Gateway One Lending & Finance LLC Reviews (217)
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Address: 160 N Riverview Dr #100, Anaheim, California, United States, 92808
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Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...
Complainant indicates Gateway “ran [complainant’s] monthly car payment twice". Please note that Gateway did not debit complainant’s bank account, but rather received 2 payments from the complainant. Both payments were applied to the complainant’s account. Complainant subsequently contacted Gateway requesting that one payment be returned. On June 8, 2016, Gateway issued and mailed a check, via USPS, to the complainant. Gateway’s records indicate the check was negotiated on June 21, 2016. If complainant has additional concerns regarding this matter, we encourage complainant to contact our customer service department at [redacted]. We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner and we appreciate the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. Please note that Gateway is an indirect consumer automobile sales finance company. As such...
it receives credit applications from motor vehicle dealerships on behalf of consumers seeking to finance their purchase of a motor vehicle. Gateway takes assignment of retail installment contracts evidencing the purchase and financing of a motor vehicle by consumers. Ms. [redacted] negotiated the vehicle purchase and financing directly with Priority [redacted] of [redacted] (“Dealer”). Gateway took assignment of the retail installment contract signed by Ms. [redacted], but was not otherwise involved with the transaction. Gateway does not own or exercise control of the Dealer and cannot speak to the matters that the Ms. [redacted] indicates took place with the Dealer. In her complaint, Ms. [redacted] claims that she was not qualified for; and did not understand, the terms of her auto loan. Ms. [redacted] also states that she was first denied and then approved for an auto loan that she could not afford. Ms. [redacted] requests a return of the vehicle (or similar vehicle) complainant traded-in. Gateway received Ms. [redacted]’s credit application from the Dealer in May 2016. The application was initially approved; however, the contract that was received by Gateway included terms not initially disclosed. Therefore, the application was rejected and the contract returned to Dealer. Dealer then submitted a new contract in line with Gateway’s initial approval which was funded in June 2016. Our approval was based on objective criteria including the income Ms. [redacted] provided on the application. We regret any unforeseen circumstances that Ms. [redacted] may have encountered that impacted her income. Because Gateway is not an auto dealer, and was not party to the original transaction, we are not able to replace her trade-in vehicle as she requested.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The company still has it listed as an active account, and that I am behind. How is it that they can take the truck but yet I am still liable for the whole balance.The truck should be returned sine they added it back to my credit report.Had they been willing to work with me isn't was of being so rude and offensive then this would never had been an issue.See attached screen shot of my credit report white the truck is showing past due...It was originally a surrender but then once the previous complaint was closed they added it back to my credit report as it was prior to the complaint.If you look at my transunion report they have added it back on... and on the equifax it's listed differently.
Customer Information[redacted] (Complaint ID[redacted]Daytime Phone[redacted]Nighttime Phone: [redacted]Email: [redacted]Account No.[redacted] Gateway’s Response – 02/06/2015Gateway One Lending & Finance,...
LLC(“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner incompliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway hasconducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. Gatewayis an indirect consumer automobile sales finance company. As such it receives credit applications from motorvehicle dealerships on behalf of consumers seeking to finance the purchase of amotor vehicle and takes assignment of certain retail installment contractsevidencing the purchase and financing of a motor vehicle by consumers from amotor vehicle dealership. With respect the[redacted] AutoCheck Report showing “changes to the structure andframe” for the vehicle in question, Gateway has been informed that it was theresult of the vehicle having been previously lifted and being sold through anauction from which the motor vehicle dealership in question acquired thevehicle. The [redacted] report associated with the vehicle does not reflect any such issue. With respect to the registration fees, Gateway has contacted thedealership and advised dealership of the concern raised by complainant. The dealership has advised that all feescollected for the registration have been tendered to the California Departmentof Motor Vehicles for the issuance of title and no refund is due. Gateway has, however, requested additionalinformation from the dealership pertaining to the calculation of theregistration fees disclosed on the complainant’s retail installmentcontract. Gateway has not yet received this information, but will supplement its response upon receipt and review ofthe information.
Customer Information
[redacted] L [redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted])
[redacted] 4202
[redacted], TX [redacted]
Daytime Phone: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Account No: [redacted]
Gateway’s Response – 09/29/2014
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC...
(“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the customer.
