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Karma Mobility Inc.

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Reviews Karma Mobility Inc.

Karma Mobility Inc. Reviews (627)

Review: On January *, 2016 I ordered the go karma with 2 months of services with cost of product. The product is supposed to be $99 plus $50 a month, which I thought $199 which I paid is supposed to equal the product plus 2 months. My order confirmation says I paid $199 for the product plus one month also it said on my email for comfirmation estimated delivery is January **, 2016. I asked for expidite shipping and this is the response I sent[Request received] Shipping Information If I decide to get your service I would like for it to be shipped to me sooner but there's no option :( please hurry thanks in advanced....

The response....

Erin A[redacted] (Karma)

Jan *, [redacted]

It is now February *, 2016. I've been emailing them requesting to know why it's taking so long being that Ive worked in the mailing system and also have order stuff online where it only take 7-10 business days. The response I got last week was[redacted]

Today I got a response...

Juliet S[redacted]

Those emails aren't including all the other responses to why I haven't received my shipment.

I have family and friends who think I'm being ripped off. I don't want to believe I am. Here I am talking the reviews up on this device but in actuality I haven't got to use it. I would have so many people that would purchase this if they could actually know just by my word on how well it works, but that's impossible for me to do bc I haven't even received this device. I just don't understand how this could take so this real or fake.

I also thought it was weird that I couldnt pay for a faster delivery the day of purchase and when I emailed asking them the day after I purchased it.

My kids keeping asking me "mom, did your karma come yet?"

Note no advertised cr until I looked on this site

Also note that they have been friendly enough to respond in a timely matter but really no understanding legitimate reason why it's delayed.Desired Settlement: I would like to receive this product soon bc like I said I have family and friends researching for Internet services like this one. So everyone can enjoy and reap the that they can be a stand up company... before they get something that isn't worth the value.



Hi [redacted], I promise we are a real company we've had our fair share of delays, unfortunately. I apologize for the delay but we are going to resume shipping this week and you should have a tracking number very soon. If this timeline doesn't work for you, I totally understand and I can cancel your order and issue a FULL refund. Feel free to email me in support directly, attn: Erin for any additional concerns. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: in November, I purchased an Internet hotspot for Karma with the intent of using Karma's brand new "Neverstop" plan with unlimited data with no caps and speeds of 5Mbps with no throttling. However, on January [redacted] at 9:08 am I received an email from Karma stating that Karma would be changing the terms of service and instituting a data cap of 15G and an extreme slow down to the internet speed. This change was to begin at 10 am, 52 minutes later. Now, I am out the cost of the initial device, the cost of this month's Karma Neverstop fee ($50) plus all of the data overage charges I accumulate on my cellphones data plan because Karma isn't functioning as I was promised when I signed up two months ago.Desired Settlement: Ideally, I wish for Karma to stand by its initial advertising and offer the service as initially promised, but since I have have already emailed them numerous times and reviewed zero recompense, I don't believe they will. I would settle for reimbursement of my initial Karma Go device ($157.94), this month's Neverstop fee ($50), and reimbursement of my anticipated overages from my cell phone plan while I pursue a new internet provider (approximately $100).



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

When I go to the submitted website, All I can do is type in my email address to search for an item to return. This brings nothing up and it says I have no orders able to be returned

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Hi [redacted], I am having trouble finding the order for your device however, I have found your account and order for Neverstop. If you'd like to contact me directly via our support channel (attn: Erin) I am happy to investigate this further, get you a return label and a full refund. I look forward to hearing from you. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: My wife and I live remotely and we purchased this product and finally received it around December [redacted]. Where we live we do not have access to Comcast, Time Warner, Century Link or any other unlimited provider so we were ecstatic when we found out about this company. We use this product as our backup internet for anytime we have issues with our satellite provider. We purchased this device based on the content on their site which listed unlimited service at $50/month with speeds up to 5mbps and they also stated that they may even offer higher speeds in the future. Yet they have done a complete 180 and lowered speeds.

Two days ago we received an email stating that due to heavy data usage the company had to lower data speeds to accommodate the amount of data being consumed. Yet on their website they specifically market their product using quotes from various reliable sources and one of which from The Verge states, “[redacted]. On average we have been getting 1.5-1.8mbps down and .80-1.2mbps up, whereas we used to be closer to the listed 5mbps before their changes.Desired Settlement: I have several desired outcomes that have various desired resolution categories so I apologize if the selection is not the most accurate.

