New York Sports Clubs Reviews (544)
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New York Sports Clubs Rating
Description: HEALTH CLUBS
Address: 5 Penn Plz Fl 4, New York, New York, United States, 10001
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Review: When I signed up for my account I was given false information. I was baited into a contract that I did not want with the promise that the person I was dealing with ([redacted]) could change it to another type of account in three months. I signed up in March and despite contacting Will several times on the specific days he requested he has consistently failed to change the account to what he promised. Each time I call he has had the front desk tell me he is busy and will call me back, and he never does. The one time I called 6 times in one day he finally spoke to me on the 6th call after I waited on hold for 25 minutes. Following his instructions I went in to his office and he photo copied my school ID to justify changing my account. The account is still not changed. I showed up at the gym to inquire about the problem and he blamed his [redacted] for not processing the change and said he would call me the next day, he did not call. I called him again two days later and was told again that he was busy, I left a message asking that he call me back so we can straighten this out or I would need to contact NYSC corporate or the He never called me back.
In essence I would like my account changed to reflect the discount that I was told is given to university students/staff/faculty. I was told this could be done after I had a regular account for three months, I called at three months and was asked by the same person to call the next month, I did and then was told it would be done, it wasn't. It has been six months now and this specific person at the clifton NYSC has made over twelve verbal commitments to change my account and as far as I can tell has lied each time.Desired Settlement: I would like them to honor the promise that was made to me when I opened the account: that they would change my account to the $20 per month university staff/student/faculty type after three months of membership. Alternatively, if such an account does not exist or I cannot change to it for some reason I would like to speak to someone from the company to explain why they continue to employ someone ([redacted]) who misleads people and utterly fails to provide any semblance of customer service.
Review: I completed a 6 month commitment with personal trainer at NYSC ([redacted]) in Oct 2013. I have given my trainer, with whom I signed up with my reminder one month verbal notice one month prior to completion of my training session. I learned in Feb 2014, that NYSC** had reinstated my contract on Oct 1 $552 / month. they charge $2208 that my credit card company did pay. On April [redacted], NYSC** sent me an email stating they owe me $2208 to my credit card and it would be paid back in 4-7 business days. Three weeks later I contacted my Mastercard to learn they have not heard back from NYSC**. I got a hold of the [redacted],(I have their names, just not sure if I'm allow to mention in this email) and the [redacted] at NYSC** which recognized the error, said ** (initials), [redacted] of [redacted] at NYSC changed his mind. He didn't notify me at all. He know claims he needed it in writing. I contacted NYSC headquarters as instructed by local [redacted] and [redacted]. customer service acknowledged they don't have a written contract from me, and they feel I was not properly informed. I read there rules on-line at that time while on hold- I completed my commitment therefor only need to give Verbal one month notice which I did. headquarters ** asked for a doctors note. I was able to provide ** note since I have been injured since Oct 2013 with [redacted] due to over-use working out too hard while at NYSC. head quarters CS responded that they have cleared any bills outstanding, but didn't acknowledge the $2208 that was charged to my credit card- not authorized by me. I was told by customer services at headquarters that **, the regional [redacted] of UES hasn't even responded to them as of yet. Customer Service emailed him this morning to reach out to me directly. I have still not heard from the [redacted]- apparently this decision is his. I do have april [redacted] email that would reimburse the full amount, and I did provide them will every thing they have asked for. But I still have not been refunded. so I decided to contact Settlement: $2208 paid back to my CitiMaster card. They had not right to card my card.
Good Day,
We apologize for the inconvenience. A refund for $2208 has been submitted. Please allow 7-10 business days for the funds to be available in the account.
Thank you
Here is a vague timeline of events:
Pre-March – I’m a customer at NYSC paying $70 a month
March – I decide I want personal training.
3 months – I get personal training. I like the trainer a lot, but decide a 4th month isn’t for me. I tell him I don’t want a 4th month and he tells me he’ll “handle it”
Sometime around June – I get charged for the 4th month. Even though I’m technically required to submit a cancellation in writing, I somehow convince NYSC that my $70 / month payments are worth more than alienating me for $380 in services that I never used. I'm told I'll be issued a refund.