Gateway has reviewed the payment history associated with complainant’s account and verified that credit reporting associated with the account is accurate. Gateway will mail a copy of the payment history directly to the complainant for review. Please note that monthly statements are generated approximately 20 days prior to the following due date and, therefore, does not reflect payments made subsequent to that time.
We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
Customer Information
[redacted] D [redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted])
[redacted] Dr [redacted]
[redacted], NC [redacted]
Daytime Phone: [redacted]
Evening Phone: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Application No: [redacted]
Gateway’s Response –...
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the consumer.
Please be advised that the credit inquiry referenced in the complaint was made pursuant to an application for credit on a retail installment contract submitted by a motor vehicle dealership from whom complainant sought to purchase a vehicle. If this is not correct, Gateway requests complainant contact Gateway directly so we may further investigate this issue.
We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
Dear Mr. [redacted], Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner. We regret you feel that your concerns have not been adequately addressed. It is our understanding you have communicated with Gateway personnel, after your rejection of our initial written response, to complete the process of a payment extension. A confirmation letter regarding the approval of the extension has been mailed to you. In addition, you had a conversation with a Gateway representative to discuss additional matters. It is our understanding your concerns, including those involving the documents you previously emailed to Gateway, have been resolved to your satisfaction. Again we apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused.
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...
Complaint is from a third party to the account in question. The complainant indicates Gateway’s customer provided authorization to allow the complainant to act on behalf of the customer. In addition the complainant indicates her ability to transact via Gateway’s website has been blocked and not accessible and her attempts to have the account unblocked have been hindered due to the third party not being able to transact on the account. The third party requests adjustments to account owners negative credit reporting. Gateway’s records indicate there is an authorization for complainant to be an authorized third party on this account which would allow Gateway to communicate with the complainant. Even though Gateway is authorized to communicate with the complainant, there are still many aspects with respect to servicing the loan for which Gateway must receive direct instructions from its customer. There are several factors which may cause access or services such as webpay for an account via Gateway’s website to be blocked. Direct communication with the customer would be necessary to remove such block. Please note, Gateway offers multiple options to customer to make payments on an account which are outlined in the monthly account statement available to the customer. We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
Dear Ms. [redacted], Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter you raised. You express concerns with receiving mixed information...
from or customer service agents regarding a remaining balance on your loan after your intended payoff. We apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused. Your most recent payment was received and applied to your account on April 7, 2017; however, it was short of the amount noted on the monthly statement sent to you. Therefore, a balance remained on your account. As a goodwill gesture, Gateway has waived the remaining balance due on your account. We now consider your Gateway account paid in full. Gateway has released its lien on the vehicle and a lien release letter will be mailed to your mailing address on file. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused and thank you for your patronage.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[This answer is unacceptable. The fact the matter could have been dragged out longer than it should have. If Gateway One handled this in a faster matter, I would not had to pay so much in storage fees. The fact Gateway One takes not responsibility or fault for their speed in action is highly unprofessional. From the way they are acting I do not expect a positive response. Yet Gateway One still expects payments on time after wasting so much money on these fees. ]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] I rebuttal as gateway one lending put 30 day hit on my credit report has failed too remove it back too good standing as result I got there payment history still shows I paid in good faith they send out statement once month 4 days before payment is due I have made payments on the 15th are 18th of every month payment is not due till the 30th of every month how can they put on sept 5th 2014 late 30 day payment of $831 dollars when the payment is only $432 month explain that gateway one I mail too there dallas branch in texas there racial slurs made too me they have my phone number but I put cease decease order on them they cashed august 15th check of $432 on the back of the check stated that gate way one would remove the 30 day late as there fault I have last 4 months bank statements showing there cashing its been paid never late they need too get with Experian ncac po box 9701 [redacted] texas [redacted] ref [redacted] get that inaccurate report removed at once as has hurt my credit report and scores due too gateway one lending called me cursing me using racial slurs at me I don't put with bs like that she told me she would hit me on 30 day late if I didn't kiss her [redacted] you know what was said I have filed with the attorney general office and the ftc and im planning on filing with the ftc once again