Guardian Protection Services Inc Reviews (758)
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Address: 174 Thorn Hill Rd, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, United States, 15086-7528
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Review: In the Summer of 2012 we were working on our house and we decided to include a home security system in our renovation. We have had many home security systems over the years in the different houses we have lived in and are very familiar with the types of systems that are out there. I wanted a standard wired system with several key pads, door sensors and motion sensors. I contacted Guardian home security and was talked into one of their new wireless systems (not what I originally wanted). The system was installed and was nothing but trouble. Within several months I had had enough. I notified them that I no longer wanted their service and disconnected the entire system and offered to give them back all of the equipment that they had installed. That was December of 2012. They have hounded me for over a year about this and say that I signed a 2 year contract for service. I continue to tell them that their equipment and service were not what I originally asked for and that it was an inferior product, not to mention that the wireless system had to be hard wired to electrical outlets (exposed wires) wherever there was a keypad, essentially making it a wired system. Traditional Wired systems have power supplied by a main panel and all wires are buried in the walls. I have had many conversations with different people in their organization to resolve the issue. Their solution.Install a wired system for an additional charge of over $2,000 and honor the rest of the contract. Unacceptable! The only thing I told them that I would do to honor the contract was to get a wired system installed or install it myself, then contact them to resume monitoring services and they could then continue to bill me..That was unacceptable to them and they have continued to bill me. I have not been hooked to their system since that time (over a year) and refuse to pay any additional bills they continue to send me.Desired Settlement: I don't want their service or their equipment. I am not and have not been using their service since December of 2012. Stop billing me, calling me, sending me letters and close my account.
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and clarify this matter for all parties.
For background, Mr. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an Authorized Dealer known as 1st [redacted], LLC. As such, all aspects of Mr. [redacted]’s sales transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Mr. [redacted]. In order to establish a Guardian account for Mr. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Mr. [redacted]’s services and subsequent billings. Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Guardian’s records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s sales transaction with [redacted] occurred on August 2, 2012 at which time Mr. [redacted] executed a Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) to engage monitoring services for an initial term of thirty-six (36) months. Mr. [redacted]’s system was installed and activated by [redacted] on August 13, 2012.
Mr. [redacted] has expressed discontent with the wireless security system installed at his home. Mr. [redacted] initially expressed discontent with the security equipment in January 2013. Upon learning of Mr. [redacted]’s dissatisfaction, Guardian immediately notified [redacted] of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns and requested that they contact him directly. [redacted] left numerous voicemail messages for Mr. [redacted] over a several month period to address his concerns. Guardian has been informed that Mr. [redacted] did not contact [redacted] in response to the messages left for him.
In September 2013, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian to request the cancellation of his account citing dissatisfaction with the wireless security system installed in his home. Guardian’s representative offered to work with Mr. [redacted] to upgrade his security equipment to a hard-wired system. Mr. [redacted] indicated he wished to install his own security system and have said system monitored by Guardian. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that Guardian could send a technician to program the system after Mr. [redacted] completed installation. Guardian’s representative quoted Guardian’s standard service rates and offered to waive the trip fee as a courtesy. Mr. [redacted] indicated he would contact Guardian after renovations in his home were complete and he was ready to move forward.
In October 2013, Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that renovations were complete and that the existing system had been removed during renovations. Mr. [redacted] again inquired about self-installing a security system and having said system monitored by Guardian. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that Guardian could monitor a self-installed system as long as the equipment was compatible and can be programmed. Guardian’s representative quoted Guardian’s standard service rates for a technician to program said system and informed Mr. [redacted] that Guardian’s standard Extended Repair Agreement would not cover any self-installed equipment. Alternatively, Guardian’s representative provided several upgrade options to Mr. [redacted] should he wish for Guardian to install a system on his behalf. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian reached out to Mr. [redacted] to discuss the contents of his letter. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that Guardian would like the opportunity to improve on the upgrade offers previously presented to him. Mr. [redacted] declined to discuss any offers and reiterated his desire to cancel his account.
After careful review of the above information, Guardian is respectfully unable to release Mr. [redacted] from the remaining term of his Agreement without further payment. Guardian has at all times honored its obligation under the Agreement and has made consistent good-faith efforts to resolve this matter with Mr. [redacted]. In a genuine effort to assist Mr. [redacted] in fulfilling his obligation, Guardian provided several offers to upgrade Mr. [redacted]’s security equipment to a hard-wired system. Guardian also offered to monitor a system which Mr. [redacted] chooses to self-install.
Guardian believes the above offers to be fair and reasonable. These options remain available to Mr. [redacted] should he so choose. Should Mr. [redacted] wish to cancel his account and remaining obligation immediately, he may do so by remitting the early termination fee as set forth in the terms of his Agreement. Finally, Mr. [redacted] may choose to remit timely monthly payments until such time that he is eligible to cancel his account.
Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
This is the exact type of response I have been getting from Gaurdian Protection Services. There is no real offer! There is no real resolution!
Let's review the FACTS.....
2) It was an INFERIOR piece of equipment.
3) As you can se by their response, Guardian did not begin keeping track of the details until after Sept. of 2013....A FULL 9 MONTHS from the time I disconnected the service.
4) I did speak with [redacted] and they told me that it was Guardian's problem. Guardian now says it was [redacted] fault (CLASSIC!)
5) [redacted] was not able to resolve the issues because the equipment could not be configured that way. THERE ARE WIRES TO THIS WIRELESS SYSTEM!!! There is also an BLUE LIGHT that is unable to be turned off that illuminates the room at night.
6) I was contacted by Guardian in Sept of 2013 to try and resolve the issue. A Mr. [redacted] facilitated a few calls in which no real resolution was offered. All he kept saying was, "I am sure we can work something out that is agreeable" and even said that "he had the authority to make it right". Not true!! The common response of "I'll talk that over with management." was given several times. The scenario that they came up with and actually had the nerve to propose was to extend the contract and charge me to install a new system. In the detail of that solution was a tactic to have me pay a fee of several hundred dollars in order to reduce the term, but essentially it was the same amount as if I would have paid for the additional year of monitoring. Classic "Bait and Switch"!
7) I even scheduled an appointment for one of their technicians to come out and look at the house. He came out, took a look at the house and agreed with every reason I had said for why I wanted a traditional wired system. The result of that visit was another call from another representative, this time offering to install the new system for OVER $2,000. UNBELIEVABLE!!!
8) Another incorrect statement by Guardian....They say that "renovations were completed". NOT TRUE! They still aren't complete. I never told them that and their own technician verified it when he was here. They just started billing me again.
9) Through this ordeal, they have threatened to ruin my credit rating and possibly take legal action.
So after my careful review of Guardian's response, it is affirmation that they have no TRUE intention of resolving these issues and only want to collect on something that they have not delivered.
Bottom line, I am not using the service and I haven't been for over a year. Why should I pay for something I am not using. I didn't like the product or the service, and as I have previousely stated....After dealing with this for over 14 months of not using this system (that I didn't want from the start) or their service, I will only accept the termination of my account with no penatlty fees or charges as a resolution.
Review: Extremely poor customer service. They installed our products incorrectly. When they fixed only one of the many incorrect issues, they billed us for their mistake. We have called to rectify this many times and are promised a call back that we never receive. We called to cancel service with them and they said that we can't cancel because we are locked in a 5 year contract. We have even spoken to the original sales guy who admits that our install was done incorrectly from our agreement and how we discussed. He was also supposed to call us back and never followed up. We spent over $13,000.00 with them and expect them to treat a customer much better than this. We never even complained that they installed our equipment incorrectly until after only 13 months, the TV that we bought from them, went black. That's when they tried to charge us to fix a piece of equipment that we weren't supposed to have in the first place. They installed two remote boxes instead of the hdmi cable that we paid to have. Once they finally agreed to run the cable that was supposed to be there in the first place, it made those boxes obsolete.Desired Settlement: I would like the policy terminated and to not be billed for the obsolete box.
Thank you for forwarding Ms. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns.
For background, please note that Mr. and Ms. [redacted] originally met with Guardian in July 2011 to review products and services that were available for their new home, which was under construction at the time. Guardian presented various products and services for their consideration, after which Mr. and Ms. [redacted] decided to engage Guardian to install electronic security hardware in their new home and provide 24-hour security monitoring services. In order to memorialize the specifics of their transaction with Guardian, Mr. and Ms. [redacted] executed a Builder Division Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) on July 8, 2011.
