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FMR Reviews (925)

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. You do not know what this matter is regarding because when you called into our office you said that we were calling your number in error. Instead of providing any information to you, the...

representative explained that your phone number was removed and you would not receive any more phone calls. The phone call that you claim took place did not. This matter has been removed and you will not receive any more calls. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. We have carefully reviewed of your account and in fact documentation was sent to [redacted].com on August 31, 2016. As a courtesy we have resent the documentation to your email on September 6, 2016 as well as to...

[redacted] RD. [redacted], DE [redacted]. Furthermore we would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact our office with any further questions. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. First and foremost I would like to apologize for the representative you spoke with and how he handled the situation. The representative has since been suspended and will be sent for continued training upon his...

return. Due to the inconvenience you have experienced, FMR has made the decision to close the account with monetary relief. There is nothing further owed on the account, and again, FMR sincerely apologizes. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. You have never had contact with this office. The allegation that we are using scam numbers is untrue. You can call any of those numbers at any time and reach this office. This matter has been sent...

back and you will not receive any further calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. Any information provided to your wife was placed with our office. We are not a credit reporting agency therefore you would not see any information on your credit. We can assure that this is not a “payday loan scam”,...

again it is our priority to notify of you of the debt that was placed with us. This office was unaware that you had issues in the past. After a review of the phone call and your statement your account has been documented as disputed. We have discontinued all collection efforts and you will not receive any further calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. Both phone calls that you made to this office have been reviewed. On December 2, 2016 you contacted our office and were given all of the information pertaining to the debt including the name of the creditor and the...

date.  You went on to state that you remembered taking out the loan and you did want to resolve once you received documentation.  It was offered that documentation could be sent to your address or to your email; at this time you provided your current email and agreed that the representative could contact you once she saw it had been sent on the next business day. That email was sent to [redacted]@[redacted].com the next business day, December 5, 2016.  On December 6, 2016 you again called into this office and spoke with a representative and explained that you never received the letter in the mail and because of this you would not be resolving the matter and that you filed a complaint against our company. Our office has followed all protocol and answered any and all of your requests including sending said letter to the email that you provided. Your account was documented as a refusal and closed. You have not received any calls from this office since December 6, 2016, nor will you moving forward. We have made the decision to discontinue all collection efforts. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. We are sorry to hear that any prior experiences you have had with other companies has reflected on this office. We can also assure you that had no way of knowing about your unfortunate incidents...

involving you bank account. As per your request documentation has been sent to [redacted] ST [redacted].  Your account with our office has been closed and you will not receive any more calls from this office. FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Regards,   Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to collect on debt attached to your name. You spoke with a representative on July 14, 2017 and informed our representative that you filed a bankruptcy and that this debt was included. You refused to provide your bankruptcy information so that we could close...

your account correctly. At this time our companies name and address were provided to you as per your request and you did terminate the phone call. When you called into our office for a second time you were again given our companies information but refused to provide your bankruptcy information so that we could further assist you. You are not being harassed, our company only attempted to contact you to inform of the matter in our office. It was unbeknownst to us that you may have filed a bankruptcy and that this debt may have been included.  As of July 14, 2017 your account was closed and returned. You will not receive any more phone calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 
Regards, [redacted]

Dear [redacted], FMR was contracted to collect on a debt attached to your name. We are looking into the information provided to us as far as the dates and current email to find out if it was updated somewhere along the way and is no longer the original information provided. Regardless of our findings...

due to the inconvenience, FMR has made the decision to close the account and discontinue all communication. FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR would like to apologize for any inconvenience. I will be reviewing the account and submitting the representatives that you spoke with for further training. All collection efforts have permanently ceased, and your account has been documented disputed. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

Dear Ms. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. It is unfortunate that you have chosen to base your opinion of our company on that of others. You have never spoken with anyone at FMR therefore you would not know what this matter was pertaining to....

As per your request communication to you has been stopped. Your account has been closed and you will not receive any more calls from this office. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. I am not sure what kind of circus show these guys are running, but I have notified the FBI, TBI and the AGs of NY and Tennessee. Moreover, per federal law, if you were a "licensed debt collector” as they assert (they offer us no proof of license IDs to verify), they are now in violation of the; Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).  (b) If the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the thirty-day period described in subsection that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, or that the consumer requests the name and address of the original creditor, the debt collector shall cease collection of the debt, or any disputed portion thereof, until the debt collector obtains verification of the debt or any copy of a judgment, or the name and address of the original creditor, and a copy of such verification or judgment, or name and address of the original creditor, is mailed to the consumer by the debt collector. Their corrupt operation never gave me the right to dispute any debt using the legal mandate under the FDCPA of sending me a written notice (commonly referred to a dunning notice) - not a phone call. I have the call recorded and it has been be given to the NY-AG, the TN-AG, the FBI and the FTC to help shut down this scam down –for good.  While I doubt these scammers know how to follow the FDCPA as they are well known scammers, I am asking that the tell them to send me the following to resolve the complaint I filed with you. I however reserve all my legal rights and remedies.  They write me at my home address and provide the following information:   ·         (1) the amount of the debt; ·         (2) the name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed; ·         (3) Provide a verification or copy of any judgment (if applicable); ·         (4) Proof that you are licensed to collect debts in (insert name of your state) ·         (5) Finally, they admit to you I do not owe this debt. Therefore I demand under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act that they immediately PURGE ALL of my information from  their “system” and send me a letter stating they have completed these steps within 15 days.   Let them be advised that I am fully aware of my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act and other consumer protection statutes. And I have taken steps to report your scam to the authorities.   Regards, [redacted]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  I only accept on the condition that this business ceases to contact me.

Dear Ms. [redacted], You state in your complaint that you recognize the debt as one that you established in 2011. Due to the complaint and lack of communication regarding this issue, FMR has returned this file. You will receive no further communication from this office. Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], FMR has been contracted to handle a personal business matter attached to your name. You have never contacted our office or spoke with a representative to go over the details. Therefore, we believe that you have this office confused with another. Based on our findings we will be...

discontinuing all communication. FMR would like to apologize for any confusion or inconvenience. Regards, Nick W.

Dear Mr. [redacted], The payment your brother had made was reversed on 05/09/16. Those funds should be available 7-10 business days from that date. FMR would like to apologize for the inconvenience and confusion. The representative was suspended one week without pay and submitted to continued compliance...

training upon her return. The account in our office has been closed with monetary relief. We would like to assure you that there was no intent to illegally obtain funds from anyone, and FMR is a legitimate business.  Please contact the undersigned with any further questions. Regards, Nick W.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  The calls have stopped thank you again!!

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Address: 1902 Ridge Rd Ste 115, West Seneca, New York, United States, 14224-3312


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