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Gateway One Lending & Finance LLC

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Reviews Gateway One Lending & Finance LLC

Gateway One Lending & Finance LLC Reviews (217)

Gateway regrets that complainant is not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint.  Please note that Gateway has released its security interest to the motor vehicle in question with both the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (“FL DHSMV”) and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.Once Gateway electronically releases its security interest in the motor vehicle with the FL DHSMV, as it did on or about December 17, 2014 in this instance, it is no longer able to obtain a paper title from the FL DHSMV since Gateway no longer has an interest in the vehicle.  Concurrently with the request to release Gateway’s security interest in the vehicle, Gateway requested that the Florida paper title be released to the complainant at the new address in Massachusetts.  During a telephone conversation with the complainant on or about December 17, 2014, a Gateway representative advised the complainant that Gateway would be taking such action and the additional steps necessary in order to obtain a Massachusetts title.  Gateway apologizes that complainant has not yet been able to complete this process.  Should complainant need any additional information or documentation from Gateway, we invite complainant tocontact Gateway’s Title Department.

Problem: GATEWAY ONE AND JMAC DISTRIBUTION L.L.C. reacted in a manner that resulted in costing myself additional fees in trying to retrieve my car. Gateway One took 4 business days to address this matter that resulted in $1040 in total storage fees that should have been only $260 if the matter...

was addressed and handled in an orderly fashion on the Monday, August 15, 2016. All past due payments and storage fees were paid on Thursday August 18 at 2:54pm. Gateway One was immediately contacted to provide the Moneygram Reference number for my payment so they could process the release of my vehicle. Then when processing the release of my car, this took 53 minutes to complete. I instantly called JMAC Distribution LLC at 3:53pm EST to address this matter and to receive my car. I was then placed on hold until 3:59PM EST & told they close at 4PM EST. This will now result in now having to pay an additional $260 due to improper service.Desired Outcome: Due to the failure of Gateway One to address this matter in an orderly fashion, it has lead to an additional $1,040 in storage fees with JMAC Distribution. I am demanding Gateway One and JMAC Distribution to refund me this total amount since this all could have bee avoided if the matter was dealt with in an orderly fashion.

Hello [redacted], According to this rebuttal by customer, Mr. [redacted] is stating that the resolution we proposed in our first response does not satisfy him.  However, he is also not stating any new information in this rebuttal, only a copy and paste of the original complaint. Gateway’s resolution and response that was originally posted to the customer is exactly what Mr. [redacted] requested from Gateway in his complaint.  GOLF responded that all calls have already ceased and desisted to his place of employment and home (since May 11th). The customer has not received any phone calls from Gateway since 5/12/2015. Gateway’s original response meets the customer’s request and we are requesting this Rebuttal/Complaint to be closed.

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...

Please note that Gateway is an indirect consumer automobile sales finance company.  As such it receives credit applications from motor vehicle dealerships on behalf of consumers seeking to finance their purchase of a motor vehicle.  Gateway takes assignment of certain retail installment contracts evidencing the purchase and financing of a motor vehicle by consumers.  Gateway was not a party to the underlying transaction between complainant and the motor vehicle dealership, [redacted], from whom complainant purchased the subject motor vehicle as evidenced by a retail installment contract dated November 10, 2015.On November 18, 2015, during the initial telephone discussion between Gateway and complainant prior to assignment of the retail installment contract to Gateway, complainant did state there were issues associated with the vehicle and that complainant would be returning the vehicle to dealer.  Gateway discussed the matter with the dealer who advised that complainant once again took possession of the vehicle on or about November 22, 2015.  Gateway had a subsequent telephone conversation with complainant on November 25, 2015 to verify complainant’s personal information and the terms of the contract.  At that time, complainant made no further reference to any issues regarding the condition of the motor vehicle.  Therefore, Gateway proceeded to take assignment of the contract.On December 3, 2015, complainant contacted Gateway to advise of problems with the vehicle.  Gateway subsequently contacted the dealer who advised that they had replaced the transmission at no charge to the complainant but complainant has not picked up the vehicle.  On December 21, 2015, dealer advised that they attempted to return the vehicle to complainant’s residence; however, complainant refused to accept the vehicle.  Gateway requests you contact the dealership to arrange for pick-up of the vehicle and keep Gateway advised if there are any other concerns with respect to the condition of the vehicle.  We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.

