LoanDepot Reviews (554)
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Address: 8310 N Capital of Texas Hwy Ste 200, Austin, Texas, United States, 78731-1016
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loanDepot sincerely apologizes that Mr***’s experience with loanDepot has been anything less than satisfactoryThe borrower’s concerns has been escalated and addressed with managementAs a customer service concession, a full refund of $was processed to the *** ending in *** on
November 5, The transaction ID number is ***
Should Mr*** have any further questions or concerns, he may contact loanDepot’s Customer Care Department at *** ext***Representatives are available to assist Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, PST
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.They are just talking about their policy, and that they will conduct an investigation. 1) It doesn't say they have actually done anythingJust conducting an investigation does not "resolve my problem"There is no resolution until they start talking about the results of that investigation. 2) It doesn't address the fact that the person called me during work hours several times and would not let me get off the phoneThat is different from just excessive calling, that is rude and aggressive sales
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[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I have received my refund and consider this complaint resolved
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. That is their pat answer but does not address why I also paid interest in April for April - in advance, the same as I paid interest for February in February, in advance, and for March in March, in advanceI submit that this is a deceptive practice and wish LoanDepot to be given a negative rating or whatever you can do to punish themThank you
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Attached is the Letter of Explanation regarding this complaint.Thank You. San Diego Complaint #: *** Borrower Name: Margaret *** Complaint Date:
5/5/2015 Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the Beware home owners interested in refinancing!!! I was initially called by Loan Depot to explore possible refinancing of our house. I was told that we were pre-qualified for the amount requested so filled out the loan application and sent required documents to the company with a possible closing date within 60 days. An appraisal was ordered by Loan Depot shortly after they received the documents and I was billed for the report. After receiving a copy of the positive appraisal, I heard nothing for days and weeks. I tried calling the case manager as well as emailing him to find out the status of the loan but did not hear back even when the 60 day deadline approached. I had to finally call and speak to a senior manager only to find out that we did not qualify! Now we have no refinance and are out the cost of the appraisal. This is NOT good customer service and I cannot recommend that anyone use this company for first time mortgages or refinancing an original one. I would like a refund of the appraisal fee. Borrower’s Desired Resolution: A full refund of the appraisal fee would resolve this issue for us since we feel the company rushed the appraisal through without thoroughly checking our qualifications. An apology from the case manager would be nice instead of ignoring us. loanDepot’s Borrower Complaint Summary: Borrower claims that there were communication issues between her and loanDepot. Borrower is requesting a full refund of the $395 appraisal fee as well as an apology due to loanDepot not checking their qualifications thoroughly. loanDepot Findings and Response: loanDepot apologizes that Ms. *** felt like there were communication issues between her and loanDepot. However, it has been discovered that communication was done on a consistent basis between the borrower and loanDepot personnel. Ms. *** came to loanDepot on March 17, 2015 to discuss options of refinancing. A program was identified, and her loan was locked into a Conforming Fixed 30 Year program on the same day. Ultimately, the loan was declined on May 5, 2015 because the debt-to-income ratio (DTI) was too high for loanDepot to lend upon. After a thorough review of the loan, the borrower did not qualify at the time of application in regards to the DTI. Because of this, a full refund of $395 has been processed directly to the MasterCard ending in *** on May 15, 2015 as a customer service concession. The transaction ID number is ***. In conclusion, loanDepot sincerely apologizes for any miscommunication that occurred between Ms. *** and loanDepot and that the service Ms. *** received was anything less than satisfactory. A full refund in the amount of $395 has been processed. Should Ms. *** have additional concerns, she may contact our Customer Care Department at *** ext. ***. Representatives are available to assist Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, PST
The initial sales call was on November 30, 2017, Mr*** decided to move forward with the loan. The loan was a manual underwrite for FHA, on December 22, the loan was declined due to it being an FHA cash out and the only being months old. FHA requires the borrower make
