Guardian Protection Services Inc Reviews (758)
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Address: 174 Thorn Hill Rd, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, United States, 15086-7528
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Review: gave 2 month notice of intent to cancel service and get a refund at contracts end. 6 weeks after the end of contract and no refund has been sent.
r: [redacted], contract expired 7/13/15...I told them I was cancelling service at the end of my contract and filled out multiple forms to show this months beforehand. I was told I would receive a prorated check for the 4 months of prepaid service in the amount of 143.76 as soon as my contract was up. I was told they couldn't refund my money until the contract was up, even though I filed all the needed forms with them to show I would not be a customer after 7/13/15 and was due a refund. On 7/29/15 I called to ask where my money was since my contract was over for 2 weeks and I was told my money would be refunded at end of contract. I was then told it took 1 month for their system to cut a check and to expect it to be cut 8/13/15. I call back on 8/28/15 to find out why I haven't got a refund and am told my check will be cut tomorrow, and that I was told on 7/29/15 that it would take a month, so that meant it would be cut on 8/29/15...this was not what I was told and they are making up excuses to hold on to my money for 6 weeks and counting after my contract with them is over. If interest rates were higher I would sue for interest and damages...the actions of this company are incompetent at the least and I doubt their customer service and billing departments are that inept, so they must be illegally holding my money as a punitive measure...from my experience this is the way this company operates. That is why I'm filing a complaint with the and will tell everyone I know what a negative experience I have had with this sad excuse of a company.Desired Settlement: I want my money.
They claim to be cutting me a check soon, but have claimed this at least 2 times before. I then would like to see them sued for the way they conduct business. I would like to see them go out of business in [redacted] and will do everything I can to make this happen. I am filing complaints with the, the state attorney generals office of consumer protection, any agency that stands against shady business practices. I am going to tell everyone my experience in hopes that they never
September 2, 2015
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Guardian is a customer-focused organization and values the opportunity to address any question or concern.
Guardian apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for any confusion related to the refund of his accelerated billing payment upon cancellation of his account. Upon receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, Guardian reached out to him directly and explained that reimbursement is processed within 30-45 days after the account has been cancelled. In light of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, Guardian did expedite his request and a refund was processed back to his credit card on September 1, 2015. Mr. [redacted] has expressed his satisfaction with this resolution. Again, Guardian apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, extension [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Although I believe if I had not complained to the I would still be waiting for this company to refund the money owed...they intentionally lied on multiple occasions about their refund policy, and in my opinion, try to give the customer the runaround.
Review: Contract renewal without notice and refusal to cancel service after 5 year fulfillment completed by customer.
I signed up for Guardian home alarm service with the purchase of my new home with a 5 year contract. I fulfilled my obligation and decided to go in another direction to reduce my expenses. When I called Guardian to cancel after completing my five years of services commitment, the sales representative mentioned the contract renewed and I will owe them an additional $400 to cancel. I've never heard of such and I plan to use every avenue to fight this non-sense.Desired Settlement: Full release from their services after fully completing my five year payment commitment agreement.
July 15, 2015 of Western Pennsylvania
Attn: [redacted]
400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to respond and facilitate resolution of his concerns.
Mr. [redacted]’s letter disputes the automatic renewal of his contract. Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s initial transaction with Guardian occurred on January 13, 2010 at which time Mr. [redacted] executed a Builder Division Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) to engage Guardian’s services. The initial term is designated as a period of sixty (60) months. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing his initials beside the separate and bolded clause which specifically states, “This is a 60 month monitoring agreement.” Mr. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by affixing his signature at the bottom of the form. Guardian’s records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s system was activated on June 12, 2010 after construction of his new home was completed.
Please note, all of the terms and conditions associated with the services to be provided are detailed in Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement, including but not limited to the Agreement’s automatic renewal. Section B of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement states, “After the initial term, the monitoring services will automatically renew for successive 5 year terms unless either party gives to the other at least 30 days written notice prior to the expiration date of its intention to terminate the Agreement upon its original or any renewed expiration date.” Guardian customers generally wish for their security services to continue beyond the initial term. For this reason the Agreement does not automatically terminate after the end of the initial term. The Agreement does provide the option to cancel within thirty days of the end of the initial term upon written request. Guardian’s records indicate Mr. [redacted]’s initial term renewed on July 1, 2015.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] and offered the above explanation. In a good faith effort to bring swift resolution to this matter, Guardian agreed to cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account effective July 15, 2015. The balance due on the account has been waived and Mr. [redacted] will receive no further contact from Guardian. Mr. [redacted] has expressed his complete satisfaction with this resolution. Guardian regrets losing Mr. [redacted] as a valued customer and hopes he will consider Guardian again in the future.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the Guardian Protective Services in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I worked with [redacted] and he promised after signing their cancelled service form, which removed them from any fault with regards to monitoring my address, Guardian would disregard the auto-renewal of my contract. I e-signed their cancellation agreement enacting the verbal agreement I owed Guardian no monies going forward.
Review: paying for a service that I can not use when I am not Home. I am very upset at this point and had more than 3 techs come out to my home I do not want to have this service anymore simply due to the fact that there are two many Issues that my family and I are having this early. I have had this service for less than a month. My wife was treated very rude on the phone when see needed help for a service this company provides. I will not have a company talk down to me or my family when we need help when we pay top dollar. We have tried to have an open mind with all the problems but We just cant take it anymore.
I cant understand how a company tries to put a customer in harms way.
Im done!Desired Settlement: do not want this service going forward. I do not think any company should try to scare a customer when you cant keep a promise.
I do have my attorney standing by If needed. Thanks
Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted]’ complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian welcomes any opportunity to work with a customer to ensure their complete satisfaction with the services offered by Guardian.
Mr. [redacted] has expressed discontent related to the camera system installed in his home. Immediately upon receipt of the complaint, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. During that conversation, Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that contractors working in his home had tripped electrical outlets which tied into the camera system, thus causing loss of power to the camera through no fault of Guardian or Guardian’s equipment. Mr. [redacted] has since restored power to the camera system and has informed Guardian that the equipment is functioning properly.
Mr. [redacted] also inquired about reducing his monthly monitoring rate. In good faith, Guardian offered to reduce Mr. [redacted]’ rate to $52.95 per month. Mr. [redacted] has indicated his complete satisfaction with this resolution and further expressed that he no longer wishes to cancel his account. Guardian values Mr. [redacted] as a customer and is pleased to continue providing him with his security monitoring services.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter and allowing Guardian the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’ concerns. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at [redacted], ext. [redacted].
[redacted] Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: Two sales people came to the door and told us that they were giving away security systems for a limited time. They indicated that there was no obligation. When I asked them how much the monthly monitoring would cost, they said, "just over a dollar a day". When I pressed the issue and asked specifically if the monthly bill would be $30.00 per month, the response was, "around that". Much to my surprise when the first payment came out of my bank account, it was $59.99. The sales people never mentioned that we were locked into a 60 month contract at any time. Yes I initialed the boxes, my mistake for NOT reading fine print. But that portion of the transaction was just as deceitful as the previous part. They glossed over the initialing of the boxes...they had already been there for over an hour and worn us down to where we were merely signing and initialing where they told us. Although I was upset about the monthly payment, I did not question it and paid timely payments for over a year. While it was our intent to live in that house for many years to come when we got the security system, we fell upon hard times when I was laid off of my job of 22 years. I was unemployed for 11 months and during that time, we lost our home to foreclosure. We are currently living with family members and we did not take the security system with us when we left the house. Another deceptive part of this transaction was that we were told by the salesmen that there would be no charge for service in the future. The system never worked properly and they came out once in the beginning to work on it, but trouble codes kept coming up and they told us that there would be a $25.00 charge to come check it. There was not anything represented in a reputable manner while dealing with this company.Desired Settlement: I want the balance that they say we owe to be cleared and I don't want negative marks on my credit report.
April 1, 2016
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of facilitating resolution and clarifying this matter for all parties.
For background, Ms. [redacted]s account came to Guardian by way of an authorized dealer of Guardian known as [redacted] Security, Inc. ([redacted]”). As such, all aspects of Ms. [redacted]s sales transaction took place directly with [redacted] not Guardian. In order to establish a Guardian account for Ms. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Ms. [redacted]s services and subsequent billings.
Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted] including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Our records indicate Ms. [redacted]s initial transaction with [redacted] occurred on August 29, 2014 at which time she executed an Authorized Dealer Monitoring and Repair Agreement (“Agreement”). The initial term of the Agreement was for a period of sixty (60) months. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing her initials beside Section E of the Agreement which states, “The initial term of this Agreement is 60 months.” Ms. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by affixing her signature at the bottom of the form.
After engagement of [redacted]’s services, Ms. [redacted] received three (3) full business days to review and consider the transaction to which she was entering with the option of terminating the transaction with no further obligation. This fact is explained in Section K of Ms. [redacted]s Agreement. [redacted] did not receive Ms. [redacted]s cancellation form and therefore proceeded to fulfill its obligations as set forth in the Agreement. Ms. [redacted]s system was installed and activated by [redacted] on August 29, 2014.
