I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
This is the worse response to a complaint I have ever seen.
Stating that Bell has reviewed my account and no more compensation is due at this time is absurdSo considering I am STILL having DVR issues and STILL being charged I guess I will have to look into the next step and get rid of this service or lack of service however you want to look at it
After reviewing the account further and contacting our repair group. Cincinnati Bell has credited your account for the outages and no other credits are due to you at this time. Not sure how I am not due price reduction considering that part of the service is not working properlyI am still getting charged for DVR serviceHeck even during the football game on Sunday night the sound and picture cut in and out
I understand there was a misunderstanding with one of our supervisors at your premise. I can assure you this was a misunderstanding our supervisors and techs are trained to offer excellent customer service and this particular supervisor has an excellent rating with our customers. I don’t know if I would consider rudeness and disrespect a misunderstandingI pretty sure I understood it very wellI am glad he has a great rating else ware but those incidents do not concern me and the way he acted in my resident
The supervisor advised *** to leave his number in case there are further issues. *** did leave his number but I was also told that the main issue I was having was a software issue on the DVRWhat is the ETA for this fix?? Why am I still paying for something that is not working????
This was all a misunderstanding and we will note your concerns that you do not wish to have this supervisor at your residence. Please due note the accountAndy was great the other guy not so much
Our Technical Support Group is outsourced, keep in mind that Cincinnati Bell made a corporate decision to outsource the call center. All call center employees working on behalf of Cincinnati Bell are given the resources and training required to resolve customer issues
I have had my supervisor listen to the call; I can assure you that a Cincinnati Bell Representative would never hang up on a customer on purpose. Well they did at this timeNormally if I have been cut off or dropped a call a CSR from would have called me back this time that did not happenSo that tells me they meant to hang up
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter. Thank you for the apology but at this time I believe it to be past apologiesI had *** before and their customer service / service wasn’t much better but at least it was betterGuess I will give them a call and see what they can do at this time
still consider this complaint OPEN
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
*** ***
The disconnection order was held up in our systemThe order has been completed and dated back to 7-28-You will see the proper charges on your next statement which will not arrive until OctoberYour billing cycle is the 23rd of each month and the order completed after your September statement
printedThe final statement will print October 23rd with the proper amount
September 3,
*** ***
*** *** *** *** *
*** ** ***
RE: Wireless Account # ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that was filed with the concerning the early term fees
Per notes on the account, I found where you called in on July
26th and spoke to a representative in the customer care department regarding our sale of the wireless spectrum to ***. I apologize that you were not told to wait till August 1st to port your service. August 1st we started waiving all term fees for our customers.
I have issued a credit for the term fees in the amount of $***
I am forwarding this complaint to our Cincinnati Bell Wireless customer care supervisors for training and development.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 9,
*** ***
*** *** *** **
*** ** ***
RE: Fioptics Account # ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal with the concerning your internet service
After reviewing your account, I have found that you have been issued $*** in adjustment s from 8-18-thru 9-5-14. I have adjusted the balance left on this month’s bill. You will not have a payment due till October 10th.
I have reached out to our Fioptics specialists and have already been notified today that you were called and someone was able to speak with you today from the Fioptics specialist group.