Ms. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction in her letter regarding issues with low voltage equipment purchased at the time of sale and in receiving billing statements from Guardian related to repairs of the above-referenced equipment. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss this matter directly. As a courtesy and in a good faith effort to bring swift resolution to this matter, Guardian agreed to waive the fees associated with said repairs. A credit has been applied to the [redacted]s’ account accordingly. Mr. [redacted] has expressed his satisfaction with this resolution.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: While away for military training my house (that was vacant) was robbed twice. I received a call from Guardian Protection Services. Apparently I had filled out a form for a tractor raffle and they were calling me as a part of that. I just thought it was perfect timing and had an authorized dealer come on to do the install.The only installation issue was the authorized dealer was a new company in the area and it took over 6 hours to do the install, mostly because it took 3 technicians and a help call to Guardian to figure out how to set the alarm up. I was under the impression I was in a 3 year contract that could be canceled by paying an early termination fee. I remember asking about canceling because I was only moving in to fix up the house to sell (It was on the market at the time the installation was occurring).After a year of service it was time for me to move out because of the military. I called guardian to disconnect my service and the guy told me it would over 2,250.00 dollars to get out of my contract. I was shocked (literally) to hear this. At first I thought about moving the service to my new location, but soon realized that would cause a fee plus an extension of my contract. I didnt do this and havent had much contact with guardian until today (08/05/2013) when I called to see if maybe their business model has changed. While on the phone with guardian today I was told that I would have to (1) pay for every remaining month on the contract at full price and (2) pay an extra charge for terminating early. This is so frustrating to me because an E4 in the military could never be able to afford to get out of this contract. If I would have known the service was for 5 years and there was no early cancelation I would have never signed a contract to put it in a house that was UP FOR SALE.Desired Settlement: I would like to cancel my service and have an affordable settlement. I have tried twice to work with Guardian on canceling my service, but they will not budge. Paying the full price for every remaining month plus an early termination fee for a 5 year contract is predatory in my eyes. Guardian should have better trained and more honest installation technicians. I shouldnt have to second guess whether the guy presenting the contract to me is lying or not at least not at a reputable company.
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian realizes and respects the sacrifices made by military personnel and would like to thank Mr. [redacted] for his business as well as his military service to protect our nation.
For background, Mr. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an entity known as [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for selected customers of [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business. All authorized dealers, including [redacted], agree in writing to operate in compliance with all Federal, state and local laws, and all other regulations applicable to their business activities.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. In a genuine effort to assist Mr. [redacted] and in order to facilitate swift resolution, Guardian has agreed to discount the termination fees necessary to cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account. Mr. [redacted] has accepted Guardian’s offer and has expressed his satisfaction with this resolution. Guardian extends its best wishes and thanks to Mr. [redacted] for the opportunity to serve his security needs.
Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: They told me that I would have a $99 install, that all of my current equipment was in good working order. Once the installers got here they said they needed to replace a few window sensors, but they would still give me the $99 install price. They also promised me cameras, they billed me for the camera, they then told me they DID NOT have cameras, and refunded HALF of my money for the cameras they were unable to provide me with. They then billed my account $473.05 for the $99 install. This company has terrible reviews/complaints, I wish I would have read them before hiring them.Desired Settlement: I want a FULL refund of everything they have billed me, they can have their window sensors, etc. back. I want my money, all of it. The services have never been rendered, yet they took my money. On 5/15/15 they hit my account for $781.00, on 7/03/15 they refunded $307.95, the difference is $473.05.
August 3, 2015
RE: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted] complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to address his concerns and clarify this matter for all parties.
Mr. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction in his letter related to the refund provided by Guardian for the camera system. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian reviewed Mr. [redacted] account and offers the following information.
For background, Mr. [redacted] Commercial Agreement (“Agreement”) dated May 14, 2015 designates the total price for all selected equipment (security monitoring and cameras) to be $1,562.00. Of that amount, $1,125.00 reflected the total cost of the camera equipment and $437.00 for the security monitoring equipment ($49 base package price + $388 additional equipment.)
Mr. [redacted] remitted an initial deposit of $781.00 at the time of sale. Subsequent to that date, Mr. [redacted] requested the cancellation of the security camera portion of his Agreement. Mr. [redacted] further requested a refund for all monies paid for the camera equipment. Pursuant to his request, Guardian did cancel the camera portion of Mr. [redacted] Agreement.
On June 3, 2015, Guardian invoiced Mr. [redacted] account in the amount of $473.05 ($49 base package price + $388 equipment + $36.05 tax) for the security monitoring equipment reflected in his Agreement. This amount was deducted from the $781 deposit made by Mr. [redacted] at the time of sale. Guardian issued a refund to Mr. [redacted] credit card for the difference in the amount of $307.95 on July 2, 2015.
Based on the above information, Guardian does not find any further amounts due to be refunded to Mr. [redacted].
Upon receipt of your letter, the general manager of Guardian’s [redacted] branch went to Mr. [redacted] place of business in a genuine effort to offer assistance and address this matter directly. Regretfully, the general manager was not provided the opportunity to assist in any way. Mr. [redacted] demanded the cancellation of his account at that time.
Respectfully, Guardian is unable to cancel Mr. [redacted] account without further payment as he remains within the initial term of his Agreement. Guardian incurred significant cost in Mr. [redacted] system by providing electronic security hardware, technical labor and other resources to install the alarm system, establish the account for monitoring and activate 24-hour monitoring services. These services were performed with the expectation that Guardian will recover its investment over the thirty-six (36) month term of the Agreement.
Should Mr. [redacted] wish to cancel his account, the terms of his Agreement state he may do so upon remitting an early termination fee in the amount of $1,433.25. Therefore, upon receipt of payment of $1,433.25, Mr. [redacted] account will be cancelled and he will be released from all remaining obligation under the Agreement. Alternatively, Mr. [redacted] may elect to remit timely monthly payments and continue to utilize the security monitoring services to which he engaged Guardian to provide.
Thank you for providing Guardian the opportunity to clarify this matter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: I had my house broke in were my 75 year old mom was home they came through the window the alarms didn't go off unit they open the door to leave than I had carmes put in the haven't work right since the day I got them that over six month now they put news one in and told me I don't have warranty with the new ones all this was done after 8 sevice callsDesired Settlement: they give me new camers with out a warranty I fee; as if they broke the contract we had I real no long wait there sevice put am under comtract they didn't do they part of this contract
August 7, 2015
RE: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted] complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian welcomes any opportunity to work with a customer to ensure their complete satisfaction with the services offered by Guardian.
Mr. [redacted] expressed discontent related to the camera system installed in his home. Immediately upon receipt of the complaint, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian offered to honor a 90-day warranty on the cameras installed in Mr. [redacted] home. Additionally, Guardian applied a credit to Mr. [redacted] account in the amount of $80 representing the time in which Mr. [redacted] cameras were not functioning properly. Mr. [redacted] expressed his satisfaction with this resolution. Guardian values Mr. [redacted] as a customer and is pleased to continue providing him with his security monitoring services.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: When I signed up for services with Guardian the sales representative made clear that our first year of service would be free with a five year agreement. Two weeks into service they have already charged my account for the first months service. When I called to question the payment they say there is nothing they can do because they do not have my paperwork on file yet. Hard to believe that they can bill me before they have my contract on file. Also the sales representative assured me that there was no big penalty for cancellation of service(it was the first question I asked her). After speaking to the customer service representative I find out that I am responsible for 100% of the 5 year contract if I discontinue services. I have only had service for a few weeks and have been lied to twice by a company that I was trusting to protect my home. They will not even offer me a deal to break contract, but they sure did charge me for the "free" first years service.Desired Settlement: I would like to discontinue service with them.
July 27, 2015
RE: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating resolution of his concerns.
For background, Mr. [redacted]’s initial transaction with Guardian occurred on May 11, 2015, at which time he executed a Monitoring and Repair Agreement (“Agreement”) in order to engage Guardian's services. The initial term of the Agreement was for a period of sixty (60) months. Mr. [redacted]’s system was activated by Guardian on July 6, 2015.
On July 22, 2015, Mr. [redacted] requested the cancellation of his account stating he does not use the system. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted] remained within the initial term of his Agreement and an early termination fee is required to cancel the account at the present time.
Shortly thereafter, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian again to dispute that monthly monitoring fees for July 2015 were drawn from his credit card as he was promised twelve (12) months of monitoring at no charge. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted]’s sales paperwork had not yet been loaded into his account and he was unable to immediately confirm the terms of Mr. [redacted]’s sales transaction, however he promised to research and adjust the account appropriately. Mr. [redacted] disputed the information provided to him and Guardian received the subject complaint immediately thereafter.
Upon receipt of the complaint, Guardian reviewed the terms of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement and confirmed the Special Conditions clause clearly states, “12 Months free monitoring.” Guardian apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience. Guardian has applied a refund to Mr. [redacted]’s credit card for the payment drawn for July 2015. Guardian has also corrected Mr. [redacted]’s account to reflect twelve (12) months of monitoring at no charge.
Guardian spoke with Mrs. [redacted] on July 24, 2015 and offered the above explanation. In a good faith effort to earn Mrs. [redacted]’s satisfaction, Guardian also offered to waive the cost of the key fob ($162.38) which was invoiced to the [redacted]s’ account. Mrs. [redacted] reiterated the request to cancel the account and declined to entertain any resolution offered by Guardian which did not include cancellation without further payment.
