Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I've asked for proof of the breakdown of dish's reasoning and have yet to be provided with such information. This dispute will not be resolved because of poor service on dish's end. There's no sense in continuously going back and forth when Dish can not provide requested information, which should be expected at this point due to it being four months later. Rebuttal from dish is unacceptable. It's quite petty that this has gone this far over $10 that is owed. Any reputable company would do the right thing or provide proof.
February 1, 2018 Mr. [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] [redacted]...
Dear Mr. [redacted]: On January 23, 2018, we received your complaint, dated January 19, 2018, filed with the You said that DISH Network debited funds from your bank account without your authorization. When we spoke, I informed you that the account associated with the number you provided has been disconnected since 2014. It has been removed from the system and we have no record of the payments to which you refer. You offered to fax in your bank statements showing the debits so we may better research this issue. Once I receive those statements, I will forward them to our Payment Research Team and follow up with you in writing. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514-7312. Sincerely, Dave S[redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 6:00 am - 2:30 pm (MDT), Mon-Fri (720) 514-7312 cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted],Yeah whatever make you feel better it's ok. The agent told me I would lose promotional credits like [redacted]cand the free 6 month warranty on service calls or whatever. The agent was not clear enough for me to understand. Why on the world would I pause my service for 3 months ($85 a month-$255 total) I can add $30 a month to my bill for the next 2 years costing me $720. The agent was clearly not clear or I would have never put my service on pause. I don't waste money. So, thanks for your "courtesy".... we call that taking care of the customer in my business. I cant wait for contract to be up. I accept it but only cause I have to.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
December 20, 2016 Dear Ms. [redacted]: On December 12, 2016, we received your complaint, dated December 9, 2016, filed with the You stated that when you changed your equipment in May 2016, you understood that you would receive a monthly...
$35.00 discount for 12 months. You received the discount for two billing cycles then it ended. You were displeased that you are not receiving a discount for starting a new contract. Your attempts to restore the credit have been unsuccessful and you would like your billing corrected. When we spoke today, I advised you that I reviewed the equipment change call from May 2016. You were quoted a monthly rated based on a $35.00 credit that you were currently receiving. You were informed that the credit ended in July 2016 and you would need to contact us at that time to discuss offers available to you. As a courtesy, I offered to provide you with a $35.00 discount for 12 months. You accepted this resolution. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 2:45 pm to11:15 pm MDT, MON-FRI ###-###-####
[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: On March 17, 2016, we received your complaint, dated March 16, 2016, filed with the My attempts to contact you by phone at [redacted] on March 17, 18 and 21, 2016, were unsuccessful; however, I left three messages. You maintain that your service was not disconnected as you requested. You would like the service charges removed from your account and collections. Your service was activated on February 2, 2015, with a 24-month commitment. Enclosed is a copy of the 24-month agreement. Our records do not show we received a disconnection request. In fact, the last time we were contacted regarding your account was on August 19, 2015. Please be advised that your service was interrupted for non-payment on February 28, 2016, and is scheduled to be fully disconnected on March 29, 2016. At that time, your account will be left with a service balance of approximately $112.44. You will also be charged an early termination fee of $220.00 for the non-fulfillment of your term commitment and a $10.00 box return fee for each box used to return the leased equipment. We are unable to honor your request as all charges are valid. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]. Sincerely, [redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 am – 3:00 pm MDT [redacted] Enclosure cc: Denver / Boulder [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/17) */
June 15, 2015
[redacted] XXXXX-XXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
On June 10, 2015, we received your complaint, dated June 8, 2015, filed with the...
You expressed concern that you were unable to acquire DISH Network service because the previous owner of the home that you moved to owed a balance on a previous DISH Network account.
A review of your information reveals that you originally contacted E-management, an independent retailer. They attempted to establish service for you.
When I talked to you by telephone today, I informed you that when attempting to establish a new DISH Network account, service may be denied if the information provided matches the information associated with a previous DISH Network account that has a remaining balance.
