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Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

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Reviews Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency Reviews (484)

Dear *** ***:
While we regret the
concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to
resolve them. Rest assured that this
inquiry has been assigned to a member of our Research Specialist Team who is
diligently working toward a resolution.
We take all concerns included in the complaint very seriously. Please be advised that the Research
Specialist Team member will be providing a formal letter shortly, along with
contact information to our office, should any additional concerns arise
Best Regards,
Jessica N***
Research Specialist
Team Lead
American Education

September 29, Dear *** ***:This letter is in regards to the inquiry we received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account, serviced by American Education Services (AES)We trust the following information will be of
assistance.AES services two privately-insured Alternative Undergraduate Program (ALPLN) Loans on behalf of the owner, *** *** *** *** *** (***)Because AES is not the owner of the loans it does not have the authority to alter or negotiate the terms of the Credit AgreementsAES must administer the loans in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit AgreementsThe chart below details the loansLoan Disbursement Loan Original Principal Current Principal
Sequence Date Program Balance Balance*
l May 23, ALPLN $32,085, $42, 183.42 June 8, ALPLN $32, $40,*The current principal balance is higher than the original principal balance as a result of interest capitalization (the addition of unpaid accrued interest to the principal balance).We understand that you are having difficulty with making the required monthly payments, and that you are seeking a more manageable repayment planAs much as possible, we wish to assist you in establishing repayment arrangements that are ideal for your financial situationHowever, the monthly payments must be calculated to ensure the loans are paid in full within the terms required by the Credit AgreementsAES is only able to offer repayment options for the privately-insured loans that are authorized by ***.Based upon our review, AES’ records confirm that you previously utilized the full amount of time available on the Modified Graduated Repayment Schedule (MGRS)The MGRS temporarily reduced your required monthly payments but did not extend the repayment termAs you may recall, the MGRS offered months of reduced monthly installments (a 50% payment reduction for the first months and payments totaling the 31-day interest amount for the subsequent months)Following the months of reduced payments, the loans returned to a Level Repayment Schedule with monthly payments calculated to ensure all accrued interest and the principal balance is satisfied within the remainder of the repayment termThis means the monthly installment amounts are higher than the monthly installment prior to utilizing the MGRSIt is important to note that the MGRS may only be utilized one-time for the fife of the loans.In addition to the MGRS, AES records confirmed that you utilized the cumulative maximum amount of Temporary Hardship ForbearanceDuring periods of such forbearance, which for this loan may be applied in 3-month increments, the monthly payment obligation was temporarily postponedHowever, as during deferment periods, interest continued to accrue on a daily basis and all unpaid accrued interest capitalized and increase the loan balance at the end of the forbearanceFollowing the conclusion of the 12"-month of Temporary Hardship Forbearance, AES was no longer authorized to approve an additional period of forbearance.AES forwarded your inquiry to the loans owner for reviewHowever, at this time, *** has not authorized AES to approve an additional period of reduced paymentAES is required to continue to bill your minimum monthly installment ($627.37).At this time your ALPLN Loans are past due from September 7, in the amount of $Please note that although partial payments will be applied to your account, any payment remitted that is less than the total amount due will result in your account being placed into a delinquent statusThe signed Credit Agreements stipulate that the borrower and cosigner are equally responsible for maintaining a current account status by remitting on-time paymentsWhen your loans are in a delinquent status, AES is required to commence additional servicing activities, including calls, letters, and emailsSuch contact must continue until the loans are restored to a current statusPlease understand that the owner of your loans may also contact you or the cosigner directly, or it may use a collection agency to assist in obtaining payment for the delinquent amountTherefore, you and the cosigner may receive collection communications from various officesPlease note that calls from outside collection agencies are not made by AESAES representatives will always identify themselves and the nature of the telephone call.You may contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-#### with any additional questions or concernsLoan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET.Sincerely,Shelly B
Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed
the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me However, I do feel that it shouldn't have taken almost months to receive monies that were sent to them in error.
*** ***

