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ABC MotorCredit

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ABC MotorCredit Reviews (73)

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2016/06/10) */ I am responding to complaint # [redacted] MrKristofer H [redacted] Lisa Warranty has agreed to repair MrH [redacted] torque converter as this is a covered partThe Motor Vehicle Limited Warranty states under Part A and Part B that there is a $deductible per occurrence for each mechanical breakdown Lisa Warranty has also agreed to reprogram the PCM which is not a covered part at no additional cost to MrH [redacted] MrH [redacted] will be responsible for his $deductible as per his Motor Vehicle Limited Warranty for the torque converter We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused MrH [redacted] If MrH [redacted] has any further questions or concerns he can contact Andrew O [redacted] at [redacted]

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/11/30) */ Contact Name and Title: Jim S***, President Contact Phone: [redacted] Contact Email: [redacted] It is my understanding that MsW [redacted] is working with her Account Manager to arrange an acceptable payment plan to caton her loan If MsW [redacted] is not happy with the progress being made, please ask her to contact our Finance Manager, Andrew O [redacted] at [redacted] , extension ***

We apologize if the information we have in regards to Ms [redacted] 's mileage is incorrectIf Ms [redacted] would like to send us the correct mileage we will update her informationWe would still like to offer Ms [redacted] a service loan if that would help her with her repairs.If Ms [redacted] has any other questions or concerns she can contact Andrew O [redacted] at [redacted] ext***

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2016/03/14) */ I am responding to complaint # [redacted] Samantha O*** Unfortunately MsO***'s gas tank is not a covered part on her warrantyWe would be happy to have MsO [redacted] bring her vehicle to our repair shop so we can diagnose the issueOnce the issue is diagnosed we can review for a repair loanPlease have MsO [redacted] contact the Lisa Warranty Company at 866-553-to set up her appointment MsO [redacted] can contact Andrew O [redacted] and he will assist MsO [redacted] in receiving a copy of all her paymentsMrO [redacted] will also go over all MsO***'s payments with her at this time We apologize for the confusion MsO [redacted] received when she called to make her paymentWe are currently reevaluating our process due to this incidentWe apologize for any inconvenience this has caused MsO***

I am responding to complaint # [redacted] MrJonathan [redacted] We have reached out to Mr [redacted] and his insurance company and are working to get his issue resolved.If Mr [redacted] has any other questions or concerns please have him contact Andrew O [redacted] at 330-848-ext***

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/04/28) */ We apologize for Mrs [redacted] 's inconvenience that resulted from the mechanical problems with her Jeep LibertyAs stated in her complaint, we addressed the initial problems in our internal Service CenterThe subsequent problems were addressed by a repair facility ( [redacted] - [redacted] ) which was more convenient for her All repair costs have been covered by the two year, 24,mile warranty that was included in Mrs [redacted] 's vehicle purchase, with the exception of one $deductible payment We have agreed, to move the payments that became due on April 7th and 21st to the end of the loan since Mrs [redacted] didn't have her vehicleShe has been provided with a loaner car, at no cost, every time her car was in for repairs The latest repairs have been completed and the car is ready to be picked up at [redacted] in [redacted] We will closely monitor this situation to ensure Mrs [redacted] 's vehicle remains in service The other option we are prepared to offer Mrs [redacted] is a mutual release from her loanIf she returns our loaner car and we are able to pickup the Jeep Liberty from [redacted] we are prepared to release Mrs [redacted] from her obligation with usNo further collection will be pursued on this loan Please ask Mrs [redacted] to contact our Collections Supervisor, [redacted] at [redacted] extension [redacted] to resolve this issue

I am responding to complaint # [redacted] Ms [redacted] makes the speculation that her Pontiac Aztek‘s title could have been “Title Washed”Unfortunately that’s speculationMs [redacted] ’s car fax does not show any proof that her Pontiac Aztek was in a floodThe car fax actually shows the opposite as it shows Guaranteed No Problem in statesWe also have a title that does not reflect that the Pontiac Aztek was in a flood Ms [redacted] received a year or 24,mile Motor Vehicle Limited Warranty on 10/14/Ms [redacted] s invoice from Twist It for new power steering pump, fuel line and fuel clamps is from 2/20/is well beyond her year limited warranty that expired in Ms [redacted] s other receipt is for rear brake pads and a body control module from 07/12/which are not covered items.The original Buyers Guide would have been in the window at the time of purchaseMany times during removal they tear and a copy is suppliedMs [redacted] ’s vehicle was inspected in states (New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio) without any major issues and she drove her vehicle for over years after purchase from Abc MotorcreditWe stand by our original response if Ms [redacted] would like to trade in her vehicle she can contact an ABC Motorcredit location If Ms [redacted] has any other questions or concerns she can contact Andrew O [redacted] at [redacted] ext***

