After significant deliberation, The Lia Auto Group and Lia Hyundai of Enfield have reached a conclusion to repair the aesthetic flaw on the driver side paint referenced in Mr***s' complaintAlthough the decision has been made to proceed with the repair, the dealerships position remains unchanged regarding what was,:and was not explained to Mr*** in regards to our policy on aesthetic imperfections on pre-owned vehiclesHowever, the satisfaction of our customers is of paramount importance to usIn this situation the organizations desire to reach an outcome that satisfies the customer takes precedence over what we believe we are legally and ethically required to doLia Hyundai of Enfield: will either: (a.) Proceed with the repair of the paint imperfection on the driver side paint through a licensed auto body repair facility and handle the expenses directly. OR (b.) Reimburse Mr*** up to $after reviewing the estimate and/or repair order from the repair facility of Mr***s' choosing
It is important to note that the majority or pre-owned vehicles on the road will have an imperfection somewhere on the plaintAll automobile manufacturers are now required to follow federal guidelines to ensure the paint application process is environmentally friendlyThe end result is a paint surface that is more susceptible to imperfectionsAlthough we sincerely hope that our decision to repair the paint on the driver side of Mr***s' vehicle results in his complete satisfaction, we also understand that perfection is often impossible to achieve In these situations; and therefore we cannot guarantee it.
However, we can guarantee that moving forward every effort will be made to reach an outcome that exceeds Mr***s expectations, and results in his complete satisfactionWe believe that this decision is a positive step towards that outcomePlease feel free to contact me directly, or communicate with Mr*** that he is welcome to contact me to work out the logistics of this repair. Sincerely, *** *** General Manager Lia Hyundai of Enfield
*** *** came in to purchase a new car. Due to the negative equity in her vehicle, she would have needed a substantial down payment in order to trade in her vehicle and take the new one home. However, she loved the new car so much that she decided to
purchase the new vehicle anyway and take her other car home as well. *** was made aware that she would be taking on a second auto loan and that she would be taking the new car home as well as her old carShe left the dealership with her new vehicle and came right back to pick up her old car which she did not trade in. She was extremely satisfied when the transaction was complete. A few days later she came in with her cousin and acted as if she didn't know what she did. We explained to her the situation once again, There's no way we can take the in on trade due to her negative equity unless she was willing to put a substantial amount of money down which she did not want to do She returned again and spoke with me, stating she wants to keep the new and she loves itSalvatore *** General Manager Lia Hyundai of Hartford
Hello, VIN: ***
Hyundai SonataThe Pre-Paid Maintenance
has been cancelled as of 4/3/and the refunded amount will be applied to
outstanding loan amount owed to the lien holder of record, Hyundai Motor
Finance*** *** Manager Lia Hyundai
In the complaint the complainant is looking to be refunded money that they claim they paid towards a part that they claim did not need to be replacedEach time the vehicle was in the shop it was worked on by a Hyundai Master Technician - Gold LevelThis technician has years of experience and
maintains the most up to date and highest level of training that Hyundai providesThe 1st time complainant brought the vehicle in it was not for a steering problem but for a replacement of the Serpentine Belt which has nothing to do with any of the steering mechanics of the car and is a maintenance itemThe 2nd time the complainant brought the vehicle in it was due to a steering issueThe complainant was presented with the option of either doing a Power Steering Flush or Replacing the Steering Rack The complainant chose to do a power steering flush as opposed to the more expensive replacement of the steering rackThe complainant was informed at that time that the flush( while cleaning out the internal rack) might not solve the problem the car was experiencingThe complainant after driving the car again and the problem still existing was informed that the steering rack needed to be replaced and that the tie rods would need to be replaced as well due to the fact that they had been stripped due to wear, rust and corrosionThe complainant took the vehicle and drove it approximately miles and subsequently called us stating the steering was still acting upThe technician again looked at the vehicle and determined that it needed a steering couplerIt was at this point that we called Hyundai Motor America and spoke with our District Parts and Service Manager(DPSM)We explained