While Guardian maintains the legal right to pursue fulfillment of the full terms of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement, in this instance Guardian has agreed to accommodate the [redacted]s’ request to cancel their account without further payment. Guardian has waived the balance due on Mr. [redacted]’s account and upon cancellation the [redacted]s will receive no further billing statements from Guardian.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter and allowing Guardian the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew [redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: I built a house in October of 2009 in which I signed a contract with Guardian Protection Services for a three-year (36 month) term. Guardians end of the contract was to install their equipment, connect to a landline and monitor my home 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. My end of the contract was to pay a monthly fee.When the contractor arrived to install the equipment, he did everything but install the landline. At the time he explained why he couldnt (I forget now what the reason was). He then explained to me why having a wireless back up was a necessity and convinced me to have additional equipment installed. There was no upfront cost for this equipment; only an additional $10.00 (estimated) cost per month. The contractor informed me that having the wireless back up eliminated my need for the landline.From October of 2009 through October of 2012 I had no problems with this company. In fact at one time my girlfriend forgot the code and activated my alarm, which resulted in the police showing up to my house; so I know their equipment works and that they do their job.After a three-year contract was fulfilled, I requested an additional keypad to be installed in the Master Bedroom for convenience. Guardian informed me that I needed to pay $200 (estimated) for this keypad or renew my contract for an additional two years and the equipment would be included at no cost to me. I informed them that my landline was still not connected after three years. I agreed to an additional two-year contract if it included my landline being connected and the new keypad was installed at no cost to me.A technician arrived to my house within a week of this agreement and installed my new keypad. The technician informed me that in order to connect a landline he would have to climb through several feet of installation and that he did not have the time nor did he desire to complete this part of the job. I felt no need to confront someone who now knows where I live and who would obviously know how to overcome my security system, so I did not challenge his refusal to complete the job; I simply figured that Guardian would correct the problem.This is where the problems start. Within a few days of my new keypad being installed, my alarm system would randomly activate and create the same noise as if an intruder was in my house. I called Guardian and they informed me that my system was no longer in communication with their monitoring headquarters and there was no way to stop the random activations. I asked them to send a technician out to resolve the problem and they made me wait for over three weeks before anyone was available to resolve the issue. This caused problems with my entire household as we were woken up during sleep several times during some days because of the noise.Finally a technician comes out and he informs me that because [redacted] has used up so much bandwidth the wireless radio they installed three years ago could no longer do its job anymore. He told me he had to make a few phone calls and then he would have answers for me. About a half an hour later he said that his company was going to order the radio, schedule an install date within a week and that I was not responsible for any additional costs. I said okay and was contacted several days later to set up an appointment.After almost two months without service, two additional service calls in which I had to take time off work for, and about twelve phone calls to Guardian (close to ten hours on the phone) my service was finally working again but I still have no landline connected to my security system.I was so fed up with phone calls that I gave up and just accepted the situation. Then I received a bill from Guardian for over $200 for the installation of the new radio. I called and they informed me that the only way to apply a credit for the $200 + was to sign an additional 12 month contract. During this phone call, I was informed that I was currently under a five-year (60 month) contract already; not the two year (24 month) I had agreed to.There have been several phone calls, letters and bills since then, to include threatening letters of sending my account to a collection agency, even though they failed to hold up their contract from day one.I recently accepted a transfer out of state. In attempt to get this settled I called today to find out how to resolve this and cancel my contract. I was told that I would have to pay over $1,500 to cancel my contract with them. I absolutely refuse to pay this company any more of my hard earned money. I fulfilled a three-year contract and now for a keypad that probably cost them $20, they want me to pay $1,500. One a side note; a Customer Service employee named [redacted] has been the one I have dealt with the most. Although I am completely unsatisfied with this company, all of my dealings with him have been positive and I feel he has done his best to be professional and resolve the problem.Desired Settlement: I estimate that over the last three and a half years I have paid Guardian Protection Services approximately $1,600. I would like the following:1.My contract with them to be terminated immediately2.A 10% refund of monies already paid, for my inconveniences (approx. $160)3.A letter confirming I owe this company no monies and that I have no contract or debt to this company.
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of [redacted] complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating resolution.
[redacted] originally met with Guardian in April 2009 to review products and services that were available for his new home, which was under construction at the time. [redacted] engaged Guardian to install electronic security hardware in his new home and provide 24-hour security monitoring services. In order to memorialize the transaction with Guardian, [redacted] executed a Builder Division Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) dated April 25, 2009 for an initial term of thirty-six (36) months.
[redacted] letter expresses discontent that Guardian’s technician did not install a telephone landline during installation of his security system. Please note, Guardian does not install telephone landlines; Guardian merely connects the security system to an existing telephone landline. This policy is clearly addressed in Section B of [redacted] Agreement: “If the Company cannot connect the System to the telephone lines, then the Customer must contact the telephone company, which will install and bill the Customer directly for any telephone lines or equipment.” During installation of [redacted] security system, Guardian’s technician found that the home did not have a telephone landline installed. As such, [redacted] authorized the technician to install a cellular unit and configure the security system for cellular communication.
In January 2013, [redacted] contacted Guardian and requested the installation of an additional keypad and further requested that his system be connected to his telephone landline. In an effort to assist [redacted] in offsetting the upfront costs associated with the service appointment, Guardian offered to waive a portion of the costs in exchange for [redacted] executing a new 60-month Agreement. [redacted] executed the new 60-month Agreement on January 8, 2013.
A service appointment was conducted on January 15, 2013 at which time Guardian’s technician installed the additional keypad, however the technician was unable to connect the system to the telephone landline until [redacted] telephone provider could install a telephone jack. [redacted] indicated he would contact his telephone provider to install a phone jack and would contact Guardian upon completion to connect the system to the landline.
Shortly thereafter, Guardian began receiving alerts from [redacted] system which indicated a possible issue with the cellular communication unit. A technician was dispatched to [redacted] home to inspect the unit who recommended the unit be replaced. The unit was, in fact, replaced on February 18, 2013. Guardian invoiced [redacted] for the costs associated with the on-site service appointment. The subject complaint was received shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. As a result, the parties were able to reach a mutually agreeable resolution to which [redacted] has expressed his complete satisfaction. Guardian values [redacted] as a customer and apologizes to him for any confusion or inconvenience.
Thank you for providing Guardian the opportunity to respond to [redacted] complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
do not do business with this company they are the worst company out there house got broken into and they dont do [redacted] about it so stay away find someone else customer service [redacted] they are rude as [redacted] dont help out.
Review: I initially inquired about a home security system back in September of 2014. My home already had Guardian equipment installed by the previous owner so naturally I contacted Guardian. I was verbally offered a 36 month agreement, three months of which were "free" if I signed up for service using autopay. When January 2015 rolled around I called Guardian to inquire why I had never been charged a monthly fee on my [redacted], the card I told Guardian to use for automatically processing payments. Guardian informed me that due to an initial credit I was issued when service was started and the three months free promotion that I would be charged until February.
Shortly after, I became victim to fraudulent activity on my credit card. I attempted to login to Guardian Protection to update my payment method because my [redacted] had to be cancelled due to the aforementioned fraud. The Guardian system wouldn't allow me to access the part of their systems where payment methods are entered. So, I called. The customer care representative tried a couple times to "reset" my account without success. The proposed resolution method was for me to read my credit card number to them so they could input into their system. I was told to monitor my email for a reset option soon to come. This email never arrived. I tried again today (July 2015) to login to update my payment information. The Guardian system kept cycling me back and forth. When I tried to access the customer login page, it stated that my account was locked out due to too many access attempts. So, I called Guardian. I was told that they would reset my account, to wait 10 minutes and try again. I hung up. I waited three hours and tried again. I was able to create a new login for the main Guardian Protection site; however, when I tried to access the payment system via the link to "make a payment" it stated that I was already an "autopay customer". I called Guardian again. This time, I stated that I initially tried to gain access to their site a few months back without success and that I was experiencing the same troubles again. Additionally, I told them that I have NEVER been able to gain access and that each time I try to change my payment method, a bandaid is placed on the situation and I'm told I have to just read them my credit card number. I told her that due to recent fraudulent issues I wasn't going to give her my card information. She assured me that she would "reset" my account to resolve the problem. I explained that the reset option was already done. She put me on hold, returned some time later and said to wait for an email indicating that my account password was reset; this email was to include a temporary password. I hung up. I did receive the email with the temporary password, but this time, the Guardian system wouldn't allow me to re-register. I called customer care again. She assured me that my account could be fixed by "resetting". I told her I've already been through that, twice today plus once back in March. I explained to this agent that I also asked for access to the system back in March without success. She put me back on hold. She told me that I should just read her my credit card numbers and I explained my recent fraudulent charge issues and that I wasn't comfortable giving her my card number...............back on hold. While on hold I continued to try to register. Criteria for password as follows................ 8-32 characters, first or last character can't be numeric. Also, I was directed to change my challenge question, which I did. I tried entering all of the information, multiple times without success. When I say multiple times, I literally mean SEVERAL different options for passwords, all of which met the required criteria. The agent returned to the line and I asked to speak with a supervisor who did take over the call. She apologized and told me she could resolve the issue. I explained that I've never had access to their payment system despite multiple calls back in March and now again in July. I was fed up at this point and explained that I was fed up and just wanted to cancel. Here comes the fun part..............contract. Sandy stated there was a termination fee to cover equipment cost. I responded with the fact that I didn't receive new equipment. Rather, it was already installed in the home. It was at that point that Sandy changed her answer to me owing 30 more monthly payments at $31.95 per month. I asked her why she changed her answer from "equipment cost" to "monthly payments". She didn't have a response. I asked Sandy to read to the verbiage in the contract which covers how many times a customer should have to call about an issue before it's actually resolved. She stated she was reviewing the contract and said that she couldn't find anything covering problem resolution. She, AGAIN, asked me for my credit card information verbally over the phone. I explained my identity theft issue. I escalated the issue to Sonny, another level supervisor. I explained the entire landscape of the situation. He explained that the termination fee applies similarly to wireless technology companies such as [redacted]. I explained that [redacted] termination fees apply to cover subsidy in equipment costs, not service. He then stated that unfortunately I was locked in to 30 more months of payments. I asked him to do the math...............service started in September of 2014. It is now July 2015. On a 36 month contract I should owe 30 more payments. He stated that the three month free offer means that the three free months don't count towards the 36 months. (lied to by initial sales rep). We went around for about 45 minutes. I requested the issue to be escalated higher. He did, and called me back 30 minutes later. He stated that his senior leadership team acknowledged their lack of ability to resolve the account access issues, but they firmly believe their service has been acceptable. He stated he could do something to help me get access to their online system...................but at this point, I have zero faith.
