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Apria Healthcare

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Apria Healthcare Reviews (1455)

We have reviewed patient account and confirmed that she received a wound vac machine from Apria Healthcare on June 16, Patient signed our Sales, Service and Rental Agreement authorizing her debit card to be placed on file as recurring to cover any charges not paid under her planThe charge of $was processed to patient debit card on October 21th, for the copay for wound care supplies received in June and July but it was an authorization failure and the payment processing was not complete; therefore we never received the paymentAt this time patient account reflects a copay balance of $for dates of service June 16, 2016-July 7th, for wound care supplies received and there are currently claims still pending with the insurance for those dates of service Patient wound therapy pump was returned on August 2, We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Apria's response apologizes for the issues that I raised but fails to offer any assurance that these problems will not occur in the future In fact the response fails to even take responsibility for actions they admit were errors This company has a notorious track record for fraudulent billing, shoddy customer service, and taking of advantage of patients who depend upon them for vital medical equipment The only conclusion I draw is that Apria is a revenue hungry enterprise that makes shortcuts wherever possible in its search to maximize profit and minimize the care effort and service provided to their customer My experience is just one story out of thousands of people who rely on Apria for medical equipment that is essential for health and in some cases life itself For this company to act in a blase and indifferent manner to the needs of patients with fraudulent double billing that is never corrected unless the company is confronted and inexplicable delays of days and weeks in supplying medical equipment is illegal immoral and exploitative.Based on this non-response I have no choice but to complain to law enforcement here in Illinois - the Office of the Attorney General's consumer fraud division - so that Apria's systematic misconduct can be addressed on an institutional basis Regards, [redacted] ***

We have reviewed the patients account and have removed the balance placed with Global Receivables Solution: therefore, patient is no longer responsible for the chargeWe have also notified Global Receivables and the information will not be reported to the credit bureausWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare, LLC

Item # 1: Patient stated her account has been marked as resolved but she received another phone call from Apria Healthcare.RESPONSE: We have reviewed patient's account and confirmed that her telephone number has been removed from our automated dialer system in order to discontinue the calls to herI have sent another request to our automated dialer system team requesting they review this to confirm if additional steps should be taken to ensure this issue is resolvedWe do apologize for the inconvenience as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Dear [redacted] ,This email is in regard to Complaint ID # [redacted] , which I recently filed against Apria Healthcare.In Apria's response on December 1, 2015, it stated it would both adjust my account balance of $344.01, as well as issue refunds for the $and $charged to my credit card in July.I am getting in touch, as Apria has adjusted my account balance, but has not issued refunds.Please let me know any further information required from me.Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below I want my money refunded immediatelyUnder no circumstances did Apria have authorization to take money from my account until they had [redacted] approvalAs stated in their response they still do not have approval as of the date they respondedWhy would they admittedly keep my money without insurance approval? Regards, [redacted] ***

Item # 1: Ms [redacted] stated she was directed by her insurance company to contact Apria Healthcare in order to rent a walker She stated she contacted Apria and was informed of the documentation needed from the doctor to process the order and sent the required information but was then informed that we do not supply knee walkers RESPONSE: We have reviewed Ms [redacted] account and confirmed that on July 6th, we received patient demographics from the doctor office but there was no prescription included with the informationWe received the prescription on July 7th, for the knee rollator but the diagnosis code needed to submit claims to the insurance was not on the prescription; therefore we requested the information and did not receive it until July 15th, At that time it was confirmed at our local office that the knee rollator would have to be ordered Ms [redacted] called our office on July 15th, and stated to cancel the order for the knee rollator because she has already purchased oneThere is no record on file that we charged Ms [redacted] checking account for the equipmentWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sincerely, [redacted] [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Most of Apria's response has some vague semblance of truth in it, but not quite the truth I received the CPAP unit 8/1/13, not 9/17/ At that time I did give them all the required information, they either lost it or didn't process it correctly So it was over two months I was without supplies In addition the response makes no mention of my other points with regard to bad customer service.Next point I sent Apria notification of discontinuance of service 1/6/14, and reminders after that They billed me, [redacted] , my supplemental insurance company and my credit card for three months service ending in February, by way of reply After many complaints by me to [redacted] an adjustment was made by [redacted] to collect and adjust Apria's account However, my supplemental insurance company has never been paid back, approxiamately $150, when queried I was told there was no procedure to recover that amount I am asking the Apria to prove that they repaid the amount to my supplemental insurance company My credit card was charged twice by Apria, once in October of and again February, Neither one was justified All Apria billings were late, but paid within a reasonable amount of time by [redacted] and my supplemental insurance company after receipt of the invoices As a result I had to close my credit card account as I was wary of being charged again by Apria I would like Apria to send a letter to the credit card company with a copy to me explaining they were at fault for incorrectly charging my account both times I doubt if I will be able to use that credit card company again unless the letter is written and Thank You for taking my complaint Let me know if the documentation is not sufficient Regards, [redacted]

