Apria Healthcare Reviews (1455)
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Description: NURSING HOMES
Address: 170 Oberlin Ave N, Lakewood, New Jersey, United States, 08701-4548
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Item #Ms [redacted] is requesting a refund for charges that incurred from November of through March of RESPONSE I have reviewed the accountAccording to our records, we have requested for the patient to send in her SD card since July of We did receive the SD card in December and was able to obtain a compliant downloadThe patient was contacted and informed to have physician update the authorization with her insuranceThe authorization was updated however it was effective from March 6, to April 5, The authorization did not cover the rental for November through FebruaryDue to no authorization, the charges that were paid by the patient is valid and no refund is due at this timeWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sincerely, [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist
The patient was originally quoted for $copay, but informed that could be billed for any non-covered chargesWhen processing the order, we discovered that the patient was not eligible per insurance for the supplies and that to continue the order would be $so we contacted the patient on 7/24/and did apologize for the error The patient stated he was quoted another price and wanted to cancel if going to be charged that muchThe rep canceled the order and notated the payment that was already processed for $was canceled, however was already in process with the bank We did receive calls from the patient on 7/27/and 8/1/stating that he was billed the $and that he wanted his refund He was informed once the payment posted in our system we could initiate a refund since the supplies were not receivedSince the patient has contested the charge with his bank, we will be waiting for the recoupment process from the bankWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare, LLC
RESPONSE: We have reviewed Mr [redacted] account and confirmed that we have a signed OProgram Enrollment form on file signed by him as authorization to automatically ship supplies every three months and have sent a copy to the address on file for his review After claims were denied for CPAP supplies received on March 11th, as CCX insurance being termed as of January 31, our office attempted to contact Mr [redacted] on May 13th, to obtain the informationWe received a call from Mr [redacted] spouse on June 19th, and obtained the correct insurance information and because we did not receive the updated information in time to request authorization the plan does not retroThe supplies were shipped under the insurance terms with CCX and if the updated insurance information was on file the requirements would have been different before shipping them outAt this time Mr [redacted] account reflects an open balance of $that he is responsible for due to the account being billed under self -payWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, [redacted] ***Billing Center Quality Specialist
We have confirmed that the patient received a cpap with humidifier January 23, The cpap was $the insurance paid $320.49, with the patient responsible for 30% co pay of $The insurance applied a deductible of $for total paid of $The humidifier was $189.81, insurance paid $and the patient paid $The patient’s wife signed a sales service and rental agreement to authorize auto billing The insurance payments were voided due to lack of coverageThe patient’s wife called Apria Healthcare February 12, said her plan should not have been billed, gave the patient’s insurance to bill and had auto pay removedThe patient’s insurance was never attached to the claims to bill and appeals were made under the wife’s plan and denied for no coverageThe patient received a bill for the insurance portion for the humidifier of $Apria Healthcare has reversed the patient’s payment of $to refund and adjusted all balances due to the correct insurance not being billedWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [APRIA, did not tell the entire truth And your customer service sucks! However, yes you did ship the order only because of this report You made NO attempt to contact me on these dates Your company has numbers to reach me or my wife and she did NOT recieve a call Once she got home today, low and behold there was a box from APRIA Just know after this order, your services will no longer be needed We have found another provider Hope they put you out of business with enough complaints.] Regards, [redacted]
ITEM # 1: Ms [redacted] states that she would like the $balance refunded to her and a letter that explicitly states that her account is up to date and that she owes nothingRESPONSE We have reviewed Ms [redacted] ’s account and found that she received a CPAP unit from Apria on December 24, Apria submitted claims to John Muir – Aetna for the claim and John Muir – BS for the claims on behalf of Ms [redacted] The insurance requires download of CPAP usage to make sure the patient is compliant with their useIf the patient is non-compliant the insurance will not provide authorization for the equipmentThe first download that was done, Ms [redacted] was non-compliant and we tried to reach her multiple times to obtain a second downloadHowever, we were unable to obtain and the insurance would not provide authorization, therefore denied the claims for the CPAP rentalMs [redacted] returned the CPAP unit to Apria on November 19, and stated that she was not using itMs [redacted] did make payments to Apria for the denied claims; however there was one pending claim for the September 24, claimThis claim was not denied and referred as patient responsibility until October 2, and Ms [redacted] ’s payment in the amount of $posted and applied to her account on November 8, 2014.As of today Ms [redacted] has a $balance with Apria and there are no pending claims left unpaid by the insurance or Ms [redacted] Ms [redacted] does not have an overpayment on her account, therefore there will be no refund processedWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billingSincerely, [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist
The branch made multiple attempts to provide a wheelchairAfter multiple refusals the branch was notified by [redacted] DME manager to refuse any more attempts and that the patient would be referred to [redacted] 's wheelchair clinic to obtain their special order wheelchairOn October 26, the branch was notified again that Apria is being requested to order the special wheelchairThe branch immediately submitted special order request directly from manufacturer and patient was made aware of etaTh branch is currently waiting to receive wheelchair, and will deliver to the patient as soon as it is received
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Im sorry, I did not put a response to the original message from apria...I do not accept this...if they will look further, the machine left was paid in full by medicare on [redacted] behalf and therefore, should be returned to him Now he cannot get a new machine for years without paying out of pocket himself..he is on disability and in no way can afford to do this...he is in dire need of this machine since he has terrible sleep apnia...this is a terrible situation for [redacted] to be in and terrible for me as his mother to see him suffer like this for no apparent reason Thank you Regards, [redacted] ***
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [Attached is the email from [redacted] Hamilton from Apria stating we are owed a refund on page I have highlighted that Attaches is also the claims for December 2014, March 2015, August and September I other documentation I can submit if need be On 3/30/16, [redacted] an [redacted] rep and myself on the line called Apria We spoke with [redacted] in the Payment department [redacted] stated to [redacted] that the August and the September claims were providers responsibility not the patients Since the patients out of pocket expense had been met He stated he would check into this These EOB's and statements are attached Please contact me if you need anything else.] Regards, [redacted]
5/6/15Revdex.comSan Diego, CAAttn: [redacted] ***Dispute and Information Analyst Lead [redacted] @sandieqo.Revdex.com.oraRe: Apria Healthcare Inc: Golden, CO 1457Revdex.com Complaint ID#: [redacted] Dear Ms***:This letter is in response to the complaint referenced above submitted by [redacted] ***to the Revdex.comWe apologize for any miscommunication on our part that mayhaYe resulted in this complaintBelow is a brief description of the complaint matter and ourresponse ..Item # : Customers family contacted Apria Healthcare three times regarding MS [redacted] oxygendeliveryThe drivers did not deliver on the expected day or time givenThe oxygen wasdeliYered in error to an alternate address that was on file, which was the son's address howeverMs [redacted] has her own residence the equipment was to be delivered to.Item# 2: Customer experienced excessive hold times when trying to contact Apria Healthcareregarding the status of technician.RESPONSEWe attempted to reach Mr [redacted] but did not make contactWe also reached out to Ms[redacted] but was unable to talk with her directlyWe have verified through our system thatMs [redacted] has the appropriate oxygen equipment at this time.Sincerely, [redacted] ***Area Customer Service ManagerLittleton, CO
We have confirmed the patient received rental equipment March 17, Apria Healthcare does not bill by usage, but based on being in the patient’s possessionThe only request for a pick up noted in our system is October 05, 2016, in which the patient was advised to have his physician send an authorization for discharge from the equipmentThe patient understood this process and agreed to do soThe patient is responsible for balances generated during the rental periodWe believe that all appropriate steps have been taken to resolve this issue Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC
We have reviewed the patient’s account again and after reviewing the documentation he provided, we have entered an adjustment for his balance of $217.92, therefore; the patient is no longer responsible for the chargesThe account now reflects a zero balanceWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing
Apria Healthcare changed the payment policy in and has worked to communicate this policy change to our patientsWe have spoken with the customer regarding our policy and advised them of the requirements The customer has placed the necessary payment on fileThere was a miscommunication on the delivery expectations on the patient's accountThis has been resolved and delivery completedWe do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
RESPONSE: Mr [redacted] was given a Resmed Fmask on May 14, for the initial CPAP Set-upOn May he was given another Resmed Fat no charge because the first wrong sizeJune 18, he was given a Simplus at no charge because the Resmed Fwas leakingThe policy for an exchange is one in a day timeframe and when it’s outside the timeframe the patient is supposed to pay if they switch masksHe was given two masks inside this timeframe and an additional one outside of itAugust he was shipped the cushions for the Simplus as requestedMr [redacted] was given another mask called the FitLife Total August 28, The cushions could be returned if unopened at no charge, but a charge for the fit lifeThe cushions were returned and will be charged for the FitLifeHe did receive the FitLife mask kit at no charge which he was not eligible for all the pieces and partsMr [redacted] is not due any refunds because the charges were appropriateAny further question revolving around charges the billing department can assist at ###-###-#### option Sincerely, [redacted]
