Guardian Protection Services Inc Reviews (758)
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Address: 174 Thorn Hill Rd, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, United States, 15086-7528
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Review: I signed a contract with Guardian to do constructive wiring in my new home as part of new construction work. I made a large down payment ($1773). The house was completed in Nov 2015. The work and Services I hired Guardian to complete was not done correctly, with many items missing and almost everything that was installed did not work when I moved into the house. I have been working with them the last 7 months to try and resolve and fix the items. They have sent technicians repeatedly, and still not everything was installed. During the entire time, they have repeatedly sent me threatening letters and phone calls trying to collect on the remaining balance, even though work was not done. Time and again, after I called them, they put my account "on hold" until the work could be completed, only to try to collect payment for services not rendered over and over. The original sales agreement was that the balance would be due upon 100% completion. In June 2016, I gave up and told them I would rather take a credit on the remaining items rather than continue to meet technicians who were not able or equipped to complete the installation. Since they had failed to install the wiring correctly during the construction of the house, the remaining work would require pulling cables through the attic, with substantial dry-wall cutting and repairs. I asked for a credit rather than keep trying to resolve it with technicians that weren't equipped to do the work. They offered to give me a $300 credit (out of the $5320). This would have been a balance due of $3247. Even though it would cost me substantially more than that to complete the work, rather than continue to harassment from them, I agreed to the credit. I received an email from them on June 1 2016 that they would make the adjustment to my account and I would receive a corrected statement, but that it would take some time to adjust the statement. I never received the corrected statement. Instead, they turned over the debt in mid-June 2016 to a collection agency, who is now trying to collect $4026.28. That is $777.28 more than what was agreed. I did submit them the full payment of $3247 on top of the deposit, which is more than the amount agreed to for the work that was completed just to be done with them.Desired Settlement: To close my account, accept the payments already made ($5020) and cancel the debt collection action. If not, then they can complete the remaining work that was agreed to, and never completed and I will pay the remaining amount agreed to on the contract, an additional $300, not $777.28. Regardless, the debt they submitted to the collection agency is not a valid debt and it needs to be cancelled.
July 14, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttention: [redacted] 400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Re: [redacted] - Complaint #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint from Ms. [redacted]. Guardian is a customer-focused organization and values the opportunity to address any question or concern. Ms. [redacted]’s letter expresses discontent with the low voltage wiring installed in her new home by Guardian and further expresses frustration that the installation has not been completed. Ms. [redacted] also expresses dissatisfaction related to the collection status of her account. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian’s representative offered to send a technician at no charge to complete the installation of Ms. [redacted]’s low voltage wiring. At the time, Ms. [redacted] explained that completing the installation would result in damage to her home as a wall would need to be torn down to gain access to the proper area. In light of Ms. [redacted]’s unique circumstances, Guardian has agreed to accept Ms. [redacted]’s request to waive the collection fees owed on her account. Additionally, Guardian has confirmed with Ms. [redacted] that she owes no further balance to Guardian. Please be advised that Ms. [redacted] has expressed her satisfaction with the resolution. Guardian sincerely apologizes to Ms. [redacted] for any confusion or inconvenience. Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to clarify this matter for all parties. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]. Sincerely, Andrew A[redacted] Manager Customer Service Department
Review: When the installer from Guardian Protection Services came out to my home, he, as well as Guardian's account team, told me that I was signing a 2-year contract. Fast-forward a year later and I call Guardian to cancel my contract. Guardian informs me that I actually signed a 5-year contract and not a 2-year contract as it was explained to me, and if I wanted to cancel my monitoring service with them I would have to pay my standard monthly fee of $40 for an additional 48 months bringing the cost to $1920!!! $1920 to cancel my monitoring service!? This is absurd! Had I known I was signing a 5-year commitment I would've never signed up for their protection service.Desired Settlement: I only wish to cancel my contract with Guardian Protection Services. Being swindled into a 5-year agreement when the customer is under the impression that they're signing a 2-year agreement is bad business practices. I am not going to pay a 48 month ETF to cancel my monitoring service with Guardian.
May 24, 2016
RE: [redacted] Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating resolution of his concerns.
For background, Guardian initially spoke with Mr. [redacted] on April 8, 2015 at which time he requested activation of the existing system in his new home. After discussing options and equipment with Guardian’s representative, Mr. [redacted] elected to activate the existing system, add a cellular communication device and add a new panel in exchange for a $39.95 monthly fee, with the first five (5) months to be provided at no charge.
To commemorate his decision to engage Guardian, Mr. [redacted] executed a Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) on April 8, 2015. The initial term is clearly designated as sixty (60) months in the Special Conditions section, and in the separate and bolded clause which states, “This is a sixty (60) month monitoring agreement.” The Agreement bears Mr. [redacted]’s initials next to this special bolded section. The Agreement also bears Mr. [redacted]’s signature.
At the time of sale, Mr. [redacted] was provided with three (3) full business days to review, alter or cancel his transaction with Guardian. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged this policy by executing a “Notice of Cancellation” form. Guardian did not receive a written request to cancel from Mr. [redacted] and therefore proceeded to provide, install and activate security equipment. Mr. [redacted]’s system was activated on April 30, 2015.
On May 6, 2016 with forty-nine (49) months remaining in the initial term of his Agreement, Mr. [redacted] requested the cancellation of his account. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted] remained in the initial term of his Agreement and was ineligible to cancel. Mr. [redacted] disputed the initial term of his Agreement. Guardian’s representative reviewed the Agreement and confirmed the initial term to be sixty (60) months. A copy of the Agreement was mailed to Mr. [redacted] for his review.
On May 10, 2016, Mr. [redacted] reiterated his request to cancel the account, stating he believed the initial term to be twenty-four (24) months. Guardian’s representative explained that cancellation could not occur absent payment of an early termination fee. Guardian’s representative provided that amount to be $1,919.52, however offered to discount the amount to $1,300.00 in an effort to assist Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] disputed the amount provided to him and stated he was willing to remit $480.00. Guardian’s representative offered to make a final reduction to the early termination fee and accept $1,100.00 to cancel. Mr. [redacted] declined.
The following day on May 11, 2016, Guardian’s representative contacted Mr. [redacted] and expressed that he had reviewed the telephone interactions between Mr. [redacted] and Guardian from the time of sale. (Due to the nature of Guardian’s business, all telephone calls and interactions are recorded.) As a result, Guardian’s representative confirmed there was no verbal discussion or promise of a (2) year initial term. Mr. [redacted] disputed the information provided to him and Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Respectfully, Guardian is unable to cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account absent payment of an early termination fee. Mr. [redacted] has fulfilled only eleven (11) months of the sixty (60) month initial term. Guardian incurred significant expense by providing, installing and activating Mr. [redacted]’s security system with the expectation to recover that expense over the initial term. It is therefore unreasonable to accommodate Mr. [redacted]’s request to cancel without further payment.
Guardian previously offered to accept a drastically reduced early termination fee in an effort to assist Mr. [redacted] in fulfilling his obligation under the Agreement. Guardian remains willing to accept payment of $1,100.00 to cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account. This offer is extended until close of business on June 22, 2016 after which it will be rescinded. Alternatively, Mr. [redacted] may continue to remit timely monthly payments and enjoy the 24-hour monitoring services to which he contracted until such time that he is eligible to cancel.
Thank you for allowing Guardian the opportunity to clarify the above matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: We signed on with Guardian Protection Services because they offered what seemed to be a good product with good reviews. We signed a 60 month contract that I almost immediately regretted signing. The installers were supposed to be here shortly after we closed on Jan 8. I had to call them several times to get them to follow up once they had our money. They finally credited back our installation fee as they were delayed in installation and having a difficult time getting organized to install the system. I hoped that was not the sign of the things to come as I had been a life long customer of [redacted] since 2000. Our system was installed in late January. In May, the master bedroom window alarm started sending a tamper signal so it would set off the Alarm in the middle of the night and consistently throughout the day. We were advised that we could leave the window open and still use the alarm. We were told we could use the alarm and they would note to disregard if that alarm triggered. I advised that we could not have the alarm sounding for no reason in our neighborhood and was advised it would only sound for 5 minutes. That is not a solution. No one was able to fix the issue over the phone. I called in several times for follow up because they were subcontracting the work out to someone in [redacted] which is over 2.5 hours away. It took multiple calls and being elevated to a supervisor, to get any action. It still took over a month to get someone out to our home to have the the sensor fixed and the alarm working properly. This time they waved our monthly payment. Fast forward to August and here we are again with the tamper alarm going off from the master bathroom window. It has triggered the alarm at 4:00 am,2;30 am and lots of other times randomly. It awakens the kids (4 and 2) because its beeps through out the house. I was finally able to get someone to tell me how to deactivate the beeping but we are not able to use the alarm because the tamper alarm will trigger at random times for no reason. I have called in at least 3-4 times already since Aug 4 to make them aware of the issue and we are still waiting for the technician to come out and fix the system. They have now elevated again for the ticket was put in on August 4. We have not been able to use the alarm and this is a waste of time and money. They have suggestions on how to bypass but that is not providing us with the alarm protection we are paying for. We are not getting the service that we agreed to and feel that is unfair. The only people who are losing are us as the customers of a system that does work as promised by the contract. I am not confident with the system and would like to void the contract. We have been so patient with each issue but this is not fair. It takes multiple calls just to get some one to elevate the ticket but no one cares to do anything to get the issue resolved. I am tired of having to call in to complain about the system malfunctioning. I do no feel they are keeping their side of the contract and their product is substandard.Desired Settlement: I would like them to have a system that works properly or I would like to dissolve the contract. I have done more than my share with paying the bill and calling in to notify them of the issue. They do not fullfill their part of the contract by providing a system that works completely.
