have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meUpon receipt of the refund, I will happily send back the unopened box. Sincerely, *** ***
October 9, 2015Revdex.comAttn: *** ***E50th St.Boise, ID 83714Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an
opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that shewishes to receive a full refund for products sent to her without her consent, due to the BackupOrder taking effect on her accountBy signing the Customer Membership Agreement, Ms.*** agreed to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which she did notorder at least the amount of products she committed to orderIn an effort to resolve all of Ms.***’s concerns, four Authorized Return Labels have been emailed to her, which she may useto return the unwanted products at no cost to herIn addition, when we receive the products backwe will process a full refund for each of these orders, totaling $261.16.Ms***’s account was cancelled on August 31, and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on April 20, As a PreferredCustomer, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibilityfor discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programsByaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. *** *** *** *** * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and CrSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases
Re: *** ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate Ms***’s business and extend our
apologies for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that she claims she is being overcharged for taxes on her Melaleuca ordersMs*** resides in Gonzales, LouisianaLouisiana is one of a few unique states which has a Home Rule, meaning residents are charged state, county, city and district taxes, depending on their zip codeAccording to the information provided when Ms*** enrolled, she was being charged the correct taxHowever, after narrowing the search it was determined that Ms*** has been slightly overcharged on tax for her product and shippingIn an effort to resolve this issue, a credit of account of $has been placed on Ms***’s account which she can use for future ordersWe have also updated her address in our system to include the zip code + four digits which means that any future orders Ms*** places will calculate the correct tax amount.We wish to thank Ms*** for her loyalty to Melaleuca and wish her the bestIf she has further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration
Dear Ms***:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***.Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWeappreciate the opportunity Mr*** gave us to do business with him, and extend ourapologies to
him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to his inquiries regarding his account
We understand Mr***’s communication to the to indicate that hehad requested for his account to be cancelled and for a refund of the charges that he incurredsince his first attempt to cancel his accountIn an effort to resolve all of his concerns we haverefunded the five Convenience Certificates that were processed to Mr*** credit card onfile and have removed the owing balance of $for the December ConvenienceCertificatesA refund of $has also been refunded for the annual renewal fee charged inAugust The total refund amount to Mr*** is $
Mr***’s account was cancelled on January 13, and, as such, he should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Mr***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference)
*** and Margaret *** enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Customers on June 11, 2015.As Preferred Customers, Mrand Mrs*** committed to order a certain amount of productsfrom Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all productsordered and eligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive andpay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at leastthe amount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Customers can select theproducts that will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIf theymake no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a varietyof products selected by Melaleuca
We wish Mr*** all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-
Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:
Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca
Payment AuthorizationI authorize Melaleuca to charge my credit card or debit the bank account specified in this Agreement for orders I place directly and for any Preferred Membership PackIf Melaleuca is unable to collect payment in full from my credit card, I authorized Melaleuca to make multiple attempts to collect for up to daysI agree to pay a $service fee if a check or charge is dishonored for any reasonI will hold Melaleuca harmless for all special or consequential damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from any wrongful debit to my account
Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
October 13, 2015Revdex.comAttn: *** *** ** *** ***Boise, ID 83714Re: *** * ***, Case ***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, and extendour apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that sherequests that her Melaleuca account be cancelled as well as a full refund of the charges on heraccount caused by the Backup Orders being generatedAn Insured Customer Backup Order isprocessed when no minimum product order is placed in a calendar monthIn an effort to resolveall of Ms***’s concerns, we have refunded the total amount of both the August BackupOrder and the Business KitMelaleuca never received payment for the September Backup Order,and the owing balance was removed from Ms***’s accountThe total amount refunded toMs***’s method of payment is $66.81.Ms*** further states that she was enrolled without her knowledge or consentMelaleuca’sPolicy Administration department has been notified and they will be contacting the individualwho presented Melaleuca to Ms***.Ms***’s account was cancelled on October 13, and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on August 30, As aPreferred Customer, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savingsprogramsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer MembershipAgreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. *** *** *** *** * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### Melaleuca.comPreferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order theymight receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include avariety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and CrSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…
Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, andextend our
apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate thatshe requests for all balances on the account to be cleared and not receive any future orders orcommunication from MelaleucaOur records indicate that Ms*** was an active PreferredMember and we had not yet received her cancelation noticeTherefore a Preferred MembershipPack was processed and mailed, charging Ms*** $Ms*** disputed the chargewith the credit card company and the owing balance of $was placed on her account untilwe received the package backIn an effort to resolve the issue we have removed the owingbalance of $from Ms***’s account.Ms***’s account was cancelled on May 3, and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on August 8, As a PreferredMember, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibilityfor discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs.By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order.Preferred Members can select the products that will be included in any Preferred MembershipPack they might receiveIf they make no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
March 1, 2016Revdex.comAttn: *** *** ** *** ***, ID 83714Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an
opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate thatshe has requested a full refund of a duplicate order, one placed by Melaleuca when Ms.***’s paperwork was received, and a second order placed by her Enroller in errorThesecond order has been returned to Melaleuca and a full refund of $has been processed.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration
August 20, Attn: *** *** *** ** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** Case #*** Dear Ms***: We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and
providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her accountWe understand Ms***’ communication to the to indicate that after signing up with the company she did not receive a copy of the agreement that she signedMs*** was not aware of the Backup Order process, which is explained on the Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership AgreementThe agreement Ms*** signed will be sent to her separatelyMs*** expressed frustration because of the Convenience Certificate charge that caused an owing balance of $on her accountIn an effort to resolve all of Ms***’ concerns we have cleared the owing balance from her accountMs***’ account was cancelled on June 2, and, as such, she should not receive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’ account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference)Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on May 22, As a Preferred Customer, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca*** *** *** *** * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####Sincerely, Wayne Billman Director of Customer Care and Business Development The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs: Cancellation Rights I may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend My Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and CrSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective the month receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the following month…
October 9, 2015Revdex.comAttn: *** *** ** *** ***Boise, ID 83714Re: *** ***, Case# ***Dear Ms***:We recently received a second notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that she wishes tohave a refund of the expense of having to return an orderIn accordance with the Terms and Conditions ofthe Customer Membership Agreement Form, Customers agree that in order to return products they arerequired to pay the cost to ship the items to the company(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below for reference)However, in an effort to resolve all ofMs***’s concerns, we have refunded $to her method of payment for shipping charges sheincurred.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s CustomerService department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
Re: *** ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Mr*** gave us to do
business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr***’s communication to the to indicate that hewas under the impression that his account was cancelled in December 2016, so he thought hewas not getting charged anymoreAs stated below, Mr***’s account was cancelled inJuly, and, as such, he received Preferred Membership Packs in the form of ConvenienceCertificates until we received his cancel letterDue to the confusion with Mr***’saccount and in an effort to resolve this issue, we have refunded Mr*** in full for allunredeemed Convenience Certificates since December 2016, in the amount of $437.12Mr***’s account was cancelled on July 6, and, as such, he should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Mr***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on August 11, As aPreferred Member, Mr*** committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIf they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety ofproducts selected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr*** all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Convenience Certificates….If I do not redeem a Convenience Certificate within months, the unredeemed balance will be converted to a credit on my account, subject to the terms in the Satisfaction GuaranteeConvenience Certificates may be redeemed for product or credit on account, but may not be returned for cash except in certain states
May 24, 2016Revdex.comAttn: Elaine ***P.OBox 1000Dupont, WA
Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** * ***Thank you for bringingthis matter to our attention and providing us an
opportunity to respondWe extend our apologies to Mr*** forany inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his homesecurity.We understand Mr***'s communication to the to be that he would like to cancel his homesecurity service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.Our records indicate Mr.*** signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on April 5, 2012, by way of electronicsignature, and had months left on his contractOne of our representatives contacted Mr*** and discussedthree different options to resolve the issueMr*** agreed to have his home security agreement cancelled with aminimal cancel fee of $99, rather than the standard fee of $His home security agreement was cancelled today,May 24, 2016.We wish Mr*** all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca's Customer ServiceDepartment at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Sterling *B***Melaleuca Security General Manager
Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** * ***. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave
us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***'s communication to the to indicate that she had requested a refund for unauthorized charges due to the fact that her method of payment was accidentally used for another customer's orderIn an effort to resolve all of Ms***'s concerns, we have issued a refund of $in the form of a check, which covers the refund of charges as well as the overdraft fees caused by the chargeIn addition, a complementary package of products was sent to Ms*** for the inconvenience in not resolving her issue in a more timely manner.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca's Customer Service department at 1-800-282-Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Mr. [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have...
prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his home security.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that he would like to cancel his home security service contract and return the product.
Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on July 8, 2016, and has made three payments towards the 60 month agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. [redacted]’s standard 60% early termination fee would be over $1,400. However, in an effort to resolve the issue, Mr. [redacted] has agreed to return the equipment in ‘like new’ condition. Once the equipment is received, the early termination fee will be waived and Mr. [redacted] will be charged a restocking fee of $199. In addition, Mr. [redacted]’s contract will be cancelled.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sterling *. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologiesto her for any...
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to herinquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shestates she was “conned” into placing an order with Melaleuca. She claims to have beenwrongfully informed about the company. We did not refund her before because we had notreceived the products back from her in accordance with our satisfaction guarantee. (An excerptfrom the Terms and Conditions addressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below forreference) However, in an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refunded her infull for the order that was placed on her account in the amount of $227.18. This refund wasprocessed to the method of payment that was on her account. Additionally, Ms. [redacted]’s concernhas been forwarded to Melaleuca’s Policy Administration department and they will be contactingthe individuals who enrolled Ms. [redacted].Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on May 22, 2015 and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business Development[redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and Cr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: I see the refund and the amount is $121.36. Melaleuca needs to invest in their procedures, train employees, make things easier for customers and not make getting issues resolved such a hassle.
The hassles:
1. A lost cancellation request
2. Refunding one order when there are two included
3. Telling a customer to "call back tomorrow" when I was calling with info they requested to resolve an issue
4. Not documenting tracking info requested through chat when my call would not be taken - even though I was told to call with it
5. Chat rep giving wrong date return was received 2/2 I was told my return was received 1/31
6. Refund amount given to different from what is actually credited. The amount I am being refunded is $121.36.
A little accuracy and follow-through would go a long way for customer service. They've taken too much of my time trying to get things cleared up and need to evaluate customer experience. That's all. I don't want to spend any more time on this and am glad to have cut ties.
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do...
business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thatshe has tried to cancel her account multiple times on the phone and in writing, but she is stillbeing charged for Preferred Membership Packs. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’sconcerns, we have cancelled her account, rerouted her most recent Preferred Membershipback to us, and refunded her last two Preferred Membership Packs in full for a total refund of$135.12.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 12, 2017 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on May 9, 2017. As a PreferredMember, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’sCustomer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for aPreferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amountof products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that willbe included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no suchselection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
October 9, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Boise, ID 83714Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you forbringing this matter to our attention and...
providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Mr.[redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regardinghis home security.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that he would like to cancel hishome security service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.Our records indicate Mr.[redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on June 12, 2012, by way of an electronicsignature. At the time of enrollment he was informed that the service would automatically renew for a one year onJune 12, 2015. Ms. [redacted] had nine months left on his renewal term.In an effort to resolve this issue, Mr. [redacted]’s home security renewal has been cancelled, and, as such, he shouldnot receive any more products or charges.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer ServiceDepartment at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
January 29, 2016Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]Thank you for bringing this to our attention and...
providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her,and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us frombeing more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted] communication to the to indicatethat she had requested a refund of convenience certificates, refund for returned product andthat her Melaleuca Preferred Customer Membership be cancelled. Melaleuca’s policyregarding convenience certificates is that they may redeemed for product only, and may notbe returned for a refund or credit. However, in an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]concerns, we have issued a refund in the form of a check for the two convenience certificateswhich were not redeemed for product, as well as the credit from the return of her July 2015order. The total amount of the refund is $155.06.Ms. [redacted] account was cancelled on January 28, 2016 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on May 26, 2015. As aPreferred Customer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of productsfrom Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all productsordered and eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service andhealth savings programs. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s CustomerMembership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order inany month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that theycommitted to order. Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in anyBackup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca. We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed SuspendMy Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, andCr. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month willbe effective the month received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will beeffective the following month…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the productwithout charge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (lessshipping and handling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method ofPayment used to purchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case arefund check will be issued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account forthe purchase price of the returned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca productpurchases. have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meUpon receipt of the refund, I will happily send back the unopened box. Sincerely, *** ***
October 9, 2015Revdex.comAttn: *** ***E50th St.Boise, ID 83714Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases
opportunity to respond.We appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, and extend ourapologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that shewishes to receive a full refund for products sent to her without her consent, due to the BackupOrder taking effect on her accountBy signing the Customer Membership Agreement, Ms.*** agreed to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which she did notorder at least the amount of products she committed to orderIn an effort to resolve all of Ms.***’s concerns, four Authorized Return Labels have been emailed to her, which she may useto return the unwanted products at no cost to herIn addition, when we receive the products backwe will process a full refund for each of these orders, totaling $261.16.Ms***’s account was cancelled on August 31, and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on April 20, As a PreferredCustomer, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibilityfor discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programsByaccepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during whichthey do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferredCustomers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receive.If they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca. *** *** *** *** * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### Melaleuca.comWe wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
Re: *** ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate Ms***’s business and extend our
apologies for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that she claims she is being overcharged for taxes on her Melaleuca ordersMs*** resides in Gonzales, LouisianaLouisiana is one of a few unique states which has a Home Rule, meaning residents are charged state, county, city and district taxes, depending on their zip codeAccording to the information provided when Ms*** enrolled, she was being charged the correct taxHowever, after narrowing the search it was determined that Ms*** has been slightly overcharged on tax for her product and shippingIn an effort to resolve this issue, a credit of account of $has been placed on Ms***’s account which she can use for future ordersWe have also updated her address in our system to include the zip code + four digits which means that any future orders Ms*** places will calculate the correct tax amount.We wish to thank Ms*** for her loyalty to Melaleuca and wish her the bestIf she has further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration
Dear Ms***:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***.Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWeappreciate the opportunity Mr*** gave us to do business with him, and extend ourapologies to
him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to his inquiries regarding his account
We understand Mr***’s communication to the to indicate that hehad requested for his account to be cancelled and for a refund of the charges that he incurredsince his first attempt to cancel his accountIn an effort to resolve all of his concerns we haverefunded the five Convenience Certificates that were processed to Mr*** credit card onfile and have removed the owing balance of $for the December ConvenienceCertificatesA refund of $has also been refunded for the annual renewal fee charged inAugust The total refund amount to Mr*** is $
Mr***’s account was cancelled on January 13, and, as such, he should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Mr***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference)
*** and Margaret *** enrolled with Melaleuca as Preferred Customers on June 11, 2015.As Preferred Customers, Mrand Mrs*** committed to order a certain amount of productsfrom Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all productsordered and eligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive andpay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at leastthe amount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Customers can select theproducts that will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIf theymake no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a varietyof products selected by Melaleuca
We wish Mr*** all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-
Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration
The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:
Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca
Payment AuthorizationI authorize Melaleuca to charge my credit card or debit the bank account specified in this Agreement for orders I place directly and for any Preferred Membership PackIf Melaleuca is unable to collect payment in full from my credit card, I authorized Melaleuca to make multiple attempts to collect for up to daysI agree to pay a $service fee if a check or charge is dishonored for any reasonI will hold Melaleuca harmless for all special or consequential damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from any wrongful debit to my account
Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
October 13, 2015Revdex.comAttn: *** *** ** *** ***Boise, ID 83714Re: *** * ***, Case ***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, and extendour apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being moreresponsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that sherequests that her Melaleuca account be cancelled as well as a full refund of the charges on heraccount caused by the Backup Orders being generatedAn Insured Customer Backup Order isprocessed when no minimum product order is placed in a calendar monthIn an effort to resolveall of Ms***’s concerns, we have refunded the total amount of both the August BackupOrder and the Business KitMelaleuca never received payment for the September Backup Order,and the owing balance was removed from Ms***’s accountThe total amount refunded toMs***’s method of payment is $66.81.Ms*** further states that she was enrolled without her knowledge or consentMelaleuca’sPolicy Administration department has been notified and they will be contacting the individualwho presented Melaleuca to Ms***.Ms***’s account was cancelled on October 13, and, as such, she should not receiveany more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on August 30, As aPreferred Customer, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savingsprogramsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer MembershipAgreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order. *** *** *** *** * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### Melaleuca.comPreferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order theymight receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include avariety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraph:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…
Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, andextend our
apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate thatshe requests for all balances on the account to be cleared and not receive any future orders orcommunication from MelaleucaOur records indicate that Ms*** was an active PreferredMember and we had not yet received her cancelation noticeTherefore a Preferred MembershipPack was processed and mailed, charging Ms*** $Ms*** disputed the chargewith the credit card company and the owing balance of $was placed on her account untilwe received the package backIn an effort to resolve the issue we have removed the owingbalance of $from Ms***’s account.Ms***’s account was cancelled on May 3, and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on August 8, As a PreferredMember, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibilityfor discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programs.By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement,Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for a Preferred Membership Pack in any monthduring which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to order.Preferred Members can select the products that will be included in any Preferred MembershipPack they might receiveIf they make no such selection, any Preferred Membership Pack theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the productIf I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the creditMelaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law
March 1, 2016Revdex.comAttn: *** *** ** *** ***, ID 83714Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an
opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate thatshe has requested a full refund of a duplicate order, one placed by Melaleuca when Ms.***’s paperwork was received, and a second order placed by her Enroller in errorThesecond order has been returned to Melaleuca and a full refund of $has been processed.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration
August 20, Attn: *** *** *** ** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** Case #*** Dear Ms***: We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and
rSuspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective the month receivedSuspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the following month…
providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her accountWe understand Ms***’ communication to the to indicate that after signing up with the company she did not receive a copy of the agreement that she signedMs*** was not aware of the Backup Order process, which is explained on the Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership AgreementThe agreement Ms*** signed will be sent to her separatelyMs*** expressed frustration because of the Convenience Certificate charge that caused an owing balance of $on her accountIn an effort to resolve all of Ms***’ concerns we have cleared the owing balance from her accountMs***’ account was cancelled on June 2, and, as such, she should not receive any more products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Ms***’ account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference)Ms*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on May 22, As a Preferred Customer, Ms*** committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered and eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service and health savings programsBy accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order in any month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Customers can select the products that will be included in any Backup Order they might receiveIf they make no such selection, any Backup Order they receive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca*** *** *** *** * Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-###-###-#### We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####Sincerely, Wayne Billman Director of Customer Care and Business Development The Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs: Cancellation Rights I may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend My Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
