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Karma Mobility Inc.

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Reviews Karma Mobility Inc.

Karma Mobility Inc. Reviews (627)

I signed up for Karma on December [redacted] for the Neverstop plan. Neverstop was supposed to be an unthrottled unlimited access plan at up to 5 mps. Soon afterwards, they claimed that people were abusing the Neverstop plan by actually making use of the unlimited services, so they changed the plan to make it 15GB a month at 5 mps, before they would throttle it back. Then, in mid-February, they cancelled the Neverstop service for a GB per month series of plans and offered full refunds to all Neverstop customers - which would be processed in 4-6 weeks after receiving the device. I returned my Karma on the week of February [redacted] - [redacted], and it was received on February [redacted] per the tracking information. I still have not received my refund. I emailed them on May [redacted] to ask about it - and their best guess was it would be another two weeks /maybe/ that they would get to the refund - but they didn't sound certain about it at all.

Hi [redacted],
Thanks for following up.
As stated previously-- for your first month of service, you received Neverstop as it was originally advertised, unlimited for the entire month. You are now mentioning unusable speeds 90% of the time, but any communication from you during that period was strictly praise for the Neverstop service, and not a single complain about speed (or anything else). The following month you received Neverstop as originally advertised for the first two weeks of service, at which point it was changed to include a 15GB high-speed data cap. Regardless of how much data you had already used for that month, we reset your usage to 0GB. At that time you (and everyone else) were offered a full refund which would have included that month of service had you not used it. Under the new plan, you continued to use the service until hitting the 15GB cap before opting to return the device. 
Again, the service was used in full for the first month of service with unlimited data, and used in full under both versions of the plan for the second month making them ineligible for return. 
When your refund is processed, it will include the full price paid for the Karma Go unit, as well as the third (unused) prepaid month of service originally purchased.
Feel free to reach out to me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: [redacted]).
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
I don't accept the response, NO FEEDBACK on where they are at with my order???  They seem unruly and very disorganized, I don't know why they even advertised this product if it isn't available!!  I need a response about how long this is going to take?
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Hi [redacted],
I understand the wait has been very lengthy. My apologies for that, but please know that what we've communicated to you when you've been checking in the status of your refund is correct.
I can see...

that your return was confirmed received (checked-in) at our fulfillment center on March [redacted], which means it was then added to the queue of returns to be refunded. We have had, and currently have significantly higher than normal return volume, which is leading to heavy delays on all refunds. This is not specific to you, and in order to keep things as fair as possible, albeit lengthy, we're only processing refunds in the order which returns have been received. Based on your return date, I do anticipate you'll receive confirmation notice of your refund fairly soon (within the next 4-6 weeks). I know this isn't the immediate response you're looking for, but understand we're working through this is as quickly as possible, and I can assure you we'll process your refund just as soon as is humanly possible with the resources available to us right now.
If you need anything in the meantime, feel free to reach me directly at [redacted] (ATTN: [redacted]).

Hi ** [redacted],
I see that this was written on 4/**/16, but I can see on our end that your refund was already processed on 4/**/16. You should have received confirmation that your refund is on the way, but if you haven't, I can confirm that your refund has already been taken care of.
Best regards,

Hi [redacted],  Since we are corresponding directly through our support channel, I feel it's best to keep all information in one place. I will be emailing you directly today. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma

Thank you for taking the time to offer up this feedback. To give a little insight into why we made this decision, we built Karma Go as a wireless mobile device, and built our data plans around that mobile use, not use at home. We underestimated how many people would want to use Karma for home, and our metrics were wrong. In the short term, the unlimited version of Neverstop will not return—we’re not able to sustain that kind of use. Bringing back unlimited or instituting a higher cap isn’t something we can support. While we can no longer offer the original product, we are happy to help you get your Karma Go returned for a full refund including the data you purchased as well. You can set up your return at [redacted].If you'd like to contact me directly via our support channel if you'd like me to arrange this further for you. Best,Erin A[redacted]

Hi [redacted], Thank you for your feedback. It appears your order has been returned to our warehouse however, due to the large volume of returns it is taking some time for our warehouse to process them. I just double checked and it appears your refund should be processed by the end of this...