In May 2015 with fifty-three (53) months remaining in the initial term of her Agreement, Ms. [redacted] informed Guardian that she was moving from the monitored premises. Guardian’s representative requested that [redacted] contact Ms. [redacted] directly to discuss relocation further. Guardian’s records indicate [redacted] spoke directly to Ms. [redacted] on May 12, 2015.
Guardian had no further contact with Ms. [redacted] related to relocation from the monitored premises until January 16, 2016. At that time, Ms. [redacted] informed Guardian that she had moved and was unable to relocate monitoring services. A Guardian representative made several attempts to contact Ms. [redacted] to discuss the status of her account and relocation however Guardian was unsuccessful in reaching her.
On March 15, 2016, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and advised that he and Ms. [redacted] had moved from the monitored premises and did not wish to relocate services. Mr. [redacted] further stated that the [redacted] sales consultant indicated the initial term to be month-to-month. Guardian’s representative explained that a month-to-month contract is not offered by Guardian or [redacted] and forwarded a copy of the Agreement to Mr. and Ms. [redacted] for their reference. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Ms. [redacted] has expressed dissatisfaction related to her sales transaction with [redacted]. Guardian apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for her expressed discontent. Guardian was not present during Ms. [redacted]s sales consultation and, as such, has no knowledge of the details surrounding her sales meeting with [redacted]. Upon learning of Ms. [redacted]s dissatisfaction, Guardian conducted a thorough review of her account. As a result, Guardian found no record of Ms. [redacted] informing Guardian of any discontent regarding her sales transaction with [redacted] until receipt of the subject complaint.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian’s representative presented several options to Ms. [redacted] in a genuine effort to assist her in fulfilling her obligation under the Agreement. More specifically, Guardian offered to relocate Ms. [redacted]s security system to her new home, or to transfer the remaining term to a friend or family member. Guardian also indicated that should the new homeowner elect to activate services under a new monitoring agreement that Ms. [redacted]s obligation would be relieved. Ms. [redacted] declined the above options. In a good faith effort to assist Ms. Santucci, Guardian’s representative offered to accept a reduced early termination fee and further offered to accept payment in monthly installments until paid in full. Ms. [redacted] accepted Guardian’s offer to remit monthly payments of a reduced early termination fee.
Thank you for informing Guardian of Ms. [redacted]s complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at [redacted], ext. [redacted].
Kathleen V[redacted] Director
Account Management Department
Review: Guardian Protection Services,The company has refused to cancel the 5 year contract that my business was entered without notice. One of their sales representatives named [redacted] has used deceitful strategies in order to receive commission. We were lied into having some kind of upgrade when in reality we were placed in a contract with Guardian Protection Services. Not only were we placed in a 5 year contract but we were billed for Guardian Protection Services and my previous alarm system (or should I say the company I am still being billed.) We were also informed that if we wanted to get out of the contract, we needed to buy it out, which is an incredible amount that exceeds the hundreds.Meanwhile, [redacted] returned my call about 3 weeks ago and I explained the situation. He continued to lie to me saying that he only did an upgrade. Unfortunately, this rep, the dealership [redacted], and Guardian Protection services have refused to remove me from the contract. When I contacted [redacted] a rep named [redacted] said what [redacted] did was a LEGAL act, to lie to customers and that the people above him would say the same thing. Really? At first, I was intimidated to continue the service but then I learned, this sales rep has not only done it to me but hundreds more. How much deceitful commission has he received? A lot. With regards to a contract in California and that it was signed and done in California, the longest (in time) contract that can be done is a max of 3 years.Desired Settlement: I would like to receive a refund. At first, I wanted to agree to a lower year contract but this company is based on lies therefore, I want nothing to do with this company.
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting Ms. [redacted]
For background, Ms. [redacted]’ account came to Guardian by way of an Authorized Dealer known as [redacted]. As such, all aspects of Ms. [redacted]’ sales transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] Guardian was not present during any aspect of the sales transaction with Ms. [redacted]
In order to establish a Guardian account for Ms. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Ms. [redacted]’ services and subsequent billings. Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Given the nature of Ms. [redacted]’ concerns, Guardian has agreed to accept her request to cancel her account and discontinue 24-hour monitoring and related services. Ms. [redacted]’ account will be cancelled effective November 30, 2014. Additionally, Guardian will issue a refund to Ms. [redacted] in the amount of $209.70 for monitoring payments made to date. Please note that upon cancellation of monitoring services, Guardian will no longer respond to any signals from Ms. [redacted]’ system.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address and resolve this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Dealer Operations
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: On 15 April 2014, I called Guardian to report a billing issue where I was charged a $20 fee for a payment that they were unable to process. I explained that I received a notice from my bank stating that someone was trying to cash a check but that the account number on the check was incorrect. I verified that the other three checks sent out on the same day all processed correctly and was able to identify that the check that did not process was sent to Guardian. Guardian admitted over the phone that it did appear that the processing problem was an administrative error on their part and removed the $20 fee assessed to our account. Since we have had issues with Guardian in the past, my husband and I both agreed that once our two year contract was complete, we would terminate the service. After the billing issue was resolved, I asked the representative how much longer until our two year obligation was met. That representative transferred me to another representative who then explained to me that we were on a five year contract. I told him that we signed a two year contract, not a five year contract. Being active duty military, I move approximately every three years. I am without a doubt sure that the two gentlemen that came to our house to sell us the system told us it was a TWO year deal. I would not have signed the contract for a five year deal because I knew at the time that I would only be living in the house for about three years. I told my husband what the representative said and he too, much more adamantly, agreed that we were told it was a two year contract. The representative said that there was nothing that he could do for me and that I should file a complaint through the for resolution. The representative told us that we purchased the system in 2011, more than two years ago. Since Guardian made it very clear that they will not work with us, I respectfully request assistance with terminating the contract for services. I would also be more than happy to go into grave det5Desired Settlement: I respectfully request assistance terminating our service contract with Guardian due to 1) misinformation provided by the sales representative, 2) several issues with the service and their inability to resolve technical problems without compounding further problems, and 3) very poor customer service and unwillingness to resolve the contractual dispute directly.
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting Ms. [redacted].
Ms. [redacted] expressed concern in her complaint regarding her sales transaction and apparent confusion regarding the initial term of her contract. For background, our records indicate Ms. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an Authorized Dealer known as [redacted] Security (“[redacted]”). As such, all aspects of Ms. [redacted]’s sales transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted]. Guardian was not present during any aspect of the sales transaction. Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted].
In order to establish a Guardian account for Ms. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork that is transacted at the time of sale between the customer and [redacted]. Such paperwork defines the security system and nature of the services to be provided. This paperwork is to be acknowledged by all parties via their signature and/or initials before it will be accepted by Guardian to establish the customer account. In the instance of Ms. [redacted]’s account, all such required paperwork was provided by [redacted] and passed Guardian’s audit process thereby facilitating activation of Ms. [redacted]’s services and subsequent billings from Guardian.
Our records indicate Ms. [redacted]’s initial sales transaction with [redacted] occurred on August 26, 2011 at which time Ms. [redacted] executed an Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) to engage Guardian’s monitoring services. The initial term of the Agreement is conspicuously designated as five (5) years. Pursuant to the transaction and Agreement terms, Ms. [redacted]’s system and 24-hour monitoring services were activated on August 27, 2011.
Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian’s representative reviewed with Ms. [redacted] the initial term of her Agreement and apologized for any confusion related to her sales experience with [redacted]. Guardian’s representative also offered to mail a copy of Ms. [redacted]’s Agreement to her for her records. Ms. [redacted] expressed that she would be moving from the premises in July 2014 due to military orders and in a genuine effort to assist her, Guardian’s representative agreed to process the cancellation of Ms. [redacted]’s account effective July 30, 2014. Ms. [redacted] expressed her complete satisfaction with this resolution.
Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: I had a Guardian security system at my last home. When it was initially activated, the service representative at my home told me that we could cancel if we ever sold our home. Early this summer, we sold our home and my husband called the company to notify them of this. At that time they told him it would be cancelled. We are still receiving a bill months later even though the service was shut off on July 15, 2015. I have called and talked to customer service who state we were under contract until the new owners of our home reactivated the system. Therefore, we are getting billed for a service that we couldn't even access or use.
November 19, 2015
RE: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) in in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns and clarify this matter for all parties.
Ms. [redacted]’s letters cites dissatisfaction with the balance due on her account after moving from the monitored premises. Guardian has researched its records and offers the following in response.
For background, Ms. [redacted] executed a Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with Guardian on March 14, 2013. The initial term of the Agreement was designated as a period of thirty-six (36) months.
In June 2015 with ten (10) months remaining in the initial term of her Agreement, Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that the parties were moving from the monitored premises and were unable to transfer services to their new home. Guardian’s representative explained that an early termination fee was required to cancel as Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] remained within the initial term of the Agreement. Guardian’s representative also explained that the new homeowner could activate services under a new Agreement which would relieve Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] from the remaining term. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged his understanding and requested that services be disconnected effective July 15, 2015.