here it is oct 10 2014 once again no bank statement for payment they have put on my credit report I owe $19,898 wow that's why I paid its been oct 12 2012 two years of paying my numbers were around $14,989 owed gate way needs too follow the fcra and the fdcpa and the cspba please remove that 30 day late at once as result there neglect I have proof they cashed on dates of sept 18th 2014 not late august 18th 2014 not late please remove the 30 day impact I stop rebutle until then I will file everything I can against them the ftc and the ag involved I want letter of apology sent too me and the 30 day late removed from Experian at once and I will stop this until them nope I will keep coming after them thanks [redacted] [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Your statements that you have responded with are lies. The calls were recorded from the dealership as well as from [redacted]. The part that was broken during engine cleaning at [redacted] was the intake. Our vehicle was still under warranty for this part due to a problem with the intake on this model vehicle. The warranty that covered this part was from a broken flap on the internal part of the intake and when running a diagnostic code it would throw a certain code making it covered under warranty. When VW first received the vehicle we received a call, stating what the problem was and that we were looking at over 2k for repairs. I then went online, found out information regarding the issue and found the extended warranty. I then called VW back and told them, they stated that they knew about the warranty but the problem we had was there was an EXTERNAL piece broken off (from the EXTERNAL cleaning of the engine) and that it was not throwing the code to get it covered under that warranty. He stated that upper management was working on it to see if they could still get it covered so that the repair cost was not so much, we agreed. The next day, they called and said they had agreed to go ahead and fix it under the warranty even though it was not the same problem to help us out. They stated since they were putting a new one on, that they would have to clean the carbon if not it would still give us a check engine light. There was also water in the spark plugs. We agreed, because when the vehicle was taken to the auction, the vehicle did not have a check engine light on and was running perfectly. We sent over the estimate to [redacted] and told the dealership to proceed since we saved them from having to pay 2k in repairs. [redacted] then called back and paid for the water in the spark plugs but did not cover the carbon cleaning. They stated they were not paying for the carbon cleaning because it was considered "maintenance". The maintenance was needed for our vehicle to be returned in the same fashion it was when they received it. If they did not clean the carbon, we would still have a check engine light. We had to pay 225.00 out of pocket for their mistake, when we tried to save them 2k. The only option left was to reverse the warranty and send [redacted] an invoice for over 2k for repairs that they more than likely would never pay considering they wouldn't pay 225.00. So we decided not to take the risk of doing that just in case they would never pay for it, like most anyone would do. Gateway rep [redacted], spoke to us on many occasions reviewing all communications from dealership and [redacted], stating they should have to pay for it and then we never heard from them. This situation has been ridiculous and it is bad business. They are the lien holder on the vehicle and should care if the person they hire messes up a vehicle to return it in the same condition it was in.
Customer Information
[redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted])
Daytime Phone: ###-###-####
Email: [redacted]
Account No: 2[redacted]
Gateway’s Response to Rebuttal
One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) has reviewed complainant’s account
and has confirmed the account is fully satisfied with a $0 balance
outstanding. If complainant continues to
see a balance associated with complainant’s account, Gateway requests a copy be
provided to Gateway’s Customer Service Department.
addition, Gateway has reviewed the associated tradeline as reported to
Experian. The Experian tradeline
reflects that the account is paid with no history of delinquencies.
for the certificate of title, please be advised that the title was released on
December 1, 2014 to the insurance company.
We trust this
addresses complainant’s remaining concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Gateway One Lending and Finance contacted me last week regarding picking up the vehicle in question. Arrangements for the vehicle to be picked up and donated was already in place at the time of their call. I explained that Scott Freeman at Gateway had explained to me that the "vehicle would not be worth their while" to be picked up. After several calls to Gateway regarding this matter, it was determined that Gateway was not interested in the vehicle.
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. As...
noted by the complainant, Gateway did provide a payoff quote on or about December 10, 2015. Pursuant to which a payoff The payoff was applied to the account. The title for the motor vehicle associated with complainant’s account with Gateway was initially issued as an electronic title by the [redacted] Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (“** DHSMV”). Gateway communicated the release of its interest in the motor vehicle to the ** DHSMV on or about December 21, 2015. Upon receipt of an email from complainant on or about December 29, 2015 seeking information regarding the title, Gateway responded and requested complainant call Gateway. Gateway, however, did not receive a call in response to this email. In order for complainant to obtain the certificate of title for the motor vehicle, complainant will need to contact complainant’s local ** DHSMV office in order to arrange for issuance of a new title reflecting complainant as the owner. We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...
