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Karma Mobility Inc.

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Reviews Karma Mobility Inc.

Karma Mobility Inc. Reviews (627)

Review: I purchased three months of prepaid service. Less than a week into the service, Karma violated our contract by changing the TOS that I had previously paid for. Then another week and the changed it again rendering my service useless. I've tried contacting them with no success, only automated replies.

Extremely unhappy with a company that does not hold true to their word and I consider this to be a major fraud case. Thousands of customers feel this way.Desired Settlement: For karma to honor the original contract.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved I do not accept their response. I only want them to deliver what I paid for already. Nothing more, nothing less. This company is a fraud, and pulled a bait and switch.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].If you'd like to contact me directly via our support channel if you'd like me to arrange this further for you. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: I purchased the Karma Go access point for the unlimited data. Shortly after purchase Karma cancelled their unlimited data and allowed customers to return their hotspot. My KarmaGo was returned at the end of February to the company. It is now the beginning of June and I have yet to receive a refund. I've contacted customer support several times requesting status. Some representatives said in March and April that my refund was only a few weeks away. In May I contacted Customer Service again and spoke with the manager. He stated that the refunds would be handled in the order they were received and had no further information on time frame for deliver. I believe this is way outside of a fair business transaction.Desired Settlement: I would like the company to promptly refund the agreed upon amount. This has been far from a fair business transaction and requires immediate attention to resolve.



Hi [redacted],I understand the wait has been very lengthy. My apologies for that, but please know that what we've communicated to you when you've been checking in the status of your refund is correct.I can see that your return was confirmed received (checked-in) at our fulfillment center on March [redacted], which means it was then added to the queue of returns to be refunded. We have had, and currently have significantly higher than normal return volume, which is leading to heavy delays on all refunds. This is not specific to you, and in order to keep things as fair as possible, albeit lengthy, we're only processing refunds in the order which returns have been received. Based on your return date, I do anticipate you'll receive confirmation notice of your refund fairly soon (within the next 4-6 weeks). I know this isn't the immediate response you're looking for, but understand we're working through this is as quickly as possible, and I can assure you we'll process your refund just as soon as is humanly possible with the resources available to us right now.If you need anything in the meantime, feel free to reach me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: [redacted]).Best,[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:4-6 weeks from the time of receipt would have been acceptable however 4-6 weeks from this date is not. That would put the return at nearly 5 months to process. That is far outside an acceptable business transaction. When I spoke to Jackie on April ** she anticipated I would receive confirmation of the refund within a few weeks of that date. It seems that every time I've talked to customer server so far I've received the same response. Jackie's Response on April **, 2016 @11:47AM EST[redacted]

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Review: because of this company endless changing of terms with their internet service - I requested a refund . I return their device and they received it on feb [redacted] , I received email that I would be getting a refund . AS of Feb [redacted] Still No refund has Been receivedDesired Settlement: Refund the 149 dollars you agreed to refund to me.



Hi [redacted],Thank you for your email. According to our CC processing company, the transaction has been refunded and it was confirmed. If you'd like a receipt directly from the CC processing company, please contact me through support (attn: [redacted]) and I can provide that documentation to you. Best,[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your AnsweOkay I asked for a receipt and got this bs answer I [redacted]

This company originally offered an unlimited wireless Internet plan at speeds of 5mbps for $50/month. Shortly after purchasing their wireless device for over $100 and getting a free month of service as advertised, company emailed customers to notify us that they were going to completely change the service because they didn't expect people would be using such high levels of data, even though this is what they offered as part of an unlimited plan. They then quickly scaled back from 'unlimited' data at 5mbps allowance to 15GB of data at 5mpbs allowance per month, with any data usage above 15GB to be had a greatly reduced speed, while charging the same amount of $50, which was billed in short order. After about 3 days in the new billing cycle of using up to 15GBs at high speed, the service was kicked down once my data usage went over 15GBs and the speed was drastically reduced, to the point where the service was basically useless. So I paid $50 plus the initial cost of the equipment to have only about 3 days of solid Internet surfing and video watching capability, which is not what I signed up for. Feel as if this company is very shady, deceitful and knowingly used a bait and switch technique and false advertising to gain subscribers while never having the capability or intent to deliver on their promises. There is no telephone number at which to contact customer service and speak to a live person.

