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Gateway One Lending & Finance LLC

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Reviews Gateway One Lending & Finance LLC

Gateway One Lending & Finance LLC Reviews (217)

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...

  Gateway attempts to contact its customers based upon the status of their account with Gateway.  In this instance, Gateway attempted to contact the complainant.  Gateway was, however, unsuccessful in contacting the complainant.  Therefore, Gateway attempted to contact additional parties in order to facilitate communication with the complainant.  Gateway did not disclose any information associated with complainant’s account during such calls.    Gateway’s records do not indicate any prior requests that calls to 3rd parties cease.  Gateway will consider the present complaint as a request that all calls to 3rd parties cease.    We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns. COMPLAINTCustomer Information[redacted]Daytime Phone: [redacted]Evening Phone: [redacted]Email:  [redacted]Account No. [redacted]  Gateway’s Response – 03/02/2015Gateway One Lending...

& Finance, LLC(“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner incompliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway hasconducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant.   We apologize that complainant was not satisfied with his experience with Gatewayrepresentatives.  Please note that Gateway begins contacting its customers once their account becomesapproximately 10 days past due in order to inform customers that payment hasnot yet been received, and attempt to identify and resolve any problems as soonas possible.  In this particular instance, Gateway’s call to the complainant led to the discovery thatcomplainant had not received a monthly statement.  Therefore, Gateway generated and mailed thecomplainant another monthly statement for the payment in question.  Gateway sends monthly statements to itscustomers approximately 20 days prior to the next due date. As noted by the complainant, Gateway does not accept payments via credit card.  Gateway does, however, offer multiple paymentoptions.  Such payment options are identified on the reverse side of the monthly statements.  Gateway also encourages complainant to visitGateway’s website at [redacted] to view these payment options.  Complainant also requested “theinformation to place my account on auto pay.”  That information has been mailed to the complainant.  Complainant may also establish re-occurringpayments from complainant’s checking account to Gateway via the website.    As for complainant’s statement that “they continue to call before 8 o’clock every morning”; Gateway has reviewed its records and has not identified any callsthat were placed to the complainant prior to 8:00 am.   We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.

Dear Mr. [redacted],              Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter you raise.              You indicate that Gateway repossessed your vehicle without discussing the matter with you and without resolving mechanical issue you claim to have with the vehicle. You also indicate that Gateway did not handle the reinstatement of your loan in a proper manner which caused undue storage expenses.              With respect to the repossession of your vehicle, Gateway made multiple attempts to contact you to discuss a default in the terms of your retail installment contract. As there was no response from you regarding this matter and delinquent status of your account, Gateway proceeded with a repossession action. Also, as required, Gateway mailed you a pre-repossession notice.  Our review indicates the repossession was handled in an appropriate manner and was conducted in accordance with state requirements. The repossession occurred on August 15, 2016. After the repossession, Gateway began a process to review and determine the required amount to reinstate the loan. On August 18, 2016, you were informed via a telephone conversation of the amount that was required to reinstate your loan. In addition, other calls were made this day to discuss your payment made via [redacted] to reinstate your loan. Upon verification of the [redacted] reinstatement amount, Gateway provided direction to the recovery agent storing the vehicle that the vehicle could be released. The delivery of your vehicle was dependent on you to make an appointment with the recovery agent storing your vehicle, which you indicate you did, but was near the closing time of the recovery agent. We regret that you were not able to recover your vehicle on the 18th.  It is our understanding that you did recovery your vehicle on August 19th. You request Gateway reimburse you for undue storage fees due to improper handling of your loan reinstatement. We believe there was no undue delay in our processing of your loan reinstatement and authorization to the recovery agent for the release of your vehicle which would justify reimbursement; therefore, Gateway must respectfully decline your request to be reimbursed you for any additional storage fees.             With respect to your claim regarding the resolution of mechanical issues associated with your vehicle, Gateway does not have records of such discussions with you regarding mechanical issues you claim.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[It is illegal and unethical  for you to hold funds that don't belong to you , especially for that long period of time.   For such a large amount of money which takes 24 hours to be cleared by a bank. We never received anything in writing regarding this overpayment to you, or that you have the right to hold funds for over 30 days. We will be sure to make it publically known that your company is corrupt.   ]

Gateway’s Response to Complainant’s rebuttal –  We regret the complainant was not satisfied with the response to their original complaint to resolve a Due Date Change request. We do apologize for any inconvenience or miscommunication surrounding this matter.  In response, Gateway’s position has not changed and cannot allow a Due Date Change (“DDC”) on a Blackout Day.  Gateway is not required to offer DDC requests, but does so as a courtesy to customers. Blackout Days are necessary for administrative purposes. Gateway had mailed a DDC form to the complainant for completion.  Gateway can accept a properly executed (signed & scanned) copy of this form in accordance with our policies and procedures.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. I have reached a satisfactory resolution with Gateway One.  Took four phone calls, two customs care specialist and two supervisors.  But it was resolved.  

Customer Information
[redacted] L [redacted] (Complaint ID 1[redacted])
[redacted] 4202
[redacted], TX [redacted]
Daytime Phone: [redacted]
Email:  [redacted]
Account No: [redacted]
Gateway’s Rebuttal Response – 10/10/2014
Gateway regrets that the customer is not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint.  As previously noted, Gateway has mailed a payment history of customer’s account directly to customer on or about September 30, 2014.  Customer references a check dated September 15th.  Gateway’s records reflect a payment was received and applied to the account on or about September 18, 2014.  However, that payment satisfied an obligation for a prior month. 
Gateway requests that customer review the payment history provided and identify any payments that may not be reflected.

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to the complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant....