Here I sit in a contract that, per Sonny, doesn't now end until "March of 2018"??? How is this possible. This doesn't even make any sense! When I asked how many attempts a customer should have to make to resolve an issue before the problem is resolved, he said "one".
Terrible company.
I'm left with no option to have payments processed except to read them my credit card numbers and risk another fraud issue. That, or pay their $958 termination fee.Desired Settlement: Contract Cancellation
July 27, 2015
Re: [redacted] - Complaint #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating resolution to his concerns.
Mr. [redacted] letter expresses dissatisfaction with the online access to his enrollment in Guardian’s auto pay program. Guardian understands Mr. [redacted] frustration and offers the following explanation.
Mr. [redacted] was enrolled in Guardian’s EZPay program at the time of his initial sales transaction with Guardian. As such, his enrollment was completed by Guardian on his behalf. When a customer attempts to access their account as a “new user” for the first time after being enrolled by Guardian, an error message occurs which indicates the customer is already registered in the system. When this occurs, Guardian’s Customer Service Department can reset the password which will generate an e-mail to the customer with a temporary password. Unfortunately at times, the e-mail with the temporary password is not immediately generated by the system which creates additional confusion and frustration. Guardian is aware of this delay with the website and is working on a new platform that will eliminate this problem.
Additionally, in reviewing Mr. [redacted] account, it appears that several Customer Service representatives may have misunderstood the issues Mr. [redacted] was experiencing and were resetting the Customer Care website, not the billing website. Guardian apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any confusion and for the misinformation provided. Guardian has used this instance to appropriately address the subject internally to ensure our representatives who handle such matters avoid such circumstances in the future.
Upon receipt of your letter, a Guardian supervisor contacted Mr. [redacted] and offered the above explanation. Guardian’s supervisor was able to successfully assist Mr. [redacted] in gaining access to his account. In apology, Guardian offered to apply a credit to Mr. [redacted] account equal to six (6) months of monitoring services. Mr. [redacted] accepted the credit however reiterated his request to cancel his account.
Respectfully, Guardian is unable to release Mr. [redacted] from his contractual obligation absent payment of an early termination fee. Guardian apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for his frustration related to the billing issues however Guardian believes these issues to be fully resolved. Guardian successfully reinstated online access to Mr. [redacted] auto pay account and as a further gesture of good faith Guardian applied a credit to Mr. [redacted] account on July 20, 2015 equal to six (6) months of monitoring services. Mr. [redacted] has not reported any service issues and Guardian has received all regularly scheduled test signals from Mr. [redacted] system which would indicate his security system is functioning properly.
Should Mr. [redacted] wish to cancel his account at the present time, the terms of his Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with Guardian dated September 11, 2014 state he may do so by remitting an early termination fee. That amount is designated to be $766.80. As such, upon Guardian’s receipt of payment of $766.80, Guardian will cancel Mr. [redacted] account and he will be released from all remaining obligation under the Agreement.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted] issues. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew [redacted] Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Review: On 12/26/14 I signed an agreement with Guardian Protection to install an alarm system in my home. I did not receive any communication from Guardian about the install so I called Guardian on 1/15/15 and was advised it would be expedited to the supervisor and I should be contacted within a day or two for install. I did not receive any contact from Guardian Protection, so I again called on 1/21/15 and was advised the equipment was overnighted that day to the installer. The installer called a day or two later and scheduled the install for Saturday 1/24/15 at 8am and advised it would take 2-3 hours. The installer called at approximately 7:30am on 1/24/15 and advised he was two hours away and running late. We had plans for that afternoon and had to reschedule for the next Saturday 1/31/15 which was his next available time. On 1/31/15 the installer called and again advised he was running 1 1/2 hours late for his 9am appointment. He arrived at approximately 10:45 am. The installer was alone and in a small car (did not bring a ladder or step stool). I would have expected a team to install 25 sensors, 2 panels, smoke alarm and motion detector. We allowed the installer to use our ladder and step stool to install the contacts, smoke alarm and motion detector. The installer was unable to get the system working properly and advised it would still send messages but they would not be timely. He also did not have all the contacts required and did not have any extras. He left after 4pm and our system was not working properly and all the windows did not have sensors. That night the sensors began to fail and we had alarm going off in the middle of the night for several days. I spoke with technical support three times and finally was told how to completely turn off the system to stop the beeping in the middle of the night. However, at that point we began receiving automated phone calls at 10:43 pm every night to tell us the system was not functioning. I talked to several people at Guardian who advised our system was in test mode and should not be calling. The calls finally stopped after approximately 10 days. I spoke with [redacted], Guardian sales supervisor numerous times about all the problems. He said they would get the system up and running for us. However, as soon as I agreed to allow the installer to return, the phone calls resumed at 10:43 pm. The installer attempted to schedule appointments with us but only had availability on Saturdays. My husband confirmed with him today 3/4/15 that he is only a subcontractor and only works for Guardian on Saturdays. Now we are informed that no matter what the technical problem with our alarm, it will not be addressed except on Saturdays. There is no local Guardian service here. The installer does not have any extra Guardian equipment. He does not even have his own ladders or step stools to install the equipment. I requested my contract be cancelled and my installation deposit returned on 3/4/15 from [redacted]. He advised that since the install began they are unable to cancel my contract. I have had no actual service performed, except a non-functioning alarm panel and non-functioning window and door sensors. Guardian is welcome to come back and pick up the equipment from our home. I do not feel that my family and our belongings can be safely monitored by Guardian Protection at my home due to the lack of service available, the equipment problems and the inability of the technical service to stop the nightly automated calls.Desired Settlement: Cancel contract and refund deposit paid.
Thank you for forwarding Ms. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian is a customer-centric organization and values the opportunity to address any customer concern.
Guardian extends its apology to Ms. [redacted] for the delay in installing her security system and for any inconvenience the delay may have caused. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian researched Ms. [redacted]’s account and found that the service appointments referenced by Ms. [redacted] were conducted by a subcontractor, not a direct Guardian employee. Notwithstanding, Ms. [redacted]’s recent experiences are not reflective of Guardian’s high quality standards and expectations. Guardian has addressed this matter directly with the subcontractor who assured Guardian that Ms. [redacted]’s issues were a rare oversight and has been appropriately addressed and corrected within their organization.
Subsequent to receipt of your letter, Guardian’s subcontractor did conduct onsite service at Ms. [redacted]’s residence on March 7, 2015. Ms. [redacted] informed Guardian that she was pleased with the subcontractor’s technician. The installation of the system was completed however the technician was unable to achieve signal transmission and will need to return to Ms. [redacted]’s residence to install an antenna. Guardian has delivered the equipment to the subcontractor who will be contacting Ms. [redacted] directly to schedule onsite service. Please be assured that Guardian will continue to work closely with Ms. [redacted] to ensure the system installation is completed to her full satisfaction.
Additionally, please note that Guardian will apply a credit to Ms. [redacted]’s account equal to six (6) months of monitoring service after installation of her system has been completed. Guardian has also agreed to waive the $200 installation fee. Again, Guardian sincerely apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience. Guardian values Ms. [redacted] as a customer and appreciates the opportunity to continue serving her security needs.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
[redacted], Director
Account Management Department
Review: Since the begging I had issues with these company, I dint know the way these company where grabbing new clients, till I got a orange notice in my main door claiming that the parcel was not able to deliver a special package for me and that I need it to call the number________ I though that it might be legitimate since the house was just purchased and I was waiting for documentation from HOA.I call the number and the person who answered tell me that in fact they were trying to deliver a coupon package but they where able to send it to me by email, then she mention that if I would like to schedule a appointment with a Alarm system adviser that he could look at my system, make it work, and upgraded for me if I need it to. I tell here "if your person comes here, do what ever he needs to, and spec me to pay for installation equipment or upgrade and initial fee, listen I don't want you to lose my time nor your technician or sells representative" she agree and mention to me that if I don't like the deal I don't have any compromises the tech will shake my hand and leave.The tech shows up and did an estimate, as I figured out he did what he need to and at the end he wanted to me to pay for a system of almost 400 dlls I told him what I told the lady, he told me that was because there was no way to upgrade my old system then I tell him well that not what they tell me by the phone but it ok you can leave now. He try to intimidate me and tell me that all cal where recorded, I say "fine bring it on" he call an after the call WOW my system was candidate to upgrade LOL funny ah? well after some struggling with the installer they fix what they need to during the next 3 month till my system started to work properly, I did send the order to cancel during the period I could do it and they call me back lower my bill from 50 to 34 but oh they didn't figure out that they dint make the change on my account so they did charge me the $50 for 2 months now they are charging me late fees each month how come? its auto on ccDesired Settlement: Just Cancel My Serviceand is not only because the pay, is because ALL they pain I had added to these
s of tech that they send to install tape the cables of the translator a is just doing no contact. I call they schedule a service call for today Monday December the 1st between 12 pm and 5pm.have in mind I spend all my thanksgiving weekend with a horrible beep in my house that wakes me up all night.I called 3 times to have an ETA for the tech and the answer was. we don't have that information but the tech will be there before 5 I call 3 times to speak with the legal department the first time answer was: Is a subcontractor and is not at the office, what can I help you with.second: please hold, hold for 20 minutes and hang up. of course they wont call back third: our legal department is close now is 7 pm here. Of course the technician NEVER SHOWED OFF I wasted 5 hours waiting for these unprofessional.Desired Outcome: Cancel my Service or put me in with you legal departmentPick up your system
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian welcomes the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.
