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Cincinnati Bell

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Reviews Cincinnati Bell

Cincinnati Bell Reviews (66)

October 10, 2014 [redacted] RE: [redacted] Dear [redacted] , Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. Our records indicate that the technician found no trouble at your location and that your internet speed was at *Mbps. Your have... Zoomtown internet which offers speeds up to *Mbps.You have the highest speed internet available at this time. Unfortunately, your area is not qualified for Fioptics internet. Cincinnati Bell is working to upgrade all areas to our Fioptic internet. Our Fioptic internet offers speeds up to *0Mbps. Our sales representatives will notify you when Fioptics is available in your area. You may contact our technical support group with any others concerns at [redacted] ). It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter. Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Care Cincinnati Bell

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2017/05/03) */ We at Keller Williams Tri-Lakes feel very bad that Ms [redacted] is disappointed in our serviceThe property in question is approximately a acre tract of land, Ms [redacted] wanted to purchase only acresAs per the court ruling and owner we could only take and present offers on the entire parcelMs [redacted] was told this many times, when she presented her offer during the court process and then again when she contacted the real estate agent Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 8, 2017/05/08) */ This is EXACTLY why we filed the complaintI thought it was only the agent, but from their response it it the home office executives as well To set the record straight, we were NEVER told a full estate offer was mandatory but the agent WAS told we would consider the full estate once the appraisal was returned I submitted the first offer through the estate lawyerThey did not list a requirement of full purchase and assured us that we would have the first option to increase the offer to secure the land Then it was listed with the real estate companyImmediately we offered more money by acre for the parcelThis conversation was via phone between [redacted] and Mr***sIt was not a requirement to offer on the entire estateThe written offer was not provided to the estateAs soon as the agent posted signs, several of the surrounding neighbors wanted to purchase the entire estate and left messages for Mr***sCalls were not returnedPlease contact [redacted] for confirmation The agent accepted offer for the entire estate which was well below appraisal valueWe were NOT given feedback that the entire estate was mandatory until the lowball offer was pending contract According to Mrs [redacted] the agent told her this was a "cash" price At first, I was asking for a written explanation and thought this was a matter of oversightNOW I am beginning to wonder about the legality of what has occurred Please excuse any typos, as I am responding via cell phone Thank you, ***

September 11, [redacted] RE: Cincinnati Bell Wireless Account # [redacted] deposit refund I am responding to the complaint that you filed with the concerning your Cincinnati Bell Wireless deposit refund After reviewing the account further and checking with the accounting department I am being told that the refunds checks are being mailed the beginning of next week You should have your check within to business days It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter [redacted] Executive Care Representative Cincinnati Bell Telephone

October 16, [redacted] RE: [redacted] Dear [redacted] ***, Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your accountYour complaint is already being addressed via our Media relations groupThe representative will keep you up to date and is still working on resolving your issues It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Care Cincinnati Bell

Hello- this consumer is not a subscriber of [redacted] , but [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] "This is nothing but another brush-off by Cincinnati Bell and a refusal to accept any responsibilty to serve their customers I am a 38-year customer of Cincinnati Bell The company I started to do business with in is no longer a company committed to outstanding customer service Concerning their reply, I am [redacted] years old and I have never owned a cell phone in my life I have never done business with [redacted] *** or [redacted] , whoever that is I received the Lifeline discount through 7/31/and nothing has changed since then Somebody with some authority needs to investigate this matter and find out why I am receiving this double talk." thank you, [redacted]

September 3, [redacted] RE: Fioptics Account# [redacted] Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that was filed with the concerning the Fioptics Account In reviewing your account, I have found that service was requested to be cancelled on your billing date of June 20th The system did not cancel the account till June 23rd I have issued a credit of $ [redacted] to the account and requested that a refund check be mailed to the address on the complaint in [redacted] Please wait business days and you will receive a refund check in the amount of $*** It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter [redacted] Executive Care Representative Cincinnati Bell Telephone

August 26, 2014 Mrs. [redacted] RE: [redacted] Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint. I researched your parents’ account and found that the only product under a contract was [redacted] . It looks like this was... requested to be added last September. The contract for it was scheduled to expire on 9/9/2014. Per the notes on the account you called in yesterday to disconnect the service. The disconnect order that was placed will complete today. Since there was only one month left in the agreement the termination fee that will be billed is $ [redacted] (price of one month of the product). Under the circumstances I agree with you that this should be waived. Technically I can’t issue a credit for the termination fee before the bill is printed, but since this fee is only going to be the price of one month of [redacted] I have issued a credit on the current bill. With taxes the credit amount is $***. The final bill is going to be mailed to your address as was requested yesterday. It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to confuse or upset our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter. [redacted] Executive Care Agent Cincinnati Bell Telephone

I need the account # or billing telephone # to respond to the complaint [redacted] Executive Care Representative Cincinnati Bell Telephone I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below A business cannot stay in good standing unless they act in an ethical mannerRaising rates and then saying I give you a courtesy refund is not how you conduct a business There was no mentioned in her rebuttal when I contacted the [redacted] office and they agreed to charge me a rate of $ [redacted] after my wife had called themNow, rolling forward, I need to be proactive how I purchase products from a business that I have been with for over yearsI will begin the process of interviewing other vendors, I also am a business owner and no that if I don't conduct myself in a ethical manner, my reputation will be ruinedCincinnati Bell is no different, word of mouth is huge! Reputation is huge in this business [To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [redacted] , Thank you for your response and your attempt to ensure that my parents phone number is able to be ported to another carrier I would also like to thank you for adjusting their current bill to account for this mishap Unfortunately the number still can not be ported over due to some type of work order that is still in effect with Cincinnati Bell I was told by a cutomer service rep this morning that the account had the freeze removed and should be able to be transfered over to the new carrier When we tried it was AGAIN declined by Cincinnati Bell So I called back and this time asked to speak to a supervisor as my luck with your customer service reps has not been that good I was then told about this work order that had to be canceled in order for the request to be approved The supervisor named *** told me that she would contact the department to get this resolved and call me back by 1:this afternoon At 3:I still had not received a call so I called back and no one was able to connect me with "***" so I could see what the current status is All I got was excuses about how the problem is being worked It is now 4:and I have not received any thing back from this *** I still cant help but feel that this can't be that hard to resolve if someone just tried instead of giving some type of call center answer Please feel free to contact me via my cell number if you have any questions [redacted]