In August 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian to dispute receipt of a billing statement, stating his services had been cancelled in June 2015. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] remained within the initial term of their Agreement and that while monitoring services were disabled in June 2015, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] remain obligated to remit monthly payments until the end of the initial term. Guardian’s representative also informed Mr. [redacted] that the new homeowners had expressed interest in activating monitoring services. Upon the new homeowners’ execution of a monitoring agreement, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] would be relieved from all further obligation.
The new homeowners did activate monitoring services effective September 9, 2015. A final invoice was generated and mailed to Ms. [redacted] on September 10, 2015.
On November 18, 2015, Ms. [redacted] contacted Guardian to dispute the final invoice. Guardian’s representative explained that the terms of Ms. [redacted]’s Agreement state she remains obligated to remit monthly payments until the end of the initial term even if she moves from or sells the monitored premises. Ms. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction with Guardian’s explanation and Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Notwithstanding the above, while Guardian maintains its legal right to pursue full payment of the final balance owed, in this instance and in order to bring swift resolution to this complaint Guardian has waived the balance due on Ms. [redacted]’s account. Accordingly, Ms. [redacted] will receive no further billing statements from Guardian.
I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Kathleen V[redacted], Director
Account Management Department
Review: My Guardian system is less than 2 years old, but my contact only had a few months left on it. Around the beginning of the year (2014) I was awakened around 3:30 AM by an alarm. It wasn't the security alarm it was a low battery alarm. When I called Guardian, they advised that if I signed up for another year they would take care of the battery issue at minimal expense to me. Due to my work schedule I could not have a tech out, so I asked that they help me shut off the alarm. I was told to disconnect the battery (that didn't stop the noise) and then to unplug the system. I continued to get automated calls (one at 10 PM) saying my system wasn't responding. I called Guardian back in less than 2 weeks and set up an appt for the tech to come to my house. Every person I spoke to gave me a different explanation of what they would do for me...some less than the person before. I realized that I was going to pay for a battery just to await the end of my contract to cancel, so I called back on 1/17 and asked how much it would cost to just close the account NOW. They advised the buy out was $33.95 and when I got the letter I could send in the payment. Since Guardian faithfully charge my credit card each month I wanted them to charge the final buy-out also. They did, but stated that I still needed to send back the letter. I have sent the letter twice. I am now going to fax it, but I am being told that I must still send the buy-out payment. Someone who knows what they are doing needs to look and my account and get it straight. Guardian is not to call me again; if communication is necessary, send me a letter. What makes this worse is that today Guardian called my emergency contact and told them that my alarm was going off. That is fine, because it gave me a reason to tell someone how incompetent Guardian is. I wont wait for a reason in the future. My monthly charge by Guardian was $34.96. My buy-out was $33.95 charged to my credit card on 1/17/22014. I have my proof of this.Desired Settlement: I want Guardian to cancel my account as Paid in full and stop calling me and my emergency contact. They need to reconsider there cancellation process which is INTENTIONALLY CUMBERSOME for the customer. Maybe I would have done business with Guardian in the future if they hadnt made the cancellation unnecessarily difficult. Since I have paid the final buy out by credit card and mailed twice and faxed in the cancellation letter stop contacting me.
Guardian [redacted] Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to respond and clarify its role in an effort to assist in facilitating resolution.
It is important to understand that Guardian is contracted by a firm known as [redacted] to provide 24-hour monitoring services, billing services and customer support services for customers of [redacted]. Ms. [redacted]’s account is among those for which Guardian provides these services. Ms. [redacted]’s sales transaction, system installation and system activation process took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted]; Guardian was not present and was not involved in any portion of the sales or system installation process. Further, Ms. [redacted]’s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above.
Additionally, please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] contacted Guardian on January 13, 2014 to schedule onsite service to replace the panel battery in her system, however shortly thereafter Ms. [redacted] contacted Guardian to request the cancellation of her account and the onsite service appointment. Guardian’s policies mandate that any cancellation request must be made in writing and must contain a customer’s password for security purposes. Pursuant to her instructions, a cancellation letter was mailed to Ms. [redacted] for her signature. Guardian did not receive the signed authorization to cancel the account from Ms. [redacted] until March 3, 2014, the date of her complaint.
Upon receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s authorization to terminate her account, Guardian processed her cancellation request immediately. Said cancellation became effective March 3, 2014. Accordingly, Ms. [redacted] will receive no further billing statements from Guardian. I believe this should fully satisfy Ms. [redacted]’s concerns.
Guardian apologizes for any confusion related to the cancellation process. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: Charge mistakes over and over again, horrible customer service, broken equipment the damaged my personal property, will not let me end my contract! When I first signed up everything seemed great as soon as the 2 guys set the equipment up and left everything went horrible and has stayed that way. I was told 0.00 down not payment until the end of the month, check the bank and I have multiple charges from this company. After making call after call between my bank and the alarm company my bank finally just put the money back into my account. I tried to end my service that day and I was told I would have to pay out the 3 year contract or hire a lawyer. 2 weeks later the glass break alarm fell off the wall landed on my china cabinet damaging it, called the company they said oh sorry. Days later someone showed up to replace it would even listen to me about my furniture. A week later the motion sensor fell off the wall and broke no one has even been out to look at that ( that was in March ) its now Oct. Today the had a billing issue I understand mistakes happen but when you charge someone multiple times it is your responsibility to fix it not mine. I was told well we can just leave it in there for the following months or we can credit your credit card back but it will take up to 10 + days. WHAT?!! Then I was told to just call my bank and have them fix it. I asked if there was anyway to get out of my contract I was told to pay out the 28 months or get a lawyer. This company is a nightmare I would rather pay another company double to not have to deal with them. Horrible!!! I just want out of my contract with them with out having to pay the 28 months or hiring a lawyer. The company can come get their equipment and refund me the money that they took out of my account for this month and end my contract.Desired Settlement: I want a refund for the month of Oct and I want them to come get their equipment out of my house and end my contract. I don't want to even have to speak to these people again.
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to respond and clarify its role in an effort to assist in facilitating resolution.
Guardian is contracted by a firm known as [redacted] to provide 24-hour monitoring services, billing services and customer support services for customers of [redacted]. Ms. [redacted]’s account is among those for which Guardian provides these services. Ms. [redacted]’s sales transaction, system installation and system activation process took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted]; Guardian was not present and was not involved in any portion of the sales or system installation process. Further, Ms. [redacted]’s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above.
Additionally, please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business. All authorized dealers, including [redacted], agree in writing to be compliant with all Federal, state and local laws, and all other regulations applicable to their business activities.
Guardian is the 24-hour security monitoring service provider for [redacted] customers. As such, Guardian does not possess the authority to terminate Ms. [redacted]’s Agreement with [redacted]; such a decision will need to be made and communicated by [redacted].
In an effort to facilitate swift resolution of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns, Guardian has advised [redacted] of her complaint and desire to cancel her Agreement with their firm. Guardian has been informed that [redacted] immediately contacted Ms. [redacted] at which time [redacted] agreed to reimburse Ms. [redacted] for damage caused to her personal belongings during installation of the security system. [redacted] has also scheduled onsite service to take place on October 15, 2013 to repair a motion sensor that has become detached. Ms. [redacted] has expressed her satisfaction with this resolution.
Guardian has also confirmed that the billing error referenced in Ms. [redacted]’s complaint has been corrected. Guardian has spoken with Ms. [redacted] and confirmed that the duplicate charge has been reversed. Guardian sincerely apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience related to the billing of her account.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. [redacted] contacted me and is fixing my furniture however they did inform me the billing is done by Guardian not [redacted] so there seems to be some confusion there. However [redacted] was very nice came out tested all of my equipment went over everything with my husband and is working with us to get my furniture fixed. I have a direct contact with [redacted] that I will be in contact with any future problems.
Review: We initially signed up for services around October of 2010 and signed a 2 year contract. At the time, we got one motion detector and sensors on all the doors to exit the home. Our charge is roughly $45 a month give or take a few. Throughout the first year or so of service our back door caused a couple false alarms When I called to see what the options were are far as remedying the issue, I was told to just bypass that alarm. Essentially, not use the alarm to its full capability. I was never given another option, nor was I trained on how to bypass a certain zone, so we couldn't set the alarm at all in fear of false alarms. Earlier this year, I grew tired of paying for a service we were unable to use. I called the company to come and set up a new motion censor in hopes that we could at least set the alarm. The intention was the deactivate that back door and just use the new motion detector to monitor that portion of the house. At the same time, we have gotten a new dog. A large dog well over 60 lb.. At no time did the technician inform me that we weren't going to be able to set the alarm because of the dog. This is also not to mention that since we had the new motion sensor installed, we haven't been able to set the alarm at all because when we try to do so, the whole system goes off w/ no call from Guardian in response to the alarm. Late last week, I contacted Guardian in hopes of them offering me an option to fix the solution other than simply canceling services. I know several other people with other carriers and they have large dogs and are able to set the alarm without the motion sensor being triggered by the dog. Since I never was able to speak with someone, I got a call from another provider and decided they were able to offer me the services and solutions I needed at a lower cost. When I called guardian to cancel services they informed me that we would either have to fulfill the remainder of the contract (through march of 2014) or pay an early cancel fee of over $1000.Desired Settlement: We would simply like to just cancel services. When I asked what they were able to do since I was more than an unhappy customer and have had nothing but bad experiences with their services and half [redacted] solutions, I feel like a consumer should be able to cancel services they are unhappy with. I was prepared to pay a little, but the thought of paying over 1000 dollars to cancel an alarm service is terrible business and just absurd. We would simply just like to cancel our services with Guardian.