Please note that Guardian is contracted by a firm known as [redacted] to provide 24-hour monitoring services, billing services and customer support services for customers of [redacted]. Mr. [redacted]’s account is among those for which Guardian provides these services. Mr. [redacted]s sales transaction, system installation and system activation process took place directly between [redacted] and Mr. [redacted]; Guardian was not present and was not involved in any portion of the sales or system installation process. Further, Mr. [redacted]’s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above.
Additionally, please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Upon receipt of the complaint, Guardian researched Mr. [redacted]’s account records on file with Guardian.
Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s initial transaction with [redacted] occurred on March 21, 2014 at which time Mr. [redacted] executed a Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with Protection Source for an initial term of two (2) years.
Shortly after engaging Protection Source, Mr. [redacted] negotiated a lower monthly monitoring rate directly with [redacted]. A credit was applied to Mr. [redacted]’s account on May 27, 2014 reflecting Mr. [redacted]’s new rate retroactively. Upon application of this credit, a minimal balance remained due on Mr. [redacted]’s account. As that amount remained unpaid each month, late fees began to accrue. Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian reviewed Mr. [redacted]’s account and in good faith waived the balance due in order to satisfy Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.
Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] on November 7, 2014 and reviewed the above information in a further effort to address his concerns. During that conversation, Guardian apologized to Mr. [redacted] for any confusion and as a further gesture of good faith, Guardian offered to apply a credit to Mr. [redacted]’s account equal to two (2) months of monitoring services. Mr. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction with Guardian’s gesture and requested the cancellation of his account. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that he was ineligible to cancel his account as he remained within the initial term of his Agreement with [redacted]. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Respectfully, Guardian is unable to simply cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account with [redacted]. Should Mr. [redacted] wish to cancel his account prior to the end of his initial term, Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement with [redacted] states he may do so upon payment of “100% of the amount due to the Company for the remainder of this Agreement”. That amount is designated to be $593.11 (19 months X 34.95/month – 70.94 credit applied by Guardian in good faith). Upon receipt of payment of $593.11, Mr. [redacted]’s account will be cancelled and he will be under no further obligation to [redacted] Alternatively, Mr. [redacted] may remit timely monthly payments and continue to enjoy 24-hour monitoring services until such time that he is eligible to cancel his account.
Thank you for providing Guardian the opportunity to clarify this matter for all parties. Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.11/26/2014 Problem: So, I got response for a past complaint and of course these company does not take responsibility about what their sales people or their affiliates work and do business, that's why they claim they can not cancel my contract.I just had an alarm trigger at my house and I did not got to the phone because I was at the shower, and but the company does have a second PH# that they have Always call, well guess what Today They don't have that phone number on FILE really so who remove the number?.I call the central or their number and after being in hold for 5 minutes a lady answered and tolled me that they will try to cancel the police dispatch. well I really hope they did because ill get a bill from the police if not, because these will be the 3rd false alarm having in count that the other 2 where because the system was not proper installed and the technician they send was so lazy to fix things that only experiment with cheap fixes.I guess i'll get another call from these company about these complaint and they will not assume any responsibility getting whatever excuse. and they will send a response to the explaining all their loop holes. bottom line DON'T FALL IN TO THE SAME MISTAKE I DID, DON'T USE THESE COMPANY TO TAKE CARE OF YOU HOUSE.Desired Outcome: Cancel my contract and pick up your system. 12/01/2014 Problem: So as always something goes wrong with these company and they dont take responsibility of what they do, funny that when something dost work they dont have documentation of the call or they dont have a LEGAL department. I receive a call from them after another review and the resolution is that because of the contractor that sold my system is independent they can not cancel my contract. then I had an alarm I didnt have my phone handy they call the police directly, I call them and ask why they didnt call the 2nd number and they claim that they never had a 2nd number "please they used to call ALWAYS" but of course I asked "then tell me who remove the number" the operator had the usual answer my system is not giving me the information now "Please".Now my alarm started reporting a tampered attempt since Wednesday November the 24th because the lazy a
Thank you for informing Guardian of Mr. [redacted]’s additional concerns. Guardian apologizes that Mr. [redacted]’s overall customer experience has not met his expectations.
As previously stated, Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement and contractual obligation is with [redacted]. Guardian merely provides 24-hour monitoring services to Mr. [redacted] on behalf of [redacted]. Notwithstanding, in a genuine effort to facilitate resolution, Guardian immediately relayed Mr. [redacted]’s concerns to [redacted]. As a result, [redacted] has authorized Guardian to accept Mr. [redacted]’s request to cancel his account and release him from all remaining obligation under his Agreement with [redacted]. Upon cancellation, Guardian will no longer respond to any signals received from Mr. [redacted]’s residence.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: Was contacted at my home door by a gentleman who identified himself as [redacted] with [redacted]. He provided me with my name as if he had my information about my account with a local security company and stated that he was in my neighborhood replacing outdated keypads for free for my service provider. I explained to him that I was not made aware of the situation by my service provider, at which time he tried to tell me that if I had the keypad replaced by my provider that it would cost me but he was in the area replacing the pads at no charge. Once again I stated that I would not be discussing my security account with an unsolicited person at my doorstep. I immediately contacted my security provider ([redacted] in [redacted]) who confirmed to me that they did not give out my information and that the individual was most likely either a salesman for another company or a scammer. I stepped outside and confronted "[redacted]" to get additional information where he revealed that he was in fact a salesperson for Guardian. I asked for a card, but he only flipped around his name tag quickly stating that he was "[redacted] with Guardian" and did not have any other means of identification. When asked about how he received my information he was not forthcoming, but when I suggested that he only got my name through public records and not through the means he originally gave me (saying he had my information from my providers info), he began to backtrack and said he was sorry I misunderstood. I repeated that I did not misunderstand and that I clearly saw through his attempts to represent my security company. A note has been filed with my security company account regarding this incident.Desired Settlement: Would like to have this companies sales policies and tactics looked into, as less informed people could be tricked into believing they were agreeing to services authorized by their service company when in fact this company is preying on people by leading them to believe their equipment is outdated or inferior.
Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted] concerns to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian takes such matters very seriously and has conducted a thorough investigation into Mr. [redacted]’ assertions. Our research into this matter has revealed that Guardian has no employees, no business offices and no authorized dealers operating in Mr. [redacted]’ area and therefore our company has been unable to tie Mr. [redacted]’ allegations to any activity conducted by our firm. Please note that Mr. [redacted]’ complaint was vague and lacked factual detail; in an effort to obtain additional information, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted]’ at the daytime telephone number indicated in his complaint (###-###-####) but was unable to leave a voicemail message. As such, Guardian also sent an email requesting further information related to his complaint. To date, Mr. [redacted]’ has provided no response or further information.
Our research has further revealed there are several security companies operating within the surrounding area of Mr. [redacted]’ address that use a form of the name “Guardian” to identify their company. Guardian has no way of knowing whether a representative from any of those companies may have approached Mr. [redacted] as described in his complaint; however, our research into this matter has revealed that Guardian did not approach Mr. [redacted] as alleged.
For the record, such conduct as described in Mr. [redacted]’ complaint would violate Guardian’s policies, practices, code of ethics and philosophies and would be addressed immediately and appropriately.
Guardian will gladly continue its investigation into this matter should additional information surface that warrants such. Meanwhile, based on the information revealed from our investigation and provided herein, Guardian respectfully requests that 1) Mr. [redacted] rescind his complaint against our firm, and 2) this matter be closed.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted]. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted] Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: I had six months left on a 3-year contract with Guardian Protection Services. The company monitors my alarm system through a [redacted], which utilizes cellular towers to communicate instead of a land-line. The towers that the [redacted] run off of are through [redacted], and were upgraded to support 4G. Once updated, my [redacted] ceased to communicate with Guardian. I contacted Guardian customer service about the issue and their first resolution was to send a technician out ($75) to install a new upgraded [redacted] ($150+). The alarm system was installed when my house was built, so the [redacted] was free with my purchase. I contacted Guardian again a few weeks later to find out when my contract was matured; the customer service representative asked me to explain the issue again. Their resolution this time was to sign a new contract with them, and they would upgrade my system to the new interactive system and I would have to purchase a new [redacted]. I declined their proposal and decided to let my contract mature. The company contacted me again a couple months later about upgrading my [redacted], in which I had to explain my situation again. Once more I was given the upgraded system proposal, in which I declined. It dawned on me that if my [redacted] was not communicating with Guardian, how are they monitoring my system? Since they weren't monitoring my system, why was I paying $42.85/mo for their monitoring services? After six months of no service from Guardian, I contacted customer service again to cancel their services. Once again I was given the option to upgrade my system and sign a new contract, but why would I continue to pay for their services when they weren't rendering them in the first place? If the company is known for monitoring security systems, why didn't they call me to let me know that they lost communication with my system? Because they aren't truly monitoring the system. They are waiting for the system to send them an alarm. This is poor business practice and I will never recommend them to anyone seeking those types of services.Desired Settlement: Six months of monitoring services cost me $257.10. I would like a refund of this amount for services that weren't rendered.
