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Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

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Reviews Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency Reviews (484)

February 27, Dear ** [redacted] : This letter is a formal response to your inquiry received through the [redacted] (***) concerning your educational loan account serviced by American Education Services (AES) AES services one [redacted] [redacted] (***) Loan and four (4) [redacted] Custom Choice ( [redacted] , [redacted] , [redacted] , and [redacted] ) Loans on behalf of the owner, [redacted] ***Because AES is not the owner of the loans, it does not have the authority to alter or negotiate the terms of the Credit Agreements and must administer the loans in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreements, copies of which are enclosed We understand that you may be having difficulty submitting satisfactory monthly paymentsAs much as possible, we wish to assist you in establishing repayment arrangements that are ideal for your financial situationHowever, it is important to note your monthly payment must be calculated to ensure the loans are paid in full within the loan terms required by the Credit Agreements The [redacted] loan offers three (3) repayment schedulesThe Select (SI) schedule offers months of interest-only payments; the Select (S2) schedule offers months of interest-only payments; and the Select (S5) repayment schedule offers months of interest-only payments followed by months of payments equal to the 31-day interest amount plus an amount applied to the principal balanceFollowing the period of reduced payments, the loans return to a Level Repayment Schedule, with monthly payments calculated to ensure that the principal balance and all accrued interest is satisfied within the remainder of the repayment termThis means your monthly installment amount following these reduced payment schedules will likely be higher than it was prior to utilizing one of the schedules The [redacted] Custom Choice Loans offer a Modified Graduated Repayment Schedule (MGRS)The MGRS temporarily reduces your required monthly payments, but does not extend your loan termFollowing a 24-month period of reduced payments under the MGRS, monthly payments are recalculated to ensure the remainder of the principal balance and accrued interest are satisfied by the pay-off dates required by the respective Credit AgreementsDue to the reduced payments made during the first months of the MGRS, additional interest accrues and a smaller portion of the principal balance is satisfiedThis means that your monthly installment amounts following completion of the MGRS would likely be higher than your monthly installment prior to the MGRSEstimates have been enclosed for your review In addition to the MGRS, your [redacted] Custom Choice Loans also remain eligible for the Reduced Payment (RP) planYou may request the RP plan for a total of six months, granted in three-month increments, to temporarily lower your monthly paymentsYou must make a verbal or written request to apply for the RP plan and will be asked to propose a monthly payment for the loansApproval of the proposed monthly payment amount will be based upon the delinquency level of the loansIn addition, a non-refundable, good faith payment in the amount of the approved monthly payment for the loans for which the RP plan is requested must be made at the time of applicationIf you are approved for the RP plan, your required monthly installments while the RP plan is in effect will be reduced and may allow for a temporary reduced payment that is lower than the reduced payment under the MGRSPlease note: following completion of the RP plan, per the terms of the signed Credit Agreement, your monthly installments must be recalculated to ensure satisfaction of all accrued interest and the principal balance by the pay-off dateThis means your monthly installment amounts will likely increase following completion of the RP planThe MGRS and the RP plan may both be requested verbally In addition, if you continue to have difficulty making payments, your [redacted] loan remains eligible for months of Economic Hardship Forbearance that may be applied in three-to-six month incrementsThe [redacted] Custom Choice Loans are eligible for months of Temporary Hardship Forbearance that may be applied in three-month incrementsDuring periods of forbearance, the monthly payment obligation is temporarily postponed; however, interest continues to accrue on a daily basis and all unpaid accrued interest would be capitalized and added to the respective principal balances at the end of the forbearanceYou may choose to make the interest payments during forbearance, which would reduce the amount of capitalized interest following the forbearance period AES has reviewed the reasons that you have been denied forbearanceTo assist you with applying for this option, we are enclosing the appropriate formsIt is important that the requested supporting documentation be returned with the completed, signed and dated applicationOnce the documents are received, the processing time may take seven-to-ten business days to completeAES will promptly follow up with a letter advising of the results of your forbearance requests As the service provider, AES is responsible for performing billing, credit reporting, and other servicing activitiesThese servicing activities may include calls, emails, and letters to the borrower and cosigner regarding the loansstatusAlternatively, the owners may contract with an outside collection agency to assist in restoring the loans to a current statusAES has no control over the manner in which the outside collection agencies engaged by the owner conduct their operationsImportantly, please note AES will not make calls to you regarding the delinquent status if the loans’ owner/insurer is also contacting you directly about your loans or has directed the loans to a third party collection agencyFinally, AES representatives will always identify themselves and the nature of the telephone call As of the date of this letter, the account reflects a past-due balance in the amount of $1,160.01, from December 16, If you are unable to afford your payments, please consider utilizing one of the options discussed in the letter If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET Sincerely,

