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Bass Services, Inc.

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Reviews Bass Services, Inc.

Bass Services, Inc. Reviews (4717)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because the Freon leak was supposedly fixed by Choice Home Warranty's certified HVAC contractors back in February 2016. Doesn't Choice Home Warranty guarantee the work of their contractors? If I did not have the Freon leak fixed by Choice Home Warranty's certified HVAC technicians in February 2016, I would not have issue with findings but this is not the case. I followed all Choice Home Warranty's rules back in February to have the Freon leak fixed, so why won't Choice Home Warranty own up to the faulty workmanship of their certified HVAC technicians? The faulty Freon leak workmanship should cancel out the "secondary damage" diagnosis for my claim * *** resulting in a replacement heat pump payout by Choice Home Warranty in the amount of $4,or more
*** ***

I am rejecting this response because:
I was told that my records were recieved and reviewed and not sufficient I can resubmit them, but need time to gather the information again I had a second opinion done That was submitted with I asked the contractor repeatedly for a copy of what he submitted to youHe made promises to bring it to me,but never showed up I am entitled to a contractor that has a valid license I was not provided with this information from either Choice or the technician The reciept I got was hand written with no lisense numbers present I did a thorough search on Georgia license websites and could not find the technicians name or his company name listed anywhere I called the office of the Secretary of State and verified that they did not have the technician listed If he is not licensed, then his opinion is not valid Further, the contractor told us something different than he told Choice This is the first time I was given a detailed reason why the unit failed I asked specificially what caused the compressor to fail as there are four reasons and never until now have I been provided with that answer There was NO debris in the unit when the technicial took his pictures NONE Your technician before introducing himself told my husband that we would not get this claim paid because "Choice never pays for big items at the end of the summer....NEVER" He told all kinds of stories of the things that were done He did not know what he was doing and diagnosed the unit wrong twice before he found the right thing My AC unit it the ONLY one that is still original in my neighborhood The other houses that were all built the same year and contain the exact same units all had to be replaced yo years ago Mine lasted so long because I took such care with it My technician called and asked to speak to someone about the unit and you would not speak to him I did have him come out and look at the unit both before and after your technician came Honestly, the way this was handled was wrong When I first called I was told it was the capaciter that was bad, then I was told it was struck by lightening and then finally came the real deal, the compressor I asked what the reason was given for the compressor to fail and was told because it was dirty I said that is not a proper reason I need the reason The tech that was here told us how clean the unit was and he really thought it looked great, etc He took photos and showed the photos to us and they looked fine I was not furnished with those or any other documentation If an reputable technician came to my home to make a repair that I called about, I would not let him in my home with no documentation We trusted that he was licensed at the very least, but now I have no idea if that is true I asked both your office and him to provide the copy of what he submitted to you and his state license number Proper business procedures call for those to be produced If you meet the requirement of telling me what is wrong with that letter you gave me, then I think that is a disservice to every client you have You have me a letter with some numbers in it that referred back to items in the contract about mainitaining the unit and never once offered me further explanation until today I have used two other home warranty companies in the past on other houses I never once recieved the poor level of service I have gotten with Choice, and I point out that they did not pay every claim either From taking years of payments up front that was not authorized to this, shows me you do not have my interest at heart

Dear *** ***,Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very
seriously Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on our web site at Upon review of your claim for your washer, the technician had stated that the unit failed due to debris stuck within the heat pump, he stated it was completely cloggedThis failure takes a while to occur and per our records, this policy has not been in place long enough for the unit to have failed within the lifespan of the policy Your policy began on 10/23/and your claim was placed on 11/3/ As a good will gesture since you disagree with the outcome of the claim, hence our policy; CHW is willing to provide you with a full refund of your policy but we cannot provide you with the service call fee as that was paid to the service provider.We have documented your claim and if you would like a full refund of the policy, please contact us and we will provide you with a form to sign You are a monthly customer and normally there would not be a refund also the day grace period has passed to receive the full refund but we are willing to provide it to you.We do regret the frustration with this claim however; CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy.Best regards,CHW

