August 26, 2014
Mr. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint regarding Premium Channels.
Upon investigating your account I have found that you have had Premium Channels since you started...
your service with Cincinnati Bell on November 7, 2013. They were given to you as a promotion free for 3 months. This is notated on your account and was on your original receipt for service. We emailed you this receipt at [redacted]
Since you never requested for these channels to be removed before now, all charges for them are valid. We cannot issue any credits for months past.
The credit of $[redacted] that you were promised will reflect on the bill that will print on 9/11. Since we bill your service in advance this is a fractional credit for the removal of the channels in the middle of the cycle. You’re billing cycle runs from 8/11-9/10. Since the Premium channels are being removed today the $[redacted] credit reimburses you for 8/26-9/10.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
The response from Cincinnati Bell does not satisfy my complaint. As stated I cancelled their service for legitimate reason. I made numerous complaints the that company about no service and poor service. I made complaints about billing errors that they made with attempts to make us pay $[redacted] on one occasion and $[redacted] on another occasion that was not owed to Cincinnati Bell. I went to a Cincinnati Bell store right before I ended my service and was advised to end my service but that I should make sure I don't lose my numbers. I wasn't told that it was going to cost me $[redacted] for TWO DAYS OF LOUSY service. Everything I have relayed in my complaint is documented. Cincinnati
Bell should have all of this documentation. In fact, one of the employees told that Cincinnati Bell Kept Notes on Customers. She refused to tell me what kind of notes. My dealing with this company were terrible. Not what you expect from a respected business.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The resolution is a step in the right direction. It is correct that the account was credited around ** dollars in the past. This was again due the internet not working properly since the service was installed over a year ago. So the extra ** dollars is again a step in the right direction but I have spent over [redacted] dollars for this service since I have had it installed. I would say that there has been issues at least 1/4 of that time. This to me is highly unacceptable.
The service person did come out yesterday. He changed some stuff around outside and ran a new line for the box in the basement. This was to make sure everything was running directly back to the outside box. BUT this did not fix the DVR issue. He told me that it me wouldn't but he needed to make sure everything else was good. There is suppose to be a update for the DVR boxes to fix the issue and I was told by the tech supervisor it was going to be yesterday. I will check this out again tonight because the update might have been pushed overnight but the DVR did not work last night.
The supervisor that did show up at the house was not very happy or something. The tech told me someone else was coming in the house shortly. As the new person entered my dog went to see who it was and I went to make my dog leave them alone. The issue here is that he did not acknowledge I was even there, did not introduce himself and as I was standing there he was asking the tech what the complaint was. I was 2 feet away why not ask the person making the complaint. So I made my comment about all the other service calls and went back upstairs. After a little while he came upstairs and looked at the one outlet in the living room and said the the HDMI could be causing some issues. Now I do understand that could happen but assuming and stating things in the manner he did was rude. I am very technical, heck I am a Field Service Engineer and have been in IT for 15 years and even worked in the cable TV industry for a few years. I was willing to overlook his comments and move on. The next comment that pushed me over the line was when he pushed my dog away and stated that "he could have him sniffing him because he can't smell or have dog on him the next place he goes". I can understand that but all that needed to be done was asked for me to put my dog up. I myself use to do this all the time when I working in people's residents. I am not sure why he acted rude, and almost a superior attitude most the time he was there but there really is not an excuse especially from a supervisor.
The technician ([redacted]) was nice and actually seemed like he cared and wanted to get the issues resolved. He left his cell number for me to call him directly in case other issues came up.
But on the other hand the supervisor is not welcome back in my house. I will not tolerate disrespect from someone that is a guest in my house. Either disrespecting myself, family or even dog will not be tolerated.
Also there was the issue below with one of the CSRs the other night. I was unable to update the complaint at the time this happened but the below also needs to be addressed.
I was contacted today while at work and asked a few questions about the issues that I have been having. I was told that many people are having the same issues and that there is a fix in the works. So at this time there was a known issue and they are waiting for people to complain before fixing or adding to the list of others. This is a very bad reactive response to a known issue. So I have again been paying for a service that has not worked in a while properly (over a year). I was told someone would contact me again later on for the On Demand issue.