From: [redacted]Date: Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:07 PMSubject: Re: Complaint #[redacted]To: [redacted]Hi Ms. [redacted]
Review: On 2/09/16 a representative of Guardian Protection Services came to my residence and stated that [redacted] was going bankrupt in [redacted] and moving out of state. Since he was the same representative that signed me up with [redacted] I believed what he was saying. He proceeded to explain that if I kept my service with [redacted] I would incur out of state charges and would double the monthly cost. He stated that Guardian Protection Services had bought the contracts from [redacted] and if I wanted to keep my security protection I would have to sign a new contract with Guardian. It was a surprise to me to receive statements from both security systems. The representative from [redacted] had left and was now the employee of Guardian Protection Services. When I tried calling the number he wrote for me to call him in case there was a problem was a disconnected number.
I am an 86-year-old disabled woman living on a small fixed income in [redacted] mobile home park and need the security to protect myself and my home.
I have repeatedly spoken with Guardian Protection Services about the fraudulent business practice and was told that the employee was reprimanded and to pay up. If I want to get out of the contract I would have to pay $800.00 to $2500.00 dollars. I can barely afford one alarm system. They are taking my grocery money now to pay for the monthly service payment.
I have repeatedly told them that with business practices such as theirs I could not trust them and prefer to stay with [redacted]. I cannot afford the stress this situation is having on my heart condition. I am bedbound most of day because of pain.
Please help me.Desired Settlement: I want out of the contract as they used fraud in order to have me sign a new contract.
May 26, 2016
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns.
For background, Ms. [redacted]’s security system was sold and installed by [redacted] Security Management, Inc. (“[redacted]”) whereby all aspects of her transaction took place directly with [redacted]. Guardian was not present during any aspect of the sales transaction with Ms. [redacted]. Further, Ms. [redacted]’s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above.
Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business.
Given that the nature of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns relate to the sales transaction which took place directly with [redacted], Guardian notified [redacted] without delay and provided them with a copy of the complaint. [redacted] is a respected firm and has agreed to accept Ms. [redacted]’s request to cancel her account and discontinue 24-hour monitoring and related services. Upon cancellation, Guardian will no longer respond to any signals from Ms. [redacted]’s system. [redacted] has spoken directly with Ms. [redacted] who has confirmed her complete satisfaction with this resolution.
Should you or Ms. [redacted] wish to contact [redacted] directly, they may be reached at: [redacted] Security Management, Inc., [redacted] Telephone: ###-###-####.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide Guardian’s response. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
April M[redacted], Manager
Dealer Operations
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: Since 2 months after we have the service installed, we always been having problem with the door locks due to poor quality that Guardian offers. We have 2 locations that had the same problem with the same service. When we talk to customer care, they said it was due to harsh environment, but they already knew it's for business when I sign up with the service. Now they want to charge me to replace the poor quality door locks that they said was not working due to the harsh condition and somebody slamming the door. Allen was the supervisor and was saying if I cancel the contract, that would be consider breach of contract, how is that possible? I signed up for service that Guardian can't provide, how am I at breaching contract? There's many companies out there be gladly to accept my business, and be able to provide better service and integrity of the business.Desired Settlement: Guardian should fix the problems for both locations at no charge, if not then it should be Guardian who breaches the contract, not me
September 19, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttn: [redacted] 400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: Thank you for forwarding Mr. **’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian values the opportunity to address his concerns. Prior to receipt of your letter, Guardian spoke with Mr. ** on September 7, 2016. During that conversation, Mr. ** disputed that he would be charged to replace the door lock. Guardian’s representative explained that the labor rates had been waived and Mr. ** would only be billed $175 for the replacement door lock. Alternatively, Guardian’s representative offered to replace the door lock at no charge in exchange for a 12-month contract extension. Mr. ** disputed both offers. Finally, Guardian’s representative informed Mr. ** that the door locks could be removed from the account which would reduce the monthly rate by $4/month. Mr. ** declined this option as well. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter. On September 13, 2016, Guardian’s technician arrived onsite as previously scheduled to replace the door lock. Upon arrival, the technician found the door lock to have been replaced with a device not belonging to Guardian. Mr. ** declined to allow Guardian’s technician to perform any work and, as such, the technician left the premises without making any changes. Later that day, Mr. ** contacted Guardian and requested the cancellation of the door lock portion of his Agreement. Guardian informed Mr. ** that the door lock services could be cancelled upon Mr. **’s written authorization and forwarded documentation to Mr. ** for signature. Upon Guardian’s receipt of the executed document from Mr. **, Guardian will cancel the door lock portion of the Agreement as he has requested. Thank you for providing Guardian the opportunity to address Mr. **’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at [redacted], ext. [redacted]. Sincerely, John T[redacted], Manager Customer Care Loyalty Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Regards,
September 27, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttn: [redacted] 400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] Thank you for informing Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Mr. **’s continued dissatisfaction. Guardian apologizes that its efforts to resolve Mr. **’s issues have not met his expectation. Mr. ** previously expressed dissatisfaction with door locks purchased and installed by Guardian at his place of business, stating the door locks were not functioning properly. On September 13, 2016, Guardian dispatched a technician to inspect/repair/replace the door locks. Upon arrival, Guardian’s technician found that the door locks previously installed by Guardian had been removed and replaced by devices purchased by Mr. **. Mr. ** would not permit Guardian’s technician to perform any work at that time. Following the service appointment, Mr. ** requested the cancellation of the door lock portion of his Agreement. Pursuant to his request and the written authorization he provided, Guardian cancelled the door lock portion of Mr. **’s Agreement effective September 27, 2016. Thank you for providing Guardian the opportunity to address Mr. **’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted] Sincerely, John T[redacted], Manager Customer Care Loyalty Department
Review: Utterly displeased with Guardian! I have had security services with this company for 4 years and have made payments consistently. Deemed as a "valued customer" I was offered an upgrade on services in which I accepted in Nov 2015. Continued to make consistent payments on my account in one solid payment which included the monitoring fee and the upgrade fee ($151.64). Early April, I'm ordered to military duty but received an email or account alert stating that a payment or account number for a payment was invalid. I called and spoke with a make representative in reference to the invalid payment and what I could do to fix it. I also requested to have to payments rolled back into one solid payment (monitoring few/upgrade fee) so tthat I could continue to pay everything at once. He stated that $71.23 was due monthly in which I assumed was a result of what I had been paying into for the upgrade fee. Sadly, this was not the case. I also requested that he ensure my cell number was the primary on the account (I requested this many many times) because no one was available to answer the home phone. Really, who even has HOME PHONES today! Moving forward, as I returned back home from military duty earlier this week, I receive a call from a collections company stating that I had not paid for my upgrade service since April! I was floored because I NEVER received a call to my cellphone from Guardian about this. How could the collections agent reach me right away but nobody from Guardian could?? This is because they NEVER called my cell. Now my account is in collections and I'm faced with a collections fee. A customer who faithfully makes payments and has been with the company for 4 years is in collections. I was still paying the $71.23 a month (last paid June 8th) and they still put me in collections!!! Called customer service and I'm the blame. Spoke with a Christy in sales and a Manager Rosiana (?) today June 24 around 8:30am and Rosiana was very unwilling to work with me. She stated, well you could've called us, we don't have your cell on file or You knew what you were supposed to do. I just couldn't believe it! I explained that I always make my payments and had been on military duty away from home. There was nothing she was willing to do for me! Nothing! I offered to pay my balance off if they accepted the collections fee because I really like guardian's security system. I am at a point now where I want to get rid of the program all together because this is not how you treat valued customers or services members who are ordered up at the drop of a hat! Rosiana didn't see it that way though obviously.Desired Settlement: I would like guardian to just let me pay my balance without the collections fee due to their negligence. A call was place by me in April to fix this and I was only set up for a auto pay for 71.23 thinking I was paying for monitoring and the upgrade. There was obviously some misunderstanding because if I was out to not pay or skip out on this bill, I wouldn't have paid at all!!!! If a Soldier is away for duty, can you fault them for not answering a home phone when it was specifically requested that my cell be called. Also, I asked for a manager when I called today and was pretty much forced to talk with Christy for 10minutes until I had to asked again for the 5th time to speak directly with a manager (Rosiana). Hope to hear back very soon or I'm reaching out to [redacted]
July 11, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttention: [redacted]400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Re: [redacted] - Complaint #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and facilitate resolution. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] to discuss her concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian agreed to waive the collection fees associated with the account and allow Ms. [redacted] to continue with the payment arrangements to Guardian. Ms. [redacted] elected to remit full payment of the balance due. Based on the above information, I believe Ms. [redacted]’s issues to be fully resolved. Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]. Sincerely, Sharon G[redacted], Credit Manager Credit & Collections Department
Review: On or about the 25th of April, I allowed Guardian Protection Services to have their home security system installed in my home by an installer from Skyline security installers. I was told that the installer would be technically savvy and there would be no issues converting from ADT to Guardian. Since the installation, my secuirty system has not worked properly. I've called several times and after several weeks the will send an entry level tech out to fix something but still the system doesn't work proper. On or about the 25th of May the young tech came out to fix senors that were malfunctioning. Only 2 of the 3 sensors have been fixed. I began calling again as soon as the problem presented itself again which was a few days after 5/25. I've made now 3 calls to request a replacement sensor and I still have not heard from Guardian Protection Services. I've asked that they honor their promise to remove the system if it didn't work and yet they still have not responded and refuse to honor promotions. I never received my electric contract. And my husband stated that the installer never provided him with a hardcopy. This organization is falsely advertising home security and I no longer feel safe in my own home. I need some assistance in pursuing this issue. I also do now want others to experience this.Desired Settlement: I would like for this company to cancel the 36 month contract I signed with them and for them to remove their equipment from my home so that I may have the [redacted] system that was originally in my home reinstalled. I want this done as soon as possible so that I can resume feeling secure in my own home.
June 30, 2016 of Western PennsylvaniaAttn: [redacted]400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. For background, Ms. [redacted]s security system was sold and installed by [redacted] Security Management, Inc. (“[redacted]”) whereby all aspects of her transaction took place directly with [redacted]. Guardian was not present during any aspect of the sales transaction with Ms. [redacted]. Further, Ms. [redacted]s contractual arrangement is with [redacted], not Guardian. Guardian is simply an agent for [redacted] to provide services for [redacted] customers as described above. Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business. Given that the nature of Ms. [redacted]s concerns relate to the system installation which was conducted by [redacted], Guardian notified [redacted] without delay and provided them with a copy of the complaint. [redacted] immediately reached out to Ms. [redacted] to schedule onsite service. Regretfully, the onsite service appointment could not be conducted as scheduled due to unforeseen circumstances. [redacted] apologized to Ms. [redacted] and offered to reschedule the service appointment. Ms. [redacted] requested that the sensor be mailed directly to her and she will contact [redacted] when she is ready to install the device which [redacted] will assist her with over the telephone. [redacted] is a respected firm and Guardian is confident that [redacted] will continue to work closely with Ms. [redacted] to ensure that all concerns are addressed to her complete satisfaction. Due to the fact Ms. [redacted]s contract is with [redacted] has requested that all future communications regarding this matter be forwarded to them directly. [redacted] may be reached at: [redacted] Security Management, Inc., [redacted]. Telephone: ###-###-####.Thank you for the opportunity to provide Guardian’s response to this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####. Sincerely, April M[redacted], ManagerDealer Operations
Review: While purchasing our first home, we were offered Guardian Protection Services monitoring through the builder. We later met with the Guardian sales representative to discuss the available options. We immediately informed the sale representative that we didn't think that we would need the service, however we would be willing to give it a try for a YEAR. The sales representative NEVER indicated that this would require a 5-year commitment. He quickly moved us through the paperwork and had us sign/initial where needed and briefly explained what each signature/initial was for.
When the credit card we used to pay the bill expired, a little over a year later, we confirmed Guardian that we no longer wanted the service and wanted to cancel. At that time, we were under the impression that the service was discontinued. We later discovered that only the auto-pay feature was discontinued when we continued to receive a bill, and later a collection notice. We made several attempts to contact Guardian, however we never got very far with any representation since we couldn't remember the password on the account.
Once we finally recovered the password, it wasn't until then, that Guardian insisted that the account was not canceled. They indicated that we had signed a 5-year (60 month) agreement. After digging up the paperwork, indeed we saw our initials next to the small print, however when reviewing this section with the sales representation he never mentioned anything.
A quick online search showed that we weren't the first family that this has happened to. As a company, Guardian should be held accountable to the verbal commitments of their sales team, who we as consumers believe, are representing a trust worthy company. Especially a company who is selling protection services to families.Desired Settlement: My desired outcome would be to settle on any outstanding bills and terminate service with no additional cost.
May 19, 2016
RE: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian greatly values the opportunity to provide response and address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.
For background, please note that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] originally met with Guardian in November 2013 to review products and services that were available for their new home, which was under construction at the time. Guardian presented various products and services for their consideration, after which Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] decided to engage Guardian to install electronic security hardware in their new home and provide 24-hour security monitoring services. In order to memorialize the specifics of their transaction with Guardian, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] executed a Builder Division Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) on November 22, 2013 for an initial term of sixty (60) months commencing from the date of the activation of services. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing their initials beside the separate and bolded clause which specifically states, “This is a 60 month monitoring agreement.” Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by affixing their signatures at the bottom of the form.
Mr. [redacted] disputes in his letter that he was informed of the initial term during his sales consultation with Guardian’s representative. Please be assured that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s sales consultant is very aware of Guardian’s policies and procedures as they pertain to all aspects of the sales transaction and in no way sold the system under misleading circumstances. Guardian merely presented low-voltage upgrade options from which Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] selected. After making those selections, which are memorialized in writing and acknowledged by Mr. and Mrs. [redacted], they were provided with three (3) full business days to review, alter or cancel their decisions with respect to any aspect of the transaction with Guardian. Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] did not alter or cancel the engagement of Guardian to provide and install security equipment and activate 24-hour monitoring services and therefore Guardian proceeded to fulfill its obligations as set forth in the Agreement. It should be noted that Guardian would not have provided, installed or activated expensive security equipment had Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] not elected to subscribe to Guardian’s 24-hour monitoring services.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] directly to discuss his concerns. During that conversation, Mr. [redacted] expressed that Guardian’s sales representative promised a one (1) year initial term. Guardian’s representative explained that Guardian does not offer a one (1) year initial term and perhaps Mr. [redacted] had confused the initial term with the builder warranty which is either one (1) or two (2) years. Guardian’s representative apologized for any confusion and explained that Mr. [redacted] had thirty-six (36) months remaining in the initial term of his Agreement therefore he remains ineligible to simply cancel. Guardian’s representative further explained that an early termination fee is required to cancel however that amount may be reduced in a genuine effort to assist Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]. Guardian’s representative also offered to provide and install additional equipment, such as a keypad or window contacts. Mr. [redacted] declined and stated he wished to move forward with cancellation.
Respectfully, Guardian has incurred significant cost by providing and installing expensive electronic security equipment with the expectation to recover those costs over the sixty (60) month initial term. Guardian has not been provided the opportunity to recoup those costs and is therefore unable to cancel without payment of an early termination fee.
The terms of Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s Agreement allow for cancellation of the account prior to the end of the initial term by remitting payment of an early termination fee. In a genuine effort to resolve Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, Guardian will agree to waive any collection fees and accept a drastically reduced early termination fee in the amount of $581.57 to cancel Mr. [redacted]’s account. Upon receipt of payment of the sum of $581.57, Guardian will release Mr. [redacted] from all remaining obligation under the Agreement. Guardian believes the above offer to be fair and reasonable and is hopeful Mr. [redacted] will concur. This offer is extended until close of business on June 16, 2016 after which it will be rescinded.
Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Sharon G[redacted], Credit Manager
Credit & Collections Department
they do not believe they have any problems with their hardware. trying to cancel my services they keep wanting to send a tech who isnt showing up to verify the issue or disconnect my service. I have devices that are showing they are working fine but they are OPEN and the system says theres no issues. great product, great company (feel the sarcasm)
Review: I was at the end of my contact with Guardian. I have 2 accounts with them, one for my home and one for my business. I called on August 27 and informed them that I wanted to cancel my service. I also sent written notice of my cancellation. They continued to send bills for both accounts. I have called more than 10 times in the last 5 months and cannot get them to stop billing me. At first they argued that I signed a 60 month contract. On December 8 I faxed them my contract that clearly states 36 months. It is now April and they continue to send me monthly bills. They sent me a letter threatening to turn me over to a collection agency and turn me in to the credit bureaus. I have done everything as per their contract to cancel and they keep harassing me. Every time I call they say they will get the problem resolved and never they never call back then they send another bill.Desired Settlement: For Guardian to stop fraudulently billing me. To repair any credit bureau issues. Do not contact me again.