October 2, 2014Dear [redacted] :This letter is being sent to you regarding an inquiry AES received from the (, regarding the status of your educational loan account, serviced by our officeWe trust the following information will be of assistanceAES currently services a privately-insured [redacted] (***) Loan disbursed March 13, 2003, on behalf of the owner, [redacted] (***)AES also services the subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized (UNCNS) portions of your Federal Consolidation Loan, disbursed January 28, 2005, for [redacted] BankAs the contracted third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreement, and, in the case of your Consolidation, the original promissory note and federal regulationsAES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.In your inquiry, you expressed concern regarding your billing statements and why it may reflect a different amount from monmonthIn order to understand our billing statements, it is important to understand how your payments are applied and about how sending in extra monies can create a “paid-ahead” status on your accountWhen payments are received, the unpaid accrued interest and any outstanding late fees (if applicable) must be satisfied before the principal balance can be reducedPayments cannot be used to satisfy future interest that has not yet accrued on your account at the time your payment is receivedHowever, once any outstanding interest is satisfied, any remaining amount higher than the remaining amount due on an account will satisfy future installment amount(s)If you pay an amount greater than your outstanding installment amount(s), the excess payment(s) will be used to advance your due date and place your account in a paid-ahead status; however, interest will continue to accrue per the terms of your loan(s)Depending on the amount received, the next installment bill will reflect that you have either partially or fully paid the amount due for that monthA paid-ahead status does not affect the manner in which payments are appliedPayments are still applied as described aboveExample 1: Your monthly installment amount of $is billed but you submit a payment of $The payment will be applied as described aboveThis will result in a $"Total Amount Due" for the following month and a paid-ahead status on your loan(s)Please note that if you do not make a payment for the next month, you will still be current on your loan(s); however, your next payment will be used to satisfy any interest that accrued during the month you did not make a paymentExample 2: Your monthly installment amount of $is billed but you submit a payment of $The payment will be applied as described aboveThis may result in a reduced "Total Amount Due" amount of $due for the following month and a partially paid-ahead status on your loan(s)Even if your loan is in a paid ahead or partially paid-ahead status, it may be to your advantage to make your monthly installment amount each monthThis will ensure that any interest that has accrued since the last payment is satisfiedThis will also reduce your principal balance more quicklyYou may opt-out of the paid ahead or partially paid-ahead status at any time by submitting a written request to the address provided on our letterheadWe also understand from your inquiry that you are dissatisfied with the service you have received from AES’s telephone representativesAES regrets that this is the case, and trusts your future interactions with our agency will be met with the high degree of professionalism we expect from our representativesYou may be assured that all of our loan counselors are trained to provide accurate, informative, and courteous service to customersMany customer Service calls are monitored to ensure that optimum service is providedLoan counselors receive remediation in instances in which it has been determined that they did not handle a call appropriately or otherwise meet our standards for excellenceHowever, if you are ever dissatisfied with the quality of service you receive from an AES loan counselor, you may always ask for the employee’s identification number and to speak directly with a supervisor to address the situationIf you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ETSincerely,Shelly BAssistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

December 5, 2014Dear *** ***:Kindly accept this letter as a formal response to the inquiry AES received through the concerning the status of your son Jeffrey R, Leuschens educational loan accountWe trust that the following information will be of
assistance.AES currently services a privately-insured *** *** College Legacy Loan (***), disbursed August 28, 2007, on behalf of the owner, *** *** *** ** ***You are listed as the cosigner on the loanAs the contracted third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit AgreementAES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.Thank you for completely conveying your concerns to our officeWith your first inquiry we did not fully understand that the $payment received on October 30, had been applied to your Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) under account number ** *** ***As a result, we only referenced the payments that were recently posted to Jeffrey’s account on November 4, and November 5, and the delinquency that was reflected in October Please accept our apologies for the misunderstanding of your initial inquiry.After review of both your account and your son’s account, we found that the check for $received on October 30, (check # ***) was inadvertently applied to the PLUS Loan on your account, rather than to the *** Loan on ***’s account, as you intendedYou may be assured that, on December 4, 2014, we completed adjustments to have the $payment reapplied to your son’s accountIn addition, we have requested that the 60-day delinquency reporting submitted for the *** Loan for October be updated to paid as agreedAgain, we regret this discrepancy and any inconvenience experienced as a result of this matter.Additionally, please note that, as a result of the application of the $payment to ***’s *** Loan, the loan now reflects an advanced-payment status, with the installments due through February 6, fully satisfied and the installment due March 6, partially satisfiedIf no additional payments are received for the *** Loan until March 6, 2015, a partial installment of $will be due at that timeAlthough no payments are required for this loan until March 6, 2015, please note that interest will continue to accrue on a daily basis according to the Simple InterestFurthermore, please note that, while no payments are currently required, you may remit payments at any time, which would assist in reducing the overall cost of the loanNo penalty would be assessed for satisfying the debt earlier than scheduled.At this time, your PLUS Loan is currentThe next installment for this loan is due by December 18, in the amount of $178.15.If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET.Sincerely,Shelly BAssistant Vice President
Graduate and Professional Services,Thank you so much for your help!!!***