Thank you for forwarding Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating resolution of her concerns.
For background, Guardian met with Ms. [redacted] in September 2010 to discuss products and services available for her home after which Ms. [redacted] decided to engage Guardian to install a monitored electronic security system. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged such engagement in writing by executing a Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with Guardian on September 13, 2010, which designates its initial term as thirty-six (36) months. Ms. [redacted]’s system was installed and activated on September 16, 2010.
On April 29, 2011, Ms. [redacted] contacted Guardian to request a service appointment related to issues with the back door sensor. Guardian offered to schedule onsite service for Ms. [redacted] during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm. Ms. [redacted] declined to schedule service as a weekend appointment was not available.
On November 28, 2011, Ms. [redacted] contacted Guardian for assistance in bypassing the back door sensor. Guardian’s technician explained the bypass procedure and further offered to schedule onsite technical service to address any issues with the back door sensor. Ms. [redacted] declined to schedule service and further indicated the issue was related to the door and not the sensor.
Guardian received no further contact from Ms. [redacted] regarding the back door sensor until March 19, 2013 at which time Ms. [redacted] requested the door contact be removed and replaced with a motion sensor. Guardian assisted Mr. [redacted] by providing pricing information for the motion sensor and the installation thereof. To further assist Ms. [redacted], Guardian offered to provide and install the motion sensor at no charge in exchange for execution of a new 24-month Agreement. Ms. [redacted] accepted Guardian’s offer and executed a new Agreement on March 19, 2013. Shortly thereafter, Guardian’s technician removed the back door sensor and installed a new motion sensor.
On August 24, 2013, Guardian received website correspondence from Ms. [redacted] which indicated she was unable to arm the motion sensor as she had recently gotten a large dog. Ms. [redacted] further inquired about options to address the issue with the motion sensor. In response to Ms. [redacted]’s written communication, Guardian reached out to Ms. [redacted] to address her concerns directly. Voicemail messages were left for Ms. [redacted] on August 26, 2013, August 27, 2013 and August 28, 2013.
On September 1, 2013, Ms. [redacted] contacted Guardian and requested the cancellation of her account as she had engaged an alternate security provider. Guardian’s representative informed Ms. [redacted] that she remained within the initial term of her Agreement and that an early termination fee would apply. The subject complaint was received shortly thereafter.
Guardian is committed to delivering the highest standards of customer service and regrets it was not provided the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns prior to her engaging another security provider. Upon receipt of her complaint, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss this matter directly. As a result, Guardian agreed to accept a drastically reduced early termination fee to cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account and end all further obligation under the Agreement. Ms. [redacted] has expressed her satisfaction with this resolution. Upon receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s written authorization to cancel and early termination fee, her account will be cancelled.
I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you informing Guardian of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: The Guardian Sales person changed my contract and when I disputed the increase in my contract terms they put the account into collections The Guardian Sales person changed my contract and when I disputed the increase in my contract terms they put the account into collections. He had pursued me for several months and when I finally agreed to upgrade the equipment it was for additional eighteen month's on my agreement, not the five year agreement that was on the contract. Someone put some scratch on the contract saying that was my signature when I had always said I would not sign a five year deal because we were in the process of moving. He also said that the new agreement could be transferred to the new owners of the property. I called Guardian regarding this matter and they said that the Sales person and the Sales Mgr. had both been let go. The Sales Mgr. was the one who gave the authorization to reduce the months to eighteen. I would have probably used them again on our new house we purchased in September but they insisted that the contract was much longer than the eighteen months less the amount of time that had passed after signing the agreement. They pulled a bait and switch and were very unreasonable to work with on resolving the issue.Desired Settlement: To take the account out of collections and figure out what an equitable settlement might be for the equipment that was installed into our old home.
Thank you for forwarding the complaint issued by the above-referenced customer of Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint and resolve any confusion or concern.
For background, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian in April 2012 to inquire about upgrading his security system. Mr. [redacted] met with a Guardian sales consultant and elected to purchase additional equipment. To memorialize his decision, Mr. [redacted] executed a Residential Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) dated April 6, 2012. The initial term of the Agreement was for a period of forty (40) months. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing his initials beside the separate and bolded clause which specifically states, “This is a 40 month monitoring agreement” and by affixing his signature at the bottom of the form.
In August 2012, Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that he was moving from the premises. Guardian presented a number of options in a good faith effort to assist Mr. [redacted] in fulfilling his obligation under the Agreement. For example, Guardian indicated that services could be transferred to his new home or that the new homeowners could elect to activate monitoring services which would relieve Mr. [redacted] from further obligation.
Guardian subsequently spoke with Mr. [redacted] to discuss relocating the system to his new home. During discussions, Mr. [redacted] expressed his belief that his current Agreement was for a twelve (12) month initial term. Guardian reviewed its records and confirmed Mr. [redacted]’s initial term to be 40 months.
Mr. [redacted] asserts in his letter that he was misled by the sales consultant regarding the term of the Agreement. Guardian apologizes for any confusion related to the initial term, however please note Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement form clearly indicates the initial term to be 40-months. In no way did Guardian ever hide or conceal the initial term of the Agreement; it is clearly written and was acknowledged by the customer in writing.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. As a result, the parties have agreed to an equitable settlement which is fair and reasonable to both parties. Guardian appreciates the opportunity to resolve Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Again, Guardian apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Credit and Collections Department
Review: misrepresented contract and did not stand behind how the contract was represented. We were told we would have fire protection on the contract they even put the fire department phone number on the contract to make it look like we had fire protection. Did not know until we got the certificate for home owners that we did not have fire. When we called about it they want more money.our home owners insurance went up for not having fire protection.They installed alarm with wrong code so it triggered at 2am when someone else's house was being tampered with.Alarm went off every half hour after that until we just completely shut it off. The company tried to charge a copay to come and fix there mistake had to argue to get the copay removed.then they acted like they did us a favor for wavying the copay. There copay was nothings for the panic we went thru that night. We set the alarm off one night accidentally and they came over the loud speaker my husband not thinking gave them the distress code (when you give this code they are automatically suppose to send the cops and not go any further) instead they tell him over the loud speaker that he gave the distress code snd was he sure that was the right code. When we called the next day all they said was "oh it was a new employee" there employees are always new and untrained. Found out our glass break sensors were cut and never hooked up when we were told they were good to go. POORLY WRITTEN CONTRACT that can be interrupted in many different way. Once we termed our contract early they are telling us we owe the remainder of the contract. But now they want to give us new equipment, fire protection everything we were suppose to have from the begining. But after 3 years of horrible service there is nothing they can do to keep us. While we are in the process of terminating the contract (going thru there hoops to terminate) we keep getting calls every night at 10:30 for false alarms which we have disconnected the alarm but the calls continue (even though we have talked to 3 different supervisor s that say have each said we will suspend the monitor until the termination can be completed but the calls continue.
DDesired Settlement: Guardian to accepted where they went wrong and offer a reasonable termination fee. To rewrite the contract where its is spelled out and not misrepresented. Train employees
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting Ms. [redacted].
For background, Ms. [redacted]’ account came to Guardian by way of an Authorized Dealer known as [redacted], LLC (“[redacted]”). As such, all aspects of Ms. [redacted]’s sales transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted]. Guardian was not present during any aspect of the sales transaction or subsequent installation of Ms. [redacted]’s system. In order to establish a Guardian account for Ms. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Ms. [redacted]’s services and subsequent billings.
Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] executed an Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) on May 19, 2011. The initial term of the Agreement is designated as a period of sixty (60) months. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s system was installed and activated by [redacted] on May 19, 2011.
Ms. [redacted]’s letter to your office has requested that Guardian “offer a reasonable termination fee” in order to cancel her account. Upon receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint, Guardian reached out to her directly to discuss her concerns further. During that conversation, the parties were able to reach a mutually agreeable early termination fee amount. Guardian confirmed that upon receipt of the early termination fee, Ms. [redacted]’s account will be cancelled and she will be released from all further obligation. Ms. [redacted] has expressed her satisfaction with this resolution.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: I was approached by a young man selling the system who is from Utah. Apparently he and his team comes every summer to sell the security systems. He was extremely pushy and would not leave my house under any circumstances. We took the security system and had it installed by them and said we would at least do the trial. We decided we did not like it and called 5 different times on different days to have it uninstalled they were supposed to have the lead technician call me and verify it was going to be uninstalled. Never happened. The guy was supposed to be at my house at 5:30p.m. he did not show up until 10:00p.m. Even the next day I never got a call apologizing how bad their customer service was. I would never recommend this company to anyone. The guy who sold us the product who was pushy also lied to us a lot. The only way he would leave was if we told him we called the police.Desired Settlement: n/a
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian greatly values the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns.