We really appreciate your business and your willingness to work with us to get your issue resolved. We consider you a valuable customer and will do what is needed to get your fioptics working
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
August 26,
Mr. *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint
Upon researching your account I have found valid reason to issue your credit requestYour missed appointment and any
misinformation you were given are being documented and will be researched for coaching and improvements
A credit of $** has already been placed on your accountThis has made your balance due on 9/$***
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I made payment on the next bill that I received because my bill was suppose to have been adjustedI never heard anything about the $*** until it came in the mail in august and thats when I called and was told I never should have gotten that bill and disregard itNext thjng was from collections
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Regards,since Cincinnati bell finds that their was a misunderstanding on their part, this should not be a matter for a collection agency, it should be in houseI don't accept their apology and would rather deal with the other cable companyGood byeWord of word does get around
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
*** ***
September 3,
Mr. *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** ** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint
Upon researching your account I contacted our Porting Department to find out what happened to your port in request for
your old phone numberThey have advised me that your order would not process because your number was not active with *** ***
I understand you cancelled your order with *** *** but they did not cancel the port requestSince this was never cancelled the port out request went through and *** *** now owns that phone number
If you choose to activate the number with *** *** we can port it back to Cincinnati Bell
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to confuse or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
August 26,
Mr. *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint regarding your Lifeline Application
Your application for Lifeline eligibility was not refused by Cincinnati Bell
Cincinnati Bell and all other providers of the Lifeline discount have to run any application received through the *** *** *** *** (***)
According to *** you have a service with another provider carrying a Lifeline discountThis is most probably a cell phone service with a company such as *** *** or *** ***
Cincinnati Bell cannot override this
If you do have one of these types of phones you would have to cancel that service and resubmit an application to receive Lifeline discount from Cincinnati Bell
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Wireless
September 18,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ***
*** ** ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your collection account
The bill for $*** was due upon receipt. We did not receive a payment so on September 1, the account was referred to an outside collection agency for nonpayment
I did want to note that you did make a payment of $*** on July 12, and a payment of $*** on August 2nd. The payment went towards the new account #*** Were you trying to make the payment on the *** account and were you trying to pay more than $***?
I have contacted the outside Collection Agency and told them not to report your account to the credit bureau for the next days since we are trying to help you get this resolved
Please let me know your intentions
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 16,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ***
*** ** ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your account balance that was transferred to an outside collection agency
RE: Cincinnati Bell Telephone Account *** ***
After reviewing the account notes in detail, Cincinnati Bell has addressed your issues. Notes reflect that on June 9th you spoke to a rep at the store around 10:am he placed a C order *** to remove the phone line and features known as the homepack.
I would like to address the phone call where you were told to disregard the letter you received the representative was actually looking at your other account and they state that in there notes they were referring to the account # *** *** which is the current Fioptics account. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding.
You currently owe for service that was rendered to you from April 3rd to June 9th
The only payment made on your account was *** on May 14th
Your account was sent to collections for $***
The amount owing of $*** are valid charges. You will need to contact the Outside Collection Agency to take care of the balance. Their contact phone number is ***
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Cincinnati Bell should not accept this complaint as closed, as I was told the ENTIRE time my services did not work I would get credited forDo you really think that someone should have to pay for services that did not work? When I had over technicians at my apartment to "fix" this issue, and at least other technicians were no shows? Is this how you think customers should be treated? I have had other people sign up with youThey too had issues with nothing being fixedNot only did your customer service agents lie to me, but you are not helping your customers when you shouldI work in customer serviceI know that this is not the way to treat peopleIf this is not resolved, and my services aren't restored, I will take further action than just the
*** ***
October 10,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: *** ***
Dear *** ***,
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. You cancelled your landline on 09-02-14.Your long distance billing cycle is from 8-20-to 09-19-Long distance charges are not
pro-ratedYou had calls and minutes of usageThe charges are validNo credits will be applied
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
We only ordered the fioptics cable, no a promotion that we was charged for and did not realize that it was being dischargedI do not consider this case closed even though Cincinnati Bell does not want to resolve an issue that was their faultYou do not place promotional items on a bill that was not supposed to be thereTo charge someone for something that they did not ask for is deceitfulYes you are correct we did not ask for it to be taken off till August, IT WAS NOT REALIZED WE WAS BEING BILLED FOR ITThe only thing I should have been careful about was trusting that Cincinnati Bell billed me correctly.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
First yes I have received a couple credits on my account after calling an arguing countless hours to receive these creditsSecondly I'm still without proper internet servicesI was suppose to have an engineer at my house to fix this issue and still have not had one here! I was told there is interference from your connection outside, nothing from my endI'm still paying for services that I'm not receiving and the "credits" I have recently received are for services that I was paying for and not receiving at all, so considering I've spent over hours at home with your technicians, about hours on the phone with rude, uncaring customer service, whom have laughed at my issues, not to mention paying for extra data on my phone plan because your services don't properly work in my home ( no internet) and I still stayed a loyal customer throughout this whole ordeal, I would think a loyalty or some sort of customer retention credit would be beneficialEspecially considering I'm still without internet services and have no idea when I will get what I actually pay forThe "return" of a late fee ( for services not received) and charge for a box I in fact do not have doesn't seem quite adequate, wouldn't you say? I have ran my own tests and barely get meg of the ten I should be getting if any at all, and have documentation of all of itWhere's my credits for no internet? When is the issue going to be fixed? How long do I have to pay for services I'm not in fact givenSo in closing thanks for giving me MY money back for services YOU weren't rendering that I was paying for after many arguments and being passed around from techs to customer service, bad business on your partNot even a sorry for your inconvenience credit or that your still not getting what you are paying for credit.