I would like my first month charges credited back as well as other new users who were tricked by this company. I would like their entire team or the individuals that dropped the ball on market research/adoption rates and their network capabilities fired. I would like the speeds returned to what was promised to consumers and for this company to actually maintain the transparency that they claimed to have. Lastly I would like the quote from The Verge removed from their site due to misleading and false claims.



Hi [redacted], I am happy to address the concerns as far as a full refund is concerned. I am having trouble finding your order in our system with the information given to my by the but if you wanted to contact our support directly (and put attn Erin) I can certainly help take care of that. We can also arrange a full refund if you'd like to return the product completely. I've passed the feedback and call to action to the rest of my team for consideration at this time. We made a mistake and now it's our job to figure out the best way to create a frictionless way to get people online in the spaces between your home and office or wherever you want to go. We'll get there, but there's a lot to be done. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: On Nov. **, 2015 I ordered and paid for online a Karma Go internet hotspot and also paid three months in advance for the internet access service. The vendor indicated in their online information that it would take "up to 10 days to ship" and that an email would be sent to me when the hotspot shipped.

It is now almost two weeks later and I have not received the hotspot, and have not received any email stating that it has been shipped.

I have emailed Karma customer support twice about this problem and have only received form replies restating the above.Desired Settlement: Immediate delivery of order without further delay.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: Karma Mobility's website states: "When will I get my refund? Usually in about 2-3 weeks. Your return takes about 5-7 business days to get to our warehouse..." Unused product was shipped back on February *, 2016, and is documented as received on February **, 2016 by the carrier. It is now almost 90 days since the return was initiated. Contact today with the company gave a "best estimate" that it will be "about (another) two weeks" with an apology for the "continued wait" until I finally receive a full refund of $225.42? Why does it take over 3 months to have my money returned when it took less than 3 minutes for them to take it?Desired Settlement: Receipt of a full refund of $225.42 that I am due.



Hi **,Thanks for reaching out.The reason your refund has not been processed is that it is not showing up as received via our fulfillment center. When I search the FedEx tracking information from the prepaid shipping label we provide, it shows as "not found," as in not shipped. Did you send your device back to us using an alternative shipping method? If so, can you provide tracking information so I can confirm receipt of your return?You can reach me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: Alex).Best,Alex



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

TOTAL FABRICATION TO COVER UP THEIR INCOMPETENCE!!!!! Attached FedEx Tracking Report documents receipt at their facility on February **, 2016.Kindly confirm that 2 attachments were received with this response.Thank you.

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Hi **,Thanks for following up and sending over that tracking information. I can see that we received your return, and based on the date of receipt relative to where we are currently with returns processing, I'll be sure that your refund is processed immediately. You can expect to receive an email with your refund details by the end of today. Since it was processed by credit card, it should take anywhere from 3-7 business days to reflect on your card (sometimes a little faster), depending on which bank you have.Our apologies again for the lengthy wait, and thanks for your continued patience. Best regards,[redacted]

Review: Karma Internet strongly advertised and promoted their Karma Never Stop service as being uncapped and unlimited internet for $50. a month with only a speed cap of 5mbs. Within the first month of my service after purchasing the device and pre paying the monthly fee the service was throttled to less then 2mbs and then karma announced that they are no longer offering the service they advertised and the service will now only be 15GB of data per month at 5mbs.Desired Settlement: I would like Karma Internet to provide the service that they advertised to all consumers who purchased the device before they changed their plan.

I would like Karma Internet to "grandfather" me and provide me with the service they advertised and that I signed up for and provide me unlimited internet at 5mbs speed for $50.00 a month going forward using the device I already purchased from them.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:[redacted]




I appreciate your continued feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Karma Mobility has made no offer (except a refund) to existing consumers who purchased a product and service that was was aggressively advertised as unlimited 4g lte internet at 5mbs speed but which was never provided and is no longer being offered by Karma.

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Review: Karma stated that their plan was unlimited data for $50. In less than 1 month the terms changed to a data cap. No real answers when I contact.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]OR we can refund your monthly subscription cost.

Review: False advertisement. I signed up for their product and 2 weeks later they change their agreements and product completely.Desired Settlement: They need to stick by their word and their original contract. Or completely refund every ones money back.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]

Review: They advertised an unlimited never stop mobile WiFi hotspot for 50$ a month then after 2 weeks they throttled speeds for 11 days then changed unlimited to 15gb. This was a bait and switch.Desired Settlement: I want what I was promised. I want what I paid for.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. Already shipped it back a week ago. I expect a full refund soon.