May 6, 2016
RE: [redacted] – ID #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Mrs. [redacted]’s complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to clarify this matter for Mrs. [redacted] and to assist in facilitating resolution of her concerns.
For background, Mrs. [redacted]’s initial transaction with Guardian occurred on November 2, 2012 at which time Mr. Mike [redacted] executed an Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) in order to engage monitoring services. The initial term of the Agreement was designated as thirty-six (36) months. The [redacted]s’ system was installed and activated on November 2, 2016.
At the time of sale, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] requested that billing statements be issued on the 26th day of each month. As such, the [redacted]s’ 36-month initial term began on November 26, 2012 which was the date of their first monthly invoice. (The [redacted]s received free monitoring services from November 2, 2012 through November 25, 2012.)
In October 2015, Mrs. [redacted] contacted Guardian and requested the cancellation of their residential account as the [redacted]s had engaged an alternate security provider. Mrs. [redacted] also requested cancellation of the account for their business location. Guardian’s representative explained the maturation date of the initial term on the residence to be November 25, 2015, and further indicated that account could be cancelled effective that date upon payment of $127.62. Guardian’s representative researched the business account and found twenty-five (25) months remaining in the initial term and advised Mrs. [redacted] it was ineligible for cancellation at the present time.
Guardian did not receive final payment to cancel the residential account and pursuant to the terms of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement, the initial term automatically renewed on November 26, 2015.
In December 2015, Mrs. [redacted] provided documentation confirming that the initial term of the business site was thirty-six (36) months, and not sixty (60) months. In light of this documentation, Guardian’s representative explained that cancellation of both the residential account and the business account could be backdated effective November 25, 2015 upon final payment of $127.62 per account which would satisfy the balance due as of that date. Guardian forwarded an invoice to Mr. [redacted] for the final balance due on each account prior to cancellation.
In January 2016, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian to dispute receipt of monthly invoices on the account. Guardian’s representative explained that both accounts could still be cancelled effective November 25, 2015 upon payment of $127.62 per account, and that any remaining balance on the account would be waived. Mr. [redacted] requested that another final invoice be mailed to him for review before remitting final payment. Guardian mailed that invoice on January 5, 2016.
On April 13, 2016, Mrs. [redacted] contacted Guardian to dispute receipt of billing statements. Guardian’s representative reiterated that both accounts could be cancelled effective November 25, 2015 upon payment of $127.62 per account. Because Guardian had not received final payments on the account, monthly invoices continue to be remitted. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] and provided the above explanation again. Mr. [redacted] requested that cancellation for both accounts be backdated to September 2015. Guardian’s representative explained that cancellation could only be backdated to the maturity date of November 25, 2015 as previously offered, and that payment of $127.62 per account was required before cancellation can be processed.
Guardian spoke with Mrs. [redacted] on May 4, 2016 at which time she disputed receipt of ongoing billing statements. Guardian’s representative informed Mrs. [redacted] that both accounts could be cancelled effective November 25, 2015 upon receipt of payment of $127.62 per account; any remaining balance due on the account would then be waived. Guardian’s representative also informed Mrs. [redacted] that the cancellation request would need to be authorized by Mr. [redacted] as the account-holder. Mrs. [redacted] expressed that they would remit final payment on the accounts and that Mr. [redacted] would contact Guardian to finalize cancellation of the account.
As stated above, Guardian will cancel both the residential account and the business account upon receipt of payment of $127.62 for each account. Prior to cancellation, Guardian will need to speak directly with Mr. [redacted] and obtain his signature on the written authorization to terminate services. Mr. [redacted] may contact Guardian at his convenience to finalize cancellation.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this complaint. Should you have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted], Manager
Customer Care Department
Review: I am writing to due to I could not find a corporate telephone number and I feel it’s time for corporate to step in.
Early April I saw an ad for alarm system cameras that now have 24/7 video recording. I currently have cameras but they only record 10 sec clips. so I called my buddy he could hook me up for great price. So being happy with guardian that I have had for many years. I called them to see if they could make me a deal....Sean B[redacted] from Customer Service Loyalty called me and through negotiation I was sent a contract which I signed on april8, 2016. Due to busy schedules we made an agreed install date of Saturday April 30, 2016 between 8-12noon. At 835 the tech called me and asked if I had the parts...I thought this was odd and a little late to be asking this ?..I told him no. he said sometimes they overnight them to the customer or the tech. he was going to go check his location. You would think that having my appointment three weeks out from the contract sign date that this would have been taking care of already. The tech called and told me can't do the install and someone would be in contact with me. No one called I called Sean later that night due to he works Saturdays and he said that the parts would be there Tuesday and that we could schedule another install date. I was pretty upset and the whole thing and the lack of follow through. No one called later that week and I called Wednesday and they confirmed the parts got there Tuesday and they were waiting for the tech to confirm.....really pick up a [redacted] phone and call him. Friday I called the tech had confirmed that morning the parts were there. we rescheduled for May 21, 2016 due to I was too busy the next two weekends. The night of the 20th I got a call from Mary L[redacted] the same department as Sean and told me that they were not coming due to the new tech they scheduled didn't have the parts. At this point and am very mad and I was probably a little rude to miss Mary. I told her this is a joke and that guardian doesn't give a crap about their customer. They had three weeks to monitor this and get it right. Through lots of conversation I told her I better see someone next Saturday then and better not mess it up. Due to following weeks being obligated I canceled a camping trip I had for Memorial weekend to be here for the tech. Mary finally called me Wednesday and told me the tech would be here between 8-9 on Saturday May 28, 2016. I told her that I would accept that and I don't know why but give guardian one more chance and if everything went ok I would let it go and be ok. However, I did warn her that if it didn't, quote “she thought I was mad before." The first mess up they did give me two free months of service and the second after some pushing Mary did do the same. Well the Tech showed up this morning May 28, 2016 and he didn't have the right parts.....the work order clearly shows 1 indoor pan and tilt and three outdoor cameras and they sent 3 indoor cameras..he did say he tried when they found out Thursday night to fix it and never got anything from anyone at guardian...he even tried locally and they didn't have any in stock...he was very nice said he would gladly stay and install the alarm but informed me I would lose 3 cameras, I would only have the pan and tilt...through discussion and being very mad now..( lucky I know this tech and we get along good he was able to calm me) I turned him away and we did no install until guardian can get it right.....I am disgusted with how I have been treated as a longtime customer and honestly don't even know what to say anymore.....Desired Settlement: I think the job needs to get done right. The tech himself said he was going to try to fix it and maybe come Tuesday or Wednesday and I am going to let him in my home when I am at work. I feel that I am being thrown free service as a fix needs to go way beyond that now......due to all the aggravation and me having to call everyone due to no one calls me...I think would like the $300 that I was going to have to pay for the DVR taken care of.....also I would like a thermostat installed without a additional monthly charge and few more months of free service.....You guys ruined my entire memorial Weekend plans for nothing....
June 10, 2016
RE: [redacted], Case #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for informing Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Guardian values Mr. [redacted] as a customer and appreciates the opportunity to address this matter.
Guardian sincerely apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for any inconvenience related to his recent onsite service appointments. In light of Mr. [redacted]’s recent experiences, Guardian has agreed to provide and install an SVR unit and a thermostat at no charge to Mr. [redacted] and for no additional fee to his monthly rate. Mr. [redacted] has accepted Guardian’s offer and expressed his satisfaction with this resolution.
Guardian is currently working with Mr. [redacted] to schedule onsite service to install the above-referenced devices. Please be assured that Guardian will continue to work closely with Mr. [redacted] to ensure that onsite service is conducted and this matter is finalized in a timely manner. Guardian appreciates the opportunity to regain Mr. [redacted]’s trust in the services we provide.
Thank you for allowing Guardian to address Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted] Manager
Customer Care Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Guardian now is going above and beyond to take care of my concerns with the service I had received.
Review: We were customers for several years. We upgraded our alarm system and paid for the installation and equipment. The installer asked me to sign the work order which I was told was just to confirm that the work was done.
We have moved and do not have any alarm system. I called to cancel the service and was told that I agreed to a contract through 2019. I am getting monthly called saying payments are overdue and that they will not let me cancel.