Sometime around July – even though I was already issued the refund, I’m again charged $380 for some unknown reason. I get really angry. I again have to contact Corporate and speak with the fitness manager at [redacted] (who apologizes profusely and guarantees I’m officially cancelled and this will never happen again)
September– I go to NYSC in a good mood, excited for my work-out! Unfortunately, the guy in the front informs me that I’m overdue. I get to work to investigate, and it turns out that AGAIN I was charged $380. It caused my account to go overdue, since 36th and Madison has my old credit card. Again I'm told it will be refunded, this time I request to cancel my membership, and I'm told it has been cancelled.
November - I look at my credit card statement, I've been charged for 3 more months of gym membership even though I was told my membership was canceled (i can provide e-mail proof and records)
These company is money hungry and will take as much money as they can from you. I've never seen a gym company so greedy like them and I hate them. They have no care about you except about your money. You can decide for yourself. Check this out. I am a current member and have been for over a year under their $79.99 membership. Aside from all the rate lock charges and crap, one would think this company would treat me and all the other loyal members as if they were valuable. They recently lowered their prices to a membership option that included a $19.99 membership option. I was very excited about that but I also noticed that it included a $199 enrollment fee. Being the ignorant and stupid person I am (UTTERMOST SARCASM), I'm thinking well hey, I've been faithfully paying 70 bucks a month for the last year and I'm ALREADY enrolled, so that 200 dollars probably and most likely won't apply to me. I was sadly mistaken. All current members had to pay that the enrollment fee if they wanted to switch memberships to the cheaper one, had to pay that enrollment fee. No questions asked. So being stupid me, I thought it smart to ask well hey, I'm already enrolled. I'm loyal member. I gave you $1000 in revenue last year. Don't you remember my checking account you so faithfully billed? Why do I have to pay the fee if I'm already enrolled? Isn't there a downgrade fee? The [redacted] replied no and said I'll be frank with you, there's no avoiding the fee and a whole bunch of other business [redacted]. He said I'm paying for a rewrite. What?! I have so much hate for them it's not even funny. I'm being treated as if I'm a brand new member with no history at their company and that is because they don't really care about you. They're greedy and just care about your money. I don't know which smart business schooligans clown signed off on that decision but he/she should be fired. Honestly, they are so lucky I work down the block from the gym and it's convenient. That is the only reason I'm still there. As a current member, I should NOT have to pay th e new member enrollment fee. It's absurd and a bad business. I would never recommend this company to anyone and I would switch in a second if a good competitor opens shop close by.
Review: I have been a loyal customer to this business for many years. I purchased a higher level membership (passport) some time ago and downgraded to a lower plan last December of 2014. This membership change required an initiation and an annual fee (totaling about $250) in addition to monthly fees. After experiencing this lower plan, I changed my mind due to restrictions such as not being able to RSVP for a class. I then decided to revert my membership immediately, however, it was not possible. For several months... Manager, staff, and employees at corporate headquarters have repeatedly stated that they are not able to upgrade my membership to a higher level unless I pay for the initiation and annual fee AGAIN (totaling$250). This means that I would have to pay the same fees I already paid back in December. In addition, please keep in mind that this membership is being advertised as a "no contract" agreement, therefore, there should not be these harsh repercussion for changing plans.NYSC's fees are unfair because they are double charging the SAME fees. It is my understanding that they are misleading their customers. An "annual" fee is assumed that it will be paid once a year, instead they are trying to charge me the annual fee again for upgrading my membership when the year has not been completed. This is unacceptable and their fee policy should be reviewed and investigated as they are double charging their costumers for changing their "non-contractal" plans.Desired Settlement: Courtesy should be extended to active and longterm members. I should be allowed to upgrade my membership without having to deal with penalties as this is not a contractual agreement. I should not have to pay the initiation/ annual fee more than once a year as this is considered double charging.Consumers should also have a grace period to experience their new plan. If they are not happy, they should be able to revert to their old plan within a certain time period.
Good Day,I apologize for any inconvenience. All members are required to pay fees when upgrading or downgrading any memberships. The fees cannot be waived. Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:NYSC refuses to corporate in resloving this matter. They are double charging their customers with the initiation and annual fees for changing their "non-contractual" plan. They are leading false advertisements and misleading the public because these fees should be named for what they really are-- contract fees, not initiation and annual fees. I urge the City to investigate their fee policies.