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I had asked several times if there was a chance that it would not be covered before scheduling the technicianI told you repeatedly that I didn't want to dish out another $only to find out that it was not going to be covered while explaining exactly what the problem wasYou kept insisting that the diagnosis had to come from your technician and you didn't know if it was or was not going to be covered and I had to pay the additional money to the technician to hear the exact same diagnosis.If everything is so clear and you know so well what you provide and not provide, why do you make home owners go through the motion instead of saying it upfront WHEN SPECIFIC QUESTIONS ARE ASKED??? WHY DON'T YOU BE HONEST AND SAY THAT IT IS NOT GOING TO BE COVERED BECAUSE IT WAS PRE-EXISTING??? HOW MANY TIMES DID I SAY THAT AND YOU STILL INSISTED THAT I HAD TO PAY EXTRA MONEY FOR THE EXACT DIAGNOSIS THAT I TOLD YOU SEVERAL TIMES??? I could have saved the extra money toward the repairYou lied about it when I signed up also and that was the only reason why I signed up because I was told that you would repair or replace if there was any problem. I will let everyone know what you did so they avoid your companyAs you can see, my problem with you is the fact that I told you in advance and you still made it sound like you would cover it and made me waste extra money that I could have used toward repairIt is a lot of money for nothing
*** ***

*** ***,Please first note, Section FLimitations of Liability #that states that CHW is not responsible for the technicians’ negligence If you do not like a technician that has come to your home, you can always request a different one or request to use our reimbursement process.However, since you disagree with our policy, CHW is offering you a refund to cancel your policy out with us You paid us $for the policy and we have paid out a total of $ We are willing to offer you a refund minus claims paid rather than cancel your policy per the terms This will allow you to have a refund.If you would like to accept this offer, please contact us and we will provide you with the release agreement that we would ask you to sign. Thank you,CHW

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I did not have all these claims.I did have almost a year of paying for a agreement.This was not a preexisting condition the unit worked well for many years.The unit broke down and you all did not fix itThat was the agreement I was paying for!Your company is a scam
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I will be more than happy to send my maintenance records as I have already sent them to the New Jersey Consumer Affairs with my complaint against CHW.
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The statement to me that the coils were dirty had a reason. When a reputable Air & Heating company came to fix the problem they told me the coils were very difficult to access to do a good cleaning job. Because the tenants have two young daughters with serious health issues I was put in the position of getting a new air conditioner immediately so they would have the heat and air needed this time of year, it was an urgent situation. I believe Choice made the decision for their own benefit, not the customers
*** ***

Dear *** * ***Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very
seriously Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on our web site at ***Upon review of your policy, we do see that it was cancelled as of the 17th of this month We do regret any frustration that you had experienced with our company and wish you the best of luck with your future home warranty.CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy.Regards,CHW

Dear *** ***,Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very
seriously Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on our web site at ***.Upon review of your claim, we do see that on 3/15/you were provided a goodwill gesture to have $approved to the technician to assist with the cost of the claim. We are happy that we were able to assist you on this claim.Regards,CHW

Dear *** ***,Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very
seriously Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on A review of the claim shows that it was processed according to the policy Based on the diagnosis that we received, it stated that the compressor shorted to ground This failure occurs when the compressor overheats, damaging the internal windings and shorting the compressor This failure does not constitute wear and tear as there are many safeguards that work to prevent these types of failures Per our policy, Section Letter A, Number 2, we cover failures that “Become inoperative due to wear and tear…”Our SrClaims Specialist advised you about the outcome of the claim and our policy, in which you were not satisfied, therefore, you requested to cancel your policy We strive to provide the best customer experience, therefore, we offered you funds in the amount of $to assist on the non-covered claim You declined this offer.If you would like to further dispute this claim, you are entitled to get a second opinion If you choose to get a second opinion, please submit the diagnosis to [email protected] for review If the diagnosis shows a different outcome, we would adjust the claim accordingly.We do regret your frustration, however CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy.Regards,CHW

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** *** You sent a HVAC TEC. To my Home who was under THE INFLUENCE Of ALCOHOLHe arrived Late alsoAnd how could he tell are know when my A/C had stop Being under the Influence of AlcoholMaking such Poor Judgment as thatHe has no right to say when My unit had stop WorkingHe Need to STOP DRINKING While driving. As a Retired Law Enforcement Officer I know when a Person is under the influence. With the STRONG Odor About his Person he had on him. Your Company should be Ashamed for sending out such and unprofessional HVAC TEC. to my home. Are to ANY HOME. If I could have Gotten his Tag Number I would have call him endHe was a DANGER to himself and the Community for being under Influence of ALCOHOL While driving a VehicleI want All my money REFUNED to me and I am Cancelling my Protection Plan with You because I am NOT Protected by Your Company in AnywayIn Are OUT OF MY HOME

