I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I appreciate the offer of the $*** credit bc the DVR promotion ended a month earlier than the other promotions. I once again called that number for current promotions and the customer service was once again poor. The promotion that *** offered she failed to mention that it would be $*** a month prior to taxes, and with taxes it would be $*** a month. Thats roughly a $** increased without anything new added. If we could continue our current promotion for the $***a month that we are currently paying and the $*** credit for the dvr promotion ending, I would close this complaint, and we can all move on. If not, we will be canceling our service with Cincinnati Bell and move to another company
*** ***
September 29,
*** ***
*** *** *** **
*** *** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint that you filed with the concerning your account
In reviewing your account the monthly bill is correct. Please keep in
mind that the monthly service fees and taxes and surcharges fluctuate each month
There is no way to make sure that your billing amount is the same amount each month with the fluctuations
The promos that were added to your account do not expire till April 10th,
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I will keep the number I haveCincinnati Bell customer service is confusing and not very professsional
*** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. As of October 6, our request was finnaly met and the phone number was ported over to the phone service provider and is now working at my parents new residence
Thank you for your assistance,
*** ***
October 6, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. Cincinnati Bell does apologize for any misinformation or miscommunication. Your feedback will be used for training and coaching...
A Cincinnati Bell representative did issue a full credit on your account. You have a [redacted] balance.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
October 6, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your account.
In reviewing the documents that you provided, the quote very clearly states that the above price $[redacted] does not reflect taxes and additional fees. Your signature is right above that statement. The sales representative also wrote $[redacted] plus taxes and equipment.
There is no way to make sure that your billing amount is the same amount each month with the fluctuations.
Cincinnati Bell stands behind our decision that the pricing is correct and that the monthly bill can fluctuate each month.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 4, 2014
Ms. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint.
The requested credits have been issued to your account.
There is an order in place to install cable...
service at your residence today. Your Cincinnati Bell contact will follow up with you after your appointment for install.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
There was * complaints filed and only * issue was addressed.
That issue was not answered in full.
September 4, 2014
Ms. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal.
Unfortunately, a senior repair agent already reviewed your account and all proper credits were applied between April and May. No further credits were promised.
As previously advised since your account is now in a cancelled status full payment of the final bill is required to set up a new service.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
October 2, 2014
RE: CBT ACCOUNT #[redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your home phone service.
In reviewing the notes, I did find that your home phone service went up $[redacted].
The price for life discount on the home phone portion was [redacted] that changed to [redacted] now and the other [redacted] was moved over to the CBW account. The [redacted] additional price for life discount on the home phone was removed and was added as a discount to the CBW account.
All of this is due to the fact the Cincinnati Bell has sold our Wireless Spectrum to [redacted].
We have moved the discounts that were on the home phone for the price for life to the CBW account.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They claim to have issued almost $[redacted] in credits for services that did not work for over 6 months. This is NOT enough being the services are $[redacted]/month. I would need at least another $[redacted] -[redacted] in credits for the fact I paid for the services the entire time they did not work. I have been arguing with customer service over this for a long time. I was told that ALL of it would be credited once the issue was resolved. I have been waiting since April for these credits.
September 29, 2014
RE: Cincinnati Wireless Account # [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your early termination fee on your wireless account.
After reviewing the contract that you signed on December 24, 2012, Cincinnati Bell still stands behind our decision to charge the term fee. By signing the contract you were able to get the phone listed below for $[redacted] plus taxes less applicable rebate that was offered. The retail price of the phone was $[redacted] that is what you would have paid if you did not sign the contract. We apologize if you feel this was a miscommunication but our sales people are trained to explain the contract before having the customer sign it. Keep in mind if you would not have signed the contract you would have paid full price for the phone.
Phone Model: [redacted]
List Price: $[redacted]
$[redacted] off [redacted]
$150 off [redacted] after rebate
ICCID: [redacted]
IMEI: [redacted]
Promotions Applied:
$350 off [redacted]
$150 off [redacted] after rebate
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
October 14, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
This is in response to your rebuttal. Cincinnati Bell’s Zoomtown high speed internet service is advertised as offering speeds up to * Mbps. As stated in Cincinnati Bell’s terms “actual speed realized by subscriber may vary based on a variety of factors”. These factors can include hardware, software, and distance from central office, line and facility quality, website capacity and other external bottlenecks. Cincinnati Bell does not have control over all of these factors. Cincinnati Bell does not compensate for slow internet speeds. You are paying $[redacted] a month for Zoomtown and receive a $[redacted] bundle rebate with your package.
Cincinnati Bell is not investing money in the copper network. We are upgrading all areas to our Fioptic network and this takes time. Your speed will not increase until Fioptics is added in your area. There is nothing else we can do at this time. If you are not satisfied with your Zoomtown with Cincinnati Bell you may want to look for another service provider for your internet. Cincinnati Bell would hate to lose your business but we would understand.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
September 29, 2014
RE: CBT Account# [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that you filed with the concerning the increase on the account.