that although the vehicle in question was out of factory warranty by 14,miles that the customer had been a loyal Hyundai owner and a good customer and we would like to "go to bat" for them to see if Hyundai would help them outOur DPSM then authorized that Hyundai would pay for both the parts and labor ($450) on behalf of the customerAt no time was any of the work done to the complainants vehicle unnecessary or without the prior authorization of the complainantAdditionally we went above and beyond by going to Hyundai and asking them to pay for parts and labor on a vehicle that was out of warrantyWe feel that any of the work performed was done so at a fair and reasonable rate and needed in order to solve the complainants problems with the vehicleThat being said we are choosing not to refund any money at this time. *** *** Manager Lia Hyundai
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowWithin hours of receiving notification that my claim was sent to the business the employee it involved came into my place of businessI avoided herThe next day around noon I received a call from *** saying he would be speaking with her the next day and when I informed him she had come in he said he had not told her but there were other people that had informed him and he would check with themI was never told who informed her firstSo this person was given hours of notice and time before speaking with him to make a lieWhen I spoke with their CEO after he spoke with her I was told that their employees have access to files and can go through personal information and unless they check within days they can not prove anythingHe told me my files were deleted and between the hours of 8-if she contacted me I should call him so he could deal with itThat same day at 5:the employee placed a customer service complaint against me at my place of businessWhen she spoke with my boss, who had been here in my store while she was here and knew she was lying about the complaint, she said she got me in trouble at work and I wanted to get her in troubleI don't feel that this was handled in a sensitive wayI feel that the employee was told in advance and given time to lie and try to retaliate against me for doing what was right and protecting my information. Regards, *** ***
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please consider this our official response regarding ID# *** We have received the letter regarding Ms*** complaint of unwanted mail and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused her Lia Honda of Northampton and the Lia Auto Group go
to great lengths to ensure our customers privacy with phone calls, email and Postal mailAfter receiving the letter stating Ms*** complaint, I researched her name, address and phone number and discovered she was not in our systemThis leads me to believe, if she was a customer of ours, at some point, perhaps during one of her calls to us, all of her information had been eradicated. If she is still receiving postal mail from us, it could be a crossover periodI f she is receiving mail from *** *** *** ***on our behalf, unfortunately, she will have to contact them to be removed from their systemI can assure you, Ms*** information is no longer in our system and once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this has causedSincerely, Michael *** General Manager Lia Honda of Northampton
The original cost they charged in July for the break pads and router was We would like to try and get the credited or taken off the bill for that she just had to pay for new break pads and routers
Our policy,which was indicated to Mr*** is to not refund funds
issued by check until such time that we know the check has clearedWe have
established business days as a rule. No
one in the dealership remembers him coming in at anytime prior to his
conversation with
***. We
are happy to refund his money in a more timely manner if he can bring us a bank
statement showing his check as paid. David S*** , General Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. agreement was reached how ever I have not seen a payment as of 10/30/2017 I will keep you up to date thank you
*** ***
Ms*** purchased a new *** *** on June 30th from Lia Toyota of WilbrahamAs part of the required Toyota process all vehicles are put through PDI (Pre-delivery Inspection) before being sold to our customers as well as state inspection upon purchase of the vehicleLia