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Good Day,I apologize for any inconvenience. All members are required to pay fees when changing membership types. The fees cannot be waived.Thank you
Review: I fulfilled my annual contract. I had not been to the fitness center in over 6 months. I spoke with someone at the facility to notify of my intent not to review. I receive no contact that my membership was "auto-renewed" until I receive a letter in the mail from their collections agency.Desired Settlement: Remove this from collections. Leave me alone.
Good Day,
Please review the attached agreement. [redacted] signed the agreement acknowledging that our memberships become month to month upon completion of the commitment period. All debt is valid and collection efforts will continue.
Thank you
Review: I have been a customer of NYSCs for ten years. Last year, I received personal training sessions for a number of months, and decided I didn't want them/couldn't afford them anymore. After the trainer I was working with told me she was leaving in November, I figured it was a good time to cancel anyway. The month the trainer left (November), she did so before our session happened, so I called the club and asked if I could get that session reinstated in December AS WELL AS cancel future sessions. They kindly gave me a make-up session, so I figured everything was set. I knew I would be billed for December because of their one month cancellation policy, but I was billed for January and February before I realized the charges. I talked to numerous people assuring the situation would be sorted, but every single one of them ignores me after a couple weeks, refuses to answer questions, and generally treats a TEN YEAR customer like garbage. So not only did an employee essentially steal money from me, they flat out ignore me. Even after some of these people have all but admitted fault.Desired Settlement: I would like the months of PT charges in 2015 to be refunded.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: [redacted] HistoryMarch 2014 me and my partner signed up for personal training at [redacted], cost $632 per person per visit for a total of 8 sessions per month. In April I had a back injury and had to suspend my training, my partner continued through May 2014 and then should have gone to one session per month at $69 per month. Beginning May 2014 my regular monthly membership should have been frozen at a cost of $15 per month; at least this is what I was told. After May 2014, my partner never received any personal training session and [redacted] continues to bill our credit card. I have spoken to a number of different employees at [redacted] over the past year about this situation and it continues. My partner tried to talk to [redacted] ([redacted]) in January and was given a card to contact corporate to resolve. I contacted the number and went through the entire situation and was told, after I go through everything, they would then send my request back to the [redacted] location for approval. I decided to go and talk with [redacted] in person. I did this on February **, 2015, [redacted] acted like he could not be bothered and told me to bring back a doctors note, go through all my statements and let him know what I thought were errors in charges and he would try and help. [redacted] kept copies of all my credit card statements this day and I assumed he was going to review and assist. He did say one other thing that I was not impressed with, he actually said the employees that were trying to help me in 2014 were no longer employed and were ([redacted] i
s). As I was leaving this meeting, that he didnt seem concerned with, I said maybe I should call my credit card and dispute the charges, his response was, Oh no, dont do that or [redacted] will come after you for the funds. I sent [redacted] and email the next day asking him to help, I have attached the email. I outlined the member numbers we are responsible for and ask if he could push a button on his end and just give me the actual amounts that should be charged, I thought this would assist me in going through every page of my statements looking for the errors. I never heard anything back. I followed up on the [redacted] of February with another email asking for his assistance prior to them charging my account again at the end of the month; again I received no response and was charged again. On [redacted] the [redacted] of March I left [redacted] a voice message letting him know I was over charged again and I was filing a complaint. I never received anything back. Below is a breakdown by month of the overcharges [redacted] continues to charge my credit card each month. We were never ask to sign anything stating that our personal training sessions would go to once per month or that mine would be suspended. My regular frozen membership for April, May, June, July and August was $64.99 and should have been $15 for an overage of $249.95. September, October and November the charges for the frozen account were correct. December, January, February and March were $68.73 and should have been $15.86 I assume [redacted] had an increase however I was never notified. Total overage $211.48The remaining charges are as follows06/**/14$72.9508/**/14$49.0010/**/14$15.8610/**/14$72.9711/**/14$72.9712/...⇄ over charged or unexplained charges $639.02Total Frozen account over charged $461.43Total Over charged$1,100.45Desired Settlement: I want refunded and the over charges to stop.
Good Morning,I have escalated this to the [redacted] and [redacted]. I have been notified that the [redacted] has reached out to [redacted] and will work toward resolution.Thank you.