There have been many other complaints of a similar nature, including ones listed on your site. This appears to be a pattern of customers being mislead. We had previously been with another company which had a year to year contract. 5 years is just so far out of the norm, especially if someone moves. The company has been defiant and rude.Desired Settlement: I would like them to stop calling and billing and negate the so-called contract
October 18, 2016 Revdex.comAttn[redacted] 400 Holiday Drive, Suite 220Pittsburgh, PA 15220 RE: [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted] Thank you for informing Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of Mr. [redacted]s concerns. Guardian appreciates the opportunity to provide response and clarify this matter for all parties. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian conducted a thorough review of Mr. [redacted]s account and all telephone interactions. (Due to the nature of Guardian’s business, all telephone calls are recorded.) For background, Mr. [redacted]s initial transaction with Guardian occurred on December 7, 2010 at which time he executed a Residential Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) in order to engage Guardian's services. The initial term of the Agreement was for a period of sixty (60) months. On April 29, 2015, Guardian spoke with Mrs. [redacted] and reviewed with her that her security equipment was in need of an upgrade to a newer version of cellular communication due to the cell company recently upgrading their equipment from 2G to 4G. Guardian’s representative offered to replace the equipment at no charge to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] in exchange for execution of a new 44-month agreement. Guardian’s representative explained to Mrs. [redacted] that a Residential Addendum outlining the 44-month initial term and monthly rate would be forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] via email for them to review and electronically execute. Mrs. [redacted] acknowledged her understanding and scheduled the upgrade to take place on June 20, 2015. The following day on April 30, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian to verify that the telephone call between Guardian and Mrs. [redacted] on April 29th was valid. Guardian’s representative confirmed that Mr. [redacted]s security equipment did indeed require an upgrade to the 4G network and confirmed the service appointment scheduled for June 20, 2015. Mr. [redacted] indicated that he had not yet received the email from Guardian which contained the new Residential Addendum. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted] should receive the electronic document within the next several days. Guardian’s records indicate the Residential Addendum was emailed to Mr. [redacted] on April 30, 2015 at 5:05pm EST. Guardian’s records further indicate that Mr. [redacted] electronically accessed the document by entering his security password on April 30, 2015 at 5:21pm EST. The document was electronically signed by Mr. [redacted] and emailed back to Guardian on April 30, 2015 at 5:22pm EST. Mr. [redacted]s system was upgraded as scheduled on June 20, 2015. On July 20, 2016 with thirty-three (33) months remaining in the initial term of his Agreement, Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that he was moving from the monitored premises. Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted] remained within the initial term of his Residential Addendum and was ineligible to cancel the account. Guardian’s representative further explained that Mr. [redacted] could transfer services to his new home, or that the new homeowner could activate services under a new agreement which would relieve Mr. [redacted] from any remaining obligation. Mr. [redacted] stated that he was building a new home which would not be complete for several months. Guardian’s representative offered to freeze billing on the account for up to six (6) months to allow Mr. [redacted] time to complete construction on his new home. Mr. [redacted] wished to consider options and follow up at a later date. On July 25, 2016, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and requested that monitoring services be discontinued at the premises. Pursuant to his request, Guardian placed the system out of service effective August 4, 2016, however informed Mr. [redacted] that billing would continue through the end of the initial term. On August 29, 2016, Guardian spoke with Mrs. [redacted] to inquire about the status of relocation. Mrs. [redacted] indicated she had received an offer from a competitor with a lower monthly rate. Guardian offered to match the competitor’s rate in exchange for a new thirty-six (36) month agreement. Mrs. [redacted] requested time to consider the offer. Guardian spoke with Mr. [redacted] several times in September 2016 regarding the status of his account. Mr. [redacted] disputed receipt of billing statements after moving from the monitored premises. Guardian presented several options to Mr. [redacted] in an effort to assist him in fulfilling his obligation under the Agreement however Mr. [redacted] declined all options. Guardian later spoke with Mr. [redacted] on October 5, 2016 and again explained that billing will continue through the end of the initial term. Mr. [redacted] requested no further telephone calls from Guardian. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter. Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian reached out to Mr. [redacted] to discuss his concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian explained that the remaining term is related to the Upgrade Addendum which Mr. [redacted] executed on April 30, 2015 for the 2G/4G upgrade. Mr. [redacted] did not recall the document and Guardian offered to send a copy to him. After forwarding the document to Mr. [redacted], Guardian made several attempts to reach Mr. [redacted] to ensure he received the Residential Addendum and to discuss this matter further. To date, Mr. [redacted] has not returned the telephone messages left for him by Guardian. Mr. [redacted]s letter states he was unaware he was extending the term of his Agreement upon upgrading his security equipment in April 2015. Respectfully, Guardian finds this statement to be inaccurate. Our review into Mr. [redacted]s account revealed that Mrs. [redacted] verbally acknowledged the 44-month term during the telephone conversation with Guardian on April 29, 2015. Further, the Residential Addendum executed by Mr. [redacted] clearly sets forth the initial term in the Special Terms and Conditions section which states, “The current term of the Agreement will begin as of the date hereof and continue for 44 months hereafter.” Based on the above information, Guardian is respectfully unable to cancel Mr. [redacted]s account without further payment. Notwithstanding, in a good faith effort to bring this matter to swift resolution, Guardian will agree to accept a 50% reduction to the early termination fee in the amount of $700 to cancel Mr. [redacted]s account. This offer is extended to Mr. [redacted] until close of business on November 18, 2016 after which the offer will be rescinded. Guardian believes this offer to be fair and reasonable and remains hopeful Mr. [redacted] will concur. Thank you for allowing Guardian to address this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]. Sincerely, Kathleen V[redacted], Director Account Management Department
Review: On 02/06/13 I signed a 3 year monitoring agreement with Guardian Protection Services (company). The agreement on its face shows only the monthly fee of $39.95 and $127.50 for additional equipment. Likewise, the "residential site survey" shows only the cost related to the additional equipment. When I originally signed the agreement, [redacted] the salesman, told me that if I moved, the service could be transferred to my new address. Likewise, the agreement I signed states that with the consent of the company, which cannot be unreasonably withheld, the agreement can be transferred. On 02/14/15 I called the Account Management office and spoke with [redacted] about transferring service because I had just moved. Mr. [redacted] was not able to complete the transfer. On 02/18/15 I spoke with [redacted] in the same office and he informed me that I would need to send in a form to cancel the alarm monitoring at my old address, which I did. On 02/19/15 I again spoke with Mr. [redacted] and he informed me that my service could not be transferred and that I would have to sign a new contract. I informed him that I did not want to sign a new agreement but rather transfer my existing agreement. On 02/20/15, Mr. [redacted]' manager, [redacted], spoke with me and agreed to transfer my existing agreement and told me that Mr. [redacted] would call me the next day, which he never did. After multiple weeks of phone calls and emails, and after the company trying to tack on extra fees not in the agreement I signed, and learning that I would not be reimbursed for the service that I did not receive from February 18th to the present, in an email dated 03/02/15 I asked Mr. [redacted] to cancel my service according to the terms of the agreement I signed. On 03/07/15, I spoke with [redacted] another manager in the Account Management office and she informed that total amount needed to cancel my service was larger than what my agreement stated. When I informed her of the discrepancy she rudely told me that I was wrong and that she would call her lawyers. When I asked her about the fact that I was paying for services I was not receiving, she told me that I had to pay a fee and that the company did not have to provide me with any services. [redacted] told me she would call me back after she had spoken with her lawyers, and I have not spoken to her since.Desired Settlement: Guardian Protection Services is in material breach of the contract I signed for alarm monitoring service, therefore I would like a refund for the days I paid in February for alarm monitoring that I did not receive and for my obligation to pay any future fees to Guardian Protection Services be canceled so that I am free to seek services from a different vendor.
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and clarify this matter for all parties.
Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian conducted a thorough review of its records and Mr. [redacted]’s account. For background, Mr. [redacted]’s initial transaction with Guardian occurred on February 8, 2013 at which time he executed a Residential Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) in order to engage Guardian's services. The initial term of the Agreement was for a period of thirty-six (36) months. Mr. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing his initials beside the separate and bolded clause which specifically states, “This is a 36 month monitoring agreement.” Mr. [redacted] also executed the Agreement by affixing his signature at the bottom of the form.
In February 2015 with twelve (12) months remaining in the initial term of his Agreement, Mr. [redacted] advised Guardian that he was moving and wished to activate the existing security system in his new home. Guardian’s representative offered to take over the existing system, replace the keypad and replace the security panel at no cost to Mr. [redacted] in exchange for a new 36-month Monitoring Agreement. Mr. [redacted] stated he did not wish to execute a 36-month Agreement and requested that Guardian transfer the remaining 12 months in his initial term to the new home. Guardian’s representative explained that in order to activate services at the new residence, a new monitoring agreement is required to reflect the actual monitored site. Additionally, there is a cost associated with replacing the keypad and panel which can be offset by executing a new 36-month Agreement. In an effort to earn Mr. [redacted]’s satisfaction, Guardian offered to activate the existing system for the twelve (12) months remaining in Mr. [redacted]’s initial term at billable rates for installation and equipment. Mr. [redacted] expressed interest in this offer and further requested pricing information for additional equipment.
Pursuant to Mr. [redacted]’s request, Guardian offered to take over the existing system, install one (1) new keypad, one (1) new security panel, three (3) glass break sensors and one (1) cellular communication unit. Guardian presented three (3) options to Mr. [redacted], as follows:
1) 12-month Agreement + $195 relocation fee + $915 equipment = $1,110 installed.