payments before they can refinance with Cash Out. Several attempts were made to reach the borrower. *** *** the Licensed Loan Officer finally got a hold of Mr*** on December 28, to discuss alternative options. *** *** sent several emails and voicemails to Both Mr*** and his girlfriend to discuss the status of the loan and options, on December 28, it was determined *** had accidently blocked the phone number she couldn’t receive calls from *** ***, there is a substantial amount of documentation that *** *** made every attempt possible to reach out. The month seasoning requirement should have been determined on the initial call. The Licensed Loan Office has received coaching for this oversightThe current loan did not meet the month seasoning requirement since Mr*** refinanced months ago. The loan product was restructured to keep the existing loan and add a second mortgage, the guidelines require a month mortgage rating, Mr*** couldn’t provide rental history leaving him short months of the required monthsWe had our loan team review the file again to determine if there were additional loan programs available and confirmed there are other options that don’t require the Month Mortgage rating, however Mr*** doesn’t meet the credit/fico requirementsThe Borrower must have a FICO of and is required to have months reserves (mortgage payment including principal, interest, taxes, and insurance) in the bank. Mr*** currently doesn’t meet the FICO requirements and does not have the required cash reserves for the loan program
Attached is the Letter of Explanation regarding this complaint.Thank You. San Diego Complaint #: ***Borrower Name: *** ***Complaint Date: 6/8/2015Borrower’s Rebuttal Filed with the do not accept the appraisal fee not being refunded. If it wasn't for Loan Depot's incompetency I would not havehad to cancel my loan process with them. I did not back out just because I changed my mind; of which iswhy loan companies have that non-refundable clause in the loan. I closed my loan due to Loan Depot notmeeting the expectations that they promised and promise everyone via their website and over the phone. As far as my income being verified; there was not a problem with that as you alluded to in your response beingthe reason I cancelled. I have already refinanced my home with another lender as of last month without anyproblems.The other issue of Loan Depot's I.Tdepartment decoding my password protected document prior to me letting*** *** the password. *** *** told me himself that his I.Tdepartment was able to get into mydocument before I called. So, you can cover it up all you want, but that is against the law. It also proves that acompany of your size should be able to offer a secure portal for clients to upload and download documentswhere they can not be hacked into.Also, are you compensating the other person that had their information sent to my employer byaccident? Because their rights were breached as well.Regards,*** *** loanDepot Findings and Response:As stated in the initial response, loanDepot sincerely apologizes that Ms***’s experience was anything less thansatisfactoryloanDepot had every intention of closing Ms***’s loan as we are in the business of funding loans, butultimately, Ms***’s loan application was cancelled on March 23, We regret that we could not fund Ms.***’s loan, but we are pleased to hear that Ms*** was able to get another lender to help her achieve herrefinance goalsFurthermore, loanDepot’s systems are secure, and access to a borrower’s information and records islimited to certain loanDepot employeesIn terms of compensating the other person that had their personal informationsent to Ms***’s employer, we did compensate $to that borrower for the purpose of *** services as well. With all this being said, our stance remains the same in not refunding the $appraisal depositServices wererendered with the appraisal and the borrower executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement that states in writing thedeposit is non-refundableloanDepot did not profit in any way on this transaction as we were subject to additional costs.The appraisal in itself totaled $which loanDepot had to pay the difference.Here at loanDepot, we have established responsible lending and customer service as our core valuesShould Ms***have additional questions or concerns, she may contact loanDepot’s Customer Care Department at *** ext.***Representatives are available to assist Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, PST
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.LoanDepot mentioned that I should have appealed my home appraisalAs a matter of fact, I did dispute the appraisal to no availI was told I had no other recourseThis only further demonstrates how LoanDepot runs its businessI want to be reimbursed for the appraisal fee as nothing was done on behalf of LoanDepot to make things rightI strongly believe that LoanDepot had no interest in attempting to correct my home appraisal as their real interest was to sell me a more expensive product
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Attached is the Letter of Explanation and supporting documentation regarding this complaint. Thank You. San Diego Complaint #: ***Borrower Name: *** ***Complaint Date: 8/6/2015Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the contacted this company for a
