Dear Ms. [redacted]
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, andextend our...
apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat he communicated with the company and was informed that his account was supposed tobe cancelled before the Backup Order was processed for the month of August. Melaleucanever received a cancellation document and as such the Backup Order was processed forAugust for a total of $66.79. In an effort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, we havesent him an authorized return label so he can send the Backup Order free of charge, and hisorder has been refunded in full to the method of payment that was charged.
Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 16, 2016 and, as such, he should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from him inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).
[redacted] and [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Customers on August 16,2016. As Preferred Customers, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] committed to order a certain amountof products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on allproducts ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms andConditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree toreceive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Customers can select the productsthat will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection,any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.
We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Customer Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellations can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account at $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
I a woman Ms. [redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution of me being fully refunded for this disaster is satisfactory to me. I would however suggest that this business make sure they do not put other people in that position where they have done nothing wrong but are receiving 6 phone calls a day. Also, since I was a so called preferred member, and had to create an account you should know I am woman, and all that that shows me is that this was an automated response from you written with no care of me or the issue at hand. But THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RESOLVING THE ISSUE. Kind Regards,
Ms. [redacted]
I today received a telephone call from Melaleuca. Unfortunately the phone was picked up by my wife, who asked me to pick up my phone, however by thetimeI did the other end had hung up. I mam prepared to talk to them, but have no idea whom to ask for. If the money has been sent to my UK account I am prepared to accept their bank notification that it was paid. I am prepared to accept your word that you have seen proof.
Re: [redacted], Case# [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do...
business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thaton February 15, 2018 he was placing an order online for two Gold Bars, and two orders wereaccidently placed. He tried to get one of the orders cancelled, but because of timing bothorders were sent out. Mr. [redacted] would like a refund for one of them. In an effort to resolveall of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns we have refunded the second order in full for a total refund of$18.43, and he can keep the products that were accidently ordered.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I am grateful for your service. Sincerely, [redacted]
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Mr. [redacted] for any...
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his home security.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that he is not satisfied with the home security system and would like to cancel his agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.
Our records indicate that in March 2015 Mr. [redacted] signed up for a 60 month agreement with Melaleuca Security, which includes the equipment and service fees. In an effort to resolve this issue, a return label was mailed to Mr. [redacted] which he may use to return the equipment. Once Melaleuca Security receives Mr. [redacted]’s equipment, his contract will be cancelled, thus waiving any early termination cancel fees.
We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Sterling *. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
Re: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by Mr. [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us theopportunity to respond.Mr. [redacted] emolled as a Preferred Member and...
Independent Marketing Executive inMarch 2016. By executing Melaleuca's Customer Membership Agreement ("CMA"), Mr.[redacted] agreed that he would "not offer Melaleuca products for sale via the Internet orother form of nationally available media." Further, Melaleuca's Statement of Policies clearlyprovides that Melaleuca customers and Independent Marketing Executives may not resaleMelaleuca products, including via the Internet. For reference, an excerpt from Melaleuca'sStatement of Policies addressing the resale of products is appended below.After an investigation, Melaleuca's Policy Administration Department determined that Mr.[redacted] has listings ofMelaleuca products on Amazon in violation of his CMA andMelaleuca's Statement of Policies. Accordingly, Melaleuca placed Mr. [redacted]account on a temporary hold. We have communicated with Mr. [redacted] on multipleoccasions to report the findings of our investigation, provide information about Melaleuca'spolicies, and explain how Mr. [redacted] can remove the hold from his account.Nevertheless, because Mr. [redacted] appears to have listings of Melaleuca products as of the date of this letter, we cannot lift the temporary hold that we placed onMr. [redacted] account. Melaleuca's decision not to lift the temporary hold is basedsolely on Melaleuca's determination that Mr. [redacted] is in violation of the provisions ofhis CMA and Melaleuca's policies and not on any bonus amount Mr. [redacted] claims isowed to him.We remain willing to work with Mr. [redacted] to resolve this issue. If Mr. [redacted] hasinformation bearing on why it appears that he has listings of Melaleuca products, we are willing to consider that information. In the meantime, we will continueour temporary hold of Mr. [redacted] account until we can complete our investigation.We will inform Mr. [redacted] of any decision we make regarding his account.If you have any further questions, you may contact Melaleuca at 208-522-0700.Sincerely,Julie M[redacted]Legal Assistant12. Resale of ProductsMelaleuca products are sold only by Melaleuca directly to End Consumers. In order to ensurethe safety, freshness, efficacy and quality of Melaleuca products, Marketing Executives andCustomers are strictly prohibited from directly or indirectly offering Melaleuca products forresale to anyone at any time. In particular, Marketing Executives and Customers may notoffer Melaleuca products, materials or the income opportunity for sale via the Internet(including eBay and Amazon). This obligation continues indefinitely even after a CustomerMembership Agreement or Independent Marketing Executive Agreement is no longer inforce for any reason. Melaleuca shall have the right to prevent and/or recover damages forany violation of this obligation by legal action and, to the extent permitted by law, aMarketing Executive or Customer will be obligated to pay Melaleuca's legal fees and costs inconnection with any such legal action based upon his/her violation of this obligation.