Nevertheless, when I input your information I was unable to duplicate any restrictions and I was able to establish service for you.
An installation was scheduled for Wednesday June 17, 2015, between the hours of 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.
Additionally, you mentioned that a credit inquiry was made several times. I requested that the additional credit checks be removed.
I apologize for the information you received. We strive to provide excellent service and regret that your experience was unfavorable.
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C.
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Denver, CO XXXXX
December 20, 2017 Mr. [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] ...
[redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: On December 12, 2017, we received your correspondence, dated December 11, 2017, filed with the You said that you subscribe to the NHL Center Ice Pay-Per-View package. You expressed concern that the Canadian teams are mostly broadcast in standard definition and you requested a programming credit. When we spoke today, I informed you that this may be a contractual agreement with the provider. As a courtesy, I applied a $50.00 one-time credit to your account. We appreciate your feedback and your concerns will be investigated internally with the appropriate personnel. We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514-7082. Sincerely, Christina A[redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am to 2:30 pm MST (720) 514-7082 cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted]
March 19, 2018 Mr. [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] ...
[redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: On March 13, 2018, we received your complaint, dated March 12, 2018, filed with the You maintain your monthly bill was inconsistent and indicated that you had purchased the equipment. You expressed concern with the balance due and the collection on your credit file. You provided feedback regarding your customer service experience. When we spoke today, I explained that our records reveal that you established your service under the Digital Home Advantage promotion on December 22, 2013. Under this promotion, the customer agrees to return the leased equipment to DISH Network within 30 days after the disconnection of service. We provided you with a monthly discount of $25.00 for 12 months. You also received a Price Protect credit for ten months and a courtesy credit of $6.00 for eight months. When the discounted service ended, the regular price was applied. You previously subscribed to the America’s Top 200 package, DVR service with two Joey receivers and the DISH Protect plan. The monthly billing rate was $113.99 plus tax. There is a history of partial payments being made on your account causing a past-due amount to carry over and late fees to apply. Your account was disconnected due to nonpayment on January 18, 2016, leaving a balance due of $115.19. You were also billed $496.00 plus tax for the unreturned equipment, increasing the balance to $640.95. When the leased equipment was returned on March 5, 2018, the unreturned equipment fees were reversed, leaving a balance due of $115.19. Your payments of $63.14 and $51.95 zeroed out this balance. After further review, I made an exception and submitted a refund of $51.95. Please allow five business days for processing. As of March 13, 2018, your DISH Network account is at a zero balance. We appreciate your feedback and regret any inconvenience you may have experienced. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514-7082. Sincerely, Christina A[redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am to 2:30 pm MST (720) 514-7082 cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted]
October 4, 2016 Dear Mr. [redacted]: On September 29, 2016, we received your complaint, dated September 27, 2016, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account. You said that you forwarded your...
order to us, but the fee was applied. Per your request, I emailed you at [redacted] While a review of our records does not show that we received any documentation associated with your account, as a courtesy, I made an exception and waived the $440.00 early termination fee applied to your account. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 6:00 am - 2:30 pm (MDT), Mon-Fri ###-###-####
January 10, 2017 Dear Mr. [redacted]: On January 9, 2017, we received your complaint, dated January 6, 2017, filed with the You state that you had a Samsung washer repair scheduled with DISH Network for January 5, 2017. The technician...