October 9, 2015Revdex.comAttn: *** *** ** *** ***Boise, ID 83714Re: *** ***, Case# ***Dear Ms***:We recently received a second notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** ***.We understand Ms***’s communication to the to indicate that she wishes tohave a refund of the expense of having to return an orderIn accordance with the Terms and Conditions ofthe Customer Membership Agreement Form, Customers agree that in order to return products they arerequired to pay the cost to ship the items to the company(An excerpt from the Terms and Conditionsaddressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below for reference)However, in an effort to resolve all ofMs***’s concerns, we have refunded $to her method of payment for shipping charges sheincurred.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s CustomerService department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***Director of Customer Care and Business DevelopmentThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges)(Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned productCredit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
Re: *** ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by ***Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespondWe appreciate the opportunity Mr*** gave us to do
business with him, andextend our apologies to him for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to his inquiries regarding his account.We understand Mr***’s communication to the to indicate that hewas under the impression that his account was cancelled in December 2016, so he thought hewas not getting charged anymoreAs stated below, Mr***’s account was cancelled inJuly, and, as such, he received Preferred Membership Packs in the form of ConvenienceCertificates until we received his cancel letterDue to the confusion with Mr***’saccount and in an effort to resolve this issue, we have refunded Mr*** in full for allunredeemed Convenience Certificates since December 2016, in the amount of $437.12Mr***’s account was cancelled on July 6, and, as such, he should not receive anymore products or chargesWe note that we did not cancel Mr***’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from him in accordance with theTerms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement(An excerpt from the Termsand Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Mr*** enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on August 11, As aPreferred Member, Mr*** committed to order a certain amount of products fromMelaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products orderedand eligibility for discounted servicesBy accepting the Terms and Conditions ofMelaleuca’s Customer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and payfor a Preferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least theamount of products that they committed to orderPreferred Members can select the productsthat will be included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receiveIf they make nosuch selection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety ofproducts selected by Melaleuca.We wish Mr*** all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation FormCancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Convenience Certificates….If I do not redeem a Convenience Certificate within months, the unredeemed balance will be converted to a credit on my account, subject to the terms in the Satisfaction GuaranteeConvenience Certificates may be redeemed for product or credit on account, but may not be returned for cash except in certain states
May 24, 2016Revdex.comAttn: Elaine ***P.OBox 1000Dupont, WA
Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** * ***Thank you for bringingthis matter to our attention and providing us an
opportunity to respondWe extend our apologies to Mr*** forany inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his homesecurity.We understand Mr***'s communication to the to be that he would like to cancel his homesecurity service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.Our records indicate Mr.*** signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on April 5, 2012, by way of electronicsignature, and had months left on his contractOne of our representatives contacted Mr*** and discussedthree different options to resolve the issueMr*** agreed to have his home security agreement cancelled with aminimal cancel fee of $99, rather than the standard fee of $His home security agreement was cancelled today,May 24, 2016.We wish Mr*** all the bestIf he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca's Customer ServiceDepartment at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Sterling *B***Melaleuca Security General Manager
Re: *** * ***, Case #***Dear Ms***:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by *** * ***. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respondWe appreciate the opportunity Ms*** gave
us to do business with her, and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms***'s communication to the to indicate that she had requested a refund for unauthorized charges due to the fact that her method of payment was accidentally used for another customer's orderIn an effort to resolve all of Ms***'s concerns, we have issued a refund of $in the form of a check, which covers the refund of charges as well as the overdraft fees caused by the chargeIn addition, a complementary package of products was sent to Ms*** for the inconvenience in not resolving her issue in a more timely manner.We wish Ms*** all the bestIf she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca's Customer Service department at 1-800-282-Sincerely,Wayne B***Director of Global Policy Administration have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Mr. [redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have...
prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regarding his home security.
We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that he would like to cancel his home security service contract and return the product.
Our records indicate Mr. [redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on July 8, 2016, and has made three payments towards the 60 month agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. [redacted]’s standard 60% early termination fee would be over $1,400. However, in an effort to resolve the issue, Mr. [redacted] has agreed to return the equipment in ‘like new’ condition. Once the equipment is received, the early termination fee will be waived and Mr. [redacted] will be charged a restocking fee of $199. In addition, Mr. [redacted]’s contract will be cancelled.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-282-3000.