Please note that Gateway is an indirect consumer automobile sales finance company. As such it receives credit applications from motor vehicle dealerships on behalf of consumers seeking to finance their purchase of a motor vehicle. Gateway takes assignment of certain retail installment contracts evidencing the purchase and financing of a motor vehicle by consumers. Gateway took assignment of the retail installment contract (“Contract”) signed by the complainant and the motor vehicle dealership (“Dealer”) from whom complainant purchased the vehicle. It is the Dealer’s responsibility to perfect title on behalf of both Gateway, as the lienholder, and the complainant, as the registered owner. In this instance, the Dealer failed to perfect title and Gateway has discovered that the Dealer has gone out of business. Gateway has been able to obtain the current title associated with the vehicle and has been in contact with the Georgia agency responsible for the issuance of the certificate of title for the vehicle to identify the necessary forms and the associated costs/fees that will need to be submitted. Gateway attempted to contact the complainant on 9/16/2016 to inform complainant of additional actions that will be required of him and to provide additional information to complete the process to obtain title and registration. We ask the complainant continue to communicate with us to complete this process and thank them for their patience during the process to resolve this matter. We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
Customer Information [redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted] & [redacted]
[redacted] Account No. [redacted] Gateway One Lending...
& Finance, LLC
(“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in
compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has
conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant.
records indicate that complainant first advised that he no longer wished to
receive telephone calls to his place of employment on March 10, 2015. Gateway has complied with this request and
ceased telephone calls to complainant’s place of employment since that time. In the complaint, complainant now requests
that Gateway “cease and desist all attempts to contact [complainant] via
phone”. Gateway updated its records to reflect that
complainant no longer wishes to receive any telephone call from Gateway.
We trust
this addresses the complainant’s concerns.
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway hasconducted an investigation into the matter raised by the...
complainant. As background, the complainant contacted Gateway on July 1, 2015 to advise that the motor vehicle associated with complainant’s account with Gateway had been traded in to a dealership. Gateway was previously unaware that the subject motor vehicle had been traded in and, at that time, no payoff had been received. Therefore, the complainant’s account with Gateway remained open and the $500 payment from complainant had been applied to the account on June 30, 2015. On July 2, 2015, Gateway received a payoff from a dealership and applied it to complainant’s account. The application of the payoff from the dealership in addition to the $500 payment received on June 30, 2015 created an overpayment. The overpayment is currently being processed by Gateway and will be refunded to the complainant in accordance with Gateway’s standard procedures. We trust this addresses the complainant’s concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I have seen their response to my complaint before. But..every single auto simple interest loan in the US operates the same way: as the owing balance on the loan decreases (my owing balance has dropped 35% since Gateway One Lending began it) the INTEREST portion of the monthly payments goes down and the PRINCIPAL portion of the monthly payments goes up. Gateway says the interest portion varies due to the number of days between payments. I have AUTO PAY that pays on the 10th of the month every month. Given there are 31 days in 7 months, 30 days in 4 months and 28 days on one month, this means the difference in the INTEREST portion of the payments (AUTO PAY on the 10th of every month) varies by pennies. But look at the history of my loan with Gateway. Here is the movement of the INTEREST portion of the loan since May of last year: UP, down, UP, down, down, UP, down, UP, down, down, UP, down, UP. Yes if there is a difference of 31 days versus 30 days in billing periods, the interest portion can be up as it did from May 2017 to June 2017 where the interest portion of the loan went up only 8 cents. but there are months where the interest portion goes up as much as 9%!! Remember I am on auto pay, and the loan balance has been significantly reduced. I believe that this clearly shows that they take interest as they wish. IN addition, even they said (and ALL simple interest auto loans) the loan is based on a 30 day monthly cycle. All car loans are based on 360 day years. but if you look at theit terms, they list the loan as having a 365 day year. Add 5 days to thousands of loans, play trickery with the interest payments, and you have massive float and fraud. It only takes 10 cents per month times thousands of loans to create millions of dollars of improperly received funds.
Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws. In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant....
Complainant indicates they had a poor customer service experience while attempting to resolve a matter resulting from a Gateway customer being deceased. Complainant requests that Gateway recover a vehicle from the home owners’ association property due to Gateway’s customer being deceased. Gateway apologizes that our customer service did not meet the complainant’s expectation and is appreciative of the information the complainant has provided Gateway. To address the complainant’s request, we have scheduled the recovery of the vehicle in question. We appreciate the complainant’s patience during this recovery process. We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.