never arrived and you received no communication that your appointment was cancelled. You requested that this matter be resolved and you requested an apology from the technician and supervisor. When we spoke on January 9, 2017, I apologized for your experience. I advised you that our records do reflect that a cancellation notification was made. You confirmed that your repair was completed that day. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 2:45 pm to11:15 pm MDT, MON-FRI ###-###-####
Dear Ms. [redacted]: On April 13, 2016, we received your correspondence, dated April 12, 2016, filed with the You said that you did not sign an agreement and that you received misinformation regarding the DISH Network programming and pricing. However, you did not specify what misinformation you received. You established your service under the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) promotion with a 24-month commitment and a three-year price guarantee through Allconnect Inc., an independent retailer. Please note that during the installation of service the technician presents the customer with an electronic pad to sign, containing the DHA agreement. When we spoke on April 13, 2016, I advised you that I made an exception and waived your early termination fee. You may cancel your service at any time without a penalty. You accepted this resolution. We appreciate your feedback and your concerns will be investigated internally with the appropriate personnel. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]. Sincerely, [redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am to 2:30 pm MST [redacted]
December 16, 2016 Dear Mr. [redacted]: On December 16, 2016, we received your complaint, dated December 15, 2016, filed with the You stated that you currently access international programming provided by DISH Network. The rate for the package that...
you access has increased, and you are required to subscribe to the International Basic package. Due to the increased cost, you requested that your price be reduced to $22.99 a month and locked in at that rate indefinitely. When we spoke today, I reviewed your current monthly charges and fees and I informed you that we are unable to reduce your current rate. You just completed a $20.00 monthly discount for six months, and you have received credits totaling $540.00 since 2014. As a result, you are not eligible for further discounts. You were displeased that you did not currently qualify for any reduced pricing and you indicated that you would disconnect your service. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution SpecialistExecutive Escalations TeamDISH Network, L.L.C.Phone Hours: 2:45 pm to11:15 pm MDT, MON-FRI###-###-####
[redacted] Dear [redacted]: On November 28, 2017, we received your complaint, dated October 27, 2017, filed with the You disputed the unreturned equipment fee applied to your DISH Network account. You said that you returned the receiver in question. When we spoke I requested any documentation you might have that would locate the receiver, but you indicated that you had none. You indicated that the [redacted] box and label, delivered by [redacted], was rejected by the [redacted] driver you attempted to give it to, so you took the box with the receiver in it to your local [redacted] facility. You advised me that you received no documentation as you did not have to pay anything, although the label on the package was for [redacted] and not [redacted]. While we sincerely regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused, as our records do not reflect that we have received the receiver, and as you were unable to provide any documentation as to where the receiver may be, we are unable to waive the $199.00 fee applied to your account. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 6:00 am - 2:30 pm (MDT), Mon-Fri [redacted] cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because they are not willing to remove anything from my name and now further actions are going to apply with attorney general office, news reports, etc. I am done dealing with it companies that don't want to take action on there own part. I am a single mother don't have time to deal with reports at a police station when I have a very I'll son that needs to be taking care of right now. This company like everyone makes reports on the internet is the worst company and they are just want to screw people over.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11032775, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted] S [redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/12/14) */
December 9, 2015
[redacted] XXXXX-XXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
On December 4, 2015, we received your complaint, dated December 1, 2015,...
filed with the
I unsuccessfully attempted to contact you at (XXX) XXX-XXXX on October 5, 7 and 8, 2015, and there was no option to leave a message.
You indicated that your debit/credit card was automatically debited $397.00 for an early termination fee. Additionally, you said that you signed up for DISH Network service through Windstream and there was no agreement for service. You also requested a refund and a $12.50 reimbursement for the insufficient fund (NSF) fees that you incurred from your bank. Furthermore, you expressed concern that your refund could not be issued immediately.
A review of your account reveals that it was established through Windstream under the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) leased equipment agreement, which requires a 24-month commitment. The DHA agreement also provides authorization to automatically debit your debit/credit card for early termination and unreturned equipment fees.
Our records reveal that two partial refunds were already issued ($77.00 and $11.96). Since we were unable to locate your DHA agreement, a refund was submitted on December 8, 2015, for the remaining $308.04 and reimbursement of the $12.50 NSF fee, totaling $320.54.
Refunds are sent to your credit card account within four business days of the request. We regret that you do not agree with this process.
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C.