Review: After being a member of New York Sports Club for 12 years, I decided on April **, 2015, to change my membership from Passport to Premium (a difference between $74.99/mo to $19.95/mo). I was told by the manager that there would be no membership charge to switch given the long length of my membership. However, I was charged a $151.90 fee for the membership change. Additionally, my Passport membership was not cancelled and I was charged the $74.99 on May [redacted].
When I went into the club to correct the erroneous debit, I was told it could take up to 10 business days and received a curt response from the club manager.
This was the latest in a series of misinformation messages from NYSC.Desired Settlement: I would like to ensure that the $74.99 charge be credited, and that no further debits for the Passport membership will be taken out of my account. I'd also like the $151.90 fee to change my membership be credited as well.
Good Day,I apologize for any inconvenience. A refund in the amount of 74.99 has been requested. The 150.00 fee accustomed with membership type change is standard. Every member is obligated to pay the fee when changing a membership type. Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I am happy to hear that a request to refund the $74.99 has been issued by New York Sports Club; however, I was told on May [redacted] that this refund would take 7-10 business days. It has now been 16 business days and the refund still has not been issued. I want to ensure that this takes place promptly, and also that I am not debited another $74.99 on June [redacted]. (I have read similar complaints filed by customers where it has taken months - if ever - to get the charges reversed and the amounts credited. Could you please pass this concern along to the New York Sports Club?Many thanks,David Parr
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Hello,I apologize for any inconvenience. The refund was placed back onto [redacted] ending in [redacted]. The refund was never submitted to be placed on a [redacted] card. If any other information is needed please let me know. Thanks
Review: I signed up for two things with New York Sports Club:1. Swim lessons: The first lesson was to start on 5/** at 12:00pm2. Membership: I told NYSC that I could not start using the gym until 5/**.NYSC charged me $100+ for the month of May and more than $300 for the swim lessons. When I showed up for the first time for the gym on 5/**, the personal trainer ([redacted]) who was supposed to be there to meet with me did not show up. Another trainer ([redacted]) helped me as a favor.When I showed up for the first swim lesson on 5/**, the coach ([redacted]) did not show up at the agreed upon time of 12:00pm. I complained to [redacted], the program [redacted], who said that she would sign me up with another coach called [redacted] on the following Saturday, same time and gave me a bonus class. During that day (5/**), I complained to the NYSC [redacted], [redacted], he agreed to cancel my club membership. Today, 5/**, I showed up for my scheduled swim lesson with [redacted], who did not show up either. I complained to the [redacted] there ([redacted]) and asked for a refund. The [redacted] said that the club as a policy does not offer refunds even in this situation (when the club has charged me but not delivered its services). I checked my credit card and found that the club also has not refunded my $100+ membership fees even though it said it had cancelled my membership. At this point, the whole thing feels like a fraud to me.Desired Settlement: I want a total refund for the May membership fee and swim lessons.
Good Day,
[redacted] has been contacted by the club and is receiving a refund + swim lessons.
Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and agree that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I particularly appreciate the efforts of [redacted] and [redacted] who made things work for me.
Review: So I signed up for a membership in January of 2013. When I signed up I agreed to a 12 month membership that should expire on 12/[redacted]/13. The first month of January was prorated as part of their promotional deal. When I called to cancel my membership they said I had to speak a specific person ([redacted] Angiboust) in order to cancel my membership. I called repeatedly for multiple days trying to cancel my membership but this person was never available. Finally I was able to get an employee to provide me with her email address. I emailed her requesting to cancel my membership and she responded that I could not cancel this way and that I either had to come into the club in person or I could call a member services line to cancel (please note that this was the first time this member services option was ever told to me after multiple phone calls to the club). So I called the members service number and asked to cancel my membership and the lady informed me that I had to provide 30 days notice to cancel a membership. This was never explained to me when I signed up but I agreed and paid an additional $51 dollars for part of January to cancel my membership. When this was completed I asked if I would be charged any additional charges beyond the $51 dollars and I was assured I would not and my membership would be cancelled. On 1/[redacted]/13 I logged onto my bank account to discover an additional $39 dollars had been deducted from my bank account. I tried to call the club to resolve this but got no help. I emailed [redacted] at the club, who told me to cancel through the member services about the 39 dollar charge, and never received a reply. I called the member services and after waiting on hold for 45 mins I finally spoke to a [redacted] named [redacted]ID#**. This lady was one of the rudest people I have ever spoken to. She told me that the $39 dollar charge was for a rate lock. I explained that I had cancelled my membership back on 12/**/13 and had no reason to have a rate lock for 2014. She told me that they were allowed to bill me the fee and that there is nothing I can do about it. She said that since I was still a member as of January 1 2014 (the only reason I was still a member was because I was forced to pay for jan 1- jan [redacted]because of the 30 day notice requirement I was never told about) that I can be charged this $39 dollars. I feel like I was not only robbed once because of the 30 day notice, but now a second time for an additional $39.Desired Settlement: I would like the $39 dollars for the 2014 rate lock refunded to my bank account and assurance that they will not bill me for anything else. I can accept the additional $51 I was charged for the 30 day notification even though that was never explained to me until I tried to cancel but paying for a rate lock for 2014 on a membership I cancelled in 12/[redacted]/13 seems quite ridiculous.