 With respect to the calls referenced in the complaint to both complainant and complainant’s family members, Gateway was attempting to contact complainant in order to discuss the status of complainant’s account.  Calls to third parties were made for the purpose of acquiring complainant’s location information since we were unable to reach complainant. Gateway maintains strict policies concerning customer privacy.  Our records do not indicate that any personal information or information related to complainant’s account was released through these contacts. Based on the complaint regarding these contact efforts, we have noted complainant’s account to not contact third parties. We apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused.

Gateway’s Response to Complainant’s Rebuttal– 08/16/2016  We regret the complainant was not satisfied with the response to their original complaint to resolve a repair reimbursement issue with a 3rd party. Gateway continues to believe the 3rd party addressed any damage to the vehicle while in their possession. There does not appear to be any new information to indicate that the 3rd party is responsible for the additional damage claimed by the complainant.  Gateway believes that any further dispute regarding claims against the 3RD party should be directed to the 3rd party.

Customer Information
[redacted] (Complaint ID [redacted])
[redacted] St.
[redacted] OR [redacted]
Daytime Phone: [redacted]
Email:  [redacted]
Account No: [redacted]
Gateway’s Initial Response – 10/10/2014
Gateway One Lending &...

Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the customer.
Gateway’s record reflects that a payoff for customer’s account was received on September 8, 2014 and applied to the account.  The customer had established a recurring ACH payment for the 5th of each month.  Therefore, another payment was posted on September 5, 2014, prior to the receipt of the payoff.  Once the payoff was received on September 8, 2014, application of that payoff amount created an overage.  A check for the overage amount has been issued and mailed to the customer.
We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
1. You DO NOT REGRET ANYTHING except the fact that your company is embarrassed and has been reported for unethical business practices that's all. If you were TRULY SORRY you would resolve the situation properly."We regret the complainant was not satisfied with the response to their original complaint to resolve a Due Date Change request" 2. There is NO "miscommunication" IN THIS MATTER ONLY THE NEGLIGENCE shown by your employeeI DO NOT accept your fake apologyWe do apologize for any inconvenience or miscommunication surrounding this matter. 3. Explain WHY the alleged administrative purposes are necessary so they cannot be changed for one customer due to financial reasons. You need to explain this immediately"Blackout Days are necessary for administrative purposes." 4. The only thing you did you right which does not say much for your company. Try againGateway had mailed a DDC form to the complainant for completion.  Gateway can accept a properly executed (signed & scanned) copy of this form in accordance with our policies and procedures. I will await your reply[redacted]

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...

  With respect to the events that led to the repossession of the motor vehicle in question, our records indicate that we communicated the steps necessary to complete a request for an extension. A loan extension agreement was emailed to complainant on November 8, 2016, however Gateway never received the completed paperwork or necessary fees to complete the extension agreement request.  Gateway did receive a payment in the amount of $425; however, it was not the amount necessary in order for an extension to be completed.  The amount still necessary for an extension was communicated to the complainant on December 1, 2016.  Gateway did not receive the necessary payment nor completed loan extension agreement.  As no loan extension was completed, the complainant’s account remained in default of the terms and conditions of the Retail Installment Sales Contract entered into by the complainant, and as a result, a repossession action occurred.    With respect to the $300 payment referenced by complainant, Gateway’s records do not reflect receipt of such amount.

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...

  We regret that complainant was not satisfied with his experience with Gateway representatives.  Gateway contacted complainant on April 12, 2016 to advise that the payment in question was reversed by complainant’s bank.  Gateway communicated with the complainant subsequently that day where complainant advised of a bank error.  Gateway placed a call complainant on April 13, 2016 but was unable to speak with complainant.   Gateway placed 2 calls with respect to the payment in question to ensure that the April payment was timely received in order to avoid the assessment of a late charge rather than to harass complainant.    We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant. ...

Upon examination, Gateway has concluded that the complainant’s telephone number was entered as a contact telephone number for a customer of Gateway due to a dataentry error.  Gateway has since removed the telephone number as a valid contact number and calls to such telephone number has ceased.We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these telephone calls.  We trust this addresses the complainant’s concerns.

Complainant, Ms. [redacted]’s advised that she had already donated the vehicle at the time Gateway was contacting her to make arrangements for picking up of the vehicle.  Gateway would like to thank Ms. [redacted] for resolving the situation and we again, apologize for the inconvenience this matter has caused.

Gateway One Lending & Finance, LLC (“Gateway”) strives to provide service in a professional and courteous manner in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws.  In response to this complaint, Gateway has conducted an investigation into the matter raised by the complainant.  The payoff amount referenced by the complainant was initially provided in October 2015 shortly after the date of total loss was reported to Gateway.  The payments noted by the complainant have been received from various sources, including complainant’s primary insurance company, and applied to complainant’s account upon receipt over a period of approximately 6 weeks.  During that period, interest continued to accrue on a daily basis pursuant to the terms of the retail installment contract signed by the complainant.  The $0.00 balance referenced by the complainant is that of the outstanding principal balance.  However, as noted above, interest continued to accrue while payments from various sources were pending which resulted in a remaining balance associated with complainant’s account even after application of the payments referenced by the complainant.  In order to resolve complainant’s concerns, Gateway will waive the remaining balance associated with your account and deem the account closed.  We trust this addresses complainant’s concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[I will not accept the company response, in according to I have tried several times to contact Gateway One and Lending. Gateway One and Lending did not address this matter. As though this has happened before and I also has been misinformed by the company I did not apply nor signed for a credit application for a car loan. Accoording to the, I am asking could this case not be closed, due to Gateway One and Lending not addressing the issue. I would need to know why the company has engaged in illegal activity, when there was a fraud alert on my credit report.

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Address: 160 N Riverview Dr #100, Anaheim, California, United States, 92808


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