Item # 1:Mr [redacted] stated that he made a payment through Apria Healthcare’s e-pay website and receiveda confirmation number, but continues to receive statements for the amount due of $RESPONSE:After thoroughly reviewing Mr***’s account and payment history, it was confirmed through our e-pay website that the payment of $was completed on December 12, Apria Healthcare has located the payment made by Mr [redacted] that was applied to the incorrect accountA request has been sent to apply the amounts to Mr***’s account to resolve this matterWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have causedSincerely, [redacted] Patient Account Resolution Team Lead
Item # 1:Ms [redacted] stated that her issues with Apria Healthcare began in September due to prior authorization not obtainedMs [redacted] states that she went through the district office for her insurance & they informed her to have Apria Healthcare resubmit the claims RESPONSE:After reviewing Ms***’s account, we sent multiple request to the insurance company and also filed an appeal pertaining to the authorizationWe requested a retro-authorization for the claims from September 16, 2013, October 16, & November 16, 2013.In regards the claims that have been sent to collections, a day hold was placed on the account in collections on February 2, 2014.Ms***’s account has been elevated to our insurance billing team to check on the status of the authorization and communicate with her insurance companyWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billingSincerely, [redacted] Patient Pay Management Center Team Lead
Item # 1: Mr [redacted] is requesting that Apria Healthcare inform his credit card company that it was their actions that resulted in him having to end service with them and is requesting an apology for all the issues encountered in regards to his account RESPONSE: We have reviewed Mr [redacted] account and confirmed that he received a CPAP unit on September 17, On September 25, Mr [redacted] was contacted by one of our customer service representatives requesting secondary insurance information, clinical notes and his sleep study because the information was not on fileWe obtained the information from the doctor on October 10, and contacted Mr [redacted] to inform him that the supplies were in the process of being shippedWe obtained credit card information to secure payment for the order in the event the claims were not covered by the insuranceWe received a fax from Lincare on January 14, requesting to transition Mr [redacted] over to them but they had to obtain additional documents from us in order to complete the processWe processed the pickup of our equipment on March 11, 2014; therefore because of the delay claims for January were adjusted off and refunded to the insurance and claims for February and March monthly rental of the CPAP unit were not paid by [redacted] so no refund was processedMr [redacted] credit card was not charged for any of those invoicesWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, [redacted] [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist
ITEM # 1: Ms [redacted] states that she received a concentrator and after finding out the cost would be returned the equipmentShe is requesting to have the amount due pro-rated for the amount of time she had the equipment, so that she is not charged for the full monthShe states that after she received a bill from [redacted] (Apria’s billing company) no one would assist her and she had to pay them to keep from being referred to collections RESPONSE: In researching the issues involved, we have confirmed that our records show the following in relation to the above-referenced Patient accountApria rented a concentrator to Ms [redacted] on December 30, At the time Ms [redacted] had insurance coverage through ***’s claims and payment processing are handled by [redacted] which acts as a claims administrator for ***Apria provides the equipment and supplies for [redacted] patients and submits claims to [redacted] Apria does not bill patients directly, rather all patient billing is handled by [redacted] Apria informs [redacted] patients that they need to contact [redacted] for any billing or pricing informationWe apologize if Ms [redacted] was not informed when she requested the concentrator be picked up on January 8, that the equipment would not be pro-ratedWhen the equipment is billed it is billed in a day cycle and not by a daily rateThe concentrator was picked up on January 9, We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billingSincerely, [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist
Item # 1:Mr [redacted] states that he has made multiple attempts to correct the billing issues that he and Mrs [redacted] have hadMr [redacted] stated that he has send explanation of benefits in from his and his wife’s secondary insurance, [redacted] (***) and received no response by phone or in writingHe also stated that he has invested hours on hold while trying to contact our billing departmentRESPONSE:After reviewing both accounts for both Mr& Mrs***, it was confirmed that the documentation sent in was received & worked on September 30, and again on February 6, We do apologize that the actions taken on your account were not properly communicated to you & will be addressing as training opportunity with the representatives who have previously worked on the accounts mentionedThe following was determined for both accounts: For Mr***’s account: The balance of $for date of service May 27, that was previously billing to him has been placed back under his secondary insurance ***In regards to the $for date of service May 7, 2014, this amount was adjusted as small balance adjustmentFor Mrs***’s account- For the balance of $for date of service August 19, 2014, this amount was also adjusted due to difference in allowable amounts between [redacted] & ***.For both accounts, there is currently a $balanceWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billingSincerely, [redacted] Patient Pay Management Center Lead
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved Regards, [redacted] ***