Dear ** *** ***,Please note again that CHW is not an emergency service company and we do not reimburse as one. We do regret that you were not able to review the terms of the policy however as a goodwill gesture, we are offering to provide you with a total of $375.03.Please contact our customer service department if you would like to accept the full refund and we will send you a release agreement for you to sign to receive all of your funds though.Thank you,CHW

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID *** and will accept the offer
*** ***

Dear *** ***, Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback
very seriously Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on *** A review of the claim shows that the claim was processed according to the policyThe technician was dispatched and when CHW wasn’t able to quickly obtain the diagnosis, another technician was assigned to ensure adequate customer service and prevent further delaysA diagnosis that was received from the technician indicates that the unit needed to have a new capacitorIt was determined that the unit wasn’t worth the cost of the repairAs outlined in the policy, you were presented with an amount that would be provided towards the purchase of a new unitAs the policy outlines in section Letter F, Number 9, “We have the sole right to determine whether a covered system or appliance will be repaired or replacedWe are responsible for installing replacement equipment of similar features, capacity, and efficiency, but not for matching dimensions, brand or colorWe are not responsible for upgrades, components, parts, or equipment required due to the incompatibility of the existing equipment with the replacement system or appliance or component or part thereof or with new type of chemical or material utilized to run the replacement equipment including, but not limited to, differences in technology, refrigerant requirements, or efficiency as mandated by federal, state, or local governments”Also, section Letter F, Number states, “We reserve the right to offer cash back in lieu of repair or replacement in the amount of Our actual cost (which at times may be less than retail) to repair or replace any covered system, component or appliance”The CHW team has been attempting to work with you, however, can’t reach you on the number that was leftPlease call the CHW customer service team at ###-###-#### We do regret your frustration; however CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy Regards, CHW

Dear Ms***Our apologizes that the statement was made that your policy was cancelled, we do see that you have not paid for the remainder of the policy and you are in past due statues You did pay a total of $for this policy and after the claim was not covered per the terms of the policy, you were upset and chose not to pay any further The claim was not covered per the terms stated in Section F#as it was a pre-existing failure to the policy start date We will however provide you with a refund of the amount that you did pay, providing you sign the necessary papers that we will email to you If you chose not to sign the papers, we are not able to provide a full refund and you would be subject to either pay the amount past due or you could cancel per terms of Section LCancellations.CHW does urdge all customers to review the policy before the start date to ensure that they fully understand our policy and the coverage that they had purchased If within the days, you disagree that is when a full refund is available As stated, we are only able to provide a full refund once you have signed the agreement that we have emailed to you.Regards,CHW

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
It does not resolve the matterI have left messages with CHW, and repNailing to have this matter reviewedI yet to hear a response
*** ***

Dear *** *** ***, Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback
very seriously Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase It may also be found on Upon review of your claim, the technician stated that the chain, sprocket were broken, and the limit switches were also The gear and sprocket caused the limit switch to fail, per our policy Section FLimitations of Liability #states that this is a covered claim however it would be considered secondary damages If one part of the unit failed and made the other fail, that is what we consider secondary damages.CHW offered to provide the gear and sprocket repair at the cost of $and subtract the amount of your service call fee of $to provide the portion of the claim of $and you would be responsible for the remaining cost.According to our notes, we are waiting for you to provide us with the paid invoice showing that you did pay the technician the service call fee that is due and once we receive that invoice, you will be reimbursed for the $which is the cost of our portion of the claim.Please email this invoice to *** or you can mail it to *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** ***Once it is received, your funds will be sent.Thank you,CHW

Dear *** ***
As stated before, under the Section F, Limitations of Liabiltiy #and #which states that we do not cover any failures that are of rust or corrosion The outcome of the claim stands. We are still offering you a goodwill in the amount of $to assist on this non covered claim Please contact us directly at ###-###-#### and we will provide you with the paperwork for this claim/policy and you can receive the funds.Thank you,CHW

*** ***
Rust and corrosion is a failure however it is not something that we actually cover Any failures that are caused by rust, corrosion or a lack of proper routine maintenance are not covered under our policy. We do understand your frustration however CHW is in full compliance with our terms and conditions of our policy.Thank you,CHW

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Address: 19111 Gunn Hwy, Odessa, Florida, United States, 33556-4213


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