Re: [redacted] [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business...
with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that hehad requested for his account to be cancelled. In an effort to resolve all of his concerns Mr.[redacted]’s account was cancelled on March 20, 2017 and, as such, he should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on November 2, 2016. As aPreferred Member, Mr. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety ofproducts selected by Melaleuca.Finally, we note Mr. [redacted] referred to Melaleuca’s business practice as ‘predatory’ and‘abusive’ and we assure you that these references are not accurate. It does appear that Mr.[redacted]’s dissatisfaction may have been caused in large part by an incomplete understanding ofthe Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. However, we do not seeany indication that Melaleuca was responsible for any incompleteness in Mr. [redacted]’sunderstanding. In any event, we wish to assure you and Mr. [redacted] that Melaleuca tries to ensure that every customer accepting the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement has a full understanding of those Terms and Conditions.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do...
business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]'s communication to the to indicate thathe had requested a refund of two Peak Performance Packs purchased, as well as theMembership Fee. In an effort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]'s concerns we have issued arefund of the two Peak Performance Vitamin Packs to the original Method of Payment. Wehave also refunded the Membership fee. He may expect to see the total refund amount of$227.18 posted to his credit card.Mr. [redacted]'s account was cancelled on February 10, 2017 and, as such, he should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]'s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted], along with his wife [redacted], enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Members onDecember 26, 2016. As Preferred Members, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] committed to order acertain amount of products from Melaleuca's catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50%discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting theTerms and Conditions ofMelaleuca's Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Membersagree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which theydo not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Memberscan select the products that will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they mightreceive. If they make no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive willinclude a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contactMelaleuca's Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return theunused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleucawithin 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for thetotal purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account,Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleucamay continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customeraccount at $10 service fee for each month's notification process for as long as I have a crediton account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms....
[redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account. We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that she is frustrated that she was charged for two Preferred Membership Packs, in January and February, while she was attempting to cancel her account. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we sent her two Authorized Return Labels she may use to return the product at no cost to her. We have also refunded Ms. [redacted] for the Preferred Membership Packs in full, for a total refund of $135.56. Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on March 19, 2018 and, as such, she should not receive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference). Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on May 31, 2017. As a Preferred Member, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca. We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000. Sincerely, Wayne B[redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration
November 19, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thankyou for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
opportunity to respond. We appreciate theopportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend our apologies to him for anyinadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding hisaccount.We understand Mr. [redacted] communication to the to indicate that he hadrequested that all balances on the account be removed and no future charges occur. In an effort to resolveall of Mr. [redacted] concerns we have removed the remaining balance of $16.60 for the shipping of anorder and his account now reflects a zero balance.Mr. [redacted] account was cancelled on October 13, 2015 and, as such, he should not receive any moreproducts or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted] account previously because we hadnot received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of ourCustomer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation isappended below for reference).Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Customers on October 8, 2013. As PreferredCustomers, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. By acceptingthe Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agreeto receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least the amount ofproducts that they committed to order. Preferred Customers can select the products that will be includedin any Backup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receivewill include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s CustomerService department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Wayne BillmanDirector of Global Policy Administration[redacted]3 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and Cr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effectivethe month received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…
Re: [redacted] Case #[redacted]Dear [redacted]We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]Alexander. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity [redacted] gave us to do...