Revdex.comSan Diego, CAAttn: [redacted] Dispute and Information Analyst Lead [redacted] Re: Apria Healthcare Inc.: [redacted] SPARKS, NV- [redacted] BRG*** Complaint ID#: [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] :This letter is in response to the complaint referenced above submitted by Mr [redacted] to the Revdex.comWe apologize for any miscommunication on our part thatmay have resulted in this complaintBelow is a brief description of the complaint matterand our response.Item# 1:Mr [redacted] is requesting that Apria Healthcare submit a letter to his credit card companyand copy him informing them that we charged his account incorrectly.RESPONSE:We have reviewed Mr [redacted] account and confirmed that he received his CPAP unit onAugust 1st, but the work order was not processed in our system until September 17th,Mr [redacted] information he stated he provided does not reflect that it was obtainedand placed on file until September 25, and when the information was obtained fromhis doctor the supplies were processed and shippedWe received notification from Lincareon January 14th, informing us of the transition to them and they were requestingadditional information to complete the process; therefore Mr [redacted] equipment was notpicked up until March 11, Mr [redacted] supplement insurance was billed for Januaryamount $and the amount paid was reversed off and refunded back to theinsurance on June 19th, and they can provide proof of payment to him.Mr [redacted] credit card was charged $on October 30, for date service October17th, but was reversed off and refunded back to him on November 13th, becausehis supplement insurance was never billedMr [redacted] credit card was also charged $15.64on February 24, because no payment was received from his supplement insurance.Mr [redacted] credit card has been removed from file and will no longer be charged forservices.We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction aswell as accurate billing.Sincerely, [redacted] ***Billing Center Quality Specialist

December 9, Attn: [redacted] San Diego CA Re: Apria Healthcare Inc.: Jackson Complaint Case #: [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] : This letter is in response to the complaint referenced above submitted by [redacted] to the We apologize for any miscommunication on our part that may have resulted in this complaintBelow is a brief description of the complaint matter and our response ITEM # 1: Mr [redacted] states that the only charges in question are from February – December He states that Apria should have contacted him instead of trying to work the issues out and he will not pay until all appeals are exhausted RESPONSE: Apria did inform Mr [redacted] that we were not able to obtain the needed documentation to submit to his insurance and he signed an Advance Beneficiary Notice (“ABN”) on January 23, The ABN stated “Medicare requires that a qualifying blood gas study be performed within days prior to the date that your physician ordered oxygen for youAll though the test results were provided to Apria, we were not able to obtain a copy of the actual test documentationTherefore, we cannot determine if the test was performed in accordance with Medicare’s guidelinesMedicare also requires that your physician see you (the patient) and evaluate whether you need oxygen within days prior to the date your oxygen equipment was orderedWe were not able to obtain documentation from your physician confirming that this required evaluation took place” Mr [redacted] checked option which states “I want the items and/or services listed above (“Concentrator, Portable Oxygen System and Home fill)You may ask to be paid now, but I also want Medicare billed for an official decision on payment, which is sent to me on a Medicare Summary notice (MSN)I understand that if Medicare doesn’t pay I am responsible for payment, but I can appeal to Medicare by following directions on the MSNIf Medicare does pay, you will refund any payments I made to you, less co-pays or deductibles Medicare and [redacted] denied the claims as “Not Deemed Medically Necessary” and “Documentation Requires’Because Mr [redacted] had placed his credit card on file and authorized Apria to automatically charge the credit card for deductibles, co-payments, missed delivery charges and any other amounts not covered by insurance, therefore his credit card was charged for the amounts due Sincerely, [redacted] Billing Center Quality Specialist I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, Kenneth Garrett Hello, I have attached a copy of my phone record from Sprint indicating my phone calls to ApriaThe customer service representative refused to return my equipment when I contacted them in JulyI finally e-mailed the company when I could not get anyone to come pick up the equipmentthe company refused to pick up the equipmentI should not be responsible for the changes remaining on the accountI am requesting the charges be removed from the account for the months that Apria would not come and pick up the unit

