Penn Credit Corporation Reviews (498)
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Penn Credit Corporation Rating
Description: Collection Agencies
Address: 916 S 14th St, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States, 17104-3425
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For more than 27 months this firm has called my landline number, usually very early in the morning. I get a message to call an 800 number. I traced the call to Penn Credit Corp. and can tell you I don't owe anyone anything! My house and car are paid for, the rest is taken out automatically from my bank. They haven't even mentioned who or why they are calling. This is a scam, and I'm going to contact everyone I know of, State Attorney Generals, FTC, my representatives in Congress and the banking committees to complain. I'm old, and can't tolerate this harrasssment,
I reviewed and investigated the complaint. The consumer states that she was not on the original lease and that is why she shouldn’t have the PP&L on the credit bureau.
[redacted] had requested written validation of the debt and validation was forwarded to her August 27, 2015 and we have not...
received a reply until this complaint.
Please advise [redacted] that utility bills are often provided to individuals who are not on the actual rental property lease. They place the utility on the person that calls in and set up the service.
Please have [redacted] provide documentation that she did not place the service in her name. If she did, she is responsible for the debt.
I have placed the account in a disputed status for t2 weeks and will wait to receive [redacted]’s response. If more time is required at her end or she would like to discuss the matter further have have contact Thomas P[redacted] directly toll free ###-###-#### or email him at [redacted]@penncreditcom.
September 15, 2014
Please be advised that Penn
Credit takes pride in following all Federal and State collection laws. Please be advised that Penn Credit received balance in
our office for collection from...
[redacted]/ [redacted] on July 9, 2014 for
the service address [redacted]. Based
on more than one skip tracing vendor the phone number [redacted] is
associated with the same [redacted] as the one who lived at the service
address [redacted]. I have requested verification of debt from my client and
I will forward to the once I receive to all [redacted] to review. I will stop all collection efforts until
[redacted] is able to review the balance in question. Thank
you for your assistance in the resolution of this matterSincerely, Timothy FCollections Manager
Penn Credit did review and investigate the complaint. Penn Credit did delete the item electronically on 3/24/2016 and through E-Oscar on 9/26/2016. Unfortunately, Penn Credit does not have control over the time frame the bureaus update the deletion; [redacted] knows the deletion item was...
sent through because it is off the other two reports. The way we advise consumers to handle under these circumstances is two dispute it through the credit bureau and when it reaches us we authorize deletion. This way it happens immediately. If [redacted] requires any additional information please have him contact Thomas P[redacted] directly toll free ###-###-#### or email him at tom.p[redacted]@penncreditcom
Penn Credit reviewed and investigated the complaint. Please advise [redacted] that Penn Credit is a Third-Party Debt Collection Agency attempting to collect a debt on behalf of the original creditor. As a result, [redacted] is not required, nor would she have signed a contract with Penn...
Credit Corporation. Penn Credit has updated [redacted]’s dispute requesting verification of the debt. Once received, Penn Credit will mail the itemized breakdown of the debt to [redacted] for further review. Please notify [redacted] to contact Penn Credit once she receives verification of the debt so we can further discuss and help bring resolution to the matter. Penn Credit will notify the credit bureaus of [redacted]’s dispute as required by law. Penn Credit will not delete this trade-line from [redacted]’s credit bureau reports unless she has a valid dispute that is confirmed by the original creditor. Penn Credit requests, but does not require that [redacted] provide documentation supporting her dispute. Please advise [redacted] to contact me directly should she have any questions or concerns. My direct line is ###-###-####, or she can email me at [redacted] Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.
April 10, 2014
size="3"> of Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
1337 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
RE: [redacted]
Case: [redacted]
Penn Credit takes pride in following all Federal and State Collection calls.
Please be advised the complaint is the first notification we have received we are calling an incorrect phone number. I have removed the phone number in question and this will stop all further attempts from Penn Credit.
Thank you for your assistance in the resolution of this matter
Collections Manager
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I have not given anyone the authorization to speak to anyone on my behave. I would like Penn credit to send me a signed contract that I made with Penn credit. I have no contract with this company and I have never contacted then regarding this or any matter. Please remove this from all 3 of my credit reports.