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/05/05) */ Our records indicate that all repairs required under the warranty, totaling $1,018, have been approved and paid for by our warranty company, minus the required $deductible We would be happy to fully inspect the vehicle and make any necessary repairs covered by the warranty at no cost to Ms [redacted] or Mr [redacted] If there are repairs required, that are not covered by our warranty, we will work with the owners to find a mutually acceptable resolution Please ask Ms [redacted] or Mr [redacted] to contact [redacted] at [redacted] extension [redacted] to schedule a convenient time for the inspection Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/05/13) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) We will allow them to inspect the vehicleBut at the current time the vehicle is not drivable do to it being a safety hazardThe vehicle is currently at [redacted] in [redacted] ( [redacted] ) We were also advised that the repairs that were done at that cost listed above were done incorrectlyTheir was a bolt used that is the wrong size and type to hold the control arm inThis is also a hazard that could have caused serious injuries if it was to breakWe will have pictures of before and after repairs to prove that previous repairs were done incorrectlyWe will that this company should have to pay for the current repair cost considering we have had this car for a year and only have driven miles out of a 40,mile warrantyIt was in the shop 3-days after purchase to fix the front endThe car was not inspected prior to sellingThis could have been caught if this vehicle was properly inspectedWe also called [redacted] to find out what was fixed days after purchaseA part that was fixed is part of an issue nowAgain according to your repairs department only lubricated parts are coveredAt this point this would have been seen when they were fixing the control arms Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 9, 2015/05/15) */ We will be happy to have Ms [redacted] car towed from [redacted] in [redacted] to our repair facility so a full vehicle inspection can be done, at no expense to Ms***If we find that our repairs made during reconditioning were done incorrectly they will be corrected at no cost to Ms*** If Ms [redacted] has incurred other costs that are covered by her year, mile warranty those costs will be refunded if verifiable receipts are provided and work has been completed If there are additional repairs required, that are not covered by the warranty, we will work with Ms [redacted] to find a mutually acceptable solution Please ask Ms [redacted] or Mr [redacted] to contact [redacted] at [redacted] extension [redacted] to give us authorization to pickup her vehicle at [redacted]

I am responding to complaint # [redacted] MsMisseann [redacted] Ms [redacted] received a year 24,mile limited warranty when she purchased her vehicle from the Lisa Warranty CompanyLisa Warranty records indicate they have not received any calls from Ms [redacted] since JulyWe would encourage Ms [redacted] to contact Lisa Warranty to have her vehicle serviced at [redacted] .Unfortunately Ms [redacted] will not be able to return her vehicleIf Ms [redacted] would like to discuss any of her options she can Andrew O [redacted] at 330-848-ext***.We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused Ms [redacted] and look forward to working with her

I am rejecting this response because: While I received the warranty it doesnt cover leaksMind you the leak isnt coming from a window and there is no sunroofI havent called lisa warranty because I have been experiencing the same issues and have gone elsewhere for repairs by a trusted mechanicPer my mechainc this car was in a serious accident, which was never reported to me, which is required by lawAdditionally, the warranty was also to include towing at no cost, which ia incorrectIt only covers the first $which I was never advised ofThis is a shady company that doesnt allow honest reviews on their websiteThey give you a benefit to leave positive reviews, nothing honestHow does a company run like thatLess than 2k miles and the car is falling apart, dispite all my attemptsThis is a lemon

From: [redacted] < [redacted] Date: Tue, Oct 10, at 2:PM Subject: (Response) [redacted] To: [redacted] Hi, actually I am very disappointed and their response, since I fact Their is proof of the said complaintAlso there is no misunderstanding on my end so whatever I was simply honored, told, specifically classified as how I can use my points I will be providing attachments proving them facts in this email response to the complaintThey need to honor what they told me, that’s not fair as a customerThey were asked how the points work and they told me as I said in my complaintSo I want what I was specifically told honoredThank you for your time and effortsNOTE: Two attachments were also included and are located in the complaint Library

I am responding to MrBryant [redacted] complaint # [redacted] .As we stated earlier Mr [redacted] s warranty expired on November 17, We have offered him several solutions to either trade in his vehicle or speak with DBS Financial about an interest free repair loanAs Mr [redacted] has stated he has put over 21,miles on his vehicle so he has clearly been driving itMr [redacted] can call Andrew O [redacted] at 330-848-ext [redacted] to discus either of these options

I am rejecting this response because: When I purchased the car I ask if this vehicle was in an accident and [redacted] the salesman told me know just to get the saleMonths down the line my vehicle is falling apart from the collision it had on it and about motors telling me it's my problem and I been paying hundreds of dollars deductible on my car for problems they know already been an issueThey not doing anything to help just worried about my payments, I don't think it's right but I would of never got myself involved if I would of got a car fax on the vehicle when I purchase it from abc motorsThe car been giving me so many problems I didn't even had it for a year yetI just want a better deal or a refund for the advertisingAnd when I do call [redacted] and [redacted] they give me a run around or try to charge me with an hundred dollar deductible for problem's that been going on with the vehicleAbc motors is a big scheme and they need to be banned from saleing cars asap

