Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Ms. [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have...
prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her home security.
We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that she is not satisfied with the service and would like to cancel her home security service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.
Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on August 18, 2015, by way of electronic signature. Her security system was activated on September 1, 2015. We have attempted to contact her on numerous occasions to try and resolve her issues. It is frustrating that Ms. [redacted] will not take our calls or return our calls when we leave voice messages. Ms. [redacted]’s monitoring agreement was for 60 months at $44.95 per month plus sales tax. However, in an effort to resolve the issue, Ms. [redacted]’s home security was cancelled on October 13, 2016 and we have waived the remaining balance of $2,162.47 in monitoring fees.
We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sterling N. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business...
with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thatshe has been trying to cancel her account for a few months and wants Melaleuca to cancelher membership and refund her for the last three orders processed to her account. In an effortto resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have cancelled her account, emailed her threeAuthorized Return Shipment labels so she can return her orders at no expense to her, andhave processed a refund for $187.59.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 12, 2017 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on April 6, 2017. As a PreferredMember, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’sCustomer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for aPreferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amountof products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that willbe included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no suchselection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution though not satisfactory to me is acceptable. Satisfactory response would've required them to explain why they short paid me in the first place and refund my shipping fee I paid to returned their products. Every sustainable business should provide a return ticket especially in situations where clients do not select their products. My mother inlaw too is suffering the same predicament and I'llbe filling a complaint too for her... she's been billed continously and cannot find time in her busy schedule to stop or complain
Melaleuca settled with me by refunding me the $116.21 and hope they will agree NOT to charge my account any more, honoring my cancelation of membership.
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologiesto her for any...
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to herinquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’ communication to the to indicate she wasconfused about the deadline for placing an order. She placed an order on June 1, 2015 at 9:21pmover the internet. Melaleuca extended a courtesy for all customers who had not placed their Mayorder to do so up until approximately 12 pm on June 1st. Since Ms. [redacted] placed her orderoutside of the extension the order Ms. [redacted] placed was flagged as her June order and theInsured Customer Backup Order was processed, charging her account $64.06. In an effort toresolve all of Ms. [redacted]’ concerns an Authorized Return Label was emailed to Ms. [redacted] thatshe can use to send the Backup Order back to the company free of charge. As well, we haverefunded the $64.04 in full back to the method of payment that was charged.As Ms. [redacted] requested, her account was cancelled on June 17, 2015 and she should not receiveany more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’ account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on January 16, 2015. As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 40% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and Cr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…
Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you forbringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Ms.[redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us...
from being more responsive to her inquiriesregarding her home security account.We understand Ms. [redacted]'s communication to the to indicate that she moved and wishesto cancel the home security contract without any penalties or additional costs.According to our records, Ms. [redacted] enrolled in our home security program in March 2015, agreeing to a 60month contract. As of the date of this letter Ms. [redacted] has 42 months remaining on the contract. In an effort toresolve Ms. [redacted]'s concerns, one of our Melaleuca Security representatives contacted Ms. [redacted] and anagreement was made that we would waive a few of the months of service and billing would automatically beginagain in May 2017. Ms. [redacted] also agreed that if she does choose to eventually cancel the contract, she would becharged a 40% early termination fee.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca's Customer ServiceDepartment at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Sterling *. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
Dear [redacted]: We recently received a follow-up response from your office regarding [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] indicates that he has not received the refund which was indicated in our June 30, 2016 letter. However, we ran a report and our records indicate that the refunds were processed on June 30, 2016, to his credit card on file. Below is a breakdown of the refunds, along with the refund reference numbers. Proc Date Amount Account # Ref # 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] We suggest Mr. [redacted] contact his bank and confirm the refunds have been properly processed from his bank. His bank will probably request the reference numbers. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or additional concerns. Sincerely, Wayne B[redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to...
do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive toher inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shewanted her account cancelled and her debit card removed from her account. In an effort to resolve allof Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have cancelled her account, refunded her initial membership feeand removed her debit card from the account.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on August 22, 2017 and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms andConditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference).We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.I may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
January 28,[redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing...
us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat she requests that the owing balance be removed from her account, including shipping. Inan effort to resolve Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have removed the owing balance from heraccount. Therefore, Ms. [redacted]’s account reflects a zero balance. Ms. [redacted]disputed the charge of $63.75 from her bank, so a refund from Melaleuca is not warranted.Additionally, we will allow Ms. [redacted] to keep the order at issue.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 14, 2015 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on June 16, 2015. As aPreferred Customer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and healthsavings programs. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s CustomerMembership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order inany month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that theycommitted to order. Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in anyBackup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca. We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed SuspendMy Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, andCr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month willbe effective the month received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will beeffective the following month…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the productwithout charge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (lessshipping and handling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method ofPayment used to purchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case arefund check will be issued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account forthe purchase price of the returned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca productpurchases.