business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat she signed up with Melaleuca to try the vitamins for 90 days, but the vitamins were notworking for her and Melaleuca continued to charge her for Preferred Membership Packs aftershe found out the vitamins were not working. In an effort to resolve all of [redacted]’sconcerns we have refunded the shipping for the October and November 2017 orders (she waspreviously refunded for the product). Additionally, we have refunded her the December 2017Preferred Membership Pack in full and request that [redacted] return the order to us ather earliest convenience.[redacted]’s account was cancelled on January 10, 2018 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).[redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on September 18, 2017. As aPreferred Member, [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The issue regarding the back up order being processed just 2 days after joining Melaleuca, and the inability to cancel the membership immediately following my joining on January 29, as it was after the 25th of the month, is the root of the problem here. Upon joining on the 29th, I read the back up order clause and immediately told the representative that I would not agree to that, and did not want a membership if that was a required term of the membership. However, due to the fact that it was after the 25th, I was given no option to cancel for that month, and find it bad business to ship out a back up order 2 days after signing up, with no way to cancel the membership until the following month.
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend our apologiesto him for any...
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to hisinquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that fortwo weeks he attempted to cancel his Melaleuca account without success and subsequently wascharged for a Backup Order. Melaleuca never received payment for the order and an owingbalance of $64.51 was posted to Mr. [redacted]’s account. We understand that Mr. [redacted] wouldlike his account cancelled and refunded the full amount for the Backup Order. In order to clearthe owing balance we would need to receive the product back from Mr. [redacted]. (An excerptfrom the Terms and Conditions addressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below forreference) As of the date of this letter we have no record that Mr. [redacted] has returned theproduct. However, in an effort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, an Authorized ReturnLabel was to him so he can return the Backup Order to Melaleuca free of charge. Additionally,the owing balance of $64.51 has been removed from his account.Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on June 17, 2015 and, as such, he should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on January 14, 2015. As a PreferredCustomer, Mr. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 40% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. 3910 South Yellowstone Highway * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and Cr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Ms. [redacted] for any...
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her home security.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that she is not satisfied with the home security system.According to our records, Ms. [redacted] enrolled in our home security program in March 2015, agreeing to a 60 month contract. As of the date of this letter, Ms. [redacted] is 27 months into her 60 month contract. We have made several attempts to contact Ms. [redacted] to discuss solutions to resolving her concerns. However, she is very hesitant to make a decision or even listen to options. In fact, today when our representative called her she disconnected the call.We have offered Ms. [redacted] the option to cancel her service without any additional charges going forward. As part of a previous exception, because of financial difficulties she was having at the time, we stopped billing her for 6 months from November 2016 through May 2017, after which she agreed to resume her contract. Under the terms of the contract, the early termination fee is 60% of the remaining balance, which would be approximately $900. We offered to waive the cancel fee and cancel the service if she returns the equipment in good condition. While we agreed to not charge Ms. [redacted] for any future payments, she would be responsible for any owing balances for the past months of service.It would be helpful if Ms. [redacted] would simply agree to speak to our representative at which time we are confident her concerns could be addressed and resolved.Sincerely,Sterling N. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
November 19, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted]s, Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]s.Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
opportunity to respond. Weextend our apologies to Mr. [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us frombeing more responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted] communication to the to indicate that he hadrequested that all orders be shipped to him through the United States Postal Service. In an effortto resolve all of his concerns we have made the necessary changes on his account to make surehis orders are sent through the United States Postal Service. In addition, we have processed a fullrefund of the October Backup Order in the amount of $148.83.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions on concerns, he may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave...
us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that she had requested a refund of the returned products, and the Membership Fee. She also requested that her membership be cancelled. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns we have emailed an Authorized Return Label that she may use to return the January 2017 Preferred Membership Pack free of charge. Melaleuca never received payment for the order but the owing balance has been removed. We have also issued a full refund for the December Preferred Member Pack and the Membership Fee. Ms. [redacted] may expect to see a refund of$70.70 to her credit card on file.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on February 3, 2017 and, as such, she should not receive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on December 28, 2016. As a Preferred Member, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that will be included in any Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.