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/07/13) */ After reviewing Ms. [redacted] 's file we are prepared to release her from contract if she returns the 2009 Malibu to our Service Center on Gilchrist Road in Akron. No money will change hands and no credit report will be filed. Please ask Ms.... [redacted] to contact Andrew Oshell at 800.589.3215, extension 1116 to coordinate the return of her vehicle and the signing of required forms. Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 7, 2015/07/20) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) just to be specific. I accept the response with the following . they will use my points earned as my last payment and that I am not obligated to repay any money per the contract I want to be free and clear from the deal. I want it to show zero balance on my credit report.

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2016/04/19) */ I am responding to complaint # [redacted] MsKaletta H*** We have been working with MsH [redacted] and we were able to come to a resolutionWe thank MsH [redacted] for her cooperation in this matterIf MsH [redacted] has any other questions or concerns please contact Andrew O [redacted] at [redacted]

I am responding to complaint # [redacted] Mr [redacted] vehicle was repossessed on 8/14/The right to cure which was on the letter sent certified mail to Mr [redacted] was $2,197.69.Our Collection Manager Andrew spoke to Mr [redacted] on 08/16/and agreed to allow Mr [redacted] to get his vehicle back for $which was less than the right to cureThis was contingent on Mr [redacted] increasing his monthly payments from $monthly to $monthly going forwardThe additional $would go towards the remaining right to cure each month.Mr [redacted] paid the $and was able to get his vehicle back on 8/17/17.Mr [redacted] has failed to maintain the payment plan at this point.Andrew has tried to get in touch with Mr [redacted] on 11/28/to discuss this matter but has yet to receive a return call.There was never any discussion of waiving any fees, only that the additional $per month would cover the remainder of the right to cure.If Mr [redacted] has any further questions or concerns he can contact Andrew O [redacted] at [redacted] ext***

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/06) */
Contact Name and Title: Jim S***, President
Contact Phone: ***
Contact Email: ***
Please ask MsM*** to contact our warranty company to schedule a convenient time for us to repair her vehicle
warranty company - Lisa Warranty can be reached at
If Ms.M*** is unhappy with the outcome of her repairs, please ask her to call me personally

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/03/14) */
I am responding to complaint #*** Melissa H***
We apologize for the mechanical issues that MsH*** has had since she purchased her vehicleWe would like to have MsH*** contact Andrew O*** at
*** to discus some options

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/11) */
Our records indicate that Ms*** has driven her vehicle over 28,miles since purchasing it on 3/22/All her repair costs were covered by the month/24,mile warranty except for the wiper motor which failed after she had driven
her vehicle beyond the component's mileage warrantyHer most recent over heating issue was resolved at no cost to the customer other than the $deducible, even though she is well beyond the warranty mileage
We would be happy to conduct a full safety inspection of Ms***'s vehicle at our Service Center on *** Road in ***, at no costIf repairs are required, we will work with Ms*** to find a mutually acceptable way to pay for those repairs
Please ask Ms*** to contact Andrew Oat ***, extension *** to schedule the safety inspection
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/15) */
On 6/14/15, received the following from the consumer via email:
I need to add to my complaint against ABC car is now sitting along the streetIt is unsafe to drive due to it accelaratoring by itself and overheating
Final Business Response /* (4000, 17, 2015/06/24) */
I received notice that Ms***'s complaint (#***) had been closed since Ms*** didn't accept our proposed resolution
On 6/we offered to have Ms***'s vehicle towed, at our expense, to our Service Center so a comprehensive assessment of her vehicle could be doneOur plan was to complete the assessment and then work with Ms*** to create a mutually acceptable plan to address any issues that are identified
Would it be possible to reopen this complaint so Ms***'s concerns can be addressed
Jim S
DBS Financial / ABC Motorcredit
Office: ***

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/03/03) */
Case #***
Consumer: Ms*** ***
Todays Date 03/03/
Ms*** ***'s loan with DBS Financial #*** will not be reported to the credit bureauMs*** is no longer responsible for loan #***
DBS Financial will still
report on Ms*** ***'s other account with DBS Financial
If you have any other questions or concerns please contact or Andrew Oshell at *** ext***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2016/03/16) */
Consumer calledThe "other account" referenced in the Business Response is a van she purchased from ABCShe has traded that van in to Haasz Automall of DaltonConsumer has provided all the information requested by Haasz, and at this point they are waiting for the bank to issue a payout check to ABC
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 9, 2016/03/16) */

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Address: 399 West Ave, Tallmadge, Ohio, United States, 44278-2119


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