*** ***
October 13,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: ***
Dear *** ***,
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your accountYou placed an order to disconnect services on 10-08-The representative scheduled your appointment for 10-28- 8am-12pmThis is the
first appointment that was available for disconnectionA technician will call you when they are on the way to your homePlease make sure you answer the call
As a courtesy, Cincinnati Bell will back date your order to October 6, Please keep in mind that Fioptic video and internet is full monthly billingThis is a corporate policy and is in our terms and conditionsYou will receive pro-rated credits on the landlineYour monthly billing cycle is from the 19th-18th every monthYour final bill will reflect the credits on the landline and will show billing until October 18th on the video and internet
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
September 3,
*** ***
*** *** **
*** *** ** ***
RE: Fioptics Service Repair Credits
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that was filed with the concerning the request for credit on your fioptics account
A credit has
been issued by the repair group in the amount of $*** for the outages and repair issues with the Fioptics
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
This is the worse response to a complaint I have ever seen.
Stating that Bell has reviewed my account and no more compensation is due at this time is absurdSo considering I am STILL having DVR issues and STILL being charged I guess I will have to look into the next step and get rid of this service or lack of service however you want to look at it
After reviewing the account further and contacting our repair group. Cincinnati Bell has credited your account for the outages and no other credits are due to you at this time. Not sure how I am not due price reduction considering that part of the service is not working properlyI am still getting charged for DVR serviceHeck even during the football game on Sunday night the sound and picture cut in and out
I understand there was a misunderstanding with one of our supervisors at your premise. I can assure you this was a misunderstanding our supervisors and techs are trained to offer excellent customer service and this particular supervisor has an excellent rating with our customers. I don’t know if I would consider rudeness and disrespect a misunderstandingI pretty sure I understood it very wellI am glad he has a great rating else ware but those incidents do not concern me and the way he acted in my resident
The supervisor advised *** to leave his number in case there are further issues. *** did leave his number but I was also told that the main issue I was having was a software issue on the DVRWhat is the ETA for this fix?? Why am I still paying for something that is not working????
This was all a misunderstanding and we will note your concerns that you do not wish to have this supervisor at your residence. Please due note the accountAndy was great the other guy not so much
Our Technical Support Group is outsourced, keep in mind that Cincinnati Bell made a corporate decision to outsource the call center. All call center employees working on behalf of Cincinnati Bell are given the resources and training required to resolve customer issues
I have had my supervisor listen to the call; I can assure you that a Cincinnati Bell Representative would never hang up on a customer on purpose. Well they did at this timeNormally if I have been cut off or dropped a call a CSR from would have called me back this time that did not happenSo that tells me they meant to hang up
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter. Thank you for the apology but at this time I believe it to be past apologiesI had *** before and their customer service / service wasn’t much better but at least it was betterGuess I will give them a call and see what they can do at this time
still consider this complaint OPEN
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
*** ***
The disconnection order was held up in our systemThe order has been completed and dated back to 7-28-You will see the proper charges on your next statement which will not arrive until OctoberYour billing cycle is the 23rd of each month and the order completed after your September statement
printedThe final statement will print October 23rd with the proper amount
September 3,
*** ***
*** *** *** *** *
*** ** ***
RE: Wireless Account # ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that was filed with the concerning the early term fees
Per notes on the account, I found where you called in on July
26th and spoke to a representative in the customer care department regarding our sale of the wireless spectrum to ***. I apologize that you were not told to wait till August 1st to port your service. August 1st we started waiving all term fees for our customers.