We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred MemberBenefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return theunused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.Payment AuthorizationI authorized Melaleuca to charge my credit card or debit the bank account specified in thisAgreement for orders I place directly and for any Preferred Membership Pack. If Melaleuca is unable to collect payment in full from my credit card, I authorize Melaleuca to make multiple attempts to collect for up to 90 days. I agree to pay a $10.00 service fee if a check or charge is dishonored for any reason. I will hold Melaleuca harmless for all special or consequential damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from any wrongful debit to my
Dear Mr. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, andextend our...
apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat for the last 22 months Melaleuca has been taking money from his account without hisconsent for a total of $1,528.78. Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a PreferredCustomer on February 28, 2013. (A copy of the executed Customer Membership Agreementis available upon request.) As a Preferred Customer, Mr. [redacted] committed to order acertain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50%discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting theTerms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, PreferredCustomers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they donot order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Customerscan select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. If theymake no such selection, the Backup Order will include a variety of products selected byMelaleuca or a Convenience Certificate which can be used to redeem for product. Mr. [redacted]’s charges stem from Convenience Certificates processed because he failed to place aminimum product point order. Convenience certificates are non-refundable. However, in aneffort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refunded the total $1,528.78 toMr. [redacted]’s method of payment that was charged. As well, we have cancelled hisaccount to avoid any further charges.Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on June 29, 2016 and, as such, he should not receiveany more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
September 28, 2016
Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]P.O. Box 1000Dupont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and...
providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies toher for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiriesregarding her account.
We understand Ms. [redacted]’ communication to the to indicate that she hadrequested for a refund of the July convenience certificate but did not wish to pay for the certificateprocessed for the month of August. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’ concerns, we haveremoved the owing balance for the August certificate and issued a refund of $53.39 for the Julycertificate.
Ms. [redacted]’ account was cancelled on September 12, 2016 and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’ account previously becausewe had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms andConditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference).
Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on March 14, 2016 As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discountedservices. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they donot order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Customers can selectthe products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. If they make no suchselection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:
Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Customer Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.
Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
Convenience Certificate RedemptionAfter I have been a Preferred Customer for six months, I may select Convenience Certificates as my Backup Order and may receive Convenience Certificates as otherwise provided in this Agreement. If I do not redeem a Convenience Certificate within 12 months, the unredeemed balance will be converted to a credit on my account, subject to the terms in the Satisfaction Guarantee. Convenience Certificates may be redeemed for product or credit on account, but may not be returned for cash except in certain states.
Dear Ms. [redacted]
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, andextend our...
apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat he communicated with the company and was informed that his account was supposed tobe cancelled before the Backup Order was processed for the month of August. Melaleucanever received a cancellation document and as such the Backup Order was processed forAugust for a total of $66.79. In an effort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, we havesent him an authorized return label so he can send the Backup Order free of charge, and hisorder has been refunded in full to the method of payment that was charged.
Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 16, 2016 and, as such, he should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from him inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).
[redacted] and [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Customers on August 16,2016. As Preferred Customers, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] committed to order a certain amountof products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on allproducts ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms andConditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree toreceive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Customers can select the productsthat will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection,any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.
We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Customer Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellations can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account at $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
I a woman Ms. [redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution of me being fully refunded for this disaster is satisfactory to me. I would however suggest that this business make sure they do not put other people in that position where they have done nothing wrong but are receiving 6 phone calls a day. Also, since I was a so called preferred member, and had to create an account you should know I am woman, and all that that shows me is that this was an automated response from you written with no care of me or the issue at hand. But THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR RESOLVING THE ISSUE. Kind Regards,
Ms. [redacted]
I today received a telephone call from Melaleuca. Unfortunately the phone was picked up by my wife, who asked me to pick up my phone, however by thetimeI did the other end had hung up. I mam prepared to talk to them, but have no idea whom to ask for. If the money has been sent to my UK account I am prepared to accept their bank notification that it was paid. I am prepared to accept your word that you have seen proof.
Re: [redacted], Case# [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do...
business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thaton February 15, 2018 he was placing an order online for two Gold Bars, and two orders wereaccidently placed. He tried to get one of the orders cancelled, but because of timing bothorders were sent out. Mr. [redacted] would like a refund for one of them. In an effort to resolveall of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns we have refunded the second order in full for a total refund of$18.43, and he can keep the products that were accidently ordered.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I am grateful for your service. Sincerely, [redacted]
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Mr. [redacted] for any...
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his home security.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that he is not satisfied with the home security system and would like to cancel his agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.