Toyota would have been fully aware of any factory issue with the seatbelts at the time of PDI and would have been unable to pass the vehicle through state inspection if any seatbelts had been missing or malfunctioning Ms*** brought her Sienna in for service on 05/04/and mentioned that the 3rd row seatbelts were missing strapsUpon inspection by two of our master certified technicians, Kevin J*** & Chad W*** it was found that all of the seatbelts had been cut except for seatbelts which included the driver seat as well as the seat directly behind the driver seat which held a child safety seatMs*** was made aware of the findings and was recommended that the seats be replaced as soon as possible. Ms*** then requested a quote for replacing all of the seatbelts that had been cut which was provided to her on 05/05/in the amount of $At no point during these interactions did Ms*** suggest the *** had been purchased with seatbelt issues Lia Toyota of Wilbraham was under the impression that this vehicle was being used to transport animals as part of an animal welfare rescue and it is our professional opinion that these seatbelts were cut after the date of purchase not priorGiven that the driver seatbelt and child safety seat seatbelt were fully intact while every other seat belt was cleanly severed it stands to reason that the cuts were made for a reason unknown to us but obviously not as a result of a manufacturing issue that was missed for almost months. Lia Toyota of Wilbraham has made every reasonable effort to resolve this matter including sharing our findings with Ms*** and providing a timely quote to fix the issueSara H*** General Manager Lia Toyota of Wilbraham *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Good Morning,
*** *** came into our dealership off of the military
program that is offered from *** throuh his insurance
company USAAWe
structured a deal in good faith believing that *** *** qualified for this
incentiveWe put a deal together, on a *** that we did not have in
stock, so we needed to locate the vehicle for him.As we were writing his
purchase agreement we asked him to produce the proper forms that are required
by *** to be eligible for this program.*** *** produced the form,DT-214,
but at the bottom of the form it says he was discharged from the military, not
retiredAs per ***'s rules and regulations for the military discount, the
customer has to be active or retired from military service, neither of which Mr
Marg wasI can understand his frustration with the program, but it is a ***
program, not a Lia program, therefore we need to adhere to their rules and
regulationsI understand that he purchased a *** using the discount from
another dealer, but that dealer will find out the same thing once they submit
their paperwork to *** for reembursementI do not agree with how the ***
Military program works, but again, it is their program and I have to adhere to
*** ***
General Manager
Lia *** of Saratoga
P ***
F ***
E ***
We absolutely apologized for any miscommunication in
regard to the installation time frame for the accessories, and as stated
previously provided a courtesy loaner while they were installed.As for the blind spot warning option, it is only
available with the Technology Package and includes Navigation which as stated
previously was not initially requestedThe only vehicle the dealer
demonstrated to the customer was the vehicle requested with SunroofThat is
the only vehicle customer demonstrated at the dealer and ultimately purchased
and took delivery of.Customer received quote and set appointment with one of our in
house Internet Specialists and then worked with the Sales Consultant (Alex) for
the entire vehicle demonstration and purchase transactionCustomer was
then introduced to a Business Manger to
complete the paperworkAt no time during the transaction did the customer
request information on a vehicle other than the one they purchased. Sincerely,*** ***General Manager Lia Nissan of Enfield
In response to complaint ***: Unfortunately stock number Ua Subaru Outback 2.5i Limited was originally brought into inventory with the intent to wholesale it to a Subaru dealershipThe wholesale of the vehicle fell through based on the Carfax and the decision was made to switch
it from wholesale to retailThe systems we use to communicate inventory amounts and selling prices mis-communicated listing the wholesale inventory price as the retail price not including any shop work that was doneWe completed the following work in order to bring the vehicle up to safe retail standards: Front/rear brakes with rotors, all wiper blades, new TPMS sensors (tire pressure monitoring system), new tires, oil change, and all fluidsThe total internal cost of making this vehicle safe for purchase was $When the customer visited our facility we became aware of the pricing mistake and tried to figure out a fair solutionWe offered to sell the vehicle for cost including the service done with a slight loss for the inconvenience (our cost $18650.53) at $not including tax or feesThe sales manager, Modesto *** promptly sat with the customer after doing the math and explained the situationThe customer declined to move forward with the deal and we parted respectfullyWhile every reasonable attempt is made to avoid things like this from happening in the event that it does our website does state at the bottom of each listening *Not responsible for typographical errors
certainly will honor the scheduled oil changes and rotates for Mr
***. He will need to schedule his first oil change w/ *** ***, our Honda service manager so he can get the proper notes in the system. Michael AC***Controller
After Mr*** brought his
