19.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of your complaint dated 6/15/15. We have updated Mr. andMrs. [redacted]'s insurance information and a disbursement was sent to their insurance company...
on6/15/15 in the amount of $599.30.Please be advised that the payment breakdown showing on Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]'s billing statementdated 6/5/15 is accurate. The Irregular Non-Coupon Payment line is referring to their June, 2015payment received on 6/5/15. On 6/8/15 we received a check for $579.54 which was applied to theirprincipal balance. On 6/12/15 we received a check for $733.81 that was applied to their escrow account.Those amounts will be reflected on their next billing statement. We have attached a copy of Mr. andMrs. [redacted]'s payment history for your reference.We apologize for any issues regarding our call center and inconvenience this may have caused Mr. andMrs. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at (866) 919-5608, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of Mr. [redacted] complaint dated 5/8/15. The escrow analysiscompleted 4/27/15 would have increased Mr. [redacted] monthly payment due to...
$1,517.01, beginning withthe 7/1/15 payment. This analysis was based on a projected yearly insurance premium of $1,073.00 andprojected yearly tax payments totaling $3,695.78.After reviewing Mr. [redacted] tax information it has been confirmed that his yearly tax bill is $3,628.90.However, each semi-annual installment has an additional $33.44 special assessment fee which brings hisyearly tax payment to $3,695.78, paid in 2 semi-annual installments of $1,847.89.We have updated Mr. [redacted] insurance premium from the projected $1,073.00 to $941.00. Based on thischange we have reanalyzed Mr. [redacted] escrow account, correcting his payment from the $1,517.01 to$1,492.97 beginning with the 7/1/15 payment. This analysis has been forwarded to Mr. [redacted] underseparate cover.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Dear [redacted]:December 2, 2014Our records indicate that Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC received your initial complaint regarding theerroneous mark on your credit in October 2014. It was at that time that Seneca removed the derogatorymark from all 3 credit reporting agencies, showing you current from...
December 2013-0ctober 2014.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives toprovide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with you, and trust that your futuredealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive.I f we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday fi·om 8: 15AM 10 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC has spoken with the business and has stated that they have advised a third party that is authorized by the customer to speak with Seneca Mortgage and advised that approval is needed from the bank and financials are required from the customer.On 4/3/15, Seneca attempted contact to both phone numbers provided and one was an unidentified business that did not know the borrower, the other number we were told told was a wrong number. We then emailed the customer at [redacted].[redacted] to contact the customer have been made.
We are writing in response to your inquiry [redacted], dated 9/8/15, regardingthe above referenced loan.Please be advised that we have responded to your previous inquiries and have confirmed that your loanwas accurately reported to the credit bureaus while serviced by Seneca...
Mortgage Servicing LLC. Foryour reference we have attached a copy of your credit history with Seneca, along with copies of ourprevious responses to your credit inquiries.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The buisness responded that they have waved late fees and there was no negative credit report. They said this as if that was enough correction. There willingness to correct that was an omissions of wrong doing. That is only part of the damages. I want to be made whole by also paying me the money back that I payed for the companies misinformation given to me by there representatives, which threw my bi-weekly payments off.