Penn Credit did review and investigate the complaint. Penn Credit did talk to [redacted] on July 6, 2016. As part of proper identification of a consumer we have policy to verify the person by address, previous address, last 4 digits of social security number. This is done to protect the...
consumer’s private identifiable information. Penn Credit does not properly attempt to verify identity to get any consumer upset, but to guarantee that we are not disclosing information to a wrong person. [redacted] did request validation of the debt on July 20, 20106 and that has been requested. Once it is received it will be forwarded to her for review. If [redacted] would like to discuss the matter further please have her contact Thomas Perrotta directly toll free ###-###-#### or email him at [redacted]@penncreditcom. If he has any addititonal questions or concerns. Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: it is inaccurate with regards to the nature of the fine. I did not at any time go through an [redacted] only lane, thereby incurring a charge for failure to pay. I am stating again, that I did pay the toll to an agent at the toll booth, who became angered after my passenger offered to pay after the toll booth operator explained the process of mailing in the toll fee. As the agent collected the fee, we were allowed to pass through. It was later that I received a toll violation from Delaware Dept of Transportation, to which I responded using the inadvertent certification form, as well with numerous telephone calls trying to resolve the matter. I was never informed the issue would be turned over to collections.
In the last contact with Delaware Dept of Transportation, they made it clear they were not able to accept any offers for settling the debt, as it had gone to collections. They then referred me back to Penn Credit, whom I called. My last communication with Penn Credit was a letter of dispute, sent via certified mail.
Penn Credit did review and investigate the complaint.
Penn Credit was not able to locate the account with the phone number provided in the complaint, ###-###-####; however, I was able to locate an account with the same address and same name. I did block the phone number associated with that...
account ending in [redacted]. Since I am not sure that is the number I didn’t provide the full phone number on the account.
Penn Credit also provides in the message a wrong numer OPT OUT option. If Penn Credit was calling a wrong phone number and a third party did not make use of the OPT OUT option I apologize for the inconvenience.
If [redacted] roomates parents are still receiving calls to please have them make use of the OPT OUT option or have [redacted] contact Thomas P[redacted], Vice President direclty toll free ###-###-#### or email him at [redacted]
Thank you for your assistance in the resolution of this matter
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:---------- Forwarded message ----------From: of Metro Washington DC<[email protected]>Date: Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 10:29 AMSubject: Fwd: complaint #[redacted].To: [redacted] <[redacted]>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <[redacted]>
Date: Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 3:13 PM
Subject: complaint #[redacted].
To: [email protected]
I would like to respond to the company response to this complaint. I would like to emphatically state that I had not received the statements from this creditor that they claim they sent to me. Also, I would like to state that Penn Credit's claim that pursuant to the FCRA, they cannot delete a record from the credit report in return for payment or a promise of payment is in fact A VIOLATION OF THE FCRA IN AND OF ITSELF, and therefore subject to FINES AND SANCTIONS UP TO, AND INCLUDING SHUTTING DOWN THEIR BUSINESS. Based on this violation, I would like to request an immediate removal and deletion of the collection account from my credit report.
Thank you,
Penn Credit reviewed and investigated the complaint. Please be advised, Penn Credit closed and returned this account to the original creditor on February 7, 2018. I also sent a deletion notification to the credit bureaus on February 7, 2018. Please allow approximately twenty...
days for the credit bureaus to update their records accordingly. Please notify [redacted] to contact the original creditor directly regarding the status of her account and to obtain verification of the debt. [redacted] can contact me directly with any questions or concerns. My direct line is ###-###-####, or she can email me at [redacted] Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.
Penn Credit did review and investigate the complaint.
Penn Credit closed and returned the account to the original creditor on August 24, 2015 and electronically sent a deletion record to the credit bureaus August 27, 2015. Since the deletion did not update, I manually sent a deletion record...
through E-Oscar.
Please have [redacted] check her credit in approximatley 20 days and to contact Thomas P[redacted] if the deletion hasn’t updated directly toll free ###-###-#### or email him at [redacted].[redacted]@penncreditcom.