vehicle to the Lia Collision Center the insurance company determined that the
car was a total loss. We had already begun making repairs to the vehicle
(including body repairs, as authorized by Mr***) and the customer chose to
the car and simply have us repair it to make it legally drive-ableWe
were paid for the repairs that had already been made, as well as what remained
to make the vehicle drive-able. After retrieving the vehicle, Mr
*** returned to say his tire monitor light was onWe attempted to reset the
light here at the Collision Center, however we were unsuccessfulWe then
contacted Hyundai for Mr*** they informed us of the charge to make the
repair, which we relayed to the customerBecause Mr*** retrieved the
vehicle and since there is no further insurance involvement, the expense
to repair the tire monitor light and any further supplemental charges
would be at his expenseIn regards to the door handle that
Mr*** referred to in his complaint, we had given him a used handle at no
cost off of a junk door that we were scrapping, otherwise he wouldn't have been
able to use the door This was done simply as a courtesy as neither the
insurance company nor Mr*** paid for the door handle. If he would
like a factory door handle installed please have him contact the body shop
to set up an appointment. He would be responsible for the cost of the
handle and installRespectfully, *** *** Body Shop Manager, In regards to the complaint filed by Mr***In our first response, we, in detail, explained the chain of events that took place at our service facilityWe strongly stand by those statementsPlease understand, that when taking in the year, mileage, condition and purchase history of Mr***'s vehicle, it is and will continue to be very difficult to diagnose and repairThat being said, if Mr*** would like to come back to the dealership, Lia Nissan would be willing to pay for the installation of a new catalytic converter and reduce the retail price of the part by 20%Please keep in mind, based on the mechanical condition of the vehicle, we cannot guarantee this would completely solve the problemWe hope that this will assist Mr.*** with the situationSincerely, Dave *** General Manager Lia Nissan of Colonie
The Pre-Paid Maintenance has been cancelled as of 4/3/and the
refunded amount will be applied to the outstanding loan amount owed to the lien
holder of record, Hyundai Motor Finance. Thank You,
Lia Hyundai of Albany
Please see attached documents for Mrs***We follow a specific protocol when it comes to making all remaining payments for a lease returnUnfortunately we cannot control how Hyundai Motor Finance applies the payment check that we send We did pay the agreed upon amount to *** ***
FinanceI have tried to assist Mrs*** as much as possible with her remaining billThank youDominick F*General ManagerLia Hyundai Enfield***
*** *** *** ***
To further clarify please read the disclaimer which
states in part"Offer assumes vehicle is in excellent
condition" (Car was average
condition. Servicing regularly does not
affect interior and exterior condition) "with miles" (car had
36,miles) "The dealership assumes no responsibility for any unintended
errors in information or payment calculations" Once again, it is an estimated value from a 3rd party
computer system. Michael ACastrenController Lia Group, Inc
After significant deliberation, The Lia Auto Group and Lia Hyundai of Enfield have reached a conclusion to repair the aesthetic flaw on the driver side paint referenced in Mr***s' complaintAlthough the decision has been made to proceed with the repair, the dealerships position remains unchanged regarding what was,:and was not explained to Mr*** in regards to our policy on aesthetic imperfections on pre-owned vehiclesHowever, the satisfaction of our customers is of paramount importance to usIn this situation the organizations desire to reach an outcome that satisfies the customer takes precedence over what we believe we are legally and ethically required to doLia Hyundai of Enfield: will either: (a.) Proceed with the repair of the paint imperfection on the driver side paint through a licensed auto body repair facility and handle the expenses directly. OR (b.) Reimburse Mr*** up to $after reviewing the estimate and/or repair order from the repair facility of Mr***s' choosing
It is important to note that the majority or pre-owned vehicles on the road will have an imperfection somewhere on the plaintAll automobile manufacturers are now required to follow federal guidelines to ensure the paint application process is environmentally friendlyThe end result is a paint surface that is more susceptible to imperfectionsAlthough we sincerely hope that our decision to repair the paint on the driver side of Mr***s' vehicle results in his complete satisfaction, we also understand that perfection is often impossible to achieve In these situations; and therefore we cannot guarantee it.