Customer Information[redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted])[redacted]Daytime Phone: [redacted]Evening Phone: [redacted]Email:  [redacted]Account No: [redacted]Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide...

service in aprofessional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal andstate laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted aninvestigation into the matter raised by the customer. Customer established and authorized a recurring ACH payment with Gateway for payment inthe amount of $360.00 on the 23rd of each month.  Gateway’s records reflect a payment of$360.00 on December 23, 2014.  On December 23, 2014, customer accessed his Gateway account via Gateway’s websiteand established a single ACH payment in the amount of $358.16.  That payment was processed on December 24,2014 and Gateway’s records reflect a payment of $358.16 on that day.  While Gateway appreciates customer’sdiligence to ensure payments to his Gateway account are received timely, both ACH payments were authorized by the customer. Customer did contact Gateway on December 26, 2014 to request a reversal of one of thepayments.  On December 29, 2014, Gateway reversed the $360.00 payment back to customer’s bank account.  The payments initially applied to thecustomer’s Gateway account on December 23, 2014 and December 24, 2014 were both authorized by the customer rather than as a result of Gateway error.We trust this addresses customer’s concerns. Tell us why here...

Customer Information
[redacted] D [redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted])
[redacted] Dr [redacted]
[redacted], NC [redacted]
Daytime Phone: [redacted]
Evening Phone: [redacted]
Email:  [redacted]
Application No: [redacted]
Gateway’s Response – 10/24/2014
Pursuant to complainant’s request, Gateway will send correspondence directly to Mr. [redacted] providing the name and address of the motor vehicle dealership in question. 
We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.

Customer Information
[redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted])
Daytime Phone: [redacted]
Nighttime Phone:
Email:  [redacted]
Application No. [redacted]
Gateway’s Response –...

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC
(“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in
compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has
conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. 
is an indirect consumer automobile sales finance company.  As such it receives credit application s from
motor vehicle dealerships on behalf of consumers seeking to finance the purchase
of a motor vehicle.  Gateway accessed
complainant’s credit report based upon receipt of information and authorization
purported to be from a validly signed credit application on behalf of the
complainant.  Gateway will mail
complainant a letter identifying the motor vehicle dealership.  Gateway requests complainant contact Gateway
if she did not authorize the dealership to seek financing on her behalf. 
We trust this satisfies customer’s remaining concerns.

I had a vehicle that was total loss due to the flood in [redacted] back in October. My insurance company paid Gateway one Lending $15551.00, extended warranty was paid toward the vehicle in the amount of $1404.66 and the Gap Insurance paid the difference of $3741,22. The total amount that was owe on the vehicle was 20,696.88. I received a bill from Gateway One Lending stating that I owe a payment of $1309.12 that includes interest and late charges. I checked the account with Gateway One Lending on the 24th of December and it states that the amount owe was 0.00.I would like for this company to stop contacting me, do not put any adverse actions on my credit report. The vehicle is paid in full.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway hasconducted an investigation into the matter raised by the...

complainant.  With respect to the issue raised by the complainant pertaining to the assessment of interest on complainant’s account with Gateway, please note that the contract entered into by the complainant is a simple interest contract in which payments received are applied to the earned and unpaid part of the finance charge prior to applying to any additional amounts, such as the principal balance.  Therefore the number of days in betweenpayments, the outstanding principal balance and the annual percentage would be utilized to determine the amount of earned and unpaid finance charge upon receipt of a payment.  Payments would then be applied to the account accordingly.  As such, the allocation of a payment between principal and interest will vary from payment to payment.  While payments made by the complainant have reduced the outstanding principal balance and, as a result, the daily interest accrual; the number of days between receipt of payments has resulted in a fluctuation of the accrued and unpaid interest assessed on each day a payment was received.  Gateway will mail a copy of the payment history directly to the complainant which will reflect the receipt and application of each payment received for complainant’s account.   We trust this addresses the complainant’s concerns.

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the...

complainant.  Subsequent to the repossession referenced by the complainant, complainant and Gateway exchanged voicemails.  The parties, however, were unable to communicate directly and Gateway was unable provide the requested information.  Please note that Gateway has been in contact with the recovery agent and provided instructions to retain all personal property on behalf of the complainant.   Gateway representatives will reach out to the complainant directly to provide the requested information.  Should complainant not receive a call from Gateway, Gateway requests that complainant contact Gateway’s corporate legal department in order to obtain location information of complainant’s personal property.  We apologize that we were not able to communicate this information previously.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[I want the inquiry deleted off my report]

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant....