Penn Credit did review and investigate the complaint. On October 27, 2016 around 10:13AM a Penn Credit Collection Representative made an outbound call asking to speak with the consumer. The third party initially said the consumer wasn’t there and agreed to take a message. The third...
party then notified our representative they were the neighbor and would relay the message. The representative professionally thanked him for the information and advised he would remove the phone number to stop further calls. The Penn Credit Representative successfully removed the wrong phone number. On October 27, 2016 around 10:40AM the consumer called Penn Credit Corporation due to receiving a message from his uncle. The representative located the account and verified she was speaking with [redacted]. The consumer said yes and advised we were calling the wrong number and wanted to know the reason for the call. The collection representative notified the consumer that the wrong number was removed. When our representative asked the consumer to verify his address, the consumer refused and collector advised the consumer we can’t continue and professionally ended the call. On October 27, 2016 around 12:59PM the consumer’s account was noted that we received written correspondence from the consumer to cease and desist all further communication. The Penn Credit Representative updated the account correctly to prevent all further communication regarding the matter. [redacted]’s complaint does not seem to be accurate with our records and our phone recordings. If he would like to discuss the matter further please have him contact Thomas P[redacted] toll free at ###-###-#### or email him at [redacted]
I have reviewed and investigated the account. The consumer has requested proof of debt on two (2) separate occasions on 1/7/2013 and 11/21/2014. The validation of the debt was sent to the address of record that is on the complaint as the consumers mailing address.
Penn Credit has had several...
conversations with the consumer and he requests proof each time and we provide it.
Penn Credit received a letter from the conusmer on 11/18/2014 even offering a settlement of $150.00 if we are willing to remove from the credit bureau. The request was denied.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act accurate information is to be reported. The consumer was provided validation of the debt on two (2) separate occasions. The creditor has met the obligation of investigating and providing validation of the debt under The Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Since the consumer still continued to dispute the alleged debt Penn Credit updated the credit bureau to a deletion on 2/5/2013. Since it is still appearing on his record I will have it deleted today through E-Oscar. It may take up to thirty (30) days for the credit bureau to delete the record, unfortunately we do not have control of their updating timing.
Please advise [redacted] that Penn Credit has not violated any laws under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) or the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Penn Credit responded to his dispute, requested and sent valdiation of the debt two (2) seperate times.
I must inform [redacted] that I do not have control over what the original creditor will do with the recovery efforts of the account. [redacted] has to provide documentation for the creditor to review that the debt is not his.
If I can be of any further assistance please let me know.
Thank you for your assistance in the resolution of this matter.
If [redacted] has any additional concerns please have him contact me toll free at ###-###-#### or email me at [redacted]
I have reviewed and investigated the complaint. In doing so I found that the consumer has several accounts placed in our office and may be confused as to what each separate account is. For their convenience I have attached the answer with account information for their review.
Thank you for your...
assistance in this matter.
January 6, 2015 of
Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
1337 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
RE: [redacted]
Case: [redacted]
Please be advised
that Penn Credit takes pride in following all Federal and State collection
is a copy of the email between [redacted] and Tom P[redacted] our VP of
collections; I have also attached the forms that were included in the email
from Mr. P[redacted] on December 15, 2014
From: P[redacted], Tom (VP) Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 6:28 PMTo: '[redacted]'Subject: RE: Re:
[redacted] if this is a fraud account, please complete the
attached fraud packet and I will forward it to the original creditor for
review. I am placing a disputed status on your account reporting as required
under the FCRA.
You will be notified of their findings once complete and the
credit bureau will be updated or deleted upon the results of the investigation.
If you have any additional questions please contact me.
This email is from a debt collection company. I am a debt
collector with Penn Credit. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any
information obtained will be used for that purpose
From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]] Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 6:16 PMTo: P[redacted], Tom (VP)Subject: Re:
This account was opened without my authorization and the
only reason why I am willing to pay is because is affecting my credit and
that's why I'm respectfully asking for the negative information to be removed
from my account? Is there anyone else that I can be referred to in this matter
? I am willing to pay for this account in full. I had never received a bill
from your agency or spoken to anyone in regards to this account I was never
informed of this account or that it would be sent to collections.