Good Day,
[redacted]'s membership requires 30 days notice to cancel and includes the Rate Lock Guarantee as noted in the attached agreement. The Rate lock maintains the rate for the life of the membership and is charged on January 2nd of every year. [redacted]'s membership was enrolled on January **, 2013, so the first Rate Lock payment would be charged on January 2, 2014. [redacted]'s commitment period expired on 1/**/2014, so regardless of when the 30 day notice was given, [redacted]'s membership would have been active until at least 1/**/2014. The Rate Lock fee is part of the membership agreement and is a valid charge. No refund will be submitted.
Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
This was never explained during the sign up period and I never requested a rate lock guarantee. This is just another way that this organization defrauds its members and hides additional costs. You can drop the argument as I as the small person will never win against a big corporation like this. It is a shame that honesty and transparency are no longer respected in business and that all they care about is money. I will continue to steer any and all people away from NYSC in the future. Thanks.
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Review: I cancelled the agreement by phone within the time allotted, and they did not cancel it. I have been charged 89.95 a month since February. I called and they refused to allow me to speak to a manager.Desired Settlement: A refund or a partial refund.
Good Day,
A full refund has been processed on 10/**. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for the refund to be available in your account.
Thank you
Review: I cancelled my membership with NYSC at the [redacted] location at the very end of December. I don't have the print out with the cancellation anymore as it's been 4 months since I left the city to move to Washington DC. NYSC doesn't have any record of my cancellation and never sent an email so I can't prove it. Their national customer service rep said the only way to reverse the charges is send them a copy of the debit/credit card I used to make payments while I was a member. They provided the ending digits of the card and those digits don't line up with any card I've ever owned -- so they must have an error on their side with my banking information. Additionally, I made the final 2 - 3 months of payments through my checking account. The sent a collections agency after me to collect $230, which I shouldn't owe b/c I know I cancelled before leaving. I physically went into the office and suffered about 40 minutes of them trying to change my mind.Desired Settlement: I shouldn't have to pay the $230 balance because they can't find my cancellation in their records. I would like my balance nullified, any implications to my credit resolved, and for the collections agency to stop calling.
Member had a balance of $228.00 in collections which we have waived. We have contacted our collection agency Central Credit Services and removed the member. We have contacted the member directly and sent email confirmation.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and, assuming Town Sports International has taken the steps they claimed by phone have occurred, find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: I was incorrectly charged $680 on 6/**/2015. I was told a refund request was issued but have not received credit to date (8/*/2105)Desired Settlement: Refund
Good Day,I apologize for any inconvenience. The refund request was processed on 8/*/15. The member should receive the refund request shortly. Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved becaus
I was advised that my refund request was processed 7/* and did not receive credit. The business is advising now that it has been processed 8/* so I believe it to be ineffective this time as well. Thank you.