September 5, [redacted] RE: Cincinnati Bell Wireless Account # [redacted] Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that was filed with the concerning the full monthly billing for wireless service when disconnecting mid bill cycle The monthly charge for the service will not be prorated for the final partial month of service The full monthly fee does apply In reviewing your account, I have found that your late fee in the amount of $ [redacted] was credited It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter [redacted] Executive Care Representative Cincinnati Bell Telephone

September 4, Ms [redacted] RE: Wireless Account # [redacted] Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint regarding your termination fees While the charges for your lines being cancelled before 8/are valid I was able to issue a credit for your termination fees Since you already paid your bill in full your balance is now -$ [redacted] It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter [redacted] Executive Care Agent Cincinnati Bell Telephone

September 3, Mr [redacted] RE: [redacted] Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint Upon investigating your account I have found that the representative that placed the order giving you the month promotion wasn’t aware they were putting you in a contract I apologize and I have sent training in for the representative I have removed the contract from your account but kept you at the same $ [redacted] per month price until 10/12/ I understand you are having speed and service issues with your internetSince this contract is now removed you could upgrade your internetWe have 10, 20, or MB speed available at your address nowIf you are willing to try a speed upgrade with us this could resolve the issues If you would like to upgrade your speed please call [redacted] to proceedPlease note though that upgrading the speed could increase your monthly price It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to confuse or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter [redacted] Executive Care Agent Cincinnati Bell Telephone The response from Cincinnati Bell does not satisfy my complaint As stated I cancelled their service for legitimate reason I made numerous complaints the that company about no service and poor service I made complaints about billing errors that they made with attempts to make us pay $ [redacted] on one occasion and $ [redacted] on another occasion that was not owed to Cincinnati Bell I went to a Cincinnati Bell store right before I ended my service and was advised to end my service but that I should make sure I don't lose my numbers I wasn't told that it was going to cost me $ [redacted] for TWO DAYS OF LOUSY serviceEverything I have relayed in my complaint is documented Cincinnati Bell should have all of this documentation In fact, one of the employees told that Cincinnati Bell Kept Notes on Customers She refused to tell me what kind of notes My dealing with this company were terrible Not what you expect from a respected business [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [redacted] Your response is inaccurate, we already have the "new" account number and [redacted] has tried to use that We had another long day with the unprofessional staff of Cincinnati Bell's Customer Support staff I have now had two so called supervisors who have told me they would work on canceling the work orders that we're holding things up and call me back to confirm that everything has been done but they never call me back They will only give out first names so I have no clue who these people are, all I have is a [redacted] and a [redacted] who have not kept their word Now it looks like I won't be able to get the number transferred to my parents new residence as someone has turned off the phone line at their old residence that had the number we were trying to get transferred over I went over to the old residence this evening and the phone line is dead I went online to see what information I could find and it shows that we have a current balance due of $ [redacted] That's almost $ [redacted] more than the bill I'm at a loss, I am unable to get anyone from Cincinnati Bell to call me back and every day that goes by it appears that something new that we did not authorize happens to this account Feel free to contact me at [redacted] if you can explain what is going on Regards, [redacted]

I'm still not completely satisfied, and realize this isnt going anywhereI'll be cancelling my services soon I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]

October 2, [redacted] RE: [redacted] Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that was filed with the concerning the port out order for your parents After reviewing the account there is an order in the system to port the phone numbers on 10-6- The information that was being sent from the new carrier was incorrect and inaccurate They have corrected the customer code and now the order was accepted and due 10-6- The order at the previous address to disconnect service was effective on 9-22- I was able to backdate that order to 7-26- Once that order posts it will correct the billing You will be receiving a final bill so you can disregard the current bill Once the order to port completes you will get that bill within days It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if we have done so in this matter [redacted] Executive Care Representative Cincinnati Bell Telephone

September 29, [redacted] RE: [redacted] Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that you filed with the concerning your parents account After reviewing the notes on the account I do see where the local service freeze has been removed The freeze was on the account to protect your parents from having there service transferred to another provider without their permission I have checked the current up to date records and the local service freeze is no longer on the account I have checked the address on file and I am showing that internet is available at the new location I apologize that you were misinformed I will be sending this complaint to our Residential Service Center managers for training and educational purposes so that this does not happen again I do not see any pending requests to port out your parent’s number to another carrier There is nothing that is stopping a porting order since the local service freeze has been removed I have issued an adjustment to the account to credit days of service It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter [redacted] Executive Care Representative Cincinnati Bell Telephone

October 8, [redacted] RE: [redacted] Dear [redacted] ***, Cincinnati Bell does apologize for any confusion on our Repair policies Per our conversation on October 8, a Repair appointment is now scheduled for 10-10- It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Care Cincinnati Bell

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Address: 3363 Pendleton Cir, Franklin, Ohio, United States, 45005


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