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Apria Healthcare

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Apria Healthcare Reviews (1455) I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Apría healthcare Charged my insurance company for the supplies ¡ did not orderThe entire transaction must be reversedPlease checkThanks | [Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolutionPlease respond in this space ONLY] Regards, [redacted]

We have reviewed patient account with assistance from our insurance team and confirmed that claims for dates of service June 9th, and July 9th were both denied in error by [redacted] **Claims will be forwarded by B [redacted] to Health Comp for date of service June 9th, and date of service July 9th, it will take approximately 30-business days to reprocess that claimOnce the processing of claims are complete with the insurance and paid any overpayments made by patient can be refunded We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC

ITEM # 1: Ms [redacted] states that Apria has not submitted the correct paperwork to Medicare, therefore they will not pay and now she is being billed for the unpaid balance from February – October dates of serviceRESPONSE: We have reviewed Ms [redacted] ’s account and found that Apria was unable to obtain the needed documentation from the physician to qualify Ms [redacted] for oxygen use per Medicare guidelinesTherefore we obtained a signed Advance Beneficiary Notice “ABN” from Ms [redacted] , that she was aware we did not have the qualifying documentation per Medicare guidelines and if they did not pay she would be held responsibleWe tried multiple times to obtain the needed documentation and spoke with Ms [redacted] regarding the testing that needed to be doneWe had a meeting with Ms [redacted] and explained what was needed and gave her copies of documentation that doesn’t qualify for the oxygen, as she was going to be going to the doctorMs [redacted] had qualifying testing and face to face notes done on November 14, Apria loaded the compliant documentation and submitted it to Medicare for the December 14, claim and will for the upcoming claimsThe February and March 13, claims were adjusted off in the amount of $The April 13, claim is pending under Ms [redacted] ’s secondary insurance as of todayThe May and June 13, claims were referred to collections because they were left unpaid over daysAs a courtesy, we removed the May and June 13, claims in the amount of $from collectionsThe July, August, September and October 13, claims are pending under Ms [redacted] as her responsibilityThe November 13, claim was paid by Ms [redacted] in the amount of $The December 13, claim is pending under Ms [redacted] ’s primary and secondary insurance coverageWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billingSincerely, [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist

We have reviewed the account and confirmed that we billed from August 6, to January 6, for a cpap machineThe insurance paid through October 6, 2014, then began denying the claims due to the patient was not compliant with the usage requirementApria Healthcare billed the patient as self-pay for three months at a rate of $The patient’s father was told he did not owe the two balances because he had sent payments that were applied to the accountThe final claim wasn’t billed as patient responsibility until June 25, His father called August 31, and the representative mistakenly informed him he did not owe the balanceIt wasn’t billed back as patient responsibility until October 28, No other statement was sent to make the patient aware there was a balance due and was sent to an outside collection agencyDue to being misinformed and not receiving a final statement Apria Healthcare has removed the balance from collectionsWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC

ITEM # 1: Credit for the initial rental fee and a waiver of months rental fee RESPONSE: Apria bills the insurance company on behalf of the patientApria has a responsibility to charge the patient any coinsurance or deductible fees according to their plan with their insurance carrierCharges are presented to the patient at the time of setup on the Apria Sales Service & Rental Agreement FormThis form is signed by the patient before receiving the medical equipmentITEM # 2: Answers to why the order was never processed and what consequences were incurred by the responsible individual RESPONSE: Original order was cancelled in errorApria has a Quality Assurance Policy in place to review and address any customer service errorsApria does perform Corrective Actions with staff when deemed appropriateITEM # 3: Contact and an explanation from [redacted] ’s supervisor whom on 12/31/she stated she would inform of my dissatisfaction and contact from [redacted] ’s supervisor whom on either 12/10/she stated she would inform of my complaint of negligence in processing my husband’s orderRESPONSE: Apria has a process in place for internal escalationsThe supervisor of the Escalation Department was informed and followed the progress of this orderThis order was in the Escalation Department of ApriaThe representatives mentioned on this item are Lead Representatives within Apria’s Escalation DepartmentThey are highly qualified individuals trained to resolve more complex issuesSincerely, [redacted] *** Area Customer Service Manager

Item # 1: Mr [redacted] stated that he rented a CPAP unit from Apria Healthcare and was informed that it was pre-approved by the insurance company but was informed that payment was not received from the insurance and that he is responsible for the balance RESPONSE: We have reviewed Mr [redacted] account and confirmed that he received a respiratory assistance device and supplies from Apria Healthcare on October 13th, On September 29th, the request for authorization process was started but not completed because we needed clinical information; therefore the authorization was denied because we did not have that information on fileOn October 6th, the clinical information was faxed to Highmark to complete the authorization processOn January 27, and February 3rd, we mailed an SD card request to Mr [redacted] and also called on February 3rd, to request the SD information and was unable to obtain the download information from himOn July 30th, a retro authorization was mailed to Highmark and it was explained to Mr [redacted] that if claims are denied he could be responsible for the balanceOn August 25th, after the appeal claims were still denied for no authorizationThe respiratory assistance device was returned on July 14th, and at this time Mr [redacted] account reflects an open balance of $1,for dates of service January 13th, 2015-June 13th, because of the authorization being deniedWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, [redacted] ***Billing Center Quality Specialist