This evening I was called from the service desk and talked to a person that really didn't speak good English and was very hard to understand once again. I was told it was another known issues a many people are having the same problem and they are working on it. I asked if a supervisor would be calling me and she stated that one of her colleague would contact me. I asked again if it was a supervisor ans she stated it was a colleague. I then asked if she was a supervisor and she got an attitude stating that is what she told me in the first place. I then explained that her English was very bad and she was hard to understand and that I needed to talk to a manager or supervisor. She said ok and then hung up on me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Your company should not be selling bandwidth it does not have. This is far beyond slight congestion, I'm getting 100-150kbps 20 hours a day, coupled with 200-300ms latency. You are selling a product that you don't have to sell. It is fairly simple, run a bigger pipe to the dslam, or stop selling a product you cant provide. It stands to reason that if you have that many ADSL customers in this area that it is this badly congested(as in it doesn't work), you have enough subscribers to justify running fiber here. Since the official CB response seems to be "Suck it up and deal with it, we already have your money!", I'll be cutting my losses and taking my business back to[redacted]. While their service loses signal every hour or so, at least they provide a working internet connection at the speeds they advertise.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to...
complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Cincinnati Bell did not address the issue of dispute. They only offer $[redacted] Credit for 3 months, a total of $[redacted], and that is not acceptable.
October 8, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell does apologize for any confusion on our Repair policies.
Per our conversation on October 8, 2014 a Repair appointment is now scheduled for 10-10-14.
It is never...
Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
October 8, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. Cincinnati Bell has done everything possible to try to resolve your issues. A repair supervisor applied an additional repair credit...
today for $[redacted]. Several repair supervisors have offered additional assistance and you have hung up on them.
At this point, you may want to look for another provider since you are unhappy with our service. Cincinnati Bell would hate to lose your business but would understand.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.
This is why so many people are leaving Cincinnati bell. You are greedy and very difficult toward your customers. One of your employees will create a poor situation and you simple demand you are right. I was a customer for about 7 years. In those 7 sever years I would once a year upgrade my phone at a discounted price as I was told I could when I first became a customer. I stayed simply because I wasn't required a contract. I switched recently due to poor cell phone reception within the greater Cincinnati area, as well as poor customer service which we are currently witnessing. I did not realize I was slipped into a contract by one of your sneaky employees when I had gotten my last device from the store. I was doing my usual upgrade because over a year had passed and the decide was wearing out. Not to mention I am very aware Cincinnati bell is discontinuing their wireless service. I would not have signed anything if I had known what it was. Every part of the way this company works is nothing but a joke and a waste of time to the customers that deal with you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Your response is inaccurate, we already have the "new" account number and [redacted] has tried to use that. We had another long day with the unprofessional staff of Cincinnati Bell's Customer Support staff. I have now had two so called supervisors who have told me they would work on canceling the work orders that we're holding things up and call me back to confirm that everything has been done but they never call me back. They will only give out first names so I have no clue who these people are, all I have is a [redacted] and a [redacted] who have not kept their word.
Now it looks like I won't be able to get the number transferred to my parents new residence as someone has turned off the phone line at their old residence that had the number we were trying to get transferred over. I went over to the old residence this evening and the phone line is dead.
I went online to see what information I could find and it shows that we have a current balance due of $[redacted]. That's almost $** more than the normal bill.
I'm at a loss, I am unable to get anyone from Cincinnati Bell to call me back and every day that goes by it appears that something new that we did not authorize happens to this account.
Feel free to contact me at [redacted] if you can explain what is going on.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
"This is nothing but another brush-off by Cincinnati Bell and a refusal to accept any responsibilty to serve their customers. I am a 38-year customer of Cincinnati Bell. The company I started to do business with in 1976 is no longer a company committed to outstanding customer service. Concerning their reply, I am ** years old and I have never owned a cell phone in my life. I have never done business with [redacted] or [redacted], whoever that is. I received the Lifeline discount through 7/31/14 and nothing has changed since then. Somebody with some authority needs to investigate this matter and find out why I am receiving this double talk."
thank you,
October 1, 2014
[redacted] [redacted]
RE: Wireless Account # [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your early termination fee on your wireless account.
After reviewing your account Cincinnati Bell still stands behind the decision not to waive the term fee.
The charges are correct and Cincinnati Bell stands behind the decision to bill you for the term fees. We are not able to waive this fee.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
October 10, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. Our records indicate that the technician found no trouble at your location and that your internet speed was at *Mbps. Your have...