In reviewing the notes on the account, I did...
find that your Cincinnati Bell Wireless bill was increased. The increase was $[redacted] for the maintenance fee & [redacted] for the data plan effective 8-1-14.
Since you are a long time customer I have credited the increase on the current bill, I have added promos to credit the charges each month.
The next bill will show the adjustment as a $[redacted] adjustment.
Your November 5th will be correct.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
September 3, 2014
Ms. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint.
Upon researching your account I was not able to find any notes of a cancellation request in May and I wasn’t able...
to locate a return receipt for the equipment. However, I did see that you made your last payment on May 20th and we received your change of address information from the [redacted] in July. These can take a couple of months to reach us.
Due to the change of address request and that you have always had excellent pay history I edited the cancel order to backdate your bill until May 27th. This was the last day of the cycle you would have been in at the time you requested to cancel.
This will clear the current amount due on the account and bring you to a $* balance.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to confuse or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They have asked me to provide an account number so they can look into this matter. There is no contact information tell me who or how to send this to them. All they provided was the name [redacted].
October 8, 2014
RE: Fioptics – [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your fioptics account.
After reviewing the account further and contacting our repair group. Cincinnati Bell has credited your account for the outages and no other credits are due to you at this time.
I understand there was a misunderstanding with one of our supervisors at your premise. I can assure you this was a misunderstanding our supervisors and techs are trained to offer excellent customer service and this particular supervisor has an excellent rating with our customers.
The supervisor advised [redacted] to leave his number in case there are further issues.
This was all a misunderstanding and we will note your concerns that you do not wish to have this supervisor at your residence.
Our Technical Support Group is outsourced, keep in mind that Cincinnati Bell made a corporate decision to outsource the call center. All call center employees working on behalf of Cincinnati Bell are given the resources and training required to resolve customer issues.
I have had my supervisor listen to the call; I can assure you that a Cincinnati Bell Representative would never hang up on a customer on purpose.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 30, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning a Pay Per View billing issue.
After reviewing the account I see where the adjustment has been made.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I appreciate the offer of the $*** credit bc the DVR promotion ended a month earlier than the other promotions. I once again called that number for current promotions and the customer service was once again poor. The promotion that *** offered she failed to mention that it would be $*** a month prior to taxes, and with taxes it would be $*** a month. Thats roughly a $** increased without anything new added. If we could continue our current promotion for the $***a month that we are currently paying and the $*** credit for the dvr promotion ending, I would close this complaint, and we can all move on. If not, we will be canceling our service with Cincinnati Bell and move to another company
*** ***
September 29,
*** ***
*** *** *** **
*** *** ***
RE: ***
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint that you filed with the concerning your account
In reviewing your account the monthly bill is correct. Please keep in
mind that the monthly service fees and taxes and surcharges fluctuate each month
There is no way to make sure that your billing amount is the same amount each month with the fluctuations
The promos that were added to your account do not expire till April 10th,
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
Cincinnati Bell Repair was dispatched on 10/and fixed the issue
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I will keep the number I haveCincinnati Bell customer service is confusing and not very professsional
*** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. As of October 6, our request was finnaly met and the phone number was ported over to the phone service provider and is now working at my parents new residence
Thank you for your assistance,
*** ***
October 6, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Cincinnati Bell has reviewed your account. Cincinnati Bell does apologize for any misinformation or miscommunication. Your feedback will be used for training and coaching...
A Cincinnati Bell representative did issue a full credit on your account. You have a [redacted] balance.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
October 6, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your account.
In reviewing the documents that you provided, the quote very clearly states that the above price $[redacted] does not reflect taxes and additional fees. Your signature is right above that statement. The sales representative also wrote $[redacted] plus taxes and equipment.
There is no way to make sure that your billing amount is the same amount each month with the fluctuations.
Cincinnati Bell stands behind our decision that the pricing is correct and that the monthly bill can fluctuate each month.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 4, 2014
Ms. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint.
The requested credits have been issued to your account.
There is an order in place to install cable...
service at your residence today. Your Cincinnati Bell contact will follow up with you after your appointment for install.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
There was * complaints filed and only * issue was addressed.
That issue was not answered in full.
September 4, 2014
Ms. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your rebuttal.
Unfortunately, a senior repair agent already reviewed your account and all proper credits were applied between April and May. No further credits were promised.
As previously advised since your account is now in a cancelled status full payment of the final bill is required to set up a new service.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
October 2, 2014
RE: CBT ACCOUNT #[redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your home phone service.
In reviewing the notes, I did find that your home phone service went up $[redacted].
The price for life discount on the home phone portion was [redacted] that changed to [redacted] now and the other [redacted] was moved over to the CBW account. The [redacted] additional price for life discount on the home phone was removed and was added as a discount to the CBW account.