For background, Ms. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an authorized dealer known as [redacted] (“[redacted]”). [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. All authorized dealers, including [redacted], agree in writing to comply with all Federal, state and local laws, and all other regulations applicable to their business activities. [redacted] is a customer-focused firm and is responsive to customer needs and support and as such, Guardian has provided [redacted] with a copy of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint and asked that they research this matter within their organization and take any appropriate action. Guardian is confident that [redacted] will address this matter accordingly.
Additionally, Guardian confirmed that Ms. [redacted]’s account was cancelled effective June 25, 2013 pursuant to the [redacted]s’ request. Guardian extends its apology to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] for any negative experience and inconvenience.
Thank you for informing Guardian of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you or Mr. and/or Mrs. [redacted] have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: I signed a contract through a door to door salesman on January 21, 2013 for 36 months of monitoring. The sales rep said he would pay off the early termination fee for my previous monitoring company as soon as I could send him an invoice. This was the first of my problems with this company. He responded via email when I sent him the invoice and said a check would be cut within a few days. After not hearing from him for over a week, I emailed and called and never received a response. At this point I was paying 2 different monitoring companies. I filed a complaint at that time and Guardian responded by sending a check.
Included with this package was an alert pendant to call for help. Shortly after starting to wear it, my intercom went off one night and I was asked if I needed help. I informed the man on the other end that I was eating dinner and I was fine. He would have been very helpful if I needed help. I was afraid to wear it after that, knowing it would send an accidental alarm.
Since they had my [redacted] number to debit each month, the first debit was over $45.99 the contractual amount. I called to see why and was told I was charged a service tax. I explained that, being originally from Pa., I was aware of this tax, however, it is a tax on services to customers in Pa. only and should not be charged to a Tennessee customer. The rep wanted to argue with me and said he would need something in writing from the State of TN before he would remove it. I told him I would attempt to get him something but he might want to check with a supervisor on his end. I did contact the State of TN Tax Dept. who told me they had never heard of such a tax and had nothing they could send me. Without any further contact with Guardian, they did remove the tax.
Now to the most current situation. I moved last summer, July, 2015, and started calling Guardian in the spring. The original salesman had told me if I moved, the system could be transferred to the new house. When I asked about this, I was told I would need to sign a new 3 yr contract to make up for the cost of the equipment at the new location. I declined to extend the contract. I was repeatedly told they could not close my account, even though I knew I was contractually obligated to pay until Dec. 2015. I was told I would continue to receive error messages, phone calls and mail regarding a non responsive alarm system. When I would be at the old house, the alarm was continuously beep until it was reset. If they keep written notes of all conversations, I can't recall exactly how many times I called them with the last time being in November 2015. I told them the December payment would be the last one and I wanted to be sure they didn't debit my [redacted] after that December payment. The man I spoke to corrected me and said I would have a January payment due. I told him I had the contract in front of me and my last payment was December. He put me on hold for a few minutes then came back to the phone and said I was correct and the last payment would be December 2015 but I would still have to call back after that to close the account. I was also told I would have to talk to the Retention Dept. before the account would be canceled. Knowing they would do their best to pressure me to sign another 3 yr contract, I wrote a letter to them, stating the house had been empty for months and I wanted the account closed. I reminded them my last payment has already been debited and was putting it in writing to be sure the account was closed. I also notified [redacted] to not allow any further charges but they told me they couldn't do anything until additional charges were made.
In January, 2016, Guardian Protection Services charged my [redacted] for another $44.99. I filed a dispute with [redacted]. They put a temporary credit on my account and sent the dispute to Guardian giving them 30 days to respond. After no response within the 30 days, the credit became permanent and I expected the matter to be settled.
I received a collection letter dated March 7, 2016 from Guardian stating my account was past due and I would begin to incur late fees. I wrote to them again and told them they did not respond to the [redacted] dispute and the matter was closed. Today I received a 2nd notice and stating there may be late fees on my account.
This needs to stop. Because of their 'services', I would never have a monitoring company again.Desired Settlement: Credit my account to a zero balance, closed this account and send assurance that there are no negative information on my credit report.
April 7, 2016
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted] – ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Prior to receipt of your letter, Guardian waived the final balance due on Ms. [redacted]’s account. Said credit in the amount of $44.99 was applied on April 4, 2016. Please allow this letter to confirm that Ms. [redacted]’s account has been cancelled and she will receive no further billing statements from Guardian. Guardian sincerely apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at [redacted].
Kathleen V[redacted] Director
Account Management Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. It's unfortunate that it took a Complaint to get them to respond. I have been dealing with these people since last spring when I knew I would be moving. It's been like pulling teeth. They never would close the account even though I agreed to continue paying the contract through December, 2015, the expiration date. Good Customer Service is almost impossible to find in today's world!
Review: Was quoted for a 3 year contract and given 5 year anyways
When my wife and I built our first home in 9/2012, the builder set up a meeting with Guardian Protection. The sales/rep for the company came out and met us right after closing (the same day).Desired Settlement: When my wife and I closed on our first home in 9/2012, the builder set up a meeting with guardian protection for the day of closing. Being first time homeowners and given the fact that we wouldn't be moving everything for another month, we thought it important to protect with a security system. The rep from Guardian, Marion, gave us the attached sheet with a quote for service. With our agreement we'd get the upgraded monitoring and iOS app compatibility for 39.95 because we were [redacted] Home
September 11, 2015
Re: [redacted] - Complaint #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to clarify this matter and assist in facilitating resolution.
For background, Mr. [redacted]s account came to Guardian by way of an authorized dealer of Guardian known as [redacted] Technology Solutions (“Ranger”). As such, all aspects of Mr. [redacted]s sales transaction and system installation took place directly with [redacted], not Guardian. In order to establish a Guardian account for Mr. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Mr. [redacted]s services and subsequent billings.
Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted]s original transaction with [redacted] occurred on September 7, 2012 at which time Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] executed an Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with [redacted] in order to engage monitoring services. The initial term is clearly designated as five (5) years. Both Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing their initials beside the separate and bolded clause which specifically states, “The initial term of this Agreement is five (5) years.” Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by affixing their signatures at the bottom of the form. [redacted] installed and activated Mr. [redacted]s system on September 14, 2012.
On August 13, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and requested the cancellation of his account in order to engage another security provider. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that he remained within the five (5) year initial term of his Agreement. Mr. [redacted] stated that he believed his initial term to be three (3) years however he would consult his paperwork and contact Guardian at a later time. No further contact was received from Mr. [redacted] until receipt of the subject complaint.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian made several attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. As of this date, Guardian has been unable to reach Mr. [redacted] via telephone.
It is Guardian’s sincere desire to bring swift resolution to Mr. [redacted]s concerns in a manner that is fair and reasonable to both parties. Pursuant to the terms of Mr. [redacted]s Agreement, Mr. [redacted] may elect to cancel his account prior to the end of his initial term upon payment of an early termination fee. That amount is designated to be $1,006.80. Notwithstanding, in good faith Guardian is willing to accept a 25% reduction to the early termination fee in the amount of $755.10 to cancel Mr. [redacted]s account and all remaining obligation. Guardian believes this offer to be fair and reasonable and is hopeful Mr. [redacted] will concur. Guardian’s offer to accept $755.10 to cancel Mr. [redacted]s account is extended until close of business on October 9, 2015 after which it will be rescinded.
I am hopeful this explanation assists in clarifying Guardian’s role in this matter. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]
Andrew A[redacted] Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: I keep getting called about the cellular going down on my alarm system, they at first told me that someone would call and schedule a service appointment in 2 days, 2 1/2 weeks later they called and scheduled an appointment. On the day of the appointment I was home waiting (told me between 12 and 2) at 2:30 I called them they laughed and said the person coming to the house had an emergency. Nobody called me they rescheduled for the next day technician came out told me the problem was fixed 2 days later I received a call and told me my cellular device is out again.Desired Settlement: Fix the alarm or get me out of my contract so I can go else where
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian greatly values the opportunity to address Ms. [redacted]’ concerns.
For background, Ms. [redacted]’ account came to Guardian by way of an Authorized Dealer known as [redacted] (“[redacted]”). As such, all aspects of Ms. [redacted]’ sales transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Given that the nature of Ms. [redacted]’ concerns relate to onsite service conducted by [redacted], Guardian notified [redacted] without delay and provided them with a copy of the complaint. Guardian has been informed that [redacted] immediately contacted Ms. [redacted] and offered its sincerest apologies for the confusion and inconvenience related to recent onsite service appointments. Guardian was also informed that an [redacted] technician returned to Ms. [redacted]’ residence on September 19, 2014 at which time the technician installed a WiFi chip which increased signal strength. Prior to departing Ms. [redacted]’ residence, [redacted]’s technician tested all zones and confirmed receipt of all signals in Guardian’s Central Monitoring Station. [redacted] is a premier security provider and Guardian is confident that [redacted] will continue to work closely with Ms. [redacted] to resolve her concerns to her complete satisfaction.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Dealer Operations
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear.