April 16, Dear *** ***:This letter is in regards to your inquiry we received from the ( regarding the status of the educational loan account, serviced by our officeWe trust the following information will be of assistance.AES currently services
three federally-guaranteed *** Loans disbursed on December 14, (subsidized ***), August 27, (subsidized ***) and August 27, (unsubsidized ***) on behalf of the owner, ***In our capacity as a servicer, AES administers the loans in accordance with the terms of the signed promissory note and federal regulations.Contrary to the information in your correspondence, as previously stated in our letter to you dated February 13, 2014, several unauthorized, electronic payment transactions occurred on your accountTherefore, AES was required to remove the payments from your account and block your Account Access online since the payments had not been authorized by the account holderA copy of which is enclosed.On April 1, 2014, you contacted AES and spoke to a loan counselorDuring the conversation, you were advised to have your bank mail or fax AES a letter stating that you were authorized to use the companys checking accountAt that time, you were provided with AES correspondence address and fax numberAES records confirm that no letter was received from you or your bankIn addition, you were advised that your Direct Debit application was received by the previous servicer and denied because its office also needed a letter from your bank stating that you were authorized on the checking account.Although your Account Access has been blocked, as a result of using an unauthorized companys bank account, you may submit your payments by mail to our officePlease include your 10-digit account number on your check or money order.On April , 2014, AES received your email dated April 2, According to your email, your Account Access was blocked and you wanted to know the amount of interest paid in the tax yearOn April , 2014, AES sent an email in response and stated that a total of $was paid in interest in the tax year, a copy of which is enclosedIn addition, a duplicate copy of your 1098-E Form was mailed to you on April , 2014.At this time, the account reflects in a period of Temporary Hardship Forbearance until April 23, At the expiration of the forbearance any unpaid interest will be capitalized (added into the principle balance)On April 2, AES received a payment in the amount of $114,As a result, the payment was credited towards the installment due on April 24, 2014, If you require additional information please contact Customer Service at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:ato 9:pm., ET.Sincerely,

April 25,
New Roman","serif"">
Dear Ms***:
While we regret the concerns received in this complaint, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to resolve them. Rest assured this inquiry was assigned to Matthew, a Borrower Experience Advocate, who has been diligently working toward a resolution. We take all concerns included in the complaint very seriously. Please be advised that our formal response to address Ms***’s concerns will be placed in the mail tomorrow, April 26, 2016. As always, direct contact information to our office will be provided in our response, should Ms*** have any additional questions or concerns
Best Regards,
Jessica N***
Borrower Experience Advocate Team Lead
American Education Services

May 22, 2015Dear *** ***:This letter is a formal response to an inquiry American Education Services (AES) received through the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB) concerning your privately-insured educational loan account previously serviced by our officeIn addition, AES also received an inquiry from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan accountWe trust the following information will be of assistance.AES serviced one privately-insured *** *** *** (***) Loan on behalf of the holder, *** *** *** *** *** (***)Because AES was not the holder of the loan, it did not have the authority to alter or negotiate the terms of the Credit Agreement and administered the loan in accordance with the terms of the Credit AgreementAES was required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.As a result of nonpayment, the loan defaulted from AES servicing system and transferred to the holder effective September 3, To obtain current information on the status of the loan and settlement offer, you must contact the collection manager for ***, *** *** Inc., directly at ###-###-####.If you have additional questions or need further assistance, you may contact our office at ###-###-#### Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., Eastern Time.Sincerely,Shelly B Vice President, Loan Operations

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The problem was not in knowing where to send payments. The problem of which has not yet been addressed was to find out the amount that I owed for my share and how much have I paid so far. The authorization form from the third party is still pending. I want to know the amount that I have paid so far and what is my balance in the event that I would like to pay it off
*** ***