All of this is due to the fact the Cincinnati Bell has sold our Wireless Spectrum to [redacted].
We have moved the discounts that were on the home phone for the price for life to the CBW account.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They claim to have issued almost $[redacted] in credits for services that did not work for over 6 months. This is NOT enough being the services are $[redacted]/month. I would need at least another $[redacted] -[redacted] in credits for the fact I paid for the services the entire time they did not work. I have been arguing with customer service over this for a long time. I was told that ALL of it would be credited once the issue was resolved. I have been waiting since April for these credits.
September 29, 2014
RE: Cincinnati Wireless Account # [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your early termination fee on your wireless account.
After reviewing the contract that you signed on December 24, 2012, Cincinnati Bell still stands behind our decision to charge the term fee. By signing the contract you were able to get the phone listed below for $[redacted] plus taxes less applicable rebate that was offered. The retail price of the phone was $[redacted] that is what you would have paid if you did not sign the contract. We apologize if you feel this was a miscommunication but our sales people are trained to explain the contract before having the customer sign it. Keep in mind if you would not have signed the contract you would have paid full price for the phone.
Phone Model: [redacted]
List Price: $[redacted]
$[redacted] off [redacted]
$150 off [redacted] after rebate
ICCID: [redacted]
IMEI: [redacted]
Promotions Applied:
$350 off [redacted]
$150 off [redacted] after rebate
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
October 14, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
This is in response to your rebuttal. Cincinnati Bell’s Zoomtown high speed internet service is advertised as offering speeds up to * Mbps. As stated in Cincinnati Bell’s terms “actual speed realized by subscriber may vary based on a variety of factors”. These factors can include hardware, software, and distance from central office, line and facility quality, website capacity and other external bottlenecks. Cincinnati Bell does not have control over all of these factors. Cincinnati Bell does not compensate for slow internet speeds. You are paying $[redacted] a month for Zoomtown and receive a $[redacted] bundle rebate with your package.
Cincinnati Bell is not investing money in the copper network. We are upgrading all areas to our Fioptic network and this takes time. Your speed will not increase until Fioptics is added in your area. There is nothing else we can do at this time. If you are not satisfied with your Zoomtown with Cincinnati Bell you may want to look for another service provider for your internet. Cincinnati Bell would hate to lose your business but we would understand.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Customer Care
Cincinnati Bell
September 29, 2014
RE: CBT Account# [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the complaint that you filed with the concerning the increase on the account.
In reviewing the notes on the account, I did...
find that your Cincinnati Bell Wireless bill was increased. The increase was $[redacted] for the maintenance fee & [redacted] for the data plan effective 8-1-14.
Since you are a long time customer I have credited the increase on the current bill, I have added promos to credit the charges each month.
The next bill will show the adjustment as a $[redacted] adjustment.
Your November 5th will be correct.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to upset or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
September 3, 2014
Ms. [redacted]
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to your complaint.
Upon researching your account I was not able to find any notes of a cancellation request in May and I wasn’t able...
to locate a return receipt for the equipment. However, I did see that you made your last payment on May 20th and we received your change of address information from the [redacted] in July. These can take a couple of months to reach us.
Due to the change of address request and that you have always had excellent pay history I edited the cancel order to backdate your bill until May 27th. This was the last day of the cycle you would have been in at the time you requested to cancel.
This will clear the current amount due on the account and bring you to a $* balance.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to confuse or frustrate our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Executive Care Agent
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They have asked me to provide an account number so they can look into this matter. There is no contact information tell me who or how to send this to them. All they provided was the name [redacted].
October 8, 2014
RE: Fioptics – [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning your fioptics account.
After reviewing the account further and contacting our repair group. Cincinnati Bell has credited your account for the outages and no other credits are due to you at this time.
I understand there was a misunderstanding with one of our supervisors at your premise. I can assure you this was a misunderstanding our supervisors and techs are trained to offer excellent customer service and this particular supervisor has an excellent rating with our customers.
The supervisor advised [redacted] to leave his number in case there are further issues.
This was all a misunderstanding and we will note your concerns that you do not wish to have this supervisor at your residence.
Our Technical Support Group is outsourced, keep in mind that Cincinnati Bell made a corporate decision to outsource the call center. All call center employees working on behalf of Cincinnati Bell are given the resources and training required to resolve customer issues.
I have had my supervisor listen to the call; I can assure you that a Cincinnati Bell Representative would never hang up on a customer on purpose.
It is never Cincinnati Bell’s intention to dissatisfy our customers. On behalf of Cincinnati Bell, I apologize if you feel we have done so in this matter.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
September 30, 2014
RE: [redacted]
Cincinnati Bell is responding to the rebuttal that you filed with the concerning a Pay Per View billing issue.
After reviewing the account I see where the adjustment has been made.
Cincinnati Bell considers this complaint closed.
Executive Care Representative
Cincinnati Bell Telephone