Good afternoon, Attached is Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC's response to the borrower's complaint.Thank youDear [redacted]:December 17, 2014While Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC recognizes that an escrow account was not established at thetime of origination of this loan, certain verbiage contained within Mr. [redacted]'s originating documentsallow for the creation of an escrow account should his tax or insurance payments become delinquent.Enclosed is a copy of the escrow waiver Mr. [redacted] signed at closing. Within the document it states,"failure to pay such items when due or to make mortgage payments as agreed shall give Lender the rightto reinstate the requirement that these items be paid to Lender to be placed in escrow and paid monthlyfor the remaining term of the loan." Mr. [redacted] was notified on April 7, 2014, via writtencorrespondence, that the 2013 County taxes were delinquent. Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC providedMr. [redacted] with 30 days in which to bring the delinquent taxes current and provide proof of payment.On June 3, 2014, a representative from Seneca called Emanuel County and verified that the 2013 countytaxes had not yet been paid. As Seneca did not receive proof of payment from Mr. [redacted], we paid thetaxes and established an escrow account. Additionally, enclosed is a copy of Mr. [redacted]'s Mortgagewhich also includes verbiage relating to the formation of an escrow account.On December 5, 2014, another representative from Seneca contacted the county to confirm that taxeswere paid. As per the Emanuel county tax collector, a check from Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC wasreceived on 12/1/14 in the amount of $2,143.57 for payment of the 2014 taxes. If Mr. [redacted] has paidthese taxes separately, we have requested that he please provide proof of payment, in the form of thefront and back copy of the canceled check used to pay the county, in order to receive a full refund of the2014 taxes. At this time, Seneca will continue to collect for the County taxes and the shortage createdby the escrow advances. Currently, Mr. [redacted]'s account is due for the October 1,2014 payment in theamount of $2,923.22.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] may have experienced thus far. Seneca strivesto provide excellent customer service and we do value our relationship with him, and trust that his futuredealings with Seneca Mortgage Servicing will be more positive.If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
To Whom It May Concern:
August 26, 2014
After review of [redacted] loan, and per the response letter dated 8/4/20 14, it has been determined
that Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC received funds in the amount of $30.98 on June 16, 2014 which
were subsequently misapplied. On July 30, 2014 the...
full amount of $30.98 was applied to Ms. [redacted]
loan to pay the escrow shortage in full . As of the date of this letter, the adjusted monthly payment
amount is $ 1,194.41, which reflects the shortage as paid in full.
We sincerely apologize for the delay in the application of Ms. [redacted] payment and for any
inconvenience she may have experienced thus far. Seneca strives to provide excellent customer service.
We value our relationship with Ms. [redacted] and trust that her future dealings with Seneca Mortgage
Servicing will be more positive.
A copy of the response letter referenced above is included for your reference as well as a Seneca
Mortgage Servicing LLC payment history.
If we can be of further assistance, please callus at ###-###-#### , Monday through Thursday from 8: 15
AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Customer Service Department
Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Additional information in attachment
Dear [redacted]:We are writing in response to complaint [redacted] regarding the abovereferenced loan.We are in receipt of your complaint dated 7/6/15. Please be advised that theDeed of Release and Full Reconveyance was recorded with the Pima County Recorder on April 24,2015. Due to an internal delay, the recorded document was not sent to the borrower until 7/6/15. Wehave attached a copy of the document for your reference.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. and Mrs. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at ###-###-####, Monday through Thursday from 8:15AM to 10:00 PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
Yes my mom is elderly and it is actually in regards to myself as myself and my partner [redacted])were only ones who applied for loan and loan is only in both of our names and social security numbers. Account number is also only assigned to ourselves. This company some how must have added my moms...
name in some of their records .
We are writing in response to inquiry [redacted] regarding the above referencedloan.Seneca Mortgage Servicing LLC is in receipt of the complaint dated 12/22/15.We have reviewed Ms. [redacted]'s account and provide the following information. The payment Ms....
[redacted]made on 9/25/15 in the amount of $1,300.00 was received and applied as a regular monthly payment byher prior servicer, [redacted], on 912911 5. However, prior to that date Ms. [redacted] made multiple shortpayments that were held in suspense, since she was not on a biweekly payment schedule and thepayments did not total a complete monthly payment. We have now updated the application of the fundsas Ms. [redacted] had intended. Additionally, as a courtesy we have waived Ms. [redacted]'s late fee balance andupdated the negative credit mark to report her payments as current. Ms. [redacted] was sent a letter on1211 811 5 containing all of this information, a copy is attached for your reference. As of the date of thisletter Ms. [redacted] is due for 1/1/16 in the amount of $1,273.28.We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Ms. [redacted].If we can be of further assistance, please call us at [redacted], Monday through Thursday from 8: 15AM to 10:OO PM Eastern Time and Fridays from 8: 15 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.Sincerely,Customer Service DepartmentSeneca Mortgage Servicing LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Thank you for your assistance in getting this matter resolved!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. My complaint was not completely about my payment status (i.e., that the payment was accepted only once). My complaint was also the fact that their website showed to me acceptance of two payments with different confirmation numbers and then the inability the next day to get a human being on the phone. This company needs to address their phone system and their website issues. I tried multiple times to reach them via phone and I only ended up in a recorded loop each time....that is NOT acceptable. Has anyone addressed this? Regards, [redacted]