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Bass Services, Inc.

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Reviews Bass Services, Inc.

Bass Services, Inc. Reviews (4717)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The Contract that I have states: Both pool and built-in-spa equipment are covered if they utilize common equipment If they do not utilize common equipment, then only one of the other is covered unless an additional fee is paid Cover applies to above ground, accessible working components and parts of the heating, pumping and filtration system as follows: Heater - Pump - Motor- filter - Filter timer - Gaskets - Blower - Timer - Valves, limited to back flush actuator, check, and and way valves - Relays and switches.The motor in questions is above ground and is part of the operation of the operating pool system I am extremely, disappointed as I went in the contract in good faithAt years old I have NEVER had an issue with a business for a service I have contracted
*** ***

Dear *** ***, Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very
seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on ***
* Upon review of your claims it appears your claim was processed in accordance with the policy section Letter F, Number in which CHW is not responsible for repairs related to secondary damagesWe have also taken the information you have provided us to share with our vendor relations team and Territory Managers to research the claim regarding the first technician that visited your home We do regret your frustration; however CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy Regards, CHW

The policy is clear and outlined online and also sent to all customers to review prior to the effective dateThe policy indicates that rust and corrosion are not covered and as such, the claim is not coveredThe advertising and processing of claims is not fraudulent, the contact is detailed and provides all of the information needed Regards, CHW

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Per our policy, you are permitted a full refund of the policy within the first days PRIOR to the policy start date Your policy took effect days after the purchase, in this case providing you did not process any claims; you would be able to receive a full refund but because you did place a claim and CHW did use our resources to provide a technician to your home, you would be subject to the Cancellation fee associated with the policy Please see Section LCancellations.This is a maintenance agreement for repair, replacement, or partial replacement of the products listed that are deemed manufactured or sold by the manufacturerThis is not a contract of insurance, residential service, warranty, extended warranty, or implied warranty You may cancel within the first days of the order date for a refund of the paid contract fees, less a $administrative fee and any service costs incurred by Us. This contract shall be non-cancelable by Us except for:Nonpayment of contract fees;Nonpayment of Service Fee, as stated in Section III;Fraud or misrepresentation of facts material by You to the issuance of this contract;Mutual agreement of Us and YouIf canceled after days, You shall be entitled to a pro rata refund of the paid contract fee for the unexpired term, less a $administrative fee and any service costs incurred by Us All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing.I do see that after your claims were advised not covered, you disputed the charges on your credit card stating that we (CHW) did not have permission to charge your credit card when you did sign up with us This being said, we cancelled your policy as you disputed the charges and broke the contract agreement.You would have to speak with our Cancellations team to discuss if we are able to do anything for your policy since you did break the agreement We still might be able to provide you with a prorated refund of what you had paid determining that outcome of the chargeback.Thank you,CHW

Dear *** ***,
We do see that since the last response that we stated to you, it was advised to us that the parts that were no longer working and were not maintained properly we have offered to assist as a goodwill gesture
CHW has tried numerous times to reach out to you for you to sign the release that states that you agree to this mutual resolution to have the unit fixed
Thank you,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and I contacted them for the payment of $as instructed by Choice Home WarrantyThey asked me to sign and notarize a release agreementI did so and sent it to themHowever, no payment has been made to me by them so farSo, please keep this case open until they resolve the issue and send me the payment of $as they offered.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:They are liars, when I purchased this home warranty I was assured that they would honor such thingsNorth Carolina is a humid state and all coils on HVAC units have some degree of rustIt is impossible to not have some rust and corrosionWhen water and metal unite there will always be corrosion. I worked for an HVAC company and have seen many units, they all have rustWhen they offered me the $I had to promise to not tell the truth about their deceitful business practicesI also had to promise to not contact the or an lawyer. When their own service technician tells me that they never honor claims something is wrongOut of all the HVAC service calls they have never replaced a condemned unit because they know how to wiggle their way out of giving their clients the peace of mind that they promiseThis tells me that all of the other units had rust or corrosion alsoIf CHW knows this why do they cover HVAC unitsThey steal our money with promises.I never received a contract from them stating anythingI would never have done business with this company if I knew that they would not cover my HVAC unit because I know that every unit has rust
*** ***