mortgage loan, I gave tis company everything that theyask forI even paid for a survey to be doneIt took them monthsYes months, to giveme an answer of yes or noDuring the time I did everything that they needed to make aDECISION they had made some mistakes along the way such asNot putting ininformation correctly, not reading documents correctly, not returning a few phone callsat the end of the third month at allI had to call them for information about the statusIunderstand that they should have a reasonable amount of time to process theinformationHowever not months. Borrower’s Desired Resolution:I would like for them to call the credit companies and have my score raisedAlso wouldlike for them to pay for the survey that was done.loanDepot’s Borrower Complaint Summary:Borrower claims that there were a lot of delays, mistakes, and unreturned phone calls onloanDepot’s end, and it took loanDepot months to make a decision. Borrower is requesting that loanDepot contact the credit companies to have his score raised. Borrower is requesting a refund of the survey/appraisal that was done. loanDepot Findings and Response:After a thorough review of Mr***’s loan, there is no viable evidence that supports his claimregarding the delays, mistakes, and not returning phone calls as call-backs to the borrower weredone in a timely mannerWhen the borrower’s application was taken, it was only disclosed by theborrower that he had rental property, per the attached, executed Uniform Residential LoanApplicationMr***’s loan inquiry was conditionally pre-qualified based on the informationreceivedA pre-qualification is not a commitment to lend and is subject to change based uponreceipt of information that may alter itThe final commitment would require satisfaction of allunderwriting conditionsWhen the loan was in process, it was discovered that the borrower had 4additional rental propertiesAs such, we had to collect documentation for each of those propertiesto accurately calculate the borrower’s total debt-to-income ratio (DTI)loanDepot exhausted allresources to try to get Mr***’s loan to work, but the loan was ultimately declined due to therental losses on Mr***’s investment properties. loanDepot will not contact the credit companies to have Mr***’s score raised because it is theborrower’s responsibility to stay current with their monthly, financial obligationsThere are manyfactors that are taken into consideration when the credit bureaus calculate a score and those factorsare not public knowledgeSome factors considered in calculating the score are primarilydelinquencies on accounts, outstanding amounts owed, accounts opened in the last year, andaccounts currently being paid as agreed. The borrower was charged $for the purpose of an appraisal deposit collected by credit card.Prior to collecting this fee, loanDepot evaluates the customer’s needs and determines if they have aloan product that will help the customerThe company conducts an extensive screening process onthe phone with the customer to collect data and find the program that will fit the customer’s needs.loanDepot then emails the customer information about moving forward on the loanAs statedearlier, at the time of application, the borrower’s loan inquiry was conditionally pre-qualified basedon the information received from the borrowerHowever in process, it was discovered that theborrower’s DTI was too high for loanDepot to lend upon due to the rental losses on Mr***’sinvestment properties.The borrower executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement on June 12, where it wasacknowledged:“The Appraisal Deposit of $is non-refundable if an appraisal has been completedon the subject property.”Because the appraisal was completed and Mr*** executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement, arefund of that $is not warrantedBy signing and returning said agreement, the borroweracknowledged that he read, fully understood and agreed to the terms and conditions set thereof.The appraisal alone totaled $in where loanDepot had to cover the remaining balanceAttachedare the Appraisal Deposit Agreement and full Appraisal Report with invoice. In conclusion, loanDepot sincerely apologizes that Mr***’s experience with loanDepot was anythingless than satisfactoryThere was no evidence found in relation to loanDepot delays, mistakes, andunreturned phone callsIn the end, loanDepot could not do the loan because the borrower’s DTI ratio istoo high for loanDepot to lend uponloanDepot will not contact the credit bureaus to increase theborrower’s credit score as it is his responsibility to stay current with their financial obligationsIn regardsto the $appraisal deposit, a refund is not warranted as services were rendered with the appraisaland the borrower executing the Appraisal Deposit Agreement which states the deposit is non-refundableloanDepot did not profit in any way on this transaction as we were subject to addition costssuch as the remaining balance of the actual appraisal, credit reports, underwriting fees, etc. Should Mr*** have additional questions or concerns, he may contact loanDepot’s Customer CareDepartment at *** ext***Representatives are available to assist Monday through Fridayfrom 8am to 5pm, PST
