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Address: 19111 Gunn Hwy, Odessa, Florida, United States, 33556-4213
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You can call the customer service team directly at ###-###-#### to assist with the cancellation of your policy. Regards, CHW
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:While I did not receive a phone call from Choice Warranty Services on 9/21/16, They have resumed calling my cell phone number again today. This company has NO communication with it's staff and they continue to harass people.
Dear [redacted],
Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously. ...
Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on our web site at [redacted].
Upon review of your policy, we do see that the start date was 5/19/16 and 7 days after the policy began you placed a claim for the AC System stating that the last time it was working was on 5/25/16. CHW did send a technician to your tenant’s home to diagnose the system. Upon diagnosis it was stated that the unit was not cooling due to a Freon Leak in the condensing unit. A condensing coil will not develop a leak and lose enough Freon to stop cooling within the short life span of the policy. Our policy requires all units to enter the on the start date in proper working order. CHW does not require an inspection for any units because we trust that our customers will enter the policy as required with the units working properly. Per the policy, we do not cover any known or unknown pre-existing conditions as stated in Section F. Limitations of Liability #1.
We do see that you have chosen to cancel the policy and CHW did honor that request and we cancelled the policy per terms, Section L. Cancellations.
We do regret your frustration with this claim; however we are in compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy.
Dear [redacted],Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very...
seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on We regret to hear your wishes to cancel. Please be advised, that we have contact our Customer Solutions Specialist to reach out to you regarding this matter. We value your business, therefore, as a goodwill gesture we have applied 2 free service call fees onto your policy. Regards,CHW
[redacted],We did receive invoices of repairs but we never received invoices of maintenance. What we received did not have any information that would be on a maintenance record, especially the model or serial numbers. It showed nothing about operating pressures. amp draws off compressor motor and testing caps and contactors. These are things that should be on a maintenance record.As stated before, since your policy has been cancelled CHW would not be able to provide any type of help for this claim. As per section L of cancellations, we waved the administrative fee and did not charge you for the claims that were paid.L. CANCELLATIONThis is a maintenance agreement for repair, replacement, or partial replacement of the products listed that are deemed manufactured or sold by the manufacturer. This is not a contract of insurance, residential service, warranty, extended warranty, or implied warranty. You may cancel within the first 30 days of the order date for a refund of the paid contract fees, less a $50 administrative fee and any service costs incurred by Us. This contract shall be non-cancelable by Us except for:1. Nonpayment of contract fees;2. Nonpayment of Service Fee, as stated in Section III;3. Fraud or misrepresentation of facts material by You to the issuance of this contract;4. Mutual agreement of Us and You. If canceled after 30 days, You shall be entitled to a pro rata refund of the paid contract fee for the unexpired term, less a $50 administrative fee and any service costs incurred by Us. All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing. Thank you,CHW
Dear [redacted],Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very...
seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on [redacted]. Upon review of your Air Conditioning System claim, we do see that CHW had AAA Prestige AC & Heating come to your home to diagnose the system. It was stated that the unit was rusted severely with corrosion at the evaporator and condenser coils. This issue made the unit leak out Freon and caused the unit not to work. Per our policy, Section F. Limitations of Liability #1 states that CHW does not cover failures due to rust or corrosion and also it states in Section F. Limitations of Liability #12 that CHW does expect all units to have routine maintenance done according to the ACCA.We do also see that we offered you a goodwill gesture however you chose to cancel your policy with us.We do regret your frustration however; CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy. Regards,CHW
Dear [redacted], Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very...
seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on [redacted]. We apologize for the excessive marketing attempts. We have removed your name from the list. Regards, CHW
Dear [redacted] To ensure all of our representatives are providing the most accurate information, we reviewed the activity on your current and expired policy and found no traces of a “Crystal” accessing your account. CHW also does not have any employees by that name; however, we regret to hear that this was your understanding of our policy. We have added a onetime free service call fee onto your policy, which can be used on your first claim.Regards,CHW
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Just let it go - $100 does not cover the 94.00 x3 payments we have made for a contract that is worthless to us due to the age of our furnace and air conditioner. Also the repair is going to be close to $1,000 so their measly $100 is nothing.All I want for them is to stop accepting contacts from people that have OLD systems that won't be covered - their ad states "any age" but guess the fine print makes that null and void.They better not take any more payments out as the contract was only for the 3 payments. My bad reviews on line for them I feel are valid and hopefully will keep others from getting sucked in.
Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously. Choice Home...
Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on our web site at . Upon review of your claim for your AC, I do see that you had your own technician out to your home and sent us a diagnosis. You also called us on 6/11/15 and advised us that the unit had failed, there was rust in the evaporator coils. Per our policy, we do not cover any unit that fails due to rust or corrosion and a lack of proper maintenance. Please see Section LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY1. The following are not included during the contract term; (i) malfunction or improper operation due to rust or corrosion of all systems and appliances, (ii) collapsed ductwork, (iii) known or unknown pre-existing conditions.We always want our customers to understand that all policies have exclusions and CHW does follow our policy. We do our best to assist the customers and approve claims that are submitted to us. We do apologize for your frustration with these claims. CHW is in full compliance with our policy.Respectfully,CHW
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I am not interested in a pro-rated refund as that would mean that I have to pay for the time in which I was refused service. Had I been provided service during the elapsed time, I would understand, but my reason for cancelling is that you refused to provide service during that time and therefore I am not agreeable to paying for something I did not receive. Furthermore, you stated that my refund would be less and costs you have incurred. I'm concerned your company will reduce my payment by some unreasonable amount that you claim was incurred. At the end of the day, your company has provided me with nothing and therefore I would like 100% of what I paid returned to me.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:The rust they said made my unit uncovered under warranty could be seen the minute you walk up to the appliance. Why did they charge me $390 find the problem with a unit they clearly weren't going to cover. They should have said, "We can't cover this appliance so there is no need for you to spend $390 to find out what is wrong with it, since we won't cover it anyway". Instead, they charged me $390 in service fees for a unit that they could clearly see they weren't going to cover. I realize covering the unit was not in the policy in its condition, but why did they charge me $390 in service fees on the unit. The rust they described that made the unit not under warrant could be seen without doing any diagnostics. I just want my $390 dollars back. If they told me "We can't cover this unit because of the rust", would you like to spend $390 to have us look at it and do nothing to fix it? They told me they couln't make that determination because their workers didn't send the photos that would have let them know it wasn't covered until after they did the diagnostics. That's not my fault that their technicians didn't send photos until after they'd charge me $390 for nothing. Shouldn't they first determine if the unit is covered (by technicians sending the photos they sent after the diagnostics for $390 were charged) before they charge me for diagnostics? I will just have to take the to small claims court for the $390,,
Dear [redacted] Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very...
seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on [redacted] Your policy has an effective date of 8/14/16 with CHW. Since the policy began there were 2 claims that were placed. The first claim placed on 11/29/16 was for the heating system. The diagnosis indicated that the filter was clogged which caused lack of air flowing and the unit needing to overwork and overheat. This displays a lack of proper routine maintenance and in accordance with the policy, Section Letter F, Number 12 wasn’t covered. The next claim was placed on 12/2/16 for the water heater which was leaking water. Based on the diagnosis there was a leak from the tank. Section Letter D, Number 6 of the policy indicates that main, storage and holding tanks on the water heater aren’t covered. A review of the claims show that both claims were processed in accordance with the policy. We do regret your frustration; however CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy. Regards, CHW
I am rejecting this response because: I feel they have put enough loop holes in their tiny print that it would be impossible to live up too. Had they told me from the first phone call that they would not pay for it , maybe I could accept it. However, they led me to believe they would pay for it. I was thrilled when I got the policy. I thougnt I was covered. I would like everyone to know that it is a scam. They have put enough loop holes in the policy to get out of paying for anything the normal household has. It was not my air conditioner after all. I had someone from Home Depot check and it was my furnace. Now I will send them the bill for that. I know it would be denied because you have to use their contractors. Isn't that right????
Dear [redacted], Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very...
seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on [redacted]. Upon review of your claim for the Air Conditioning System, the claim was dispatched and picked up by a technician on the same day. The appointment was made within 2 days and canceled by the technician. In the interest of providing outstanding customer service, you were offer the option of taking advantage of the reimbursement option. This will allow you to be reimbursed in the event you use a technician that you have chosen. There was recently another claim placed for the Icemaker. Under the terms of our policy, section Letter D, number 3, Icemakers are not covered. We also reviewed your request to cancel the policy. It is documented that the card we have on file belongs to the original account holder. Please feel free to call us directly should you have any questions or concerns at 1-888-531-5403. We do regret your frustration; however CHW is in full compliance with the terms and conditions of our policy. Regards, CHW
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:As your response states, I did go out and get my own technician, because even after a week and after you had sent not 1, but 2 technicians, the problem was not resolved, and not even diagnosed correctly. I emailed my technician's analysis and estimate of charges to you, but you rejected it saying it was not covered. How can you sell me a policy, claiming that 'ALL' issues will be covered, but have so many exceptions and clauses that no homeowner would know to check? I paid hundreds of dollars to resolve issues, but anytime a real issue actually shows up, you back off from fixing them. I have had the same problem in my house at [redacted], where you sent two or more technicians to fix my swimming pool problem, and the problem never got fixed. I finally gave up because I did not have the time to run after you guys. Please check your systems, I am sure these details are in there.This is a repeating pattern with Choice, and I am afraid homeowners like me are being taken for a ride. You do not deliver on the promises you made during the sales process.
Karthik [redacted]
Our mission at Choice Home Warranty is to provide property owners with peace of mind by offering a high quality, easy and affordable way to protect their most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously. Choice Home...
Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on our web site at . Upon review of your claim for your AC unit, I do show that the technician stated that the unit was rusted and corroded, leaking Freon. Per our policy, CHW does not cover units that’s failure is due to rust or corrosion. Please see section F. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY1. The following are not included during the contract term; (i) malfunction or improper operation due to rust or corrosion of all systems and appliances, (ii) collapsed ductwork, (iii) known or unknown pre-existing conditions.Please see pictures that we have attached showing the units rust, corrosion and leakage.Per your claim for your Roof, we do see that you had more than 200 square feet of the roof replaced and as we advised you; our coverage for roof leaks are limited roof leak coverage. Per the technician, majority of the roof had to be covered. CHW does not offer that type of coverage for the roof. Our policy states, 6. LIMITED ROOF LEAK (Single Family Homes Only)EXCLUDED: Porches - Patios – Cracked and/or missing material - Foam roofs - Tar and gravel or metal roof - Cemwood shakes - Masonite shingles - Flat or built-up roof - Structural leaks adjacent to or caused by appendages of any kind – Downspouts Flashing – Gutters – Skylights – Decks - Patio covers - Solar equipment - Roof jacks – Antennae - Satellite components – Chimneys – Partial roof replacement - Preventative maintenance.NOTE: If roof must be partially or completely replaced to effect repair, this coverage does not apply.We do apologize but we are not able as explained to you on 6/2/15 to cover the 2 claims for you. Per your conversation with Sam, if you would like the amount that you have paid for the roof coverage reimbursed to you; CHW would be happy to do so since this was not a type of claim that we are able to cover and you would no longer need.We do appreciate your feedback as this does help us with our customer service and service providers.Best regards, CHW