February 5,
This letter is in response to your recent inquiry with the ( regarding your defaulted student loan held by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) and currently assigned to *** ***, Inc(***)Your inquiry
was forwarded to my attention for review and response
Your federal consolidation loan was disbursed on December 16, in the amount of $34,and serviced by *** *** (***)Your loan defaulted on November 30, after payments were not received consistently for at least daysAs the guarantor of this loan, PHEAA purchased the debtAs of the date of this letter, the outstanding balance due on your loan is $45,This consists of $36,in principal, $1,in interest and $7,in collection fees
Additionally, due to your failure to remit voluntary monthly payments, an Order of Withholding was mailed to your employer, *** ***, on May 2, to begin garnishment your wages, Per federal regulations, up to fifteen percent of your disposable pay may be garnished by PHEAA
In lieu of the garnishment, PHEAA agrees to accept a voluntary monthly payment of $for the Default Loan Rehabilitation ProgramThis is a federally regulated program in which your account is purchased by a lender after a minimum of nine (9) consecutive monthly payments have been remitted in a ten (10) month period and you have returned the rehabilitation selection letter which is mailed to you after your fifth consecutive payment, After successfully completing the Rehabilitation program, we will request that credit bureaus remove the prior loan default reported by PHEAAYour account is considered rehabilitated at the completion of this process, not as soon as your ninth payment is madeIf monthly payments stop prior to the completion of this process, you must restart the qualification period
If you are experiencing a financial hardship which may prevent you from remitting the $payment, please contact *** at ###-###-####, A representative will review your account for a possible reduced payment
If you have any questions, please contact our office toll-free at ###-###-####Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Thursday 8:a.mto 9:p.mEST and Friday 8:a.mto 5:p.mEST

[ Firstly had of known of this issue I would have promptly made the payments, my cell phone was on overseas and I did not get any phone calls from AES and neither were any email alerts sent.
I feel very aggrieved that AES is refusing to remove the
late payments, after as per their request I went out of my way and spent
endless hours trying to get another copy of the letter from Wells that AES requested.This is a matter of my family’s well-being and is
keeping me from re-financing my home to save itIt is highly disheartening
that AES finding every
excuse not to help my family. ]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***

Complaint: ***
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *** ***
Date: Wed, Feb 19, at 11:AM
Subject: Refusal of ***
To: "[email protected]"
Please reopen this claim Since I opened and agreed to the original response from the company they have put another garnishment amount against my paycheck So they are double dipping The amount agreed too was $a month once payments have started They are currently going after $and $per paycheck for a total of $a month This was not agreed too I was also NOT notified of the $a month garnishment Thanks
I am rejecting this response because:
*** **

March 11, 2015Dear *** ***:
This letter is in response to your recent inquiry (ID# ***) regarding the status of *** ** ***’ educational loan account, serviced by our officeWe trust that the following information will be of assistanceA comprehensive review of the account has been completedA copy of our response letter to *** *** is enclosed for your reviewWe trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attentionIf you have any additional questions, please call our office at ***Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET.Sincerely,Shelly BVice President, Loan Operations

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because the company could have produced these items without a complaint. I have asked for these items many items over the phone and was denied, but with a complaint, they complied. Good for them. Also, I am not a liar. my family was contacted by AES two years in a row at the beginning of the year to check on my whereabouts and ask about my current address and phone number. The practice is not being done now, but that does not mean it was not done in the past
Also, I cannot remember his name, but one of their 'customer service specialists' (using that term loosely) said my payments were really high because AES wanted these loans paid off in years, but when I figure things out based upon their monthly statements and their calculations, their repayment plan is over years.In addition, regarding the student loan interest statement AES conveniently provided in their response to, I did not receive that statement in the mailObviously, my address is correct, but someone out there has my statement and it is not me. Maybe it was never sent to begin with and that it why AES can provide a copy with their response. Why couldn't AES mail this to me when I called them in early February to inquire about its whereabouts? Would have been much easier. I wonder if I will get one next year in the mail or will I have to ask to intervene again.Finally, if this response is being posted on the web, I would like other student loan borrowers to know that AES' monthly student loan repayment statements and the federal government's monthly student loan repayment statements are exactly the same - the only difference being the post office address, but even that is close in proximity. Compare the two statements together and the similarities jump off the page. I believe the federal government and AES are in business together, just not announcing this to openly. If not in business together, then both AES and the government use the same statement software to produce the same statements, only different loan information.In fact, AES' statements contain convoluted information regarding both private and public loan repayment options and this is very confusing to the student loan borrower because it appears that AES endorses the same repayment options as the federal government (what is printed on their monthly statements), but when you try to take advantage of the repayment options listed on their statements, AES sends a letter saying that a student is not eligible for those repayment optionsVery confusing - I know because I applied for the repayment option based upon income as listed on AES' statement, but then issued a letter by AES indicating I was not eligible under their current repayment options as this option was not available to me.I financed my higher education and if I had to do it over again, I would not. My advanced degrees have not gotten me anything extra (except a lot of pain in the wallet and headaches dealing with companies like AES) that I otherwise could have done with a lot of hard work. The only real thing I have to show for my higher education is massive student loan debt no one cares about, especially not AES and not the government. Student loans? Don't do it!
*** ***