Review: I returned the product in March and was promised my refund in 2-3 weeks, later when I asked where it was, they said it would another few weeks. That time is now up as well and I want my $109 plus interest returned.Desired Settlement: Refund now.



Hi [redacted],Thanks for following up. Since we’re experiencing higher than normal return volume, and processing returns in the order they’re received, refunds are taking substantially longer than normal to process. We'll send you an email as soon as your refund has been initiated. Based on the date we received your return (confirmed received at our fulfillment center on 3/**), our normal 4-6 week timeframe for processing refunds, and the fact that we're heavily delayed due to high volume, I anticipate you'll receive confirmation of your refund within the next few weeks. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected] (ATTN: Alex)Best,Alex F[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[it is not my problem that they are back logged. The admitted that the got my return on 3-**. It has already been almost 8 weeks. That is unacceptable. I want my money plus interest now or my next letter will be to the attorney general.]

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Hi [redacted],I'm not sure what I can say to clarify this any further. Again, we're working through all returns and their respective refunds as quickly as possible, while being as fair as possible for all those waiting for a refund. I understand that the only acceptable resolution for you would be to process your return/refund immediately, but as was stated previously, we're processing them in the order received and no other order. This is to ensure that those who have been waiting longest get their refunds first, meaning that I won't expedite the processing of your return if it's going to put yours ahead of others who have been waiting longer than you, just as I won't process the return of someone who before yours if we received it afterwards.Best regards,Alex F[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

There is no need for you to respond. The matter is now in the hands of the attorney general's office.

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Review: I purchased WIfi service for $50.00 per month for unlimited data and purchased the Karma device for $150.00. Since I've purchased, within two months they have changed my plan twice. The first change was to 15 gigs, the current offer is $40 for 5 gigs, $75.00 for 10 gigs or $120 for 20 gigs. This new pulse plan offering now is unacceptable.Desired Settlement: To receive the service I purchased, unlimited data at the original speeds for $50.00 per month.



Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong.In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].Feel free to email me through support (attn: Erin) to discuss this further or I can set the return up for you myself. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: Inn December of 2015 this company advertised unlimited data with a 5Mbps cap using a Wifi device for $50 per month. I paid for the device and three months of usage. I received and started using the device on January *, 2016. On January **, 2016 the company (Karma) issued a change of policy stating that they had not calculated how much data was being used and decided to curtail data usage to a 15GB cap. I contacted them and voiced my displeasure about this. Their response was less than helpful. Either continue as is or return the device for a full refund. My living situation is such that this would be difficult to do. By the way this was the response:

Alex F[redacted] (Karma)

Jan **, 10:10 AM

Hi [redacted],

Thanks for writing in. Changes to the Neverstop service were announced and implemented last Monday, January [redacted].

What happened? We made a mistake. We modeled Neverstop usage to be much higher than usage on Refuel. But we never anticipated data usage as high as it was, and usage this high is not something that will work today. The other thing made clear in your feedback is that speed is important. Slowing it down was not a good solution, which is understandable.

Getting online with Neverstop should be simple and work well for most use cases. So here's the update:

-5Mbps up and down speeds are back

-A new monthly limit of 15GB. If you surpass this, you’ll still be online but with minimal speeds good enough for emailing and messaging

-Earn a $1 credit for each unused GB

Once we launch, everyone on Neverstop will get a fresh start at 0GB. Based on current usage, this change will have little to no impact for most of you, while still reducing strain on the service. But, if you’re looking to binge watch [redacted] 24/*, this probably isn’t the product for you.

In the meantime, if you’d like to Switch to Refuel (no speeds restrictions) you can do so from our apps OR return your device for a full refund including the data here.


Alex F[redacted]

Customer ExperienceDesired Settlement: My desired outcome is to get the unlimited data to the end of the period for which I paid ( April *, 2016). I would also like some sort of sanction for the mid-stream change of plan engaged in by this company. I think you understand my anger.



Hi [redacted],Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong.In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support.While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].Please feel free to contact me directly through our support channel (Attn: Erin) to discuss this further. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Review: This company advertised an internet plan with no data caps and no throttling of transfer speed,s other than the 5mbps advertised. A week after our purchase of a year worth of service - an almost $600 purchase, the company informed all of its customers there would now be a cap. After that cap is reached, the speeds will be slowed to an unusable level.