Review: my complaint is about the refusal of service. I was tricked to switch from [redacted] to guardian,then half way threw the contract the motion senser went out ! now note they used [redacted] sensers which where 3 years old to begin with .now 1.5 years after sending complaints and my refusal to pay till I could use the service, to fix the problem they still refuse!they tryed too trick me into another five year contract to fix the problem! I still can not turn the alarm on ! but they are charging me steady through[redacted] so monthy I have to pay dispite the darn thing does not work and I am left unprotected!i still beleive they could fix this problem so they could monitor my home when I am not home but they want money for nothing ! they said they would send me batteries for the senser that went out for 40.00 cash ! now all sectors have gone out but of course all sensers are 7 years old and 5 of the seven products are [redacted] stuff . I am still being charged monthly but I refuse to pay !Desired Settlement: it is simple they should fix the system then I will pay for monitoring ! but they want money up front even though the system does not work !
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and clarify this matter for all parties.
Guardian has conducted a thorough review of the above account and offers the following information. For background, Mr. [redacted] entered into an Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) on July 30, 2010 for an initial term of sixty (60) months.
In April 2013, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian for assistance with a motion sensor which had suffered water damage due to an overflowing toilet. Guardian spoke with Mr. [redacted] on several occasions to assist him by offering troubleshooting tips for the device and further offered to schedule onsite service to repair and/or replace the device. Because the damage was not the result of normal wear and tear, Guardian informed Mr. [redacted] that the service appointment was billable at Guardian’s customary service rates. Mr. [redacted] declined to schedule service at that time.
In August 2013, Mr. [redacted] requested the cancellation of his account citing financial reasons. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that he remained within the initial term of his Agreement and was ineligible to cancel at that time. In an effort to assist Mr. [redacted], Guardian’s representative presented the following options to Mr. [redacted]: 1) To waive Mr. [redacted]’s account balance and delete the non-working motion sensor from the programming in exchange for execution of a new 36-month Agreement; 2) To cover up to $300 towards an onsite service appointment to repair and/or replace the motion sensor in exchange for execution of a new 48-month Agreement; or 3) To waive Mr. [redacted]’s account balance and cover up to $300 towards an onsite service appointment to repair and/or replace the motion sensor in exchange for execution of a new 60-month Agreement. Mr. [redacted] indicated he wished to consider the offers and would contact Guardian with his decision at a later time.
In September 2013, Mr. [redacted] accepted Guardian’s offer to waive the account balance due and delete the motion sensor from the programming in exchange for execution of a new 36-month Agreement. A new Agreement was prepared and mailed to Mr. [redacted] for his signature. Unfortunately, the new Agreement was not returned to Guardian and Guardian continued to remit monthly invoices to Mr. [redacted] accordingly.
In November 2013, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and expressed dissatisfaction with the non-working motion sensor. Guardian’s representative offered to schedule an onsite service appointment billable at Guardian’s customary rates however advised Mr. [redacted] that he would need to remit payment on the account before an appointment could be conducted. Alternatively, Guardian’s representative reiterated the offer made previously to waive the account balance due and either schedule onsite service to repair/replace the device or remove it from programming upon execution of a new Agreement. Mr. [redacted] expressed that he wished to to remove the device from programming and waive the account balance due in exchange for a new 36-month Agreement. As such, Guardian prepared and mailed a new Agreement to Mr. [redacted] for signature. Subsequently, Guardian made numerous attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] to follow up on the status of said Agreement. Guardian was unable to reach Mr. [redacted] and due to the status of his account, his account was assigned to an outside agency for assistance.
On December 31, 2013, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian to express dissatisfaction with the balance due on his account. Guardian again reiterated the previous offers made to assist Mr. [redacted] in exchange for execution of a new Agreement. Mr. [redacted] accepted Guardian’s offer to waive the account balance due and schedule an onsite service appointment in exchange for execution of a new 60-month Agreement. Accordingly, Guardian prepared and mailed a new Agreement to Mr. [redacted] for signature. As a courtesy, Guardian placed Mr. [redacted]’s account on hold with the outside agency to allow him time to sign and return the Agreement. Unfortunately, Mr. [redacted] did not return the Agreement and after numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] to determine the status, his account was placed out of service and returned to the outside agency for assistance.
Respectfully, Mr. [redacted]’s statement that Guardian has refused to service his account is utterly false. Guardian has offered on numerous occasions since April 2013 to schedule onsite service to repair and/or replace the motion sensor which had become inoperable by water damage occurring in the home. In a further effort to assist Mr. [redacted] in offsetting the costs of the service appointment, Guardian offered to cover part of the expense of the service appointment in exchange for execution of a new monitoring Agreement. As a further gesture of good faith, Guardian offered to waive the account balance due upon execution of said new Agreement. On three (3) occasions, Guardian prepared and mailed a new Agreement to Mr. [redacted] for signature, none of which were returned to Guardian. Respectfully, Guardian has made every reasonable effort to assist Mr. [redacted] in fulfilling his obligation under the Agreement.
Notwithstanding the above, upon receipt of your letter Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] and reiterated its most recent offer to schedule onsite service to repair and/or replace the motion sensor and ensure the system is working properly in exchange for execution of a new 60-month Agreement. As a further courtesy, Guardian offered to conduct said service appointment at no charge to Mr. [redacted]. Additionally, upon Guardian’s receipt of the executed Agreement, Guardian offered to remove Mr. [redacted]’s account from the outside agency and to waive the current balance due. Mr. [redacted] has accepted Guardian’s offer and a new Agreement was mailed to him for signature on August 21, 2014. Mr. [redacted] has acknowledged his understanding that an executed Agreement must be returned to Guardian before any of the above steps can be taken.
It is my hope that this letter has sufficiently addressed all questions related to this matter. Thank you again for allowing Guardian the opportunity to clarify this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: In April we upgraded our services to include using the guardian app where we could rid ourselves of our telephone landline. I ordered the upgrade after receiving an advertisement from Guardian where we would receive an Android tablet and 50% off monthly billing for 6 months. When the salesman got here he said (mid April) that promotion no longer existed. Okay. The very day he came, I received another promotion in the mail from Guardian advertising the very same promotion. I still have that promotion and it does not have a deadline. The technician came a couple of days later and finished our upgrade. I informed Guardian of my new advertised promotion and I believed that I was eligible. They didn't even know about the new promotion therefore I wasn't eligible. I then notified our salesman via email where he assured me he would look into it and give us the advertised promotions. His reply was that it came from corporate and the [redacted] office wasn't informed of the promotion. He then notified me a couple of more times and asked if we received the tablet. since, according to him, we were indeed eligible. No, we have not received the tablet nor the price discount and this is almost 2 1/2+ months past. If you are going to advertise something for upgrades, it is important for companies to comply with their advertisements. I thought then that if we didn't get anything by July, I would send in to the, give a complaint on our local Yelp, or do whatever to get the attention of the marketing department of Guardian Protection Services.Desired Settlement: Desired Outcome: delivery of the Android tablet and a billing adjustment for the next 6 months showing a 50% reduction.
July 13, 2015 of Western Pennsylvania
Attn: [redacted]
400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint from Ms. [redacted]. Guardian is a customer-focused organization and values the opportunity to address any question or concern.
Guardian sincerely apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any confusion related to her recent upgrade and the corresponding promotions offered by Guardian. Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] directly and apologized for any miscommunication regarding the computer tablet and the discount to her monthly monitoring fees. Guardian has placed a credit to Ms. [redacted]’s account equal to a 50% discount of monitoring fees for a six-month period, as well as an additional credit for one full month of monitoring services in apology. Guardian also confirmed that Ms. [redacted] will receive a computer tablet at no charge however the tablets are currently on backorder for approximately four (4) weeks. Guardian will follow up with Ms. [redacted] in a few weeks to ensure that she has received the tablet as promised. Ms. [redacted] has expressed her complete satisfaction with this resolution.
Again, Guardian apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any inconvenience. Guardian values Ms. [redacted] as a customer and appreciates the opportunity to continue providing her with her 24-hour security monitoring services.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, extension [redacted]
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: On October 28, 2013 I signed a contract with Guardian Protection Services to provide alarm service. We already had equipment in our house since we were previously using [redacted]. They waived the cost of equipment and we paid to add two motion detectors. They confirmed that all windows were protected. When they came to hook up their service they realized that some of the detectors were missing. I called the customer service and they said they would have to charge me for those even though that was not what was stated during the initial sale. Also, during the initial meeting with Guardian we explained to them our house was for sale and we were moving. We asked what the relocation costs were. They completed a certificate stating they would waive the relocation fee for 1 year. We ended up moving in February 2014. When I called their customer service they stated it would be $199 to relocate. I told them I had this certificate and they requested I send it in which I did. They called back and said the sales consultant should have never filled that out but they would honor it but we had to re-sign a 36 month contract. That was never ever told to us during the sale. The certificate we were given said the would waive the fee but does not say "with a new contract signed". I have sent a letter to their Executive Relations Complaint team stating that they have been deceptive and violated the addendum to our contract and therefore I want the contract terminated. They called me back and said now I don't have to re-sign a new contract and I can just continue. Also, they have charged me for 2 months of service when they are NOT even providing me a service. They also told me I needed to resign the contract because that is how they make up for the cost of equipment. However, both my old house and new house already have alarm systems installed so they are not providing me any equipment. They have been in complete violation of their contract.Desired Settlement: I would like to be refunded for March/April billing as they have not been providing service working this out and I would like our contract terminated.