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
[redacted] XXXXX
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 6, 2015/12/15) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/11/20) */
November 17, 2015
[redacted] XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
On November 12, 2015, we received your complaint, dated November 11, 2015,...
filed with the
My attempts to contact you by phone at (XXX) XXX-XXXX on November 12, 13 and 16, 2015, were unsuccessful; however, I left three messages.
You expressed concern with the balance of $493.80 that was referred to collections. You maintain that you canceled your service because you were unable to use our equipment.
Your service was activated on August 1, 2015, with a 24-month commitment. Please be advised that we do not offer a trial period for our service.
Our records show that while we offered to send a technician to your home to show you how to use the equipment, you declined and opted to cancel your service on August 19, 2015. Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $480.00 plus tax was applied to your account.
I made an exception and reversed the fee from your account, leaving a zero balance. Your account will be updated with the collection agency within 72 hours.
You also expressed dissatisfaction with the customer service that you received while you were attempting to resolve your concerns. We appreciate that you brought this matter to our attention so that we may address it internally with the appropriate personnel.
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C.
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 am - 3:00 pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Denver, CO XXXXX
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 6, 2015/11/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Though the company refunded my ridiculous feez they failed to see the point that they charged a set up fee of 78.00 then 9 days later took me for an additional 148.00 for a months worth of service then expected me to pay them almost 500 more dollars a few days later. Never will I recommend this company to anyone. Very poor customer service!!!
The company called me 5 times between 8 am on Monday 12/28/15 and 12/29/15. The rep ([redacted]) continued to bad-month ABC and argued that the verbal commitments made my representatives are in no way binding.
He tried to get me to remove my complaint because I "made public complaints and that was not...
the right way to handle this". When I stated that it was clear he called in an effort to get me to retract my complaint and I was going to record the remainder of the call to share here he ended the call.
Also reminded him the correct way to respond was on this form, but I was willing to entertain a verbal settlement on the phone call; he refused.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I've asked for proof of the breakdown of dish's reasoning and have yet to be provided with such information. This dispute will not be resolved because of poor service on dish's end. There's no sense in continuously going back and forth when Dish can not provide requested information, which should be expected at this point due to it being four months later. Rebuttal from dish is unacceptable. It's quite petty that this has gone this far over $10 that is owed. Any reputable company would do the right thing or provide proof.
February 1, 2018 Mr. [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] [redacted]...
Dear Mr. [redacted]: On January 23, 2018, we received your complaint, dated January 19, 2018, filed with the You said that DISH Network debited funds from your bank account without your authorization. When we spoke, I informed you that the account associated with the number you provided has been disconnected since 2014. It has been removed from the system and we have no record of the payments to which you refer. You offered to fax in your bank statements showing the debits so we may better research this issue. Once I receive those statements, I will forward them to our Payment Research Team and follow up with you in writing. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514-7312. Sincerely, Dave S[redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 6:00 am - 2:30 pm (MDT), Mon-Fri (720) 514-7312 cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted],Yeah whatever make you feel better it's ok. The agent told me I would lose promotional credits like [redacted]cand the free 6 month warranty on service calls or whatever. The agent was not clear enough for me to understand. Why on the world would I pause my service for 3 months ($85 a month-$255 total) I can add $30 a month to my bill for the next 2 years costing me $720. The agent was clearly not clear or I would have never put my service on pause. I don't waste money. So, thanks for your "courtesy".... we call that taking care of the customer in my business. I cant wait for contract to be up. I accept it but only cause I have to.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
December 20, 2016 Dear Ms. [redacted]: On December 12, 2016, we received your complaint, dated December 9, 2016, filed with the You stated that when you changed your equipment in May 2016, you understood that you would receive a monthly...
$35.00 discount for 12 months. You received the discount for two billing cycles then it ended. You were displeased that you are not receiving a discount for starting a new contract. Your attempts to restore the credit have been unsuccessful and you would like your billing corrected. When we spoke today, I advised you that I reviewed the equipment change call from May 2016. You were quoted a monthly rated based on a $35.00 credit that you were currently receiving. You were informed that the credit ended in July 2016 and you would need to contact us at that time to discuss offers available to you. As a courtesy, I offered to provide you with a $35.00 discount for 12 months. You accepted this resolution. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 2:45 pm to11:15 pm MDT, MON-FRI ###-###-####
March 21, 2016 Ms. [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] ...
[redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted]: On March 17, 2016, we received your complaint, dated March 16, 2016, filed with the My attempts to contact you by phone at [redacted] on March 17, 18 and 21, 2016, were unsuccessful; however, I left three messages. You maintain that your service was not disconnected as you requested. You would like the service charges removed from your account and collections. Your service was activated on February 2, 2015, with a 24-month commitment. Enclosed is a copy of the 24-month agreement. Our records do not show we received a disconnection request. In fact, the last time we were contacted regarding your account was on August 19, 2015. Please be advised that your service was interrupted for non-payment on February 28, 2016, and is scheduled to be fully disconnected on March 29, 2016. At that time, your account will be left with a service balance of approximately $112.44. You will also be charged an early termination fee of $220.00 for the non-fulfillment of your term commitment and a $10.00 box return fee for each box used to return the leased equipment. We are unable to honor your request as all charges are valid. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]. Sincerely, [redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 am – 3:00 pm MDT [redacted] Enclosure cc: Denver / Boulder [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/17) */
June 15, 2015
[redacted] XXXXX-XXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
On June 10, 2015, we received your complaint, dated June 8, 2015, filed with the...
You expressed concern that you were unable to acquire DISH Network service because the previous owner of the home that you moved to owed a balance on a previous DISH Network account.
A review of your information reveals that you originally contacted E-management, an independent retailer. They attempted to establish service for you.
When I talked to you by telephone today, I informed you that when attempting to establish a new DISH Network account, service may be denied if the information provided matches the information associated with a previous DISH Network account that has a remaining balance.
Nevertheless, when I input your information I was unable to duplicate any restrictions and I was able to establish service for you.
An installation was scheduled for Wednesday June 17, 2015, between the hours of 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.
Additionally, you mentioned that a credit inquiry was made several times. I requested that the additional credit checks be removed.
I apologize for the information you received. We strive to provide excellent service and regret that your experience was unfavorable.
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C.
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Denver, CO XXXXX
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
December 20, 2017 Mr. [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] ...
[redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: On December 12, 2017, we received your correspondence, dated December 11, 2017, filed with the You said that you subscribe to the NHL Center Ice Pay-Per-View package. You expressed concern that the Canadian teams are mostly broadcast in standard definition and you requested a programming credit. When we spoke today, I informed you that this may be a contractual agreement with the provider. As a courtesy, I applied a $50.00 one-time credit to your account. We appreciate your feedback and your concerns will be investigated internally with the appropriate personnel. We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514-7082. Sincerely, Christina A[redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am to 2:30 pm MST (720) 514-7082 cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted]
March 19, 2018 Mr. [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] ...
[redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: On March 13, 2018, we received your complaint, dated March 12, 2018, filed with the You maintain your monthly bill was inconsistent and indicated that you had purchased the equipment. You expressed concern with the balance due and the collection on your credit file. You provided feedback regarding your customer service experience. When we spoke today, I explained that our records reveal that you established your service under the Digital Home Advantage promotion on December 22, 2013. Under this promotion, the customer agrees to return the leased equipment to DISH Network within 30 days after the disconnection of service. We provided you with a monthly discount of $25.00 for 12 months. You also received a Price Protect credit for ten months and a courtesy credit of $6.00 for eight months. When the discounted service ended, the regular price was applied. You previously subscribed to the America’s Top 200 package, DVR service with two Joey receivers and the DISH Protect plan. The monthly billing rate was $113.99 plus tax. There is a history of partial payments being made on your account causing a past-due amount to carry over and late fees to apply. Your account was disconnected due to nonpayment on January 18, 2016, leaving a balance due of $115.19. You were also billed $496.00 plus tax for the unreturned equipment, increasing the balance to $640.95. When the leased equipment was returned on March 5, 2018, the unreturned equipment fees were reversed, leaving a balance due of $115.19. Your payments of $63.14 and $51.95 zeroed out this balance. After further review, I made an exception and submitted a refund of $51.95. Please allow five business days for processing. As of March 13, 2018, your DISH Network account is at a zero balance. We appreciate your feedback and regret any inconvenience you may have experienced. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (720) 514-7082. Sincerely, Christina A[redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am to 2:30 pm MST (720) 514-7082 cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted]
October 4, 2016 Dear Mr. [redacted]: On September 29, 2016, we received your complaint, dated September 27, 2016, filed with the You disputed the early termination fee applied to your DISH Network account. You said that you forwarded your...