ITEM # 1: Mrs [redacted] is requesting to be billed for her PAP supplies however, the insurance she has requires her to pay for the PAP supplies prior to Apria shipping the supplies to herApria’a billing department was able to send her a copy of the prior bill for her viewingRESPONSE: Three messages have been left for Mrs [redacted] to call backHere are the following dates of contactMessage left 1/19/2015, 1/20/and 1/21/Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Service Supervisor Apria Healthcare

We would like to apologize for the level of customer service you recently experiencedAfter a review of your records, we have confirmed there was a delay in the delivery of your equipment due to a backorder from the distribution centerOnce the branch received the equipment, the branch employee attempt to contact you to make arrangements for the delivery of the equipment for 10/20/ We greatly appreciate you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attentionWe welcome all patient feedback as this provides us with a valuable insight into our services from the patient’s perspective which allows us to make service improvements, as it has done in this case Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC

We have confirmed that the patient received his Cpap machine November 11, Apria Healthcare does require a credit card to be placed on file to secure assetsThe patient’s card was set up for automatic billingThe patient’s secondary insurance was not attached to the claims for the rental of the Cpap and supplies received, causing his card to be charged copays of $for supplies and rental of the Cpap for date of service November 11, Patient’s card was also charged $for December 11, for the Cpap rentalThe secondary insurance has been attached and billed The patient was mailed a refund of $with check date February 18, and his credit card removed from automatic billingMedicare require a face to face re-evaluation to be completed between the 31st and 90th day of usage to continue coverage Apria Healthcare did send the patient a letter dated December 31, to ensure required documents are received during the trial period for continued Medicare coverageWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC

We would like to apologize for the level of customer service you recently experiencedAfter a review of your records, we confirmed the delay in processing your order was due to missing required documentation per the payors guidelinesThe delay in receiving the documentation caused the order to be canceled On October 19, the order was reactivatedAlso, we validated that you received your equipment on 10/24/In addition, the customer service management team provided coaching and retraining to our customer service staff to ensure our patients orders are processed timely We greatly appreciate you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attentionWe welcome all patient feedback as this provides us with a valuable insight into our services from the patient’s perspective which allows us to make service improvements, as it has done in this case Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC

Item # 1: Mr [redacted] states that Apria Healthcare collected payment for CPAP Humidifiera & CPAP supplies from both his insurance company as well as charging his credit cardMr [redacted] states that he has been informed that the amount of $would be refunded back to his credit card, but has not been completed as of yet RESPONSE: After full review of Mr [redacted] ’s account, I found that we billed for two humidifiers in error for the date of service December 22, Apria Healthcare has reversed the payment that was debited to Mr [redacted] ’s credit card and also adjusted the balance on the associated invoiceContact has been made with Mr [redacted] & it was explained that the charge to the credit card was completed in errorA payment reversal has been completed and an adjustment has been taken on Mr [redacted] ’s accountWe have submitted a refund to the credit card used to resolve this issue We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sincerely, [redacted] Patient Pay Management Center Team Lead

Revdex.comSan Diego, CAAttn: [redacted] Dispute and Information Analyst Lead [redacted] Re: Apria Healthcare Inc.: [redacted] STOCKTON, CA- [redacted] Complaint ID#: [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :This letter is in response to the complaint referenced above submitted by Ms [redacted] to the Revdex.comWe apologize for any miscommunication on our part that mayhave resulted in this complaintBelow is a brief description of the complaint matter and ourresponse.Item# 1:Ms [redacted] stated she informed Apria Healthcare of her insurance change in November 2012and we failed to update the information in our system resulting in her daughter receiving a bill for$186.78.RESPONSE:We have reviewed Ms [redacted] daughter account and confirmed we have no record oraccessible call available on file that reflect that she provided her new insuranceinformation Cigna in November We billed Ms [redacted] BS OF CA insuranceplan incorrectly for date of service April 171h, because we did not obtain herupdated insurance information until September 16th, We were unable to submitclaims to her new insurance Cigna for date of service April 17th, because the claimwas past CCX day timely filing limitAt this time Ms [redacted] is responsible for theopen balance of $that is now in collections after being outstanding for more thansix monthsWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customersatisfaction as well as accurate billing.Sincerely, [redacted] ***Billing Center Quality Specialist