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and clarify this matter for all parties.
Guardian has conducted a thorough review of the above account and offers the following information. For background, Ms. [redacted] entered into a Monitoring and Repair Agreement (“Agreement”) with Guardian on August 28, 2013 for an initial term of thirty-six (36) months.
On March 3, 2014 with thirty-one (31) months remaining in the initial term of her Agreement, Ms. [redacted] advised she was moving from the premises and inquired about relocating services to her new home. Guardian’s representative offered to activate the existing system in her new home at no charge in exchange for a new sixty (60) month Agreement, or for $195 in exchange for a new thirty-six (36) month Agreement. In response, Ms. [redacted] expressed that she possessed a “free move” certificate from her Guardian sales representative. Guardian had no record of such certificate and requested that Ms. [redacted] forward a copy for review.
Guardian received a copy of the certificate from Ms. [redacted] on March 7, 2014. Upon examination, the document indicated, “This certificate entitles the bearer to a monitoring credit of $100, with a newly signed agreement…” along with a handwritten note by the sales consultant which indicated, “Will waive the relocation fee for 1 year.” Based on this information, Guardian emailed Ms. [redacted] on March 11, 2014 and agreed to honor the certificate and waive the relocation fee in exchange for a new thirty-six (36) month Agreement.
On March 17, 2014, Guardian received a voicemail message from Ms. [redacted] at which time she disputed Guardian’s request that she extend her initial term by executing a new thirty-six (36) month Agreement. (Please note, Ms.[redacted] current initial term was 31 months; by executing a new thirty-six (36) month Agreement, the contract extension would add 5 months to her current term).
Ms. [redacted] contacted Guardian on March 28, 2014 and expressed discontent that she was being required to pay for the “free move” she was promised by her Guardian sales consultant. Guardian reiterated that the relocation fees were being waived pursuant to the certificate in her possession. Ms. [redacted] then expressed displeasure that her initial term would be extended by five (5) months upon execution of the new Agreement, and further requested that the new Agreement reflect no contract extension. Guardian’s representative informed Ms. [redacted] that he would review her request with a supervisor.
On April 4, 2014, a Guardian supervisor contacted Ms. [redacted] and reiterated that Guardian has agreed to honor the move certificate by waiving all relocation fees however the certificate does not indicate any promises made to waive contract extensions. Ms. [redacted] disputed the information relayed to her by Guardian’s supervisor and requested the cancellation of her account. Guardian’s supervisor explained to Ms. [redacted] that an early termination fee is required to cancel the account prior to the end of the initial term. Ms. [redacted] requested to speak with a manager. Guardian informed Ms. [redacted] that said person was out of the office until April 10, 2014.
On April 10, 2014, Guardian’s Director of Inside Sales contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns. During that conversation, Guardian’s Director reiterated the requirement for a new Agreement and further explained that an initial term of 36-months is required to assist Guardian in offsetting the costs incurred by Guardian to dispatch a technician to install equipment, tie in existing equipment, establish a new account and set up 24-hour monitoring services in the new residence. Ms. [redacted] expressed her discontent with Guardian’s explanation and requested the cancellation of her account. Guardian’s Director apologized for Ms. [redacted] dissatisfaction and reviewed Ms.[redacted] relocation and cancellation options with her.
On April 23, 2014, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to follow up regarding the relocation of her account. Ms. [redacted] requested a refund equal to two (2) months of monitoring services and reiterated her request that her account be cancelled.
In a good faith effort to satisfy Ms. [redacted], Guardian contacted her on April 24, 2014 and agreed to honor her request to relocate services in exchange for a 30-month initial term (no contract extension). Ms. [redacted] refused Guardian’s offer and requested to speak with a member of Guardian’s executive team. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Respectfully, Ms. [redacted]’s statements that Guardian has operated in a “deceptive” manner and has “violated the addendum” to her contract are both false and without merit. Guardian has made every reasonable effort to resolve Ms. [redacted]’s concerns and has at all times honored its obligation under the Agreement. Guardian has in good faith agreed to accommodate all requests made by Ms. [redacted] by waiving standard relocation fees and by agreeing to transfer the balance of Ms. [redacted]’s current initial term with no contract extension.
It is important to note that Guardian’s Home Relocation Guarantee policy states a customer must satisfy at least twelve (12) months of the initial term to be eligible for the program which provides one (1) free basic system and a 25% discount on any equipment in addition to that provided in the basic system package, in exchange for execution of a new sixty (60) month Agreement. A customer who relocates within the first twelve (12) months of the initial term will be billed standard rates for any equipment installed in the new residence. Ms. [redacted] had satisfied only five (5) months of her initial term at the time she relocated from the monitored premises and therefore was not eligible for Guardian’s Home Relocation Policy. Notwithstanding, Guardian made a genuine effort to assist Ms. [redacted] in fulfilling her obligation under the Agreement by offering to relocate her services in exchange for a new thirty-six (36) month Agreement in lieu of the sixty (60) month Agreement set forth in Guardian’s Home Relocation Policy. When Ms. [redacted] disputed the new thirty-six (36) month Agreement, Guardian made further exceptions to its policy by agreeing to transfer the balance of her initial term (no contract extension) in an effort to satisfy her concerns.
Additionally, Ms. [redacted] states in her letter that Guardian indicated she would not be required to execute a new contract. Respectfully, this statement is inaccurate. Due to the nature of the services provided, the monitored site address is required to be memorialized in the agreement form which is acknowledged in writing by the parties. This was also explained to Ms. [redacted].
Guardian incurred significant expense by providing and installing security equipment, connecting existing equipment, establishing an account, and activating 24-hour monitoring services in Ms. [redacted]’s former premises. The primary foundation for the initial term period as defined in Ms. [redacted]’s Agreement is to allow Guardian the opportunity to recoup its investment made in the home. The above services were performed with the expectation that Guardian will recoup its investment over the thirty-six (36) month term of the Agreement. Respectfully, Guardian has not been provided the opportunity to recoup that investment.
In light of the above information, Guardian is unable to cancel Ms. [redacted]’s account without further payment. Guardian does remain willing to work with Ms. [redacted] within reason to assist her in fulfilling her obligations under the Agreement. Guardian’s previous offer to relocate monitoring services to Ms. [redacted]’s new residence remains available to her. As previously stated, Guardian will honor the move certificate and relocate services at no charge to Ms. [redacted] in exchange for a new thirty (30) month monitoring agreement reflecting the address of the new monitored premises. Guardian will also apply a credit to Ms. [redacted]’s account equal to two (2) months of monitoring services upon relocation, as she has requested. Alternatively, should Ms. [redacted] wish to move forward with cancellation of her account, she may do so by remitting the full early termination fee as set forth in the terms of her Agreement.
Guardian believes the above offer to be fair and reasonable and is hopeful Ms. [redacted] will concur. Guardian’s offer to relocate services shall be extended until close of business on May 13, 2014 after which it will be rescinded.
I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact [redacted], Supervisor, at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] has been authorized as the point of contact for Guardian’s executive team and will be pleased to assist you.
[redacted], Senior Vice-President
Corporate Sales
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Please note that I accept if the following conditions are met:
1) I am refunded for the months of March and April due to the fact Guardian did not honor the move certificate that stated I would receive free relocation within one year. Although this was a handwritten note, it was written and signed by their sales representative. The issues I have endured for this to be honored prohibited the transfer of service while waiting for resolution to this matter.
2) No additional charges are incurred for "adding" monitoring devices at our new home. Both our previous home and new home already have alarm systems installed from other service providers. When Guardian comes to our new home to activate the Guardian system we understand that this will be at no cost. In our previous home when Guardian came to activate the service they neglected to check all windows and therefore three windows did not have detection devices. When I called they were going to charge yet another fee. If they are truly offering 24 hour monitoring and protection then you would think they would want to ensure the whole house is secure. Since we already had paid for 2 motion detectors to be added with the confirmation from their sales representative that no other equipment fees would be incurred we did not have additional detectors added. Again this is another example of how the companies sales practices are deceptive so confirmation is needed they will not come to our new home to activate services and start adding on equipment costs. All windows and doors myst be protected at no additional cost.
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s additional comments. Guardian reached Ms. [redacted] to follow up and facilitate resolution.