This letter is in response to your recent inquiry (Case# ***) regarding the status of *** ** ***’s student loan account, serviced by our officeWe trust that the following information will be of assistance.A comprehensive review of the account has been completedA copy of our
response letter is enclosed for your reviewWe trust that the letter addresses the concerns brought to our attention.If you have any additional questions, please call our office at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ET.Sincerely,Shelly KB***
Vice President
Customer Service Department
This letter is in regards to the inquiry we received from the ( regarding the status of your privately-insured student loan account, serviced by our officeWe trust the following information will be of assistance.AES services two subsidized (STFFRD) and two unsubsidized (UNSTFD) federal Stafford Loans on behalf of the owner, *** ***, *** *** (*** ***)AES administers the loans based upon the terms of the signed promissory note(s) and federal regulationsBecause AES is not the owner of the loans, it is not authorized to alter or negotiate the terms of the signed promissory note(s)AES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and additional servicing activities.We have reviewed your concerns regarding the application of the Borrower Benefit Program (BBP) offered by *** ***As you know, Loan I is eligible to receive a 1.00% principal balance rebateThe rebate must be requested by the customer, and the customer is only eligible for the benefit following his/her successful graduation (not timely payments as you stated in your inquiry)AES’ records confirm that our office was notified on October 28, that you had graduated and were requesting the rebateYou request was processed and approved on October 26, 2011, and a 1.00% rebate totaling $was applied to Loan AES regrets that you experienced rudeness with our loan counselors and found them unhelpfulYou may be assured that all of our loan counselors are trained to provide courteous service to customersMany customer service calls are monitored to ensure that optimum service is providedLoan counselors receive remediation in instances in which it has been determined that they did not handle a call appropriately or otherwise meet our standards for excellenceHowever, if you are ever dissatisfied with the quality of service you receive from an AES loan counselor, you may always ask for the employee’s identification number and to speak directly with a supervisor to address the situation.We understand that, as an international customer, you may be experiencing some difficulties in remitting monthly installments through the available payment, optionsAES appreciates your bringing this matter to our attentionIn addition, AES is always looking for ways to enhance the services offered to customersThe options detailed in your letter will be taken into consideration for future business development opportunitiesAt this time, AES does not accept debit/credit card payments; However, AES is able to offer the following payment optionsIf your bank has a nine-digit ABA routing number and deals in United States currency, then you might be able to use the AES Payment Center by accessing our website (, the electronic fund transfer service, Direct Debit, by completing an application, or through our telephone system by calling our toll-free number at ###-###-#### or our international number at ###-###-####.AES • *** *** *** *** Harrisburg, PA 17102Page 2To use the AES Payment Center option, you would need to access your account online at and select the “Make a Payment” button in the center of the screen.If the Direct Debit service is utilized, your monthly installment amount would automatically be debited from your checking or savings account on the due dateAn application is enclosed for your convenience.If your bank does not have a nine-digit ABA routing number and does not deal in United States currency, then two other options are availableFirst, you could send a check drawn on foreign funds, Second, you could send an international money order to the address listed belowNeither a street address nor a PBox is necessary with our payment address since this zip code was created specifically for the receipt of paymentsPlease be sure to include your account number on each check/money order and make it payable to: American Education Services (AES).American Education Services, Payment Center Harrisburg, PA 17130-As you may know, if you are sending payment using foreign currency, the payment would be credited effective the date of receipt, The amount would then be converted to U.Sdollars by using the current exchange rateThis transaction may result in underpaying or overpaying the amount billed, based on the conversion rateFor your convenience, I have asked Research Specialist Joshua D*** to assist with any additional questions you may haveIf you require any additional information or need further assistance specific to this inquiry, please call MrD*** directly at ###-###-####For general assistance regarding your account, please call our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., Eastern TimeSincerely,Shelly KB*** Vice President Customer Service Department?wd