Our records indicate that in March 2015 Mr. [redacted] signed up for a 60 month agreement with Melaleuca Security, which includes the equipment and service fees. In an effort to resolve this issue, a return label was mailed to Mr. [redacted] which he may use to return the equipment. Once Melaleuca Security receives Mr. [redacted]’s equipment, his contract will be cancelled, thus waiving any early termination cancel fees.
We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Sterling *. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
Re: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by Mr. [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and allowing us theopportunity to respond.Mr. [redacted] emolled as a Preferred Member and...
Independent Marketing Executive inMarch 2016. By executing Melaleuca's Customer Membership Agreement ("CMA"), Mr.[redacted] agreed that he would "not offer Melaleuca products for sale via the Internet orother form of nationally available media." Further, Melaleuca's Statement of Policies clearlyprovides that Melaleuca customers and Independent Marketing Executives may not resaleMelaleuca products, including via the Internet. For reference, an excerpt from Melaleuca'sStatement of Policies addressing the resale of products is appended below.After an investigation, Melaleuca's Policy Administration Department determined that Mr.[redacted] has listings ofMelaleuca products on Amazon in violation of his CMA andMelaleuca's Statement of Policies. Accordingly, Melaleuca placed Mr. [redacted]account on a temporary hold. We have communicated with Mr. [redacted] on multipleoccasions to report the findings of our investigation, provide information about Melaleuca'spolicies, and explain how Mr. [redacted] can remove the hold from his account.Nevertheless, because Mr. [redacted] appears to have listings of Melaleuca products as of the date of this letter, we cannot lift the temporary hold that we placed onMr. [redacted] account. Melaleuca's decision not to lift the temporary hold is basedsolely on Melaleuca's determination that Mr. [redacted] is in violation of the provisions ofhis CMA and Melaleuca's policies and not on any bonus amount Mr. [redacted] claims isowed to him.We remain willing to work with Mr. [redacted] to resolve this issue. If Mr. [redacted] hasinformation bearing on why it appears that he has listings of Melaleuca products, we are willing to consider that information. In the meantime, we will continueour temporary hold of Mr. [redacted] account until we can complete our investigation.We will inform Mr. [redacted] of any decision we make regarding his account.If you have any further questions, you may contact Melaleuca at 208-522-0700.Sincerely,Julie M[redacted]Legal Assistant12. Resale of ProductsMelaleuca products are sold only by Melaleuca directly to End Consumers. In order to ensurethe safety, freshness, efficacy and quality of Melaleuca products, Marketing Executives andCustomers are strictly prohibited from directly or indirectly offering Melaleuca products forresale to anyone at any time. In particular, Marketing Executives and Customers may notoffer Melaleuca products, materials or the income opportunity for sale via the Internet(including eBay and Amazon). This obligation continues indefinitely even after a CustomerMembership Agreement or Independent Marketing Executive Agreement is no longer inforce for any reason. Melaleuca shall have the right to prevent and/or recover damages forany violation of this obligation by legal action and, to the extent permitted by law, aMarketing Executive or Customer will be obligated to pay Melaleuca's legal fees and costs inconnection with any such legal action based upon his/her violation of this obligation.
Re: [redacted] [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business...
with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that hehad requested for his account to be cancelled. In an effort to resolve all of his concerns Mr.[redacted]’s account was cancelled on March 20, 2017 and, as such, he should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on November 2, 2016. As aPreferred Member, Mr. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety ofproducts selected by Melaleuca.Finally, we note Mr. [redacted] referred to Melaleuca’s business practice as ‘predatory’ and‘abusive’ and we assure you that these references are not accurate. It does appear that Mr.[redacted]’s dissatisfaction may have been caused in large part by an incomplete understanding ofthe Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. However, we do not seeany indication that Melaleuca was responsible for any incompleteness in Mr. [redacted]’sunderstanding. In any event, we wish to assure you and Mr. [redacted] that Melaleuca tries to ensure that every customer accepting the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement has a full understanding of those Terms and Conditions.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do...
business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]'s communication to the to indicate thathe had requested a refund of two Peak Performance Packs purchased, as well as theMembership Fee. In an effort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]'s concerns we have issued arefund of the two Peak Performance Vitamin Packs to the original Method of Payment. Wehave also refunded the Membership fee. He may expect to see the total refund amount of$227.18 posted to his credit card.Mr. [redacted]'s account was cancelled on February 10, 2017 and, as such, he should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]'s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted], along with his wife [redacted], enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Members onDecember 26, 2016. As Preferred Members, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] committed to order acertain amount of products from Melaleuca's catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50%discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting theTerms and Conditions ofMelaleuca's Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Membersagree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which theydo not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Memberscan select the products that will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they mightreceive. If they make no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive willinclude a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contactMelaleuca's Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return theunused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleucawithin 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for thetotal purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account,Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleucamay continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customeraccount at $10 service fee for each month's notification process for as long as I have a crediton account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms....
[redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account. We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that she is frustrated that she was charged for two Preferred Membership Packs, in January and February, while she was attempting to cancel her account. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we sent her two Authorized Return Labels she may use to return the product at no cost to her. We have also refunded Ms. [redacted] for the Preferred Membership Packs in full, for a total refund of $135.56. Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on March 19, 2018 and, as such, she should not receive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference). Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on May 31, 2017. As a Preferred Member, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca. We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000. Sincerely, Wayne B[redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration
November 19, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thankyou for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effectivethe month received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…
opportunity to respond. We appreciate theopportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend our apologies to him for anyinadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding hisaccount.We understand Mr. [redacted] communication to the to indicate that he hadrequested that all balances on the account be removed and no future charges occur. In an effort to resolveall of Mr. [redacted] concerns we have removed the remaining balance of $16.60 for the shipping of anorder and his account now reflects a zero balance.Mr. [redacted] account was cancelled on October 13, 2015 and, as such, he should not receive any moreproducts or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted] account previously because we hadnot received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of ourCustomer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation isappended below for reference).Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Customers on October 8, 2013. As PreferredCustomers, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. By acceptingthe Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agreeto receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least the amount ofproducts that they committed to order. Preferred Customers can select the products that will be includedin any Backup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receivewill include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s CustomerService department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Wayne BillmanDirector of Global Policy Administration[redacted]3 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
Re: [redacted] Case #[redacted]Dear [redacted]We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]Alexander. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity [redacted] gave us to do...
business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat she signed up with Melaleuca to try the vitamins for 90 days, but the vitamins were notworking for her and Melaleuca continued to charge her for Preferred Membership Packs aftershe found out the vitamins were not working. In an effort to resolve all of [redacted]’sconcerns we have refunded the shipping for the October and November 2017 orders (she waspreviously refunded for the product). Additionally, we have refunded her the December 2017Preferred Membership Pack in full and request that [redacted] return the order to us ather earliest convenience.[redacted]’s account was cancelled on January 10, 2018 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).[redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on September 18, 2017. As aPreferred Member, [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The issue regarding the back up order being processed just 2 days after joining Melaleuca, and the inability to cancel the membership immediately following my joining on January 29, as it was after the 25th of the month, is the root of the problem here. Upon joining on the 29th, I read the back up order clause and immediately told the representative that I would not agree to that, and did not want a membership if that was a required term of the membership. However, due to the fact that it was after the 25th, I was given no option to cancel for that month, and find it bad business to ship out a back up order 2 days after signing up, with no way to cancel the membership until the following month.
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, and extend our apologiesto him for any...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to hisinquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that fortwo weeks he attempted to cancel his Melaleuca account without success and subsequently wascharged for a Backup Order. Melaleuca never received payment for the order and an owingbalance of $64.51 was posted to Mr. [redacted]’s account. We understand that Mr. [redacted] wouldlike his account cancelled and refunded the full amount for the Backup Order. In order to clearthe owing balance we would need to receive the product back from Mr. [redacted]. (An excerptfrom the Terms and Conditions addressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below forreference) As of the date of this letter we have no record that Mr. [redacted] has returned theproduct. However, in an effort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, an Authorized ReturnLabel was to him so he can return the Backup Order to Melaleuca free of charge. Additionally,the owing balance of $64.51 has been removed from his account.Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on June 17, 2015 and, as such, he should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on January 14, 2015. As a PreferredCustomer, Mr. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 40% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. 3910 South Yellowstone Highway * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Ms. [redacted] for any...