Zoomtown internet which offers speeds up to *Mbps.You have the highest speed internet available at this time. Unfortunately, your area is not qualified for Fioptics internet.
Cincinnati Bell is working to upgrade all areas to our Fioptic internet. Our Fioptic internet offers speeds up to *0Mbps. Our sales representatives will notify you when Fioptics is available in your area.
You may contact our technical support group with any others concerns at [redacted]).
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
September 8, 2014
RE: Cincinnati Bell Wireless Account # [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal that was filed with the concerning the final bill on the wireless service.
After further investigation Cincinnati Bell is adjusting the final bill of $[redacted] as a courtesy credit since you only used 2 days of service before porting the service out to [redacted].
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 18, 2014
RE: Cincinnati Bell Fioptics Account – [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the regarding your Fioptics account.
After reviewing your account further, I do see where your promotions expired November 18, 2013. I do see notes from when you called and spoke to a representative Dec ember 30th, 2013 and you were given a courtesy adjustment of $[redacted].
On February 5th, 2014 [redacted] called and spoke to a representative regarding reducing the bill. At that time an order was placed to add promotions to the account. The account was then reduced by $[redacted] a month and those promotions are good till February 5th, 2015.
There is no credit due to the account for overcharges. Promotions are not permanent they can only stay on the account for 12 months.
I was just told that your service was restored and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
My view on this matter is it has not been solved. The company has not credited my account for the entire time that my service has not worked, the service is still not working, and I am out of a ton of money on paying for this service. This company does not have a professional customer service approach. We have been told our service will continue to only work**% until they run the wiring to our home in which this has not happened, nor have they credited my account.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
That is not what it states. He circled [redacted] and includes tax and equipment. Why else would he circle the amount ? Plus he told me explicitly that it included tax and equipment. Plus when I took the paper to Cincinnati Bell back in May,
the guy said what did John do now? They had lots of complaints on him.
I need the account # or billing telephone # to respond to the complaint.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
Cincinnati Bell Repair was dispatched on 10/1 and fixed the issue.
The account number [redacted] is for the [redacted] location. Account number [redacted] is for the [redacted] location.
August 26, 2014
Mr. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint regarding Premium Channels.
Upon investigating your account I have found that you have had Premium Channels since you started...
your service with Cincinnati Bell on November 7, 2013. They were given to you as a promotion free for 3 months. This is notated on your account and was on your original receipt for service. We emailed you this receipt at [redacted]
Since you never requested for these channels to be removed before now, all charges for them are valid. We cannot issue any credits for months past.
The credit of $[redacted] that you were promised will reflect on the bill that will print on 9/11. Since we bill your service in advance this is a fractional credit for the removal of the channels in the middle of the cycle. You’re billing cycle runs from 8/11-9/10. Since the Premium channels are being removed today the $[redacted] credit reimburses you for 8/26-9/10.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
The response from Cincinnati Bell does not satisfy my complaint. As stated I cancelled their service for legitimate reason. I made numerous complaints the that company about no service and poor service. I made complaints about billing errors that they made with attempts to make us pay $[redacted] on one occasion and $[redacted] on another occasion that was not owed to Cincinnati Bell. I went to a Cincinnati Bell store right before I ended my service and was advised to end my service but that I should make sure I don't lose my numbers. I wasn't told that it was going to cost me $[redacted] for TWO DAYS OF LOUSY service. Everything I have relayed in my complaint is documented. Cincinnati
Bell should have all of this documentation. In fact, one of the employees told that Cincinnati Bell Kept Notes on Customers. She refused to tell me what kind of notes. My dealing with this company were terrible. Not what you expect from a respected business.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The resolution is a step in the right direction. It is correct that the account was credited around ** dollars in the past. This was again due the internet not working properly since the service was installed over a year ago. So the extra ** dollars is again a step in the right direction but I have spent over [redacted] dollars for this service since I have had it installed. I would say that there has been issues at least 1/4 of that time. This to me is highly unacceptable.