November 14, Dear *** ***:Kindly accept this letter as a formal response to the inquiry AES received through the ( concerning the status of your privately-insured educational loan accountWe *** the following information will be of
assistance,AES services one Alternative Undergraduate Program (ALPLN) Loan on behalf of the loan’s holder, *** *** *** *** *** (***), AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreement, a copy of which is enclosedAES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing related activities.The chart below details the loanDisbursement Date Loan Program Original Principal Balance Current Principal BalanceApril 17, ALPLN $16, $21,652.95**The current principal balance is higher than the original principal balance as a result of interest capitalizationThe above-referenced loan was disbursed by the original owner, *** *** *** ** (*** ***), to assist in your educational endeavors at *** *** Community College for the school term beginning January 1,through May 1, Effective June 14, the loan was sold to ***Transfer of ownership of the loan, did not in any way affect or alter the terms of the Credit Agreement that you and your cosigner, *** ***, agreed toAES has continuously serviced this loan from the date of disbursement.In your inquiry you stated that “after making payments for a year they decided to double the amount I was paying without warning claiming it was in their loan agreement and that they were allowed to double it every year.” We have carefully reviewed our records and have been unable to find anything that substantiates this claimTo the contrary, our records reflect that when your loan entered repayment it was initially disclosed on a Level Repayment schedule with the first installment of $due March 13, Later, it was determined that this payment amount was not sufficient to pay the loan in full by the end of the term, so effective with the December 13, due date, the payment was redisclosed to $137.16.Although you indicated that the payment amount doubled after one year, our record confirms that the opposite is actually the casePursuant with your request, the loan was redisclosed on a Modified Graduated Repayment Schedule (MGRS), with a reduced monthly installment of $69.33, effective with the payment due January 13, This payment was approximately one-half of the previous monthly installmentsAs you may recall, the MGRS program offers three levels of repaymentThe initial 12-month period provides reduced payments approximately equal to 50% of the regular monthly principal and interest payment amountThe second 12-month period provides an installment equal to the 31-day interest amountFor the remainder of the repayment term, the monthly installment will return to a Level Repayment Schedule to satisfy principal and interest.It is important to consider, that the repayment schedules for your loan were interrupted when your loan was approved for forbearance and deferment periodsThe following chart provides details regarding the deferments and forbearances that have been used to postpone payments.Deferment or Forbearance Type Effective Begin Date Effective End DateTemporary Hardship Forbearance December 1, December 31, 2011In-School Half-Time Deferment August 20, August 26, 2012In-School Half-Time Deferment August 27, October 16,2012Temporary Hardship Forbearance November 1, February 28, 2013The following chart reflects the repayment schedule history for the loanRepayment Schedule Type Installment Amount Effective Beginning DateLevel Repayment $ March 13, 2011Level Repayment $ December 13, 2011 MGRS $ January 13, 2012 MGRS $ December 13, 2012 MGRS $ July 13,2013 MGRS $ June 13, 2014Level Repayment $ August 13, 2014We understand that you are requesting for us to refrain from contacting you and the cosigner regarding the status of the loanAES is required to notify the borrower and cosigner of the account’s delinquent status by sending letters, generating emails, and attempting telephone callsThis process also provides an opportunity for AES to offer repayment alternatives, when applicable.The loan’s owner/insurer may also contract with outside collection agencies to assist in resolving the delinquency on an accountThe owner/insurer may contact the borrower and cosigner directly, or it may use a collection agency to assist in obtaining payment for the delinquent amountTherefore, you and *** *** may receive collection communication from various officesPlease note that these outside collection calls are not made under the jurisdiction of AESImportantly, please also note that AES will not make calls to you regarding the delinquent status if the loan’s owner/insurer is also contacting you directly about a loan or has directed a loan to a third party collection agencyAES representatives will always identify themselves and the nature of the telephone call.AES is a division of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), an agency of the Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaIn our capacity as a servicer, AES has the duty to collect student loansWe are not a debt collector under the Fair Debt Collection Practices ActBased on these findings, our office is required to contact the borrower and cosigner as long as the loan is delinquent.In your inquiry, you indicated that you have repeatedly requested information regarding financial activity for the loan and have either been told that the information is not provided, or have been told the information will be sent, yet you have not received the requested informationPursuant with your inquiry we have enclosed a statement of account, which details the complete financial transaction history for the loanAlso, as previously referenced in this letter, we have enclosed a copy of the Credit Agreement and Disclosure Statement.Presently the loan is past due from October 13, in the amount of $We encourage you to remit payment to maintain a current statusIf you are having difficulty making the payments, please contact our office to discuss alternate repayment options.If you have any additional questions, you may call our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Our loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mthrough 9:p.mEastern Time.Sincerely,
Shelly BAssistant Vice President Graduate and Professional Services

This company must not train their customer service representativesI have been requested to send in the same document four times and this time will make the fifth! The representatives have given me information as to why I have to send in the exact form each time I have called to inquireThen by the third time I sent in the documents I was told that the department I had been dealing with this entire time, does not have access to the information I am requesting and that I have to speak to a different representative in an entirely different department!
The best advice to anyone who has unfortunately received a loan through AES is to record every conversation you have over the phoneThey may record it but you need hard evidence to exactly what was told to you over the phone because it is always incorrectI am currently working on gaining a loan through another company to pay there's off because they will lead you to suicide to get away from them!