This is bait and switch and failure to deliver on a service we have paid for.Desired Settlement: We want out unlimited data we purchased, at the speeds we purchased.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. We are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I purchased a product. It was used for 9 days, and the company changed the product. A simple refund is not an acceptable solution.

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Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].Please feel free to contact me directly via our support channel if you'd like me to set this up for you or to discuss this option further. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma

Review: Karma advertised $50 per month UNLIMITED internet service at speeds up to 5Mbps. The same day mine arrived I received an email that since people actually used the service as advertised, they were not prepared and immediately reduced speeds to 1- 2 Mbps. They then changed it to a limit of 15 GB at this speed and after that speeds only high enough to do email and browsing. They clearly provided false advertising for one thing then switched it to another. I demand that they provide the service they originally advertised at the speeds they advertised. It is unacceptable for them to changed it mid stream.Desired Settlement: I expect them to provide the service they originally advertised, Unlimited at 5Mbps. They have no right to limit the unlimited plan they advertised. Doing otherwise is FRAUD.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[We demand that you fulfill your originally advertised service/product. It is not acceptable for you to simply "change" your mind and leave us without the unlimited 5 Kpbs service you promised to begin with. Your data limit of 15 GB on an unlimited plan is completely unacceptable. Your current clients are furious that you have failed to deliver your promised unlimited 5 KBpbs service. The only resolution is to provide what you advertised. We entered into a contract when we accepted your offer. You are required to fulfill your part of the contract.]

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Hi [redacted], While I appreciate your feedback and passion, unlimited internet is no longer an option. We understand that this change might not work for everyone which is why we are offering full refunds for the return of the device. Please let me know if you need any help setting this up and I will make it happen. Best,Erin A[redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

There is nothing you can do other than to fulfill your original offer. Your company have done everything from ignoring my emails to blocking me fro m posting on your [redacted] page. You have also done this to others. We have organized and will also be taking legal action against your company's actions. When you advertise something, then change what you agree to offer and do not even follow your own company terms of service there is a problem. You now have multiple complaints here, with the FCC and the Attorney General regarding your illegal actions

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I started using Karma go Wifi service "Never Stop" on Dec. **. Based on their initial offering to "Use as much Data as needed, There are no Data Caps". Based on this, I purchased their device and I purchased their services for three months. They have just changed their plan on Jan. [redacted] to a limited 15Gb of usage a month. Then the speed will be throttled down to a speed that they will not say.

I feel that this company is dishonest and is not keeping their word. I don't believe any one has the right to change the terms of the service after it has been sold.

Review: I purchased the Karma Box on November **, 2016. I had it around two months and they raised the monthly bill $70.00, from $50.00 to $120.00 a month. I contacted them they told me I could return it and they would refund me the $149.00 purchase price. That was end of February first of March and I still haven't received the refund. I have contacted them about 3 times each time they tell me 2 more weeks. Really how long does it take to process a refund...not this much time.

Thank you,

[redacted]Desired Settlement: I sent their box back I just want my refund back. Thank you.



Hi [redacted],Thank you for reaching out. I understand the wait has been very lengthy due to the abnormally high volume of returns. My apologies for that, but please know that we're working diligently to get through all returns/refunds in as timely a manner possible. Good news is I can see that your return was confirmed received (checked-in) at our fulfillment center on March [redacted], and with that said, I expect that you'll receive confirmation that your refund is on the way within the next day or two.If you need anything in the meantime, feel free to reach me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: Alex).Best,Alex

Review: Multiple issues have come up during my time using this poor quality service including excessive spam, misleading marketing and dishonest sales reps. Karma ran an unethical bait and switch marketing scam promising unlimited internet at a set rate and immediately switched customers to a high priced pay as you go plan. Connectivity is marginal at best and outrageously high data usuage is being billed to my account. This has been extremely disruptive to my work and has required way too much time to resolve. This is a fraudulent and arrogant company which I do not expect to deal honestly with consumers without some oversight from the authorities.Desired Settlement: A complete refund for the service and cessation of fraudulent marketing to scam other consumers.



Thanks for reaching out. Our returns are simple. If for some reason you aren't happy with your Karma Go, you can return it to us for a full refund on the hardware.Service refunds depend on your account type. On Refuel, you'll get a refund for any data left unused. With Pulse/Neverstop, you'll be refunded for any un-used months. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]Please feel free to contact support directly if you need any additional help. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma Mobility



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved This is a form letter from the company. The link they include does not work. Also, they do not address the issue of actual data used and data over billed. At the very least they need to provide labels and shipping for the defective device, but should refund monthly billing for the poor connectivity.