March 16, 2015 of Western Pennsylvania
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting [redacted].
[redacted]’s letter expresses discontent that his security system was not functioning properly and that he continued to remit payment for monthly monitoring fees during this time. As a result, [redacted] has requested reimbursement for six (6) months of monitoring services. Guardian has reviewed its records in response to [redacted]’s concerns and offers the following information.
In November 2014, with just over three (3) months remaining in [redacted]’s initial term, Guardian did not receive a regularly scheduled test signal from [redacted]’s residence. Guardian assisted [redacted] in conducting a test of his system which confirmed that signals were not being properly transmitted to Guardian’s central monitoring station. Guardian’s representative reviewed [redacted]’s account and informed him that his equipment was in need of an upgrade to a newer version of cellular communication due to the cell company recently upgrading their equipment from 2G to 4G. Guardian’s representative offered to replace the device at no charge to [redacted] in exchange for a new 36-month agreement. Guardian’s representative also informed [redacted] that he would receive a 7” tablet at no charge in apology for the inconvenience. [redacted] declined the offer as he did not wish to extend his contract. In an effort to assist [redacted] in restoring communication from his system, Guardian’s representative then offered to replace the device at no charge in exchange for a $75 technician fee. [redacted] declined Guardian’s offer and expressed dissatisfaction with the $75 installation fee. [redacted] further stated that he wished to complete the initial term of his agreement and then cancel his account.
On January 13, 2015, [redacted] contacted Guardian and requested the cancellation of his monitoring services, citing dissatisfaction that he was remitting monthly monitoring fees while his system was not transmitting signals. Guardian’s representative reiterated the previous offer to upgrade the cellular radio at no charge in exchange for a new 36-month agreement. In addition, Guardian’s representative offered to lower [redacted]’s monthly monitoring rate and to upgrade his system to interactive services. [redacted] stated he wished for time to consider the offer.
Guardian spoke with [redacted] on February 27, 2015 and inquired if he had considered the previous offer to upgrade his equipment. [redacted] expressed he did not wish to complete the upgrade and that he intended to cancel his account at the end of his initial term. [redacted] further expressed discontent that he would be required to remit a $75 installation fee to replace the device without executing a new agreement.
On March 11, 2015, [redacted] requested the cancellation of his account. Prior to processing cancellation, Guardian’s representative reviewed the previous offer to upgrade [redacted]’s equipment to interactive services, provide and install a new cellular radio at no charge and lower his monthly monitoring fee in exchange for a new 36-month agreement. In good faith, Guardian’s representative also offered to provide [redacted] with six (6) months of monitoring service at no charge in apology for the inconvenience. [redacted] declined Guardian’s offer and requested to move forward with cancellation. Pursuant to his request, Guardian has processed [redacted]’s account to be terminated effective March 31, 2015. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of the complaint, Guardian reached out to [redacted] directly to provide explanation. During that conversation, Guardian’s representative reviewed with [redacted] the upgrade offer presented to [redacted] in November 2014. At that time, [redacted] declined to upgrade his equipment and informed Guardian that he wished to cancel his account when his initial term expired in a few months. Guardian’s representative explained that had [redacted] pursued cancellation of his account in November 2014, the terms of his agreement would have required an early termination fee in excess of $1,500. By continuing to remit monthly monitoring fees until the end of his initial term on February 28, 2015 (four payments of $42.85 = $171.40), [redacted] saved a significant amount of money. [redacted] expressed his understanding with Guardian’s explanation and further stated that he is happy with his decision to complete his initial term prior to cancelling his account.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address this matter for [redacted]. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at [redacted].
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: Someone has been bypassing the alarm system and entering my house for the last 2 years.I have some robbery issues and breakage issues too.I called on numerous times to try to rectify this problem.Finally I decided I wanted out of the contract cause I wasn't feeling safe.I was urged by [redacted] to try a camera and I agreed which also increased the contract time.This wasn't a camera--it turned out to be a image sensor which from day one caused me more stress than worked and didn't work.I had numerous techs out trying to figure the problem.Finally someone changed this sensor into a something that causes the alarm to go off when someone passes by it--which wasn't the case before--there were 3 false alrms which entailed the cops--not good.I complained many times that as they by passed the alarm so they would the image sensor--which occurred.I had the sensor removed then asking for an out door camera--which I had thought I was getting initially.I was told that I had to pay $20.00/mo for the camera and $20.00/mo for a repair contract.I can hardly pay the regular monthly charge now--not $40.00 added on.There was a tech out here who told me that there was a hardwired camera added to my system that Guardian had no idea of. I do not know what kind of crap is going on here but your customer service manager--a gentleman--is rude and has no people skills.I am a disabled senior.Desired Settlement: I want out of my contract as dealing with guardian is so time consuming and stressful.I cannot keep repeating myself to all your people and the quality of service is dreadful.How could you expect me to sign a contract with a no repair clause-with the poor record of your equipment?I am a prisoner in my own home --I actually had packed my things to move until [redacted] talked me into getting a camera which turned out to be a great big dud.
Thank you for forwarding Ms. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”).
Ms. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction in her letter regarding issues with the camera system and security system in her home. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to address her concerns directly. While Guardian maintains its legal right to pursue fulfillment of the initial term of the Agreement, in this instance Guardian will agree to accommodate Ms. [redacted]’s request to cancel her account without further payment. Ms. [redacted]’s 24-hour monitoring services were terminated effective January 8, 2015. Additionally, Guardian has agreed to issue a refund to Ms. [redacted] in the amount of $16.53. Ms. [redacted] has expressed her satisfaction with this resolution.
Thank you for advising Guardian of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: I have had guardian since right after moving into my new home. I have had nothing but problems out of the from day 1. first I was on auto pay then I magically got taken off of auto pay and they would only send me a bill every 3 to 4 months at which time it would have late charges. I tried to get them to put me back on auto pay but they never did. I also have had nothing but problems out of their system. I never once armed it. I called because one day it kept going off some time in may of 2013. after calling multiple times and having to listen to the beeping for days they finally said they would send someone out I also let them know again at that time I wasn't on auto pay anymore and would like to be put back on which they never did. The day they finally sent someone out to fix it they didn't notify me in time and I was at work so they did not fix it because I wasn't home and they didn't give me enough notice. I told them on many occasions that I did not want their services anymore because they would not come out and fix their product. Just last night I called May 22, 2014 because the alarm system started beeping at 10:30pm while I was trying to sleep and wouldn't stop going off. They were rude and would in no way help me make it stop. they told me that they couldn't help without the system being right there in front of them. Every time I called them they were rude to me disrespectful and over all just horrible when it comes to customer service. I never once got any help from them when I had a problem with it. I finally unplugged the system from my garage and took the battery out of the control panel so I could get some sleep last night. Some people have to work and can't run their work around a terrible security company.Desired Settlement: I want their system taken out of my house they can have all of their equipment that has never worked right back. I also want this taken off of my credit. I refuse to pay for a service that doesn't work and terrible customer service. I want them to take it off my credit take their stuff and to never hear from them again.
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating satisfactory resolution.
It is important to first understand that Guardian is contracted by a firm known as [redacted] to provide 24-hour monitoring services, billing services and customer support services for customers of [redacted]. Mr. [redacted]’s account is among those for which Guardian provides these services. Mr. [redacted]’s sales transaction, system installation and system activation process took place directly between [redacted] and Mr. [redacted]; Guardian was not present and was not involved in any portion of the sales or system installation process. Further, Mr. [redacted]’s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above.
Additionally, please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business. All authorized dealers, including [redacted], agree in writing to be compliant with all Federal, state and local laws, and all other regulations applicable to their business activities.
Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted]’s original transaction with [redacted] occurred on June 27, 2012 at which time Mr. [redacted] executed a Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with [redacted] in order to engage monitoring services. The initial term of the Agreement is designated as a period of three (3) years. Mr. [redacted]’s system was installed and activated by [redacted] on June 27, 2012.
Mr. [redacted]’s letter expresses dissatisfaction with his enrollment in Guardian’s auto pay program. Guardian has reviewed its records and found that Mr. [redacted]’s enrollment in Guardian’s EZPay program was cancelled on July 16, 2012 after Mr. [redacted]’s regularly scheduled monthly payment was returned due to a cancelled or invalid payment form. Guardian did subsequently speak with Mr. [redacted] and offered to assist him with re-enrollment in the program. Mr. [redacted] indicated he was at work and declined to re-enroll at that time. Guardian’s records indicate no further discussions with Mr. [redacted] regarding the auto pay program, nor do records reflect Mr. [redacted] requesting to re-enroll at any time. If Mr. [redacted] made such a request directly to [redacted], Guardian would have no record of such discussions.