February 27, 2015Dear *** ***:
This letter is in response to a follinquiry AES received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan account serviced by our officeWe trust the following information will be of assistanceAs you are aware, *** Bank *** *** Trusts 2012-currently owns and services the subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized (UNCNS) portions of your federal Consolidation Loan, which was disbursed on August 31, In addition, AES services one privately-insured Professional Education Program (PEPLN) Loan, disbursed May 13, 2003, on behalf of the loan holder, *** *** Student Loan Trust (NCT)As the service provider, AES administers the loans in accordance with the terms of the signed Credit Agreement, and in the case of your Consolidation, the promissory note and federal regulationsAES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activitiesBy signing the promissory note, you assumed responsibility to ensure timely repayment of the entire debt (including all accrued interest, the entire principal balance, and any applicable fees) in accordance with its terms,
We understand from your recent inquiry to the that you continue to have concerns regarding the processing of your most recent Income-Based Repayment application for your Consolidation Loan, in relation to a recent change of your mailing addressYou allege in your inquiry that in August 2014, you mailed AES your change-of-address information by completing the requested information on the backside of a billing coupon, and that you have been receiving bills to your correct present address sinceAES’ records confirm that each payment received from August through February 2015, was remitted without a billing coupon through a third-party bill-pay serviceAs a result, AES has no record of receiving a billing coupon from you confirming your change of address in August Additionally, the enclosed copies of the bills due August through October 2014, confirm that our office was not notified of your most recent address change until the bill, dated August 24, 2014, and mailed to *** *** *** *** *** ***2, Olympia, WA, ***, was returned to our office by the U.SPostal Service on October 3, 2014,
Furthermore, we understand that you are requesting for your recent approval for the renewal of the IBR Plan be retroactively applied effective January 13, 2015, due to a delay in receipt of the IBR application you requested to be mailed to you in December and January AES records do not indicate that you contacted AES and requested an IBR application in December Our records reflect that on January 2, 2014, you made a verbal request for an IBR application with an AES loan counselor, which our office mailed to your current address the following day.Prior to your request for an IBR application in January 2014, AES’ records confirm that our office mailed you a letter, dated September 29, 2014, notifying you that your IBR Plan was soon to expire, and that the IBR application enclosed in the letter, including the documentation required to renew your IBR Plan must be returned to AES by November 27, This letter also confirmed that, if the completed application was not returned within days of the deadline, your monthly installment under the IBR would increase with the bill due January 13, A copy of this letter is enclosed for your recordsBecause the completed application was not received within days of November 27, 2014, AES is not authorized to retroactively apply the renewal of the IBR plan effective with the bill due January 13, At this time, your account remains past due from January 13, in the amount of $This amount also includes your February installment of $If no payments are received in the meantime, with your March installment of $299.97, you will be a total of $on March 13, 2015, You are encouraged to remit a payment of $to restore the account to a current status and to avoid additional servicing-related activitiesIf you are unable to pay that amount, you may wish to look into available deferment or forbearanceFor information on deferment and forbearance options that may be available to you, log in to your online account at www.aessuccess.orgOur interactive eligibility quiz can help you determine if your federal student loans are eligible for a deferment or forbearance and it can provide guidance on the best options for postponing your paymentsIn some cases, you may be able to apply for a deferment or forbearance onlineIf you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Department toll-free at ***Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ETSincerely,
Shelly BVice President, Loan Operations

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: You are just repeating a bunch of useless information that was already establishedYou are also making a few statements to discredit me I am aware that I took out a loan in I am not disputing thatThe bottom line is YOU DID NOT INFORM ME! You did not send me a letter, an email a phone call NOTHINGThe only way that I found out was because I check my credit rating every month. I have a student loan that is being handled thru *** ***I have never made a late paymentI have a student loan thru *** I have almost paid that offI did not even know you existed. Also, to prove you are falsifying information. In one of your recorded phone calls, you will hear a very nervous stuttering gentlement who works for your company, inform me that you made contact with me in September of In September of I was enrolled, and actually still enrolled in a Nurse Practitioner program.
I am willing to pay my debtI have no problem with thatWhat I do have a problem with, is you destroying my reputation as a consumer. You have set me up for failureMy credit rating dropped pointsAt first I thought it was only points, but still A LOTI then realized it did not drop but a whopping points. Do you think that is fair? Do you think that this is the right thing to do, to somoene who is willing to pay off their debts for their student loans? You have really caused a lot of problems for me personally and professionally due to your negligence. I have reported you to the FTC as wellI want my good name restoredI worked hard to earn itYou need to fix this problemYou also need to listen to your recorded conversations that inform me that someone contacted me months agoWhich they did not
*** ***
*** ***