order to us, but the fee was applied. Per your request, I emailed you at [redacted] While a review of our records does not show that we received any documentation associated with your account, as a courtesy, I made an exception and waived the $440.00 early termination fee applied to your account. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 6:00 am - 2:30 pm (MDT), Mon-Fri ###-###-####
January 10, 2017 Dear Mr. [redacted]: On January 9, 2017, we received your complaint, dated January 6, 2017, filed with the You state that you had a Samsung washer repair scheduled with DISH Network for January 5, 2017. The technician...
never arrived and you received no communication that your appointment was cancelled. You requested that this matter be resolved and you requested an apology from the technician and supervisor. When we spoke on January 9, 2017, I apologized for your experience. I advised you that our records do reflect that a cancellation notification was made. You confirmed that your repair was completed that day. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 2:45 pm to11:15 pm MDT, MON-FRI ###-###-####
April 18, 2016 Ms. [redacted] [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] [redacted]...
Dear Ms. [redacted]: On April 13, 2016, we received your correspondence, dated April 12, 2016, filed with the You said that you did not sign an agreement and that you received misinformation regarding the DISH Network programming and pricing. However, you did not specify what misinformation you received. You established your service under the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) promotion with a 24-month commitment and a three-year price guarantee through Allconnect Inc., an independent retailer. Please note that during the installation of service the technician presents the customer with an electronic pad to sign, containing the DHA agreement. When we spoke on April 13, 2016, I advised you that I made an exception and waived your early termination fee. You may cancel your service at any time without a penalty. You accepted this resolution. We appreciate your feedback and your concerns will be investigated internally with the appropriate personnel. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at [redacted]. Sincerely, [redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am to 2:30 pm MST [redacted]
December 16, 2016 Dear Mr. [redacted]: On December 16, 2016, we received your complaint, dated December 15, 2016, filed with the You stated that you currently access international programming provided by DISH Network. The rate for the package that...
you access has increased, and you are required to subscribe to the International Basic package. Due to the increased cost, you requested that your price be reduced to $22.99 a month and locked in at that rate indefinitely. When we spoke today, I reviewed your current monthly charges and fees and I informed you that we are unable to reduce your current rate. You just completed a $20.00 monthly discount for six months, and you have received credits totaling $540.00 since 2014. As a result, you are not eligible for further discounts. You were displeased that you did not currently qualify for any reduced pricing and you indicated that you would disconnect your service. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution SpecialistExecutive Escalations TeamDISH Network, L.L.C.Phone Hours: 2:45 pm to11:15 pm MDT, MON-FRI###-###-####
December 5, 2017 [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] Re: Complaint # [redacted] ...