2) 36-month Agreement + $195 relocation fee + $0 equipment = $195 installed.
3) 60-month Agreement + $0 relocation fee + $0 equipment = $0 installed.
Upon receipt of the above options, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and indicated he would execute a new 36-month Agreement however requested that Guardian waive the $195 installation fee. In good faith, Guardian agreed to accommodate Mr. [redacted]’s request. Shortly thereafter, Mr. [redacted] informed Guardian that he was no longer agreeable to adding time to his initial term nor did he wish to remit payment of the relocation fee and/or the costs associated with additional equipment. Mr. [redacted] further requested to remit the early termination fee to cancel his account.
On March 5, 2015, Guardian’s supervisor contacted Mr. [redacted] to review his concerns. During that conversation, Guardian’s supervisor explained the terms of the early termination fee as set forth in his Agreement and provided Mr. [redacted] with the amount he would need to remit in order to cancel his account. Guardian’s supervisor also stated that it was Guardian’s desire to maintain Mr. [redacted] as a customer and reiterated that the relocation offers presented to him were very generous. Mr. [redacted] disputed the early termination amount provided to him and requested that his Agreement terms be reviewed by Guardian’s legal counsel. Guardian’s supervisor expressed she would relay Mr. [redacted]’s concerns to the legal team and would contact him when she had received the attorney’s response. Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
Mr. [redacted]’s letter asserts that Guardian is “in material breach of contract.” With all due respect, Guardian finds this statement to be false. Guardian has at all times honored its obligation under the Agreement and respectfully expected Mr. [redacted] to reciprocate by remitting timely monthly payments until the end of his initial term. Upon notification that Mr. [redacted] was moving from the monitored premises, Guardian made every reasonable effort to assist Mr. [redacted] in fulfilling his obligation under the Agreement by presenting several good faith relocation options. Unfortunately, Mr. [redacted] rejected all offers of assistance.
While Guardian maintains its legal right to pursue fulfillment of the initial term of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement, in order to satisfy the complaint Guardian has agreed to accept Mr. [redacted]’s request to cancel his account. Mr. [redacted]’s account was terminated effective March 11, 2015. As such, Mr. [redacted] will receive no further billing statements from Guardian. Guardian has also reviewed Mr. [redacted]’s request for reimbursement and respectfully finds his request to be unwarranted at this time.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]
[redacted], Director
Account Management Department
Review: We have had Guardian for approx. 2 1/2 years. During the holidays we had trouble with the system, the touch screen to the control panel was unresponsive. We were given a month's credit for waiting until after the holidays for a service call. The tech responding to the first service call on 1/14/2016 seemed to be inexperienced and had difficulty with the setup as installed in our home. He changed the control panel and told us that the sensors were not communicating with the new control panel because they were made by 2 different companies and the "translator" unit was not working. He said that he could change the sensors and I asked if there was going to be any charge. He said he thought so and I told him that I would not approve any work that would be charged. He left advising us that another service call would need to be scheduled. Another call was scheduled for late January, but no tech showed up. We were told by customer service that the tech was in [redacted] for training and were given credit for another month's service for the inconvenience. A second service call was completed on 2/15/2016 and the tech on that call was able to fix the alarm system.
When I called to inquire about the credits to the account I was advised that the credit for the first month's service was applied to the $600 charge for the new control panel. I was never advised of nor did I authorize any charges. The work orders for the 2 calls have clearly marked and highlighted boxes for charges; both of these are blank. I am retired and on a fixed income, this surprise charge creates a hardship for me. I have also been told that there is record of a third service call; I can assure you that there was no third service call. Now my bill appears to be charging me for an additional month's service instead of crediting me for the 2 months I was offered. The reason I was given for the charge for the new control panel was the proximity of a slow cooker. The slow cooker is approx. 8 inches away from the control panel and well constructed-I can hold my hand on the outside of the cooker while it's in use. The slow cooker was in place when the system was first installed and the installation tech never advised us to move it. I would have done so if he had.Desired Settlement: Credit for the 2 month's service as promised, correction of account records to reflect the 2 service calls that actually occurred, and a waiver of the charges for replacing the equipment.
March 15, 2016
Re: [redacted] - Complaint #[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response and facilitate resolution of Mr. [redacted]’s concerns.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to address his concerns directly. During that conversation, Guardian’s representative explained that Mr. [redacted] did not subscribe to Guardian’s Extended Repair Agreement and, as such, all onsite service is billable at Guardian’s standard service rates, plus the cost of parts. Guardian’s representative further explained that the $650.86 invoice received for onsite service represented the cost for the new panel plus labor costs. Guardian also confirmed that Mr. [redacted] was not billed for the return service appointment. In a genuine effort to satisfy Mr. [redacted], Guardian’s representative offered to apply a credit to his account in the amount of $218.53, waiving the cost of labor plus tax for the onsite service appointment. Guardian’s representative also confirmed that a credit of $55.99 was applied to the account on February 8, 2016, and an additional credit of $55.99 was applied to the account on February 24, 2016. Finally, Guardian’s representative offered to send Mr. [redacted] a copy of his A/R history to explain how the credits were applied to the account. Mr. [redacted] accepted the credits and the offer to forward a copy of his A/R history.
Based on the above information, Guardian believes this matter has been resolved to Mr. [redacted]’s satisfaction.
Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
Andrew A[redacted] Manager
Customer Care Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I do not agree with their billing practices, but accept the resolution that has been offered.
Review: In 2012 my husband sought the services of an alarm company to replace our former system. He signed a contract with Guardian protection services. (The contract says that I, as the joint owner of the home, am also legally obligated to pay despite the fact that I never signed the agreement.) He has paid his monthly fees since the time the alarm was installed. In late August, he was told by his employer that he would be moving out of NJ to CA. He notified Guardian that he would be moving and requested that he be allowed to terminate the contract. He was told by Guardian that he had to pay the contract in full (make three more years of payments through 2017) despite the fact that the house is sold and he cannot even benefit from the services. When asked for a copy of the contract, we were given a copy that was not even duly executed (no signatures by them.) Guardian has refused to work with us and not only is this bad business but deceptive business practices as it is an impossibility for him to receive services any longer.Desired Settlement: Cancellation of the existing contract
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting Ms. [redacted]
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] directly to facilitate resolution of her concerns. While Guardian maintains its legal right to pursue fulfillment of the initial term of Mr. [redacted]’s Agreement, in order to bring swift resolution to this matter and in good faith Guardian has agreed to accept the [redacted]s’ request to cancel the account. Upon receipt of Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s written authorization to cancel, the account will be terminated immediately and they will receive no further billing statements from Guardian. Ms. [redacted] has expressed her satisfaction with this resolution.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted]
[redacted], Director
Account Management Department
Review: Our alarm system has been down for a couple of days. I called them twice already to try and get somebody out here to fix the problem. Twice they told me they reported it already to their contracted service company. I still have not heard from anyone, yet. We are not in a very safe neighborhood, and we need our medical clinic secured, especially overnight. By the way, we only had this alarm system for a month. The guy I talked to the first time tried to charge me for the service call. I had to argue with him so I don't get charge for the call. Maybe that's the reason they're not coming out?Desired Settlement: dependabe security system, and peace of mind. and to be fair, some kind of credit for the time we were not protected and the anxiety this is causing us.
July 1, 2015 of Western Pennsylvania
Attn: [redacted]
RE: [redacted] – Complaint ID #[redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding [redacted]’s complaint to Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”). Guardian welcomes the opportunity to provide response and assist in facilitating resolution to his concerns.
[redacted]’s letter expresses discontent with the delay in scheduling onsite service at his place of business. Guardian has reviewed its records and found that prior to receipt of [redacted]’s complaint, Guardian conducted onsite service at the premises on June 23, 2015. During the service visit, the technician found the telephone had been removed from the security system. The technician reconnected the telephone to the system and confirmed receipt of all signals in Guardian’s central monitoring station. Said service appointment was conducted at no charge to [redacted].
Guardian apologizes to [redacted] for any inconvenience. As a gesture of good faith, Guardian has applied a credit to [redacted]’s account equal to two (2) months of monitoring services. Guardian has since been in contact with [redacted] who has expressed his complete satisfaction with this resolution. Guardian appreciates the opportunity to continue serving [redacted]’s security needs.
Thank you for informing Guardian of this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at [redacted].