Item # 1: Customer’s Statement of the Problem: I contacted Apria on March to place an order, I was told I need authorization from my medical groupI was told by my physician that the authorization was sent to Apria March I contacted Apria yesterday at PM and was in the call center queue for minutes before someone answered, the agent then said she had to check the warehouse, I was placed on hold for another minutes and she said she would send email to a supervisor at the warehouse who would contact me last nightI did not receive an email or phone call last night as promisedI then called the call center this morning and the agent said the order never was processed and would be sent todayShe had no explanation on why the order wasn't completedAs a CPAP user, each day without proper equipment is critical to a good night’s ***, yet it took me to call them to find out why the order was delayedThis is highly unprofessional and requires a review of the call center, warehouse and order processing.Complaint Product/Service:Purchase Date: 3/4/2015Problem Occurred: 3/11/2015Model:Account Number:Order Number:Talked to Company: 3/11/2015Talked to Company (2nd): 3/12/2015Desired Settlement: A review by Apria management on the lack of customer service provided anda review of their ordering process.RESPONSE: Apologized to Mr [redacted] for the long hold times and the delay of his PAP supply orderThe authorization was a requirement for his suppliesHe did receive part of his supplies on March 13, and the rest arrived March 16, Apria’s shipments typically will arrive in multiple packagesMr [redacted] does now have all his supplies as he has requestedThe additional concerns of long hold times and delays in processing his order will be addressed within the management staff of [redacted] .Sincerely, [redacted] Supervisor SMC/HST I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Below are notes I took November 10th,2014.I started using the cpap in November of and requested a new cpap in November of 2014.I reached out to Apria the past two and one half months and I received the cpap after I contacted [redacted] at Apria advised need clinical notes from Docter for continued use.11/19/ [redacted] at Apria advised received request for new cpap,working with [redacted] and [redacted] for authorization.12/11/Callback from Docter sent information again to Apria,Apria advised received information.12/14/ [redacted] at Apria,need written order,sleep study and face to face notes.12/16/ [redacted] at Apria advise just need face to face with Docter and benefit from cpap[redacted] can not find download I sent to Apria in November which showed usage.12/16/ [redacted] at Apria sees all information needed to process order[redacted] at Apria talked to [redacted] at Apria and [redacted] verified paperwork in order and will receive callback 12/17/from Apria to pickup new cpap from Apria in Amherst.12/18/ [redacted] at verified paperwork in order for new cpap and placed order out of pending[redacted] advised I will receive call today for delivery of cpap.12/23/ [redacted] at Apria advised *** reached out to [redacted] to approve new cpap.I advise [redacted] that previous calls to Apria said new cpap was approved.1/23/Docter contacted [redacted] at Apria with paperwork the 3rd time.1/29/Docter advise received confirmation dated 1/22/from [redacted] cpap order.1/30/Pickup cpap from Apria in Amherst pressure set for nine new cpap from Docter shows Regards, [redacted]

We have reviewed patient account and confirmed that a refund check for $1,was processed and re-issued to patient as of September 16, We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowMy father-in-law's secondary insurance has always been [redacted] , not state insurance Apria Health has claimedThey have claim the wrong insurance planI recommend them update the wrong information in their system and sent the billing to the right insurance plan Regards, [redacted] ***

Tell us why here...Item # 1: Patient stated that Apria Healthcare has double billed him for two months and is requesting a refund for those charges and for $that was also deducted from his account.RESPONSE: We have reviewed patient account and confirmed that he received CPAP supplies on September 23, and at this time his account is setup as recurring to cover any charges not covered by the insuranceWe submitted claims to [redacted] for the supplies he received on September 23, and for the monthly rental of his CPAP unit for September and claims were denied as being applied to his deductibleThese are the following charges that reflect on his account:DATE OF SERVICE AMOUNTS CHARGED ITEM DESCRIPTION 9/12/$CPAP RENTAL9/19/$CPAP RENTAL9/24/$CPAP RENTAL/SUPPLIES10/15/$CPAP SUPPLIES10/17/$CPAP RENTALWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing and our management team is aware of excessive hold times and are implementing changes to improve the customer service that is provided to you