September 24, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologiesto her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to herinquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shewishes to have a refund of shipping charges relating to an order she returned, which Melaleucanever received payment for. Melaleuca cleared the owing balance except for the originalshipping cost, which was charged to Ms. [redacted]’s method of payment. (An excerpt from theTerms and Conditions addressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below for reference). In aneffort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refunded $7.44 to her method of paymentfor the cost of original shipping.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 9, 2015 and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on August 23, 2015 As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and Cr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted],regarding the account of his wife, [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention andproviding us an opportunity to respond. We appreciate the...
opportunity Mrs. [redacted] gave us to dobusiness with her, and extend our apologies for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us frombeing more responsive to their inquiries regarding her account.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that he hadrequested a full refund for products sent to his wife without her consent, due to the Backup Ordertaking effect on her account. By signing the Customer Membership Agreement (by way of third partyverification), Mrs. [redacted] agreed to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichshe did not order at least the amount of products she committed to order. In an effort to resolve all ofthe [redacted]’s concerns, we have issued a full refund of $65.42 to the original credit card on file.Mrs. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on August 2, 2016 and, as such, she should not receive any moreproducts or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mrs. [redacted]’s account previously because we hadnot received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of ourCustomer Membership Agreement.
Mrs. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on July 29, 2016. As a PreferredCustomer, Mrs. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog eachmonth in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discountedservices.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] all the best. If they have any further questions, they may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our...
apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.
We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thatshe did not choose a Preferred Membership Pack when she enrolled and states she did notauthorize the orders. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have issued afull refund of both the November and December Preferred Membership Packs to the originalmethod of payment. The amount of refund she may expect will be $129.32. If Ms. [redacted]would like a copy of her executed Customer Membership Agreement we would be happy toprovide that to her.
Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on January 19, 2017 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).
Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on November 21, 2016. As aPreferred Member, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety ofproducts selected by Melaleuca.
We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:
Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.
Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account at $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
The Preferred Membership Pack AgreementIf I am enrolling as a Preferred Member, I agree to purchase products totaling at least 35 Product Points each month (plus tax, shipping and handling). I authorized Melaleuca to ship the designated Preferred Membership Pack for any calendar month in which my product orders are less than 35 Product Points. Melaleuca is under no obligation to ship any products not paid for.
Preferred Membership Pack Substitutions and ChargesI authorize Melaleuca to substitute other products to ensure that I meet my Product Point commitment and to charge my account for the substituted product(s).
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a follow up concern expressed by[redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us anopportunity to respond.We understand M[redacted] further communication to the toindicate that she was not satisfied with our resolution of her complaint, and that she has someconcerns regarding Melaleuca’s cancellation policy and Backup Order processes.Melaleuca’s practiced cancellation policy requires that we receive either the original or acopy of a physical signature, by midnight MST on the last day of the month in which thecustomer wants the cancellation to take effect (as stated on our cancellation form). However,we request that the cancellation notice be sent by the 25th, if possible, to allow time forprocessing. Our Backup Orders are processed on the first day of every month, allowing ourcustomers the chance to place their order up until midnight on the last day of the month.Marketing Executives are taught to fully explain the Product Point commitment whenenrolling someone as a Preferred Customer.We wish [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
September 24, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]
[redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shewas enrolled with Melaleuca without her consent and due to being enrolled was charged for twoBackup Orders. She is upset because she has returned both of the Backup Orders, but she wasnot refunded for the original shipping of the orders. Typically, when orders are returned toMelaleuca, original shipping is not refunded. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below for reference). However, in an effort toresolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refund shipping on both orders that she returnedas well as the remaining credit on her account for a total of $71.95. This refund was processed tothe method of payment that was charged.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 8, 2015 and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or charges.Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on July 22, 2015 As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibilityfor discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. Because Ms. [redacted] asserts that she was enrolled as a PreferredCustomer without her permission, this issue has been turned over to our Policy Administrationdepartment for further research and possible communication with the individual who enrolledher.[redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho [redacted] ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
Re: [redacted] (follow up), Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We recently received a second notice from your office regarding further concerns expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond.Mr. [redacted]’s follow-up communication indicates he was ‘sold a bill of goods.’ Mr. [redacted] wasnever enrolled as a Melaleuca Customer; we never received any paperwork to enroll him as aCustomer; we never had a credit card from him; he never ordered any product from us; and we nevercharged him for any product or service. Indeed, Mr. [redacted] was never “sold” anything. So whilewe respect his continued focus on his perceived concerns, we consider them overstated and not basedon fact.As indicated in our previous response, the Terms and Conditions are on the Melaleuca CustomerMembership Agreement which Mr. [redacted] would have had an opportunity to review had hepursued becoming a Melaleuca Customer. Melaleuca fulfills more than 470,000 orders in the UnitedStates and Canada each month to Customers who are completely happy and enjoy our products. IfMr. [redacted] would like to join those happy customers, we will gladly discuss that possibility withhim.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best and consider this matter closed.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
September 8, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and...
providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thathe was misinformed about the Backup Order process, and was under the impression that hewould be notified before the Backup Order was sent, which does not occur. He is annoyedbecause he had to pay $20 to return the package. As well Melaleuca never received payment forthe order, which caused an owing balance on his account of $7.44. In an effort to resolve all ofMr. [redacted]’s concerns, we have cleared the owing balance of $7.44, and we have refundedthe $20 that he was charged for return shipping to the method of payment on file.Based on Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the, his account wascancelled on September 4, 2015 and, as such, he should not receive any more products orcharges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account previously because we hadnot received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with the Terms and Conditionsof our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on June 11, 2015 As aPreferred Customer, Mr. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savingsprograms. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer MembershipAgreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order.Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order theymight receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include avariety of products selected by Melaleuca. [redacted] ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and Cr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Ms. [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have...
prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her home security.
We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that she is not satisfied with the service and would like to cancel her home security service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.
Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on August 18, 2015, by way of electronic signature. Her security system was activated on September 1, 2015. We have attempted to contact her on numerous occasions to try and resolve her issues. It is frustrating that Ms. [redacted] will not take our calls or return our calls when we leave voice messages. Ms. [redacted]’s monitoring agreement was for 60 months at $44.95 per month plus sales tax. However, in an effort to resolve the issue, Ms. [redacted]’s home security was cancelled on October 13, 2016 and we have waived the remaining balance of $2,162.47 in monitoring fees.
We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sterling N. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business...
with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thatshe has been trying to cancel her account for a few months and wants Melaleuca to cancelher membership and refund her for the last three orders processed to her account. In an effortto resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have cancelled her account, emailed her threeAuthorized Return Shipment labels so she can return her orders at no expense to her, andhave processed a refund for $187.59.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 12, 2017 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on April 6, 2017. As a PreferredMember, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’sCustomer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for aPreferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amountof products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that willbe included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no suchselection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution though not satisfactory to me is acceptable. Satisfactory response would've required them to explain why they short paid me in the first place and refund my shipping fee I paid to returned their products. Every sustainable business should provide a return ticket especially in situations where clients do not select their products. My mother inlaw too is suffering the same predicament and I'llbe filling a complaint too for her... she's been billed continously and cannot find time in her busy schedule to stop or complain
Melaleuca settled with me by refunding me the $116.21 and hope they will agree NOT to charge my account any more, honoring my cancelation of membership.
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologiesto her for any...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to herinquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’ communication to the to indicate she wasconfused about the deadline for placing an order. She placed an order on June 1, 2015 at 9:21pmover the internet. Melaleuca extended a courtesy for all customers who had not placed their Mayorder to do so up until approximately 12 pm on June 1st. Since Ms. [redacted] placed her orderoutside of the extension the order Ms. [redacted] placed was flagged as her June order and theInsured Customer Backup Order was processed, charging her account $64.06. In an effort toresolve all of Ms. [redacted]’ concerns an Authorized Return Label was emailed to Ms. [redacted] thatshe can use to send the Backup Order back to the company free of charge. As well, we haverefunded the $64.04 in full back to the method of payment that was charged.As Ms. [redacted] requested, her account was cancelled on June 17, 2015 and she should not receiveany more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’ account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on January 16, 2015. As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 40% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you forbringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Ms.[redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us...