May 20, 2014Dear *** ***:This letter is in response to your inquiry (ID# ***) regarding the status of *** ***s educational loan account serviced by our officeWe trust that the following information will be of assistance.A comprehensive review of the
account has been completedA copy of our response letter is enclosed for your reviewWe trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attention.We trust this information is sufficient for your needsIf you have any questions or concerns, pleasecontact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from :ato :pm., ET.Sincerely,

11/12/Dear *** ***:
While we regret the concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to resolve themRest assured that this inquiry has been assigned to a member of our Research Specialist Team who is diligently working toward a resolutionWe take all concerns included in the complaint very seriouslyPlease be advised that the Research Specialist Team member will be providing a formal letter shortly, along with contact information to our office, should any additional concerns ariseBest Regards,
Jessica N***
Research Specialist Team Lead
American Education Services

I did not fail to update my phone numberI did this over the phone at least twicePlease hire people who will keep honest and accurate recordsI will be making photo copies of my new direct debit form and sending via certified mail
to avoid any more mishapsI also did not receive this form via mail, and only saw it now because of the response

*** ***:
we regret the concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the
opportunity to resolve them. Rest
assured that this inquiry has been assigned to a member of our Research
Specialist Team who is diligently working toward a resolution. We take all concerns included in the
complaint very seriously. Please be
advised that the Research Specialist Team member will be providing a formal
letter shortly, along with contact information to our office, should any
additional concerns arise
Specialist Team Lead
Education Services

August 8, 2014Dear *** ***:This letter is in response to your inquiry (ID#***) regarding the status of *** ** ***’s, educational loan account serviced by our officeWe trust that the following information will be of assistance.A comprehensive review of the account has
been completedA copy of our response letter is enclosed for your reviewWe trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attention.We trust this information is sufficient for your needsIf you have any questions or concerns,please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET.Sincerely,Shelly *B*** Assistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

Please contact us if we can be of any further assistance

February 27,
Dear ***:
This letter is in regards to the inquiry we received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan accountWe trust the following information will be of assistance
AES services one
*** *** *** *** (***) Loan on behalf of the owner, *** ***AES administers the loan in accordance with the signed Credit AgreementThe loan disbursed on September 25, in the amount of $26,The loan currently has a balance of $25,As the third party servicer, AES is responsible for billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities
We understand from your inquiry that you are dissatisfied with the copy of the original Credit Agreement that was mailed to youOur privacy policy prevents us from mailing out information that contains any non-public personal information relating to any student borrower or cosignerThis policy allows AES to maintain the strictest integrity relative to servicing your student loan accountHowever, to further assist you, we can confirm that the referenced loan was cosigned by *** ***As the cosigner, *** has agreed to be equally responsible for the timely repayment of the debt
In your inquiry, you stated that you were dropped by the mortgage company because you were unable to provide a copy of the signed credit agreement in a timely mannerYou also stated that the mortgage company needed to see that you had a cosigner on your student loanPlease note that the credit tradeline is listed on both your and ***’s credit profile, and would have been verifiable by the mortgage company during a routine credit inquiryAdditionally, the documents that AES provided listed the names of the responsible parties on your student loan account, specific loan details and the terms of the credit, but omitted personal data such as Social Security Numbers, home addresses and telephone numbers, and employment information
Concerning the customer service that you stated you received, our records reflect that the AES representatives you spoke to provided appropriate information and followwith the requested documentationBecause our representatives were unable to comply with your request to provide nonpublic personal information, which is against company policy, does not reflect bad customer service, but reflects AES’ commitment to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all of our clients
If at any time you wish to call AES with your mortgage representative on the telephone with you, we would be more than willing to verify that *** *** is the listed cosigner on your student loan referenced aboveWe hope that you understand AES’ position in this matter, and realize that the policy is also in place to protect your personal information
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Customer Service at ###-###-####counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET

July 31, Dear *** ***:
This letter is in response to your inquiry (ID# ***) regarding the status of *** ** ***’s educational loan account cosigned for on behalf of *** ** ***, serviced by our officeWe trust that the following information will be
of assistance.A comprehensive review of the account has been completedDue to privacy issues, the client has requested for the response to be sent directly to *** ***’s attentionTherefore, the letter response addressing *** ***’s concerns has not been enclosed with this letterIf you wish to have the response letter uploaded to the ( website, please provide AES with an authorization form signed by *** ***This form has been enclosed for convenience purposesYou may be assured our response addressing the concerns has been sent to *** ***’s attention under separate cover.We trust this information is sufficient for your needsIf you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ETSincerely,
Shelly B
Vice President, Loan Operations

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
They did not even address the issue of how they took a paymeny I sent in for my son on the delinquent account and chnaged the the account number over to an other account that we were paying that was current, and then paid aheadI had my sons account number on the check and they wrote the otehr account number in and applied it to the account that was paidThis caused his payment again to processed through the credit system as deliquent again through no fault of oursThey also send me correspondence regarding my sons loan that I cosigned on and do not include the account numberI think this is a deceptive business practice and is not fair to the consumerThen to change the account number oon a payment is illegal and they should be penalized for that
*** ***

This letter is in response to your inquiry (ID# ***) regarding the status of *** *** educational loan account serviced by our officeWe trust that the following information will be of assistance,A comprehensive review of the account has been completedA copy of our response letter
is enclosed for your reviewWe trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attention.We trust this information is sufficient for your needsIf you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET.Sincerely,

Dear ***:
This letter is in response to your recent inquiry with the ( regarding your defaulted student loan held by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) and currently assigned to *** *** ***(***)Your inquiry was forwarded to my attention for review and response
Your federal consolidation loan was disbursed on December 16, in the amount of $34,and serviced by *** *** (***)Your loan defaulted on November 30,
after payments were not received consistently for at least daysAs the guarantor of this loan, PHEAA purchased the debtAs of the date of this letter, the outstanding balance due on your loan is $43,This consists of $36,in principal, $in interest and $6,in collection fees
Upon review of your inquiry, PHEAA agrees to refund the garnishment payment received February 28, in the amount of $A refund check will be mailed to you under separate coverAdditionally, *** has agreed to withdraw the wage garnishment on your account pending you remit your first voluntary monthly payment of $no later than March 28, Please contact *** to establish arrangements to remit this payment
Furthermore, PHEAA agrees to accept a voluntary monthly payment of $for the Defaulted Loan Rehabilitation ProgramThis is a federally regulated program in which your account is purchased by a lender after a minimum of nine (9) consecutive monthly payments have been remitted in a ten (10) month period and you have returned the rehabilitation selection letter which is mailed to you after your fifth consecutive paymentAfter successfully completing the Rehabilitation program, we will request that credit bureaus remove the prior loan default reported by PHEAAYour account is considered rehabilitated at the completion of this process, not as soon as your ninth payment is madeIf monthly payments stop prior to the completion of this process, you must restart the qualification period
If you are experiencing a financial hardship which may prevent you from remitting the $payment, please contact *** at ###-###-####A representative will review your account for a possible reduced payment
If you have any questions, please contact our office toll-free at ###-###-####Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Thursday 8:a.mto 9:p.mEST and Friday 8:a.mto 5:p.mEST

Dear *** ***:
While we regret the
concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to
resolve them. Rest assured that this
inquiry has been assigned to a member of our Research Specialist Team who is
diligently working toward a resolution.
We take all concerns included in the complaint very seriously. Please be advised that the Research
Specialist Team member will be providing a formal letter shortly, along with
contact information to our office, should any additional concerns arise
Best Regards,
Jessica N***
Research Specialist
Team Lead
American Education

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Description: Government - State

Address: 1200 North Seventh Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States, 17102


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