I have issued a credit for the term fees in the amount of $***
I am forwarding this complaint to our Cincinnati Bell Wireless customer care supervisors for training and development.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 9,
*** ***
*** *** *** **
*** ** ***
RE: Fioptics Account # ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal with the concerning your internet service
After reviewing your account, I have found that you have been issued $*** in adjustment s from 8-18-thru 9-5-14. I have adjusted the balance left on this month’s bill. You will not have a payment due till October 10th.
I have reached out to our Fioptics specialists and have already been notified today that you were called and someone was able to speak with you today from the Fioptics specialist group.
We really appreciate your business and your willingness to work with us to get your issue resolved. We consider you a valuable customer and will do what is needed to get your fioptics working
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
August 26,
Mr. *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint
Upon researching your account I have found valid reason to issue your credit requestYour missed appointment and any
misinformation you were given are being documented and will be researched for coaching and improvements
A credit of $** has already been placed on your accountThis has made your balance due on 9/$***
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I made payment on the next bill that I received because my bill was suppose to have been adjustedI never heard anything about the $*** until it came in the mail in august and thats when I called and was told I never should have gotten that bill and disregard itNext thjng was from collections
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Regards,since Cincinnati bell finds that their was a misunderstanding on their part, this should not be a matter for a collection agency, it should be in houseI don't accept their apology and would rather deal with the other cable companyGood byeWord of word does get around
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
*** ***
I need the billing account number for this Complaint.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 3,
Mr. *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** ** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint
Upon researching your account I contacted our Porting Department to find out what happened to your port in request for
your old phone numberThey have advised me that your order would not process because your number was not active with *** ***
I understand you cancelled your order with *** *** but they did not cancel the port requestSince this was never cancelled the port out request went through and *** *** now owns that phone number
If you choose to activate the number with *** *** we can port it back to Cincinnati Bell
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to confuse or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
August 26,
Mr. *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint regarding your Lifeline Application
Your application for Lifeline eligibility was not refused by Cincinnati Bell
Cincinnati Bell and all other providers of the Lifeline discount have to run any application received through the *** *** *** *** (***)
According to *** you have a service with another provider carrying a Lifeline discountThis is most probably a cell phone service with a company such as *** *** or *** ***
Cincinnati Bell cannot override this
If you do have one of these types of phones you would have to cancel that service and resubmit an application to receive Lifeline discount from Cincinnati Bell
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Wireless
September 18,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ***
*** ** ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your collection account
The bill for $*** was due upon receipt. We did not receive a payment so on September 1, the account was referred to an outside collection agency for nonpayment
I did want to note that you did make a payment of $*** on July 12, and a payment of $*** on August 2nd. The payment went towards the new account #*** Were you trying to make the payment on the *** account and were you trying to pay more than $***?
I have contacted the outside Collection Agency and told them not to report your account to the credit bureau for the next days since we are trying to help you get this resolved
Please let me know your intentions
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 16,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ***
*** ** ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your account balance that was transferred to an outside collection agency
RE: Cincinnati Bell Telephone Account *** ***
After reviewing the account notes in detail, Cincinnati Bell has addressed your issues. Notes reflect that on June 9th you spoke to a rep at the store around 10:am he placed a C order *** to remove the phone line and features known as the homepack.
I would like to address the phone call where you were told to disregard the letter you received the representative was actually looking at your other account and they state that in there notes they were referring to the account # *** *** which is the current Fioptics account. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding.