However, we can guarantee that moving forward every effort will be made to reach an outcome that exceeds Mr***s expectations, and results in his complete satisfactionWe believe that this decision is a positive step towards that outcomePlease feel free to contact me directly, or communicate with Mr*** that he is welcome to contact me to work out the logistics of this repair. Sincerely, *** *** General Manager Lia Hyundai of Enfield
*** *** came in to purchase a new car. Due to the negative equity in her vehicle, she would have needed a substantial down payment in order to trade in her vehicle and take the new one home. However, she loved the new car so much that she decided to
purchase the new vehicle anyway and take her other car home as well. *** was made aware that she would be taking on a second auto loan and that she would be taking the new car home as well as her old carShe left the dealership with her new vehicle and came right back to pick up her old car which she did not trade in. She was extremely satisfied when the transaction was complete. A few days later she came in with her cousin and acted as if she didn't know what she did. We explained to her the situation once again, There's no way we can take the in on trade due to her negative equity unless she was willing to put a substantial amount of money down which she did not want to do She returned again and spoke with me, stating she wants to keep the new and she loves itSalvatore *** General Manager Lia Hyundai of Hartford
Hello, VIN: ***
Hyundai SonataThe Pre-Paid Maintenance
has been cancelled as of 4/3/and the refunded amount will be applied to
outstanding loan amount owed to the lien holder of record, Hyundai Motor
Finance*** *** Manager Lia Hyundai
In the complaint the complainant is looking to be refunded money that they claim they paid towards a part that they claim did not need to be replacedEach time the vehicle was in the shop it was worked on by a Hyundai Master Technician - Gold LevelThis technician has years of experience and
maintains the most up to date and highest level of training that Hyundai providesThe 1st time complainant brought the vehicle in it was not for a steering problem but for a replacement of the Serpentine Belt which has nothing to do with any of the steering mechanics of the car and is a maintenance itemThe 2nd time the complainant brought the vehicle in it was due to a steering issueThe complainant was presented with the option of either doing a Power Steering Flush or Replacing the Steering Rack The complainant chose to do a power steering flush as opposed to the more expensive replacement of the steering rackThe complainant was informed at that time that the flush( while cleaning out the internal rack) might not solve the problem the car was experiencingThe complainant after driving the car again and the problem still existing was informed that the steering rack needed to be replaced and that the tie rods would need to be replaced as well due to the fact that they had been stripped due to wear, rust and corrosionThe complainant took the vehicle and drove it approximately miles and subsequently called us stating the steering was still acting upThe technician again looked at the vehicle and determined that it needed a steering couplerIt was at this point that we called Hyundai Motor America and spoke with our District Parts and Service Manager(DPSM)We explained that although the vehicle in question was out of factory warranty by 14,miles that the customer had been a loyal Hyundai owner and a good customer and we would like to "go to bat" for them to see if Hyundai would help them outOur DPSM then authorized that Hyundai would pay for both the parts and labor ($450) on behalf of the customerAt no time was any of the work done to the complainants vehicle unnecessary or without the prior authorization of the complainantAdditionally we went above and beyond by going to Hyundai and asking them to pay for parts and labor on a vehicle that was out of warrantyWe feel that any of the work performed was done so at a fair and reasonable rate and needed in order to solve the complainants problems with the vehicleThat being said we are choosing not to refund any money at this time. *** *** Manager Lia Hyundai
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowWithin hours of receiving notification that my claim was sent to the business the employee it involved came into my place of businessI avoided herThe next day around noon I received a call from *** saying he would be speaking with her the next day and when I informed him she had come in he said he had not told her but there were other people that had informed him and he would check with themI was never told who informed her firstSo this person was given hours of notice and time before speaking with him to make a lieWhen I spoke with their CEO after he spoke with her I was told that their employees have access to files and can go through personal information and unless they check within days they can not prove anythingHe told me my files were deleted and between the hours of 8-if she contacted me I should call him so he could deal with itThat same day at 5:the employee placed a customer service complaint against me at my place of businessWhen she spoke with my boss, who had been here in my store while she was here and knew she was lying about the complaint, she said she got me in trouble at work and I wanted to get her in troubleI don't feel that this was handled in a sensitive wayI feel that the employee was told in advance and given time to lie and try to retaliate against me for doing what was right and protecting my information. Regards, *** ***