Review: This device and service are advertised as providing speeds up to 5mbps. At my work site (the only place I use the device!!!) I only receive 1.46mbps. additionally I believe my service is being throttled to 1.46mbps as I have preformed multiple test and received the same speeds over and over again! It literally never changes from 1.46mbps! So clearly the service is being throttled to 1.46mbps thus making the advertised 5mbps cap a lie and false advertisement. They will attempt to claim that it could be my connection or that I may have other apps open when testing but these additionally are complete lies! When testing no applications were open and the connection was 3 dots (excellent) also it's worth noting the test were preformed during non peak internet usage hours so I can only imagine how horrible this "service" during peak usage!Desired Settlement: Either a refund of my "service", the device and for karma to accurately depict their download speeds instead of blatantly lying to them! Or for my service to be close to as advertised! (IE charter advertised 60mbps on average I receive 55ish Mbps which includes dips during peak traffic hours)



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I sent my device for a refund of services not rendered and false advertising (the company advertised 5mbps download then limited the speed to 2-3mbps, then limited the plan from unlimited to 15GB/m.) I never receivee the service I paid for and am entitled to a completr refund in a timely manner. The device and accessories were returned over 3 weeks ago and I am still waiting for my refund. I desire the original purchasing cost of $169.00 and the additional month of service charged $49.00 (Which was never used because the device was returned) be refunded for a total of $218.00 be returned immediately!




I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because,

[Your Answer Here]

I have yet to be refunded for the charges made on 1/**/16 I was refunded for the data charges that came with the device but not the unauthorized (there was no payment method set up and even your app stated that.) data charges that occurred on 1/**/16 In the amount of $49.00 Im sure this is just a "mistake" that'll be soon rectified but if you could please state this to me via the response form as none of your agents have seen it fit to responded to my request for a refund of the aforementioned amount.

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Hi There, I have double checked every charge made to your account personally against our CC processing company's records and every charge made has been refunded at this point. If your bank requires any further proof that the refund has been processed, please feel free to send me an email to [redacted] and we can attach a receipt directly from the processing company. (attn: Erin)Let me know if you need more help. Best,[redacted]Karma

Review: On Nov. *, 2015 I ordered and paid for online a Karma Go internet hotspot and also paid 12 months in advance for the internet access service. The vendor indicated in their online information that it would take "up to 10 days to ship" and that an email would be sent to me when the hotspot shipped.

Karma does not have phone customer support, only email, so I emailed them on 11/**/15 as I had not received any information about shipping.

They replied back on 11/**/15 telling me they were backed up on shipments. I replied back the same day to inquire about shipping time and to confirm service wouldn't start until after I received the device.

I received an email on 11/** telling me I would not receive the device until after Thanksgiving, they offered me a $10 credit, but it will apply to future purchases. I replied that they didn't answer my question regarding when service plan started.

On 11/** they replied back confirming service wouldn't start until the device was activated. Also received an update on 11/** that it would ship the following week.

I received a shipment notification on 12/* that my device had shipped.

I received and activated the device on 12/*, over a month after ordering.

I started noticing reduced speeds and connectivity problems around the Christmas holidays, but assumed it was because so many people were on vacation and using more bandwidth on all networks. However, on 1/*/16 (less than a month after activating the device) I received an email notifying me they had been lowering speeds to run some tests. Note this email was sent after they started throttling speeds, which is not what was advertised or what I paid for.

On 1/**/16 I received an email saying they were capping data after 15 GB, again not what was advertised or what I paid for, which was unlimited data with no throttling.

One month later, on 2/**/16, I received an email saying they were canceling the Neverstop program and were moving to different and more expensive plans, effective at the end of the next billing cycle, mine is 3/*/16, so not only are they not honoring the product I purchased, they aren't even providing a 30-day notice.

I emailed Karma on 3/**/16, to confirm/clarify the information I received in the email that the plans were being changed, even for customer that purchased one year of Neverstop service and requested someone call to discuss.

I received an email back on 2/**/16 telling me they don't offer phone support for customer service issues and gave me my options for the new plans.

I replied back on 2/**, before filing a complaint, requesting a full refund for the device and service as I never received the product I purchased and told them I would be filing a compliant with the, Texas Attorney General's Office, and the FTC for failure to honor an advertised purchase and for bait and switch tactics.

Two days later on 2/**, they replied they will return devices if within 45 days of purchase, and would deduct for 3 months of service used.