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her home security.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that she is not satisfied with the home security system.According to our records, Ms. [redacted] enrolled in our home security program in March 2015, agreeing to a 60 month contract. As of the date of this letter, Ms. [redacted] is 27 months into her 60 month contract. We have made several attempts to contact Ms. [redacted] to discuss solutions to resolving her concerns. However, she is very hesitant to make a decision or even listen to options. In fact, today when our representative called her she disconnected the call.We have offered Ms. [redacted] the option to cancel her service without any additional charges going forward. As part of a previous exception, because of financial difficulties she was having at the time, we stopped billing her for 6 months from November 2016 through May 2017, after which she agreed to resume her contract. Under the terms of the contract, the early termination fee is 60% of the remaining balance, which would be approximately $900. We offered to waive the cancel fee and cancel the service if she returns the equipment in good condition. While we agreed to not charge Ms. [redacted] for any future payments, she would be responsible for any owing balances for the past months of service.It would be helpful if Ms. [redacted] would simply agree to speak to our representative at which time we are confident her concerns could be addressed and resolved.Sincerely,Sterling N. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
November 19, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted]s, Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]s.Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
opportunity to respond. Weextend our apologies to Mr. [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us frombeing more responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted] communication to the to indicate that he hadrequested that all orders be shipped to him through the United States Postal Service. In an effortto resolve all of his concerns we have made the necessary changes on his account to make surehis orders are sent through the United States Postal Service. In addition, we have processed a fullrefund of the October Backup Order in the amount of $148.83.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions on concerns, he may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave...
us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that she had requested a refund of the returned products, and the Membership Fee. She also requested that her membership be cancelled. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns we have emailed an Authorized Return Label that she may use to return the January 2017 Preferred Membership Pack free of charge. Melaleuca never received payment for the order but the owing balance has been removed. We have also issued a full refund for the December Preferred Member Pack and the Membership Fee. Ms. [redacted] may expect to see a refund of$70.70 to her credit card on file.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on February 3, 2017 and, as such, she should not receive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on December 28, 2016. As a Preferred Member, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that will be included in any Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.
We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred MemberBenefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return theunused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.Payment AuthorizationI authorized Melaleuca to charge my credit card or debit the bank account specified in thisAgreement for orders I place directly and for any Preferred Membership Pack. If Melaleuca is unable to collect payment in full from my credit card, I authorize Melaleuca to make multiple attempts to collect for up to 90 days. I agree to pay a $10.00 service fee if a check or charge is dishonored for any reason. I will hold Melaleuca harmless for all special or consequential damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from any wrongful debit to my
Dear Mr. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, andextend our...
apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat for the last 22 months Melaleuca has been taking money from his account without hisconsent for a total of $1,528.78. Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a PreferredCustomer on February 28, 2013. (A copy of the executed Customer Membership Agreementis available upon request.) As a Preferred Customer, Mr. [redacted] committed to order acertain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50%discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services. By accepting theTerms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, PreferredCustomers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they donot order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Customerscan select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. If theymake no such selection, the Backup Order will include a variety of products selected byMelaleuca or a Convenience Certificate which can be used to redeem for product. Mr. [redacted]’s charges stem from Convenience Certificates processed because he failed to place aminimum product point order. Convenience certificates are non-refundable. However, in aneffort to resolve all of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refunded the total $1,528.78 toMr. [redacted]’s method of payment that was charged. As well, we have cancelled hisaccount to avoid any further charges.Mr. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on June 29, 2016 and, as such, he should not receiveany more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
September 28, 2016
Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]P.O. Box 1000Dupont, WA 98327
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and...
providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies toher for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiriesregarding her account.
We understand Ms. [redacted]’ communication to the to indicate that she hadrequested for a refund of the July convenience certificate but did not wish to pay for the certificateprocessed for the month of August. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’ concerns, we haveremoved the owing balance for the August certificate and issued a refund of $53.39 for the Julycertificate.
Ms. [redacted]’ account was cancelled on September 12, 2016 and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’ account previously becausewe had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms andConditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference).
Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on March 14, 2016 As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discountedservices. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they donot order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Customers can selectthe products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive. If they make no suchselection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:
Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Customer Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.
Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
Convenience Certificate RedemptionAfter I have been a Preferred Customer for six months, I may select Convenience Certificates as my Backup Order and may receive Convenience Certificates as otherwise provided in this Agreement. If I do not redeem a Convenience Certificate within 12 months, the unredeemed balance will be converted to a credit on my account, subject to the terms in the Satisfaction Guarantee. Convenience Certificates may be redeemed for product or credit on account, but may not be returned for cash except in certain states.