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please consider this our official response regarding ID# *** We have received the letter regarding Ms*** complaint of unwanted mail and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused her Lia Honda of Northampton and the Lia Auto Group go
to great lengths to ensure our customers privacy with phone calls, email and Postal mailAfter receiving the letter stating Ms*** complaint, I researched her name, address and phone number and discovered she was not in our systemThis leads me to believe, if she was a customer of ours, at some point, perhaps during one of her calls to us, all of her information had been eradicated. If she is still receiving postal mail from us, it could be a crossover periodI f she is receiving mail from *** *** *** ***on our behalf, unfortunately, she will have to contact them to be removed from their systemI can assure you, Ms*** information is no longer in our system and once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this has causedSincerely, Michael *** General Manager Lia Honda of Northampton
The original cost they charged in July for the break pads and router was We would like to try and get the credited or taken off the bill for that she just had to pay for new break pads and routers
Our policy,which was indicated to Mr*** is to not refund funds
issued by check until such time that we know the check has clearedWe have
established business days as a rule. No
one in the dealership remembers him coming in at anytime prior to his
conversation with
***. We
are happy to refund his money in a more timely manner if he can bring us a bank
statement showing his check as paid. David S*** , General Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. agreement was reached how ever I have not seen a payment as of 10/30/2017 I will keep you up to date thank you
*** ***
Ms*** purchased a new *** *** on June 30th from Lia Toyota of WilbrahamAs part of the required Toyota process all vehicles are put through PDI (Pre-delivery Inspection) before being sold to our customers as well as state inspection upon purchase of the vehicleLia
Toyota would have been fully aware of any factory issue with the seatbelts at the time of PDI and would have been unable to pass the vehicle through state inspection if any seatbelts had been missing or malfunctioning Ms*** brought her Sienna in for service on 05/04/and mentioned that the 3rd row seatbelts were missing strapsUpon inspection by two of our master certified technicians, Kevin J*** & Chad W*** it was found that all of the seatbelts had been cut except for seatbelts which included the driver seat as well as the seat directly behind the driver seat which held a child safety seatMs*** was made aware of the findings and was recommended that the seats be replaced as soon as possible. Ms*** then requested a quote for replacing all of the seatbelts that had been cut which was provided to her on 05/05/in the amount of $At no point during these interactions did Ms*** suggest the *** had been purchased with seatbelt issues Lia Toyota of Wilbraham was under the impression that this vehicle was being used to transport animals as part of an animal welfare rescue and it is our professional opinion that these seatbelts were cut after the date of purchase not priorGiven that the driver seatbelt and child safety seat seatbelt were fully intact while every other seat belt was cleanly severed it stands to reason that the cuts were made for a reason unknown to us but obviously not as a result of a manufacturing issue that was missed for almost months. Lia Toyota of Wilbraham has made every reasonable effort to resolve this matter including sharing our findings with Ms*** and providing a timely quote to fix the issueSara H*** General Manager Lia Toyota of Wilbraham *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** is no longer employed by Lia. We again apologize for not
exceeding your expectations. *** ** *** Controller Lia Group, Inc
Good Morning,
*** *** came into our dealership off of the military
program that is offered from *** throuh his insurance
company USAAWe
structured a deal in good faith believing that *** *** qualified for this
incentiveWe put a deal together, on a *** that we did not have in
stock, so we needed to locate the vehicle for him.As we were writing his
purchase agreement we asked him to produce the proper forms that are required
by *** to be eligible for this program.*** *** produced the form,DT-214,
but at the bottom of the form it says he was discharged from the military, not
retiredAs per ***'s rules and regulations for the military discount, the
customer has to be active or retired from military service, neither of which Mr
Marg wasI can understand his frustration with the program, but it is a ***
program, not a Lia program, therefore we need to adhere to their rules and
regulationsI understand that he purchased a *** using the discount from
another dealer, but that dealer will find out the same thing once they submit
their paperwork to *** for reembursementI do not agree with how the ***
Military program works, but again, it is their program and I have to adhere to
*** ***
General Manager
Lia *** of Saratoga
P ***
F ***
E ***
We absolutely apologized for any miscommunication in
regard to the installation time frame for the accessories, and as stated
previously provided a courtesy loaner while they were installed.As for the blind spot warning option, it is only
available with the Technology Package and includes Navigation which as stated
previously was not initially requestedThe only vehicle the dealer