For background, Ms. [redacted] requested a refund for the months of March 2014 and April 2014. As stated in Guardian’s previous response, Guardian agreed to apply a credit to Ms. [redacted]’s account upon relocation of her monitoring services. Notwithstanding that such relocation has not yet occurred, Guardian applied such credit in the amount of $84.82 on May 12, 2014 as a good faith gesture.
Ms. [redacted] expressed in her recent letter that “Guardian did not honor the move certificate.” Respectfully, Ms. [redacted] statement is inaccurate. Guardian agreed to honor the promise made to her in writing, as defined in the move certificate, a copy of which is attached hereto.
Guardian has worked diligently to gain Ms. [redacted]’s satisfaction and has made every reasonable effort to accomplish the relocation of Ms. [redacted] system and services. Unfortunately, all of Guardian’s efforts have been rejected.
In her most recent correspondence, Ms. [redacted] made a new demand that “All windows and doors must be protected at no additional costs.” At no time did Guardian make a promise to provide an unlimited amount of electronic security equipment at no cost. However, Guardian did offer to conduct an on-site assessment at no charge to determine the number of devices that would be required; Ms. [redacted] refused. Guardian would certainly be willing to provide a reasonable number of devices in order to bring full satisfaction, however absent the ability to assess the site Guardian is unable to make such determination of the requirement. Regretfully, Ms. [redacted] has rejected every proposal made by Guardian to assist her.
To reiterate, Guardian’s offer is as follows:
1) Guardian will reprogram the existing system in Ms. [redacted]’s new home at no charge in exchange for a new 30-month Agreement. (The original understanding as written in the above-referenced certificate would have been a 36-month Agreement.)
2) Guardian will replace the control panel and one (1) keypad at no charge.
3) Guardian will agree to install up to four (4) door or window contacts at no charge to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns regarding additional points of protection.
4) Any additional monitored system devices Ms. [redacted] would like to purchase will be offered at a 30% discount from customary pricing.
The above offers are extended for Ms. [redacted]’s consideration until close of business on June 9, 2014. After that date the terms of Ms. [redacted]’s original Agreement with Guardian shall apply. In such case, Ms. [redacted] may terminate her remaining obligation by remitting the early termination fee as set forth in the terms of her Agreement.
Guardian’s attempts to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns are fair and reasonable and we remain hopeful of retaining her business. Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]’s additional comments. Should you have any questions, please contact [redacted], Supervisor, at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
[redacted], Senior Vice-President
Corporate Sales
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
In my previous correspodence I did request that Guardian commits that they will not charge for additional equipment costs. This request was made due to the previous experience I had with Guardian and the continued deceptive manner in which they have misled me. When we signed the original sales agreement with Guardian the sales representative stated that the only equipment we needed were two motion detectors due to a deck we extended after our original system was put in. We agreed and paid for the motion detectors. After previously stated in my letter to Guardian, after the GUardian Service Representative left we realized there were multiple windows that the Sale Representative and Service Represenative failed to verify were secured. When I called Guardian they stated we would have to pay for additional equipment which I believe is misleading when the Sales Representative stated the only additional equipment needed was the two motion detectors which we agreed to pay for when we signed the contract.
Since our current new home is already wired for a security system I want confirmation that Guardian is not going to come in and start adding on additional costs. Guardian has stated numerous times during these discussions that the reason for their 3 year contract is to re-coup the costs of installing equipment. This statement makes no sense when they in fact installed no equipment in my previous home except the two motion detectors we paid for. Also, in our new home their original correspondence was they denied my request to not extend to a 3-year agreement to re-coup the costs of equipment. I do not undestand what equipment costs they are re-couping when they have not installed any in my previous home. Additionally, the certificate they attach states "One Free Relocation". There most recent correspondence states that they will send someone out at no charge. They should considering this is what the certificate states to me as a Consumer.
I strongly believe I was misled in order for the Sales Representative to sign a contract and feel I have continued to be misled. Guardian's sales practices are deceptive. They continue to tell me that they need the 3 year contract to re-coup the cost of equipment when they have not even given me any equipment. I do not want to continue any business with a deceptive company.
I request the contract be terminated on the basis they have misled me and continue to do so.
Review: I like many others were tied into a 5 year contract by falsification by the sales person, giving the old ( this only locks in the price from going up for 5 years), After a year of poor service with several problems to low battery, door open messages etc, I was thought I could cancel service, called up and found out I had been hoodwinked into a five year contract, buyer beware! Problem 2, the service is unreliable, several Low battery messages (they will charge you 25.00 to give you a history of problems), Had people not show up for service call, etc... I had a shortage one month last fall, and got a decline auto pay, somehow they dropped the other payments, and when I had another low battery message, that comes with a high decibel chirp sound every few minutes, that I tried to clear, but failed, I called the customer service department who told me I was now 120 day late, and refused to tell me how to shut the chirp off, so I have had to exist for a couple of days with the noise, until I had to muffle the unit with sound proof packing and card board, called today and paid one months and will do so every Friday until caught up, this is the greatest scam I have ever seen, If you don't pay, we will torture you and your family until you comply! and I had to beg to get that to happen.Desired Settlement: To have this contract voided, and stopped, due to dishonest sales, poor reliability, poor customer service,
January 26, 2016
RE: [redacted] – ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to respond and clarify this matter for all parties.
While Mr. [redacted]s complaint was directed to Guardian, it is important to understand that Guardian is contracted by a separate and distinct firm by the name of [redacted], to provide 24-hour monitoring services, telephone customer support services and billing services for their customers. The subject account is among those for which Guardian provides these services. Mr. [redacted]s sales transaction, system installation and system activation process took place directly between [redacted] and Mr. [redacted]; Guardian was not present and was not involved in any portion of the sales or system installation process. Further, Mr. [redacted]s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above.
Additionally, please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
As background, Guardian’s records indicate that Mr. [redacted] initially engaged [redacted]’s services on August 4, 2014, as memorialized in the Agreement for Monitoring and Installation of Security System (“Agreement”). The initial term of the Agreement is clearly designated as sixty (60) months. Both Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] acknowledged the initial term by placing their initials beside the separate clause which states, “Company agrees to provide monitoring services for a period of 60 months from the above date.” Both Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by placing their signatures at the bottom of the form. Guardian’s records indicate Mr. [redacted]s system was installed and activated by [redacted] on August 4, 2014.
Mr. [redacted]s letter expresses discontent related to low battery issues and “door open messages.” Guardian’s records indicate Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian for assistance with a low panel battery on September 20, 2014. Mr. [redacted] also informed Guardian that the door sensor had fallen off, however advised he would remount the device himself. Guardian assisted Mr. [redacted] with silencing the beeping related to the low battery. Guardian also immediately notified [redacted] of Mr. [redacted]s concerns and requested that they schedule onsite service as soon as possible. Our records indicate [redacted] did contact Mr. [redacted] to schedule onsite service however Mr. [redacted] informed them that he no longer needed assistance. Guardian has no record of any service appointments whereby the technician missed the appointment as asserted by Mr. [redacted] in his letter.
On May 30, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian for assistance in clearing an error from his keypad. Guardian’s representative successfully assisted Mr. [redacted] in resetting his master user code and clearing the keypad. Prior to ending the telephone call, Mr. [redacted] requested to speak with a supervisor in order to express his gratitude for the assistance provided by Guardian’s representative.
On August 31, 2015, Mr. [redacted] requested the cancellation of his account. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted] remained within the initial term of his Agreement with [redacted] and that an early termination fee was required to cancel. Mr. [redacted] disputed the five-year initial term of the Agreement. A copy of the Agreement was mailed to Mr. [redacted] at that time for his review.
Guardian made numerous attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] over the next several months regarding the status of his account. Guardian was unable to speak with Mr. [redacted] until January 17, 2016 at which time he requested assistance for a low panel battery. Guardian’s representative explained that onsite service could not be scheduled due to the past due balance on the account. Mr. [redacted] called back on January 19, 2016 for assistance with beeping from the keypad related to the low battery issue. Guardian’s representative assisted Mr. [redacted] in silencing the audible beeping. Mr. [redacted] again requested onsite assistance, however Guardian’s representative politely explained that a payment would need to be remitted before onsite service could be scheduled. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to discuss this matter directly. During that conversation, Guardian offered to schedule a technician to replace the panel battery at no charge to Mr. [redacted]. Guardian also offered to apply a good faith credit to the account in the amount of $140.48. Mr. [redacted] declined the credit to the account however did accept the offer for onsite service. [redacted] has scheduled onsite service to take place on January 29, 2016. Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that the only resolution he would accept is full cancellation of the account effective July 2016, essentially reducing his initial term from five (5) years to two (2) years. Guardian’s representative politely explained that Guardian was unable to accommodate his request.
Guardian apologizes to Mr. [redacted] that its efforts to resolve his concerns have not met his satisfaction. Respectfully, Guardian is unable to cancel Mr. [redacted]s’ Agreement with [redacted] in July 2016 as he has requested. Guardian’s records indicate Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] knowingly and willfully executed a five (5) year Agreement with [redacted]. Guardian believes the resolution offered above to be fair and reasonable to all parties and is hopeful the will concur.
I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you for providing Guardian the opportunity to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Care Department