The service person did come out yesterday. He changed some stuff around outside and ran a new line for the box in the basement. This was to make sure everything was running directly back to the outside box. BUT this did not fix the DVR issue. He told me that it me wouldn't but he needed to make sure everything else was good. There is suppose to be a update for the DVR boxes to fix the issue and I was told by the tech supervisor it was going to be yesterday. I will check this out again tonight because the update might have been pushed overnight but the DVR did not work last night.
The supervisor that did show up at the house was not very happy or something. The tech told me someone else was coming in the house shortly. As the new person entered my dog went to see who it was and I went to make my dog leave them alone. The issue here is that he did not acknowledge I was even there, did not introduce himself and as I was standing there he was asking the tech what the complaint was. I was 2 feet away why not ask the person making the complaint. So I made my comment about all the other service calls and went back upstairs. After a little while he came upstairs and looked at the one outlet in the living room and said the the HDMI could be causing some issues. Now I do understand that could happen but assuming and stating things in the manner he did was rude. I am very technical, heck I am a Field Service Engineer and have been in IT for 15 years and even worked in the cable TV industry for a few years. I was willing to overlook his comments and move on. The next comment that pushed me over the line was when he pushed my dog away and stated that "he could have him sniffing him because he can't smell or have dog on him the next place he goes". I can understand that but all that needed to be done was asked for me to put my dog up. I myself use to do this all the time when I working in people's residents. I am not sure why he acted rude, and almost a superior attitude most the time he was there but there really is not an excuse especially from a supervisor.
The technician ([redacted]) was nice and actually seemed like he cared and wanted to get the issues resolved. He left his cell number for me to call him directly in case other issues came up.
But on the other hand the supervisor is not welcome back in my house. I will not tolerate disrespect from someone that is a guest in my house. Either disrespecting myself, family or even dog will not be tolerated.
Also there was the issue below with one of the CSRs the other night. I was unable to update the complaint at the time this happened but the below also needs to be addressed.
I was contacted today while at work and asked a few questions about the issues that I have been having. I was told that many people are having the same issues and that there is a fix in the works. So at this time there was a known issue and they are waiting for people to complain before fixing or adding to the list of others. This is a very bad reactive response to a known issue. So I have again been paying for a service that has not worked in a while properly (over a year). I was told someone would contact me again later on for the On Demand issue.
This evening I was called from the service desk and talked to a person that really didn't speak good English and was very hard to understand once again. I was told it was another known issues a many people are having the same problem and they are working on it. I asked if a supervisor would be calling me and she stated that one of her colleague would contact me. I asked again if it was a supervisor ans she stated it was a colleague. I then asked if she was a supervisor and she got an attitude stating that is what she told me in the first place. I then explained that her English was very bad and she was hard to understand and that I needed to talk to a manager or supervisor. She said ok and then hung up on me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Your company should not be selling bandwidth it does not have. This is far beyond slight congestion, I'm getting 100-150kbps 20 hours a day, coupled with 200-300ms latency. You are selling a product that you don't have to sell. It is fairly simple, run a bigger pipe to the dslam, or stop selling a product you cant provide. It stands to reason that if you have that many ADSL customers in this area that it is this badly congested(as in it doesn't work), you have enough subscribers to justify running fiber here. Since the official CB response seems to be "Suck it up and deal with it, we already have your money!", I'll be cutting my losses and taking my business back to[redacted]. While their service loses signal every hour or so, at least they provide a working internet connection at the speeds they advertise.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to...
complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Cincinnati Bell did not address the issue of dispute. They only offer $[redacted] Credit for 3 months, a total of $[redacted], and that is not acceptable.
October 8, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell does apologize for any confusion on our Repair policies.
Per our conversation on October 8, 2014 a Repair appointment is now scheduled for 10-10-14.
It is never...
Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
October 8, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. Cincinnati Bell has done everything possible to try to resolve your issues. A repair supervisor applied an additional repair credit...
today for $[redacted]. Several repair supervisors have offered additional assistance and you have hung up on them.
At this point, you may want to look for another provider since you are unhappy with our service. Cincinnati Bell would hate to lose your business but would understand.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.