Bill K[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: I signed a sales and monitoring agreement with Guardian Protection for services to be performed at my home in Savannah, GA. The term was for five years. I sold my house after three years, contacted Guardian that I had sold my house and they discontinued the monitoring services at that address. They continued to bill my credit card for the monthly service amount after I had closed on my house and relocated to another state. I spoke with an agent regarding the billing and was told I had a 5-year contract and was required to pay the remaining 27 months of the 5 year monitoring agreement. I asked for a copy of the contract and agent emailed it to me. The agreement specifically states that the agreement is between Guardian Protection Services and me and for services to be performed at the address of the monitoring services. Because Guardian Protection Services discontinued monitoring the security system at the address for the address on the agreement and the house that I no longer owned, the terms of the agreement were void and no longer valid. I protested the billings to my credit card company and my charge card credited my account for 3 months of Guardian billings and discontinued allowing them to charge my credit card. If Guardian had a legitimate agreement, Guardian could have stated their case to my credit card account. However, Guardian did not reply to credit card dispute and falsely reported this fabricated debt to a collection agency, who in turn, sent collection notices to people's addresses where I have never resided but have at one time had the same last name. Now I have people (who know me) forwarding to me Guardian's lawyer's collection notices that have been sent to them with no viable current connection to them or their address. Now I look like a dead beat who doesn't pay her bills to people who have had no connection with me for almost 20 years. There may be more notices to other addresses that don't know how to contact me.Desired Settlement: I want Guardian Protection to honor their agreement. They voided their agreement by no longer providing services at this address with this homeowner. They are to withdraw this fabricated receivable and collection notice and contact any credit reporting agencies to delete it from my credit report and submit to me any addresses their collection agent sent this collection notice.
Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint and values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of facilitating resolution and clarifying this matter for all parties.
Guardian has conducted a thorough review of the above account and offers the following information. For background, Ms. [redacted] entered into an Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement (“Agreement”) with Guardian on January 8, 2011 for an initial term of five (5) years. Ms. [redacted] acknowledged the term of the Agreement by affixing her signature at the bottom of the form.
On October 23, 2013 with twenty-seven (27) months remaining in the initial term of her Agreement, Ms. [redacted] informed Guardian that she was moving from the premises. Guardian’s representative properly informed Ms. [redacted] that the initial term of her Agreement had not yet been satisfied and in order to terminate her Agreement prior to the end of its initial term, payment of an early termination fee was required. In an effort to assist Ms. [redacted] in fulfilling her obligations under the Agreement, Guardian offered to transfer her services to her new residence under a new Agreement. Guardian also explained that should the purchaser of her home elect to activate monitoring services under a new Agreement, Ms. [redacted]’s Agreement would be satisfied. Ms. [redacted] requested that Guardian contact the new homeowners to determine if they would elect to take over the monitoring services.
As promised, Guardian contacted the new homeowners who expressed they were not interested in activating 24-hour monitoring services. Guardian spoke with Ms. [redacted] on January 28, 2014 and informed her of the status of her account. Ms. [redacted] disputed the initial term of her Agreement and Guardian provided Ms. [redacted] with a copy of same. Guardian again offered to relocate monitoring services to Ms. [redacted]’s new residence to assist her in fulfilling her obligation under the Agreement. Guardian quoted the early termination fee and offered to discount the fee in an effort to facilitate resolution. Unfortunately, Ms. [redacted] rejected all offers presented by Guardian.
Upon receipt of your letter, Guardian contacted Ms. [redacted] directly. In a good faith effort to satisfy Ms. [redacted] and bring swift resolution to her concern, Guardian offered to accept one-half of the early termination fee. Ms. [redacted] again rejected Guardian’s offer.
Ms. [redacted] has asserted her belief that the Agreement became void upon termination of monitoring services at her former premises and specifically expressed “there is nothing in your agreement that states there are any obligations other than that you are to provide services at that address. Nothing in the agreement states that I was required to continue to pay for services that were not provided at that address”. It is important to note this is specifically addressed in Section 12 of Ms. [redacted]k’s Agreement, which clearly states, “Your obligations under this Agreement continue even if You sell or leave the Premises.”
Respectfully, Guardian has assessed this matter and made reasonable attempts to satisfy Ms. [redacted] and assist her in fulfilling her Agreement. Ms. [redacted]’s request to cancel her account without further payment is an unreasonable request. Guardian agreed to provide services under a mutually binding Agreement for an initial term of five (5) years. Guardian at all times has fulfilled its obligations under said Agreement with the anticipation that Ms. [redacted] would reciprocate.
As a final gesture of good faith to bring this matter to closure, Guardian’s offer to accept a 50% reduction to the early termination fee remains available. This reduction amount has been provided to Ms. [redacted]. This offer is extended to Ms. [redacted] until close of business on July 25, 2014 after which it will be rescinded. Guardian believes this offer to be fair and reasonable and is hopeful Ms. [redacted] will concur.
I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you for informing Guardian of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
[redacted], Assistant Credit Manager
Credit & Collections Department
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Complaint about Guardian Protection Services
Guardian discontinues monitoring service but requires monthly fee to be paid Authorized Dealer Sales and Monitoring Agreement
1. Article A states an agreement was made on January 11, 2011 between Guardian Protective Services, Inc (“Guardian”) and customer for services at stated address.
2. Article C states that services are for monitoring. Guardian Services made no installation of any equipment at this address as the alarm system was installed at this address when house was built in 2005.
3. Article D states the recurring fee for Monthly Services Fee is $54.95.
4. Article E states that “For services identified in “C”... the initial term is five years...”
On November 8, 2013, Guardian discontinued monitoring services at the stated address on the agreement of January 11, 2011.
The customer had sold the house at the agreement's stated address on November 8, 2013 and Guardian discontinued monitoring services, thereby voiding the contractual agreement between Guardian and the customer as stated in Article A, C, and E.
The consideration of the agreement was no longer being honored, therefore, cancelling and voiding all articles of the agreement.
However, Guardian contends that in Section 12 of the “General Terms and Agreements” that “Your [customer] obligations under this agreement continue even if You sell or leave the Premises”.
Section 12 directly contradicts Articles A, C, & D of the agreement between Guardian and customer that customer will pay $54.95for alarm monitoring services provided by Guardian at stated address.
Guardian was no longer providing any services therefore customer was no longer incurring an obligation to Guardian Protection.
Additionally, Guardian turns over to a collection agency this falsely fabricated accounts-receivable, now considered a “bad debt”. The agency then sends a collection letter in my name to an address where I have never resided. The address is the home of my former husband who built a new house on this vacant property address approximately 12 years ago. We have been divorced for 18 years. This action indicates Guardian Protection and its agents have violated The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC Section 1692c. I have no way of knowing how many other collection letters have been sent in my name to other addresses by Guardian and its agents. Guardian had my correct mailing address and never once sent a collection letter to my address that I had left on record with them.
Also, Guardian has now falsely fabricated a “bad debt” that can be considered an uncollectible account receivable and recorded as an expense on their income statement thereby reducing their net income and their US Internal Revenue Service income tax obligation.
Guardian Protection has become a fraudulent and corrupt business that writes conflicting, contradictory, and ambiguous agreements that violate the ultimate intent of a reasonable agreement between a service contractor and a consumer.
Review: Company admitted several time that they were aware that my alarm could not be turned on because it made a fast clicking noise when plugged in, yet they sent a service person anyway. The Sales person called me three times including once from a private phone line. Guardian Protection Services sent a service agent to my home who didn't know the basics about my security system or turning it on, he was in my home for only ten minutes (most of that was his apologizing) and sat in his car outside my home for over an HOUR - and charged me for the overtime! He admitted that no work was done, yet he asked me to sign the work order which stated that he completed the work including the extra time, by telling me not to read it! The home office has continued to harass me and bill me EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT A CUSTOMER AND NEVER SIGNED A CONTRACT. No service was provided.Desired Settlement: I disputed their charge on my credit card and won. I want this company to stop billing me and stop sending collection notices.
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced complaint. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of clarifying this matter for all parties.
Upon receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s letter, Guardian conducted an extensive review of Mr. [redacted]’s account and all telephone conversations with Guardian. (Please be advised that due to the nature of Guardian’s business, Guardian records all customer telephone calls and interactions.) As a result, Guardian offers the following information:
Mr. [redacted] first contacted Guardian on October 11, 2013 to inquire how to activate the existing system in his home. After researching our records, Guardian determined that the system in Mr. [redacted]’s residence was not previously monitored or installed by Guardian. Guardian offered to send a sales representative to Mr. [redacted]’s home to evaluate if the existing system could be taken over and monitored by Guardian. Mr. [redacted] declined at that time.
Later that day on October 11, 2013, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian and indicated he would like to turn the security system on and determine whether he likes it before becoming a monitored customer. Guardian explained that onsite service could be scheduled at standard technician fees to power up the security system. Guardian’s representative quoted the service rates of $85 for the first half-hour, $17.50 for each quarter hour, plus parts. Mr. [redacted] accepted the service rates as quoted. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that an account would need to be established prior to scheduling onsite service and that he would contact Mr. [redacted] shortly to schedule an appointment once his information has been added to Guardian’s system. Guardian’s representative further informed Mr. [redacted] that prior to scheduling service, Guardian will require a deposit payment in the amount of $85 for the first half-hour of the onsite service appointment. Mr. [redacted] consented to the deposit.