Thank you
Sent from my [redacted]
On Dec 15, 2014, at 5:57 PM, "P[redacted], Tom (VP)" <[redacted]>
Thank you for your recent email inquiry and authorization to
communicate with you via, email. Please be advised that Penn Credit will
continue to use this authorization in communicating with you via email. If you
wish Penn Credit to stop communicating with you via email please notify us of
your request and we will cease all future email communication with you.
Please be advised that I have
reviewed your email and request for deletion upon payment in full of the
Unfortunately, I am not able to delete the account from the
credit bureau as a trade-off of payment. The only way that I can remove the
reporting is if there is a properly documented valid dispute or it is an
erroneous reporting.
If I can be of any further assistance please contact my
This email is from a debt collection company. I am a debt
collector with Penn Credit. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any
information obtained will be used for that purpose
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------...⇄ /> From:
[redacted] <[redacted]>Date: December 15, 2014 at 1:35:47 PM ESTTo: "[redacted]"
<[redacted]>Subject: [redacted] account ref# [redacted]
I give permission to Penn Credit Corporation to contact me
at this email address
Account ref# [redacted]
[redacted] collections
account $459
Dear Sir or
This letter is an offer to amicably settle the
above account. It is not to be construed as an acknowledgment of any liability
for this debt in any form.
I will pay your company the amount of $459.00 as full
settlement of this account.
If you accept this agreement, I will send you a
money order or certified cashiers check for the settlement amount of $459.00 in
exchange for a full deletion of all references regarding this account from my
credit profile and full satisfaction of the debt. This agreement is binding and
will be void should you not hold up to your end of the agreement. Furthermore
the debt will be deleted from my credit profile at all three credit bureaus, or
the bureaus your company regularly reports to in the course of doing business.
If you agree to the above, please acknowledge
with your signature and return a copy to me. Upon receipt of this signed
acknowledgment, I will promptly send you a money order or cashiers check in the
amount stated above.
Notice: This agreement is restricted. This is not
a renewed promise to pay, but rather a restricted settlement offer only. By not
signing below, you agree that the debt has not been renewed nor have any
written agreements been exchanged.
Thank You. I look forward to resolving this
matter in the best interest for both of our parties.
Creditor’s Authorized Signature:
Name: ______________________
Title : _______________________
Thank you for your assistance in the resolution of this
Timothy F[redacted]
Collections Manager
This business files a collection report on my credit and they never attempted to contact me regarding this debt, even though they had my correct phone number and email address. When I learned of the debt owed by viewing my credit report, I called the company to settle and have it removed from my report since there was no correspondence from them alerting me to this owed amount. After nearly an hour on the phone, I was conveniently "disconnected" with no return call. This company still did not send me a bill even after I updated my address during that call. This company was extremely unprofessional to work with and PPL utilities should never use them as their collection agency.
I did review and investigate the complaint. I am concerned on January 3, 2017 the consumer contacted our office and stated he lived at the service address on the second floor and provided the names of Gennis D[redacted] or Alfred for payment in full. The consumer contacted our office again on 1/4/2017...
and the account was reviewed again. A settement offer was discussed and the consumer rejected the settlement offer and stated he would contact the and let them resolve. It is apparent that [redacted] wants this account off his credit bureau and this is the reason for the complaint and thought he had no alternative than to contact your organization. Penn Credit has done nothing wrong and reported the account to the credit bureaus pursuant Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) guidelines. If [redacted] is interested in discussing this matter further and the FCRA please have him contact me directly I can be reached toll free at ###-###-#### or email me at [redacted] Thank you for your assistance in the resolution of this matter.
June 13, 2014
Roman"> of Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
1337 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
RE: [redacted]
Case: [redacted]
Penn Credit takes pride in following all Federal and State Collection calls.
Our client placed an account in our office for collections for [redacted] in the amount of $47.94 for a Joey Green’s cleaning Magic book on June 3, 2014. The required validation notice was printed and mailed on June 4, 2014.
We received a call from [redacted] on June 10, 2014, during this call she advised us that she never the book, the agent requested she place her account in writing and send to our office.
I account in question was them placed on hold to allow [redacted] time to send her letter of dispute. I will accept the complaint as her letter and notify our client of her dispute.
Thank you for your assistance in the resolution of this matter
Collections Manager