This is why so many people are leaving Cincinnati bell. You are greedy and very difficult toward your customers. One of your employees will create a poor situation and you simple demand you are right. I was a customer for about 7 years. In those 7 sever years I would once a year upgrade my phone at a discounted price as I was told I could when I first became a customer. I stayed simply because I wasn't required a contract. I switched recently due to poor cell phone reception within the greater Cincinnati area, as well as poor customer service which we are currently witnessing. I did not realize I was slipped into a contract by one of your sneaky employees when I had gotten my last device from the store. I was doing my usual upgrade because over a year had passed and the decide was wearing out. Not to mention I am very aware Cincinnati bell is discontinuing their wireless service. I would not have signed anything if I had known what it was. Every part of the way this company works is nothing but a joke and a waste of time to the customers that deal with you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Your response is inaccurate, we already have the "new" account number and [redacted] has tried to use that. We had another long day with the unprofessional staff of Cincinnati Bell's Customer Support staff. I have now had two so called supervisors who have told me they would work on canceling the work orders that we're holding things up and call me back to confirm that everything has been done but they never call me back. They will only give out first names so I have no clue who these people are, all I have is a [redacted] and a [redacted] who have not kept their word.
Now it looks like I won't be able to get the number transferred to my parents new residence as someone has turned off the phone line at their old residence that had the number we were trying to get transferred over. I went over to the old residence this evening and the phone line is dead.
I went online to see what information I could find and it shows that we have a current balance due of $[redacted]. That's almost $** more than the normal bill.
I'm at a loss, I am unable to get anyone from Cincinnati Bell to call me back and every day that goes by it appears that something new that we did not authorize happens to this account.
Feel free to contact me at [redacted] if you can explain what is going on.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
"This is nothing but another brush-off by Cincinnati Bell and a refusal to accept any responsibilty to serve their customers. I am a 38-year customer of Cincinnati Bell. The company I started to do business with in 1976 is no longer a company committed to outstanding customer service. Concerning their reply, I am ** years old and I have never owned a cell phone in my life. I have never done business with [redacted] or [redacted], whoever that is. I received the Lifeline discount through 7/31/14 and nothing has changed since then. Somebody with some authority needs to investigate this matter and find out why I am receiving this double talk."
thank you,
I need the Cincinnati Bell account # for this complaint.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
October 1, 2014
[redacted] [redacted]
RE: Wireless Account # [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your early termination fee on your wireless account.
After reviewing your account Cincinnati Bell still stands behind the decision not to waive the term fee.
The charges are correct and Cincinnati Bell stands behind the decision to bill you for the term fees. We are not able to waive this fee.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
October 10, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. Our records indicate that the technician found no trouble at your location and that your internet speed was at *Mbps. Your have...
Zoomtown internet which offers speeds up to *Mbps.You have the highest speed internet available at this time. Unfortunately, your area is not qualified for Fioptics internet.
Cincinnati Bell is working to upgrade all areas to our Fioptic internet. Our Fioptic internet offers speeds up to *0Mbps. Our sales representatives will notify you when Fioptics is available in your area.
You may contact our technical support group with any others concerns at [redacted]).
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
September 8, 2014
RE: Cincinnati Bell Wireless Account # [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal that was filed with the concerning the final bill on the wireless service.
After further investigation Cincinnati Bell is adjusting the final bill of $[redacted] as a courtesy credit since you only used 2 days of service before porting the service out to [redacted].
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 18, 2014
RE: Cincinnati Bell Fioptics Account – [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the regarding your Fioptics account.
After reviewing your account further, I do see where your promotions expired November 18, 2013. I do see notes from when you called and spoke to a representative Dec ember 30th, 2013 and you were given a courtesy adjustment of $[redacted].
On February 5th, 2014 [redacted] called and spoke to a representative regarding reducing the bill. At that time an order was placed to add promotions to the account. The account was then reduced by $[redacted] a month and those promotions are good till February 5th, 2015.
There is no credit due to the account for overcharges. Promotions are not permanent they can only stay on the account for 12 months.
I was just told that your service was restored and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
My view on this matter is it has not been solved. The company has not credited my account for the entire time that my service has not worked, the service is still not working, and I am out of a ton of money on paying for this service. This company does not have a professional customer service approach. We have been told our service will continue to only work**% until they run the wiring to our home in which this has not happened, nor have they credited my account.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
That is not what it states. He circled [redacted] and includes tax and equipment. Why else would he circle the amount ? Plus he told me explicitly that it included tax and equipment. Plus when I took the paper to Cincinnati Bell back in May,
the guy said what did John do now? They had lots of complaints on him.