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:It's a lie as were the numerous agreements made by PHEAA and their associates alreadyI NEVER received any letter as they mention in this responseIf they have a certified proof of mailing, they should furnish at immediately and again, I received NO letter I DID make arrangements to pay this debt prior to the date they mentionedA PHEAA referred me to some scam collector that said my debt would be erased if I paid $a month and paid him an upfront fee I Did not agree to this as I found SUBSTANTIAL evidence and reports of this company they referred me to, being a scam for student loans, and re-contacted PHEAA; they were u responsive Shortly thereafter, I contacted PHEAA again and spoke with a rep, who PROMISED THAT NO PORTION OF MY FEDERAL TAX REFUND WAS GOING TO BE TOUCHEDI AM in financial hardship and will provide any proof needed; I am a single mother of two childrenI will also contact the IRS and notify them that this money was stolen and a breech of contract occurredEvery contact I've made to PHEAA has resulted in their lying to me and conning me into another scam and agreement, so I'd like to correspond this wayAlsoTo date, I have received NO refunds in my bank account so that's another lieThank you and I await your resolution to this serious problem.
*** ***

July 2, Dear *** ***:
This letter is in response to an inquiry AES received from the ( regarding the status of your educational loan accountWe trust that the following information will be of assistanceAES currently services both the
subsidized (SUBCNS) and unsubsidized (UNCNS) portions of your Federal Consolidation Loan disbursed November 28, 2007, on behalf of the owner, *** *** ** *** ***(***)As the contracted third-party service provider, AES administers the loan in accordance with the terms of the promissory note and federal regulationsAES is required to perform billing, credit reporting, and other servicing-related activities.We understand from your inquiry that you initially intended to have your $3,payment, received May 4, 2015, allocated to pay down your UNCNS Loan portion to a zero balanceAs previously advised during your July 1, telephone conversation with Research Specialist Jalieta B***, you may be assured that AES completed an adjustment on your account and reallocated your $3,payment to only your UNCNS Loan portionAs a result, your UNCNS Loan portion reflects a zero ($0.00) balance; however, that portion of the loan would not be considered paid in full until the SUBCNS Loan portion has also been paid down to a zero balance, at which time you would then receive a notice from AES confirming your Federal Consolidation Loan is paid in fillFor your convenience, we have requested that a statement of account, which details the application of your of your $3,payment allocated solely to your UNCNS Loan portion, be sent to your attention under separate coverPlease Note: If a payment is not credited in accordance with your intentions in the future, you may always request for the payment to be reapplied by contacting AES directlyFurthermore, the reallocation of your $3,payment resulted in a credit balance of $created on the UNCNS LoanAs a result, AES applied the $credit balance to your SUBCNS Loan portion, which satisfied the remaining balance of the bill due May 25, At this time, your SUBCNS Loan portion remains past due from June 25, for the amount of $(including a late fee of $2.29)We encourage you to remit a payment of $and restore the account to a current status or contact our office to discuss available repayment alternatives.If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####Loan counselors are available Monday through Friday from 7:a.mto 9:p.m., ETSincerely,MTyler B
Assistant Vice President, Loan Operations

May 29, 2014Dear *** ***:This letter is in response to your recent inquiry, Complaint ID ***, regarding the status of *** *** educational loan account that is serviced by our officeWe trust that the following information will be of assistance.A
comprehensive review of the account has been completed by our officeA copy of our letter of response is enclosed for your reviewWe trust that the letter satisfactorily addresses the concerns brought to our attention, -If you have additional questions or need further assistance, you may call our office Mondaythrough Friday at ###-###-#### from 7:ato 9:pm., Eastern Time.Sincerely,