Mr. [redacted] also expresses discontent with requests for onsite service. Guardian has reviewed its records and confirmed that Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian on July 2, 2013 to request a service appointment. Guardian immediately forwarded his request for onsite service to [redacted], the servicing company for Mr. [redacted]’s system. [redacted] contacted Mr. [redacted] and scheduled onsite service to take place on July 5, 2013 between the hours of 12:00pm and 5:00 pm. [redacted] arrived for the appointment at 1:37pm on July 5, 2013 as scheduled. Upon arrival, [redacted]’s technician found no one at the premises to allow access to the security system. After waiting a reasonable period of time, the technician departed the premises to attend his next scheduled service appointment. Mr. [redacted] states in his letter that [redacted] “didn’t give me enough notice.” Respectfully, our records indicate that [redacted] arrived for the service appointment during the timeframe previously agreed upon by Mr. [redacted]. Guardian subsequently made numerous attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] to assist him with his system and to reschedule the service appointment. Mr. [redacted] declined to accept Guardian’s telephone calls.
Mr. [redacted]’s letter also expresses that Guardian’s customer service representatives were “rude” and “disrespectful” to him. Guardian has conducted a thorough review of Mr. [redacted]’s account in response to this assertion, including a review of all telephone calls with Mr. [redacted]. (Due to the nature of Guardian’s business, Guardian records all customer telephone calls and interactions.) A detailed review of Mr. [redacted]’s most recent conversations revealed that Guardian representatives have consistently provided courteous, professional and expert assistance. At no time were Guardian representatives "rude" or “disrespectful” as asserted in Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. To the contrary, Guardian’s representatives conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism and remained helpful at all times in an earnest and good faith attempt to assist Mr. [redacted].
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian made several attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] to review his concerns. As of this date, Mr. [redacted] has declined to return the message left for him by Guardian.
Because Guardian is contracted by [redacted] to provide 24-hour security monitoring for Mr. [redacted]’s account, Guardian does not possess the authority to terminate his Agreement with [redacted] as he has requested. Guardian has advised [redacted] of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint and desire to cancel his Agreement with their firm. [redacted] is a highly respected firm and has authorized Guardian to provide the following resolution offers to Mr. [redacted]:
1) [redacted] will schedule onsite service at no charge to Mr. [redacted] to ensure his system is functioning properly. Upon completion of a satisfactory service appointment, Guardian will review with Mr. [redacted] the timeframe in which he feels he was without service and discuss a potential credit to his account representing that timeframe; or
2) Should Mr. [redacted] wish to cancel his account prior to the end of his initial term, he may do so by remitting the full early termination fee as set forth in the terms of his Agreement with [redacted].
The above offers presented to Mr. [redacted] by Guardian are the same offers to which [redacted] has authorized Guardian to extend. These offers are made available to Mr. [redacted] until close of business on July 7, 2014 after which they will be rescinded.
Guardian is hopeful this explanation assists in clarifying Guardian’s role in servicing customers of [redacted]. Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s issues. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: Gaurdian Protection service was already in a house that I purchased in [redacted] so a sales rep. Convinced me to transfer service into my name because I am the new owner. What I didn't know was I just signed a contract for 5 YEARS! My grandfather got cancer in [redacted] and wanted me to move home so I sold my house. I notified Gaurdian Protection that I was moving and asked them to transfer the system to the new owners. They were very rude on the phone and told me that they could not do that. I don't understand because that's what they did to me. I had the house for one year and I have been paying for service for two years now. I called them today and I figured my two year contract was up and found out I have another 35 months of paying for NOTHING. They told me there was nothing they could do about it except put the system in my new home. I refuse to be held down by them any longer and I don't want to put a block on them because they will just send me to collections and hurt my credit. Anything to help resolve this situation is all I'm asking for. Thank you for taking the time.Desired Settlement: I would like Gaurdian Protection to stop automatically taking money out of my checking account for services that I am no longer getting. I have paid an additional year of service that I did not recieve and I believe that is enough.
February 18, 2016
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint and values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of facilitating resolution and clarifying this matter for all parties.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian conducted a thorough review of Mr. [redacted]’s account including all telephone interactions with Mr. [redacted]. (Please note that due to the nature of Guardian’s business, all telephone calls are recorded.)
For background, Mr. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an authorized dealer of Guardian known as [redacted] As such, all aspects of Mr. [redacted]’s sales transaction took place directly with [redacted], not Guardian. In order to establish a Guardian account for Mr. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted] All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Mr. [redacted]’s services and subsequent billings.
Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted] Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s initial transaction with [redacted] occurred on December 5, 2013 at which time he executed an Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”). The initial term of the Agreement was for a period of five (5) years. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing his initials beside the separate and bolded clause which specifically states, “The initial term of this Agreement is 5 years.” Mr. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by affixing his signature at the bottom of the form.
In May 2015 with forty-four (44) months remaining in the initial term of his Agreement, Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that he had moved from the monitored premises. Guardian’s representative explained that the initial term of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement had not yet been satisfied and in order to cancel the Agreement immediately, payment of an early termination fee was required. Mr. [redacted] indicated he was interested in relocating services to his new home but was not prepared to do so at the present time. Guardian’s representative offered to place a freeze on Mr. [redacted]’s account for a two (2) month period to allow him the opportunity to make a decision. Mr. [redacted] inquired if he would be responsible for payment of the remaining forty-four (44) months in the initial term if he elected not to relocate. Guardian’s representative confirmed that Mr. [redacted] remained under obligation for the full initial term and further explained that the new homeowners/tenants could activate services under a new Agreement which would relieve Mr. [redacted] from all remaining obligation. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged his understanding and accepted Guardian’s offer to freeze his account for a two (2) month period.
Guardian spoke with Mr. [redacted] in September 2015 to discuss the status of his relocation. Mr. [redacted] indicated he was not prepared to relocate at that time. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that he remained within the initial term of his Agreement and was ineligible to cancel without payment of an early termination fee. Mr. [redacted] indicated he would like to determine if the new homeowners wished to activate monitoring services. Guardian’s representative indicated willingness to reach out to the new homeowner if Mr. [redacted] could provide their contact information.
On February 5, 2016, Guardian spoke with Mr. [redacted] at which time he disputed receipt of billing statements for the monitored premises. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted] remained obligated under the Agreement until the end of the initial term unless he wished to remit payment of the early termination fee. Mr. [redacted] disputed the information provided to him. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian offered in good faith to provide and install a free base package plus a free medical pendant in exchange for execution of a new 36-month Agreement with a lowered monthly rate of $30. Alternatively, Guardian offered to accept a reduced early termination fee in the amount of $859. Regretfully, Mr. [redacted] declined Guardian’s offers and stated that the only acceptable resolution is to cancel the account without further payment.
Respectfully, Guardian is unable to accommodate Mr. [redacted]’s request to cancel without payment of an early termination fee. The primary foundation for the initial term period as defined in the Agreement is to allow Guardian the opportunity to recoup its investment made in the monitored premises. While Guardian understands that customers may wish to end their obligation prior to the end of their initial term, allowing the customer to do so without remittance of payment of an early termination would result in Guardian incurring a significant financial loss. Guardian has not been provided the opportunity to recover the investment made in Mr. [redacted]’s former residence and therefore cannot simply cancel the account.
Section 12 of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement states, “Your obligations under this Agreement continue even if You sell or leave the Premises.” Guardian has made every reasonable effort to assist Mr. [redacted] in fulfilling his obligation under the Agreement by offering to relocate his system, offering to reach out to the new homeowners upon being provided contact information, or by accepting a reduced early termination fee. Guardian believes these offers to be fair and reasonable and remains hopeful that Mr. [redacted] will concur. These offers shall remain available to Mr. [redacted] until close of business on March 17, 2016 after which they will be rescinded. Alternatively, Mr. [redacted] may continue to remit timely monthly payments until such time that he is eligible to cancel his account.
I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you for informing Guardian of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]
Kathleen V[redacted], Director
Account Management Department
Review: The old Bait and Switch. In October of 2010 we had a sales rep walking through our neighborhood "Allied alarm" representing Guardian Protection Services and sold us a protection/alarm service for our home. I had spoken with the representative at the time and said I was not interested as we would be moving within a couple year time frame and had no interest in transferring the system or getting involved in a contract longer than two years. I was told that could be done and that he would set up an appointment with my wife later in the week to set up the two year contract. Come to find out that was done and a 5 year contract was signed and sold to my wife without me present. My wife had no idea that she had signed a 5 year contract as she knew we would be leaving the neighborhood within the next two years and I had told her two years was all we would agree to. My wife had undergone extensive health treatments on her brain in the summer of 2010 including some electrical shock therapy before signing the contract. As a matter of fact two weeks after the contract signing we were at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN to have her reviewed and studied for a metastasized brain tumor that she had battle over the summer of 2010. I also underwent unexpected triple by-pass heart surgery two weeks after the signing of the contract by my wife out at the Mayo Clinic. I feel as though we were taken advantage of by the sales team representing guardian at the time and they pulled the old bait and switch. Tell us they can do a two year contract and then get my wife alone in a state where she may or may not have been in her right mind to sign a contract for a longer term period all knowing that we would never fulfill the end of the contract. We have since moved three summers ago and had notified Guardian that we would be terminating the contract. We continued to pay on the contract all along the time we owned the house even though the alarm system was not connected to any number since July 2012.Desired Settlement: bill should be marked paid in full as we continued to pay for over a year without any service and many times notified guardian that we wanted the contract discontinued. They recently sent my wife to collections for $946.96 the remaining balance they feel is left on the contract for the 5 year period at $35 a month. I feel as though we paid in excess of the two years that we originally had verbally agreed to with the sales person that represented Guardian before the bait and switch was pulled.
Review: Guardian agent, Tyler M[redacted], misrepresented the protection package that we would be getting and what the charges would be. We were told that there would be no installation fee and that everything was part of the package except for the extra window sensors that we wanted. The contract that we signed was in a tri fold format so when we signed the first sheet we did not see all of the charges that Mr. M[redacted] had added on the second page because it was folded under. We have been billed for over $800 in installation fees and other products that were all supposed to be part of the package. It is a very misleading contract because when you sign it, you are not seeing all of the charges and the agent did not disclose any of the charges that he had added without our knowledge.Desired Settlement: We just want what was promised to us in the package that we thought we were getting and paying an extra fee for the 3 window sensors over a 3 month period. The package that was promised to us included a front door camera, front door lock, motion detector and window sensors with no installation fees.
November 19, 2015
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Guardian is a customer-focused organization and values the opportunity to address any question or concern.
Mr. [redacted]’s letter expresses discontent with his sales transaction with Guardian. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s initial transaction with Guardian occurred on July 21, 2015 at which time Mr. [redacted] executed a Sales and Installation Agreement (“Sales Agreement”) and a Monitoring and Repair Agreement (“Monitoring Agreement”) in order to engage Guardian’s services. The initial term is designated to be thirty-six (36) months.
A Notice of Cancellation form was also provided at the time of sale which served to document that Mr. [redacted] received three (3) full business days to review his transaction and related paperwork to contemplate his decision to engage Guardian. During that timeframe, Mr. [redacted] possessed the option to cancel his transaction with no further obligation. Mr. [redacted] did not cancel the transaction and Guardian proceeded to fulfill its obligations as set forth in the Agreement. Mr. [redacted]’s system was installed and activated on August 3, 2015.
Mr. [redacted] has expressed dissatisfaction with costs associated with equipment he selected at the time of sale. Respectfully, our records indicate the pricing of Mr. [redacted]’s selected equipment was clearly defined in Section G of his Sales Agreement. Additionally, Mr. [redacted] was provided three (3) days to review the terms of his Sales Agreement, including the cost of his selected equipment, and cancel the transaction with no further obligation. Please note that Guardian did not install Mr. [redacted]’s system until thirteen (13) days after he executed the Sales Agreement, which provided Mr. [redacted] with additional opportunities to review his Sales Agreement prior to installation.
Upon receipt of your letter, I reached out to Mr. [redacted] to provide the above explanation and to discuss his concerns directly. Unfortunately, I have been unable to speak with Mr. [redacted] directly.
Respectfully, Guardian is unable to simply waive the costs associated with the equipment selected by Mr. [redacted] as he has requested. Notwithstanding, it is Guardian’s sincere desire to earn Mr. [redacted]’s satisfaction. To that end, Guardian proposes the following options:
1. Guardian will waive the cost of the equipment set forth in Section G of his Sales Agreement ($594.29) in exchange for execution of a new 60-month Monitoring Agreement; or
2. Guardian will apply a credit to Mr. [redacted]’s account in the amount of $200.00 toward the cost of the equipment set forth in Section G of his Sales Agreement. Additionally, Guardian will allow Mr. [redacted] to remit payment of the remaining balance in monthly installments until paid in full.
Guardian believes the above offers to be fair and reasonable and is hopeful that Mr. [redacted] will concur. The above offers are extended until close of business on December 17, 2015 after which they will be rescinded. Mr. [redacted] may contact me directly at the telephone number found below to discuss these offers at his convenience.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####, extension [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: The primary issue is in regard to Guardian Protection Services contract "Auto-renewal" clause and enforcement against me. I am a totally disabled person. When I became disabled, which occurred during my initial five-year contract with said business, I contacted this business to inquire if they had a relief program for customers with disabilities. This was on December 7, 2012. The customer service representative I spoke with that day (her name is Patti) told me that indeed they did and would put my current contract in a forbearance mode. I did not have to pay them for the next three months, but the representative explained that this action would extend my contract by a period of six (6) months. I agreed orally to that arrangement. My contract dates were from April 2, 2010 through April 1, 2015. This new forbearance arrangement would then extend my contract to October 2, 2015, which again, I agreed to.
Clause "C" of my contract explained the auto renewal policy and that if I chose to NOT renew for another five years I had to notify them in writing at least 30 days before the renewal date, which I understood was now October 2, 2015.
I called customer service several if not many times during my initial five-year contract because the alarm system NEVER worked properly from the day it was installed. Every time that I would "arm" the system it would result in a false alarm within a few hours of arming. I complained to Guardian Protection Services about this many times. It took them more than four (4) years to finally send a technician to my house to try to find the problem. Guardian never did find or fix the problem of the system giving false alarms, but I paid my monthly fee on time every time it was due. I had expressed orally to their customer service department that I had no intention of renewing my contract because I was paying for a service that was defective and therefore couldn't justify continuing to pay for something that didn't work properly. I notified Guardian Protection Services in writing thirty days prior to contract expiry date of October 2, 2015. I received no response. When I telephoned customer service on September 4, 2015 the representative told me that I couldn't cancel because the contract was renewed on April 2, 2015. The only way I could sever ties with them was to pay a fee of $241.73. I protested, but the pleasure of a punitive fee on me seemed their only concern. I have written letters to the company CEO, the VP of Sales and to the Executive Assistant regarding this matter and have received absolutely no response. I sent them a check for their early termination fee which they cashed. I am incensed that for five years I paid for something that didn't even work properly to begin with and that I have been penalized for trying to fire them as my security services company.
These facts that I stated in this letter can be corroborated by an audit of Guardian Protection Services records on my account. They record all customer telephone calls and all alarm reports.Desired Settlement: I believe that I should not only receive my early termination fee of $241.73 back, but should also receive at least a partial refund of the monthly fees that I paid to them from April 2, 2010 through September of this year because the system that they installed in my home did not work properly.
Thank you.
October 28, 2015
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for informing Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and facilitate resolution of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.
Mr. [redacted]’s letter disputes the automatic renewal of his contract. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s initial transaction with Guardian occurred on April 2, 2010 at which time Mr. [redacted] executed a Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) to engage Guardian’s services. The initial term is designated as a period of sixty (60) months.
Please note, all of the terms and conditions associated with the services to be provided are detailed in Mr.
[redacted]’s Agreement, including but not limited to the Agreement’s automatic renewal. Section B of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement clearly states, “After the initial term, the monitoring services will automatically renew for successive 5 year terms unless either party gives to the other at least 30 days written notice prior to the expiration date of its intention to terminate the Agreement upon its original or any renewed expiration date.” Guardian customers generally wish for their security services to continue beyond the initial term. For this reason the Agreement does not automatically terminate after the end of the initial term. The Agreement does provide the option to cancel within thirty days of the end of the initial term upon written request. Guardian’s records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s initial term renewed on April 21, 2015.
On September 15, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and requested the cancellation of his account, stating he was unhappy with his services. Guardian offered to schedule onsite service to inspect and correct any issues, however Mr. [redacted] declined. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that his initial term had renewed and an early termination fee was required to cancel the account. As a gesture of good faith, Guardian’s representative offered to accept a 50% reduction of the early termination fee. Mr. [redacted] accepted and remitted the amount of $241.73. Upon receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s early termination fee, Guardian processed the cancellation of Mr. [redacted]’s account effective October 6, 2015. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. In good faith and in order to bring swift resolution to this matter, Guardian has agreed to refund the early termination fee previously remitted by Mr. [redacted] in the amount of $241.73. Mr. [redacted] has expressed his satisfaction with this resolution.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: I wish to file a complaint. I am a 76 year old female, taking care of my 96year old Mother. I own a home in [redacted] Arizona.I did not fully understand that [redacted] Home Protection owned theequipment and Guardian only monitors their system. Both [redacted] andGuardian did an auto payment out of my bank account. I cancelledboth businesses’ access to my bank account. I wrote a letter ofcancellation.(enclosed copy). I received a letter saying I will have to pay$1250.00 to cancel the contract with Guardian/[redacted], (enclosed copy).I have since learned that the young man did not have a license to sale doorto door in [redacted]verbal only unless under subpoena). I feel this really doesvoid the contract and I should not have to adhere to the fee of $1250.00.Respectfully,[redacted]
[redacted]Phone ###-###-####Desired Settlement: void the contract and I should not have to adhere to the fee of $1250.00
October 2, 2015
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and address Ms. [redacted]s concerns.
For background, Ms. [redacted]s security system was sold and installed by [redacted] Security Management, Inc. (“[redacted]”) whereby all aspects of her transaction took place directly with [redacted]. Guardian was not present during any aspect of the sales transaction with Ms. [redacted]. Further, Ms. [redacted]s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above.
Given that the nature of Ms. [redacted]s concerns relate to the sales transaction which took place directly with [redacted], Guardian notified [redacted] without delay and provided them with a copy of the complaint. Guardian understands that [redacted] immediately contacted Ms. [redacted] and agreed to assist her with the final payment to her previous security provider. [redacted] is also conducting an investigation into the door-to-door licensing issue referenced in Ms. [redacted]s complaint. Ms. [redacted] has confirmed her satisfaction with the resolution offered by [redacted].
Should you or Ms. [redacted] wish to contact [redacted] directly, they may be reached at:
[redacted] Security Management, Inc.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide Guardian’s response to clarify this matter for all parties. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
April M[redacted], Manager
Dealer Operations