demonstrated to the customer was the vehicle requested with SunroofThat is
the only vehicle customer demonstrated at the dealer and ultimately purchased
and took delivery of.Customer received quote and set appointment with one of our in
house Internet Specialists and then worked with the Sales Consultant (Alex) for
the entire vehicle demonstration and purchase transactionCustomer was
then introduced to a Business Manger to
complete the paperworkAt no time during the transaction did the customer
request information on a vehicle other than the one they purchased. Sincerely,*** ***General Manager Lia Nissan of Enfield
In response to complaint ***: Unfortunately stock number Ua Subaru Outback 2.5i Limited was originally brought into inventory with the intent to wholesale it to a Subaru dealershipThe wholesale of the vehicle fell through based on the Carfax and the decision was made to switch
it from wholesale to retailThe systems we use to communicate inventory amounts and selling prices mis-communicated listing the wholesale inventory price as the retail price not including any shop work that was doneWe completed the following work in order to bring the vehicle up to safe retail standards: Front/rear brakes with rotors, all wiper blades, new TPMS sensors (tire pressure monitoring system), new tires, oil change, and all fluidsThe total internal cost of making this vehicle safe for purchase was $When the customer visited our facility we became aware of the pricing mistake and tried to figure out a fair solutionWe offered to sell the vehicle for cost including the service done with a slight loss for the inconvenience (our cost $18650.53) at $not including tax or feesThe sales manager, Modesto *** promptly sat with the customer after doing the math and explained the situationThe customer declined to move forward with the deal and we parted respectfullyWhile every reasonable attempt is made to avoid things like this from happening in the event that it does our website does state at the bottom of each listening *Not responsible for typographical errors
certainly will honor the scheduled oil changes and rotates for Mr
***. He will need to schedule his first oil change w/ *** ***, our Honda service manager so he can get the proper notes in the system. Michael AC***Controller
After Mr*** brought his
vehicle to the Lia Collision Center the insurance company determined that the
car was a total loss. We had already begun making repairs to the vehicle
(including body repairs, as authorized by Mr***) and the customer chose to
the car and simply have us repair it to make it legally drive-ableWe
were paid for the repairs that had already been made, as well as what remained
to make the vehicle drive-able. After retrieving the vehicle, Mr
*** returned to say his tire monitor light was onWe attempted to reset the
light here at the Collision Center, however we were unsuccessfulWe then
contacted Hyundai for Mr*** they informed us of the charge to make the
repair, which we relayed to the customerBecause Mr*** retrieved the
vehicle and since there is no further insurance involvement, the expense
to repair the tire monitor light and any further supplemental charges
would be at his expenseIn regards to the door handle that
Mr*** referred to in his complaint, we had given him a used handle at no
cost off of a junk door that we were scrapping, otherwise he wouldn't have been
able to use the door This was done simply as a courtesy as neither the
insurance company nor Mr*** paid for the door handle. If he would
like a factory door handle installed please have him contact the body shop
to set up an appointment. He would be responsible for the cost of the
handle and installRespectfully, *** *** Body Shop Manager, In regards to the complaint filed by Mr***In our first response, we, in detail, explained the chain of events that took place at our service facilityWe strongly stand by those statementsPlease understand, that when taking in the year, mileage, condition and purchase history of Mr***'s vehicle, it is and will continue to be very difficult to diagnose and repairThat being said, if Mr*** would like to come back to the dealership, Lia Nissan would be willing to pay for the installation of a new catalytic converter and reduce the retail price of the part by 20%Please keep in mind, based on the mechanical condition of the vehicle, we cannot guarantee this would completely solve the problemWe hope that this will assist Mr.*** with the situationSincerely, Dave *** General Manager Lia Nissan of Colonie
The Pre-Paid Maintenance has been cancelled as of 4/3/and the
refunded amount will be applied to the outstanding loan amount owed to the lien
holder of record, Hyundai Motor Finance. Thank You,
Lia Hyundai of Albany
Please see attached documents for Mrs***We follow a specific protocol when it comes to making all remaining payments for a lease returnUnfortunately we cannot control how Hyundai Motor Finance applies the payment check that we send We did pay the agreed upon amount to *** ***
*General ManagerLia Hyundai Enfield***
FinanceI have tried to assist Mrs*** as much as possible with her remaining billThank youDominick F
*** *** *** ***
To further clarify please read the disclaimer which
states in part"Offer assumes vehicle is in excellent
condition" (Car was average
condition. Servicing regularly does not
affect interior and exterior condition) "with miles" (car had
36,miles) "The dealership assumes no responsibility for any unintended
errors in information or payment calculations" Once again, it is an estimated value from a 3rd party
computer system. Michael ACastrenController Lia Group, Inc