Dear *** * ***,We sincerely apologize for any frustration that this has causedWe have advised our IT department to kindly remove your email from our advertisementsIf for any chance you do continue to receive them, please forward them to *** so we can see where they
are coming from and we will make sure that it stops.Thank you for advising us of this, please allow a few days for the emails to stop.Thank you,CHW

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:This company is so obviously desperately trying to act like I did something incorrect. When I purchased my contract with Choice the air conditioner had been working since when I last used it - it did work. So I purchased the contract with the air conditioner working. When I had the contract for approximately months and know the weather was getting warmer I decided to turn the air conditioner (which had been working properly when last used) did not function properly. You are trying to mix words to make it look like I knew there was a problem with the air conditioner. If that was the case why would I wait months after having this contract to report it. The fact of the matter is that YOU JUST DO NOT WANT TO PAY THIS CLAIM and are looking for any EXCUSE or reason not to. Please stop trying to insult my intelligence. This company is a disgrace and of course you would like me to cancel my contract because they would take you off the hook. People pay to have this insurance but apparently you would like to only pay for small items. DISGRACEFUL.
*** ***

Dear *** ***, Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable
way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on *** CHW does provide protection and coverage for appliances regardless of the age, however, it needs to be a covered repairCHW does offer coverage for heating systemsA review of the claim for your heating system was processed according to the planThere is a crack in the heat exchanger which is a result of rustSection Letter F, Number of the policy indicates that rust and corrosion aren’t covered under the terms of the policy We do regret your frustration; however CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy Regards, CHW

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:The technician told me that chw never contacted him like customer service rep Luwan stated and also said that he told you no such thing that you are claiming to have happenedHe assured me that chw would cover the repair not to mention that this is the second company because the first company you recommended never respondedThis is unacceptable and chw just doesn't want to pay the claimYou knew that this had been an ongoing issue and instead of fixing it to began with you chose to put a bandage on it.
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I paid on time my monthly charge of $on June 1stwhen I cancelled due to poor service and no available technicians on several claims, it was understood that-since I paid for the entire month of June, I had until June 30th to file any claimYou can't accept my money for the month and not provide serviceIt cost me $to repair my air conditioner, in addition to having laid out the $Choice Home Warranty stills owes me reimbursement for a service call for my microwave, which I have been told was processed, but I never received it.either Choice Home Warranty needs to pay me for the air conditioner repair or Ineed to be refunded my June monthly payment
*** ***

Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously
Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on our web site at Upon review of your policy that started on 3/30/we do see that you placed a claim days later for your Air Conditioning unit Choice Home Warranty dispatched a technician that provided a diagnosis to us, upon the diagnosis it was said " Tech found a few things fried in the unit He said he did state that this was likely from a surge but he said he cannot say for sure." The outcome of the claim was pre-existing due to the fact that this could not have happened within the days you have had your policy We do see that you had canceled your policy, unfortunately due to our terms in our policy by breaking the agreement with CHW you are charged a $cancellation fee. LCANCELLATIONThis is a maintenance agreement for repair, replacement, or partial replacement of the products listed that are deemed manufactured or sold by the manufacturerThis is not a contract of insurance, residential service, warranty, extended warranty, or implied warranty. You may cancel within the first days of the order date for a refund of the paid contract fees, less a $administrative fee and any service costs incurred by Us. This contract shall be non-cancelable by Us except for:Nonpayment of contract fees;Nonpayment of Service Fee, as stated in Section III;Fraud or misrepresentation of facts material by You to the issuance of this contract;Mutual agreement of Us and YouIf canceled after days, You shall be entitled to a pro rata refund of the paid contract fee for the unexpired term, less a $administrative fee and any service costs incurred by Us. All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing. We are very happy that you were able to fix the unit easily for yourself and thank you for your feedback.Regards,CHW