Sterling *. B[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted] [redacted].Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity to respond. Weappreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her, and extend our apologiesto her for any...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month will be effective themonth received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will be effective the followingmonth…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the product withoutcharge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (less shipping andhandling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method of Payment used topurchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case a refund check will beissued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account for the purchase price of thereturned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca product purchases.
inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to herinquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate that shestates she was “conned” into placing an order with Melaleuca. She claims to have beenwrongfully informed about the company. We did not refund her before because we had notreceived the products back from her in accordance with our satisfaction guarantee. (An excerptfrom the Terms and Conditions addressing satisfaction guarantee is appended below forreference) However, in an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, we have refunded her infull for the order that was placed on her account in the amount of $227.18. This refund wasprocessed to the method of payment that was on her account. Additionally, Ms. [redacted]’s concernhas been forwarded to Melaleuca’s Policy Administration department and they will be contactingthe individuals who enrolled Ms. [redacted].Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on May 22, 2015 and, as such, she should not receive anymore products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account previouslybecause we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordance with the Termsand Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt from the Terms andConditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’sCustomer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Customer Care and Business Development[redacted] Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402-6003 ###-###-#### Melaleuca.comThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed Suspend MyMembership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, and C
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: I see the refund and the amount is $121.36. Melaleuca needs to invest in their procedures, train employees, make things easier for customers and not make getting issues resolved such a hassle.
The hassles:
1. A lost cancellation request
2. Refunding one order when there are two included
3. Telling a customer to "call back tomorrow" when I was calling with info they requested to resolve an issue
4. Not documenting tracking info requested through chat when my call would not be taken - even though I was told to call with it
5. Chat rep giving wrong date return was received 2/2 I was told my return was received 1/31
6. Refund amount given to different from what is actually credited. The amount I am being refunded is $121.36.
A little accuracy and follow-through would go a long way for customer service. They've taken too much of my time trying to get things cleared up and need to evaluate customer experience. That's all. I don't want to spend any more time on this and am glad to have cut ties.
Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do...
business with her, andextend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from beingmore responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted]’s communication to the to indicate thatshe has tried to cancel her account multiple times on the phone and in writing, but she is stillbeing charged for Preferred Membership Packs. In an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]’sconcerns, we have cancelled her account, rerouted her most recent Preferred Membershipback to us, and refunded her last two Preferred Membership Packs in full for a total refund of$135.12.Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled on September 12, 2017 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]’s accountpreviously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her in accordancewith the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (An excerpt fromthe Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below for reference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Member on May 9, 2017. As a PreferredMember, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of products from Melaleuca’scatalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all products ordered andeligibility for discounted services. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’sCustomer Membership Agreement, Preferred Members agree to receive and pay for aPreferred Membership Pack in any month during which they do not order at least the amountof products that they committed to order. Preferred Members can select the products that willbe included in any Preferred Membership Pack they might receive. If they make no suchselection, any Preferred Membership Pack they receive will include a variety of productsselected by Melaleuca.We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contact Melaleuca’s Customer Service department at 1-800-282-3000.Sincerely,Wayne B[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the following paragraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel this Agreement for any reason at any time by completing a Preferred Member Benefits Cancellation Form. Cancellation Forms can be mailed or faxed to Melaleuca.Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unused portion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 90 days of the date of purchase and Melaleuca will credit my customer account for the total purchase price of the product. If I have unredeemed credit on my customer account, Melaleuca may make efforts to locate me and advise me in writing of the credit. Melaleuca may continue to make such attempts on a monthly basis and will charge my customer account a $10 service fee for each month’s notification process for as long as I have a credit on account, unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by law.