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Good Day,I apologize for any inconvenience. It takes 7-21 business day to process a refund and can take the financial institution up to 30 days to release the funds to the member. The refund request has been submitted and approved. Thank you,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: I switched my membership from the New York sports club in [redacted] to the [redacted] location in October,2014. For the first month(October), my account got overcharged of $124. I complained to the manager and he processed the refund. It took a total of 1 week for the refund to reflect into my account. My account was again overcharged to an amount of $195.18 for the month of November. I contacted the manager by name [redacted] and he said he processed the refund. It's been over a week now and the money has still not been refunded to me. When I checked my account yesterday, they overcharged my account to an amount of $97.02 for the month of December. I'm yet to contact them on this.Desired Settlement: I want my money refunded to me asap before I cancel my membership.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.I contacted my bank and they refunded my money to me. But the gym couldn't give me my refund
Review: I signed a one year contract for gym membership and fulfilled that contract understand it had monthly auto-bill and 30 days cancellation notice was required. I went to the gym and asked to end my membership and was told it would be done. I did this a couple of times this summer (July) but have continued to be billed. I called in today and was finally told I can cancel but I must give 30 days notice and will be charged for the next 30 days. As I have given notice several times, this seem unethical. When I complained, I was asked if I had it in writing, which I don't. I was told at the location that what I had done was sufficient. Clearly and attempt to keep me from cancelling and charging me in excess. As I am only now pushing the point I simply don't want to pay for the month just charged as I have given my 30 days notice as contractually obliged.
Also, the location is [redacted] It isn't on the list of locations given for NYSC.Desired Settlement: As I am only now pushing the point I simply don't want to pay for the next 30 days just charged as I have given my 30 days notice as contractually obliged.
At this time, I have not been contacted by New York Sports Clubs regarding complaint ID [redacted].
Good Day,
Without written confirmation of the request made at the club, we are unable to process any refund of the required 30 day notice period. Any dispute with the credit card company will be contested by TSI and we will provide a copy of the attached agreement to the credit card company.
Thank you
Review: I signed up for my membership in late august. I was not going to be in NY all of august and the rep convinced me to sign up and get september free. It seemed a logical choice. I let him know I will only be going for 3 months as I will be moving in December. He let me know that if I provide proof when I cancel, then my cancelation fee would be waived. Come september, I never got my month free. I brought it up with the rep and he told me he would take care of it. Come october, I stil have not gotten my free month. I again let the rep know and he told me he would take care of it. Come november, I STILL have not gotten my free month. I let him know a third time. We sit down and he checks the record. The contract has no mention of a free month and he has "no recollection" of ever telling me about my free month. OK, I signed the contract, I should have looked over it but I would not have signed up if the rep would have told me the truth about not getting that free month. Why would I pay for august if I will hundreds of miles away from the gym?
Come december, it's time to cancel my membership as I am moving out of state. I provide proof of new employment and proof of my move. The rep I spoke to on the phone told me I had to get charged for January and had to pay a cancelation fee. That is NOT what I was initally told. Again, I would not have signed up had the rep told me the truth.
I went to see the manager about this. He told me the same thing about the month I was supposed to get free, that it was nowhere in the contract. BUT he did let me know that I do not have to pay any extra fees and that I should be all set for cancelation. OK
It is FEBRUARY. I got charged my monthly fee of $54.99 for January, got charged some kind of fee worth $39.99, and now I got charged my monthly fee of $54.99 for February.
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE. I was supposed to pay $219.96 in total. I am charged $424.92 Almost DOUBLE what was initally told to me by your rep.Desired Settlement: I would like to see the money I overpayed for refunded and I would like to see the sales rep recieve disciplinary action for conducting untrustworthy and unlawful business.
At this time, I have been contacted directly by New York Sports Club (All Locations) regarding complaint ID [redacted], however my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
They have not contacted me since the first time, despite emailing them for a followup.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Good Day,
I have requested a refund for $204.96 back to [redacted]. This represents the dues payment for Dec. - Feb. + the $39.99 Rate Lock fee that was charged on January [redacted]. I am unable to verify the free month promotion that was discussed as it was not a promotion we were providing at that time.
Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I have spoken to the person in charge of billing at that branch and he spoke to the [redacted]. The [redacted] let him know that he will take care of the free month for me. The [redacted] is also the individual that signed me up for the gym originally. He was not [redacted] at that time and was promoted recently. Is there any way you can talk to him to get this sorted? Thank you!
Review: I had purchased a 1 year program from NY Sports Club in Garnerville. I never used the club after a year and they proceeded to charge my credit card even after I stopped going to the club. I never realized until my credit card expired.Desired Settlement: I want to cancel my subscription and owe nothing. I was told on the phone that my account was passed due. Yea - FOR A SERVICE I never realized was charging me and I was not using. I want my account cleared and a refund for unused months.