loanDepot is dedicated to delivering exceptional services to our customersWe pride ourselves on working with the highest level of integrity and transparency in all our transactionsWe know that the loan process can be very complex as there are many factors to consider when applying for a loan
Every transaction strictly adheres to the laws set forth by the government regarding mortgagesWe try our best to make it a smooth transaction and facilitate the process for our customers.We understand that the customer was dissatisfied with the appraised value of their homeWe order an appraisal from an independent, non-affiliated, licensed appraisal management companyThe appraisers are not selected by loanDepot to ensure that the evaluation is completely unbiasedMoreover, loanDepot does not profit from the appraisal deposit.The funds, in their entirety, are paid to the appraisal company for the service they provided.Our records show the appraisal deposit collected was $loanDepot collected $from the customer for the credit bureau report; which is used to complete a comprehensive review of programs availableIn our commitment to provide excellent customer service, we have issued the customer a reimbursement for the appraisal fee of $This will appear as a credit within seven business days to the same payment method the customer used initiallyAn email was sent to the customer on April that confirms this information.We appreciate the customer’s interest in loanDepotWe hope that the customer will look to us in the future for any financial need they may have.If additional information is needed, please contact our Customer Care Team at ###-###-####, Ext***, Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM Pacific Time
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I received my $back from LoanDepot after multiple emails, phone calls, and long periods of time waiting for a responseI never received a phone call or an email back from anyoneI never talked to the same person twiceI had to constantly call back requesting to speak with customer service, and not one person EVER apologized for the poor customer serviceI have been a registered nurse for years working in a emergency department saving lives, and people have complaints about their service every single dayThe first thing that I do is apologize even though it is not my fault most of the timeLoan Depot has personnel who don't care to listen,and they will talk over you, hang up on you, refuse to return phone calls or emails, and they have refused to cancel my loan applicationI asked to have it cancelled and a half hours after I signed a loan estimate, but they kept it on file for weeks; charged my credit card for a credit check even after I called to cancel my loan; tried to order an appraisal and charge my credit card two weeks after I cancelled; and never returned my emails or phone callsNOW, during my last conversation with customer service, I was informed that my personal information and my loan estimate application will remain on the internet and on their files for YEARSEvery other company who I filled out out an estimate with in the past six months has cancelled the application immediately upon my request, never charged me anyway fees, and they will remove my application from their files within days at the latestI spoke with my brother who is an attorney for the federal government in Washington DC, and he reported that Loan Depot does not have a right to expose my personal information for yearsIf Loan Depot does not remove my personal information including my social security number, my credit card information, my personal demographics, etcwithin days, then I will be taking legal actionIt is not the moneyIt is their poor customer service, their lack of concern for customer needs, and their lack of regard for my privacy or protecting customers informationWorst customer service experience of my life has been working with LoanDepot
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.Complaint ID: ***.We have resolved my complaint. I received a refund
San Diego Complaint #: ***Borrower Name: *** ***Complaint Date: February 03, 2017Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the was made to pay a "transfer fee" on top of my mortgage payment, which I feel was unfair since I followed their automated prompt systemI feel like they made me
pay for a mistake in THEIR system.Borrower’s Desired Resolution:A refund of the "transfer fee", since it is not my fault for the automated system not requesting my checking account numberIt only requested my routing number.loanDepot Findings and ResponseWe understand that the satisfaction of our customer is essential to maintaining a successful businessOur core values compel us to do the right thing for our customersloanDepot is a company that takes pride in the integrity of our processes.Ms*** alleges that she was charged a transfer fee as our system did not prompt her to enter her checking account numberAfter a review of our systems, it was discovered that, on January 30, 2017, Ms*** set up automatic payment and provided an incorrect account numberAs such, the payment was rejected, resulting in a $retuned check fee.loanDepot sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience this may have causedShould she wish to further discuss, she may reach out to Customer Care Analyst, *** ***, at ***