Item # 1: The patient states that she received an overnight pulse ox test on Dec, from Apria Healthcare and was told that she would not be charged for the test, but when she received the pulse ox there was a contract for her to sign indicating that she had to pay $She contacted a Representative at the Denver Branch who assured her that there would be no Charge from Apria HealthcareA Few days after the patient took the test the representative from Apria contacted the patient and asked her permission to send her test to another vendor who Apria uses as a 3rd party for results to be reviewed since her insurance was [redacted] The Pt did not give permission to send the results to the 3rd party but then her physician received a summary of the results and received a bill from the 3rd party for $ RESPONSE I do apologize for any inconvenience that we may have caused youWe did receive the order to complete an overnight test from your physician since your insurance is [redacted] we would need to go through a 3rd party Vendor for qualifying tests resultsThe Overnight test that was completed was a wireless device which automatically sent the results to the 3rd party vendor to be uploaded with resultsThe branch did not send the 3rd party the completed AOB at your request there for the results that the physician received was a summary of the test results that you completed Again we do apologize for any miscommunication on this matter Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Hello, [redacted] Thank you very much for your assistance You provided extraordinary help I’m disappointed that I still don’t have a contact at Apria (not your fault) The only phone number for this GIANT corporation is a call center with entry level people who read a script (not their fault)What is Apria afraid of? Why can’t we talk to their A/R department? Hiding behind the called repeatedly to have the chair picked up starting May My husband barely used in for weeks after he returned home I couldn’t get anyone to write the ‘pick up’ order until November I can’t help it if their records are wrong Why did THEIR customer service people tell us THREE times that our balance was zero They were confused, tooAnd we still received calls and billsDo you think I would spend this amount of time on $if I wasn’t right?At this point, I accept the fact that I can’t fight ‘city hall’ as frustrating as that is We will pay the $56.I hope you, as an individual, will remember our experience and caution your friends and family to use another medical device company After this nightmare started, we were advised by medical personnel as well as the [redacted] driver (!) that they have trouble with Apria Lesson learned.I will use every means available to publicize this experience, e.g [redacted] ***Sincerely, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below REG: CONSUMER COMPLAINT # # [redacted] APRIA ISSUE IS NOT YET RESOLVEDI'M STILL GETTING PHONE CALLS STATING THAT MY ACCOUNT IS NOT SETTLED AND THEY WANT ME TO PAY FOR THE THIRD TIME FOR ONE TIME PURCHASE MADE IN FEB I'M REALLY FRUSTRATED AND DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO.PLEASE ADVISE [redacted] Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Due to ongoing breakdowns of the equipment since initiation of the complaint, I was forced to find another bedI had to return the unit in questionMy resolution now would be a refund Regards, [redacted]

We would like to sincerely apologize for the mis-informed information we previously provided you indicating you had been refunded $We confirmed there was a problem with processing the refund on your credit card as this caused the delayYour refund of $was sent to you on April 12, in the form of a check We greatly appreciate you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attentionWe welcome all patient feedback as this provides us with a valuable insight into our services from the patient’s perspective which allows us to make service improvements, as it has done in this case Sincerely, Apria Healthcare, LLC

ITEM # 1: Mrs. [redacted] states that they have been waiting on a refund for over a month and cannot get anyone to assist them. RESPONSE: We apologize for our delay in having the refund processed and that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] has had issues with our phone system. We have reviewed Mr. [redacted] ’s account... and found that the payment of $24.95 was applied to the November 6, 2014 claim and $4.55 was adjusted. The refund of $29.50 was processed on December 23, 2014. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sincerely, [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist

Item # 1: Ms [redacted] states that she has received a statement for a nebulizer that she had been informed by letter that had been paid in fullShe states that she has tried to call but the hold times are very long and has not been able to reach anyoneShe wants the bill dropped or tell her why she owes RESPONSE: We have reviewed Ms***’s account and found that she received a nebulizer on October 7, Apria submitted claims to [redacted] and [redacted] on her behalf for paymentThe nebulizer was converted to sale on November 7, 2014, however at the time there were still pending claims with [redacted] and [redacted] , which we had not been paid for the nebulizer.? On March 11, 2015, we received notice from [redacted] that Ms [redacted] had not met her spend down on the January, February and March claimsTherefore, the balance of $was referred as Ms***’s responsibility.? We apologize for our hold times at this time, we are aware of the issues and have a plan in place to help with the hold times We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist Although I did finally get the leg lifts on 3/they were aware of the need when it was ordered thru [redacted] I personally called Apria to make arrangements for the chair and lifts to be deliveredthey initially brought me a chair that was barely big enough for a small adult and no leg liftsThey brought me a different chair with foot rests (not lifts)No one would return my calls and never tell me when they were deliveringAvery contact with them was a hassle for me - they could never give me a date/time and then when they did no one showed up until 3/I was told it was due to no leg lifts in the warehouse Reference to complaint ID [redacted] , l consider this complaint resolved I have the chair but I would never recommend this company to anyone! Regards, [redacted]

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Description: NURSING HOMES

Address: 170 Oberlin Ave N, Lakewood, New Jersey, United States, 08701-4548


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