week. In the meantime, please feel free to send me an email to [redacted] (Attn: Erin) if you need any additional help. Best,Erin A[redacted]Karma

Hi [redacted], While I understand your feedback and I appreciate your passion, unlimited simply isn't an option here. Please let me know if you'd like to return your device for a full refund. I can certainly help make that happen for you. Best,Erin A[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

When I returned the device I was told it would take 2 -3 weeks to receive my refund. When I inquired about the status I was told the device was received and it should take 2-3 weeks and now I'm being told it will take another 4 -6 weeks. It has already been 3 months. This is completely unacceptable! I expect the refund within the next week.
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Hi [redacted], Please email support directly (attn: [redacted]) and we will work something out with you. Best,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Karma Mobility has made no offer (except a refund) to existing consumers who purchased a product and service that was was aggressively advertised as unlimited 4g lte internet at 5mbs speed but which was never provided and is no longer being offered by Karma. 
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Hi [redacted], I understand the wait has been very lengthy. My apologies for that, but please know that what we've communicated to you when you've been checking in the status of your refund is correct.
class="p2">I can see that your return was confirmed received (checked-in) at our fulfillment center on March [redacted], which means it was then added to the queue of returns to be refunded. We have had, and currently have significantly higher than normal return volume, which is leading to heavy delays on all refunds. This is not specific to you, and in order to keep things as fair as possible, albeit lengthy, we're only processing refunds in the order which returns have been received.  Based on your return date, I do anticipate you'll receive confirmation of your refund details in 8-10 weeks. I know this isn't the immediate response you're looking for, but understand we're working through this is as quickly as possible, and I can assure you we'll process your refund just as soon as is humanly possible with the resources available to us right now. Thanks in advance for your continued patience and understanding. Please do let us know if you need anything else in the meantime. Best,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

Erin, I understand it is no longer available, Please understand my point.......I, like hundreds more were lied to, sold a bill of goods your company never intended to deliver on.   Like I stated in the previous complaints I am tired of being lied to by companys just so they can sell something so absolutely wonderful and good it cannot provide it, get it ?
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I have waited until September [redacted], and have not been refunded yet. 
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

This is the same response that I have received 15 times in emails from this company.  This is an automated response that is sent from their company when you email them and ask for the status of your refund.  They received my return on 03/**/16.  It is well past the 2-3 week time frame for the refund.  I would like to have this resolved and this response is not acceptable from their company.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

 I purchased a product. It was used for 9 days, and the company changed the product. A simple refund is not an acceptable solution.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 I have attached an email dated 12/**/14 which is almost eight months old.  In the email, they state that the device will be delivered in 2-3 weeks.  They are now seven months behind that two to three week commitment.Since they now have a 45 day delivery schedule, it is reasonable to assume that they were deceiving their customers.  If they had not tested the devices or had them in production or in stock, their representation of 2-3 weeks was, at best, a large misrepresentation of the facts.  I have a string of emails from them with sliding dates.  As of today, they have still not provided a delivery date in spite of my repeated requests.They are so evasive that the only way to find a telephone number is on the web site.  They have two telephone numbers.  Nobody answers either phone line.  One phone line says that they do not accept incoming calls and neither phone number allows for voice mail.  This is fairly outrageous given their fraudulent representation of their ability to deliver a product.  When I've sent requests through their email for a call back, I receive a response saying "we don't call our customers."This is not a "A+" rated company by any stretch of the imagination.  They lie about their access to their products, they lie about delivery dates, they will not talk to their customers and they don't even publish a telephone number.
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
4-6 weeks from the time of receipt would have been acceptable however 4-6 weeks from this date is not.  That would put the return at nearly 5 months to process.  That is far outside an acceptable business transaction.  When I spoke to Jackie on April ** she anticipated I would receive confirmation of the refund within a few weeks of that date.  It seems that every time I've talked to customer server so far I've received the same response.
 Jackie's Response on April **, 2016 @11:47AM EST
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Karma wifi is a scam. They had to know what they offered was unsustainable. They up sell you the $649 annual plan and then charge your credit card with out even sending the device. Now waiting for the $649 to be refunded. Karma will have legal issues in the near future I see a class action law suit coming.

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Address: 2300 Valley View Ln, Suite 200, Ivring, Texas, United States, 75062


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