I replied back that evening and told them I had purchased the device over 45 days ago at the same time as the annual, unlimited, no throtting data plan and they violated the product purchased less than 30 days after recieving the device and said I understand they do not offer phone support, but back and forth emails is ridiculous and this has been one of the worst customer service experiences I have ever had.

As of today, 3/*/16, I have not received a response to my previous email, I resent it today, asking them to reply and got an automated response.Desired Settlement: I would say I want them to honor the product I purchased and paid for, but due to the fact they have already violated those terms numerous times I would like a full refund of $639.00. It's the least they can do for causing undue burden on customers, making me go without updating apps on my devices, and sitting in the parking lot at [redacted] to use the wifi while I waited a month to receive my device.

Despite what this company said in news releases, Karma Mobility either was naïve and practiced irresponsible business practices, when offering a data plan at the same cost and specifications as Clear Wireless within days of Clear ending service (note: [redacted] sent emails six months in advance) and not researching customer size, use etc, or baited customers with an offer they knew they couldn't support, get the money, and then switch the service hoping most wouldn't take the time to complain or cancel. My money's on the later.



Hi [redacted], Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund onn the product. Service refunds however, are based on any unused time or months. Please make sure you cancel your service before 3/* if you do not wish to be billed again. You can set up your return at [redacted].Feel free to email me directly though our support channel (Attn: Erin) if you'd like to discuss this further. Best,[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

Product that I paid for, Neverstop "no data caps and speeds up to 5MBPS" was never received. During my first month of service the company starting lowering speeds, before even notifying customers. While still lowering speeds, 10 days into my second month you capped data effective immediately and said you reset data cycles, however that was apparently only a temporary reset because it appears my 3rd month began approximately 20 days after the reset, and 10 days later I was told the company was terminating the program and my data ran out on 3/4 with four days left in the cycle. This is inexcusable, and is not what I paid for.

Note: I am including images from the Karma website from when I registered for a year of service.

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Hi [redacted], I completely understand your concerns, however we can no longer offer Neverstop as a product. It appears that you have requested a return for your device and any unused service you have left. That refund will get processed when you device gets back to our warehouse. Please let me know if you need any additional help. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma

Review: I prepaid for 12 months of unlimited internet service for $50 per month at speeds of 5Mbps. 1 month into my service, Karma begin throttling speeds to 1.5mbps after 15gb of data were used. This month, Karma has discontinued the unlimited data plan that I prepaid for 12 months. They are now offering 10gb for $65. I feel that Karma used a bait and switch to draw in customers and then decided to cut services and increase rates after a customer base was established.Desired Settlement: I prepaid for 12 months of unlimited data. That's what I want. I had to buy their wireless device to use the service that they promised.



Thank you for your feedback. Your Neverstop service will end when your current month of Neverstop finishes up. Because you prepaid for multiple months of data, you will get $50 for each remaining month credited to your account at that time. You can pre-select a Pulse plan today. No matter which plan you choose, we’ll extend your exclusive discount on Pulse for either 3 or 12 months, depending on how many months you prepaid.Also you can return Karma to us for a full refund on the hardware. You'll be refunded for any un-used months of Neverstop and the credits will be removed. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]Please feel free to contact support directly if you'd like any help with this. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma Mobility

Review: I purchased a Karma Go in late December 2015 and received the product on Jan [redacted] 2016. The reason that I purchased to product was based on cost of the monthly service. I signed up for the Neverstop service which included unlimited wifi service with speeds of 5mps. After less than on month of service, they have changed their Neverstop program to 15 gig at 5mps then after 15 mps( which is easily used in less than 1 week) then to speeds of lower than that of dialup. How can a company change their services like that. Seems like a bait and switch routine to me. Their solution to my issue is send back the device and they will refund my money. Nice since I have since cancelled my previous Internet and will cost me even more to start a new service. If they wanted to change their service, change it but to New customers not just expect everyone that signed up to expect less than they were promised. Credit card had to be put on file to keep repeat billing.Desired Settlement: Service to go back to what was promised



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]You can email Customer Support directly for any additional help.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