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:You continue to tell me you did not reject the applicationI understand thatHowever, you checked the forms twice and sent them as legible twiceThe forms also contain numbers to contact both me and the person who completed the form illegiblyI did not complete the illegible part of the formThe only part involved here that has any reason to delay or prolong this process is you because you make money off my interest As I have previously stated after the first rejection your employees hung up on me and told me it was legible so I should just resubmit the application In addition I sent several messages trying to find a way to send in my application back in August/SeptemberThey received no responseIt is unfortunate that you seem to only respond when there is a third part involvedTo tell me you can't figure out the few dollars in interest I was charged after following your poor advice and then credit that back onto my bill or something is ridiculous You have probably already spent at least that much time responding to these messages This is a pointless circle of discussionClearly you don't think I have a point and just keep passing the buck taking no responsibility.
Here is what I am responsible forI have asked my school district twice to complete the form and sent it to you several timesI did exactly as you advised every timeI am getting charged interest by YOU not the guarantorYou are profiting by me doing exactly as instructed every step of the wayI have gone out of my way to take time off work and contact you since your business hours are not good for working adultsHow else should I pay off my student loans? I feel I have been responsible for what I need to do and you messed upRather than trying to make it right, you just try to blame someone elseI have no doubt that you practice this with other customers who are busy and working like meThen they might even give up never getting their loans forgivenThere is no need for another response telling me that you did not deny the applicationsI'm not saying you did, I'm saying you gave me bad advice causing to a second denialIf I get a third denial is is also due to your poor adviceI have another copy ready to submit pending the review of my current application.
I do appreciate your prompt responses in this matter, but wish you would be more responsive and follow the directions on the application that says you can call me or the person who completed the paperwork with any questionsThe phone numbers are listed on the applicationHowever, you would rather argue in circles here than do what is right.
*** ***

JULY 14, 2014Dear ***-***:This letter is in response to your recent inquiry sent to the ( regarding your previously defaulted federal student loan held by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA)Your inquiry was forwarded to
my attention for review and response.Our records indicate that your consolidated student loan was disbursed on July 28, in the amount of $9,and serviced by *** *** *** (***)Your loan defaulted on March 29, after payments were not received consistently for at least daysAs the guarantor of this loan, PHEAA purchased the debtAt the time of default, the total balance was $6,114,This consisted of $5,in principal and $in interest.Our records indicate that we received a Federal Direct Consolidation payoff on April 30, in the amount of $1,As a result of this payment, your loan was paid in full through consolidationUpon review of the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), your consolidated loan is serviced by *** *** (***)For information on this loan, please contact *** at ###-###-####.In regard to your inquiry, due to your failure to remit voluntary monthly payments, an Order of Withholding was mailed to your employer, *** *** *** ***, on March 22, to begin garnishment your wagesPer federal regulations, up to fifteen percent of your disposable pay may be garnished by PHEAAOur office applied two (2) garnishment payments toward your defaulted loanThese payments were received on April 15, in the amount of $and April 28, in the amount of $Because these payments were received prior to the consolidation payoff, they were applied toward your defaulted loan.Additionally, please note that PHEAA did receive a garnishment payment after the consolidationThis payment was refunded to you on May 14, in the amount of $If you have records that indicate additional funds were garnished after your loan was consolidated, please send this information to our office via fax to ###-###-#### attn: Default Collections.If you have any questions, please contact our office toll-free at ###-###-####Representatives are available to assist you Monday through Thursday 8:a.mto 9:p.mEST and Friday 8:a.mto 5:p.mEST.Respectfully,

May 9,
Dear Ms***:
Thank you for notifying us of Mr***’s request to obtain the email address in which to send AES screenshots of the error messages he has received when using his online account. We sincerely regret that this information was not provided with our response sent directly to the; however, you may be assured that a formal response was prepared to Mr*** that provides the requested email address. In addition to mailing our formal response, we also emailed a copy of the letter to Mr*** to ensure he receives the requested information in the quickest manner possible. Should you or Mr*** have any additional concerns, please let us know
Best Regards,
Jessica N***
Borrower Experience Advocate Team Lead
American Education Services

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Your response is simply one more excuse to add to the list AES has provided me over the last two monthsThank you for wasting more of my time filing a complaint for you to not take is seriously and stand up for your employees who are clearly not on the same page when it comes to secure customer informationALSO, thank you for avoiding the entire point of my complaint where I requested the documents be OVERNIGHTED to meI look forward to getting blacked out useless pieces of paper in the mail in 4-weeks- since that’s about how long it takes AES to do anything remotely productiveYour customer service is horrible and your vague explanation which points the blame on the customer (who should not have to call a business times in two months, let alone file a complaint) is appalling. It makes sense that a business with uneducated lower level employees would also employ management equally as useless.
*** ***

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Address: 1200 North Seventh Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States, 17102


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