from being more responsive to her inquiriesregarding her home security account.We understand Ms. [redacted]'s communication to the to indicate that she moved and wishesto cancel the home security contract without any penalties or additional costs.According to our records, Ms. [redacted] enrolled in our home security program in March 2015, agreeing to a 60month contract. As of the date of this letter Ms. [redacted] has 42 months remaining on the contract. In an effort toresolve Ms. [redacted]'s concerns, one of our Melaleuca Security representatives contacted Ms. [redacted] and anagreement was made that we would waive a few of the months of service and billing would automatically beginagain in May 2017. Ms. [redacted] also agreed that if she does choose to eventually cancel the contract, she would becharged a 40% early termination fee.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca's Customer ServiceDepartment at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Sterling *. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
Dear [redacted]: We recently received a follow-up response from your office regarding [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] indicates that he has not received the refund which was indicated in our June 30, 2016 letter. However, we ran a report and our records indicate that the refunds were processed on June 30, 2016, to his credit card on file. Below is a breakdown of the refunds, along with the refund reference numbers. Proc Date Amount Account # Ref # 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] 6/30/2016 69.49 [redacted] We suggest Mr. [redacted] contact his bank and confirm the refunds have been properly processed from his bank. His bank will probably request the reference numbers. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or additional concerns. Sincerely, Wayne B[redacted] Director of Global Policy Administration
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to...
do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive toher inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shewanted her account cancelled and her debit card removed from her account. In an effort to resolve allof Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have cancelled her account, refunded her initial membership feeand removed her debit card from the account.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on August 22, 2017 and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms andConditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference).We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.I may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member BenefitsCancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Sincerely, [redacted]
January 28,[redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month willbe effective the month received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will beeffective the following month…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the productwithout charge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (lessshipping and handling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method ofPayment used to purchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case arefund check will be issued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account forthe purchase price of the returned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca productpurchases.
us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicatethat she requests that the owing balance be removed from her account, including shipping. Inan effort to resolve Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have removed the owing balance from heraccount. Therefore, Ms. [redacted]’s account reflects a zero balance. Ms. [redacted]disputed the charge of $63.75 from her bank, so a refund from Melaleuca is not warranted.Additionally, we will allow Ms. [redacted] to keep the order at issue.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 14, 2015 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on June 16, 2015. As aPreferred Customer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and healthsavings programs. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s CustomerMembership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order inany month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that theycommitted to order. Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in anyBackup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca. We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed SuspendMy Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, andC
September 24, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologiesto her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to herinquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shewishes to have a refund of shipping charges relating to an order she returned, which Melaleucanever received payment for. Melaleuca cleared the owing balance except for the originalshipping cost, which was charged to Ms. [redacted]’s method of payment. (An excerpt from theTerms and Conditions addressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below for reference). In aneffort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refunded $7.44 to her method of paymentfor the cost of original shipping.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 9, 2015 and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on August 23, 2015 As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalogeach month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility fordiscounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. [redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
Re: [redacted] M [redacted], Case# [redacted]
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted],regarding the account of his wife, [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention andproviding us an opportunity to respond. We appreciate the...
opportunity Mrs. [redacted] gave us to dobusiness with her, and extend our apologies for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us frombeing more responsive to their inquiries regarding her account.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that he hadrequested a full refund for products sent to his wife without her consent, due to the Backup Ordertaking effect on her account. By signing the Customer Membership Agreement (by way of third partyverification), Mrs. [redacted] agreed to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichshe did not order at least the amount of products she committed to order. In an effort to resolve all ofthe [redacted]’s concerns, we have issued a full refund of $65.42 to the original credit card on file.Mrs. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on August 2, 2016 and, as such, she should not receive any moreproducts or charges. We note that we did not cancel Mrs. [redacted]’s account previously because we hadnot received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of ourCustomer Membership Agreement.
Mrs. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on July 29, 2016. As a PreferredCustomer, Mrs. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog eachmonth in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discountedservices.
We wish Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] all the best. If they have any further questions, they may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, andextend our...
apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.
We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thatshe did not choose a Preferred Membership Pack when she enrolled and states she did notauthorize the orders. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have issued afull refund of both the November and December Preferred Membership Packs to the originalmethod of payment. The amount of refund she may expect will be $129.32. If Ms. [redacted]would like a copy of her executed Customer Membership Agreement we would be happy toprovide that to her.
Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on January 19, 2017 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’saccount previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).
Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on November 21, 2016. As aPreferred Member, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety ofproducts selected by Melaleuca.
We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.
Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:
Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.
Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account at $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
The Preferred Membership Pack AgreementIf I am enrolling as a Preferred Member, I agree to purchase products totaling at least 35 Product Points each month (plus tax, shipping and handling). I authorized Melaleuca to ship the designated Preferred Membership Pack for any calendar month in which my product orders are less than 35 Product Points. Melaleuca is under no obligation to ship any products not paid for.
Preferred Membership Pack Substitutions and ChargesI authorize Melaleuca to substitute other products to ensure that I meet my Product Point commitment and to charge my account for the substituted product(s).
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a follow up concern expressed by[redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us anopportunity to respond.We understand M[redacted] further communication to the toindicate that she was not satisfied with our resolution of her complaint, and that she has someconcerns regarding Melaleuca’s cancellation policy and Backup Order processes.Melaleuca’s practiced cancellation policy requires that we receive either the original or acopy of a physical signature, by midnight MST on the last day of the month in which thecustomer wants the cancellation to take effect (as stated on our cancellation form). However,we request that the cancellation notice be sent by the 25th, if possible, to allow time forprocessing. Our Backup Orders are processed on the first day of every month, allowing ourcustomers the chance to place their order up until midnight on the last day of the month.Marketing Executives are taught to fully explain the Product Point commitment whenenrolling someone as a Preferred Customer.We wish [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
September 24, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]
[redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an...
opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shewas enrolled with Melaleuca without her consent and due to being enrolled was charged for twoBackup Orders. She is upset because she has returned both of the Backup Orders, but she wasnot refunded for the original shipping of the orders. Typically, when orders are returned toMelaleuca, original shipping is not refunded. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below for reference). However, in an effort toresolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refund shipping on both orders that she returnedas well as the remaining credit on her account for a total of $71.95. This refund was processed tothe method of payment that was charged.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 8, 2015 and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or charges.Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on July 22, 2015 As a PreferredCustomer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibilityfor discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs. Byaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. PreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. Because Ms. [redacted] asserts that she was enrolled as a PreferredCustomer without her permission, this issue has been turned over to our Policy Administrationdepartment for further research and possible communication with the individual who enrolledher.[redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho [redacted] ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
Re: [redacted] (follow up), Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],We recently received a second notice from your office regarding further concerns expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond.Mr. [redacted]’s follow-up communication indicates he was ‘sold a bill of goods.’ Mr. [redacted] wasnever enrolled as a Melaleuca Customer; we never received any paperwork to enroll him as aCustomer; we never had a credit card from him; he never ordered any product from us; and we nevercharged him for any product or service. Indeed, Mr. [redacted] was never “sold” anything. So whilewe respect his continued focus on his perceived concerns, we consider them overstated and not basedon fact.As indicated in our previous response, the Terms and Conditions are on the Melaleuca CustomerMembership Agreement which Mr. [redacted] would have had an opportunity to review had hepursued becoming a Melaleuca Customer. Melaleuca fulfills more than 470,000 orders in the UnitedStates and Canada each month to Customers who are completely happy and enjoy our products. IfMr. [redacted] would like to join those happy customers, we will gladly discuss that possibility withhim.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best and consider this matter closed.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy Administration
September 8, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Mr. [redacted] gave us to do business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thathe was misinformed about the Backup Order process, and was under the impression that hewould be notified before the Backup Order was sent, which does not occur. He is annoyedbecause he had to pay $20 to return the package. As well Melaleuca never received payment forthe order, which caused an owing balance on his account of $7.44. In an effort to resolve all ofMr. [redacted]’s concerns, we have cleared the owing balance of $7.44, and we have refundedthe $20 that he was charged for return shipping to the method of payment on file.Based on Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the, his account wascancelled on September 4, 2015 and, as such, he should not receive any more products orcharges. We note that we did not cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account previously because we hadnot received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with the Terms and Conditionsof our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on June 11, 2015 As aPreferred Customer, Mr. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savingsprograms. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer MembershipAgreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order.Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order theymight receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include avariety of products selected by Melaleuca. [redacted] ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.