The policy states in section Letter F, Number We are not liable for or routine maintenanceWe will not pay for repairs or failures that result from the Contract holder’s failure to perform or routine maintenanceFor example, you are responsible for providing maintenance and cleaning pursuant to manufacturers’ specifications, such as periodic cleaning of heating and air conditioning systems, evaporator coils and condenser coils, as well as periodic filter replacementWe are working under the manufacturer’s information and what a proper routine maintenance would entailAlthough CHW doesn’t require that the documents be sent, an invitation is sent to send them in to allow CHW to review the documents to reconsider the claimIt is not mandatory but an option provided to the customersIf you would like to submit records you may do so to ***At this time, the claim has been processed accordingly. Regards,CHW

We do apologize for your frustration with this issue however we do see that the check that you are referencing was sent out on 07/14/15, we are not able to stop payment without charging the fee to cancel the check if it is before days Since you did receive the first check that
we had sent to you in the amount of $300, we do know that we are sending it to the correct place.We would be happy to reissue the check to you providing that days has passed or if you would like to pay for the cancelled check and then we can reissue it.Thank you,CHW

Dear *** *** After further review, we found that the tankless water heater coverage was supposed to be added onto your policy as “optional.” We apologize for the inconvenience. We have added the tankless water heater optional coverage for you and have dispatched *** *** at ###-###-####, scheduled for Wednesday November 8th, between the hours of 11:AM and 03:PM.In addition to that, we have waived the service call fee of $for this claim. Regards,CHW

Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously
Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on our web site at I do see that you have placed a claim for your washer and that we advised that the technician told CHW that the unit was not leaking anymore and if it was to leak again, you would have to call us and we would send the technician back to your home On 05/27/you called into our claims department and stated that you were not happy with this technician's diagnosis and you wanted CHW to send a different tech out to your home We did as you asked and dispatched a different tech to youYou advised us that you cancelled that technician and had your own come out to your home You spoke to ours over the phone and you chose to have your own come out On 5/28/15, we advised you that we could not pay for any repairs or replacements of units that are completed without prior authorizationdid not need to be replaced You have had your policy with CHW since 4/20/and we have gone over the policy with you, through the and over the phone We are unable to pay for work that was done without prior authorization If you would have called CHW once the washer started to leak again, we would have dispatched a technician at no charge since one was just out to your home We are unable to pay for the service call fee that you paid to your technician because as we explained to you, a second opinion would be at your cost We had no reason to believe that the technician would state that a unit was working when it wasn't MrIsmail, CHW follows all of the wording of our policy and we cannot per the policy, Section CSERVICE CALLS We has the sole and absolute right to select the Service Provider to perform the service; and We will not reimburse for services performed without prior approval.CHW is in full compliance with our policy and we are unable to refund you for a washer that you chose to purchase I have documented the policy to show that the unit is new as it will no longer be under our warranty All new units come with a manufacture warranty and that supersedes CHW's policy, Per section FLimitations of Liability We are not responsible for any repair, replacement, installation, or modification of any covered system or appliance arising from a manufacturer’s recall or defect of said covered items, nor any covered item while still under an existing manufacturer’s, distributor’s, or in-home warranty Please send us the invoice for the new unit for CHW to place in the system for when the manufacturer's warranty does run out, then CHW will be able to cover the unit You can send this to [email protected],CHW

Because it is more of the mumbo jumbo they give when a claim is submittedThis home had NO PROBLEMS for an entire year prior to my buying ANOTHER year of everything was in fine working orderThey tried to say it was lack of I submitted proof of maintenance on the systemThen they said it was because no leak was detected...but it was too low on freon , so I paid $out of pocket to have the system chargedWhen it failed, they said it wasn't going to be covered because we didn't make a "repair", we just put a "band-aid" on itThis is utter nonsense! The system failed, while under warranty, and they need to cover the repairI have gone ahead and paid OUT OF POCKET again to have the system repaired at a cost of $1,800...they need to pay itI will speak to an attorney and the Attorney General of North Carolina to start an action here as wellThey are using the same disallowed business practices from NJ and now employing them here in NC

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: the service technician stated to me that he only put one to one and a half lbs of freon in the unit The fact that he lied to the home warranty company in no way voids my warranty The blower motor replacement should be covered by the home warranty company and the service technician should be held accountable for his actions
*** ***

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Address: 19111 Gunn Hwy, Odessa, Florida, United States, 33556-4213


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