 Gateway has received voicemail messages from the complainant and attempts to return the complainant’s calls have been made. Unfortunately, Gateway was not able to speak with complainant and have left messages providing direct contact information of employees familiar with the complainant’s account.   Due to circumstances regarding the complainant’s account, the customer’s attempts to contact us requires call transfers to a specific group within Gateway. We strive to return all calls and voice messages in a timely manner. We apologize for any inconvenience untimely responses may have caused. Records indicate that the complainant was able to make an account payment via an electronic bill pay. Regarding the payment in question, as of the date of this response, there will be no negative impact to the complainant’s credit reporting. With respect to the complainant’s ability to make a payment, after the date of this response, via our website and the matter of call transfers for account servicing, we have removed any payment and servicing call transfer restrictions from the complainant’s account.  We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I need the title. Your investigation is not helping me. How about you step up and say I'm sorry [redacted] we will get this to you right away. You cashed the check for this loan over 90 days ago. Handling this in a professional timely manner is out the window . Please just give me or the dealer the title . There's no excuse for what you are doing. You may end up effecting my government top security clearance if I end up in court over this. Unacceptable please do your job you should've done months ago.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
This is absolutely unacceptable because the company refuses to acknowledge the fact that their employee misinformed me of the information. Still they refuse to take responsibility for their employee's negligence. I am owed an apology. The have the worst business practices. Furthermore why are there "blackout" dates? The fact that each customer has different financial situations needs to be taken into consideration here. I am on a fixed income which is why I requested the 28th of the month. Gateway One needs to re-examine this and make allowance for this date and remove these so called "blackout" dates immediately to resolve this problem. Also the Rep that initially called me [redacted] is never available to be contacted now mysteriously and I have left voicemail but she does not return calls. They also have their phone calls recorded but tell customers they cannot record them. This needs to be addressed as well because if I cannot record the phone call I will not give them permission to record me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.However, contrary to their comment, I did call them, and received no new information.  I will go to the local [redacted] office, and future responses, if any, will be dependent on the outcome of that meeting.Thank you your your effort.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Gateway is underminding there responsibility to me. I don't believe that Gateway is in business to finance severe issue vehicles. [redacted], a representative of  Gateway was aware that this was the third time that I took this truck back to [redacted] for repairs, less than three weeks. Now! The fourth time I had to get towed. Again [redacted] knew I was going to return the truck because [redacted] misrepresented the truck and fail to repair the truck. I have a voicemail from [redacted] ,November 25th, that she wasn't moving foward . Because she needed prove of my wages and wanted to know was I satisfied with the vehicle. She received no paystub, and she still process the finance. Which she mislead me. If only [redacted] would had did do-diligences of a courtsey call. We wouldn't be where we are today. And I still have the voicemail. Gateway needs to understand that they violated my consumers rights. Since Decemeber 11th the vehicle has been towed to [redacted] and has been in there proccession. Gateway, [redacted], and there Fraud Department has mislead me, not trying to solve the issue. When I was a prior account holder of theirs [redacted]. Never been thirty days late for three years. I feel bullied from this financial institution. And need Gateway to except wronging me and retrack this finance because of the misrepresentation and misleading of both Gateway and [redacted]s.

Customer Information[redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted]Phone: [redacted]Email:  [redacted]Account No. [redacted]  Gateway’s Response – 08/21/2015Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a...

professional and courteous manner incompliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway hasconducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant.   As noted, complainant entered into a retail installment contract which calculatesinterest on a simple interest basis in which payments received are generally appliedto the earned and unpaid part of the finance charge prior to applying to anyadditional amounts, such as the principal balance.  Interest accrues on a daily basis and isdetermined by the then outstanding principal balance and APR.  Therefore the number of days in betweenpayments, the outstanding principal balance and the annual percentage would beutilized to determine the amount of earned and unpaid finance charge uponreceipt of a payment.   Gateway will provide complainant with a payment history to reflect that the entirepayment from the insurance company was applied to reduce the principal balancerather than any accrued interest.  A subsequent payment applied to the account was then applied to the accrued and unpaid interest.  Please note thatinterest accrued on the account was calculated on the then outstandingprincipal balance rather than the initial principal balance. We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.   Tell us why here... COMPLAINT RESPONSE Customer Information[redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted]Daytime Phone: [redacted]Email:  [redacted]Account No. XXXXXXXXX[redacted]  Gateway’s Response Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to...

provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant.  On April 28th the complainant called Gateway customer service department and requested a due date change. Gateway records indicate a due date to the 25th of the month was discussed with the complainant and a Due Date Change (“DDC”) request form was delivered to the customer for completion. In July, 2016 Gateway received a completed DDC from the complainant but the requested change in due date was noted as the 28th of each month. As Gateway has certain dates a DDC request cannot be made to (“Blackout Dates”) the complainant’s DDC request was not accepted. These Blackout Dates are disclosed on the DDC request form.   We apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused. However, as a DDC request is an official record on a change in the account, therefore, Gateway must have a correctly executed signed copy of a DDC request form. Gateway has mailed another DDC form to the complainant for completion.  As an accommodation to the complainant, Gateway can accept a properly executed (signed & scanned) copy of this form via email. The email address is specified on the DDC form. If the complainant has any questions in the completion of this form, we encourage them to contact Gateway Customer Service at [redacted]. We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns. ID#[redacted] & [redacted]
[redacted]E-Mail: [redacted]  Gateway’s Response: Initial response posted on 3/25/2015 Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in aprofessional and courteous manner, in...

compliance with all applicable federaland state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway is in the processof conducting an investigation into the matter raised by the consumer. Uponcompletion of our investigation, Gateway will provide an updated response tothe consumer’s concerns.

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Address: 160 N Riverview Dr #100, Anaheim, California, United States, 92808


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