By forcing me to put a payment on file for an automatic charge, that constitutes a contract. At this point in time, you, Karma, are n breach of contract. Therefore the resolution is to adhere to the agreed upon contract for a minimum of 6 months of time.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].If you'd like to contact me directly via our support channel, I am happy to help get this set up or address your concerns further. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: Under the contract agreement I singed it was for unlimited wifi with no limitation for $50.00 a month which is taken automatically from my checking account. A week later service was slow to a crawl done by the people at Karma. And in an email sent to me by Karma stated that it was a bad idea by them. I sent numerous emails for a refund on payments for those two months of almost no service but they keep charging my account $50.00. Now they altered the already agreed upon contract of unlimited data to now a 15 GB cap and if I go over the limit my service is again brought to a slow crawl of about 0.12 MBPS at those speeds I can't even read my email which again was in the same email advertising that I would. I did not agree to these changes and they will not refund any of my money for both the device or my payments that they took but left me with no service. I feel robbed and abused by these people at KARMADesired Settlement: I would like to have what I agreed to pay and for them to stop false advertising UNLIMITED data when there is In fact a huge limit. And they still want you to pay the original agreed price of $50.00 a month. If they change the service change the monthly charge also. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!



Hi There, It appears your emails for refunds and returns did not go through to our system. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong.In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].Please feel free to contact me directly through support, (attn Erin) and I can assist you further. Best,Erin A[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


I understand what you saying and you have said it before. But that was not before I already singed up for never stop and the advertised service has changed dramatically. You knew what you were getting yourself into as a company that launched shortly after clear spot was bought out. Now that they are no longer in business you guys came in. You know the numbers and the usage as well as I do and not to mention you are running off of sprint LTE same people who bought out clear spot. It seems to me your just trying to suck out as much money from us by not only doing this but to buy your data every GB is a total of $14.00 for a regular user that's over $240.00 a month 3x more than any other provider. And when you chose the most likely plan of 15GB for a month than slow it down to 0.11mbps is crazy. Oh and let's not forget for every GB not used out of the 15GB you'll buy back remaining GB's for a total of $1.00. You should give back what you charge us!

I ordered the Karma Neverstop plan as it was marketed as "unlimited data for streaming". Now they say "unlimited" is 15GB. It is not. I will blow thru my 15GB in less than a month as I watch Netflix AND surf the internet too. This is unacceptable. I want what I paid for. I have noticed that they did not lower the fee when they lowered the data.

company offered unlimited data.

halfway through the prepaid billing cycle, the company dropped the unlimited data, added a cap and lowered speeds.

Review: The Karma product, KarmaGo, would never work when I needed it. I asked to return it and received a mailing label. The company acknowledges receipt of my return (returned in January, they acknowledged in February), but hasn't give me my money back for the $149 hot spot I returned nor for the $297 in data I purchased. Karma owes me $446 and is sitting on it and won't tell me when I will receive my money back. MANY others on the Karma Facebook page are experiencing this same thing and telling me to dispute the charges with my bank, which I have done. My bank said they have had many such requests recently for the same company!

I never used any of my paid for data. I could never access it.Desired Settlement: I would like my money back and for the to make the public aware of potential problems with this company.



Hi [redacted], It appears that your refund for the device and data have all been processed and successful. Please let me know if you need any additional help. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma

Review: In good faith, I ordered the Karma Go Hot Spot Device and Paid $50 upfront for the NeverEnd Data plan. Once the device was received I was told that my data plan had been discontinued. My plan choice had been changed against my will and without my knowledge. This was a classic bait and switch.

I requested a return and received the necessary information. I returned the device in perfect shape. The device had never been activated so the forced plan switch could not take place.

This item was returned via [redacted] on Feb ** . This item was received by Karma on Feb **. I have emailed about my refund and was just told that it would be done in the order it was received. No updates and no assistance. I am looking for a full refund of $199.00 AND I am requesting they stop doing the bait and switch on people.Desired Settlement: Full refund of $199.00 ASAP. Also, they should be stopped from doing the bait and switch on people



Hi [redacted], It appears your device has made it back to our warehouse. Your refund will be processed today and you'll receive an email confirmation from us as soon as it does. Please let me know if you need any additional help. Best,[redacted]Karma



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: I have never filed a complaint before in my life, but this is just so egregious.

Karma offered an unlimited wifi option called "neverstop".

I bough the device and the service.

My complaint is threefold:

1. LATE DELIVERY - COSTING ME MONEY AND WORK My device arrived a week late, although I had paid 20 for one day delivery.




In the meantime, my son an up more than 200 dollars in overage wifi charges, on his phone, which the Karma was supposed to replace.