Good Day,
Please find [redacted]'s signed agreement and checklist attached. This agreement explains that all memberships continue on a month to month basis upon completion of the commitment period. [redacted] agreed to these terms and checked off that he understood the terms. I have cancelled [redacted]'s membership effective immediately; however, the balance of $110.27 is due. Failure to pay will result in the balance being turned over to a collection agency.
Thank you
Good Day,
We are agreeable to the settlement offer. I have reduced the balance to $49. Please contact Member Services at ###-###-#### to make the final payment.
Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. I have made the payment.
Review: I called regarding my membership that I haven't been using and explained I needed to know how to go about putting my membership on hold or cancelling it. The representative was very disrespectful and unprofessional advising me that I would have to still pay for the month although I haven't used the gym. After requesting a supervisor several times the representative continuously put me on hold for long period intervals. The call lasted over 1 1/2 hours! I became irate and requested a supervisor and advised that I was going to complain to the corporate headquarters about the service I was receiving the representative refused to put a supervisor on the phone. I informed the representative that if the matter wasn't resolved properly I was calling the corporate headquarters. The customer service representative hung up on me. Unbelievable.Desired Settlement: Management personnel needs to contact me at this point to discuss options regarding putting my membership on hold or cancelling the membership altogether. The customer service I received was horrible and unprofessional. Don't want to pay for services that aren't being used. I requested a supervisor and was told one could not and would not speak with me because they were speaking to other customers.
Review: I went to the NYSC on [redacted]. to try the gym and was given a 1 week trial membership. After the first day they told me I should sign up now and that there is a pool at the [redacted] Location, and I could later cancel with no penalty. The next day I went to the other location and there is no pool there. I went back to [redacted]. and [redacted] ([redacted]) said it was "too much paperwork to cancel" and that I could try other gyms and come back at the end of the month to cancel. A week later I asked to cancel **ain and he wouldn't do it for me. Several weeks later I decided on the NYSC at [redacted]. and [redacted] said he would cancel the membership at [redacted] and set it up at [redacted] for the **reed rate of $59/month (I provided documentation to get the Continuum Health Partner's discount). I never received any bill or itemized description of the charges but saw this charge on my bill. Went to [redacted], they said there are a bunch of strange charges and visiting gym charges. They asked for 5 days to fix it but then called me back and said they can't fix what [redacted] did and that I need to go back to [redacted]. to sort it out. I am not sure exactly what has happened here but I do not trust [redacted] to fix it and would like the attention of someone higher up to sort this out and figure out if and why I have been scammed.Desired Settlement: Refund and explanation of why I was overcharged and never given an itemized bill. The **reed upon rate of $59/month beginning when I asked for a membership at the [redacted]. gym in December. I will not pay for the time I was offered a trial membership at [redacted].
Good Day,
As of 3/**, [redacted] has disputed all charges from NYSC. I am unable to provide a refund while there are open disputes on the membership. The easiest way to remedy this would be to call Member Services to provide proof of employment for the corporate discounted rate. Once the dispute is settled, we can move forward.
If the dispute has been removed, please let me know so I can work with our accounting department to refund the overcharge.
Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
The problem isn't just that I'm not getting the discount, that's an issue but a relatively minor one. The problem is that I apparently have been signed up for a membership that I have no information about, that they refused to cancel when I've asked multiple times, and then I got a $300+ charge on my credit card with no bill, no record, and when I contacted the gym they could give me no explanation.
If my credit card is charged with no itemized bill and no information available, yes - I have to cancel the charge. I'm hopeful that by getting a member of man**ement involved, that you may be able to help solve the problem that I've failed to resolve after multiple visits to the office, phone calls, and emails.
Please do not cop out because I've involved the credit card company. I need you to be involved as well. I need you to review the case, to understand it and figure out what went wrong, and to help find a solution.
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Please send the employee ID to [redacted]. Once I receive the information and I will contact you directly from that mailbox so we can continue to work on resolving the outstanding issues. Thank you!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Ok, will do, thanks, that's great. But this is the least of the concerns I've raised. Can you fix/explain/sort out all the other inexplicable charges and do something about what happened at the club on [redacted]? Can you address my complaint that I asked to cancel my membership after being mislead, and then was told "It's too much paperwork".
These are serious grievances and you need to respond to them.
[Your Answer Here]
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