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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

This is another form letter that ignores the connectivity issue of the device. "The home use" issue is a red herring as I repeatedly asked if this device would replace clear service and was assured it would. I also use this for work and it has cost me hours and money not living up to its extravagant claims.

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Hi [redacted],While I am truly sorry that Karma did not meet your expectations, I am happy to report that your refund has been processed for the device so you are good to go there. Please let me know if you need any additional help. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma

Review: Trying to get my refund for the device I returned. They said they couldn't transfer the money back to my [redacted] account. So I contacted [redacted] they said theres nothing was wrong with my account. So I informed them of that and no one has or will respond to this and haven't received a refund yet. They said I would be credit for left over data that didnt use. I returned the devices back in January. I replied to their last email back on February [redacted]. I Sent multiple email since then.



Hi [redacted], The issue has been escalated with [redacted] but unfortunately, I don't have any news to offer you at the moment. As soon as I hear back from [redacted], we will be in touch again. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma Mobility



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]

I talked to [redacted] today 03/**/16 and they said there isn't a case open or any record you talk to them and there is no reason why you can't send a refund.

They will be contacting you shortly. Please resolve ASAP!

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




HI [redacted], Your refund will be processed through [redacted]. Please let me know if you need any additional help. Best,Erin



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: I purchased a Karma Neverstop for my parents, and they took over the monthly billing immediately. However, my debit card has been charged twice since the purchase. The first time they confirmed that my card would be deleted from the account and refunded my money. However, I was charged again the next month. I have tried to resolve the issue with the company, but they are slow to respond and did not resolve the issue the last time I contacted them.Desired Settlement: I would like my money refunded and to have my card information removed from their billing system so this does not happen again.



Hi [redacted], It appears that our customer support team has refunded the latest payment to your CC. Please feel free to contact us directly if you need any further assistance. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma Mobility



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


Review: hello. I originally had the pay as you go but was eyeing the neverstop plan with unlimited data at 5mbps. Just as I was going to order it was dropped to 2.5-3mbps. While disappointing I still ordered the service because it was still unlimited. For me unlimited means the speed will not changed or drop down after a set amount of gigs is used, except for normal network fluctuations. I never did receive the stated speeds, I consistently got around 1.25 mbps with just one device connected at all times of the day. I found that while not the fastest it was very use able with even my family members pleasantly surprised. Surfing was fast enough, videos loaded fine, even a test download was a acceptable speed which is important if you have to run updates for your computer.

I continued to defend and support karma although I am getting a bit tired of defending the company right now. My complain is that I signed on for a very specific service, $50 for unlimited data at 2.5-3mbps with also having the ability to earn data. I really like being able to take it with me and earn credits that can go to my bill and share the karma.

I never agreed to a change in service and certainly not $50 for 15gigs at 5mbps then it throttled down to 64kbps-128kbps for the rest of the month. From what I have read no one is even getting that speed. They are getting below dial-up speeds.

You are not even able to surf at all, or get emails, or anything. One person couldn't even run a speed test to see what his speed was.Desired Settlement: Would like the service I ordered.

1. $50 for unlimited data at 2.5-3mbps(or even the speed I ended up with at about 1.25mbps) with no throttling after a amount of gigs are used.

2. The ability to spread the karma for credits and talk good about the company to my friends that would be interested in the service and get credits when they buy a device with my code. I have several that are interested.

Thank you. I hope this can be resolved. I really do like your company and business model. I think your just jumping the gun a bit and making decisions too quickly.



I understand your concerns, and we do not want you to have to feel stuck with a product that no longer works for you. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can use our Return Center for this: [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

A refund is unacceptable. I want the account changed back to what I started with. $50 for a unlimited account at 2.5-3mbps. If companies were able to change agreements when they became inconvenient when ever they wanted I am sure everyone would. If you want to discontinue the unlimited plan go ahead but grandfather me in. We have a contract. I do not agree with the change to my account.

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.




Hi Patricia, Looks like your refund is all set now. Let us know if you need more help.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


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Address: 2300 Valley View Ln, Suite 200, Ivring, Texas, United States, 75062


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Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with Karma Mobility Inc., but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.

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