Mr*** contacted loanDepot on September 19, 2017, stating that they did not authorize loanDepot to run their credit. After a review of the call that took placed on August 17, 2017, loanDepot has determined that proper authorization was providedMr*** willingly provided
their social security number as well as their date of birth in order to process the credit reviewOur phone systems, confirm that Mr*** disconnected the call after authorization was providedThe Licensed Lending Officer, attempted to reach Mr***, but was not successful Customer Care Analyst, *** ***, informed Mr*** on September 22, 2017, that the inquiry would not be removed and requested to speak with his managerCustomer Care Manager attempted to contact Mr*** but was unsuccessful We appreciate the opportunity to address Mr*** concernsRegretfully, loanDepot is unable to remove the credit inquiry as sufficient information was given to authorize and run creditTell us why here
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I don't accept the response given by the companyIf they did have a policy of no refund then why didn't they communicate it to me in the first placeThey mention that they incurred other charges during this processI lost the entire time getting this loan process done and eventually ended up with no refinance at allThe interest rates have now gone upWill the company help me with this now? No! Please see below the email chain from the company responding about my refundIf they did have a no refund policy then they would have mentioned it to me initially itselfPlease see the chain. ***, I wish I could give you the final decision, but that is something I don’t have any control overI can’t issue a refund on my own, I don’t have any access or authority to do thatI spoke with my manager again on his way out, he will be calling you tomorrow, but he let me know we did get the confirmation of customer care receiving this request but we don’t know their turn times on issuing them back. From: *** *** [mailto:***] Sent: Monday, December 12, 5:PMHide quoted textTo: *** ***Subject: RE: Approved with Conditions - ***
Hide quoted text I understand but this has been several monthsHow can I keep following up several timesYou need to tell me what is the final decision on this. On Dec 12, 5:PM, "*** ***" wrote:Hi ***, I’m sorry no one has reached out to youWhen it comes to the refunds I really can’t issue itOur customer care team has to do that, and I apologize that no one has contacted youI have sent your message to my manager and he is working on trying to figure out the status for us. Thanks,
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolutionPlease respond in this space ONLY]
*** ***
I am not disagreeing that I/we could not move forward with the loan as we needed additional monies, where Loan Depot is wrong in the agreement I signed and paid to get a FAIR evaluation on our home and what I/we paid $for was an UNFAIR evaluation this has been proven and they CANNOT deny this, it was me who had to prove this NOT Loan Depot and certainly NOT the Appraisal Company they hired to carry out on their behalf - I/we paid $425.00 for the Appraiser Company evaluation it came back UNDER EVALUATED and Loan Depot should pay upIf Loan Depot want to pay for my time spent on getting them to give our home a FAIR evaluation - I spent a whole day to prove them wrong - my salary (as they know) is $160,plus bonuses per year = $per hour (on low side) = $615.00, they can chose - $or $The whole point of this complaint is that they need to be brought up for their UNFAIR practices and pay when they are wrongThank you and look forward to responses. *** P *** 1/25/
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Dear Ms ***with her loan request - I didn't initate the loan LoanDepot called me and I told her many times to leave me alone (and I hung up on her many times and she called me back) but she insisting that she could help me and the loan would be no problem (this was before the appraisal).2. As a customer concession, Ms*** was only charged $200, rather than $- I didn't ask for the reduction in the appraisal - *** offered that to me saying I would get it back once the loan was closed; *** knew I had to borrow that money and pay it back on my fixed income but she kept insisting that everything would be fine.Like I said before LoanDepot should make sure everything is fine with the loan before the appraisaland this isn't the first time that LoanDepot has been reported to the for saying one thing and meaning anotherAs a result of *** insisting, that the loan was going through and I had been approved ( I will mail you some documents later today to show you) my flood insurance went up making it worst on my already bad situationDon't send them an answer until you get the documents.Thank you,*** *** *** *** ***FULLY RELY ON GODG O D A N S W E R S P R A Y E R S Happy moments, PRAISE GODDifficult moments, SEEK GOD.Quiet moments, WORSHIP GODPainful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD!