October 9, 2015Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Boise, ID 83714Re: [redacted], Case #[redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]. Thank you forbringing this matter to our attention and...
providing us an opportunity to respond. We extend our apologies to Mr.[redacted] for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us from being more responsive to his inquiries regardinghis home security.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s communication to the to be that he would like to cancel hishome security service agreement with Melaleuca Security, Inc.Our records indicate Mr.[redacted] signed up for Melaleuca Home Security on June 12, 2012, by way of an electronicsignature. At the time of enrollment he was informed that the service would automatically renew for a one year onJune 12, 2015. Ms. [redacted] had nine months left on his renewal term.In an effort to resolve this issue, Mr. [redacted]’s home security renewal has been cancelled, and, as such, he shouldnot receive any more products or charges.We wish Mr. [redacted] all the best. If he has any further questions, he may contact Melaleuca’s Customer ServiceDepartment at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Melaleuca Security General Manager
January 29, 2016Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]Re: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We recently received a notice from your office regarding a concern expressed by [redacted]Thank you for bringing this to our attention and...
r. Suspension Forms received by Melaleuca on or before the 25th of the month willbe effective the month received. Suspension Forms received after the 25th of the month will beeffective the following month…Satisfaction GuaranteeIf I am not completely satisfied with any product I purchase from Melaleuca, I may return the unusedportion of the product together with a copy of the purchase receipt to Melaleuca within 60 days of thedate of purchase and Melaleuca will (1) credit my customer account for the total purchase price of theproduct (less shipping and handling charges), or (2) upon my written request, replace the productwithout charge, or (3) upon my written request, refund the total purchase price of the product (lessshipping and handling charges). (Refunds, when requested, will be issued to the original Method ofPayment used to purchase the product unless that Method of Payment is unavailable, in which case arefund check will be issued to me.) Unless I request otherwise, Melaleuca will credit my account forthe purchase price of the returned product. Credit on account is available for Melaleuca productpurchases.
providing us an opportunity torespond. We appreciate the opportunity Ms. [redacted] gave us to do business with her,and extend our apologies to her for any inadvertent errors that may have prevented us frombeing more responsive to her inquiries regarding her account.We understand Ms. [redacted] communication to the to indicatethat she had requested a refund of convenience certificates, refund for returned product andthat her Melaleuca Preferred Customer Membership be cancelled. Melaleuca’s policyregarding convenience certificates is that they may redeemed for product only, and may notbe returned for a refund or credit. However, in an effort to resolve all of Ms. [redacted]concerns, we have issued a refund in the form of a check for the two convenience certificateswhich were not redeemed for product, as well as the credit from the return of her July 2015order. The total amount of the refund is $155.06.Ms. [redacted] account was cancelled on January 28, 2016 and, as such, she should notreceive any more products or charges. We note that we did not cancel Ms. [redacted]account previously because we had not received a written cancellation notice from her inaccordance with the Terms and Conditions of our Customer Membership Agreement. (Anexcerpt from the Terms and Conditions addressing cancellation is appended below forreference).Ms. [redacted] enrolled with Melaleuca as a Preferred Customer on May 26, 2015. As aPreferred Customer, Ms. [redacted] committed to order a certain amount of productsfrom Melaleuca’s catalog each month in return for a 30% to 50% discount on all productsordered and eligibility for discounted services such as long distance telephone service andhealth savings programs. By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Melaleuca’s CustomerMembership Agreement, Preferred Customers agree to receive and pay for a Backup Order inany month during which they do not order at least the amount of products that theycommitted to order. Preferred Customers can select the products that will be included in anyBackup Order they might receive. If they make no such selection, any Backup Order theyreceive will include a variety of products selected by Melaleuca. We wish Ms. [redacted] all the best. If she has any further questions, she may contactMelaleuca’s Customer Service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Director of Global Policy AdministrationThe Terms and Conditions of the Customer Membership Agreement include the followingparagraphs:Cancellation RightsI may cancel/suspend this Agreement for any reason at any time by submitting a completed SuspendMy Membership Form to Melaleuca bearing my original signature, printed name, address, andC