I have returned my device and have not gotten a refund yet.Desired Settlement: I see that they are still selling this device. I feel I was lured in by their promise, and then they cut the service.

How did they not know that they could not provide unlimited service? Surely that have engineers who can do math.




Your refund will be processed immediately. Please note that it does sometimes take between 3-5 business days for that to show up on your account. (that's the banks, not us)Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Karma processed my refund - but my complaint is unrelated to the refund issue. Karma should not have sold a service they were unable to provide. They continued to sell the devices and service even when they must have known they would withdraw the service they offered. I am sure they can do basic math. The company committed fraud.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Hi [redacted] You can return your device for a full refund. Best,Erin A[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

My complaint is not resolved by a refund. It is not resolvable. Karma engaged in deceptive business practices, and I lost money because their product did not work, and was not what they sold. My complaint has no resolution. It is simply a complaint about their actions, which cannot be remedied.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: Purchased this product which promised unlimited internet at 5mbps with no data cap. About a month after purchase, they sent all their customers an email stating that they were suprised that folks were using the internet as their primary device and that they were throttling speeds. It was nearly impossible to get online at this point! About a week later, another email was sent saying the company was capping their "unlimited" data at 15Gigs, at which point the speed would drop to 56-128k! That's about the same as 1995-era AOL! So, they kept my month, changed the terms of service two times and then offered to purchase back my unit and refund my credit card. I sent the unit back, but demand a refund of $50 for the horrible service in January. Classic bait and switch tactic from a company that's to narrow sighted to see this coming. Also, they still have a webpage up stating that it can be used to 'cut the cord' from other service providers! [redacted] ... scroll down to meet '[redacted]'.Desired Settlement: Would like $50 refunded to my credit card for worthless month of use.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]

Horrible company. Bait & Switch. They violated their own terms of service. Please do something about this CRIME!

This company started a pre order campaign in September 2014 with a shipping date of December 2014. That shipping date was eventually moved to Early 2015. That shipping date was eventually moved to April 2015. That shipping date was eventually moved to May of 2015. After a month of silence from the [redacted] he made a blog post stating they ran into an issue and could not give a specific date for shipment. Keep in mind that all along they have been collecting pre order money while providing shipment dates only to have last minute issues come up and delay shipments. They are currently running a heavy advertising campaign on the internet for a phase 2 pre order with the promise of shipping those devices in July. But after 8 months have yet to ship any devices under phase 1. I feel very strongly that someone needs to take a look at this company.

Review: This company is a bait and switch MVNO. They should be fined by the FTC, FCC if they do not refund people's money. The device is $150. Originally they had a hotspot internet service for $50/month. Their data plans have changed several times in a very short time and degraded to the point of being prohibitively expensive. This is simply bad business.Desired Settlement: Every person who wants a refund of services and equipment should be 100% entitled to it for one year past the point when they last changed their internet service configurations, or else the company KARMA should be fined by the FTC and FCC.



Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong.In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].Feel free to email me directly through support (attn: Erin) if you need any further assistance. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: Karma Go advertising unlimited 4G LTE data for 50$ a month, with speeds up to 5 MBPS. They changed the service for people who pre-paid, or bought before the changes and are now changing the entire unlimited service. Capping data at 15 GB per month, at which points speed will be slowed down to unusable levels.

People paid a lot of money for the device and service, and the only thing they are offering is a full refund. But they are STILL advertising for UNLIMITED data when it couldn't be farther from the truth.Desired Settlement: Be grandfathered into the ORIGINAL UNLIMITED plan I signed up for in November when it first launched.



Hi [redacted], Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong.In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at,Erin A[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

The company failing to do their own market research (which is extremely saturated in this digital age) shouldn't be an excuse for a company who cost a lot of people time, money, and lost service contracts with better providers. Just because you didn't "think", "intend" or "plan" for people using your device and service in a certain way doesn't make it any better. People bought the device and service, not your "plan of how people would use it".

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


Review: They advertised an all you can use unlimited data plan and then changed it after only a month and a half.Desired Settlement: They need to either increase the included data or increase their throttling speeds



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]

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Address: 2300 Valley View Ln, Suite 200, Ivring, Texas, United States, 75062


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Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with Karma Mobility Inc., but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.

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