*** ***
San Diego Complaint #: *** *** *** *** ** *** Complaint Date: June 06, 2017 Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the started a refinance
loan process with this companyAs required this company requested an apprasial and used ***our credit card was charged however the appriasal provided was not, WAS NOT accepted by our county tax/appriasal office, thus using a substandard companuy using substandard personell that did not know the product they appraisedThe following is a direct quote from my apprisal office"Hello, I am in receipt of your bank finance appraisal and thank you for the informationAfter careful review and consideration I am unable to honor the bank finance appraisal at $224,There appears to be a significant difference in value of sales comparables for quality and location between our appraisal and the bank appraisalProperties are appraised as of January 1st each yearOur sales data used to determine your property market value are twelve months prior to January 1st and are all located in the interior of the *** subdivision and are all good quality custom homesThe bank finance appraisal is using sales data dated back to August and three of the homes are located in the tract home subdivision of *** *** is a custom home subdivision and *** *** is a tract starter home type subdivisionBoth *** and *** *** have its own market area for property valuationNote: the last two comparables they used are not actual sales but are only active listings in the marketThey also appraised the quality of the *** *** homes the same as your home and they are constructed by builders like Choice HomesYour house was constructed by *** homes (*** ***)and is a quality custom builderIf you do not agree with my decision, please file a formal protest no later than June 1, If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytimeThank you, *** ***, RPA Hood County Appraisal District *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** ** *** Borrower’s Desired Resolution: We feel due to a substandard appriaslal that we are correct in requesting a refund for a substandard product that cannot be uesdWe expect to hear directly back from comany with a full refund! loanDepot Findings and Response Mr*** *** was charged $for purpose of an appraisal depositPrior to collecting this fee, loanDepot evaluates the customer’s needs and determines if they have a loan product that benefits the customerloanDepot conducts an extensive screening process on the phone with the customer to collect data and find the property program that will fit the customer’s needs The property was inspected on May 05, 2017; loanDepot does not have any influence on the appraised value of the subject propertyThe appraisal report is conducted by a third party, in which a license appraiser is assigned to appraise the subject propertyThe loan ultimately was declined on June 20, 2017, due to low appraised value. After a review of our systems, the customer executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement on April 15, where the customer acknowledged the following: REFUNDABILITY: The Appraisal Deposit is refundable in certain circumstances If no Appraisal Services have been completed on your property and you subsequently withdraw your application or your application is declined, your Appraisal Deposit will be refunded in full. If Appraisal Services have been completed on your property and you subsequently withdraw your application or your application is declined you will be refunded the difference between the Appraisal Deposit and the amount of the value of the Appraisal Services performedIf your application is declined, even if the appraised value is not what you expected, you will only be refunded the difference between the Appraisal Deposit and the amount of the value of the Appraisal Services performed. loanDepot did not profit from this loan application as we incurred expenses and losses on the borrower’s behalf that exceeded the $amountWe ordered an appraisal report, title reports, and were subject to additional costs on other services renderedMr***’s request to refund the appraisal deposit is regretfully denied
loanDepot sincerely apologizes to Mr*** in regards to
the escrow surplus refund check in the amount of $6,754.36, and we are
currently working directly with Mr*** to resolve this issue