We have confirmed that the cpap supplies were left at the patient’s front door by UPS April 15, at 4:22pmThe warranty period for supplies is days and the patient did not contact Apria regarding her order not being received until 6/06/Unfortunately Apria can’t adjust the billing for a shipment without verification it wasn’t received and need to be contacted within days in order to get replacement suppliesWe do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC

Item # 1:Mr [redacted] states that Mrs [redacted] received Breast Pump fromApria HealthcareMr [redacted] stated that once the rental authorization termedthat they were contacted and requested to pay private pay for the equipment.Mr [redacted] stated that he was informed that he would be billedmonthly for the equipment or he could return to the local branchMr [redacted] stated that he offered a credit card and was told that they do not accept buthe would be billed the total monthly rentals when the equipment is returned.Mr [redacted] states that approximately one month later, they began receivingtelephone calls requesting the return of the equipment.Mr [redacted] states that the equipment was returned to the localbranch and is now receiving statements from a collection agencyRESPONSE:We have reviewed Mrs [redacted] ’s account and confirmed that theequipment was returned to San Francisco branch on April 13, We have alsoconfirmed that the amount of $that was previously sent to ApriaHealthcare’s outsourced collection agency, [redacted] , has been recalledand no longer Mrs [redacted] ’s responsibilityWe apologize for any inconvenience this may have causedSincerely, [redacted] Patient Account Resolution Team Lead

We would like to apologize for the level of customer service you recently experienced regarding your respiratory equipmentAfter a review of your records, we confirmed that you were dissatisfied with the instructions provided to you on August 2, to correct a malfunction with your equipment As a result of your dissatisfaction, a scheduled appointment was made on August 9, for a technician to come to your residenceThe technician assisted you with your respiratory equipment and determined the equipment was working properly Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or challenges this issued caused Sincerely, Apria Healthcare LLC

Item # 1: The patients father states that they were discharged from the hospital on January 18, with a portable oxygen tank which lasts days on the current liter flow when they arrived home they contacted Apria Healthcare to notify the company that they had arrived home and that they were ready for the home set up while they were on the phone a representative from Apria contacted the family as well to confirm they were home and they would receive their delivery that eveningThe next day the family contacted Apria that no delivery was made and the representative could not locate the patient in the system we were told that we would get a delivery that afternoon and again we called since no one had showed up the technician finally arrived at the home at 8:PM with the oxygen and was told that the tank that he delivered would last weeks based on the patients liter flowdays later the tank that was delivered was half empty and had to make another call to have a technician come out and deliver a new tankThe technician that came to our home exchanged the tank and said that the tank was set up improperly I am hoping that we are not charged for any fees for Apria’s errorOn January 30, our pediatrician order an Otest to be performed but we had not heard from Apria so we called and spoke to the representative who said we would be getting it on Monday that never happened until Tuesday February 3, 2015RESPONSE Called and spoke with [redacted] regarding his concerns about the delivery that they received and apologized for any inconvenience that we may have caused him and his familyI explained to Mr [redacted] that the confusion regarding the customer service rep not finding his sons information was that the paperwork that Apria received from the hospital at discharge had the incorrect name on it with baby boy Rodgers on the RX and discharge paperwork and not [redacted] so that was why the Customer service rep had such a hard time locating the work order for deliveryI also explained that we do charge by the month and that he would not be charged extra for the delivery of the M tank that he received a few days laterI apologized to Mr [redacted] and let him know that I understood his concerns about his newborn and that I also had a small child as well so I could relate to his concerns about the way his child was being treated at that timeI gave Mr [redacted] my direct contact information if he had any more concerns to please contact me direct Sincerely, [redacted] Branch Manager

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Description: NURSING HOMES

Address: 170 Oberlin Ave N, Lakewood, New Jersey, United States, 08701-4548


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