On October 15, 2013, Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] to indicate that no appointments were currently available however Guardian will contact him shortly to schedule onsite service. Mr. [redacted] expressed his understanding and appreciation.
Guardian contacted Mr. [redacted] on October 22, 2013 to advise that onsite service appointments were now available. Mr. [redacted] provided Guardian with his credit card information and remitted a deposit in the amount of $85 for the first half-hour of the service appointment. A service appointment was scheduled for October 28, 2013.
Guardian’s technician arrived for the onsite service appointment as scheduled on October 28, 2013. Upon arrival, the technician discovered that the security panel was locked out. Guardian’s technician attempted to restore the panel to default settings but was unable to do so as the panel was locked out in an “armed” status. Guardian’s technician consulted with Guardian’s Tech Support team and confirmed that without an arm/disarm code to disarm the system the technician was unable to reprogram the panel. The technician presented Mr. [redacted] with his findings and provided Mr. [redacted] with a service work order which explained his conclusions. The service work order reflected a final bill of $109.68 ($85 for first half-hour + $17.50 for one quarter-hour + plus $7.18 tax.) Mr. [redacted] expressed dissatisfaction with the charges.
Shortly after the technician’s departure from the premises, Mr. [redacted] contacted Guardian on October 28, 2013 to dispute the charges for the onsite service appointment. Mr. [redacted] further expressed that he previously informed Guardian of the panel’s lock-out status prior to scheduling the onsite service appointment. Guardian’s representative informed Mr. [redacted] that she would request a review of all telephone calls with Mr. [redacted] prior to scheduling onsite service and if it was determined that Guardian was previously informed of the panel’s lock-out status, the billing would be adjusted.
Guardian conducted the research of the telephone interactions as promised and contacted Mr. [redacted] with its findings on October 30, 2013. Guardian’s representative explained to Mr. [redacted] that all calls revealed no discussion regarding the panel’s lock-out status or that the panel was emitting a “clicking” sound. As such, Guardian could have no prior knowledge that the panel was locked out until the technician’s onsite assessment. In a genuine effort to assist Mr. [redacted], Guardian’s representative offered to contact the service technician to clarify the charges of $109.68. Mr. [redacted] indicated he would not make payment and the call was abruptly terminated.
On October 31, 2013, Guardian applied a credit to Mr. [redacted]’s account as a courtesy in the amount of $24.68 representing the billing of $17.50/ quarter hour + $7.18 tax. Upon Guardian’s application of this credit, no further balance was due on Mr. [redacted]’s account. Guardian attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] to advise him of the credit however was unable to reach Mr. [redacted] and was further unable to leave him a voicemail message.
On December 3, 2013, Guardian received notification that the deposit of $85 remitted by Mr. [redacted] on October 22, 2013 had been reversed by Mr. [redacted]’s credit card company. Shortly thereafter, Guardian provided Mr. [redacted] with written notification informing him of the status of his account.
On January 27, 2014, Mr. [redacted] spoke with Guardian and again disputed the charges associated with the onsite service appointment. Guardian reviewed its previous findings and explained that Mr. [redacted] verbally agreed to remit a non-refundable deposit of $85 prior to scheduling onsite service. The call was abruptly terminated and Guardian received the subject complaint shortly thereafter.
In summary, Guardian conducted extensive research into all telephone interactions with Mr. [redacted] and has confirmed that Guardian was not aware of the panel’s lock-out status prior to the technician’s arrival at the service appointment on October 28, 2013. As a courtesy and in an effort to satisfy Mr. [redacted], Guardian previously waived a portion of the charges associated with the onsite service appointment. Guardian hopes Mr. [redacted] can understand that it deployed financial resources and expended labor hours to establish an account for Mr. [redacted] and conduct onsite service at his request. Further, Mr. [redacted] verbally consented to the service rates prior to scheduling onsite service. As such, Guardian respectfully finds the charges assessed to Mr. [redacted] to be fair and reasonable.
I am hopeful the above information has assisted to clarify this matter for all parties. Thank you for the opportunity to address Mr. [redacted]’s complaint. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Department
Review: On 09/03/2013 [redacted] came to my door introducing Alarm Systems. I had just spendt 12 hours in the Emergency Room at the hospital and wasn't feeling well. I'm currently 91 yrs old. [redacted] seemed like a nice young mans so I let him in and he proceeded to explain the system to me. while he was here I had to have him get me a vessel to throw up in, I was sick from intestinal issues. [redacted] never mentioned once that the contract a 5 yr contract. The next day on 09/04/2013 a couple named [redacted] and [redacted] came to install the equipment, however they weren't able to complete the installation. They said that they would return at a later time to complete it. I waited several days and sicne I didn't hear from them I called the original sales man [redacted] Reader. He stated that they were waiting to get the smoke alarms. Meanwhile I had to endure a continues "beep" morning and night. I called [redacted] again and he said that the smoke alarms were not available at that time but he would come and stop the "beeping". Since them I've made numerous calls to Guardian and talked to 3 different women and one man. Each time they said they would get back to me and didn't. I called the number that was provided for the installation company [redacted] however that wasn't a working number. The number was no longer in service. Several times during my converations with Guardian and [redacted] I mentioned I wanted to cancel the contract. I just wanted them to come and pick up the equipment. Each time I was told I had to cancel through[redacted] and yet they didn't provide me with a correct telephone number.My Bank representative called on 10/03/13 to try and help me. She contacted a Guardian representative by the name of [redacted] and was told I would be contacted by [redacted] within 24-48 hours however he still couldn't provide me with a working number for [redacted].I would like my contract to be terminated and the equipment picked up immediatly!Desired Settlement: Cancellation of the contract, and the equipment picked up immediately!
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting Ms. [redacted].
Ms. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an Authorized Dealer known as [redacted] (“[redacted]”). As such, all aspects of Ms. [redacted]’s sales transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted]. In order to establish a Guardian account for Ms. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain Ms. [redacted]’s paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Ms. [redacted]’s services and subsequent billings. Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business. All authorized dealers, including [redacted], agree in writing to operate in compliance with all Federal, state and local laws, and all other regulations applicable to their business activities.
Upon receipt of the subject complaint, Guardian immediately notified [redacted] of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. [redacted] is a respected firm and has agreed to accept Ms. [redacted]’s request to cancel her account and discontinue 24-hour monitoring and related services. Upon cancellation, Guardian will no longer respond to any signals from Ms. [redacted]’s system. Additionally, Ms. [redacted] will receive no further billing statements from Guardian. Guardian apologizes for any confusion in this matter.
Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions, please contact me directly at ###-###-####, ext. [redacted].
[redacted], Manager
Dealer Division
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: The company's representative came to my home on 7/18/2013 stating that my current security monitoring company was no longer monitoring in my area. They stated that I was going to need to change comapnies and they were at my home to update my equipment and take over the monitoring of my security service. They also stated that there was a $100 service fee for this transaction. When I declined to continue with their company the representative stated that he was going to pay the transaction fee so that the equipment could be installed.I have since been contacted by my original security company, [redacted] that the information that Guradian told me was false and I would still be responsible for paying for their services despite the fact that the equipment had been taken out of my home. I was told by [redacted] that Guardian could buy out the contract however Guardian refuses to do so.Desired Settlement: I want my contract terminated and any monies drafted from my account refunded due to misrepresentation.
Thank you for advising Guardian Protection Services, Inc. (“Guardian”) of the above-referenced matter. Guardian values the opportunity to provide response in hopes of assisting Ms. [redacted].
Ms. [redacted]’s account came to Guardian by way of an Authorized Dealer known as [redacted] (“[redacted]”). As such, all aspects of Ms. [redacted]’s sales transaction took place directly between [redacted] and Ms. [redacted]. In order to establish a Guardian account for Ms. [redacted] and activate 24-hour monitoring and related services, Guardian requires certain paperwork from [redacted]. All such required paperwork was provided thereby facilitating activation of Ms. [redacted]’s services and subsequent billings. Please note that [redacted] is a separate and distinct company from Guardian, for which Guardian provides 24-hour monitoring and related services for customers who systems were sold and installed by [redacted]. Guardian does not control any day-to-day business activities or any internal policies or procedures of [redacted], including security evaluations, sales processes, installation practices or any other aspects of [redacted]’s business. All authorized dealers, including [redacted], agree in writing to operate in compliance with all Federal, state and local laws, and all other regulations applicable to their business activities.
Given the nature of Ms. [redacted]’s assertions, Guardian will accommodate her request to cancel her account. Please note that upon such cancellation and service discontinuance, Guardian will no longer respond to any signals from Ms. [redacted]’s system. Additionally, please note that upon cancellation of their account, Ms. [redacted] will receive no further billing statements from Guardian.
Guardian is a premier security services provider and apologizes for any inconvenience. Thank you for advising Guardian of this issue. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me directly at ###-###-####.
[redacted], Manager
Customer Service Division
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.