[redacted] Dear [redacted]: On November 28, 2017, we received your complaint, dated October 27, 2017, filed with the You disputed the unreturned equipment fee applied to your DISH Network account. You said that you returned the receiver in question. When we spoke I requested any documentation you might have that would locate the receiver, but you indicated that you had none. You indicated that the [redacted] box and label, delivered by [redacted], was rejected by the [redacted] driver you attempted to give it to, so you took the box with the receiver in it to your local [redacted] facility. You advised me that you received no documentation as you did not have to pay anything, although the label on the package was for [redacted] and not [redacted]. While we sincerely regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused, as our records do not reflect that we have received the receiver, and as you were unable to provide any documentation as to where the receiver may be, we are unable to waive the $199.00 fee applied to your account. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted] Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.C. Phone Hours: 6:00 am - 2:30 pm (MDT), Mon-Fri [redacted] cc: Denver / Boulder 3801 E. Florida Avenue, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80210 [redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
t companies that don't want to take action on there own part. I am a single mother don't have time to deal with reports at a police station when I have a very I'll son that needs to be taking care of right now. This company like everyone makes reports on the internet is the worst company and they are just want to screw people over.
I am rejecting this response because they are not willing to remove anything from my name and now further actions are going to apply with attorney general office, news reports, etc. I am done dealing with i
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11032775, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted] S [redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/12/14) */
December 9, 2015
[redacted] XXXXX-XXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
On December 4, 2015, we received your complaint, dated December 1, 2015,...
filed with the
I unsuccessfully attempted to contact you at (XXX) XXX-XXXX on October 5, 7 and 8, 2015, and there was no option to leave a message.
You indicated that your debit/credit card was automatically debited $397.00 for an early termination fee. Additionally, you said that you signed up for DISH Network service through Windstream and there was no agreement for service. You also requested a refund and a $12.50 reimbursement for the insufficient fund (NSF) fees that you incurred from your bank. Furthermore, you expressed concern that your refund could not be issued immediately.
A review of your account reveals that it was established through Windstream under the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) leased equipment agreement, which requires a 24-month commitment. The DHA agreement also provides authorization to automatically debit your debit/credit card for early termination and unreturned equipment fees.
Our records reveal that two partial refunds were already issued ($77.00 and $11.96). Since we were unable to locate your DHA agreement, a refund was submitted on December 8, 2015, for the remaining $308.04 and reimbursement of the $12.50 NSF fee, totaling $320.54.
Refunds are sent to your credit card account within four business days of the request. We regret that you do not agree with this process.
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C.
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
[redacted] XXXXX
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 6, 2015/12/15) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/11/20) */
November 17, 2015
[redacted] XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
On November 12, 2015, we received your complaint, dated November 11, 2015,...
filed with the
My attempts to contact you by phone at (XXX) XXX-XXXX on November 12, 13 and 16, 2015, were unsuccessful; however, I left three messages.
You expressed concern with the balance of $493.80 that was referred to collections. You maintain that you canceled your service because you were unable to use our equipment.
Your service was activated on August 1, 2015, with a 24-month commitment. Please be advised that we do not offer a trial period for our service.
Our records show that while we offered to send a technician to your home to show you how to use the equipment, you declined and opted to cancel your service on August 19, 2015. Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $480.00 plus tax was applied to your account.
I made an exception and reversed the fee from your account, leaving a zero balance. Your account will be updated with the collection agency within 72 hours.
You also expressed dissatisfaction with the customer service that you received while you were attempting to resolve your concerns. We appreciate that you brought this matter to our attention so that we may address it internally with the appropriate personnel.
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C.
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:30 am - 3:00 pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Denver, CO XXXXX
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 6, 2015/11/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Though the company refunded my ridiculous feez they failed to see the point that they charged a set up fee of 78.00 then 9 days later took me for an additional 148.00 for a months worth of service then expected me to pay them almost 500 more dollars a few days later. Never will I recommend this company to anyone. Very poor customer service!!!
The company called me 5 times between 8 am on Monday 12/28/15 and 12/29/15. The rep ([redacted]) continued to bad-month ABC and argued that the verbal commitments made my representatives are in no way binding.
He tried to get me to remove my complaint because I "made public complaints and that was not...
the right way to handle this". When I stated that it was clear he called in an effort to get me to retract my complaint and I was going to record the remainder of the call to share here he ended the call.
Also reminded him the correct way to respond was on this form, but I was willing to entertain a verbal settlement on the phone call; he refused.