You currently owe for service that was rendered to you from April 3rd to June 9th
The only payment made on your account was *** on May 14th
Your account was sent to collections for $***
The amount owing of $*** are valid charges. You will need to contact the Outside Collection Agency to take care of the balance. Their contact phone number is ***
Once again it is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Cincinnati Bell should not accept this complaint as closed, as I was told the ENTIRE time my services did not work I would get credited forDo you really think that someone should have to pay for services that did not work? When I had over technicians at my apartment to "fix" this issue, and at least other technicians were no shows? Is this how you think customers should be treated? I have had other people sign up with youThey too had issues with nothing being fixedNot only did your customer service agents lie to me, but you are not helping your customers when you shouldI work in customer serviceI know that this is not the way to treat peopleIf this is not resolved, and my services aren't restored, I will take further action than just the
*** ***
October 10,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: *** ***
Dear *** ***,
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. You cancelled your landline on 09-02-14.Your long distance billing cycle is from 8-20-to 09-19-Long distance charges are not
pro-ratedYou had calls and minutes of usageThe charges are validNo credits will be applied
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
We only ordered the fioptics cable, no a promotion that we was charged for and did not realize that it was being dischargedI do not consider this case closed even though Cincinnati Bell does not want to resolve an issue that was their faultYou do not place promotional items on a bill that was not supposed to be thereTo charge someone for something that they did not ask for is deceitfulYes you are correct we did not ask for it to be taken off till August, IT WAS NOT REALIZED WE WAS BEING BILLED FOR ITThe only thing I should have been careful about was trusting that Cincinnati Bell billed me correctly.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
First yes I have received a couple credits on my account after calling an arguing countless hours to receive these creditsSecondly I'm still without proper internet servicesI was suppose to have an engineer at my house to fix this issue and still have not had one here! I was told there is interference from your connection outside, nothing from my endI'm still paying for services that I'm not receiving and the "credits" I have recently received are for services that I was paying for and not receiving at all, so considering I've spent over hours at home with your technicians, about hours on the phone with rude, uncaring customer service, whom have laughed at my issues, not to mention paying for extra data on my phone plan because your services don't properly work in my home ( no internet) and I still stayed a loyal customer throughout this whole ordeal, I would think a loyalty or some sort of customer retention credit would be beneficialEspecially considering I'm still without internet services and have no idea when I will get what I actually pay forThe "return" of a late fee ( for services not received) and charge for a box I in fact do not have doesn't seem quite adequate, wouldn't you say? I have ran my own tests and barely get meg of the ten I should be getting if any at all, and have documentation of all of itWhere's my credits for no internet? When is the issue going to be fixed? How long do I have to pay for services I'm not in fact givenSo in closing thanks for giving me MY money back for services YOU weren't rendering that I was paying for after many arguments and being passed around from techs to customer service, bad business on your partNot even a sorry for your inconvenience credit or that your still not getting what you are paying for credit.
*** ***
October 13,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
RE: ***
Dear *** ***,
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your accountYou placed an order to disconnect services on 10-08-The representative scheduled your appointment for 10-28- 8am-12pmThis is the
first appointment that was available for disconnectionA technician will call you when they are on the way to your homePlease make sure you answer the call
As a courtesy, Cincinnati Bell will back date your order to October 6, Please keep in mind that Fioptic video and internet is full monthly billingThis is a corporate policy and is in our terms and conditionsYou will receive pro-rated credits on the landlineYour monthly billing cycle is from the 19th-18th every monthYour final bill will reflect the credits on the landline and will show billing until October 18th on the video and internet
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customersOn behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
September 3,
*** ***
*** *** **
*** *** ** ***
RE: Fioptics Service Repair Credits
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that was filed with the concerning the request for credit on your fioptics account
A credit has
been issued by the repair group in the amount of $*** for the outages and repair issues with the Fioptics
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone